module 14 - achieve today · the awakened millionaire introduction is money really the root of all...

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  • Module 14: The Awakened Millionaire

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    J o e V i t a l e ’ s

    The Awakened Millionaire


    Is money really the root of all evil? Or, is the love of money the root of all evil? Many spiritual people think that money is bad. They judge wealthy people as being to material. Does that sound spiritual to you? IS money bad? ARE wealthy people TO material? I’ve taught for a long time that the material is the hard form of the spiritual. Think about it. If money, cars, homes, etc., are not spiritual (or at least also spiritual), then what is? For me money is simply a tool.

    A spiritual teacher that I admire, Arnold Patent, once said, “The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.” I love that quote; how-ever, I think that it can also be said another way: “The soul purpose of money is to express appreciation.” Appreciation helps you to under-stand that money can a tool for good—and a spiritual tool, at that.

    To help you understand this new mindset about money, this module focuses on attracting financial prosperity and how money, even lots of it, is not evil, especially when your mind is right and you use money to help others, as well as yourself.


    After studying this module, you should be able to accomplish the following:

    › Use your trusted circle, to help you identify your beliefs about money.

    › Identify and use two simple secrets for attracting money, in any economy.

    › Explain the Five-Step Formula to Attract Money. › Define five protections that you can use to protect yourself

    from negativity.

    › Describe how you can be a philanthropist and help others. › Establish your own noble intentions for the money you make. › Identify negative, limiting beliefs that have been keeping you

    from financial happiness and abundance.

    › Clear the beliefs that stand in your way and take inspired action towards your Divine financial intentions.

    “The sec ret to at t ract ing

    money has a lo t to do wi th

    the ‘ ins ide ’ o f you , not what

    i s happen ing ‘outs ide ’ o f

    yourse l f. The

    Law of Att rac- t ion s tates that

    everyth ing you get in your

    l i fe i s due to your men-ta l

    p rocesses and everyth ing

    that you be l ieve.”

    − Joe V i ta le

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    Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum

    J o e V i t a l e ’ s

    Volume 2: Manifesting


    To assess your current level of understanding about the topics in this module, please answer the following questions. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

    1. What do you believe money really is? Up until this point in your life, how have you used it? Be ruthlessly honest.

    2. What are your views on financial abundance?

    3. Have you ever asked others, those closest to you, what they think about how YOU view financial abundance? If so, what have they said? If not, what do you think they would say?

    4. Knowing what you have learned so far from this program, how would you go about attracting money into your life?

    5. How do you currently use money to help others? If you had financial abundance, how would you help others with it, and why would you?

    Money and Spirit

    I’ve said it again and again: money isn’t separate from spirit. The material and the spiritual are two sides of the same coin. In order to live your fullest and help the world at the same time, you need to come from the inside first. Money follows those who express spirit first! That’s the overall secret for attracting money—the secret that frames all of the others.

    At one point in my life, I had a specific noble goal about money, but I did not have the means to manifest it. Perhaps you too have a noble goal about money that you would like to manifest in your life. One of the secrets to attracting money is to give yourself permission to explore your goals about money, without discouraging yourself or settling for less that you want.

    One of the misconceptions about greed, power, and wealth is that weal-thy people are selfish and greedy. If you feel this way, I suggest that you reflect on the positive things that you can do with wealth. For example, the more money you have, the better you can HELP your family, the needy, your friends, and others.

    I discussed the What If Up Game in the audio portions of this program. It’s a way that you can start to recognize and reprogram your negative beliefs.

    “The ta lent o f success i s

    noth ing more than do ing

    what you can do wel l , and

    do ing wel l whatever

    you do.”

    − Henry WadsworthLongfe l low

  • Module 14: The Awakened Millionaire

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    J o e V i t a l e ’ s

    I want you to ask yourself the following positive questions about this program:

    What if this is the program that finally helps me change my life?

    What if this is the program that finally gets me out of debt?

    What if this program becomes the greatest investment in my life?

    How would you feel if those things happened? In other words, what do you think about when you allow yourself to explore such possibi-lities?

    The secret to attracting money has a lot to do with the inside of you, not what’s happening outside of you. The Law of Attraction states that everything you get in your life is due to your mental processes and everything that you believe. You also need to implement the Law of Right Action—or as I often have referred to it—Inspired Action in order to manifest greater wealth in your life.

    Go to Your Trusted Circle

    Your unconscious beliefs and your sense of deservingness are key in opening your pathway towards attracting money into your life. One of the best ways you can get clear is to consult your trusted circle of friends—the people who really offer constructive criticism with ruthless honesty and support. They can assist you in working on your unconscious beliefs. For instance, ask three compassionate and supportive friends (or relatives) about the unconscious beliefs they believe that you have about financial abundance. Then, consider well their advise.

    Economic Ups and Downs

    The following are two powerful secrets for attracting money, in any economic climate. And they are surprisingly simple!

    Do Something You Love

    If you do something that you truly love, you will be driven with a passion that goes beyond the dollar. You will be following divine-driven intentions more than ego-driven intentions. And remember, the Divine has a better idea of what the future holds than any mar-ket analyst, any financial guru, or any political pundit. By following your inner voice and connecting with the Divine, to do something you love, the money will follow. By the Law of Attraction, it has no choice.

    “The D iv ine has a better idea

    o f what the fu ture ho lds

    than any market ana lyst ,

    any f inanc ia l guru , o r any

    po l i t i ca l pund i t .”

    − Joe V i ta le

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    Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum

    J o e V i t a l e ’ s

    Volume 2: Manifesting

    Problems are Opportunities

    As you follow a path of doing what you love, there is no better way to attract money than to solve problems. People encounter challenges and problems on a daily basis—hundreds of them. With more than six-billion people on this planet, that’s a lot of problems and challenges. It’s also a lot of opportunities. If you can solve problems for even just a small percentage of people, a small percentage of the time, think of how BIG that could be!

    Adopting the mindset of doing what you love and using problems as opportunities is the root to financially thriving in this world, whether during sunshine or storm.

    The Five-Step Formula to Attract Money

    The following a five-step formula to attract money into your life:

    Step 1: Know What You Don’t Want

    In several of the previous modules, I discussed that The Law of Attraction has a way of taking cues from your unconscious mind. So, why not clear your mind of things that you don’t want. Once you do, you won’t have to consider them any longer.

    Step 2: Intend What You Prefer

    I’ve talked about the difference between setting intentions versus setting goals. Also, I’ve discussed wants versus needs. Remember, need often repels while want tends to attract. Therefore, intend (want) what you prefer to have.

    Step 3: Get Clear

    When it comes to your not attracting money, your limiting beliefs and counter-intentions are often to blame. You have to use the steps for getting clear—often repeatedly—before you can make progress in your financial world.

    Step 4: Nevillize Your Goals

    With Nevillizing, you have to feel money as though you already have it. You have to create an experience for yourself that moves your mind into another realm—where there IS financial abundance. Consider your money already having been made and you’re enjoy-ing it; then work backwards for the how.

    “One o f the best ways you

    can get c lear i s to consu l t

    your t rusted c i rc le o f f r iends :

    the peop le who rea l ly

    o f fe r const ruct ive c r i t i c i sm

    wi th ruth less honesty and

    suppor t .”

    − Joe V i ta le

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    Step 5: While Taking Inspired Action, Let Go

    Trying to control how you will make money will often keep you from realizing the money is standing right before your very eyes. If you become too stuck on the outcome of how to make money, you won’t take advantage of the opportunities to do so. You won’t see the opportunities because you won’t be open to them. By let-ting go, being humble to follow the signals, you’ll be open enough to receive the money, and the road to wealth that presents itself to you.

    Five Protections from Negativity

    Never is there more negativity in the world than when finances become involved. Finances, for many people, have a way of pushing negative buttons and creating frustrations. It’s not money’s fault. Money itself is neither good nor evil. The meaning that people attach to money is to blame.

    As you try to get clear of your negative beliefs about money, there are ways that negative beliefs can creep back into your life. That’s why I am giving you these simple, five suggestions for protecting yourself against negativity, while supporting your dreams. These suggestions are as fol-lows:

    › Ignore water-cooler gossip and other negative messages. › Turn off any media that perpetuates negativity. › Read positive material that supports healthy messaging. › Listen to positive material that also enhances the energy

    in and around you.

    › Get support. For example, use mastermind group or a personal coach (mentor).


    Use the following questions to evaluate what you have learned from this module. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

    1. What are your views on financial abundance now?

    2. Even you are impoverished, there is a mindset that allows you to give. Just because you may be short on money, this doesn’t mean that you can’t give of yourself. If you have a dollar in your pocket, you could at least give away 10% to someone in need, even if it’s one thin dime.

    “Do what you love, the

    money wi l l fo l low.”

    − Marsha S inetar

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    Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum

    J o e V i t a l e ’ s

    Volume 2: Manifesting

    3. If you cannot give money, what could you give instead?

    4. Do you give of openly and freely? If not, why not?

    5. Now, how can you begin to give more in your life?


    Review this module and write down any questions you may have for your coach.

    Complete these exercises (on the pages that follow): Philanthropists: Write a short summary of what you find on two wealthy philanthropists (either living or dead) who made significant contributions to society.

    Nevillize Philanthropy: Nevillize that you are a wealthy, successful philanthropist. Write about the contributions that you are making.

    Money Attractor Assessment: Take Money Attractor Assessment and discuss your results with your coach.

    Noble Intentions: Perhaps you have some noble intentions about money that you would like to manifest in your life. Explore those intentions, and write them down.

    Clearing Inside: List those things that are happening outside of yourself, which you believe have been impeding your abilities to attract money into your life.

    Action and Integrity: Reflect on your current situation. Is there anything that seems out of place with the right actions in your life? Do you have situations in which there is not complete integrity? If so, write them down. Also, note the steps you might take to change them.

    Debt Struggles and Beliefs: Where do you currently stand financially in your life? Make a list of any debts, financial struggles, and limiting beliefs that you currently have.

    Unconscious Beliefs: Ask three compassionate and sup-portive friends or relatives about the unconscious beliefs they believe you may hold about financial abundance. Write down any findings that you discover and reflect on them.

    Entrepreneurship: Are you an entrepreneur? Make a list of the areas of your business that you believe could use im-provement. If you don’t yet have a business, but are inter-ested in creating one, make a list of the areas that you would like to focus on, in order to get the business up and running.

    “Noth ing can

    s top the man

    wi th the r ight menta l

    at t i tude f rom ach iev ing h i s

    goa l ; noth ing on ear th can

    he lp the man wi th the wrong

    menta l at t i tude.”

    − Thomas Je f fe rson

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    Seven Steps to Inner Financial Strength: For each of the seven steps, list at least three actions you can take to further enhance that attribute within yourself. Once you’ve listed the actions, set an intended completion date, and then fol-low through on your commitment.

    Seven Steps to Outer Financial Strength: With each step, write down the percentage of each paycheck that you will apply to that financial step. Next, list what that percentage equals in exact amounts. Finally, at the end of 90 days, mea-sure how much you have accumulated from each step.

    “The ta lent

    o f success i s noth ing more

    than do ing what you can do,

    we l l .”

    − Henry WadsworthLongfe l low

  • E X E R C I S E S

    Page 106

    Consider two wealthy philanthropists in this world (either living or dead) who made significant contributions to society. Look into the amounts they donated and for which causes. For both, write a short summary of what you find.


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    Philanthropists (cont.)

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    Now, imagine yourself as a wealthy philanthropist. Nevillize that you are a wealthy, successful philanthropist. Write about the contributions you are making. Describe them as though they are already happening.

    Nevillize Philanthropy

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    Nevillize Philanthropy (cont.)

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    The following are some questions to assist you in learning how much of a money magnet you really are. In other words, it will help you learn whether your tendencies are to attract money or to repel it. Circle the number that is closest to your feelings on each of the given scales.

    1. How envious do you feel when you see someone driving an expensive car?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Envious Nothing Happy for them

    2. How envious do you feel when a coworker gets a raise? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Envious Nothing Happy for them

    3. How would you feel if you make less money than your parents?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sad Nothing Happy for Them

    4. How would you feel if you make more money than your parents?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sad Nothing Happy for me

    5. When you come up with an idea, what do you do? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nothing Think about it Act fast

    6. Do you give money away to worthwhile causes? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not at all I do a little I do regularly

    Money Attractor Assessment

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    7. How do you feel about your current home and car? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I can do better Nothing I’m happy

    8. When you want to buy something expensive, you... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Say you can’t afford it Ignore it Buy it anyway

    9. Do you feel that money is evil? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes I’m not sure No

    10. Do you fear that the nation will run out of natural resources, such as oil or gas?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes I’m not sure No

    11. What is the meaning that you give to money? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A necessary evil None A useful tool

    12. What is the definition of money? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A tool of greed Don’t know A medium of exchange

    13. Do you take vacations? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Sometimes Yes

    14. Do you read biographies of wealthy people? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Sometimes Yes

    Money Attractor Assessment (cont.)

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    15. What do you think of the richest person in the world? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Envious Nothing Inspired

    16. If you had all the money in the world that you wanted, what would you do?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I don’t know What I’m doing now Travel/enjoy life

    17. Do you feel wealthy now? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Not sure Yes

    18. What do you think of self-employment? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Not good/no security Not sure It’s great

    19. What do you think of the current economy? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Desperate Not sure It doesn’t matter

    20. Do you deserve to attract money? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Maybe Yes

    21. What did your parents think about money? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fought over it Not sure Not a problem

    22. Do you invest in your continued learning? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Money Attractor Assessment (cont.)

    E X E R C I S E S

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    23. Your thoughts about money are generally... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worried It depends Positive

    24. Do you have a checking account? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Yes

    25. Do you have a savings account? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Yes

    26. Do you put money away in case of an emergency? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Sometimes Yes

    27. Do you give away 10% of your income to people and places that inspire you?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Sometimes Yes

    28. When it comes to money and bills, do you complain a lot?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes Sometimes No

    29. How much more money do you think you can have? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not much more Twice as much Ten times more

    30. Do you believe that money corrupts people? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes I don’t know No

    Money Attractor Assessment (cont.)

    E X E R C I S E S

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    31. Would you rather be honest or rich? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rich over honest Honest over rich Both

    32. Is money hard for you to earn? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes Sometimes No

    33. Are you ready to learn the secret to attracting more money?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Maybe Yes

    Add up the numbers that you circled and tally your results. Enter your score: _________

    How Did You Score

    If You Scored 33 to 107:

    You most likely struggle quite a bit with financial issues. Perhaps you are trying to match opposite poles of the magnet together. You may need to look at your beliefs and do some emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual reprogramming of your limiting beliefs. Perhaps you feel unworthy to be wealthy or are plagued by old, unsupported belief systems. Be sure to work through this module, surround yourself with positive people, and look at addi-tional resources. By learning new beliefs and by clearing the old ones, you will likely reach your money-making potential faster than you think.

    Money Attractor Assessment (cont.)

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    If You Scored 108 to 181:

    You may find yourself feeling stuck, as far as attracting money is concerned Your magnet has lost a great deal of its energy and needs to be replenished. In other words, while you have made some strides towards moneymaking, you are not yet fully open to all the abundance that is there for you. Acting on the suggestions that are provided here will help energize you and open you up as a vessel for attracting money, but you may need to look at additional resources for new learnings and beliefs.

    If You Scored 182 to 255:

    You are moving forward towards attracting more money into your life. Keep up the good work, and be sure to integrate the new information, practices, and behaviors that you learned into your daily regimen. Soon, you should find yourself living a life of finan-cial, emotional, and creative abundance.

    If You Scored 256 to 330:

    Congratulations! You ARE a money magnet. Whatever you are doing is working. The fact that you purchased this program is a reflection of your commitment to living a life of total abundance. You clearly know how the Law of Attraction works, and you are drawing that which you desire into your life. Continue on your journey, integrate any material that is new to you into your life, and continue to focus on the specifics of what you wish to manifest in your life. The magnetism that you hold actually affects the world as a whole and creates wondrous positive energy for all to enjoy!

    Money Attractor Assessment (cont.)

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    Perhaps you have some noble intentions about money that you would like to manifest in your life. Give yourself permission to explore those intentions, without settling or discouraging yourself. Write those intentions down.

    Noble Intentions

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    Noble Intentions (cont.)

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    The secret to attracting money has a lot to do with the inside of you, not to what’s happening outside of yourself. List those things that are happening outside of yourself, which you believe have been impeding your abilities to attract money into your life. Be sure to include any and all things that you consider as blocks to your financial success.

    Clearing Inside

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    Clearing Inside (cont.)

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    The Law of Attraction states that everything you obtain in life is due to your mental processes and to everything that you believe. Additionally, in order to manifest greater wealth in your life, you need to implement the Law of Right Action (do the right thing and reap the rewards). Reflect on your current situation. Is there anything that seems out of place with the right actions in your life? Do you have situations in which there is not complete integrity? If so, write them down. Also, note the steps you might take to change them.

    Action and Integrity

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    Action and Integrity (cont.)

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    Based on the Law of Attraction, what you unconsciously think about money is what is actively working in your life. Where do you currently stand financially in your life? Make a list of any debts, financial struggles, and limiting beliefs that you currently have.

    Debts, Struggles, and Beliefs

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    Debts, Struggles, and Beliefs (cont.)

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    Your unconscious beliefs and your sense of deservingness are keys to opening your pathway towards attracting money. One of the best ways you can get clear is to consult your trusted circle of friends. Ask three compassionate and supportive friends or rela-tives about the unconscious beliefs they believe that you have about financial abundance. Write down any findings that you dis-cover and reflect on them.

    Unconscious Beliefs

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    Unconscious Beliefs (cont.)

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    Are you an entrepreneur? If so, is your business thriving? If it is not, where would you like it to be? Make a list of the areas of your business that you believe could use improvement. If you don’t yet have a business, but are interested in creating one, make a list of the areas that you would like to focus on, in order to get the busi-ness up and running.


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    Entrepreneurship (cont.)

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    There are seven steps you can take to cultivate your inner financial strength. For each of the seven steps, list at least three actions you can take to further enhance that attribute within yourself. These steps need not be great; they can be very small. Once you’ve listed the actions, set an intended completion date, and then follow through on your commitments.

    Step One: Believe in the power of your own heart and mind to change your financial situation.

    Seven Steps to Inner Financial Strength

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    Step Two: Believe in a kind and harmonious Universe that finan-cially supports you.

    Step Three: Believe in a benevolent higher source that supports your financial desires—the Divine.

    Seven Steps to Inner Financial Strength (cont.)

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    Step Four: As a victim, give up reacting to outer financial chal-lenges.

    Step Five: Forgive yourself and others for financial wrongdoings.

    Seven Steps to Inner Financial Strength (cont.)

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    Step Six: Be grateful for all that comes your way.

    Step Seven: Fake it till you make it. If you can’t clear all of your feelings of doubt and fear, start using clearing techniques to get to that point.

    Seven Steps to Inner Financial Strength (cont.)

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    There are seven steps that you can take to create an outer mea-surement of your financial progress. By taking your income and applying portions of every paycheck in various ways, you can begin, over time, to manifest financial strength. With each step, write down the percentage of each paycheck that you will apply to that financial step. Next, list what that percentage equals in exact amounts. Finally, at the end of 90 days, measure how much you have accumulated from each step.

    Step One: Paying Down Debt

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Step Two: Saving for Safety

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Step Three: Saving for Home (buying or improving)

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Step Four: Saving for Investment

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Seven Steps to Outer Financial Strength

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    Step Five: Saving for Retirement

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Step Six: Saving for Fun

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Step Seven: Saving for Charity

    The Percentage The Amount 90-Day Total

    _____________ ___________ ___________

    Seven Steps to Outer Financial Strength (cont.)

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