morocco wonder

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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+燃油費燃油費燃油費燃油費+稅金稅金稅金稅金=總額總額總額總額 +FUEL +TAX=TOTAL 雙人雙人雙人雙人 TWN 小童小童小童小童 CHD 單人單人單人單人 SGL SUPP

PMRC10 2899 2469 569 350 約約約約 +680 Approx. = 3579

出發地出發地出發地出發地 : : : : 洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯、、、、舊金山舊金山舊金山舊金山、、、、西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖、、、、波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭、、、、休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓、、、、達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯

LAX / SFO / SEA / PDX / HOU / DFW Departure

其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市 歡迎歡迎歡迎歡迎聯絡聯絡聯絡聯絡查詢查詢查詢查詢 Other departure cities please contact us for more information 上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance. 小童費用適用於 2至 11歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed.

111 原居地原居地原居地原居地 ���� 達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾 Home City ���� Casablanca

是日乘豪華客機飛往摩洛哥名城~達爾貝爾(卡薩布蘭加)。 Depart from home city for Casablanca, the renowned city of Morocco.

222 達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾 Casablanca

摩洛哥為非洲最西北面的國家,擁有引人入勝的古跡及現代化的都市,享有「北非花園」之稱。「卡薩布蘭加」於 1956 年脫離法國獨立後改稱「達爾貝爾」。抵達後,專車送往酒店休息。晚餐安排於酒店餐廳。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Novotel Hotel 或同級 Morocco is the most westerly country of North Africa. Casablanca (Ed-dar el-Bida) is the largest city of Morocco. Upon arrival transfer to hotel for rest. (D)

333 達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾 ---- 馬拉喀什馬拉喀什馬拉喀什馬拉喀什 Casablanca ---- Marrakech (UNESCO)


集此城於 1985 年被列入教科文組織之《世界文化遺產》。抵達後率先前往熱鬧非凡的市集與廣場,以及獨特風格的市街,在此令人有如置身於《一千零一夜》中的阿拉伯世界。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Atlas Medina Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we shall visit some landmarks of the city, first we go to the second largest mosque – Hassan II Mosque. The mosque has room for 25,000 worshippers inside, and a further 80,000 can be accommodated in the mosque's courtyard. Its minaret is the world's tallest at 210 metres. We also visit the Square of Mohammed V and city council. After lunch we head to another old city – Marrakech. Being a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1985, Marrakech demonstrated a perfect model of traditional Arabic world. Upon arrival we first visit the souk and experience the Moroccan atmosphere. (B/L/D)

444 庫圖比亞清真寺庫圖比亞清真寺庫圖比亞清真寺庫圖比亞清真寺 ---- 巴希亞皇宮巴希亞皇宮巴希亞皇宮巴希亞皇宮 ---- 萬萬萬萬拉華公園拉華公園拉華公園拉華公園 ---- 北非特色餐及表演北非特色餐及表演北非特色餐及表演北非特色餐及表演 Koutoubia ---- Bahia Palace ---- Menara Garden ---- Fantasie Show & Dinner

早餐後前往著名的庫圖比亞清真寺,清真寺是北非優美的藝術建築之一,也是馬拉喀什的標誌。再往摩洛哥皇室 35 座宮殿之一的巴希亞皇宮。最後前往遊覽佔地 120 畝之萬拉華公園,國內種有16,000 株橄欖樹。午餐於地道餐廳。晚餐享用烤羊 及 非 洲 雞 (Couscous) , 並 安 排 欣 賞 著 名 的Fantasie Show,表演內容包括非洲音樂、土風舞、騎術及毛瑟鎗等。(早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Atlas Medina Hotel 或同級 Visit Koutoubia Mosque, the symbol of the city, after breakfast. The mosque is made of red stone and brick and measures 260ft long and 200ft wide. The minaret was designed to prevent a person at the top of the tower from viewing activity within the king's harems. Then we head towards Bahia Palace – built in late 19th century, the palace acquired a reputation as one of the finest in Morocco. We also stop by the at the 120 acre Menara Garden. Tonight we shall enjoy a traditional grill lamb and couscous feast with famous Fantasie Show. (B/L/D)

555 馬拉喀什馬拉喀什馬拉喀什馬拉喀什 ---- 埃本哈杜古城埃本哈杜古城埃本哈杜古城埃本哈杜古城 ---- 歐薩薩歐薩薩歐薩薩歐薩薩 Marrakech ---- Ait Benhaddou (UNESCO) ---- Quarzazate

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後前往古城埃本哈杜,整座古城是由泥土堆砌而成,早期是摩洛哥原居民柏柏爾人的村落,背靠阿特拉斯山脈,面向的是沙漠綠洲,在此優美的構圖下,難怪荷李活電影也千里迢迢到此找尋外景場地,電影如《星戰前傳》和《盜墓迷城》也都在此拍攝。此城於1987年被列入教科文組織之《世界文化遺產》。驅車穿越撒哈拉沙漠前往另一綠洲城市-歐薩薩。歐薩薩於1928年曾被法軍利用為休息和度假之用。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Berbere Palale Hotel 或同級 Coach to Ait Benhaddou, the site of many early indigenous Berber Moroccan villages. The entire ancient city facing the desert oasis was constructed with earth piled up and down, and the Atlas Mountains are at its rear. Even the Hollywood movies such as “Star Wars” and “The Mummy” were shot in this unique combination. All will then cross the Sahara desert to another oasis city – Quarzazate, which served as a location for rest and recreation for French soldiers back in 1928. (B/L/D)

666 歐薩薩歐薩薩歐薩薩歐薩薩 ---- 撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠((((四驅車四驅車四驅車四驅車之旅之旅之旅之旅))))----艾佛德艾佛德艾佛德艾佛德 Quarzazate ---- Sahara Desert (by 4WD) ---- Erfoud


行程特點行程特點行程特點行程特點 ★ 三大「世界文化遺產」~非斯,

埃本哈杜及馬拉咯什 ★ 乘 4 驅車欣賞撒哈拉沙漠美景 ★ 品嘗北非特色晚宴 ★ 觀嘗北非“Fantasie”及摩洛哥本土民族及

音樂表演。 ★ 世界第二大的清真寺~哈辛二世

Features ★ Three "world cultural heritage" sites ~ Fez, Ait

Benhaddeu & Marrakeck ★ Beautiful scenery of Sahara by 4W drive ★ Exquisite African cuisine at dinner ★ North African "Fantasies", the typical Moroccan

musical performance ★ The world second largest mosque ~ Hassin II

出出 出出 發發 發發

日日 日日 期期 期期




s 2014年年年年

4月 (Apr) 10, 17

5月 (May) 1, 15, 22����

6月 (Jun) 12����, 26����

7月 (Jul) 10����, 24����

8月 (Aug) 7����, 21����

9月 (Sep) 4, 11, 18

10月 (Oct) 2, 16

等待撒哈拉日落美景。稍後再向摩洛哥與阿爾及利亞方向前往邊境附近的艾佛德,此處為典型的綠洲城市。午餐於地道餐廳,品嚐特式尖蓋燴肉TAJINE。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Xaluca Hotel或同級 Head to the world’s famous Sahara Desert after breakfast. Upon arrival we shall split up onto 4WD vehicles and enter to the heart of the desert area. You may ride on camels at your own expenses to experience the atmosphere of the hottest desert in the world; you may also catch the stunning view of sunset. Later we go to another oasis city Erfoud, which locates close to the Algeria border. Enjoy traditional “Tajine” at a local restaurant upon arrival. Dinner at hotel’s restaurant. (B/L/D)

777 艾佛德艾佛德艾佛德艾佛德 ---- 阿特拉斯山脈阿特拉斯山脈阿特拉斯山脈阿特拉斯山脈 ---- 非斯非斯非斯非斯 Erfoud ---- Mt. Atlas ---- Fez (UNESCO)

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後驅車沿著海拔四千多公尺的阿特拉斯山進發,抵達北非最傳統的皮革製造之都~非斯。城內聳立超過兩百座的清真寺和千家以上古老的傳統工藝小店,單是舊城區已有九千多條迂迴曲折的小巷,為該國最美麗的舊城。此區已於 1980 年被列入教科文組織之《世界文化遺產》。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後前往回教神學院,大家可在此一睹傳統的阿拉伯建築風格,如中庭、迴廊及美侖美奐的幾何圖形裝飾。稍後驅車登上位於北側山丘,建於 16 世紀的古城堡,團友於此可眺望整座千年古城。晚餐於酒店餐廳。(早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Crown Plaza Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we coach to Mt. Atlas via a path at an altitude 4000m above sea level. Pass through Bokar Peak, the highest point in North Africa. The next destination is Fez, built as early as the 8th century. This is the most beautiful old town in the country with more than 9,000 tortuous alleys. An afternoon visit will be made to the Muslim Seminary, where the traditional Arabic architecture will come into sight. Later on, coach to the ancient castle built in the 16th century for a panoramic view of the entire old town. (B/L/D)

888 非斯非斯非斯非斯 ---- 拉巴德拉巴德拉巴德拉巴德 Fez ---- Rabat

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後驅車前往摩洛哥首都拉巴特。抵達後,首先參觀建於1195年亞爾默哈德王朝統治者所興建的清真寺,可惜工程至今並未完成。聳立寺門的哈辛塔至今仍完整無缺,在石柱群旁邊還建有穆罕默德五世皇陵。稍後前往摩洛哥皇宮,各團友可於皇宮外拍照留念。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後前往海邊小鎮奧戴亞,小鎮建於12世紀,為保護過境商旅而建造,現時仍有約五千名奧戴亞人之後裔居住,鎮內小白屋都髹上藍邊,置身於迂迴曲折的街道上。晚餐於地道餐廳。品嚐地道美食及餐酒,並安排欣賞摩洛哥民族表演及音樂。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Vincci Tai Sultan 或同級

As the capital of the country, Rabat does not have many shopping districts; instead there are many residential neighborhoods. It is a good chance to experience daily lives of Moroccan. After breakfast we shall take a tour of the city, first we head to Hassan Tower – begun in 1195, the tower was intended to be the largest minaret in the world along with the mosque, however as the Sultan died in 1199, the construction also stopped. Afterward we take picture outside of the Royal Palace. After lunch we proceed to Ao Daiya, a seaside town built in the 12th century. Enjoy a traditional Moroccan dinner with fork-lore performance tonight. (B/L/D)

999 拉巴德拉巴德拉巴德拉巴德 ---- 達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾 Rabat ----Casablanca

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後返回達爾貝爾觀光。首先進入卡薩加王宮遊覽,再往麥地那新舊區,此區擁有阿拉伯人所建造的繁複街巷,其間你更可以選購阿拉伯文化的手工藝及紀念品。午、晚餐於當地餐館。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Novotel Hotel 或同級 Return to Casablanca after breakfast. We first go to Kasa Palace, then the Old Medina, where you can shop for all

kinds of traditional handcrafts and souvenirs. (B/L/D)

111000 達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾達爾貝爾 ���� 原居地原居地原居地原居地

Casablanca ���� Home City 早餐後乘車前往機場飛返居地。 (早餐) Enjoy a delicious breakfast in the hotel, and then we shall proceed to the airport for the homeward flight. (B)

特特特特 約約約約 旅旅旅旅 行行行行 社社社社

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旅章程。 Update: Jan 14, 2014

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