multi screen breakfast seminar 15th february 2013

Post on 16-May-2015






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No iPad, Nexus 7, Kindle, Nook, Smart TV or iPhone 5 under your Christmas tree? You need to have a word with Santa, or maybe you are already among the 40% of the UK population who own one of these devices. The multi-screen world, where people use a combination of phones, tablets, computers and televisions to consume content, is fast becoming commonplace. Here we explore the benefits of developing digital content for multiple-screens. We cover how consumer journeys are evolving, touch on hot topics such as ‘responsive design’ and present some of the multi-screen content we’ve developed that involves pairing screens. Delivered by Tom Chapman, Head of Innovation at Five by Five on 15th February 2013 (Southampton) and 15th March 2013 (London) as part of of the agency's ongoing program of breakfast seminars.


Multi-Screen BriefingFive by Five

Image sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Image sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Image sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Image sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Majority of our daily media interactions are screen based

Understanding this cross-platform behaviour has become imperative

Source: Google, The Multi Screen World 20012-08

Welcome to the multi-screen world


Source: Tech Radar, Think Mobile UK (Google) conference, Microsoft Tag, October 2012

UK smartphone penetration in 2013 is at 40% and growing fast….. predicted to rise to 80% by 2016

31% of mobile users have now purchased on a mobile device

17% of mobile users changed their mind in-store (due to activity on mobile phone)

25% of email in the UK is now opened on smartphones

60% of phones will be NFC enabled by 2015


Source: Tech Radar, Think Mobile UK (Google) conference, Microsoft Tag, October 2012

Tablet sales to trump laptops in 2013

Consumers take a multi-device path to purchase

Source: Google, The Multi Screen World 20012-08

TodayThe harsh reality

TodayWe are heavily focussed on ‘digital’ content to be consumed on PC screen.

Below are the first three pieces of ‘content’ I came into contact with on Twitter and Facebook via iPhone 3G!

Our mantraIf content is not optimised for mobile and tablets, consider it incomplete

But how can we make content work across screens without using flash & building bespoke sites / content for each platform?

Brad Frost

Native vs….



Image sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Multi-screen – personasRequire a better understanding of devices owned

Source: Five by Five & Precious Forever

Digital outsiderAge 69, Housewife, pensioner

Casual UserAge 61, Housewife, pensioner

Casual UserAge 47, Divorced,Teacher

Professional UserAge 43, Married,Exec Assistant

Trend UserAge 21, Unmarried, Student

Trend UserAge 35, Single, Agency Exec

Digital ProfessionalAge 39, Married, IT Director

Digital Avante Garde Age 32, Single, Creative Agency

Multi-screen – touch point matrixCommunication is no longer a question of destination but literally of the path travelled. The message you want to deliver has to move along with the people you want to reach.

Source: Precious Forever

Creative1. Content (device and platform agnostic).

2. Context

Who it hopes to reach (Target audience)What it can do Where it can go (PONBE) Where it can go - multi device / platform based on Who

Device, Environment (PONBE), Time, Activity, Location, Social, DataHow it gets used – here we can put more effort into the precise functionality of the asset based on Where, Who and What

Why it matters – justifies the content and context



Interactive technology

Face recognition

Voice recognition



The FutureImage sourced from the great presentation ’For A Future-Friendly Web’ by @Brad_Frost

Thank you!

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