netra roga samanya nidana

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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By Dr Champavathi PII year PG Scholar Department of Shalakya tantra

G.A.M.C Bengaluru

सप्तविधे व्याधािुपनिपनत ।तध्यताआदिबलप्रितृ्ााः, जन्मबलप्र्ितृ्ााः, िॊषबलप्रितृ्ााः, सघंातबलप्रितृ्ााः, कालबलप्रितृ्ात्ाः, िैिबलप्रितृ्ाः, स्िभािबलप्रितृ्ााः इनत ।(Su su 24/4)

Due to defects in shukra and shonitha.

Hereditary disorders ( kulaja )

Ex : Nightblindness (Nakthandhya), albinism.

These are congenital disorders caused because of Rasa and Dauhrida apacharakruta.

Ex : Jathyanda, microcornea/megalocornea, Keratoconus, congenital myopia, hypermetropia, congenital cataract, ptosis, dacryocystitis.

Improper ahara and vihara causing vitation of dosha either in amashaya/pakvashaya.

Ahara like ushna, katu and kshara ati sevana.

Vihara : Atiyoga Aayoga Mityayoga

Looking in toilluminating and bright objects.

Completely avoiding the vision

Looking intovery near/ distant objects.

These are traumatic disease due to trauma/bite of animals/birds.

Shastrskrutha (instrumental injuries)Ex : stab injuries, abrasions.

Vyalakrutha (animated injuries)Ex : bite of insects, irritation with animal hairs etc

Probable disease : chakshu vibhrama, astigmatisn. Injury to avarta and apanga

marma causes andhyatva and drustiupagata.

Seasonal eye diseases are produced due to change in the climatic conditions.

Avyapanna ruthu – diseases arising due to prakruta rutu. Ex: spring catarrah.

Vyapanna ruthu - diseases due to vaikrutha rutu.Ex: Abhishyandana

Diseases arising due to observing bright light/graha/devata.

These diseases are produced due to microbes.

Ex: Timira, herpis keratitis.

Age related degenerative changes.

1.Kalaja – Normal changes by age.Ex: Pressbiopia, senile cataract,

arcus senilis. ARMD.

2.Akalaja - Earlier changes due to pathology.Ex: Cataract in adult(diabetic cataract), visual problem in children

उष्णाभभतप्तस्य जलप्रिेशाद् रेक्षणात ्स्िप्िविपयायाच |

प्रसक्त संरोिि कोप शोक क्लेशाभभघातािनतमथुैुिाच ||

शुक्तारिालाम्ल कुलत्थु माष निषिेणाद्िेगविनि्रहााच |

स्िेिािथुो धूमनिषिेणाच छिेविाघाताद्िमिानतयोगात ् |बाष्प्रहाात ्सूक्ष्मनिरीक्षणाच िेत्र ेविकाराि ्जियन्न्त िोषााः ||

(S U 1/26, 27)

Immersing in cold water immediately after getting exposed to heat/sun.

Present era – Bathing / drinking cold water, entering into AC compartment soon after exposure to heat/sun.

Tissue integrity will be spoiled.

Probable : Dosha – Pitta.Diseases – Abishyandya,


Looking at very distant object for a longer time.

Present era - Drivers, shooters, archery, working with telescopes.

Accommodative capacity of the lens will be destroyed.

Probable : Dosha - Vata prakopaDiseases – Hypermetropia.

Abnormal sleeping habits .(diva swapna / nisi jagarana)

Diva swapna – Kapha prakopa

Ratri jagarana – Vata and pitta prakopa.

Present era : Night shifts, sleeping late night.

Probable : Dosha -TridoshaDiseases - Stye, periorbital puffiness,

nystagmus, dry eye, netra srava, hypermia.

Continuous weeping for longer duration.

This causes excessive stimulation to lacrimal gland by which the gland secrets more fluids that washes away nutrients and bacterio static activity of conjunctival sac.

Conjunctival sac and lacrimal apparatus looses the stamina against diseases.

Probable: Dosha – VataDiseases - Xerosis and diseases of

lacrimal apparatus.

Getting anger and grief is a dharaniya manasika vega.

During anxiety attacks our body gets a rush of adrenaline resulting in dilated pupil.

When pupils are dilated blurness can be noticed as a reaction to the un necessary extra light.

Probable : Dosha – Pitta and vataDiseases – Sub conjunctival

haemorrhage and vataja vikaras.

Stress, suffering pain, trouble vitiates both shareeraja and manasaja doshasleading to eye diseases.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Vataja netra rogas.

Minute irritating injuries or contusion injuries or perforating injuries cause a great loss to the eye.

If improper eye care is not taken blindness follow immediately.

Present era : chemical injuries, occupational hazards, accidents.

Probable : Dosha – SarvadoshaDisease - Corneal abrasions,

corneal erosion. i. Skull base fracture - Retrobulbar and retinal

bleeding.ii. Cranium - Disc, retina and vitreous imbalance.

Excessive indulgence in sex results in dathu kshaya.

Shukra dathu kshaya leading to poorva dathu kshaya leading to deprived nourishment to eyes.

Probable : Dosha – SarvadoshaDiseases – (HIV) sunken eyes,

infective eye diseases. Majja kshaya causes netraabishyanda, cytomegalo virus


Suktha and aranala are sandhana dravyas produced by fermentation.

They have properties opposite to ojas with toxicating action.

Present era : Many are addicted to alcohol.

Probable : Dosha – Pitta and raktha.Diseases –Pothaki, kumbheeka.

cytomegalo virus retinitis.

Excessive use of horse gram and black gram.

Kulattha Masha

Laghu, vidahi,kashaya rasa, katu paka and ushna veerya.

Opposite to kulattha like madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, guru and snigdha gunas.

Causes dathu kshaya Causes dathu vruddi

Tridosha Kapha

Tridoshaja netra rogas. Kaphaja netra rogas

Suppression of natural urges.

Suppression of jrumba, asru, hikka , pratishyaya and ksudha all these leads to netra rogas.

Present era : class room, working under boss.

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDiseases – Tridoshaja netra vikaras.

Excessive sudation to eye.

Only mrudhu sweda is advised in netra rogas. In diseases like timira, swedana is contraindicated.

Present era : working in coal mines, cooking.

Probable : Dosha - Pitta and rakthaDisease – Pittaja abhishyanda etc

Excessive exposure to smoke and other pollutants.

Present era : smoking, carbon dioxide from vehicles, factories.

Probable : Dosha - Vata and pittaDiseases - Cataract, macular

degeneration, uveitis.

Supressing the urge of vomitting/ nausea.

Causes strain to eyes.

Probable : Dosha – VataDiseases – Eye leasions (kusta)

Excessive vamana therapy.

This causes “Akshior vyavruthi”(protrusion of eye ball).

Probable : Dosha – Vata vruddi, kapha and pitta kshaya.

Diseases – Retinal detachment, sub conjunctival haemoehages.

Supressing tears during grief.

Vitiated vayu obstructs the doshas to produce diseases in asruvaha srotas.

Probable : Dosha – Kapha and vataDisease – Epiphora, blocked tear duct.

Watching minute objects for longer duration.

Present era : working with computers, reading.

Causes strain to cilliary muscles and lens.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Dry eye syndrome,

accommodation problem.

Exposure to dust and smoke.

Present era : we are all getting exposed to dust while walking, driving. Addiction with smoking. Contact with carbon dioxide which is a toxic smoke affecting our eyes.

Damages the blood vessels.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Pinguecula, pterygum.

Travelling very fast.

Present era : Driving with high speed. Running and walking in hurry.

Speed blow of air/ dust directly comes in contact with eyes.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Dry eye, netra srava.

Abnormal seasonal changes/ not following the principles of rutucharya.

Consuming ushna dravyas in ushna rutu – pitta prakopa Consuming sheetha dravyas in sheetha rutu – kapha prakopa.

Present era : most of the population are not following rutucharya.

Probable : Dosha – Sarva doshaDisease – abhishyanda and tridoshaja

netra rogas.

Exposure of head to excessive heat.

Present era : Engineers, constructors, kuulis, traffic police.

Probable : Dosha – Pitta and vata prakopaDisease – Photokeratitis.

Excessive liquid intake and alcoholism.

Present era : diet conscious, many are addicted to alcohol.

Lack of adequate proteins, vitamins. Alcohol causes deficiency of vitamin B1.

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDiseases – Cataract, nystagmus,

paralysis to eye muscles, macular degeneration.

Applying theeksnanjana to the patients who are already tired due to wind, sun etc

Local irritation, excessive lacrimation, damage to conjunctiva, cornea etc

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDiseases – Sira jala, siraharsha.

Bite of insects, mosquitos etc.

Causes injury, may release toxin, act as foreign body.

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDisease – Pain, burning, swelling.

Contac with toxic materials.

Present era : accidental contact with paint, deodorants, detergents, lab materials etc

Local tissue damage.

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDisease – Irritation to blindness.

Trauma to eye during water sports.

Present era : Not wearing water glasses during swimming/ water games may lead to entry of contaminated water in to eye.

Probable : Dosha – TridoshaDisease – Conjunctivits, corneal


Excessive fasting.

Present era : Excessive diet conscious.

No proper nourishment leading to dathu kshaya.

Probable : Dosha - VataDisease – Netra shosha

Seeing continuously moving objects.

Present era : playing computer games, traffic police

Strain to eye muscles.

Probable : Dosha – VataDiseases – Weakness of occular


Sleeping by putting head downward position than body.

Present era : Sleeping on working table, bus.

Compression to blood vessels.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – occipital neuralgia ( pain

behind eyes and sensitivity to light), central retinal vein occlusion.

Sleeping by putting head in upward position than body.

Present era : Use of high pillows, sleeping on sofa.

Decreased blood circulation to head.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Vataja netra vikaras.

Due to high fever or sun stroke. Along with head even eyes are affected.

Temperature of eye increases.

Probable : Dosha – PittaDisease – Periorbital swelling,

conjunctivities in hay fever.

Causing strain / damage to foot.

Present era : not wearing chappals, wearing pointed heeled foot wears, tailoring, excessive cycling.

Damage to nadis of foot which are connected to head.

Probable : Dosha – VataDisease – Drusti mandya

Athibashana – vayu gets lodged in head causing blindness and netra stambana.

If dhoomapana done through mouth and exhaled through nostrils causes drustinasha.

Dhoomapana done in excess or in improper time causes drusti nasha.

If ashchotana done for long time in excess dose, with wrong temperature cause eye disease and even blindness.

Atiyoga of putapaka – timira

Nasya in klantha – pain in eyes.

Excessive shirovirechana – pain in eyes.

Atiyana – akshi vibrama

Madya pana and sheeta ambu pana during snehana – akshi upadeha, timira.

Nasya in nava jwara – timira

Divaswapna in samsarjana kala – raktha netrata.

Many systemic disorders – netra rogas as purvaroopa, roopa, upadrava and arista. Ex: Diabetic retinopathy.

भसरािुसाररभभिोषैविागुणैरूध्िामागतैाः || जायन्ते िेत्रभागेषु रोगााः परमिारुणााः |

(S U 1/20,21)The aggravated doshas moving upward through siras get localized in eye giving rise to dreadful diseases in different parts of the eye.

“तत्राविलं ससरंम्भं अशकृण्डूपिॆाित ्।गरुूषा तॊिरागाद्यैाः जषु्टं ाव्यक्तलक्षणाैः” ।

आविलंआकुलं अशपृूणाम।् ईषत ्शॊफयुक्तम ्। अश्रु कण्डू उपिॆाॊ मलिदृ्धध

If a healthy person repeatedly dreams of lunar and solar eclipses it is a poorvaroopa of netra roga.

Shulam vartma kosheshu Shukapurnabham Vihanya mana rupam Kriyasu aksi yathapura

According to Astanga Sangraha,

Vata : Akshibedha, vartmastambha, vartma sankocha, timira, akshishoola, akshivyudara.

Pitta : akshipaka, tamapravesha, haridra harita netra.

Kapha : shwetha netrata.

To analyse disease.

To create awareness.

To start treatment in earlier stages.

संकॆ्षपताः क्रियायॊगॊ नििाि पररिजािम ्।

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