niedziela 2 listopad 2014 niedziela-dzień

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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DUSZPASTERSTWO POLSKIE Parafia Saint Mary of the Lake – 43 Madison Ave – Lakewood – NJ 08701 Ks. Marian Kokorzycki - 732- 363-0139, ext. 421 Cell. 484-368-4636

E-mail: Website:

niedziela 2 listopad 2014 – Niedziela-Dzień Zaduszny

W domu Ojca mego jest mieszkań wiele ... Jezus nie kryje przed nami ani konieczności swego własnego "odejścia", swojej własnej śmierci, ani konieczności naszego odejścia, śmierci każdego z nas. Nie mówi nam "nie bój się nie umrzesz". Ale mówiąc o konieczności śmierci pokazuje nam jednocześnie drogę jaką powinniśmy kroczyć, aby dotrzeć do domu Ojca i pokazuje nam ostateczny cel naszej wędrówki. Jego słowa: "Ja jestem Drogą, Prawdą i Życiem" można także zrozumieć w następujący sposób: "Ja jestem prawdziwą droga życia", albo "Ja jestem drogą w prawdzie do Życia". Naszym zadaniem jest do tego Życia Wiecznego dotrzeć. W domu Ojca czeka nas prawdziwe życie, czeka nas Życie Wieczne, czeka nas Ten, z Którego rąk wyszliśmy, nasz Ojciec i nasz Zbawiciel i cała rzesza przyjaciół. Nie zmarnujmy tego zaproszenia ...Znamy drogę, znamy cel ... czemu mielibyśmy przez własną głupotę dotrzeć tam, gdzie nikt na nas nie czeka ?

Intencje Mszy Świętej: 1 listopada – sobota - Wszystkich Świętych – Msza Święta wraz ze wspomnieniami imion naszych Drogich Zmarłych 7:30 pm 2 listopada – niedziela - Ofiara Mszy Świętej za Naszych Zmarłych 1:30 pm 7 listopada – pierwszy piątek- Holy Family, Adoracja 7:15pm- ś.p.Lidia Zofia Swieczkowska – ś.p. Helenę i Henryka Znamirowski - ś.p. Urszule i Edwarda Zegar, int. Mari Zegar 8:15 pm 9 listopada – poległych Weteranów - ś.p. Marian Garbarek, int. C. Gaza – ś.p. Marię i Antoniego, Tadeusza, Artura Banakiewicz, intencja syna i brata 1:15 pm

… Nasza parafialna pielgrzymka w roku 2015 ( 11 dni: 26 maja – 5 czerwiea, 2015) lecimy do Paryża, - msza święta uzdrowienia w Kaplicy Matki Bożej Cudownego Medalika,następnie lot do Mediolanu, Jezioro Garda, Verony, Padwy, Wenecji, Sieny, Pisy – krzywa wieża-, Asyżu, Rzymu, Pompeje i Monte Cssino ( w Rzymie udział wraz Ojcem Świętym Franciszkiem w procesji Bożego Ciała, oraz msza święta przy grobie świętego Jana Pawła II w Bazylice św. Piotra na Watykanie. Przeloty z Newark -Paryż – Mediolan i powrót z Rzymu. Zkwaterowanie w Hotelach 3* i 4* - wiekszosć wyżywienia – Wstęp do muzeów i kościołów. Prywatny transport z pilotem w języku polskim i angielskim. Koszt Pielgrzymki $3,590 od osoby w pokoju 2 osobowym -!!!!- prosimy zopatrzyć się w ulotkę po więcej szczegółów, lub zadzwonić:

-Rezerwacje i informacje: CLASSIC TRAVEL tel. 973-473-3845, toll free: 1-800-774-6996, Pani Alfreda Sepko – 732-504-1981, ks. Marian 484-368-4636.

…Nauka języka angielskiego dla dorosłych ESL w community center 7 listopada o godz 5.30. Zapraszamy

….Polska Szkoła Dokształcająca w Lakewood Serdecznie Zaprasza na Zabawę Andrzejkową w sobote 15 listopada 2014 o godzinie 8 pm w Southard Fire Department Banquet Hall 4611 RT 9 North, Howell Nj 07731 – cena biletu $35 od osoby – cały dochód z zabawy jest przeznaczony na szkołe. - Zapraszamy !!!

….Stowarzyszenie Jana Pawła II i Polska Wspólnota Katolicka w Lakewood Z A P R A S Z A

na Noworoczny Ball Sylwestrowy który odbędzie się w dniu 31-go Grudnia 2014, przy naszej Szkole Katolickiej Swiętej Rodziny - 1141 East County Line Road w Lakewood, Początek 8:00 PM, cena biletu - $ 75.oo od osoby. Wielka Loteria. W cenie biletu gorące polskie dania, zimne przekąski, Szampan o północy. Po rezerwacje i sprzedaż biletów prosimy o kontak: Pani Alfreda Sepko – 732-504-1981, Pani Kasia Sobol – 732-534-2114, Pan Robert Figiela -732-688-9844, Pan Alfred Sojak – 732 – 740-4730 –Biedronka Polish Deli on County line -Lakewood 732 363-0139 4



Those serving in the Armed Forces: Jonathan

Viegas, Brian Roemer, David Concepcion,

Patrick Brasel, Sean Brasel, Chris Ehlers, Donald

Dikijian, Kristopher Rodgers, Caes Waldron,

Aaron Waldron, Nicholas Cipriano, Andrew Paul,

Nicholas Paul, Sam Saracino, Joseph Mantz,

Jeffrey Hurley, Peter Miceli, Shaun Lieb, Patricia

McDonald, Hunter Mantz, Michael Accardi,

Christian Cseh, Francis Manalo, Thomas

Menendez, John Covone, Theodore Dalley,

Megan Navarro.

Those who are sick and shut-in: Fr.

Bernardino Esguerra, Justin Carlomusto, Andrew

Baltazar, JFC, AMG, CLS, Leslie Fagan,

Christine Clements, Helen Meyer, Patricia Kiley,

Pauline Wittman, Frances Szala, Brian Mayer,

Roseann Lukasik, Jeanne Patrick, Jean Marie

Mikhail, Marie Wengerter, Barbara Umstadter,

Evelyn Stoveken, Dorothy & Patti McGrath,

David Cutts, Kristen Drago, Diane Raimondi, Ted

& Judy Dalley, Anthony & Phyllis Mastropierro,

Deacon Tony & Pat Martucci, John Earles, Jr,

Mervyn & Jonathan Fonseca, Tilda D’Elia,

Gailann Tromello, Luz Zalduondo, Nellie

Tomasczewski, Kathleen & Muriel Matta, Mary

Claire McGregor, Joanne Kronowski, Natalie

Lucas, Bobbie Banks-Grove, Eva Uyar, Patrick

Payton, Theresa & Otto Schuett, Rita

Clendenning, Melissa Stumpf, Barbara Kowalski,

Jeanette Rogers, David Rose, Tom Chell, Tahsin

Uyar, Robert Gerne II, Dawn Toscano, Elzira

Potenza, Concetta Lemmo, Mary Earles, Vilma &

Steve Glick, Janice Markey, Elizabeth Klix,

Maria Ingrassia, Agnes Gavigan, Linda Monahan,

Joan Lorenc, Peter Stagaard, Kay Zayac, Bill

Goertz, Art & Alice Stanley, Edmund Tricker,

Lauren, Hav Torres.

Also those recently deceased: Daniel Bogush.


Nov. 15 – Justin Kelly & Julia Bruder

December 6 – Justin Ferrante & Mary Tretola


Monday, November 3

7:00 am All Souls Novena

9:00 am All Souls Novena

Tuesday, November 4

7:00 am All Souls Novena

9:00 am Dorothy Evans

Wednesday, November 5

7:00 am Marie Rivituso

9:00 am All Souls Novena

Thursday, November 6

7:00 am All Souls Novena

9:00 am Donald Doyle

3:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

Friday, November 7

7:00 am All Souls Novena

9:00 am Josephine Howell

8:15 pm Helene & Henryka Znamirowski,

Urszule & Edwarda Zegar

Saturday, November 8

9:00 am All Souls Novena

4:00 pm Ida Kruger - HF

5:30 pm Mary Jane O’Brien

6:30 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sunday, November 9

8:00 am Frances Harnett

9:00 am People of the Parish - HF

10:00 am Benjamin Vargara

11:00 am Irene & Joseph Currao - HF

12:00 pm Edmund Casey

1:30 pm Marie & Antoniego, Tadeusza

Artura Banakiewicz

5:00 pm Theresa Wallratt

MEMORIALS THIS WEEK Vigil Light Blessed Mother Dec’d of Ely-Banas Family

Int. of Robert & Barbara Szala

Vigil Light St. Joseph Sylvester Cascio

Bread & Wine offered at all Masses

In Memory of Albert B. Kelly

Also available: Sanctuary Light at SML & HF;

Sacred Heart; St. Joseph. 732 363-0139 5


Monday: St. Martin de Porres – Phil 2:1-4;

Luke 14:12-14

Tuesday: St. Charles Borromeo – Phil 2:5-

11; Luke 14:15-24

Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Luke 14:25-33

Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Luke 15:1-10

Friday: Phil 3:17-4:1; Luke 16:1-8

Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Luke 16:9-15

Sunday: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

– Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17;

John 2:13-22


Monday: 6:30–7:30 PM at Holy Family Chapel

Thursday: 1–5 PM at St. Mary of the Lake

“Come to Me, all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest.”


Sunday, November 9, 2 PM

Holy Family Chapel

MASS OF REMEMBRANCE We are celebrating a Mass of Remembrance for

all of those who have died this past year. The

Mass will be at 10:30 AM in Holy Family

Chapel on Saturday November 8. Light

refreshments will follow.


Requests for Mass intentions for 2015 will take

place during this entire month of November.

Because of the large number of requests for

intentions, we will still keep the same

limitations that we had last year.

All intentions are for deceased individuals

announced by their first and last name. Since

the parish now automatically schedules a

‘month’s mind’ and anniversary intention for

those who have recently died, we will send any

extra intentions that come in for that deceased

person to the missions. Any other intention

requests will be collected during the month of

November and then scheduled as best as we

can, casting lots if there are conflicts. It is not a

first-come, first-served policy. Everyone is

limited to two Masses. You may include more

than one person for a particular Mass. Forms for

your Mass requests are available at the rectory.

during this month.

Opportunities for additional memorials will be

the Mothers Day Novena intentions; the Fathers

Day Novena intentions; and the All Souls

intentions. Also, the vigil and sanctuary lights,

and the bread and wine offerings may be

memorialized. Also, Mass intentions for the

deceased or for other intentions may be sent to

the missions.



Stewardship, A Way of Life

Weekly Sacrificial Offertory

Number using envelopes 670

Total Contributions $12,277.00

Capital Improvements $ 5,100.00

Give, and it will be given to you. A good

measure, pressed down, shaken together and

running over, will be poured into your lap. For

with the measure you use, it will be measured to

you. -Luke 6:37-38


Wed, Nov 5 – Choir practice at 7 PM in Holy

Family Church. All welcome!

Wed, Nov 5 – Legion of Mary meets at 4 PM in

Guild Hall. New members welcome! 732 363-0139 6

Wed, Nov 5 - K of C meets at 7:30p in little

white church

Thurs, Nov 6 - CDA meets at 7 p in Guild Hall.

Sun, Nov 9, Ultreya, Holy Family Cry Room,

12 noon

Sun, Nov 9 - Divine Mercy Healing Mass at 2p

in Holy Family Chapel

Thurs, Nov 13 – Rosary Altar Society meets at

7p in Guild Hall.

Mon, Nov 24 – Baptismal Prep Class for

Parents at 7 PM in Community Center. Must


ATTENTION LECTORS Workbooks are now available for the upcoming

liturgical year. Please stop by rectory office to

pick up your copy. November 30 is the start of

the new liturgical year.

ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED Do you want to know a sure fire way to assist

your children in following the Mass more

closely or helping them to develop a deeper

relationship with Christ? Perhaps the answer is

by your saying yes. If you are already going to

Mass, it doesn’t take all that much more effort

to attend Mass as an altar server but the benefits

are huge. It is as easy as coming to your first

Altar server training session. There are six one

hour sessions and by Christmas we hope to

have your children prepared to serve at the table

of the Lord. You will be able to set your own

schedule for serving (it can be as often as you

like or only once a month at a particular Mass

time on a given Sunday.) We all are very busy

but this is a simple way to help our children

learn and grow in their faith. The next training

session is Thursday evening November 6th at 6

PM at Holy Family, or Saturday morning

November 8th at 12:30 PM at St. Mary of the

Lake. If you have questions please call the

rectory 732-363-0139.


Please notify the rectory of the dates you will be

away for the winter season. We will be happy to

suspend your envelopes until your return in the



ST. VINCENT DE PAUL COAT DRIVE Please …winter coats only! We are looking for

warm, gently-used coats for adults and/or

children. Please drop off at the pantry during

normal operating hours by November 20. Coats

will be distributed on Saturday, November 22.

St. Vincent de Paul Pantry

Hours of Operation

Monday – 9:30 AM–12:30 PM

Tuesday – 1 PM–4 PM

Wednesday - 9:30 AM–12:30 PM

Thursday – 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Saturday – 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

Other types of clothing can be dropped off in

the white bins by the White Church at the

parking lot of Holy Family Chapel and School.

Please do not drop off any clothing at either

church or at the rectory inside or outside. Only

at the pantry or the bins. Thank-you.

SVDP FOOD PANTRY NEWS Monthly food drive this weekend:

Thanksgiving Needs

This year we will be making baskets for over

100 families. Items we desperately need:

Stuffing(bag/box); Instant Potatoes; Sweet

Potatoes; Canned Vegetables; Gravy; Muffin

Mixes; Canned Yams; Cranberry Sauce;

Canned Fruit; Pie mixes and fillings;

evaporated milk. Please drop-off the items in

any bin at SML or HFC. You can also bring

items directly to the pantry during our normal

operating hours. Thank you for your continued

support. God nless you for your generosity! 732 363-0139 7

Additionally, regular staples are also needed for

daily distribution: soup; jelly; cereal; tuna;

vegetables; mac & cheese.


Friday, November 7, 5 - 9 PM

Presbyterian Church of Toms River

This Ladies Night (gentlemen welcome!)

benefits Interfaith Hospitality Network and

features: door prizes; gift auction; gift vendors;

and complimentary edibles provided by Hooper

Ave. restaurants. Tickets are a $15 donation and

are available at the door or can be purchased

through Interfaith Hospitality from 9 AM – 3

PM, Monday – Friday, at 253 Chestnut St.,

Toms River or by calling 732 736-1550


The Catholic Daughters of Ct. St. Mary of the

Lake #310 will hold their annual flea market

and craft show on Saturday, December 6 in

Msgr. Everitt Hall from 9 AM – 2 PM. Tables are

$12. Reserve one by calling Maria Rau at 732


STARS ~ Save the Date

On December 10 we are on the way to Cape

May! More information to follow!


"FROM WAR TO VICTORY" All are invited to an Exhibition of the Institute

of National Remembrance from Poland in the

Community Center at Holy Family on Nov 8-9

after all masses and again on Nov 15-16 in

Guild Hall at St. Mary of the Lake church. It is

impossible to understand contemporary Poland

without a knowledge of history.



Our spiritually adopted baby is almost 7 months

old. The baby really fills out over these next

few weeks storing fat on the body and weighing

4-4½ lbs. The bones are fully developed but are

still soft and pliable. Some rhythmic breathing

movements are occurring.

We continue to pray for the well-being and safe

delivery of the baby.


Our “clean-up” in the cemetery and

mausoleums is a work in progress. We

encourage you to keep your space tidy and

clean. Overgrown shrubs that are obscuring the

view of the headstone are being removed. If

you’re not sure what the regulations are in your

area, please call the office, 732-363-8262, and

we’ll be happy to provide you with the


Effective immediately, no live plants are

permitted in any of the mausoleums. The

stagnant water is drawing bugs. Artificial

flowers are still permitted.

Look for more information in the mausoleums

of a photo program of your personal photo to be

affixed to the crypt/niche front of your loved




On behalf of our Guests from IHN, I would like

to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of

your physical help, your time, and your

financial support during our Host Week. During

this week we housed 4 families which included

4 moms, 2 dads and 7 children.

On October 19, we had over 20 volunteers who

helped transform Guild Hall into a home for our

guests. (This was exciting just to watch.) Our

families had hectic schedules but at dinner time

they were able to sit down with their children 732 363-0139 8

and enjoy fabulous home cooked meals and

desserts that were prepared by our parishioners.

(They were especially happy to have leftovers

for lunch the next day to take to work.) When

you heard that we were having such a large

group, many of you stopped by and dropped off

extra supplies for the children or added an extra

course for their dinners. This was so much

appreciated by our guests. Thank you for

making our Interfaith Hospitality Guests so

comfortable and safe.

Many of you shared your time by conversing

with our guests through hosting and sleeping

over, thank you! Thank you to the man and

women who helped clean up at 7 am Sunday

morning . Thank you also to those of you who

took the laundry, which really helps out when

our host week is over. There were many of you,

who did not have the time during this week, but

you offered assistance by dropping off

donations and Shop Rite Gift Cards, thank you.

Without each one of you, we would not be able

to help the families of Interfaith Hospitality

Network. All of you helped make this week’s

hosting so much easier because we shared the

work. One more thank you goes out to our

Parish Priests, who were extremely supportive.

Our next guests from Interfaith Hospitality

Network will arrive on Sunday, January 11, and

will stay until Sunday, January 18. We are

always looking for new volunteers to help;

make it a family evening, sleepover or just

come over and help set up or break down.

Thank you for making this ministry a part of

our Parish. For more information please call:

Pat Rainer 732-300-8288 or e-mail


Did you know that in our country, compared to

50 years ago, there are 20,000 fewer priests and

129,000 fewer religious sisters? At the same

time, the Catholic population has continued to

grow steadily. Many factors have contributed to

the decline: growing secularism a lengthened

period of adolescence, attitudes about celibacy,

etc. During Vocation Awareness week, please

pray that young people in today’s society will

hear and respond to God’s call. And do your

part to encourage them to consider the

priesthood and religious life.


TRICKY TRAY Next Sunday,

Nov 9, 1 pm Holy Family School Gym

Doors open at 1 pm; games

begin at 3 pm. Cost is $15

which includes dozens of tray tickets, coffee,

snack and gift bag. Kitchen will be open,

concessions include cooked meals. No one

under age of 18 is admitted. Proceeds to benefit

Holy Family School. Tickets are on sale at the

rectory and Holy Family School offices.

Volunteers Needed

The Tricky Tray is the biggest fund-raising

event of the parish and school. We could always

use more help. If interested, please call

Catherine Burke, 732-887-2275.


THANK YOU Thank you to all who supported Harbor House,

the children’s shelter in Toms River, through

your generous donations and prayers. The 400-

mile bike Ride for New Beginnings was a

success again.

Thanks to your contributions, runaway, abused,

abandoned or neglected children and youth in 732 363-0139 9

Ocean and Monmouth Counties are provided

shelter and the important services they need to

find their way. Our entire community benefits

from the good work of Harbor House.

May God bless you always, -Harbor

House Ride for New Beginnings Committee


All are encouraged to read and prayerfully

reflect on the non-partisan document the U.S.

Bishops put out called: Forming Consciences

for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political

Responsibility which provides a framework for

Catholics in the United States to apply their

faith and Church teachings to political issues.

And then, most importantly, be actively

engaged in the democratic process, not only by

voting in the upcoming election, but through all

the means of political activism which we as

citizens have a right – and a duty – to perform.

Their document can be found online at:

Reminder – November 4

This is an honor and privilege we should not take for granted!



DAY OF RECOLLECTION Saturday, Nov 15, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

St. William the Abbot, Howell

Mass at 9:00 AM Catholic Women of Zion is a ministry of

healing of mind, soul, and body inspired by the

Holy Spirit to meet the needs of today’s

Catholic women. Fee of $20 includes lunch.

This month’s speaker is Fr. Thomas Maher. He

invites us to join him as he shares on the topic: “Martha and Mary; an Image of Women in Prayer -

Part II.” Please register by Tues, Nov 11 by

calling St. Mary of the Lake Church at 732-363-

0139 x777 and leaving a message. Please spell

your last name and leave a phone number.


GATHERING Presented by St. Mary of the Lake

Office of Faith Formation

Sunday, Nov 23, 1 - 3 PM

Holy Family School Cafeteria

All Parishioners welcome

Fresh Greens supplied, bring clippers/scissors

Youth Group presentation

Light Refreshments

Send in orders attention Faith Formation Office

by November 14.

Make checks payable to St. Mary of the Lake.

Questions, call 732-363-3043.

The season of Advent begins on November 30. This

is the start of the church year and a time of

preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas.

This wreath will make a beautiful display on any

table in your home and will represent "the coming"

of Christmas.

Description Number




Complete Set - Brass

Ring, Candles, Greens

& Ribbon


Half Set (for those

who have a Ring)-

Candles, Greens &



Candle Set Only


Total Order

top related