nouns presentation

Post on 07-Apr-2017






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Presented To: Worthy Sir Pir Awais Akhtar


Presented By: Warriors Force


Presenters Azrar Ahmed Chishti Saima Uzma Aslam Asma Husna Nazia Iram Shaheen Awais Jamil Chishti




Sometimes a noun will be the name for something we can touch (e.g., lion, cake, computer), and sometimes a noun will be the name for something we cannot touch (e.g., bravery, mile, joy).

Further Classification of NOUNS in different categories according to definition

P – People : soldier, Asad, cousin, Frenchman. A – Animal : rat, zebra, lion. P – Places : house, London, factory, shelter. A – Action : cooking, barking, reading, listening. M – Measure : - inch - pound – ounce. O – Objects : table - frame - printer S – Substances : nitrogen - water – ice. Q – Qualities : kindness - beauty - bravery - wealth – faith.

Classification of Nouns

Common Noun is general name for the same kind of things, person or places.

Common Nouns are spelled in small letters. ex: friend, city, monument.

Common Nouns

A proper noun is a special name, that names a particular person, place or thing.

A proper noun can be made up of more than one word. Ex: Sunset Palace.

A proper noun always begins with a capital letter.Proper noun include;The names of days of the week: Sunday, Monday, etc.Names of months of the year: January, May, December, etc.

Proper Nouns

Fleck has a friend called Roy. CN PR

Bandung is a beautiful city.PN CN

The Sunset Palace is an old monument.PN CN

K-2 is one of the higest mountain in Pakistan. PN CN

Common Noun vs. Proper Noun


abstract noun is a noun that refers to a quality, idea or feeling. It is a thing that we cannot see or touch, but can only think of, hear or feel it.

Example: Honesty – refers to quality of a person. Belief – refers to idea of a person. Joy – it is on of kind filling of a person.

Another example: bravery, strength, patience, happiness, kindness, friendship, knowlege, etc.

Abstract Nouns

Nouns can be



Abstract nouns often formed from adjectives, verbs and common nouns.

We add suffixes to form abstract nouns.◦ Example:

Dark + ness = darkness Adjectives N. suffixes abstract noun

Observe + action = observation Verb N. suffixes abstract noun

King + ship = king ship C. Noun N. Suffixes abstract noun

Formation of Abstract Nouns

Noun can be formed from a common noun

Common Noun Suffix Abstract Noun

Poet ry Poetry

Human Nity Humanity

Leader ship Leadership

Verb Suffix Abstract Noun

realise tion realisation

punish ment punishment

deny al denial

Abstract Noun can be formed from a verb

Adjective Suffix Abstract Noun

Honest y Honesty

Clear ly Clearly

Kind ness Kindness

Abstract Noun can be formed by adjective

A concrete noun is a noun that refers to a thing that we can both see or touch.

Example : boy, lion, car, tree.

Awais likes to drink coffieProper Noun concrect nouns

Concrete Nouns


Material noun is a substance, a material or an ingredient we can see and touch which is used for making things.

Example : gold, coal, wheat, rubber, etc. Material Noun ussually uncountable noun. Example : This window is made of glass.

Common Noun Material Noun

Material noun become a common noun if there is an article berfore it. e.g.The glass.Or the Noun is in the plural ex: glasses


Metal : iron, gold, platinum, etc.

Products measured in bulk : tea, sugar, rice, wheat, etc.

Geological bodies : mud, sand, granite, rock, etc.

Natural phenomena : rain, dew, clod, frost, mist, etc.

Items manufactured : clothes, soap, rubber, paint, etc.

Group of Material Noun

Honesty is the best policy. Abstract Noun Diamond is known for its hardness. Abstract Noun Jack bought a car. concrete noun The cakes are decorated. Concrete noun The cupboard is made of iron.Material noun My mother made some delicious honey candies. Material noun

Example abstract, concrete, & material nouns.

Compound noun is a noun formed by combining two or more words.

Example : Uzma built a bird houseproper noun Coumpound Noun

Her grandmother live in Olive Brook coumpound noun coumpound Noun


Compound noun maybe written as one word.

Example : birdhouse – bird + housepostcard – post + cardwaterfall – water + fallfootball – foot + ballblackboard- black + board

How to write Coumpound Noun 1

A compound noun maybe written as separate words.

Example : fire stationUnited Kingdomboard of member

How to write Coumpound Noun 2

A coumpound noun may also be written with hyphens joining the words.

Example : great-grandmother five-year-old twenty-one mother-in-law court-matrial paper-clip

How to write Coumpound Noun 3

Collective Nouns Are words that name groups

A noun, such as a herd of litter, wich is the name of a group or collection of the same kind of person, animals or things, i called a collective noun.

Example : Uncle Jim has a herd of cows. collective noun The dog gave birth to a litter of puppies.

collective noun


A flock of sheep a set of tools collective noun CN collective noun CN

A crowd of people a fleet of ships collective noun CN collective noun CN

Example of collective nouns

A Collective noun can be used by it self or along with the noun that it is made up of.

Example : The choir cheered for the group of singers

collective noun collective noun common noun

by it self along with noun

Using Collective Nouns 1

A single Collective Noun can be used for different nouns.

Example : bunchA bunch of flowers CV. N CN

A bunch of grapes CV. N CN

A bunch of keys CV. N CN

Using Collective Nouns 2

Two different collective noun can be used for a single noun.

Example : A bunch of flowers A bouquet of flowers Bunch and bouquet refers to groups of flowers.

Using Collective Nouns 3

Countable nouns Uncountable/Mass Nouns Verbal/ Gerund ( cook+ing) Possessive nouns ( dog’s house) Singular Nouns Plural Nouns

Some other types of nouns

Complete Summery

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