nubomedia webinar

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NUBOMEDIA WebinarOctober

Table of contents

1. Introduction2. NUBOMEDIA development3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS4. Let's get to work5. Summary

Table of contents

1. Introduction− Review− What is NUBOMEDIA?− References

2. NUBOMEDIA development3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS4. Let's get to work5. Summary

1. IntroductionReview−Kurento is a media server and a set of APIs aimed to create applications with advance media capabilities−The building blocks for applications are named media elements, chained into media pipelines

1. IntroductionWhat is NUBOMEDIA?−NUBOMEDIA is an open source PaaS (Platform as a Service) based on Kurento−NUBOMEDIA exposes to developers the ability of deploying and leveraging applications with media capabilities

1. IntroductionReferences−Home page−Developers guide−GitHub organization−Support for developers!forum/nubomedia-dev

Table of contents

1. Introduction2. NUBOMEDIA development

− Architecture− Media API− Kurento vs NUBOMEDIA apps

3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS4. Let's get to work5. Summary

2. NUBOMEDIA developmentArchitecture−The Architecture in NUBOMEDIA is the same than in Kurento

• Three-tier model (inspired in the Web)

Client Application Server Media Server


2. NUBOMEDIA developmentArchitecture−Like every application with media capabilities, it is important to distinguish between the media and signaling plane

Client Application Server Media Server




2. NUBOMEDIA developmentMedia API−Kurento Media API allows to Java developers consume the media services provided by Kurento Media Server (KMS)−Concepts:

• Media Element• Media Pipeline

2. NUBOMEDIA developmentMedia API−KMS instances are provided elastically by NUBOMEDIA

• The number of available KMS instances depends on the PaaS Manager configuration

−Each KMS has a total amount of available points to create Media Pipelines and Media Elements

• The total points depends on the number of VCPUs of the KMS• The type of the instance can be selected on the PaaS Manager


Instance type # VCPUs KMS pointsMedium 2 200

Large 4 400

2. NUBOMEDIA developmentKurento vs NUBOMEDIA apps1.Maven dependencies <dependency>

<groupId>org.kurento</groupId> <artifactId>kurento-client</artifactId></dependency>

<dependency> <groupId>de.fhg.fokus.nubomedia</groupId> <artifactId>nubomedia-media-client</artifactId></dependency>

<dependency> <groupId>org.kurento</groupId> <artifactId>kurento-client</artifactId></dependency>

In Kurento apps, we need the kurento-client library to handle KMS from the Java logic

In NUBOMEDIA apps, we need to include also the nubomedia-media-client to discover KMSs within the NUBOMEDIA PaaS

2. NUBOMEDIA developmentKurento vs NUBOMEDIA apps2.Instance of KurentoClient

int sessionPoints = 25; // Chose a convenient value for your pipelineProperties properties = new Properties();properties.add("loadPoints", sessionPoints);KurentoClient kurentoClient = KurentoClient.create(properties);

@Beanpublic KurentoClient kurentoClient() { return KurentoClient.create();}

@Autowiredprivate KurentoClient kurento;

In Kurento, KMS is controlled by an single instance of KurentoClient (for example a Spring Bean)

In NUBOMEDIA, each new media session should create an instance of KurentoClient. The points mechanism is used to locate or create KMS instances (scaling in/out)

2. NUBOMEDIA developmentKurento vs NUBOMEDIA apps3.Deployment: Dockerfile

In Kurento, no Dokerfile is required (deployment is managed by hand)

In NUBOMEDIA, a Dokerfile file is required

FROM nubomedia/apps-baseimage:src


ADD . /home/nubomedia

ENTRYPOINT cd /home/nubomedia && mvn spring-boot:run

Table of contents

1. Introduction2. NUBOMEDIA development3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS

− Introduction− PaaS GUI

4. Let's get to work5. Summary

3. NUBOMEDIA PaaSIntroduction−The NUBOMEDIA PaaS manager is a tool aimed to control the way in which the NUBOMEDIA applications are built and deployed inside the NUBOMEDIA PaaS−The capabilities provided by the Paas Manager can be used by developers using the PaaS GUI:

• The PaaS Manager GUI is a web application that allows to use the NUBOMEDIA PaaS Manager

3. NUBOMEDIA PaaSIntroduction−Internally, the NUBOMEDIA PaaS uses Docker containers to deploy applications−Therefore it is a requirement to include a Dockerfile in GitHub repository to be deployed on NUBOMEDIA−Example:

FROM nubomedia/apps-baseimage:src


ADD . /home/nubomedia

ENTRYPOINT cd /home/nubomedia && mvn spring-boot:run

PaaS GUI−Web application to manage NUBOMEDIA applications


Credentials needed to login

3. NUBOMEDIA PaaSPaaS GUI−A NUBOMEDIA application can be deployed using the PaaS GUI−It is done providing the GitHub repository URL and a set of configuration parameters

PaaS GUI−Most important configuration values:


KMS host type:-Medium = 2 VCPUs (200 points)-Large = 4 VCPUs (400 points)

Number of KMSs

GitHub URL repository

Table of contents

1. Introduction2. NUBOMEDIA development3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS4. Let's get to work

− Introduction− Server-side− Client-side− Deployment

5. Summary

4. Let's get to workIntroduction−Devil is in the details, and so, we are going to see a complete NUBOMEDIA step by step−This application is the nubomedia-magic-mirror tutorial

4. Let's get to workServer-side−We recommend Spring-Boot as the base technology for NUBOMEDIA applications

• Spring-Boot embeds a Tomcat server in a simple seamless way for developers

• The application is packaged as a runnable JAR, and when this JAR is executed, the Tomcat server is started and the web application automatically deployed

−We recommend Maven as for managing the life-cycle and managing the dependencies of our applications

4. Let's get to workServer-side−The first step is to clone GitHub repository

−We recommend use an IDE to develop applications. For example, Eclipse (importing app as Maven project)

git clone

4. Let's get to workServer-side−First step is understand the pom.xml file:

<parent> <groupId>org.kurento</groupId> <artifactId>kurento-parent-pom</artifactId> <version>6.6.0</version></parent>

<plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin></plugins>

Inherit from kurento-parent-pom makes simpler our pom.xml by reusing versions defined in the parent

We can use the spring-boot Maven plugin to simplify the packaging as executable JAR

4. Let's get to workServer-side

<dependencies> <!-- Spring --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-websocket</artifactId> </dependency>

<!-- Kurento --> <dependency> <groupId>org.kurento</groupId> <artifactId>kurento-client</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.kurento</groupId> <artifactId>kurento-utils-js</artifactId> </dependency>

<!-- Nubomedia --> <dependency> <groupId>de.fhg.fokus.nubomedia</groupId> <artifactId>nubomedia-media-client</artifactId> <version>${nubomedia-media-client.version}</version> </dependency>

Dependencies clause is one of the most important. Notice that our app depends on Spring, Kurento, NUBOMEDIA and WebJars (for the client-side)

4. Let's get to workServer-side−We need to define also the way in which signaling is going to work in our application−For the shake of simplicity, we use a raw WebSocket between the server and client side−We need to define the messages exchanged to carry out the communication about client and server









Starts a media session

ICE candidates (WebRTC negotiation)

Stops a media session

Error cases

4. Let's get to workServer-side−The class diagram of our application is the following:




Main class

Message handler (signaling)

User session (session id, media logic)

4. Let's get to workServer-side

@SpringBootApplication@EnableWebSocketpublic class MagicMirrorApp implements WebSocketConfigurer {

@Bean public MagicMirrorHandler handler() { return new MagicMirrorHandler(); }

@Override public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.addHandler(handler(), "/magicmirror"); }

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new SpringApplication(MagicMirrorApp.class).run(args); }}

MagicMirrorApp defines the Spring-Boot application and the WebSocket used for signaling ("/magicmirror", managed by MagicMirrorHandler)

4. Let's get to workServer-sidepublic class MagicMirrorHandler extends TextWebSocketHandler {

private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, UserSession> users = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

@Override public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws Exception { JsonObject jsonMessage = new GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(message.getPayload(), JsonObject.class); switch (jsonMessage.get("id").getAsString()) { case "start": start(session, jsonMessage); break; case "stop": release(session); break; case "onIceCandidate": onIceCandidate(session, jsonMessage); break; default: error(session, "Invalid message with id " + jsonMessage.get("id").getAsString()); break; } }

MagicMirrorHandler manages signaling messages. It keeps a collection of user sessions (thread-safe map users)

4. Let's get to workServer-sidepublic class UserSession {

public String startSession(final WebSocketSession session, String sdpOffer) { // One KurentoClient instance per session (reserving points per session) Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.add("loadPoints", POINTS_PER_SESSION); kurentoClient = KurentoClient.create(properties);

// Media logic (pipeline and media elements connectivity) mediaPipeline = kurentoClient.createMediaPipeline(); webRtcEndpoint = new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(mediaPipeline).build(); FaceOverlayFilter faceOverlayFilter = new FaceOverlayFilter.Builder(mediaPipeline).build(); faceOverlayFilter.setOverlayedImage("", -0.35F, -1.2F, 1.6F, 1.6F); webRtcEndpoint.connect(faceOverlayFilter); faceOverlayFilter.connect(webRtcEndpoint);

// WebRTC negotiation String sdpAnswer = webRtcEndpoint.processOffer(sdpOffer); webRtcEndpoint.gatherCandidates();

return sdpAnswer; }

UserSession handles media logic (media pipeline, media elements, WebRTC negotiation…)

4. Let's get to workServer-side−As of Chrome 47, access to user media can only be done by secure apps (HTTPS), and so, it is needed a Java keystore

server.port: 8443server.ssl.key-store: classpath:keystore.jksserver.ssl.key-store-password: kurentoserver.ssl.keyStoreType: JKSserver.ssl.keyAlias: kurento-selfsigned

4. Let's get to workClient-side <!-- WebJars -->

<dependency> <groupId>org.webjars</groupId> <artifactId>webjars-locator</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars.bower</groupId> <artifactId>demo-console</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars.bower</groupId> <artifactId>adapter.js</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars.bower</groupId> <artifactId>jquery</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars.bower</groupId> <artifactId>ekko-lightbox</artifactId> </dependency></dependencies>

…Client-side dependencies are handled by Maven

WebJars allows to declare client-side dependencies (i.e. CSS and JavaScript libraries) also in the pom.xml. These libraries are used linked in the HTML client-side pages

4. Let's get to workClient-side−The app has been implemented as a SPA (single page application) which contains a single HTML

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="webjars/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="webjars/ekko-lightbox/dist/ekko-lightbox.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="webjars/demo-console/index.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">

<script src="webjars/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="webjars/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script><script src="webjars/ekko-lightbox/dist/ekko-lightbox.min.js"></script><script src="webjars/adapter.js/adapter.js"></script><script src="webjars/demo-console/index.js"></script><script src="js/kurento-utils.js"></script><script src="js/index.js"></script><title>NUBOMEDIA Tutorial: WebRTC Magic Mirror</title></head>

JavaScript/CSS are linked here. Using Bootstrap to provide responsive design

4. Let's get to workClient-side−A JavaScript file contains the client-side logic (message handling and WebRtcPeer use)

var ws = new WebSocket('wss://' + + '/magicmirror');

ws.onmessage = function(message) { var parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; switch ( { case 'startResponse': startResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'error': onError("Error message from server: " + parsedMessage.message); stop(false); break; case 'iceCandidate': webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(parsedMessage.candidate, function(error) { if (error) return console.error("Error adding candidate: " + error); }); break; // ... }}

4. Let's get to workClient-side−A JavaScript file contains the client-side logic (message handling and WebRtcPeer use)

var webRtcPeer;

function start() { var options = { localVideo : videoInput, remoteVideo : videoOutput, onicecandidate : onIceCandidate } webRtcPeer = new kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv(options, function(error) { if (error) { return console.error(error); } webRtcPeer.generateOffer(onOffer); });}

4. Let's get to workDeployment−We need a Dockerfile to deploy our app

FROM nubomedia/apps-baseimage:src


ADD . /home/nubomedia

ENTRYPOINT cd /home/nubomedia && mvn exec:java

4. Let's get to workDeployment−Finally we can deploy our app in the NUBOMEDIA PaaS:

4. Let's get to workDeployment−The app changes its state, from CREATED to RUNNING (it takes a couple of minutes to finish):

4. Let's get to workDeployment−We can trace two types of logs: build and app

I0708 12:51:02.335080 1 builder.go:41] $BUILD env var is {"kind":"Build","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{...} I0708 12:51:02.423366 1 source.go:96] git ls-remote --headsI0708 12:51:02.423547 1 repository.go:275] Executing git ls-remote --headsI0708 12:51:04.931566 1 source.go:189] Cloning source from


Image already existslatest: digest: sha256:24ac51ca448edfb1582f0bffc990c95506065f0aa26d5b295d1cb32d35ce2dfe size: 49623I0708 12:54:31.392578 1 docker.go:99] Push successful

4. Let's get to workDeployment−We can trace two types of logs: build and app[INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO] [INFO] ----------------------------------------[INFO] Building NUBOMEDIA Java Tutorial - Magic Mirror 6.5.0[INFO] ----------------------------------------[INFO] [INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.4.0:java (default-cli) @ nubomedia-magic-mirror --- `.-:////:-.` -+shmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhs/- `/ymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms/` -smmmmmmmmyo+/:----:/+ohmmmmmmmms. -ymmmmmmy+. -+hmmmmmmy. -------` `ommmmmd+` .+dmmmmmo +oooooo- .hmmmmm+ `ommmmmh` +oooooo- .dmmmmh. ``````` +oooooo- sdddddds `dmmmmy .dhhhhhh. ```````` smmmmmmy ./+osyysymmmmy .mmmmmmm. smmmmmmy `:sdmmmmmmmmmmmmd` .mmmmmmm. -----` +yyyyyy+ `+dmmmmmmdhyyyhdmm+ .hhhhhhh. ooooo- -------- -dmmmmmy:` `:` ooooo- .----. oooooooo` -mmmmmy. .....` hmmmms oooooooo` dmmmms yhd- hmmmms oooooooo` :mmmmm` syy- /++++: :::::::: /mmmmm `mmmmm/ -ss: os` os` -s/ -ssssss+- .+syys+. -//. ://` .::///- -/////:. // .//` +mmmmm: :mdm/ hm. hm. /mo :my---/mm`:md:..:dm/ /o+o` -o+o` /o:.```` :o:``.:o+ oo `o/++ smmmmh :ms:m+ ym. hm. /mo :mh+++smo ym/ :mh /o.o: `o/:o`.oo:::::. :o- /o- oo +o`.o/ /mmmh :ms :moym. hm. /mo :my:::+mh sm+ /my /o.-o./o`/o`.oo.....` :o- +o- oo /o+//+o: `odh :ms -mmm. +my::/dm- :my///omm`.dm+::+mm- /o. +oo: /o` :o/----. :o/---/o/ oo -o:..../o. - .+: .++` ./+++:` .++++++:` `:+oo+:` .-` `-- .-` `-----. .------` -- -- `--

...2016-07-08 12:55:32.702 INFO 6 --- [irrorApp.main()] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8443 (https)2016-07-08 12:55:32.713 INFO 6 --- [irrorApp.main()] e.n.tutorial.magicmirror.MagicMirrorApp : Started MagicMirrorApp in 10.529 seconds (JVM running for 31.135)

Deployment−Ta da!

4. Let's get to work

Table of contents

1. Introduction2. NUBOMEDIA development3. NUBOMEDIA PaaS4. Let's get to work5. Summary

− Things to remember for NUBOMEDIA apps

5. SummaryThings to remember for NUBOMEDIA apps−From a high level point of view:

• The media-api concepts (media pipelines, media elements) are exactly the same in NUBOMEDIA

• The NUBOMEDIA PaaS is going to provide elastically instances of KMSs to our application

−From a low level point of view:1. We need to add the nubomedia-media-client dependency2. We need to create a KurentoClient instance per media

session in order to inform the PaaS when KMSs are required3. We need a Dockerfile to configure the execution point of our


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