二 卷一考試範圍 - ktmc.edu.hk · 1. 詞語朗讀 (課文:第1 至4 課) 2. 句子朗讀...

Post on 30-Oct-2019






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Form 1

Subject Mid–year Exam Syllabuses


一. 考試類型


1 閱讀理解 2 讀本問題及文化問答 3 其他語文知識:標點符號、詞類、




乙部口試:個人短講 (準備時間:10 分鐘、短講時間:1 分 30 秒)

二. 卷一考試範圍

題目形式 考試內容

1. 閱讀理解 單元一記敍的要素和方法——人生多變幻




單元二敍事寫人——家傳戶曉的人物 1. 學習從事件分析人物的特點。

2. 從上文下理推測詞義、理解文意。




單元一至三: 綜合運用閱讀能力:掌握作者的思想感情;掌握思想內容,提出評價和


2. 課文及

文化問答 課文問答:單元二《岳飛之少年時代》、《木蘭辭》、《平民總統孫中山》

*** 此部份主要考問以上篇章的內容分析、寫作手法及主旨立意。





校本古代名句選讀:(一)報國 1. 任大者思遠,思遠者忘近。

2. 利於國者愛之,害於國者惡之。 3. 但凡愛國之心,人不可不有;若不知本國文字、歷史,即不能生愛國心也。 4. 苟可以強國,不法其敵;苟可以利民,不循其禮。 5. 丈夫貴兼濟,豈獨善一身?

《論語選讀》(二) 孝與信

1. 子曰:「弟子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信, 泛愛眾而親仁。行有餘力,則以學

文。」(P7 第 3 條)

2. 子曰:「事父母幾諫,見志不從,又敬不違,勞而不怨。」( P43 第 17 條)

3. 子曰:「父母之年不可不知也,一則以喜,一則以懼。」 (P46 第 18 條)


4. 子曰:「人而無信,不知其可也。大車無輗,小車無軏,其何以行之哉?」

(P28 第 11 條)

5. 子曰:「君子恥其言而過其行。」(P134 第 52 條)

3. 語文知識 單元一:

1. 標點符號: 頓號、逗號、句號。

2. 語法:名詞、動詞。

3. 文言詞匯:虛詞(之、以)、單音節詞。

文言知識庫 P.1.31-1.33 語文運用 P.1.40-1.42


1. 詞匯:成語。

2. 標點符號:問號、歎號。

3. 語法:形容詞。

4. 文言詞匯:虛詞(也、所、安)、一字多音。

文言知識庫 P.2.14-2.15,P.2.30-2.31 語文運用 P.2.39-2.41


1. 標點符號: 冒號、引號、括號。

2. 語法:副詞、語氣助詞。

3. 修辭:反語。

4. 文言詞匯:一詞多義。

文言知識庫 P.3.20-3.21 語文運用 P.3.32-3.38



Part I: General English

A. Vocabulary

- Longman Edge JS1A – Unit 2 Up-and-coming Sports, Unit 4 Ken’s World

- English vocab book – Units 2 and 4

B. Grammar

- Tenses (Grammar and Usage Chapter 1-4) and the passive voice (vocab book p. 4

and supplementary worksheets)

- Prefixes (Longman Edge JS1A p. 29)

- Grammar and Usage

Chapter 6: wh-questions

Chapter 13: subject and object pronouns

Chapter 14: Possessives

Chapter 15: Reflexive pronouns

Chapter 17: This, that, these, those and there + be

Chapter 19: Describing things and actions

- Revision notes (Units 2 and 4)

- Sentence Patterns

Book A: 3: It’s time for sb. to + V, 7: expect + sb. + to V

Book B: 1: For example/ For instance, …, 15: Like + N , S + V

- Recite dictation: Longman Edge JS1A – Units 2 and 4 (refer to the revision notes)

Part II: Reading Comprehension

There will be two reading passages. Skills tested include:


(i) choosing or writing the correct answers,

(ii) answering questions in complete sentence or short sentences

(iii) skimming for general idea,

(iv) scanning for specific information.

*Marks will be deducted if you copy chunks of irrelevant materials from the passage, or

make grammatical mistakes in your answers.

Do revision on Longman Edge JS1A – Units 2 and 4, Sentence Patterns Books A 3, 7, B

1, 15, and Grammar and Usage Chapters 1-4, 6, 13-15, 17, 19.


Listening: 60 minutes

Part A: Listening for Information

Part B: Extended Task (Integrated Listening and Reading and Writing Tasks)

Bring pencils to jot notes and ball pens for the answers

Writing: 40 minutes

There are 2 topics for you to choose in your writing paper. Write only ONE. You

should follow all the instructions in the task. Make sure you write enough words and

all the words are neatly written. Your original ideas help you get more marks. The

marks are given according to the content, the language and the organisation.

You can choose from writing a blog entry or an article.

Oral: Approximately 5 minutes for each student

There are 3 parts in this paper

Part A: Phonics (read all the words in the paper and pay attention to those vowel

sounds, consonants and blends) (Bridging Programme)

Part B: Reading an unseen passage and a paragraph from Edge unit 2 and 4

aloud (marks will be awarded for audibility, pronunciation, expressiveness,

intonation, fluency and pace)

Part C: One-minute Presentation (more instructions will be given by Mr. Ellis)


Top ten tips for studying efficiently

1. Start revising early—you should start now! Revise little and often—don’t cram at the

last minute!

2. Create a reasonable revision timetable.

3. Study somewhere quiet. Get your room organized.

4. Read your revision notes out loud into the voice recorder in your phone. Listen to

Eng the recordings.

5. Try some revision games, e.g. play spelling games with your friends.

6. Use past exam papers. They can be found in Google Classroom. Understand the

exam format. Identify common question types and develop strategies to tackle


7. Stick post-it notes with key vocab items around your home.

8. Ask for help from your friends or teachers if you’re in need.

9. Take regular breaks. Exercise, sleep and eat well.

Stay positive. Be confident in yourself!

Maths Chapter 0 Basic Mathematics

Chapter 1 Directed Numbers

Chapter 2 Using Algebra to Solve Problems(I)

Chapter 3 Using Algebra to Solve Problems(II)

Chapter 4 Introduction to Geometry

Chapter 5 Percentages(I)

Chapter 6 Estimation in Numbers and Measurement

Extended Chapter 1 Index notation

PTH 一.口試形式 (考試前兩至三週上課時間內進行)

1. 詞語朗讀 (課文:第 1 至 4 課)

2. 句子朗讀 (課文及句型:第 1 至 4 課)

3. 短講一分鐘 (題目由老師當場二選其一,學生須作一分鐘的演說,少於 50 秒會被扣分;



1. 談談我的中學生活

2. 談談如何保護校園環境

三‧筆試 (40 分鐘)

1. 聆聽判斷、聆聽理解、語音知識

2. 範圍:普通話的四聲、輕聲;單韻母:(a,o,e,i,u,ü,ê,er);聲母:(b,p,m 雙唇音)、(f 唇齒

音)、(d,t,n,l 舌尖中音)、(g,k,h 舌根音)、(j,q,x 舌面音)、(zh,ch,sh,r 舌尖後音)、(z,c,s

舌 尖前音);以及課文(第一至第四課)所有內容。


例:1. 媽 --- m(a)

2. 他 --- (t)a

3. Pǔ tōng huà --- 普通話

4. 孝順 --- xiào shù




考生應熟讀 1.《探索中國史 1》(第二版)(甲部課程)

2. 習作簿

3.全級統一派發之工作紙及答案 (四) 至 (七)

4.全級統一小測(五) 至 (九)


第 1 節:西周的封建(P.40-42,p.44-45) 、習作簿( p.17 問答題 1 兩次分封宗室的作用、

問答題 2)

第 2 節:春秋諸侯爭霸(P.46-50) 、習作簿(p.21 問答題 1) 、注釋 16

第 3 節:戰國七雄競爭(P.54-57,p.59)、注釋 25、26、28


第 1 節:秦帝國的建立(p.71-72)






1.西周的封建兩次分封宗室的作用習作簿( p.17 問答題 1 兩次分封宗室的作用

2.禮樂、井田制度 (p.42);習作簿( p.17 問答題 2)

3.春秋五霸(p.48「五霸中」至 p.49「各霸一方」、習作簿(p.21 問答題 1)

4.合縱與連環(p.56-p.57、注釋 24)

5.秦統一中國的原因(P.72(1) 政治的改革、(2)經濟的發展)

考生須自備 HB 鉛筆填寫選擇題答案

History The Life and Living Skills of the Early Man

Life in the early Nile Valley Civilisation

(all worksheets and exercises)

I.S. Science for the New Century 1A

Unit 1 to Unit 3

Page 1 – Page 212


Using urban space wisely

Unit 1.1 Where do you live?

Unit 1.2 What are the major types of urban land use in Hong Kong?

Unit 1.3 Where is our Central Business District?

Unit 1.4 Why are some residential areas near industrial areas in Hong Kong?

Unit 1.6 What problems is our city facing? (P. 49 – 52 ONLY)

Latitudes and Longitudes


Map reading skills:

1. What are aerial photos, plans and maps?

2. How can we show objects on a map using conventional signs?

3. How can we locate a place using grid references?

4. How can we use compass point and whole-circle bearing to show directions on




個人成長 (工作紙 1-7)

個人成長 (書:全本)

PE 1. Rugby

2. Athletics

a) Crouch start

b) Sprinting

3. Common PE knowledge

4. Health-related fitness

VA Theme: Western paintings and drawings (basic knowledge and visual elements)

Textbooks: ‘Visual Arts 1 Still Life Drawing’ and ‘Visual Arts – Appreciation 1: Western painting’


1. subject matter;

2. medium;

3. visual elements:

(a) lines;

(b) perspective (one-point perspective, two-point perspective) and relation with space

Marks setting:

Part A: Picture Analysis --- analysis pictures according to different subject matters

Part B: Art knowledge --- fill in the blanks (words provided)

Part C: Art Appreciation --- appreciation of 2 pictures

Part D: Art Making --- draw picture/ add objects in perspective style



Unit 1: Metre

1. Three Types of Simple Metre: Simple Duple, Simple Triple and Simple Quadruple Metre

2. Understand Time Signatures

Unit 2: Rhythm

1. Identify Various Rhythmic Patterns

2. Name of Musical Notes

3. Understand the Time Value of Musical Notes

4. Beaming of notes

Music Unit 3: Melody

1. Understand Various Major Keys

2. Three Types of Melodic Progression

Worksheet 1, 2, 3 and 4

Information about the School Song and the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China

General Musical Knowledge

**Revision materials in eClass or Google Classroom

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