令和元年度 理工学部 国際研修...friends and my roommates, who are two japanese students,...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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理工学部 国際研修

1 目的

派遣先機関(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(以下、UBC)English Language


調査・議論・発表等を通じて 3週間英語漬けになりながら、UBCの学生が企画





2 研修実施場所

University of British Columbia (UBC)の English Language Institute (ELI)



3 旅行日程

9月 8日(日):

出国 成田-バンクーバー(AC004 16:50-9:25)

9月 9日(月)~9月 27日(金):

国際研修 ブリティッシュコロンビア大学


9月 28日(土):

帰国 バンクーバー-成田(AC003 13:50-15:50)

日本着 9月 29日

4 参加者

3名(3年生 1名,2年生 1名,1年生 1名)

Window to the world

S0319033 Kanako Watanabe


This training is mainly for 2nd and 3rd year university students, but I decided to

challenge as a 1st year university student. I have two main reasons about this trip.

First, I wanted to improve my English-speaking skills. I believed that homestay and ELI, where I

could speak English all day long, would develop practical English skills. Second, I would also like

to visit the Nitobe Memorial Garden and TRIUMF in UBC. I respect Dr. Inazo Nitobe, the ancestor

of local Morioka. I came to want to go to Canada, another hometown of his pioneering

international. In the future, I want to be a researcher in accelerator research. I thought it was

important to look to the world while young so that we could have a natural and concrete discussion

with researchers around the world.


At first, I was so nervous that we can speak only English in ELI, but I gradually enjoyed speaking

English. Our class is interesting because we impressed each other. Everyone studied hard and

sociable students, and even more the conversation is playing out of classes.

Katherine and Patricia, my teachers, made our class smiling. There were various things that we

worked on in class, such as talking with guests, interviewing with UBC students, presentation,

going to museum or garden and so on, all of which were rewarding. Rather than listening to the

teacher's story unilaterally, there was a lot of fieldwork and discussion, so I enjoyed learning

English. Many Japanese are shy to speak English and even those who take 60% to 70% in

university secondary exams say "I can't speak English". However we ask questions immediately if

we are not sure. I felt that the consciousness of “Ignorance or Mistakes are embarrassing” that many

Japanese have had diminished.

The most interesting topic I have dealt with in class is Food.

I researched Ocean Wise. Ocean Wise is an environmental conservation program that began with

the Vancouver Aquarium with the aim of encouraging consumers to choose sustainable seafood. I

thought that Japan should be learned because it is surrounded by the sea and marine resources are


As learning outside class, I went to TRIUMF. TRIUMF is Canada’s particle accelerator centre

established in 1968 in Vancouver. The world's most advanced research facility is very interesting,

and my desire to research accelerator physics has grown stronger.

In fact, I didn’t plan to go there. Of course, I wanted to go and

study when I leave Japan, but I lost confidence that it might be

too difficult for me to understand even everyday conversation.

At that time, I heard that my classmates had talked to UBC

professors. He said, “It was difficult, but I went there because it

was a great opportunity.” I was decided to go because I was

backed by the ability to actively participate outside ELI. I not only heard explanations but also tried

to ask some questions in this tour.


I experienced homestay for the first time. However, I was not nervous because my roommates were

Japanese and my host family seemed to like Japan. My host family encouraged me independence

such as preparing my breakfast and lunch by myself. The work of homestay students is washing

dishes and cleaning own room. David, my host father, is a busy person, so I tried to greet him such

as thanks or good morning. He treated me as an adult in a family that would not be over-managed if

I followed some house rules. What I like most is that his dishes are delicious! He cooked dinner

almost every day, they were good taste and healthy, so I was happy to love eating. I felt that

Canadian food and menus have many choices for consumers, such as fine nutrition labeling and the

Ocean Wise Mark and Vegetarian Mark. This was thought to reflect the fact that Canada is a

multiethnic country.


I enjoyed sightseeing very much. I’m sightseeing every day. I felt Vancouver was a

nice location to live because it is a big city but easy access to nature. Downtown

faced the sea and was able to go the beach on my way my home from school. Also,

I could go to North Vancouver in about an hour by bus, so I took a trail walk on the

Capilano Suspension Bridge on holidays. I also went to museums because my

hobbies are visiting museums. I think it is very good as a town design that cultural

facilities are not far from the city. Actually, I have been to go to Boston once when I

was a high school student. At that time, I talked to a person who was designing the city of Boston.

He told me that it was important that cultural and educational facilities were easy to reach. I realized

that Boston is as easy to live as Vancouver and has similarities in a town design.

My favorite place in Vancouver is CANADA PLACE and I went

there six times. There is a harbor in Vancouver where a different

luxury liner stays almost every day. I like it because it maintains a

beautiful sea despite its proximity to the developed city.

UBC has a lot of facility so we can enjoy enough in only UBC.

There were large garden and library and museums of various

genres such as biology, anthropology, earth science and art.

There was also a Nitobe Memorial Garden in UBC,

There was a small river and a large pond, and I felt as if it

were imitating the Nakatsu River and Morioka Castle moat

pond. Everyone who come there was relaxed, enjoying tea

and writing something on the bench. My teacher also said

that he liked it because it was calm and nice, and I was glad

that many people loved him. On the second weekend, I went to Victoria to visit a place related to

Inazo Nitobe. The person I most respected is Inazo Nitobe. He was born in

Morioka and spent his last time in Victoria. From such a connection, Morioka

and Victoria are sister cities now. In Victoria, I visited Royal Jubilee Hospital

and Beacon Hill Park to see stone monuments and statues. The vertical ones

were in the hospital and the horizontal ones were in UBC. As you can see from

the photos, both are written in Japanese. There is also a monument written in

Morioka Castle Ruins Park that says, “Negahakuha Ware Taiheiyou no Hashi

to Naran”. The park in center of Morioka has been a playground since

childhood, and Dr. Inazo is also familiar. I was thrilled to see a familiar word

from a long time ago in Canada.

By the way, I had a big happening in Victoria. My

smartphone was out of charge. I was very impatient

because it happened in Victoria with no intuition.

(Vancouver-Victoria has few means of transportation. I

was able to come back after asking various people about

the time and the way, but I hope that those who go next

year should not mistake the mobile battery cable.

【Miscellaneous things】

In this part, I will write some miscellaneous things that I felt in living.

First, Canadian has high interest in the environment. We have to separate garbage in Canada. In

Japan, we also separate garbage, but I think that only a few Japanese who are aware of what is good

for the environment by separating waste. On other occasions, we interviewed demonstrators who

complained about climate change in the last class. Many students (approximately 100,000 citizens)

participated in this movement, and I felt that the people in Vancouver had their own opinions on

climate change. In Japan, there seem to be many people who think environmental problems are not

related to me, so I was surprised at the difference in consciousness with the world.

And then, Canadian is polite. Many Canadians I met in town helped me when I lost my way or

made a mistake in the bus. I would like to help if there is a foreigner who is in trouble in Japan.

Vancouver's public transport was convenient, so I could go anywhere by only bus and Sky train. It

was impressive to talk to the driver when getting on or off the

bus. I felt that living in Canada has a lot of things that make you

smile naturally in your daily life.


Before I traveled, I was worried about what to do if I couldn't

make friends because I couldn't speak English, or what if I couldn't get along with my host family.

But there was nothing special about good relationships with people. You can get along if you talk

and you can't be friends if you don't talk. As a matter of course, there may be some people who are

concerned about this and cannot step out of overseas training. As mentioned earlier, Canadians are

polite and kind, so if you are worried, I recommend Canada for your first study abroad.

One is what I have earned in this trip is aggressiveness. For example, I found a person who likes the

same character as me on the bus, talked to them, and became friends. Even if it is a little difficult

for me, I will try to challenge anything as long as it helps me actively. The other thing I learned was

to respect diversity. Canada is a multi-ethnic country, I met various people. In Canada, I think one

of the ideas is to express “Japanese” and “Canadian” instead of “foreigners”.

I found the problem that my vocabulary is poor. I couldn't convey what I wanted

to say well, and I felt frustrated many times. I think that it is necessary to be

accustomed and courageous in order to be able to have a simple conversation, but

vocabulary was indispensable to express what I really wanted to say and detailed

differences. It ’s just my opinion, I felt that English is a tool and I should learn

words that are the basis for conversation before going abroad. The ability to train

in local life is whether the words that I have can be used momentarily and

appropriately, and I strongly felt that the growth rate would change significantly

by preparing in advance. I would like to further improve my English learning and

try to study abroad again.


S0718052 多田毬央





必要となる ETA への支払いもクレジットカードが必要だったので、研修へ行









・英語力強化のため、前期に TOEIC 講座を受講


ためであれば、TOEIC 対策よりも実践英語のディスカッション形式の授業の





大学の中に ELI と呼ばれる留学生用の施設があり、通常の授業はそこで行われ









とが英語の学習にも必要。平日も 3 時半以降は授業がなく、ファミリーの元へ

帰るなり観光へ行くなりできる。ELI では放課後や休日にクラブ活動やツアー



なる。UBC には様々な国出身の生徒が在校しているので、いろんな国の文化



ファミリーの家族構成は父母子供 2 人の 4 人家族。子供といっても、自分より






は普通に現地のレストランに行くより美味しかった。ホームステイ前まで 1 番




服をある程度ためてから一度にするので、洗濯機が使えたのは週に 1 回。衣類

は 1 週間分に少し余裕を持たせて持ってくるか、せっかくなので、観光ついで



バンクーバー及びその周辺には、3 週間では回り切れないほどの観光地があ


を聞いて、計画をたてると良い。ELI のツアーはどれも人気ですぐに定員オー






だけでも 4 時間かかる。休日丸一日つかってもできることがかなり限られた。









Global and precious experience in Canada

S0617054 Yuki Hosokawa

I joined the International training taken place in UBC(stands for University of British

Columbia) in Canada, Vancouver. I’ll describe three topics about this program below.

[1] My goals of this program

At first, my motive for joining this program is that I don’t have an opportunity to speak

English with native speakers in Japan. Lately, English is essential to get new information

about academic subjects and to communicate with most people all over the world. Therefore,

I decided to join it so as to improve my English skills.

I thought of my goal of this program before I go there. They’re shown below.

I’ll explain each of them.

[1] My goals of this program

[2] My experiences in this program

[3] Conclusion

- To get new vocabulary as many as possible

- To speak English aggressively

- To experience different culture

(- To get new vocabulary as many as possible)

As the way to find English words I haven’t known yet, I use English word book published by

a company dealing with how to study English mainly. Exactly, it’s one of good ways to find

new vocabulary and study English, but it’s honestly a little bit boring. On such a ground, I

wanted to find new vocabulary in the place where English is practically used, for example the

museum, the store, the university, and so on. In order to find new vocabulary being

stimulated by native environment surrounded by English, I set up this goal.

(- To speak English aggressively)

As mentioned previously, I don’t have an opportunity to speak English with native speakers

in Japan. So, this program is good opportunity to do that. Typically, in the environment to

which we don’t get accustomed we hesitate to attempt to do something new. However, in

order to improve my English, I must attempt to speak English with someone I meet first in

such an environment. Therefore, I set up this goal and I decided to take advantage of this


(- To experience different culture)

This program was actually the first time I went abroad. So, I was so interested in the culture

in foreign countries and I was looking forward to discovering cultural difference and

similarity like food and lifestyle. I can experience different culture in various place for

example the town, the store and the house of host family. Owing to just my interest, I came

up with this goal.

[2] My experiences in this program

In this program, I met many people and learned many things and experienced numerous

things, and it was often rainy during my stay, but I enjoyed some activity after class and on

weekends. I’ll show my meaningful experiences below, dividing into each of situations.

(- Class of UBC ELI)

On September 9th, it’s the first day of this

program. The orientation and the

placement test were done in that day. At

that event, I was nervous and worried about

whether the result of that test goes well.

However, I could speak English with teachers and other students beyond my expectations.

That’s so fun and exciting, so I could comfortably start this program done for three weeks.

We learn topics, that are multiculturalism, food and media/technology, about the culture of

- Class of UBC ELI

- Daily life of homestay

- Activities after class and weekend

Canada in class, and they change every week. Our class is divided into morning class and

afternoon class, and each of them is done from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to

3:45 p.m.

In morning class, we often interviewed CAs (stands for Cultural Assistant) about decided

topics. It was effective activity for English speaking and listening skills. We thought of

questions beforehand and questioned to them. Although we have to think of new questions

in their interview, referring to their remark. Such works were crucible for me, but I could

definitely improve my English skills, especially like bringing up questions from my opinion

and the remark of interviewees in English.

In afternoon class, we often discussed about various contents, such as speech, presentation,

video, summary and so on, in a group. Those topics were related to various topics for example

“advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism”, “proposal to solve the scarcity of water

in the world” “techniques of presentations by UBC’s students” and “the Hidden Gem of UBC”

etc. Speaking English in discussion is more difficult than that in daily conversation because

we sometimes have to handle English words about the expertise in topics and think and state

my opinion as possible as quickly. I had difficulty in it, however I could find some important

points of studying English in this activity. They are the need of English word about the

expertise and the importance of pronunciation. When we use English in Business scene, we

will talk about the specialized topics except for small talk. In order to advance the dialogue

smoothly, we are required to know that words, such as about engineering, economics,

diplomacy and environment. Next, pronunciation is also needed to do so. It actually

happened that I mistook the sound of “th” for that of “s”, like “think” and “sink”. I was pointed

out it. Also, I found some difficult pronunciations for me, such as “squirrel” and “parallel”,

so I will practice English pronunciation from now on.

I could get new knowledge about not only language but also culture and history and new

goal from kind teachers and diligent classmates including Japanese, Brazilian and Columbian,

and I could discover new vocabulary and polish my English skills pleasantly.

(- Daily life of homestay)

I spent wonderful time with my Host family, Host mother Brianna and Host brother Liam.

Both of them are good at cooking, so I was often looking forward to dinner every day. Brianna

has various spices including what I don’t know, and she made Indian curry many times. It

was so delicious. I’m sure that I can’t eat it from now on because I don’t have the knowledge

of spice. Liam is also good at

cooking, but I had few chances of

eating dishes made by him. He is

usually busy of working as a

landscaper. However, I watched

Japanese anime with him and his

friends and my roommates, who are two Japanese students, on one day. And thankfully, on

the day before I left Vancouver, he made nice dinner which contains beefsteaks and baked

potatoes and fried rice.

In the house, there is few easy rules. One is that we should take a shower and do our laundry

from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Another one is that when we left home, we have to lock the door.

In my case, the rules were only these, so I could relax easily in the house and communicate

with Host family and my roommates. Thanks to their hospitality, I could spend my school life

comfortably and experience nice foreign lifestyle.

(- Activities after class and weekend)

There are many activities prepared by UBC-

ELI in this program. And, I aggressively joined

in some activities, such as Downtown Tour and

Ice hockey Game Watching. Besides these

activities, I went to two museums in class and

another museum after class by myself. To begin

with, I’ll write about museums. I was interested

in museums in Vancouver because they’re so

large scale, even those in UBC. I especially liked the BEATY Biodiversity Museum which is

displaying creatures’ specimen. My impression of it is the full-scale specimen of whale in the

entrance. Unfortunately, I didn’t take that picture, it was so big to an unbelievable extent.

Next, I also went to the Vancouver Museum and the Museum of Anthropology which is

displaying things of the Canadian indigenous people as well as other cultures including Japan,

China, Europe and even Africa. Both of those museums were displayed many sculptures, such

as totem poles. I was astonished at their scale which are about 15 meters. Not only watching,

I learned about that culture and thought of opinions about exhibitions in those museums,

and sometimes I exchanged them with my teacher and my classmates.

In the other activities, I experienced satisfying sightseeing and nice communications with

other Japanese students studying abroad and UBC’s students guiding us to some activities.

Also, I joined the sports activity on the first Friday, and in this activity, I could communicate

with foreigners throughout nonverbal methods. Whichever activities I joined were so

informative for me, so everything I imbibed in those activities can be useful for my future life.

[3] Conclusion

Throughout such nice experiences for three weeks, I obtained little better English skills,

great relationships with people I met in this program and much interesting information about

the culture and the lifestyle in foreign countries. Additionally, I accomplished three goals I’ve

set up before. Actually now, those experiences encourage me to study English and struggle

to challenge something for my future. Then, I set up new goal of studying English and my

major, Computer Science, and recently started to run toward my dream in the hope of

realizing it and growing my humanity or my knowledge better.

Finally, Those experiences were so interested and so precious for me who had not been

abroad before, so I won’t forget them, and also they can remind me of “That I challenge

something new and beneficial without fear might lead to precious experiences and expand

my fields and my perceptions in various factors, depending on the situation, drastically and

globally, even if I has difficulty in addressing it.” I’m grateful to every people to whom I

related throughout this program including teachers and my parents. I hope I can meet them

in my life again. Thank you for everything.

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