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PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Page 1

(23 avril 2020)








Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.I

Déclaration concernant l’inventeur et le droit à la délivrance d’un brevet

(formulaire 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.II

Demande de rapport de recherche et d’examen (formulaire 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.III

Demande de rapport d’examen (formulaire 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.IV

Demande de rapport d’examen supplémentaire (formulaire 12A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.V

Requête en modification de la demande avant la délivrance (formulaire 13) . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.VI

Paiement de la taxe de délivrance d’un brevet (formulaire 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.VII

Paiement de la taxe de renouvellement et une éventuelle taxe additionnelle

(formulaire 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.VIII

L’ouverture de la phase nationale (formulaire 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.IX

Paiement de la taxe prescrite concernant la publication de la traduction

de la demande internationale et/ou des éventuelles modifications de la

demande internationale (formulaire 38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.X

Requête en prorogation d’un délai ou d’une période (formulaire 45/46/47) . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.XI

Adjonction, correction ou déclaration tardive d’une priorité (formulaire 57) . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.XII

Requête en désignation, changement ou révocation d’un mandataire

(formulaire CM1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.XIII

Requête en correction d’une erreur (formulaire CM4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe SG.XIV

Requête pour une audition non contradictoire (“ex parte hearing”) (formulaire HC4) . . Annexe SG.XV

Liste des abréviations :

Office : Office de la propriété intellectuelle de Singapour

LB : Loi sur les brevets

RB : Règlement sur les brevets


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Page 3


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RÉSUMÉ Office désigné (ou élu)





Résumé des exigences pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale

Délais applicables pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale :

En vertu de l’article 22.1) du PCT : 30 mois à compter de la date de priorité


En vertu de l’article 39.1)a) du PCT : 30 mois à compter de la date de priorité


Traduction de la demande internationale requise en

2 : Anglais

Éléments que doit comporter la traduction pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale

2 :

En vertu de l’article 22 du PCT : Description, revendications (si elles ont été modifiées, à la fois telles que déposées initialement et telles que modifiées, ainsi que toute déclaration faite en vertu de l’article 19 du PCT

3), texte éventuel des dessins, abrégé

En vertu de l’article 39.1) du PCT : Description, revendications, texte éventuel des dessins, abrégé (si l’un quelconque de ces éléments a été modifié, il doit figurer à la fois tel que déposé initialement et tel que modifié par les annexes du rapport d’examen préliminaire international


Une copie de la demande internationale est-elle requise ? Non

Taxe nationale : Monnaie : Dollar de Singapour (SGD)

Taxe nationale (de dépôt)2 : SGD 200

Exemption, réduction ou remboursement de la taxe nationale : Néant

Exigences particulières de l’office (règle 51bis du PCT) :

Vérification de la traduction de la demande internationale4

Nom et adresse de l’inventeur s’ils n’ont pas été indiqués dans la partie “requête” de la demande internationale

4, 5

Adresse de service à Singapour (mais la représentation par un mandataire n’est pas exigée)


[Suite sur la page suivante]

_______________ 1 Le délai peut être prorogé de 18 mois au maximum à condition que le déposant acquitte la taxe prescrite (voir l’annexe SG.I).

Certains autres délais peuvent aussi être prorogés pour des périodes de 6 ou 18 mois ou plus, mais seulement à la discrètion du directeur de l’enregistrement (voir les paragraphes SG.17-18).

2 Doit être remise ou payée dans le délai applicable en vertu de l’article 22 ou 39.1) du PCT, ou lors de la présentation par le déposant de

toute demande expresse d’ouverture anticipée de la phase nationale. 3 Lorsque la traduction de la demande internationale remise par le déposant consiste seulement en la traduction de la demande

internationale telle que modifiée, l’office invite le déposant à remettre la traduction manquante de la demande internationale telle qu’initialement déposée; si la traduction manquante de la demande internationale telle qu’initialement déposée n’est néanmoins pas remise, la demande internationale sera considérée comme retirée. Lorsque la traduction de la demande internationale remise par le déposant consiste seulement en la traduction de la demande internationale telle qu’initialement déposée, l’office invite le déposant à remettre la traduction manquante des modifications; si la traduction manquante des modifications n’est néanmoins pas remise, il ne sera pas tenu compte de ces modifications.

4 Doit être remise dans un délai de deux mois à compter du délai d’ouverture de la phase nationale.

5 Cette exigence peut être remplie si la déclaration correspondante a été faite conformément à la règle 4.17 du PCT.

6 Si le déposant n’a pas déjà fait le nécessaire dans le délai applicable en vertu de l’article 22 ou 39.1) du PCT, l’office l’invitera à le faire

dans un délai fixé dans l’invitation.


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RÉSUMÉ Office désigné (ou élu)





Qui peut agir en qualité de mandataire ? Toute personne physique, association ou entreprise habilitée à exercer auprès du Bureau d’enregistrement des brevets

7 de l’office

L’office accepte-t-il les requêtes en restauration du droit de priorité (règle 49ter.2 du PCT) ?

Oui, l’office applique à ces requêtes à la fois le critère du “caractère non intentionnel” et celui de “diligence requise”

______________ 7 Pour savoir qui est autorisé à exercer auprès du Bureau d’enregistrement, il convient de se référer à la partie XIX de la loi sur les

brevets et au règlement de 2001 sur les brevets (agents de brevets).


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L’office tient à la disposition des déposants un formulaire spécial (formulaire 37, voir

l’annexe SG.IX) pour le paiement de la taxe nationale (voir l’annexe SG.I) lors de l’ouverture de

la phase nationale. Il est préférable (quoique non obligatoire) d’utiliser ce formulaire.

RB règles 86.4)d) 112.1)

SG.02 TRADUCTION (ATTESTATION). L’attestation requise en ce qui concerne

l’exactitude de la traduction de la demande internationale et de tout autre document consiste en

une simple déclaration à faire par la personne qui a effectué la traduction. Cette déclaration peut

être libellée comme suit : “Me référant à la demande de brevet no ..., je soussigné [insérer le

nom du traducteur] à/au [insérer l’adresse du traducteur]1, déclare par la présente que,

connaissant bien le [insérer le nom de la langue de départ de la traduction] et l’anglais, et étant

le traducteur des documents ci-joints, je certifie qu’à ma connaissance le texte ci-après constitue

une traduction fidèle et exacte de [indiquer le document faisant l’objet de la traduction, par

exemple la description accompagnant la demande de brevet allemande no ... déposée au nom de

...] telle qu’initialement déposé(e) le [insérer la date].”

RB règle 91.1) SG.03 TRADUCTION (CORRECTION). Il est possible de corriger des erreurs dans la

traduction de la demande internationale en se référant au texte de la demande internationale telle

qu’initialement déposée (voir les paragraphes 6.002 et 6.003 de la phase nationale). La requête

en correction doit être présentée sur le formulaire CM4 (voir l’annexe SG.XIV). Ce formulaire

doit être accompagné :

a) d’une copie non annotée des corrections proposées, et

b) d’une copie des corrections proposées indiquées clairement de la manière suivante :

i) en biffant tout texte, dessin ou autre élément à remplacer ou à supprimer; et

ii) en soulignant tout texte de remplacement, dessin ou autre élément.

La requête en correction doit être présentée avec le paiement de la taxe prescrite (voir

l’annexe SG.I).

SG.04 TAXES (MODE DE PAIEMENT). Le mode de paiement des taxes mentionnées

dans le résumé et dans le présent chapitre est indiqué à l’annexe SG.I.

RB règles 31 90.2)

SG.05 ADRESSE POUR LA CORRESPONDANCE. Le déposant, qu’il soit ou non

ressortissant de Singapour ou résident à Singapour, n’est pas tenu de se faire représenter par un

mandataire; il doit en revanche avoir une adresse (pour l’envoi des notifications et autres

communications) à Singapour. Si un mandataire est désigné à Singapour pour représenter le

déposant en vue de l’ouverture de la phase nationale, ou si un mandataire en remplace un autre,

il doit soumettre un pouvoir écrit sur le formulaire 37 (voir l’annexe SG.IX) et acquitter la taxe

prescrite (voir l’annexe SG.I).

RB règle 18 SG.06 DÉSIGNATION DE L’INVENTEUR. Toute mention du nom de l’inventeur faite

selon le Traité est considérée comme une déclaration déposée conformément à la loi nationale.

Dans le cas contraire, des précisions doivent être données dans le formulaire 8 reproduit à

l’annexe SG.II. Aucune légalisation n’est exigée. Voir le résumé pour connaître les délais


1 L’adresse du traducteur est un champ facultatif à renseigner.


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LB art. 29 RB règles 42 43

SG.07 DEMANDE DE RAPPORT D’EXAMEN2. Le déposant qui souhaite présenter une

demande de rapport d’examen doit utiliser à cette fin le formulaire 12 (voir l’annexe SG.IV) et

acquitter la taxe prescrite correspondante (voir l’annexe SG.I) dans un délai de 36 mois à

compter de la date de priorité revendiquée ou, s’il n’y a pas de priorité revendiquée, à compter

de la date du dépôt de la demande. Cette demande doit être accompagnée d’une copie du

rapport de recherche internationale et de chacun des documents qui sont cités dans ledit rapport.

LB art. 86.7) LB art. 87.3) RB règle 86.7)


international n’a pas publié la demande internationale en anglais, l’office publiera la traduction

anglaise remise par le déposant, après que celui-ci aura présenté une requête en publication de la

traduction au moyen du formulaire 38 (voir l’annexe SG.X) et acquitté la taxe prescrite (voir

l’annexe SG.I). Cette requête pourra être présentée à tout moment après l’ouverture de la phase

nationale. Cependant, si le déposant veut s’assurer les droits que confère cette publication (voir

la phase internationale, annexe B(SG) – Protection provisoire), il est conseillé de demander la

publication dès que possible après l’ouverture de la phase nationale.


RECHERCHE INTERNATIONALE. Sur demande expresse de l’office adressée au

déposant, ce dernier doit, dans la mesure précisée dans la demande de l’office, produire dans un

délai qui sera précisé par le directeur de l’enregistrement une traduction anglaise (voir le

paragraphe SG.02) de tout document, ou toute partie de document, cité(e) dans le rapport de

recherche internationale ainsi qu’une copie de l’attestation relative à l’exactitude de la


PCT art. 28 41 RB règle 49

SG.10 MODIFICATION DE LA DEMANDE; DÉLAIS. Le déposant peut, de son

propre chef, modifier la description, les revendications, les dessins et l’abrégé à tout moment

avant le paiement de la taxe de délivrance du brevet, sous réserve des conditions prescrites en

vertu de la règle 49.3) du règlement relatif aux brevets.

RB règle 48 Les demandes de modifications doivent être présentées sur le formulaire 13 (voir

l’annexe SG.VI) et accompagnées d’un document où sont indiquées clairement, de la manière

suivante, les modifications proposées :

a) d’une copie non annotée des modifications proposées, et

b) d’une copie des modifications proposées indiquées clairement de la manière suivante :

i) en biffant tout texte, dessin ou autre élément à remplacer ou à supprimer; et

ii) en soulignant tout texte de remplacement, dessin ou autre élément.

LB art. 107 RB règles 91.1) 56.3)

SG.11 Le déposant peut demander à tout moment la correction d’une erreur de traduction ou

de transcription ou d’une faute de frappe ou erreur matérielle figurant dans la demande ou dans

tout autre document déposé en relation avec celle-ci. La requête doit être présentée sur le

formulaire CM4 (voir l’annexe SG.XIV). Ce formulaire doit être accompagné :

a) d’une copie non annotée des corrections proposées, et

b) d’une copie des corrections proposées indiquées clairement de la manière suivante :

i) en biffant tout texte, dessin ou autre élément à remplacer ou à supprimer; et

ii) en soulignant tout texte de remplacement, dessin ou autre élément.

La requête en correction doit être présentée avec le paiement de la taxe prescrite (voir

l’annexe SG.I).

RB règle 42A RB règle 43.4) LB art. 29



où le déposant choisit de se fonder sur le rapport préliminaire international sur la brevetabilité

(chapitre I du Traité de coopération en matière de brevets ou chapitre II du Traité de coopération

en matière de brevets), qui a été établi pendant la phase internationale pour satisfaire aux

2 Les déposants disposent d’autres options pour satisfaire aux exigences concernant la recherche et l’examen à Singapour. Pour tout

renseignement à ce sujet, il convient de se référer au site Internet de l’Office.


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exigences requises en matière de recherche et d’examen, il doit utiliser le formulaire 12A

(voir Annexe SG.V) pour présenter une demande de rapport d’examen supplémentaire. Cette

demande doit être accompagnée d’une copie du rapport préliminaire international sur la

brevetabilité (Chapitre I ou II) et un tableau expliquant comment chaque revendication dans la

demande est liée avec au moins une des revendications dans la demande internationale.

Pour renforcer le régime des brevets de Singapour et pour améliorer la qualité des brevets

délivrés à Singapour, les déposants ne pourront plus présenter de demande d’examen

supplémentaire pour a) les demandes nationales ordinaires et les demandes PCT dont la date de

dépôt est le 1er janvier 2020, ou une date ultérieure, et b) les demandes divisionnaires dont la

date de dépôt est le 1er janvier 2020, ou une date ultérieure.

LB art. 30 RB règle 47


DÉLIVRANCE DU BREVET. Le délai de paiement de la taxe de délivrance du brevet est de

2 mois à compter de l’avis d’admissibilité pour procéder à la délivrance d’un brevet en vertu de

l’article 29A.1).

Si la description de la demande de brevet a été modifiée ou corrigée depuis le dépôt de la

demande, le déposant doit déposer une nouvelle description contenant chacune de ces

modifications ou de ces corrections au moment où il acquitte la taxe prescrite pour la délivrance

du brevet et où il remplit et dépose le formulaire 14 (voir Annexe SG.VII).

LB art. 36.3) et 4) RB règle 51

SG.14 TAXES DE RENOUVELLEMENT. Après que le brevet a été délivré, le déposant

doit, pour maintenir le brevet en vigueur, acquitter une taxe à partir de la cinquième année à

compter de la date du dépôt international. Le paiement doit être effectué dans les trois mois qui

précèdent le quatrième anniversaire de la date du dépôt international et chacun des anniversaires

suivants. Il peut encore l’être, moyennant une surtaxe, avant l’expiration du dernier jour du

sixième mois à compter de la date anniversaire du dépôt international. Si le brevet est délivré

après une période de 45 mois à compter de la date du dépôt, la taxe de renouvellement peut être

acquittée sans surtaxe dans les trois mois suivant la date de délivrance du brevet ou, moyennant

une surtaxe, dans les six mois qui suivent ce délai de trois mois. Le montant des taxes de

renouvellement et de la surtaxe est indiqué à l’annexe SG.I. Une demande de renouvellement

d’un brevet doit être déposée sur le formulaire 15 (voir l’annexe SG.VIII) (voir aussi le

paragraphe SG.18).

PCT art. 25 PCT règle 51 LB art. 85.3) RB règles 86.9) à 12) LB art. 91 93 RB règles 87 88 Règlement du Tribunal [Rules of Court] 0.87A, r 2

SG.15 RÉVISION EN VERTU DE L’ARTICLE 25 DU PCT. Les grandes lignes de la

procédure applicable sont exposées aux paragraphes 6.018 à 6.021 de la phase nationale. La

requête en révision doit être présentée dans une lettre et être accompagnée du paiement de la

taxe correspondante indiquée à l’annexe SG.I. Si, après révision au titre de l’article 25 du PCT,

l’office considère qu’il n’y a pas eu erreur ou omission de la part de l’office récepteur ou du

Bureau international, le déposant peut demander une audition au moyen du formulaire HC4

(voir l’annexe SG.XV) accompagné de la taxe prescrite (voir l’annexe SG.I). La requête doit

être déposée dans un délai d’un mois à compter de la date de notification par l’office. Si, lors de

l’audition, le fonctionnaire chargé d’entendre le déposant maintient le point de vue de l’office, le

déposant peut former recours auprès des tribunaux; dans le cas d’une décision sur une question

de procédure, l’avis de recours doit être déposé auprès du tribunal dans les 14 jours suivant la

date de la décision, et dans tout autre cas dans les six semaines suivant cette date.

PCT art. 24.2) 48.2)


de se reporter aux paragraphes 6.022 à 6.027 de la phase nationale.

RB règles 108 109

SG.17 La requête en prorogation d'un délai ou d'une période doit être présentée au moyen du

formulaire 45 (voir Annexe SG.XI). Certains délais, y compris le délai applicable pour

l'ouverture de la phase nationale, peuvent être prorogés de droit pour une période n'excédant pas

6 ou 18 mois. La requête en prorogation peut être présentée même après l'expiration du délai ou

de la période demandé(e). Lorsque la période de 6 ou 18 mois a été prorogée, toute requête de

prorogation supplémentaire est soumise à la discrétion du directeur de l'enregistrement. Une

telle requête doit être déposée avant l'expiration de la période maximale de 6 ou 18 mois.


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SG.18 Les autres délais spécifiés dans le résumé peuvent être prorogés sur demande si

l’office le juge bon et aux conditions qu’il indique. Aucun formulaire n’est prévu pour ce type

de demande. Toute demande de prorogation de ce type doit être faite par écrit au directeur de


LB art. 39 RB règle 53

SG.19 Aucune disposition ne prévoit, à Singapour, le rétablissement de droits ou de mesures

analogues, sauf si un brevet a cessé de produire ses effets en raison du non-paiement des taxes

de renouvellement, auquel cas la restauration peut être demandée en vertu de l’article 39 de la

loi sur les brevets et de la règle 53 du règlement relatif aux brevets.

LB art. 17 RB règles 9A 86(3A)


restauration du droit de priorité en accord avec la règle 49ter.2 du PCT peut être présentée en vertu

de la règle 9A.2) du règlement des brevets qui permet, selon l’article 17.2B) de la loi sur les

brevets, de demander l’autorisation de faire une déclaration tardive de priorité pour toute demande

internationale déposée et dont la date de dépôt internationale est le 1er avril 2007 ou une date

ultérieure. L’office applique les deux critères de “diligence requise en l’espèce” et de retard “non

intentionnel” à de telles requêtes qui doivent être déposées en utilisant le formulaire 57 (voir

l’annexe SG.XII), accompagnées du paiement de la taxe prescrite (voir l’annexe SG.I)


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.I, page 1

(23 avril 2020)


(Monnaie : Dollar de Singapour)

Formulaire no Objet Montant

Formulaire 37 Ouverture de la phase nationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Formulaire 11 Demande de rapport de recherche et d’examen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9501

plus 40 par revendication

à compter de la 21e revendication

Formulaire 12 Demande de rapport d’examen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.350

plus 40 par revendication

à compter de la 21e revendication

Formulaire 12A Demande de rapport d’examen supplémentaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —

Taxe de délivrance d’un brevet :

Formulaire 14 a) lorsque la demande de brevet est déposée avant le 14 février 2014

et la date de dépôt est antérieure au 1er juillet 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

b) lorsque la demande de brevet est déposée le 14 février 2014 ou ultérieurement

et la date de dépôt est antérieure au 1er juillet 2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Plus (i) pour chaque revendication à compter de la 21e, lorsque l’office s’appuie

sur un rapport d’examen supplémentaire pour établir le certificat de

délivrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

(ii) dans tout autre cas, pour chaque revendication à compter de la 21e ou

supérieur au nombre de revendications contenues dans le fascicule du

brevet pour lequel le rapport de recherche et d’examen ou le rapport

d’examen (le cas échéant), sur lequel l’office s’est appuyé pour établir le

certificat de délivrance, a été demandé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Formulaire 15 Taxe de renouvellement :

a) pour chaque année en ce qui concerne la 5e, 6e ou 7e année du brevet . . . . . . . . . 140

b) pour chaque année en ce qui concerne la 8e, 9e ou 10e année du brevet . . . . . . . . 370

c) pour chaque année en ce qui concerne la 11e, 12e ou 13e année du brevet . . . . . . 520

d) pour chaque année en ce qui concerne la 14e, 15e ou 16e année du brevet . . . . . . 670

e) pour chaque année en ce qui concerne la 17e, 18e ou 19e année du brevet . . . . . . 820

f) pour la 20e année du brevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970

g) pour chaque année à compter de la 21e année du brevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.200

Surtaxe de renouvellement :

a) pour paiement tardif d’une taxe annuelle n’excédant pas un mois . . . . . . . . . . . 50

b) pour paiement tardif d’une taxe annuelle pour chaque mois suivant

(mais n’excédant pas 6 mois) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Formulaire 38 Taxe pour une requête en publication de la traduction de la demande internationale

et/ou des éventuelles modifications de la demande internationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Formulaire 45/

46/47 Requête en prorogation de chaque délai ou période

Pour une demande de brevet déposée antérieur au 14 février 2014 :

a) Requête en vertu de la règle 108.3), pour chaque délai ou période,

et chaque mois ou partie de mois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

1 Dans le cas d’une demande internationale de brevet qui est entrée en phase nationale, lorsque, avant le dépôt d’une demande de

rapport de recherche et d’examen, un rapport de recherche internationale ou un rapport préliminaire international sur la brevetabilité a été établi par l’office en vertu du PCT, le montant sera SGD 1.650 plus SGD 40 pour chaque revendication à compter de la 21e.


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(23 avril 2020)

b) Requête en vertu de la règle 108.4) ou 4A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

c) Surtaxe en vertu de la règle 108.6), pour chaque délai ou période,

et chaque mois ou partie de mois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Pour une demande de brevet déposée le 14 février 2014 ou ultérieurement :

a) Requête en vertu de la règle 108.3), pour chaque délai ou période,

et chaque mois ou partie de mois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

b) Requête en vertu de la règle 108.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

en plus, pour chaque délai ou période, et chaque mois ou partie de mois . . . . . . . 200

Formulaire 57 Requête en adjonction, correction ou déclaration tardive d’une priorité :

a) Pour une déclaration en vertu de la règle 9.2) ou requête en vertu de la règle 9.3) 120

b) Pour une déclaration en vertu de la règle 9A.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Formulaire CM1 Requête en désignation, changement ou révocation d’un mandataire . . . . . . . . . . . . —

Formulaire CM4 Requête en correction d’erreur

a) correction des vices de forme, correction dans le registre des brevets ou correction

des documents d’autres que des vices de forme ou de la spécification d’un brevet

ou d’une demande de brevet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

b) correction de la spécification d’un brevet ou d’une demande de brevet . . . . . . . . 120

Formulaire HC4 Requête pour une audition non contradictoire (“ex parte hearing”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Requête adressée au directeur de l’enregistrement afin qu’une demande internationale

soit considérée comme une demande déposée selon la loi sur les brevets . . . . . . . . . 160

Dépôt des formulaires au moyen du Electronic Online Service (EOS) [Service électronique en ligne]

Pour les besoins de l’ouverture de la phase nationale à Singapour, les déposants doivent déposer au moyen du EOS

les formulaires exigés à cet effet (disponibles à l’adresse suivante :, qui comprennent :

a) le formulaire facultatif pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale (formulaire 37);

b) le formulaire de demande de rapport d’examen (formulaire 12);

c) le formulaire correspondant à la taxe de délivrance d’un brevet (formulaire 14);

d) le formulaire correspondant à la taxe de renouvellement (formulaire 15).

Comment le paiement peut-il être effectué ?

Le paiement des taxes doit être effectué en dollars de Singapour. Tous les paiements, à l’exclusion de la taxe

d’ouverture de la phase nationale, doivent être accompagnés du dépôt du formulaire correspondant à la taxe à

acquitter, ainsi que des formulaires de paiement des taxes qui sont disponibles auprès de l’office. Tous les paiements

doivent porter l’indication du nom et de l’adresse de la personne effectuant le paiement, du numéro de la demande

(national s’il est déjà connu; sinon, son numéro international), du nom et de l’adresse du déposant ainsi que du

numéro du formulaire correspondant à la taxe faisant l’objet du paiement.

Les paiements peuvent être effectués par l’un des moyens suivants : par service bancaire en ligne, GIRO et par

carte de crédit et de débit Visa/MasterCard.


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.II, page 1

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PATENTS FORM 8 Statement of Inventorship and of Right to Grant of Patent

This form may take approximately 9 - 13 minutes to complete.Estimated Time:

a. * denotes mandatory fields.General:

b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents (Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Title of Invention*

Title of Invention*

PART 4 Name of Applicant*

Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 5 Details of Inventor*

Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 5.


Address Singapore Address

This Singapore address is to be used as the address for service for the purposes of this form. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 7.)


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Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit-

Building Name

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3


State of Residency(mandatory for USA)

Country of Permanent Residence*

(mandatory for individuals)

The Above Inventor was Resident in Singapore at

Any Time during the Period of Invention?

Yes No

PART 6 Derivation of Right*

The Applicants Derivedthe Right from the

Inventor to be Granted the Said Application*

(Note: Only one checkbox may

be crossed)

By Contract of Employment

By Assignment of Invention

Others (Please specify below)


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.II, page 3

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PART 7 Contact Details*

Notea. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.


b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 5 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

d. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit-

Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person(if applicable)

Direct Telephone No.(if applicable)

Email Address(if applicable)

PART 8 Statement

Statement I/ We believe that the person(s) stated in part 5 is/ are the inventor(s) of the invention in respect of which the patent application is made.I/ We also consent to the publication of the details contained herein to each of the inventors as stated in part 5.


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PART 9 Declaration*

Declaration By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.III, page 1

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PATENTS FORM 11 Request for Search and Examination Report

Pre-requisites: a. If you are making a request under the ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) programme or a request under

the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), please refer to the ASPEC or PPH Notice and Procedures available on IPOS's website at for the documents to be filed together with this form.

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 3 - 5 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 International Search Report (ISR)/ International Preliminary Report on Patentability (IPRP)

ISR / IPRP (Note: Please cross if


International Search Report (ISR) / International Preliminary Report on Patentability (IPRP) is established by IPOS

PART 5 Additional Information Required for Patents Form 11 filed on or after 01 Apr 2017

Number of Claims sheet(s) claim(s)

PART 6 Grace Period

Grace Period (Note: Please cross if


There has been a disclosure of matter of the invention 12 months prior to the date of filing this application


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PART 7 ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) / Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)

ASPEC / PPH (Note: Please cross if

applicable) ASPEC / PPH requested and required documents are attached

PART 8 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 9 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.III, page 3

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I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 3 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.IV, page 1

(12 avril 2018)

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PATENTS FORM 12 Request for Examination Report

Pre-requisites: a. If you are relying on an International Search Report or a Search Report of a corresponding application, corresponding

international application or related national phase application, this form is to be accompanied by: A copy of the search report and if this report is not in English, a verified English translation of the report. Each cited document referred to in the search report. If one or more cited document referred to the search report is not in English, a list of references to the patent family

members of these cited documents and where this list is not in English, a verified English translation of this list. b. If you are making a request under the ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) programme or a request under

the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), please refer to the ASPEC or PPH Notice and Procedures available on IPOS's website at for the documents to be filed together with this form.

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Request Type*

Request Type* (Note:Cross only one

checkbox) Request for an examination report relying on a search report

issued by the Registrar

Request for an examination report relying on an international search report


Annexe SG.IV, page 2 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG

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Request for an examination report relying on the search report

of a corresponding application, corresponding international application or related national phase application

Application/ Patent No.

Prescribed Patent Office/ PCT

PART 5 Additional Information Required for Patents Form 12 filed on or after 01 Apr 2017

Number of Claims sheet(s) claim(s)

PART 6 Grace Period

Grace Period (Note: Please cross if


PART 7 ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) / Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)

ASPEC / PPH (Note: Please cross if

applicable) ASPEC / PPH requested and required documents are attached

PART 8 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

There has been a disclosure of matter of the invention 12 months prior to the date of filing this application


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Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 9 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 3 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.V, page 1

(12 avril 2018)

Page 1 of 4


PATENTS FORM 12A Request for Supplementary Examination Report

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Prescribed Document Furnished*

Prescribed Document Furnished

(Note:Cross only one option and any supporting options

where required. A claim correspondence table must be


You are relying on the final results of a corresponding application, corresponding international application or related national phase application (details to be provided below)

A certified copy of granted patent or a copy thereof: or

Document(s) setting out the final results of the search and examination as to substance with a copy of claims referred to in the final results.


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Page 2 of 4

(i) Application/ patent no. of the corresponding application or the corresponding international application

(ii) Filed in or under (Prescribed patent office/ Patent Co-operation Treaty)

PCT Article 19 and/or 34 amendments were made (to indicate for corresponding international application only)

Yes No

You are relying on the final results of any search and examination as to the substance of the application in suit during its international phase (details to be provided below)

You are relying on an International Preliminary report on Patentability (Chap 1)

PCT Article 19 amendments were made Yes


You are relying on an International Preliminary Report on Patentability (Chap 2)

PCT Article 19 and/or 34 amendments were made X Yes No


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.V, page 3

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Page 3 of 4

PART 5 International Patent Classification (IPC)* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet in CS 6.

International Patent Classification (IPC) for

the Application*

PART 6 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)


Annexe SG.V, page 4 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG

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Page 4 of 4

PART 7 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.VI, page 1

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PATENTS FORM 13 Request to Amend Application

Before Grant

Pre-requisites: a. This form should be filed only if you are amending an application for a patent before grant. If you wish to amend the

specification of a patent that has been granted, please file Patents Form 17 instead. b. If you are making an amendment of the description, claims, drawings or abstract, this form is to be accompanied by a copy

of the amended sheet(s), with the proposed amendment clearly indicated in the following manner: Any text, figure or other matter that are to be replaced or deleted to be struck through; and Any replacement text, figure or other matter to be underlined.

c. If you are filing a response to written opinion, and intend to make written submissions and amend the specification of the application, they have to be filed at the same time.

d. If you are making a request under the ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC) programme, please refer to the ASPEC Notice and Procedures available on IPOS's website at for the documents that need to be filed together with this form.

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

Title of Invention

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)


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PART 4 Reason for Making the Amendment*

Reason for Making the Amendment*

(Note:Cross only one checkbox)

In response to the Registrar’s formalities examination adverse report

In response to the Registrar’s notification under section 30(6) of the Patent Act and in force immediately before 14 February 2014 or objections to Section 13 (2)/(3) of the Patent Act

Voluntary amendment

In response to a written opinion issued for an application with a date of filing before 1 July 2004

Related to Rule 47 (6) with the date of filing on or after 14 February 2014

PART 5 Amendments to be Made* Note: A summary explanation of the amendments sought should be indicated in the box provided below, including the page number of the page(s) of the document you are proposing to amend. If you are making an amendment to file a Patents Form 1, this form is to be accompanied by a copy of the Patents Form 1.

Summary Explanation of the Amendments Sought

Amendment of Patents Form 1

Amendment of Title of Invention

Amendment of Description with Claim(s)


Amendment of Description without



Amendment of Claim(s) only


Amendment of Drawing(s)


Amendment of Abstract sheet(s)


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.VI, page 3

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PART 6 ASEAN Patent Examination Co-operation (ASPEC)

ASPEC (Note: Please cross if

applicable) ASPEC requested

PART 7 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)


Annexe SG.VI, page 4 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG

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PART 8 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that:

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.





No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.VII, page 1

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PATENTS FORM 14 Payment of Fee for Grant of Patent

Pre-requisites: a. In general, where the specification of the application has been amended or corrected since the filing of the application, a

specification incorporating every such amendment or correction is to accompany this form. Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. An additional fee of $20 for each patent claim in excess of 25 patent claims is payable for patent applications having:

a date of filing on or after 01/07/2004; or a date of filing before 01/07/2004 but the application was lodged on or after 14/02/2014

c. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents (Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

Title of Invention

Select Preferred Title of Invention(Applicable for PF37 Applications)

Title on Record

Title on Consolidated Specification

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Indication for applications having a date of filing on or after 1 July 2004

No. of Claims

No. of claims contained in the specification of this patent application at the time of compliance with rule 47(3) of the Patents Rules


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PART 5 Declaration for applications lodged before 14 Feb 2014 and having a date of filing on or after 1 Jul 2004

Declaration I/ We declare that the application has satisfied the conditions referred to in sections 30(3)(b) or (c) (whichever is applicable) and 30(3)(e) of the Patents Act.

PART 6 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 7 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.VII, page 3

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I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 3 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – SG Annexe SG.VIII, page 1

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PATENTS FORM 15 Payment of Renewal Fee

and Any Additional Fee

Pre-requisites:. a. Renewal fees are payable only after a patent has been granted. b. This form should be filed only if you are renewing a patent that has not endorsed with licence as of right. If you wish to

renew a patent which has been endorsed with licence as of right, please file Patents Form 53 instead. Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 9 - 13 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Please note that you will not be receiving any acknowledgement from the Registry upon the lodgement of this form. Kindly

check the renewal application status at IP2SG portal within 2 weeks. c. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

Title of Invention

PART 3 Name of Proprietor* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Details of Person Seeking to Renew the Patent Note: If the person(s) filing this request is/are the proprietor(s) mentioned in part 3 above, this part is to be left empty. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 1.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Address Singapore Address

This Singapore address is to be used as the address for


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service for the purposes of this form. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 6.)

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Nationality or Country of Incorporation*

State of Incorporation (mandatory for USA


Country of Residency (mandatory for individuals)

Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 5 Details of Renewal* Note: a. Please cross the first checkbox if the patent is granted after the expiry of 45 months from the date of filing of the patent

and this is the first time you are making payment of renewal fee for your patent. b. Please indicate the anniversary of the patent for which renewal is sought, e.g. 11th. c. If this form is filed after the relevant deadline for making payment of renewal fees but within 6 months of this deadline, an

additional fee is payable on top of renewal fees. Please indicate the number of months that this form is filed late in the box provided.

Details of Renewal Payment of renewal for preceding years



to year

with month(s) payment of additional fee


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Payment of renewal for succeeding year



with month(s) payment of additional fee

Payment of balance of all renewal fees payable due to cancellation of licence of rights (via PF28)



to year

PART 6 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 4 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. For the purpose of renewal and/or restoration, the official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)


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Email Address (if applicable)

PART 7 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Proprietor (as in Part 3 of this form) should be inserted in this field.


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PATENTS FORM 37 Entry into National Phase

Pre-requisites: a. If the international application was published under the PCT in a language other than English, an English translation of the

application is to accompany this form. b. If you wish for the Registrar to proceed earlier with national phase, please make a request in Part 8. Where such a request

is made and the PCT application has yet to be published at WIPO, a copy of the PCT application is to accompany this form.

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

International Application No.*


Singapore Application No. (if applicable)

PART 3 Title of Invention* Title of Invention* (Fill in title of invention as published by WIPO Or Fill in the title of invention from the specification you wish to adopt; only for foreign language or yet to be published PCT applications)

Please check this box if you wish to adopt the title in the specification. This check box should only be checked if the PCT application is published in foreign language or the PCT application is yet to be published.

PART 4 Details of Applicant* Note: The applicant's name and address should tally with that on WIPO's records at the time of filing this form. If different, please provide supporting documents. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet in CS 1.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Address* Singapore Address


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This Singapore address is to be used as the address for service for the purposes of this form. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 9.)

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level – Unit No. #

(If applicable) -

Building Name

(If applicable)

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Nationality* (for individuals) or Country of

Incorporation* (for corporations)

State of Incorporation* (mandatory only for USA


Country of Residency* (mandatory only for


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(If applicable)

Company Profile (for Singapore incorporated

businesses only.Please cross if applicable)

Small and Medium Enterprise1

1 Small and medium-sized enterprises in Singapore will be defined as businesses with annual sales turnover of not more than $100 million or employing no more than 200 staff.

PART 5 International Filing Date*

International Filing Date* (DD/MM/YYYY)

PART 6 Earliest Declared Priority Date

Earliest Declared Priority Date (DD/MM/YYYY)


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PART 7 International Publication No.

International Publication No.


PART 8 Request for Early National Phase Entry

Request for Early National Phase Entry

(Note: Please cross if applicable)

X I/We expressly requests the Registrar to proceed earlier with the national phase of the application.

PART 9 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 4 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box. d. The agent has to be a Singapore registered patent agent, or an advocate and solicitor, who has in force a practising

certificate. Please refer to Singapore Patents Act Section 105 for details.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

(If applicable)

Agent Name (If applicable)

Representative or C/O Name

(If applicable)

Address for Service in Singapore (mandatory if box in Part 4 is not crossed)

Block/ House


Street Name

Level – Unit No. #

(If applicable)


Building Name

(If applicable)

Postal Code

Name of Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)


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Email Address (if applicable)

PART 10 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Application

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent, for the purposes of this application, on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.

Name of Declarant*


Date* (DD/MM/YYYY)

No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 4 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


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PATENTS FORM 38 Payment of Fee for Publication of Translation of

International Application and/ or any Amendment to International Application

Pre-requisites: a. This form should be filed only if an English translation of the international application or of an amendment to the international application has been filed with the Registry Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 3 - 5 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name


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Address for Service in Singapore

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 5 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 3 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


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Request for Extension of Time or Period

Pre-requisites: If a request is made under rule 108(4) in Part 5A, or rule 108(5) in Part 5B, this form is to be accompanied by a statutory declaration or affidavit setting out the grounds for the request for extension of time. Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant/ Proprietor* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Details of Person Filing the Request Note: If the person(s) filing this request is/are the applicant(s) mentioned in part 3 above, this part is to be left empty. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 1.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)



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Address Singapore Address

This Singapore address is to be used as the address for service for the purposes of this form. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 6.)

Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Nationality or Country of Incorporation*

State of Incorporation (mandatory for USA


Country of Residency (mandatory for individuals)

Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 5 Details of Request* A. Please complete this section if the patent application was lodged before 14/02/2014 Note: a. If rule 108(3) or 108(6) is selected, the fee payable is $200 X the total number of months of extension requested. b. If rule 108(4) is selected, a flat fee of $200 is payable.

Request Type* (Note:Cross only one

checkbox) Request under rule 108(3)

Request under rule 108(4) or (4A)

Payment of additional fee under rule 108(6)


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Description No. of Months

Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in* Rule 18(1), 28(f), 86(8) or 86(8A) - Mention

of Inventors

Rule 38 - Filing a request for search report

Rule 43 - Filing a request for examination

report or a request for search and examination report

Rule 43 - Furnishing prescribed information

or filing a notice of intention to rely on international preliminary report on patentability

Rule 47(1) or (2) - Filing a request for

issuance of the certificate of grant

Rule 86(1) - PCT National Phase entry

Rule 86(6) - Filing an English translation of

the PCT application or of an amendment to the PCT application

Others – Please complete Annex A

B. Please complete this section if the patent application was lodged on or after 14/02/2014 Note: a. If rule 108(3)/(4) is selected, the fee payable is $200 X the number of months of extension requested.. b. If rule 108(5) is selected, the fee payable is $200 + [$200 X the total number of months of extension requested].

Request Type* (Note:Cross only one

checkbox) Request under rule 108(3) or (4)

Request under rule 108(5)

Description No. of Months

Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in*

(Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed if a request is

made under rule 108(3) or (4))

Rule 18(1), 28(f), 86(8) or 86(8A) - Mention of Inventors

Rule 34(1A) - Responding to the Registrar's notification on non-compliance of formal requirements

Rule 38 - Filing a request for search report

Rule 43 - Filing a request for examination

report or a request for search and examination report

Rule 43 - Filing a request for supplementary

examination report

Rule 47(1) or (2) - Filing a request for

issuance of the certificate of grant


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Rule 86(1) - PCT National Phase entry

Rule 86(6) - Filing an English translation of

the PCT application or of an amendment to the PCT application

Others - Please complete Annex B

PART 6 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 4 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

d. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)


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PART 7 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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ANNEX A PART 5A Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in* Note: Please complete this part if "Others" is selected under Part 5 Section A.

Description No. of Months

Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in* Rule 9A(5) - Making observations or filing

evidence in relation to a request for permission to make late declaration of priority

Rule 9B(1) or 28(e) - Furnishing the

application number of a priority application

Rule 9B(4) - Furnishing priority documents

Rule 9C(1) - Furnishing translation of

priority documents

Rule 19(11) - Filing an English translation of

a document which is or appears to be a description of the invention

Rule 26(2) - Making observations and/or

filing documents to comply with date of filing requirements

Rule 26(3) - Filing a copy of the priority

application and/or its English translation

Rule 26A(4) - Furnishing the application

number of a priority application, or filing a copy of the priority application and/or its English translation

Rule 28(g) or Paragraph 1(3) of the Fourth

Schedule - Disclosure of details of deposit of culture of micro-organism

Rule 34(5) - Furnishing the application

number of a priority application, or filing a copy of the priority application and/or its English translation

Rule 53(4) - Paying of prescribed addition

fee and any unpaid renewal fee for restoration of patent

Rule 112(4) - Filing an English translation

Rule 112(5)(b) - Filing the original

verification document of an English translation


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ANNEX B PART 5B Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in* Note: Please complete this part if "Others" is selected under Part 5 Section B.

Description No. of Months

Extension of Time or Period Prescribed in* Rule 8(2) or 86(4)(b)- Filing of certificate of

international exhibition

Rule 9A(5) - Making observations or filing

evidence in relation to a request for permission to make late declaration of priority

Rule 9B(1) or 28(e) - Furnishing the

application number of a priority application

Rule 9B(4) - Furnishing priority documents

Rule 9C(1) - Furnishing translation of

priority documents

Rule 17(3) - Filing of counter-statement to

oppose mention of inventor

Rule 19(11) - Filing an English translation of

a document which is or appears to be a description of the invention

Rule 26(2) - Making observations and/or

filing documents to comply with date of filing requirements

Rule 26(3) - Filing a copy of the priority

application and/or its English translation

Rule 26A(4) - Furnishing the application

number of a priority application, or filing a copy of the priority application and/or its English translation

Rule 28(g) or Paragraph 1(3) of the Fourth

Schedule - Disclosure of details of deposit of culture of micro-organism

Rule 34(5) - Furnishing the application

number of a priority application, or filing a copy of the priority application and/or its English translation to comply with section 28(9)(b)

Rule 42(3) - Furnishing an English

translation of a document referred to a search and international search report

Rule 45(2) - Filing a request for

supplementary search report

Rule 46A(2) – Filing a request for review of

examination report, search and examination report or supplementary examination report


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Rule 46A(5) - Notice of refusal of

application for patent

Rule 51A(3) - Furnishing of additional

evidence in support of application for patent term extension

Rule 53(4) - Paying of prescribed addition

fee and any unpaid renewal fee for restoration of patent

Rule 67 - Making new application in

response to Registrar's order

Rule 68 – Filing a request for grant of a

licence to continue working new patent

Rule 84(1) - Making observations and

amendments in response to Registrar's notification

Rule 88(1) – Filing a request for the

exercise of the Registrar’s discretionary powers

Rule 112(4) - Filing an English translation

Rule 112(5)(b) - Filing the original

verification document of an English translation


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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the requestor (as in Part 4 of this form) should be inserted in this field. If Part 4 is left empty, please insert the name of the applicant/proprietor (as in Part 3 of this form).


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PATENTS FORM 57 Addition, Correction or Late Declaration of Priority

Pre-requisites: a. If you are requesting for permission to make a late declaration of priority under rule 9A(2) together with a request for a

priority declaration to be added under rule 9(2) or a request for a correction of previously made priority declaration under rule 9(3), the fee for each request type is payable.

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 8 - 12 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the Patents

(Patent Agents) Rules 2001.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Priority Details*

Indicate below the details of the priority application relevant to this declaration/request.


Application No. (if applicable)

Filing Date (DD/MM/YYYY)


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PART 5 Type of Declaration or Request*

Type of Declaration or Request*

(Note:Cross only one checkbox)

A priority declaration under Rule 9(2)

A request under Rule 9(3) to correct a mistake in a priority declaration

A request under Rule 9A(2) for permission to make a late

priority declaration

A priority declaration under Rule 9(2) and a request under Rule

9A(2) for permission to make a late priority declaration

A request under Rule 9(3) to correct a mistake in a priority

declaration and a request under Rule 9A(2) for permission to make a late priority declaration

PART 6 Reason for the Failure to File the Application in Suit Within the Period Referred to in Section 17(2A)(a)

Note: This Part is to be completed if in Part 5 a request is made under rule 9A(2) for permission to make a late priority declaration.

Reason (Note:Cross only one


Occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken


Detailed Explanation of the Reason is Indicated

in this Box or in the Copy of the Evidence Filed with this Form.

PART 7 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

c. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name


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Address for Service in Singapore

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 8 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice*


Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the Applicant (as in PART 3 of this form) is to be indicated in this field.


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FORM CM1 Request to Appoint, Change or Remove Agent

Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 2 - 7 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory fields. b. Where the request is made to appoint, change or discharge an agent, the fees payable is based on per IP application

number. c. Please file one form for each IP type (i.e. only Trade Marks, Designs or Patents). d. For Patents, attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the

Patents (Patent Agents) Rules 2001. e. Please e-file CM 2 if you are amending the name and/or Singapore Address for Service of Agent

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.* Note: a. Application number refers to Designs Number / Patent Application Number/ Trade Marks Number. b. International Registration No. and International Application No. are applicable to Trade Marks only. c. All the numbers listed below must belong to the same applicant/proprietor indicated in Part 3 and of the same IP type (i.e.

Trade Marks, Designs or Patents only). Please use a separate form if otherwise. d. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 3.

Application No./ International

Registration No./ International Application


PART 3 Person for whom an Agent is to be Appointed, Changed or Removed* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet in CS 4.

(Note:Cross only one checkbox)

Applicant/ Proprietor Others

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)



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Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Type of Request* Please cross the relevant box to indicate the type of request. Note that separate forms should be used for different requests

Type of Request* (Note:Cross only one checkbox) Request to appoint or change an agent.

(Please fill up Part 5, 8-10)

Request to remove an agent on record. (Please fill up Part 5-10)

PART 5 Matter on which the Agent is Authorised for Note: (i)For all matters on behalf of the Respondent for revocation, invalidation, rectification or opposition, please select <Others> (ii)** If registration/grant has been renewed at least once, this selection will not update the address for service on renewal matters. To update the address for service on renewal matters as well as the Master address for service, please select <Renewal and all matters relating to registration/ grant> option.

Matter on which the Agent is Authorised for

(Note:Cross only one checkbox)

For all matters relating to the application, registration/ grant**, except those matters expressly excluded

Renewal and all matters relating to registration/ grant


For all matters relating to the licence (Specify Licence Reference No.)

For all matters relating to the security interest (Specify Security Interest Reference No.)

For all matters on behalf of the Initiator for revocation, invalidation or rectification or opposition (Specify Case No.)

Form MM2(E) (for Trade Marks)

Other MM Forms except MM1, MM2, MM3, MM16, MM17 and MM18 (for Trade Marks)

Others (Please state the specific transaction)


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PART 6 Details of Agent on Record to be Removed Note: For removal of agent authorised for all matters, please complete Part 6A. For removal of agent authorised for other matters, please complete Part 6B.

PART 6A Agent Authorised for All Matters

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


PART 6B Agent Authorised for Other Matters

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


PART 7 New Address for Service* Note: Fill this part if “Request to remove agent on record” is indicated in Part 4 of the Form. a. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box.

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)


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PART 8 Effective Date for Change Note: Any effective date entered must not be more than 1 month from the date of request. If no effective date is entered, the above changes will take effect immediately.

Effective Date for Change


PART 9 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)


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PART 10 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I may be liable for criminal prosecution for providing any false information in this application.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge. The person(s) understand that he/she may be liable for criminal prosecution for providing any false information in this application.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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FORM CM4 Request for Correction of Error

Pre-requisites: a. Where the correction relates to specification of a patent or an application for a patent, the page(s) of specification with proposed correction is to be attached to this form for submission. b. To provide supporting document to justify the correction. Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 2 - 7 minutes to complete. General: a. * denotes mandatory field. b. If you are not the agent on record for the form to be corrected, please file CM1. c. Please file one form for each IP type (i.e. only Trade Marks, Designs or Patents). d. This form is not applicable to correct errors made in all hearings and mediation related matters and all WIPO forms. e. The fees payable is based on per form. f. If the correction relates to more than one application number, the correction must be the same for all the application

numbers. g. For Patents, attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the

Patents (Patent Agents) Rules 2001. h. For Trade Marks, attention is drawn to rule 83A of the Trade Mark Rules. i. For Designs, attention is drawn to rules 33 and 65 of the Registered Designs Rules.

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.* Note: a. Application number refers to Designs Number / Patent Application Number/ Trade Marks Number. b. International Registration No. and International Application No. are applicable to Trade Marks only. c. You may indicate more than one application number if the option "Correction of Form" in Part 5 is selected and that form

contained more than one application number. d. All the numbers listed below must belong to the same applicant/ proprietor indicated in Part 3. e. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 3.

Application No./ International Application

No./ International Registration No.*

PART 3 Name of Applicant/ Proprietor* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet in CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)



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Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Details of Person Filing the Request* Note: If the person(s) filing this request is/are the proprietor(s) mentioned in part 3 above, this part is to be left empty. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 1.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Address Singapore Address

This Singapore address is to be used as the address for service for the purposes of this form. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 8.)

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Nationality or Country of Incorporation*

State of Incorporation (mandatory for USA


Country of Residency (mandatory for individuals)


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Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 5 Correction Type*

Correction Type* (Note: Cross one checkbox

only) Correction of Form Lodged

Form No.

Form Lodgement Date (DD/MM/YYYY)

Correction of Register of Patents or Designs

Correction of Specification of a Patent or of an Application for a Patent

Correction of any other documents filed in connection with the Patent or an Application for a Patent

PART 6 Details of Correction* Note: For Trade Marks, please state the affected class if the correction does not apply to all classes in the application. For Patents, where the request for correction relates to a specification, please indicate the page number and the document of the replacement text/figure and the text/figure to be replaced. Please also explain why the correction sought is obvious in the sense that it is immediately evident that nothing else would have been intended than what is offered as the correction.

Details of Correction*

For Correction of Specification of a Patent or of an Application for a Patent

Correction of Description with Claims


Correction of Description without Claims


Correction of Claims only


Correction of Drawings sheet(s)


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PART 7 Reasons for Correction*

Reasons for Correction* (please provide supporting

documents, if applicable)

PART 8 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 4 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. The official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

d. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code


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Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)

Email Address (if applicable)

PART 9 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




No. of Extra Sheets Attached to this Form



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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the proprietor/applicant (as in Part 3 of the form) should be inserted in this field if it pertains to a request for Correction of Error in Specification for Patents. Otherwise, please insert the name of the requestor (as in Part 4 of the form).


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FORM HC4 Request for Ex Parte Hearing

Pre-requisites: a. If you intend to attach any documents to this application, please have a copy of the said documents ready. Estimated Time: This form may take approximately 1 - 5 minutes to complete. General a. * denotes mandatory field. b. For Patents, attention is drawn to sections 104 and 105 of the Patents Act, rules 90 and 105 of the Patents Rules, and the

Patents (Patent Agents) Rules 2001

PART 1 Reference

Applicant/ Agent Reference

IPOS Reference (if applicable)

PART 2 Application No.*

Application No.*

International Registration No.

(for Trade Marks only)

PART 3 Name of Applicant/ Proprietor* Note: If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet in CS 4.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)


Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)

PART 4 Details of Person filing this Request for Hearing* Note: If the person(s) filing this request is/are the proprietor(s) mentioned in part 3 above, this part is to be left empty. If there is insufficient space, please use the continuation sheet CS 1.

UEN/ Company Code (if applicable)



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Address Singapore Address

This Singapore address is to be used as the address for service for the purposes of this application. (Note: If this is crossed, it is not necessary to fill up the address for service in Singapore in part 6.)

Block/ House No.

Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Foreign Address

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Nationality or Country of Incorporation*

State of Incorporation (mandatory for USA


Country of Residency (mandatory for individuals)

Sole Proprietor or Partners' Name

(if sole proprietorship or partnership)


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PART 5 Request Details* Note : Please briefly describe the subject matter and/ or issues to be brought before the Registrar.

I/ We Hereby Request a Hearing Before the

Registrar in Relation to the Above Application in

Respect of*:

PART 6 Contact Details* Note: a. Where an agent with UEN is appointed, the fields for "Agent UEN/ Company Code", "Agent Name" and "Address for

Service in Singapore" should be completed. Where an individual or an agent without UEN is appointed, the sub-field “Representative or C/O Name” and "Address for Service in Singapore" should be completed instead.

b. The address for service in Singapore need not be filled up if the person's address in Part 4 is to be used as an address for service in Singapore.

c. For the purpose of this proceeding, official correspondence will be sent to the address for service in Singapore as indicated in this box, and must be the same as the one on our record.

d. Please file Form CM1 if you are a different agent or Form CM2 if you have changed your address for service in Singapore.

Agent UEN/ Company Code

Agent Name

Representative or C/O Name

Address for Service in Singapore Block/ House


Street Name

Level - Unit


Building Name

Postal Code

Contact Person (if applicable)

Direct Telephone No. (if applicable)


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Email Address (if applicable)

PART 7 Attachments

Please attach any supporting documents.

PART 8 Declaration*


By Person Filing the Form

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

By Agent

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that :

i. I have been duly authorised to act as an agent on behalf of the person(s) filing this form.

ii. The information furnished above on behalf of the person(s) filing this form is true to the best of the person(s)' knowledge.




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Tax Invoice* Note:

Tax invoice will be issued to the entity/individual as indicated. Goods and Services Tax (GST)-registered businesses may claim input tax with Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), subject to meeting the requirements under the GST Act.

Name (Tax invoice to be issued to)

The name of the requestor (as in Part 4 of this form) should be inserted in this field. If Part 4 is left empty, please insert the name of the applicant/proprietor (as in Part 3 of this form).

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