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PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Page 1

(19 mai 2016)








Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.I Requête en délivrance d’un brevet (formulaire no 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.II Pouvoir (formulaire no 46) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.III Demande de rapport de recherche et d’examen (formulaire no 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.IV Demande de rapport de recherche (formulaire no 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.V Demande de rapport d’examen (formulaire no 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annexe BN.VI

Liste des abréviations :

Office : Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Brunéi Darussalam (BruIPO)

OB : Ordonnance sur les brevets, 2011

RB : Règlement sur les brevets, 2012

BN PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Page 3

(19 mai 2016)

RÉSUMÉ Office désigné (ou élu)





Résumé des exigences pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale Délais applicables pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale :

En vertu de l’article 22.1) du PCT : 30 mois à compter de la date de priorité En vertu de l’article 39.1)a) du PCT : 30 mois à compter de la date de priorité

Traduction de la demande internationale requise en1 : Anglais

Éléments que doit comporter la traduction pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale1 :

En vertu de l’article 22 du PCT : Description, revendications (si elles ont été modifiées, à la fois telles que déposées initialement et telles que modifiées, ainsi que toute déclaration faite en vertu de l’article 19 du PCT2), texte éventuel des dessins, abrégé3 En vertu de l’article 39.1) du PCT : Description, revendications, texte éventuel des dessins, abrégé3 (si l’un quelconque de ces éléments a été modifié, il doit figurer à la fois tel que déposé initialement et tel que modifié par les annexes du rapport d’examen préliminaire international2)

Une copie de la demande internationale est-elle requise ? Oui

Taxe nationale : Monnaie : Dollar du Brunéi (BND) Taxe de dépôt1 : BND 160

Exemption, réduction ou remboursement de la taxe nationale : Néant

Exigences particulières de l’office (règle 51bis du PCT) :

Nom et adresse de l’inventeur s’ils n’ont pas été indiqués dans la partie “requête” de la demande internationale 4, 5 Justification du droit de demander ou d’obtenir un brevet 4, 5 Justification du droit de revendiquer la priorité de la demande antérieure4, 5 Justification du changement du nom du déposant si le changement est survenu après la date du dépôt international5 Adresse pour la correspondence au Brunéi Darussalam si le déposant n’est pas domicilié au Brunéi Darussalam Justification de la désignation du mandataire (autorisation ou pouvoir) Fourniture, le cas échéant, d’un listage des séquences de nucléotides ou d’acides aminés sous forme électronique

[Suite sur la page suivante]

______________ 1 Doit être remise ou payée dans le délai applicable en vertu de l’article 22 ou 39.1) du PCT. 2 Lorsque le déposant remet une traduction de la demande internationale uniquement telle que modifiée ou uniquement telle que

déposée initialement, l’office l’invite à remettre la traduction manquante. 3 La traduction de l’abrégé n’est requise que dans le cas où la demande internationale n’a pas encore été publiée. 4 Cette exigence peut être remplie si la déclaration correspondante a été faite conformément à la règle 4.17 du PCT. 5 Si le déposant n’a pas déjà fait le nécessaire dans le délai applicable en vertu de l’article 22 ou 39.1) du PCT, l’office l’invitera à le

faire dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la date de réception de l’invitation.

BN Page 4 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

(19 mai 2016)

RÉSUMÉ Office désigné (ou élu)





Qui peut agir en qualité de mandataire ?

Toute personne physique ou morale domiciliée au Brunéi Darussalam

L’office accepte-t-il les requêtes en restauration du droit de priorité (règle 49ter.2 du PCT) ?

Oui, l’office applique à ces requêtes à la fois le critère du “caractère non intentionnel” et celui de la “diligence requise”


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Page 5

(24 juillet 2014)


BN.01 FORMULAIRE POUR L’OUVERTURE DE LA PHASE NATIONALE. L’office tient à la disposition des déposants un formulaire spécial pour l’ouverture de la phase nationale (voir l’annexe BN.II). Il est préférable (quoique non obligatoire) d’utiliser ce formulaire.

BN.02 TRADUCTION. Il est possible de corriger des erreurs dans la traduction de la demande internationale en se référant au texte de la demande internationale telle qu’initialement déposée (voir les paragraphes 6.002 et 6.003 de la phase nationale).

RB art. 92(6) BN.03 TRADUCTION (DÉLAIS). Si le déposant s’acquitte de la taxe de dépôt, mais s’il ne remet pas la traduction, une notification sera envoyée par l’office pour demander la transmission de la traduction requise dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la date de la notification.

BN.04 TAXES (MODE DE PAIEMENT). Le mode de paiement des taxes mentionnées dans le résumé et dans le présent chapitre est indiqué à l’annexe BN.I.

BN.05 ADRESSE POUR LA CORRESPONDANCE. Si le déposant n’est pas domicilié au Brunéi Darussalam, une adresse pour la correspondance au Brunéi Darussalam doit être fournie.

BN.06 DÉSIGNATION D’UN MANDATAIRE. Si le déposant est représenté par un mandataire, un pouvoir est requis (annexe BN.III).

BN.07 INVENTEUR. Le nom et l’adresse de l’inventeur doivent être indiqués. Si le déposant ne les a pas fournis, l’office l’invitera à le faire.

RB art. 54(1) BN.08 TAXES ANNUELLES. Une taxe annuelle doit être acquittée pour la cinquième année suivant la date du dépôt international et pour chacune des années suivantes. Le paiement des taxes annuelles doit être effectué avant la fin du mois dans lequel tombe la date anniversaire du dépôt international. Il peut être encore effectué dans un délai de trois mois à compter de la date d’échéance, accompagné de la surtaxe pour paiement tardif. Les montants de ces taxes sont indiqués à l’annexe BN.I.

OB art. 29(2)(b) RB art. 39

BN.09 EXAMEN. Un brevet n’est délivré qu’après un examen quant au fond qui doit être demandé par le déposant. La requête en examen doit être effectuée en anglais à l’aide du formulaire 12 (Demande de rapport de recherche et d’examen) ou du formulaire 11 (Demande de rapport de recherche) ou du formulaire 16 (Demande de rapport d’examen) (annexes BN.IV-VI).

L’examen doit être demandé dans un délai de 42 mois à compter de la date du dépôt international.

Dans le délai imparti pour demander l’examen, le déposant doit acquitter une taxe de requête en examen. Le traitement de la requête en examen ne débutera que si la taxe y afférente a été acquittée. Le montant de cette taxe est indiqué à l’annexe BN.I.

PCT art. 28 41

BN.10 MODIFICATION DE LA DEMANDE. Le déposant peut apporter des modifications à la demande jusqu’à la délivrance du brevet, à condition que la modification n’aille pas au-delà de la divulgation initiale. Le montant de la taxe correspondante est indiqué à l’annexe BN.I.

PCT art. 25 PCT règle 51

BN.11 RÉVISION EN VERTU DE L’ARTICLE 25 DU PCT. Les grandes lignes de la procédure applicable sont exposées aux paragraphes 6.018 à 6.021 de la phase nationale.


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(24 juillet 2014)

PCT art. 24.2) 48.2) PCT règle 82bis

BN.12 EXCUSE DES RETARDS DANS L’OBSERVATION DES DÉLAIS. Il convient de se reporter aux paragraphes 6.022 à 6.027 de la phase nationale.

OB art. 40 RB art. 58 PCT règle 49.6

BN.13 RÉTABLISSEMENT DES DROITS. Le déposant qui, soit de façon non intentionnelle, soit en dépit d’avoir exercé la diligence requise en l’espèce, n’a pas accompli les actes prévus à l’article 22 dans le délai applicable, peut demander le rétablissement de ceux-ci. La requête en rétablissement doit être présentée par écrit dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la cessation de l’empêchement ou de douze mois à compter de l’expiration du délai non observé, le délai qui expire en premier étant appliqué. Dans le délai précité de deux mois, l’acte non accompli doit l’être et la taxe pour le rétablissement des droits (voir l’annexe BN.I) doit être acquittée.


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annex BN.I

(24 juillet 2014)


(Monnaie: Dollar du Brunéi (BND)) Taxe de dépôt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Requête en examen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.100

Requête en recherche et en examen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.600

Taxe pour modification de la demande . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Taxe de rétablissement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

Taxe de restauration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

Taxes annuelles — de la 5e à la 7e année, par année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 — de la 8e à la 10 année, par année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 — de la 11e à la 13e année, par année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 — de la 14e à la 16e année, par année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 — de la 17e à la 19e année, par année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 — pour la 20e année . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650

Surcharge pour paiement tardif des taxes annuelles

— pour un mois au maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 — par mois supplémentaire (pour six mois au maximum) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Comment le paiement peut-il être effectué ? Les taxes doivent être payées en dollars du Brunéi. Pour tout paiement, il y a lieu d’indiquer le numéro de la demande (nationale, s’il est déjà connu; internationale, si le numéro de la demande nationale n’est pas encore connu), le nom du déposant et la catégorie de taxe qui est versée. Le paiement peut être effectué auprès de l’office en espèces, par chèque ou par virement bancaire. Les paiements par virement bancaire doivent être effectués auprès de la banque suivante : Nom du bénéficiaire : The Brunei Economic Development Board Banque : Baiduri Bank Brunei Berhad No de compte : 02-00-111-299988 Adresse : Unit 1, Block A, Kiarong Complex, Lebuhraya Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Bandar Seri Begawan BE 1318, Brunei Darussalam


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.II, page 1

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 1 Page 1 of 5



Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012



Rules 22 and 29

* denotes mandatory fields



3. DETAILS OF APPLICANT(S)* (see note 3) Number of applicant(s) (A) Name Address State Country

For corporate applicant For individual applicant State of incorporation State of residency Country of incorporation Country of residency For others (please specify in the box provided below) (B) Name Address State Country


Annexe BN.II, page 2 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 1 Page 2 of 5

For corporate applicant For individual applicant State of incorporation State of residency Country of incorporation Country of residency For others (please specify in the box provided below) (C) Name Address State Country

For corporate applicant For individual applicant State of incorporation State of residency Country of incorporation Country of residency For others (please specify in the box provided below)

Further applicants are to be indicated on continuation sheet 1

4. DECLARATION OF PRIORITY UNDER SECTION 17(2) (see note 5) A. Country/country designated DD MM YYYY File number Filing Date This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9) B. Country/country designated DD MM YYYY File number Filing Date This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9)

Further details are to be indicated on continuation sheet 6


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.II, page 3

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 1 Page 3 of 5

5. INVENTOR(S)* (see note 6) A. The applicant(s) is/are the sole/joint inventor(s) Yes No B. A statement on Patents Form 8 is/will be furnished Yes No


section 20(3) section 26(6) section 48(4) Patent application number DD MM YYYY Filing Date

7. SECTION 14(4)(C) REQUIREMENTS (see note 8) Invention has been displayed at an international exhibition. Yes No

8. SECTION 111 REQUIREMENTS (see note 9) The invention relates to and/or used a micro-organism deposited for the purposes of disclosure in accordance with section 111 with a depository authority under the Budapest Treaty. Yes No

9. STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) (see note 10)

The description of the invention for which the patent is sought is incorporated in the application by reference to, and is completely contained in, the earlier relevant application, as filed

10. CHECKLIST* (A) The application consists of the following number of sheets i. Request Sheets ii. Description Sheets iii. Claim(s) Sheets iv. Drawing(s) Sheets v. Abstract Sheets

(Note: Please indicate on the abstract the figure of the drawing, if any, which should accompany the abstract when published)

Total number of sheets Sheets


Annexe BN.II, page 4 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 1 Page 4 of 5

(B) The application as filed is accompanied by:

Statement of inventorship International exhibition certificate & right to grant

11. DETAILS OF AGENT (see notes 11, 12 and 13) Name Firm

12. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM* (see note 11) Unit/Hse No. Level No. PO Box Building Name Street Name Postal Code

13. NAME, SIGNATURE AND DECLARATION (WHERE APPROPRIATE) OF APPLICANT OR AGENT* (see note 13) (Note: Please cross the box below where appropriate.)

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that I have been duly authorised to act as representative, for the purposes of this application, on behalf of the applicant(s) named in paragraph 3 herein.

DD MM YYYY _______________________________________ Name and Signature


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.II, page 5

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 1 Page 5 of 5


1. This form when completed should be brought or sent to the Registry of Patents together with the rest of the application. Please note that the filing fee should be furnished within the period prescribed.

2. The relevant checkboxes as indicated in bold should be marked with a cross where applicable.

3. Enter the name and address of each applicant in the spaces provided in paragraph 3.

Where the applicant is an individual - Names of individuals should be indicated in full and the surname or family name should be underlined. -The address of each individual should also be furnished in the space provided. - The checkbox for “For individual applicant” should be marked with a cross. Where the applicant is a body corporate - Bodies corporate should be designated by their corporate name and country of incorporation and, where appropriate, the state of incorporation within that country should be entered where provided. - The address of the body corporate should also be furnished in the space provided. - The checkbox for “For corporate applicant” should be marked with a cross. Where the applicant is a partnership - The details of all partners must be provided. The name of each partner should be indicated in full and the surname or family name should be underlined. - The address of each partner should also be furnished in the space provided. - The checkbox for “For others” should be marked with a cross and the name and address of the partnership should be indicated in the box provided.

4. In the field for “Country”, please refer to the standard list of country codes made available by the Registry of Patents and enter the

country code corresponding to the country in question.

5. The declaration of priority under section 17(2) in paragraph 4 should state the date of the previous filing, the country in which it was made, and the file number, if available. Where the application relied upon is an International Application or a regional patent application e.g. European patent application, one of the countries designated in that application [being one falling under section 17 of the Patents Order] should be identified and the country should be entered in the space provided.

6. Where the applicant or applicants is/are the sole inventor or the joint inventors, paragraph 5 should be completed by marking with

a cross the 'YES' checkbox in the declaration (A) and the 'NO' checkbox in the alternative statement (B). Where this is not the case, the 'NO' checkbox in declaration (A) should be marked with a cross and a statement will be required to be filed on Patents Form 8.

7. When an application is made by virtue of section 20(3), 26(6) or 48(4), the appropriate section should be identified in paragraph 6

and the file number of the earlier application or any patent granted thereon identified.

8. Where the applicant wishes an earlier disclosure of the invention by him at an International Exhibition to be disregarded in accordance with section 14(4)(c), then the 'YES' checkbox at paragraph 7 should be marked with a cross. Otherwise, the 'NO' checkbox should be marked with a cross.

9. Where in disclosing the invention the application refers to one or more micro-organisms deposited with a depository authority

under the Budapest Treaty, then the 'YES' checkbox at paragraph 8 should be marked with a cross. Otherwise, the 'NO' checkbox should be marked with a cross. Attention is also drawn to the Fourth Schedule of the Patents Rules.

10. Where the applicant makes a statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C), no description should be filed under paragraph 10 of this


11. Where an agent is appointed, the fields for “DETAILS OF AGENT” and “ADDRESS FOR SERVICE IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM” should be completed and they should be the same as those found in the corresponding Patents Form 46. In the event where no agent is appointed, the field for “ADDRESS FOR SERVICE IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM” should be completed, leaving the field for “DETAILS OF AGENT” blank.

12. In the event where an individual is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Name” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed

by entering the full name of the individual. The sub-field “Firm” may be left blank. In the event where a partnership/body corporate is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Firm” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the name of the partnership/body corporate. The sub-field “Name” may be left blank.

13. Attention is drawn to sections 101 and 102 of the Patents Order and rules 96 and 110 of the Patents Rules.

14. Applicants resident in Brunei Darussalam are reminded that if the Registry of Patents considers that an application contains

information the publication of which might be prejudicial to the defence of Brunei Darussalam or the safety of the public, it may prohibit or restrict its publication or communication. Any person resident in Brunei Darussalam and wishing to apply for patent protection in other countries must first obtain permission from the Brunei Darussalam Registry of Patents unless they have already applied for a patent for the same invention in Brunei Darussalam. In the latter case, no application should be made overseas until at least 2 months after the application has been filed in Brunei Darussalam and unless no directions had been issued under section 32 by the Registrar or such directions have been revoked. Attention is drawn to sections 32 and 33 of the Patents Order.

15. If the space provided in the patents form is not enough, the additional information should be entered in the relevant continuation

sheet. Please note that the continuation sheets need not be filed with the Registry of Patents if they are not used.


Annexe BN.II, page 6 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

(24 juillet 2014)


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to: (Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed.) paragraph 3 of Patents Form 1 paragraph 3 of Patents Form 44

paragraph 6 of Patents Form 42 paragraph 3 of Patents Form 54

Name Address State Country

For corporate applicant For individual applicant

State of incorporation State of residency Country of incorporation Country of residency For others (please specify in the box provided below) Name Address State Country

For corporate applicant For individual applicant

State of incorporation State of residency Country of incorporation Country of residency For others (please specify in the box provided below) Further applicants are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 1


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.II, page 7

(24 juillet 2014)


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to paragraph 4 of Patents Form 1 DD MM YYYY Country/country designated Filing date File number This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9) DD MM YYYY Country/country designated Filing date File number

This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B) (Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9)

DD MM YYYY Country/country designated Filing date File number This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9) DD MM YYYY Country/country designated Filing date File number This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9) DD MM YYYY Country/country designated Filing date File number This information is provided to meet the requirements under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(B)

(Statement under section 26(1)(c)(ii)(C) is to be made in paragraph 9)

Further details are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 6


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.III, page 1

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 46 Page 1 of 2


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012



Rule 96

NOTES: 1. * denotes mandatory fields. 2. Checkboxes as indicated in bold should be marked with a cross where applicable. 3. Where an individual is appointed as an agent, the sub-fields “Name”, “Address” and “Address for service in Brunei Darussalam” in paragraph 5 must be completed. The sub-field “Firm” must be left blank. Where a partnership/body corporate is appointed as an agent, the sub-fields “Firm”, “Address” and “Address for service in Brunei Darussalam” in paragraph 5 must be completed. The sub-field “Name” must be left blank. Where both the “Name” and “Firm” have been entered, the Registry shall treat the details entered in the sub-field “Firm” as the agent detail intended. 4. In the country field, please refer to the standard list of country codes made available by the Registry of Patents and enter the country code corresponding to the country in question. 5. Enter in full in paragraph 4, name(s) and address(es) of applicant(s), proprietor(s) or other person(s) who has/have appointed the Agent to act on his/their behalf. 6. The area of matter in relation to which the appointment was made should be marked with a cross in paragraph 6. 7. Attention is drawn to sections 101 and 102 of the Patents Order, rules 96 and 110 of the Patents Rules. 8. If the space provided in the patents form is not enough, the additional information should be entered in the continuation sheet. Please note that the continuation sheet need not be filed with the Registry of Patents if it is not used. 9. If this patents form is intended to be filed for more than one patent application/patent, the words “See attached schedule” should be entered in the field for “PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER”. The relevant application numbers should be entered in the fields provided in the attached schedule. 10. Please note that any fee paid is not refundable and this includes cases where the applications do not proceed to grant. 1. YOUR REFERENCE* 2. PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER


Further persons are to be indicated on continuation sheet 5


Annexe BN.III, page 2 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 46 Page 2 of 2

5. DETAILS OF AGENT APPOINTED FOR FIRST TIME OR IN SUBSTITUTION FOR ANOTHER* (see note 3) Name Firm Address Address for service in Brunei Darussalam Unit/Hse No. Level No. PO Box Building Name Street Name Postal Code 6. AREA OF MATTER ON WHICH THE APPOINTED AGENT IS ACTING ON* (see note 6) (Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed.)

For all matters relating to this patent application/patent, except those matters expressly excluded For renewals only Others (please specify in the box provided below)

7. SIGNATURE OF AGENT APPOINTED FOR FIRST TIME OR IN SUBSTITUTION FOR ANOTHER* (see note 7) I declare that I have been authorised by the person(s) in paragraph 4 to act on his/their behalf in the matter stated in paragraph 6. DD MM YYYY _______________________________________ Name and Signature


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.III, page 3

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Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to paragraph of Patents Form PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER (if any) Name Address State Country Name Address State Country Name Address State Country Name Address State Country

Further persons are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 5


Annexe BN.III, page 4 PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN

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Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Patents Form 28 Patents Form 29 Patents Form 46


Further patent application numbers are to be indicated on another attached schedule


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.IV, page 1

(24 juillet 2014)

Patents Form 12 Page 1 of 2



Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Rules 39.

NOTES: 1. * denotes mandatory fields. 2. Checkboxes as indicated in bold should be marked with a cross where applicable. 3. This form should be completed by the applicant(s) for the patent, who should enter his/their name(s) in paragraph 3. 4. The relevant checkbox in paragraph 4 should be marked with a cross to indicate which subsection of section 29 is applicable. 5. Where an agent is appointed, the fields for “DETAILS OF AGENT” should be completed and they (including the address for service) should be the same as those found in Patents Form 46 filed earlier. In the event where no agent is appointed, the address for service should be the same as that furnished earlier. 6. Where an individual is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Name” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the full name of the individual. The sub-field “Firm” must be left blank. Where a partnership/body corporate is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Firm” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the name of the partnership/body corporate. The sub-field “Name” must be left blank. Where both “Name” and “Firm” have been entered, the Registry shall treat the details entered in the sub-field “Firm” as the agent detail intended. 7. Attention is drawn to sections 101 and 102 of the Patents Order, rules 96 and 110 of the Patents Rules. 8. If the space provided in the patents form is not enough, the additional information should be entered in the continuation sheet. Please note that the continuation sheet need not be filed with the Registry of Patents if it is not used. 9. Please note that any fee paid is not refundable and this includes cases where the applications do not proceed to grant. 1. YOUR REFERENCE* 2. PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER* 3. NAME OF APPLICANT(S) FOR THE PATENT APPLICATION* (see note 3) (A) Name (B) Name Further applicants are to be indicated on continuation sheet 4 (Note: Details of applicant(s) must correspond to those found in the current register of patents. If they do not, corresponding Patents Forms and fees must be filed to update the register.)

4. SEARCH AND EXAMINATION REQUEST* (see note 4) (Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed.) Request for the preparation of a search and examination report under section 29(1)(b)

Request for the preparation of a search and examination report under section 29(5)(b)

5. DETAILS OF AGENT (if any) (see notes 5, 6 and 7) Name Firm (Note: These details should be identical to those furnished in the Patents Form 46 filed earlier or at the same time this form is filed.)


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6. NAME, SIGNATURE AND DECLARATION (WHERE APPROPRIATE) OF APPLICANT OR AGENT* (see note 7) (Note: Please cross the box below where appropriate.)

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that I have been duly authorised to submit this form, on behalf of the applicant(s) named in paragraph 3 of this form.

DD MM YYYY _______________________________________ Name and Signature


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.IV, page 3

(24 juillet 2014)


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to paragraph of Patents Form PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER (if any) Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name

Further persons are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 4


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.V, page 1

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Patents Form 11 Page 1 of 2



Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Rules 38 and 47(2)

NOTES: 1. * denotes mandatory fields. 2. Checkboxes as indicated in bold should be marked with a cross where applicable. 3. This form should be completed by the applicant(s) for the patent, who should enter his/their name(s) in paragraph 3. 4. The relevant checkbox in paragraph 4 should be marked with a cross according to whether the request is made for a search under section 29(1)(a) or a further search in respect of a second or subsequent invention under rule 47(2). 5. If the request is filed for a supplementary search report, the invention in relation to which the further search is requested should be identified in the space provided in paragraph 4. Reference should be made to the claims in which that invention is specified. If this is not done, the further search will be made in relation to the second invention specified in the search report previously conducted under section 29(2). 6. Where an agent is appointed, the fields for “DETAILS OF AGENT” should be completed and they (including the address for service) should be the same as those found in Patents Form 46 filed earlier. In the event where no agent is appointed, the address for service should be the same as that furnished earlier. 7. Where an individual is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Name” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the full name of the individual. The sub-field “Firm” must be left blank. Where a partnership/body corporate is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Firm” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the name of the partnership/body corporate. The sub-field “Name” must be left blank. Where both the “Name” and “Firm” have been entered, the Registry shall treat the details entered in the sub-field “Firm” as the agent detail intended. 8. Attention is drawn to sections 101 and 102 of the Patents Order, rules 96 and 110 of the Patents Rules. 9. If the space provided in the patents form is not enough, the additional information should be entered in the continuation sheet. Please note that the continuation sheet need not be filed with the Registry of Patents if it is not used. 10. Please note that any fee paid is not refundable and this includes cases where the applications do not proceed to grant. 1. YOUR REFERENCE* 2. PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER* 3. NAME OF APPLICANT(S) FOR THE PATENT APPLICATION* (see note 3) (A) Name (B) Name Further applicants are to be indicated on continuation sheet 4 (Note: Details of applicant(s) must correspond to those found in the current register of patents. If they do not, corresponding Patents Forms and fees must be filed to update the register.)

4. SEARCH REQUEST/SUPPLEMENTARY SEARCH REQUEST* (see notes 4 and 5) (Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed.) Request for the preparation of a search report in accordance with section 29(2)

Request that in addition to the search carried out by the examiner in relation to the first invention specified in the claims of the Patent Application above, a search shall also be carried out in relation to the following other invention specified in claims(s) of the specification as stated below:


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5. DETAILS OF AGENT (if any) (see notes 6, 7 and 8) Name Firm (Note: These details should be identical to those furnished in the Patents Form 46 filed earlier or at the same time this form is filed.) 6. NAME, SIGNATURE AND DECLARATION (WHERE APPROPRIATE) OF APPLICANT OR AGENT* (see note 8) (Note: Please cross the box below where appropriate.)

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that I have been duly authorised to submit this form, on behalf of the applicant(s) named in paragraph 3 of this form.

DD MM YYYY _______________________________________ Name and Signature


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.V, page 3

(24 juillet 2014)


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to paragraph of Patents Form PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER (if any) Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name

Further persons are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 4


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.VI, page 1

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Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Rule 43

NOTES: 1. * denotes mandatory fields. 2. Checkboxes as indicated in bold should be marked with a cross where applicable. 3. This form should be completed by the applicant(s) for the patent, who should enter his/their name(s) in paragraph 3. 4. The relevant checkbox in paragraph 4 should be marked with a cross to indicate which subsection of section 29 is applicable. 5. Where an agent is appointed, the fields for “DETAILS OF AGENT” should be completed and they (including the address for service) should be the same as those found in Patents Form 46 filed earlier. In the event where no agent is appointed, the address for service should be the same as that furnished earlier. 6. Where an individual is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Name” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the full name of the individual. The sub-field “Firm” must be left blank. Where a partnership/body corporate is appointed as an agent, the sub-field “Firm” under “DETAILS OF AGENT” must be completed by entering the name of the partnership/body corporate. The sub-field “Name” must be left blank. Where both the “Name” and “Firm” have been entered, the Registry shall treat the details entered in the sub-field “Firm” as the agent intended. 7. Attention is drawn to sections 101 and 102 of the Patents Order, rules 96 and 110 of the Patents Rules. 8. If the space provided in the patents form is not enough, the additional information should be entered in the continuation sheet. Please note that the continuation sheet need not be filed with the Registry of Patents if it is not used. 9. Please note that any fee paid is not refundable and this includes cases where the applications do not proceed to grant. 1. YOUR REFERENCE*

2. PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER* 3. NAME OF APPLICANT(S) FOR THE PATENT APPLICATION* (see note 3) (A) Name (B) Name Further applicants are to be indicated on continuation sheet 4 (Note: Details of applicant(s) must correspond to those found in the current register of patents. If they do not, corresponding Patents Forms and fees must be filed to update the register.)

4. EXAMINATION REQUEST* (see note 4) (Note: Only one checkbox may be crossed)

Request for an examination report under section 29(3) Request for an examination report under section 29(6)(a)

Request for an examination report under section 29(10)

5. DETAILS OF AGENT (if any) (see notes 5, 6 and 7) Name


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Firm (Note: These details should be identical to those furnished in the Patents Form 46 filed earlier or at the same time this form is filed.) 6. NAME, SIGNATURE AND DECLARATION (WHERE APPROPRIATE) OF APPLICANT OR AGENT* (see note 7) (Note: Please cross the box below where appropriate.)

I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that I have been duly authorised to submit this form, on behalf of the applicant(s) named in paragraph 3 of this form.

DD MM YYYY _______________________________________ Name and Signature


PCT – Guide du déposant – Phase nationale – Chapitre national – BN Annexe BN.VI, page 3

(24 juillet 2014)


Patents Order, 2011 Patents Rules, 2012


Continuation sheet to paragraph of Patents Form PATENT APPLICATION NUMBER (if any) Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name

Further persons are to be indicated on another continuation sheet 4

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