over digitaal en doritos

Post on 04-Jun-2015






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Over digitaal en doritosWim Janssens,

User Experience designer van Monkeyshot

“In the future, wearable technologies will help us manage our lives, keep us in tune with our bodies through on-body sensors, augment our minds and allow us to be more independent of the physical desktop computing infrastructure that currently limits us.”Prof Thad E. Starner, Georgia Institute of Technology

“From my perspective, Google Glass sounds like a terrific recipe for creating more annoying rude people talking to themselves in public. They occupy our world while existing in their own separate virtual world, oblivious to the social awkwardness they leave in their wake. “Mark Kaelin, senior editor, CBS Interactive

“Choice is key to trust in the digital economy and Glass doesn't just challenge our assumptions about consent, it challenges whether we even have a choice any more. And that can't be good for anyone.”Nick Pickles, director of privacy campaign group Big Brother Watch

Over digitaal en Doritos

Wim Janssens - Monkeyshot

“Papa, leg uw gsm is weg.”

digital = electronic cocaine

Peter Whybrow

“Our husbands come home from work, glued to their Blackberries. They don’t talk with us or with the children. They don’t connect with us. And then, when we go to bed, they want sex. I don’t think so.”“Attention foreplay” – Linda Stone

The best interface is no interfaceGolden Krishna

“Ford now seems to be moving in that direction, too. It wanted to make its cars more like smartphones, but it turns out that people already have smartphones. They want their cars to be like cars.”http://qz.com/94898/ford-gives-up-on-turning-its-cars-into-smartphones/

in, outdeep, slowcalm, ease,smile, release,present moment, wonderful moment…Thich Nhat Hanh

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