paderi kristian misi murtad masuk islam

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  • 8/14/2019 Paderi Kristian Misi Murtad Masuk Islam



    Paderi Kristian Misi Murtad Masuk Islam

    "Cerita benar yang menarik daripada bagaimana Paderi Kristian

    di Filipina yang menjalankan usaha untuk memurtadkan orang-orang Islam, dia pula yangmasuk Islam. Dan apa komen beliau mengenai pengurusan dakwah orang Islam yang lemah

    tidak seperti pengurusan tersusun dakwah orang Kristian seluruh dunia. Satu cabaran untuk

    para pendakwah yang makan gaji seperti di Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri, JAKIM, IKIM dan

    sebagainya serta pendakwah sukarela, pendakwah bebas, ABIM, JIM dsbnya.

    Juga cabaran kepada umat Islam di Malaysia ini secara umumnya, agar mengambil pendekatanyang rasional untuk menangani gejala murtad.

    Filipino Theologian Embraces Islam Rexcel Sorza

    November 7, 2005

    IOL Philippines Correspondent

    When Muslim rebel leader Nur Misuari wanted Mindanao to secede and become an Islamicstate, a Mindanao-born theologian and sociologist was among the first to rise and argue that

    the southern Philippine island is never home to Muslims alone.

    Catholic priest Estanislao Soria campaigned against the Moros takeover of the whole ofMindanao. I vehemently disagreed with Mr. Misuari. I campaigned against the Moro

    movement, said Soria, who used to be popularly known as Father Stan.

    Soria did not want to argue without basis as he is an academic and theologian schooled inthe Jesuit-run learning institutions.

    He embarked on a historical and sociological research to back his arguments. In the back of

    mind, though, was the thought of the need to convert Muslims to Christianity. This also

    brought him to read Islamic writings, and, quite surprisingly, lead him to revert to Islam.

    As a linguist well-versed in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, I thought I can learn Arabic thateasily. I also wanted to translate Arabic writings into English as well as translate Western

    ideologies like existentialism into Arabic but I realized it was difficult, he told

    Soria believed that making Western writings available in Arabic would lead Muslims inMindanao to appreciate Christianity more than Islam. I wanted to open their minds to

    Christianity because I had heard a lot of negative things about the Muslims. I told myself

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  • 8/14/2019 Paderi Kristian Misi Murtad Masuk Islam



    they have to be educated.

    But in getting deep into his readings, Soria realized that persons considered as Church

    fathers such as Saint Thomas Aquinas, got their knowledge from Islamic readings and

    teachings; that many of the so-called Western ideologies and theologies have long been

    discussed in Islam.

    [My readings] enlightened me that Western civilizations thoughts sprung from Islamic

    teachings. After reading more works of Islamic theologians, I strongly changed my views on

    Islam, he told

    Soria added, I even realized that the Gospel of Barnabas is even more credible than thegospels of the four evangelists [included in the Christian Bible]. The Gospel of Barnabas is

    a work purporting to be a depiction of the life of Jesus by his disciple Barnabas. It is also

    considered to be pro-Islamic.

    He, too, found out through his sociological research that most of the negative things said ofthe Filipino Muslims were untrue. They were not what they were stereotyped to be.

    In 2001, Soria, who had served as parish priest in various cities and towns in Metro Manilaafter taking his college and theology studies at Xavier University and Loyola School of

    Theology, both of the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University, reverted to Islam.

    He has since been known as Muhammad Soria, but many, including his Muslim friends, still

    call him Father Stan.

    The 64-year-old Soria said his decision was met with condemnation and disgust by most of

    his relatives and former parishioners, an experience similar to what many of the Muslimreverts, locally known as Balik Islam, go through. This, however, did not deter him from

    leaving the priesthood after 14 years and embracing Islam.

    Soria is getting used to Islam, which to him is not only a religion but a way of life.

    He has gone on Hajj in Makkah five times already, being a member of the Islamic Da`wah

    Movement of the Philippines. He also married a 24-year-old woman last year after living a

    celibate life as a priest.

    Soria said that if there is one thing that Muslims should learn from Christians, it is being

    organized. To him, having a structure would greatly help in spreading Islam as structurehelped the Christians.

    For example, he said, Muslims should put up universities all over the globe, as Catholicmissionaries did with their universities. Also, why cant Islamic states produce preachers

    and do what the Christian missionaries did? he asked.

    He further said there is a need to intellectualize Islam through rationality because by

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  • 8/14/2019 Paderi Kristian Misi Murtad Masuk Islam



    doing so the teachings embodied in the Quran would be better appreciated by people totally

    new to it.

    He is also ecstatic about the annual fast this Ramadan. He said he is again reminded of the

    sunrise to sundown fasts spiritual value in contrast to the Christians dieting which is too

    material or human.

    Soria said, In Islam, we are taught that if you discipline your body the Creator would grant

    your wish. Harmony between Filipino Muslims and Filipino Christians in this largely Christian

    nation, amid the stereotyping of Muslims as terrorists, is among the wishes he prays to begrantedAdaptasi dari :

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