pol'art | paris bouge

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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we are infinite




Salut!On ne vie qu’a Paris

Qui? Quoi? Quand? Où? Pourquoi?Timbre

Ars poL’articaApollinaireWallflower

Wooden HeartPétanque


Rue des ÉcolesQuartier Saint-Victor & Le MaraisMontmartreJardin de Lux. Métro & Shakespeare Co.Vers Notre DameJardin de Lux.Jardin de Lux.Jardin de Lux.Vers le lac






salut!Érzékekre hatni. Újból.

De most épp ellenkezőleg, mint korábban. Kevesebb betű, kevesebb szó. Ami pedig mégis helyet

kapott, végtelenül szorosan összefonódik – kis terjedelemben, sokat mondva –

a mellette levő képpel.Ezennel a fotó beszél, illetve az azon látható Párizs-

fragmentum, nem pedig novella, nem is jegyzet, sem pedig kritika.

Egy fotónapló a mozdulatlanul is nyüzsgő Párizsról.



Kilencvenöt cent egy frissen sült baguette. 1980-ban pedig egy frank hatvanhét centimért vághatták a hónuk alá a franciák. Száznégy, meg hét, plusz százkét lépcsőfok vezet fel a Place Saint Pierre-től a Sacre Coeur lábáig. Tizenöt euróért jut be az ember a Beauvais-ról a Porte Maillot-ra. Tíz plusz két másik avenue találkozik a Place de l’Étoile-nál. 1973. negyedik havának nyolcadik napján hunyt el Pablo Picasso, a dél-franciaországi Mougins-ben. Tizennégy elnöke volt a III. francia Köztársaságnak és ‘69-ben mondott le elnöki tisztségéről Charles de Gaulle. Két és fél millió antant katona szolgált a százhatodik hadosztályban az első világháború alatt. Michel Platinit három mérkőzés válasz-totta el hetvenötödik válagatottságától. Le qua-torze juillet. Tizenegy házasságon kívüli gyermeke született IV. Henriknek. Párizs, megközelítőleg az északi szélesség negyvennyolcadik fokánál fekszik. etc.





open the ligths open the pack

that i’ve left behindread my lyrics

own my memories that you have foundwe’ll meet in dreams

whenever we miss the sound

the sound that nestles from far


meet me midway







Nem vagyok fotós – és nem is fogom keresni se a jelzőket,

sem pedig a pontos megha-tározást, hogy mégis mi tesz

valakit fotóssá.Egyszerűen a nyakamba akasz-

tottam egy gépet, és meg-próbáltam úgy végigsétálni

Párizs korábban már látott és eddig még fel nem fedezett

részein, mint még soha. Lassan és nyugodtan.

Egy érdekesnek tűnő kirakat, egy nulla-huszonnégyes

mosoda, egy lépcsősor, egy templomtorony, egy kopott

tábla egy még kopottabb kerítésen, egy igaz történeten

alapuló regény (Láthatatlan híd) főhősének háza – ezekre

“hallgattam”, nem pedig az útikönyvre.

Közben pedig kattintottam: házszám, pétanque pálya, cégér, utcai sakktábla, postaláda, azaz bármi, ami nem az első párizsi nyaralás után előhívott képek

fotóalbumba rendezett sorában szerepelne.

Longtemps au

pied du

perron de La

maison où

entra la

dame Que

j’avais suivie

pendant deux

Bonnes heures

à Amsterdam

Mes doigts

jetèrent des

baisersPARIS BOUGE11

Mais le canal était désert Le quai aussi et nul ne vit

Comment mes baisers retrouvèrent Celle à qui j’ai donné ma vie

Un jour pendant plus de deux heures





Mais le canal était désert Le quai aussi et nul ne vit

Comment mes baisers retrouvèrent Celle à qui j’ai donné ma vie

Un jour pendant plus de deux heures

Je la surnommai Rosemonde

Voulant pouvoir me rappeler

Sa bouche fleurie en Hollande

Puis lentement je m’en allai Pour quêter

la Rose du Monde

and in this


momenti swear

we are


You see things.You understand.

You’re a Wallflower.



We’re all born to broken people on their most honest day of living and since that first breath... We’ll need grace that we’ve never given

I’ve been haunted by standard red devils and white ghosts and it’s not only when these eyes are closed

these lies are ropes that I tie down in my stomach, but they hold this ship together tossed like leaves in this weather

and my dreams are sails that I point towards my true north, stretched thin over my rib bones, and pray that it gets better

but it won’t won’t, at least I don’t believe it will... so I’ve built a wooden heart inside this iron ship,

to sail these blood red seas and find your coasts. don’t let these waves wash away your hopes

this war-ship is sinking, and I still believe in anchors pulling fist fulls of rotten wood from my heart, I still believe in saviors

but I know that we are all made out of shipwrecks, every single board washed and bound like crooked teeth on these rocky shores

so come on and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach

come on and sew us together, tattered rags stained forever we only have what we remember

I am the barely living son of a woman and man who barely made it but we’re making it taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts

we all have the same holes in our hearts... everything falls apart at the exact same time

that it all comes together perfectly for the next step but my fear is this prison... that I keep locked below the main deck

I keep a key under my pillow, it’s quiet and it’s hidden and my hopes are weapons that I’m still learning how to use right

but they’re heavy and I’m awkward...always running out of fight so I’ve carved a wooden heart, put it in this sinking ship

hoping it would help me float for just a few more weeks because I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam

lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea so come on let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief

and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach come on and sew us together, just some tattered rags stained forever we only have what we remember

My throat it still tastes like house fire and salt water I wear this tide like loose skin, rock me to sea

if we hold on tight we’ll hold each other together and not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep

all these machines will rust I promise, but we’ll still be electric shocking each other back to life

Your hand in mine, my fingers in your veins connected our bones grown together inside

our hands entwined, your fingers in my veins braided our spines grown stronger in time

because are church is made out of shipwrecks from every hull these rocks have claimed but we pick ourselves up, and try and grow better

through the change so come on yall and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief...

and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach come on and sew us together, were just tattered rags stained forever


We’re all born to broken people on their most honest day of living and since that first breath... We’ll need grace that we’ve never given

I’ve been haunted by standard red devils and white ghosts and it’s not only when these eyes are closed

these lies are ropes that I tie down in my stomach, but they hold this ship together tossed like leaves in this weather

and my dreams are sails that I point towards my true north, stretched thin over my rib bones, and pray that it gets better

but it won’t won’t, at least I don’t believe it will... so I’ve built a wooden heart inside this iron ship,

to sail these blood red seas and find your coasts. don’t let these waves wash away your hopes

this war-ship is sinking, and I still believe in anchors pulling fist fulls of rotten wood from my heart, I still believe in saviors

but I know that we are all made out of shipwrecks, every single board washed and bound like crooked teeth on these rocky shores

so come on and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach

come on and sew us together, tattered rags stained forever we only have what we remember

I am the barely living son of a woman and man who barely made it but we’re making it taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts

we all have the same holes in our hearts... everything falls apart at the exact same time

that it all comes together perfectly for the next step but my fear is this prison... that I keep locked below the main deck

I keep a key under my pillow, it’s quiet and it’s hidden and my hopes are weapons that I’m still learning how to use right

but they’re heavy and I’m awkward...always running out of fight so I’ve carved a wooden heart, put it in this sinking ship

hoping it would help me float for just a few more weeks because I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam

lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea so come on let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief

and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach come on and sew us together, just some tattered rags stained forever we only have what we remember

My throat it still tastes like house fire and salt water I wear this tide like loose skin, rock me to sea

if we hold on tight we’ll hold each other together and not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep

all these machines will rust I promise, but we’ll still be electric shocking each other back to life

Your hand in mine, my fingers in your veins connected our bones grown together inside

our hands entwined, your fingers in my veins braided our spines grown stronger in time

because are church is made out of shipwrecks from every hull these rocks have claimed but we pick ourselves up, and try and grow better

through the change so come on yall and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief...

and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach come on and sew us together, were just tattered rags stained forever we only have what we remember






La pétanque est un jeu de boules

dérivé du jeu provençal.





y songs are my life. I don’t want to be nothing but memory.

Édith Paif




BÉKY PATRIKredacteur en chef


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