politioax eoonomy. seryed %^ stt it,..vwiy ii im mi.il s.ilncri'ier'4. $10per anniira....

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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^mnarnimtt, trt.

A.ti.KMY <>F Mi BIC TliiaEFfiiiniiatH.-Hpriiiann.%^__StT Iv>rn,Tr. ^f^^JSPW^i..aul r.reuiag. At l_t Kap .e ( it; .Sk*t.*i "laa. »-¦

' "it,".. ..* Tmkatvr.Taaato*** *£?-??*-Thto aaeraeeaatt aat aiaaaf at a a.pM nkle '* Joaei.b J'-- .

, -ma. Pabb Oa_n_g S*«vi»iith ave. nnrt rifry-...VaCiThVa'Br*'.!!.. bi B-W-BB-tl T.eo Tho... I Ur»,

|.'.t-... !-¦ I iik 41 ku Twi-ntv fi.nrth-.st. aml r- irtli-

..fi^*AAf^^V^«B^ Hre... _f.il. IJ-W-a-w

%l.' ,-.'vi!imu HtefML aar. FlgBlhaaa. hadTwag-. n ._.__, _TW> Aflcrnoid, af 2. and Kve.i-

l.< .1 8 -' Bsr-aaBI BB, »1" ll."r*ad to Koio

OiVMnrTitvAm,^tSl laeon. nerfor-inrea.

NoMHivn « f*»tef^J_g2_iThrallar iad I '

li.n »f P. "ii .» I" ''.»«'.'_, o f.

..*0 Him l.vinorro-tT Eteuing.-Beiie.il»rAt.aJa!e...»erera. ParepalUa..iHKa.i-K FB-NCAia Thla Aftfrnooa at Lnirli'-li

,,..'. ot- 1 iU_..., --' "E B-* ba*,,.. i.Mvtvv I..v Hall, Foiirt.-cnth-st..

Tb. V- '"..|l..'.I-vH.,..M..e'wmi m k'b Thi iii i: TWa Evenlng at av- i«o

J ¦» "aasaa.w.w.i.- McaaiM, Broadwa> and ____f*_^___*i,~

,.. T-aeVaaa* Ig*i^eae88da4lf\M.K ». a Buake.eer. Chaai aud P.ak. jr.

BaADY'B (i ,:i;. i- M.-Ji-iacy C'ity.-TIits Htt.i

Xiismtsj Jhrtim.a Rheimatism I.ecally Warranted Cured

2l. P.tlbb'i ..reat V,.,t.!.l. Khaarama BeBerlr

utTr,V.. :-* aar** M"*tfel «*.*¦ h# °4

P .*!_ "

>Mllll'« HOMEOPATHIC PHA_MACT.Ca.-l ,'.M *_**___ _!~_I,,'«.. Maera la J..ba T B Ba_l)BBaSB.BB loT

Kuulth a' 8. lt,_-

To rcni'-i" Mofh Pateh-a, Freekloa, und TaarKK.t M..rH an:> Kk*. ki.bLotiob. tiold bial


A i,, .--11111.. tor aie, _aar, i>or-tcr aad'-.r. ¦-:.... ..f ......... i.- l«-.rr..-e.

. MvirKiiKi.t_,

COVttKlKG- FOB THE FBBT_.* __-_..___I'A.tTKBIT « 341 Pnneth tre

~Cnv Liidiea and Ladiea riaitiog tlio Citji If., ..1, | al! th. t.riou. lOlei. »..<hI ar

[,>... a.tr.1 te Mi i-tru A ('.... 3 I'unm aqiiare.

Ai:l Ul( IVI.riHr.S. i'Al.M-K LlMKS.tTIJlrH.:. -'¦'i l.eituutit. 1'n.l* 81 l.raen it.. Botton

TKMMA OF THK TMlBDJUtVwi y II im Mi.il S.ilncri'ier'4. $10 per anniira.

Hbmi-V ii.im atail Siii.sciiiii'i's.$4 garan.I'ivi piea i ..ui, |SaacB; aa axttmaepg wiil

.. :,i i ,, erat) club ot ten aout for at oun

WbbK! y i ;ii m Mail Siilwrrilicr*. $2 per annum... J'.i; lOoapiea to one addntt. fl 50 eitch

(aaii one extra eoujr); i'» eopiea, i<) namu ojawaati-iftsra, al aaa fost-O't'cc, $1 oo o.'icti andon.- et us eapj ': ¦ ci'pi.s. la one addreti. $1 'i5each ..nd Bltal extia topyi; '*> topiea. to navtes

of $ub»crdtr$ ut on, I'ost-otf.ee. $\ S5 each (amloiM i\u;i tiipY.; M ccpics, to enaaddiaaa,fl.;..'ii ».t..i eaa extra aaay); 50ceaiaa.taaaataj»f »mb*crib4rt at on* Tott-Office, $1 10 each (aml..nr i \ ra i'i'1'.v

A tl t artl al a g R a t e s.

Dafl y'Iimi-.i BB, 'i-V. :>.V.. 40c. Na* and 11 per liue.Skmi Wi:i ki v Tkiiu-nk. 'i1. an.l 50 ceiits i>er liue.Wkb.ki y i BUil BB, $'.'. 4W, aml g"> per liue.

Acordmg ti> poaitton in the paper.lajtajB, ca.sn in .iiivunef.

Aiiliaaa Thf Tkiiiink. New-York.

THE TUlIirXE LB EARIS.Moaara. Bowlaa Hrothers <V Co., No- 13 Rne

galafalB. are our atrciita in Paris. to n-.-nive auuaenp4ii.na an.l edlertliteiiie'iita for Tiik TiilHi'Mt



The ltnporor, rumor of whoae conteuiplated abdira-catioti ia BLiHiu telcicraphed, appeared on Ttiursday in tlie

anaata "f PaHa a iapaty proposes th*t the corpal^fialatil ahull aaseutl.le of ltaelf bliould Napoleon falltu conwo-r- lt for the *Jftth ot Ootolter. Krom Spain cotne

iuniniH of a proclaination guaranti-cltn; religloua audelettoral liuerty. and the promiae ot a decree aumntoa-

nig deputica from Cnba tothe Corfe-i. Tlie s-rowine; union4>f a national party ot North and Smttt Genuan llb-

erata, from ahich Bavarlastands aomrwhat inexception,laiioti-d A Teiiatita' Lrague haa been orgaul/.ed ln Ire-land. Tbi" RgggMaa Vlceroy objecta to tlie Porte'a ln-

(unotion not to contraot bndsjet loans. Tbe Slavonlanshare coDjrratulated tlie Hohennans on the late Hnss cele;bratiou. Mllltary affaira bave been diacuaat'd in theStatia-tioal (*4>i)(rrcss at tho Hai;ue. Victor Ktnanuel eotieeuUthat the Duke ot tieuoa ahall be a candidate for the Span-lah throne.Uisosttuiated that tbe neit Publir I>ebt statoment

.will ahow a furtuerdecreaae of tl0,000,000. A seriousarci.tent l.as taken plaoe on the Ontral Kailroad, near

I.yon. and aeveral persona were itijured. TUe depot oftlie PitUbiirjrh Kailroad at CleTeland.an extenalre flourmauufaotory in Phliadelpbi'a, and a maehine shop and.kate roanufaetorjr In flyracuae, were deatroyed by flreyesterdav. A l.xomotive exploded on the Naufcatut-k(Conn.) Railroad, but little dama_e waa done. A seriousaffray took plaee ln Ilartford yestertUy between a partyof eolored men aud two white*.. in wlu. 1. the latter were

Bf.l'lied. CleTelsnd was visited l.y a tenible thunderatoria ou T!iun>day ultrtit, and aeveral houaea were atrutkby llfhtnin-;.A fearful atteropt at niurder oceurred at L'nion ITill.

K. J-. on Thuraday night, iu which Joaeph Bauacrtataagaal hia two aona and attetupted to cut hia own

throat. Itia.iHr.lly probable that the sons will live.The> corucratoue of the new Roosevelt Iloapltal in thiac.'y will soon be lald. A OoTemmenf jtauirer and two

of his employea hare l>ecn arreated for su-aliug brandywhile ei).a.ed in samplinft part of a carito. Tbea.iperviaora bave eonflrmed the Tax lery. The .ratela H T, per 8100 of valuation. There ts a trifle of ye'lowfever at Quarantiue. Gold, 136J. 1364. 13_|. Teuiptrature. ts, 69, 6n. 67.

We are promiat'd a reductioti of the debt bfil. laga tlian 110.000,000 during the month ofSi'i.tcniber, or nearly twice ua much as the re-ductiou iu Augtist. If thia pM-Igg is fulfillcdwe ahall have to report on the 1st of nextoioiitli a diitiinution of our national indebted-ticets l).v *f"(;i.5(K),000 siiift* Gen. Gtaut canie intoothte. Thia ia brave work, aud the charai ofit is that it goes ou ao steadily. Meunwhile Mr.Ii.-l.ttio is oveihauling the income li.sta, andtrying to get aouiethiug like a fair payment ofa tax which haa been the cauae ol more lyin^and chcatiiijr than even the exeise on whisky.Koiv let Mr. Houtwell make nse of his gold!

Spaiu ia aaid to be on the eve of iaauing a

pioclaiuation guaranteeinu leligioua and elec-toral freedom, aud another Kummoninff depu-ties from t'uba to the Cortes.foi what reaaonwe caunot aee. Freedom to worship and lib-erty of voting have both been decrced by thenew Spaoiah CotiHtitution. If we are to un-

igffggga^ that they are now to be adminiHteredto Cuba and Porto Kieo, they are manifeetlyinelevaut aud supertluoua, aud a year be-liiud titue. Then it ia a cruel and feehlejest toi Spain to buidiuom deputieswliere ahe eauuot hold decetit election9, or toorder elecfiona wliere ahe cauuot get any butfepaninh tkputiea. PerhapH her best plan wouldbe to appoint the deputies from Cuba out ofthe mnil of oflidalw in Madrid, a practioe notliiconaiatiiit with tlie exiating law of elcctions.oi her colouicK.

If the ttue biatory of the Krie wara could bewritXeo, and aell wiltten, what a very entertiuu-iug book it might be! Now and theu we get a|>eep at the myaterien, but we fear we ahall never_nowthe whole. In the days of the Diew andVanderbilt duel, tliere waa a famoua midnightinjuuetion, wliirli the judge tvaa aaid to haveaigued in his niKlit cap. Now we are learn-ing aomething aUiut the appointment of Meaar*.k isk und Caitei raoaiaan of the Albany andt*-MirKjiiehiiiiiia road. The nppoiuUut ut wiia ni.t.le«>ut l;it. ..ue glgfcfl in the (ilbaa af Um Eria«vym_>iiii.. U L__iir.vuud.-bj (hc UiCitoL Blgyiog

-tli.tt Judgc Hainard wa* fisitiii-- a fneodonly a few atep* oll, an.l it. less than (ifU-eu

LuJmitt.H -ha oidor wi-s sitfiieii B_d af .*> way

to Albany.

Tbe runior that Napoleon wiU abdicate in

favor of his Ron. att-M-lf- it kU appcared iu

aeveral shape.s, aml fullowa the annouiieeiueutthat tha I'linoe Impeiial will ba de.larod of

BjB, -M -still no conlirmation. lt niay have

sddad to aoaaa of tha Kmpeior- paaaa tathink that aue* atoriaa mtvrt any clemei.t afplaaaibilitj bal raat_r_aj Ui M.tiesty appearedit, lha stn-cts of Paria, an.l. for aaght mt know,may be able to smile at tbo runior which

.atidpataa hia daatb and bariea him alira aa

Praaidaat <>f a Oaaacil to his s«m. PriaaaNapoleon. after haviu* wioiitfht BUaehiaf upon

tiu Empira ia hia lato ipeacb, haa,accariiinf to

aa aeeaatri. baWt, tofl tha orisis to itaelf, ;«nd

gana rachtiB*. Oaa eaaaaqaaaaai if aa. etoct,of hia apaaah h tl.*' daaaaad made by ¦ Dapatjtl.at tha Oorpa bafiafcattf ahaH meet of its own

will at tlie .eistlly-appointed tinie, m rasc lt is

not calle.i-a dennuid cxtraordinary. in view oftlie etiatlag imperial facilitiea ior pratagaiaff.Althonf- bal tbe motion of one man, it U note-

wortay as a th/aat of revolution.


Tbe reform nioveiiient of France in berelcctious and ia ber LefialaRura has

bitely been suppleniouted by, iu part,tho action. aml more naaarilly tbe aeii-

timeiit, of ber Coiiih ils-General. Let us add.tbat ita the Senatus Consnltnm waa a siiricn-

<ler to tlie demaiid of the elections. as e_-

praaaed bjr the intcrpellation of one htindredaud sixtooii le^islators, so we expeot soincthiiif,'like imperial defcionoe to the manife^tatioti of

tb.' Coaocila. Thaaa Couiuils do aot aaaa-

rately roprcsont Franre, but, looked upon as

somewbat tonscrvative county or proviucialBeetioga. niade up ot men of loeal mark, tbeyo.nie M near to intimacy witb the wants oftlie Frciich peoj.le as eould be permitted un¬

der tbe impeiial titlelaj-<s.Tlie (k.veimiHiit recojrni/.os the picsent rfg

nilicance of tbo Councils by hall piotniMii;.'.tliiouj.-li M. Ilevienne, its reporter of tlie Senatus(onsiiltuni. that they shonld be allow.d to

Chooaa th. ir own otlieers. Hut thia parsimonyof coocoaaion eaald aat aaflba. Thaajrfi it hasbeen oth. lally der.icd tbat ei^hty-nine Couiuilsof arrnndissements, m the faee of the F.nipe-ror's ptefaeta and sub-preferts, resolvc.l fortbe abrogation <>f a CaiaUtattoaal arti.-le byWhieh funetionarics are piotected from lagalpursuit. aud for thc elcction ot May.n> byMuiiicij);.! Couiuils. yct tbe artual demand ol

tha (Jouncils-t.enoral has about the Kame force.The (iovernincnt re.piircs that the Coun¬cils shall conliiie tiu iiisc'.ves to 1*0*1 mat-

ters, and not discuas faaaaal political quca-tioii»; but la aaata thaa aaa .¦ata'aaa thkbarriaahas been hroheii thrOltfh or swept away. Therualdaajta of the Councils (who are Impeiialuppoiutees) felt in duty bound in their inaii-

tajali ta piaiaa tha BuaHaa Caaaoltmai the( oumilors, on their pait, were iinxioiiH to saythiit the Senatus CoiiMiltuin was not enoiis.h.Sonietiines the PrBBidaota failed to put downthe nneomfortable spirit tbey had evok.d. Intbe Daanr rjnianrT and Lairel. pcoptoitioaafor Mav.iialty elections w.ie Mipj r.-ss.-.l us t.m

politicali but in tl.e Nonl the Coum il o\er-

wbtlmed their l'reai.leiit bj de.idiiiK witb one

voice tbat awtaia tnaatiaaa ngai-iag tha ai>.»-lition of tbe new-]»,iper stamj), tbe iitniiinationof Majrora, tba lnnitation of electoral eiuuiu-4KTij»tiona, an.l tlw repeii! of tha ffl-Btl>-ron-deuimd Aitielc 75,.that whieh sav.s theF.mpire'B servanta from tbe fioap of tha law..ahould be rel.iied to ronimitteea. Otbet (01111-

cils did as well or better. Thaaa of I'uv de

D.'.me, (ViteK-du-Nord, and .Seine-liilen.i.ie en-

lartaiaad liaiilai moiions. Yoaac itfdad one fota jury in press attairs; Moselle dahatad Aiti.le18, and the ebction of Hajraca; BaaaaM eoBald-ered tbe ripht to nul.lisb ita delii..iratiooi ;

Vendee boldly made use of it I.y .1 laifaniHJority, in spite of 1'ie-i.lent and UioiataiI_eroux ; Seiin ct-Maiiie. thoagfa pe.-irr.il \mMicomtiers, voted for si'lf-reirul.ition or. a motionwhieh fonr years a_ro was qiiashod aa illegal ;

Paa-da*Calali has taaaWad a prepoaition <.* 11-iii£, in tbo words of II, Tbiera, for " nceeasary"liberties;v Haute Loire reje.te.lan uiiaullioi-ized eredit put down in ita buuVct by the niib-jirefeet. I.ut even thaaa deinonstnitions of an

irrepressible reform spirit w.ie excaeded. ThaDepaitmeiit of Hhone paaaad . Mliaa of re-

solves ior all tbe relonns nioved by the OppQaitiun, and in La Manche a ii.om went M l.ii

as to aaaart that tha Baiparar ihaold n.»t havapower to decbtre war without tbe coum nt ofthe Senato and Coi|.s Ltfialattfi Saithe pro-nouneed for moat of tbe reform inotions, coii-

demnifig tbe system of ofti. ial eandidatures,lagvattiag ahat deiiaitnient Bgaata had beentaken aw; from their piojier duties to bomade eleetoral apent.-, and deinaiidiut: tbatfunctionarie.s paid by tbe eomnniiies sliouhl notbe employed to distribute biilletun foi (iov-eruiiient eandi.lates.The Keiieral pro^nimmc of the Fieixh Op

poaitiou as elicitoti fiom tlie,t;ouiitils MB-BB,first, tbat electoral diKtrictK or cireiinisriiptionsshall not bo L'eirj niandeied impeiiully ; seeond,tbat Mayors and Ileputy Mayois of 87.600-001'iinines shall uot be ehosen by l.ovi luin.iit;third, tbat oflici.tls shall be sul.ject to tbe law.Tbeae are tbe main aaaolfaa of the. Couneils,but it is apparent that tbe Upposition at laifahave auch additional objeeta as the reform ofotlitial eandidatures and tbe abBtim-i.ee oi (Juv-ernment from t.iiiip.iniK witli elections; aud,tinally, it ia poasible that tbey may yef demanda diasolutiou of tbe Corps Letrialntif and a new

ele.tion, to whieh motion, howevei, Pliooa Na¬poleon in an opponent. The Senatus Consultuiueannot bc looked upon by tbe Ficneb peopleaa a finality, sinre, though it jrivea eeitain

privileges to their Lcjrialaturc, electoral fiee.loiuand lioDeat representation are still demed. Tl.eSenate of Frauce has tbe monstrous jiowei olBlto-a-ff the Constitution and of niakinR lawawhile. tbe popubtr body of roprescntatives re-

main prorogucd at tbe imperial plcasuie. Kur-tbermore, as the radieal M. Ficard bns ablycoiitended, " it is iinpossibh) tOaOaga witb any"regard for justice, tbat Kranee. witb ten mil-"lions of electors, is adetjuately repieHentc.l |(y"280 membera, when she had upward of 400 ut"the tiine wheu tbe conatituent body consistedof only 200,000 tax-payera.'1 Iuaainm-h aa theSenate is entirely appointed by tbe Goveinmeiit,and the electoral diatricts are atruii^ed andcxjiriipted by the aame intlnence, itis diilic.iilt to calciilaLe tbe cixirmityof tbe power wbich tlie Kmpcror hnaabstracted from France 111 order t<j estab-li-.li and itisiire his despotism. He would haveus t.eli.'ve that what his opponents wottld stilldemolish, and what he haa aiita.lv dom. awaywitb, i» meie wjiflolding, and that bia houaawill not tumble down. All tlutt we ntnui re-iiiark is, that France waa ncver ao clear in herrighta or in her purposes, and every dny addsto her bo-uso oi' paat aalfailaceptloi) and aaflarai.ee ol ;in Imperial iuipoaition, Pi nce Napo-itou'a opceeb, iu oiuuuiai bit'uioui Wlth tho j

verdict of the Couucilit, cxpreaaes a deniand of

Frai.cc wl.icli is little ahort of univeraal. and

whi.h may be readUj couverted from a wain-

ing into g menacc.

.vrv.s/.fS SUNBUBST.Ilon. S. S. Cox haa juat n-tiirm d from a t...n

«,f desulto.y roainiuK abaat tlu* (Hd W orld.

It were aiiperfluoua to add that he **».

aiuned speeeh-makinR. If he were brOOg-t to

cunf.^i.,,.. haWWdd doi.btl.'SK .'allow a

tll, iMfc ot godieweea was bia ehiej pnvat.ouwhile abn.ad and Ua ifaoogeet loajeOloe to

come bome. Thero were heavy &**#* '"

eoofroot La Leadeo and Parh. Bfb-iaf aod

anarchy iu Spain, aud Ifiti « Al^ieis; but

What, ta tlu* "spoutii.K wretcli," ate tftON

to a deaith ol ttn arotind the stand. an.l M

gbaeocc ol ehaggg at tt* dm <>1 aaoo won-

..,..,, pgrtodl Soooot rcscinl.les ^f_»prototvpe, in that "his home ia la tl.e bright,"oettiug aaa;" aud hither ha Uuroed Ua aaaafMtcp.H bo BOOa aa he had learned, by fiequenttrial e-diag in BOfB disajipomtmcnt, tn;.t ln-

most melliiiuotis cadenres cvok.d no rcsponsivc

ihoota irora the forty peneration* wlien.m the

Prra-ri-i look dawa la most invincibh* silcme.

Siiiis.-t. like U. carpet-ba^inK eoUUOtliOt,Ja.k Bogera, ia nothing if aot ilutuleiit. and.

haring laaded trem the ¦taawar, and beeadulv Rcmiaded. I.e, nlght bcfoic last, *******g bevy of his admirinp 1 -oiiMitiiciits after this

Iiuhioioiih fashion :

"YYarauf vloleneo and taaUtaUoaa olf barbartoai aw

aTi.I.e It ia ..ui- now lt.k'lii|.|'le aml Miiollle il-tr.li l.s

i_iiou an.l iiiononoly, to d.-etn.-i the des|.rsol labor,Srta_Ko_3_l- the prl.e...7 of *ff~.*g**_|0_ BOt tiiei-M'-."-""" "' i'1'deei...l I.. il '« .V r l

r. qi.it.-d taxaa, bal tl.e expaaston of le rttorj an i 11 «a

uullshirjenl anea ol local aell B«v..nme, I. Let_,.._ tli.ir.laiul.inl4-iiri-fii.-3 "f BoW " ^ \V.i en-pi.ili.f tli.-.iti"el"iiaT^riff, vrlueli BOadUMM ".»'"" il'

und paralya a iii.iuatry."-All which remimls us lhat tlie oratOT WOB m

Cocftaaa throaghant the loog Btraggie whichrestdtcd in the oveithiow of "the lnslitutmns*' of harbarism," aad imisily, witb intcinpeiatcdeniineiation. reststed every step taken to maketh.-in bitetbedoot. -"Thedaapoilaraoll I.ahor/br« robbing it "t it« iccaaapaaaa aad hoepiof it

inibnile.i and degmded, had M more glib-toogued, uoecrupuloua pattifogget In tbelf to-iiceat thaa thla aaaie ('"v and theii Mclaai"li-.i>!ati«'ii and iiion'opoly* evei found in lnm

g most tadla tool. Tha "IocbI aalf-gorein-.. ni.ut " be dellghteia would gire all pawetin Iarge dtotrietg ta leaa thaa . Qoartei of thepeople, wbo do little work, whfla tboae bjmIi .-..- labot (v.-iniIiiiik la prodnaad ara aUowadi.v thia tinottlir of M4_aaa lagklaHoa aud nao-

"nopoly" im vuiie m framlag dt axaentingtlie laws under wliicli tlny niust live. AndiIhn ba ealla Duaaeraay ISmiM't ivoiil.l h:ive us Im-Iicvc his paitv hos-

tih* to "the. oipaaaion ti Inadaaaaabla ear-

"rcncy;" \.i Inl'' ia thal partj la hia nativeniiio aopportiag for Goreraor, Peodletoo, whobtaiata oa pajriog tha Natiooal Dabt ia Groea-\)acks, and gfglgadtag Kwinir M-iiiot, \\lni

waiits Foiirtcen Hmi.lii'd Millions Of new

('.iccnbuks laaocd oa paipow ta pay ofl thalDcbt aa cbeapty as paaalhla No "atpaaaioa «»f" iiredeeinaiilc i nn. in >." iadeedj tlnii whalmaaaa tha Qtaaahaah pteah m y<»nr lastNation.il pl.itf.nm! Tha "ataodard coireocj..of goM aml silvi'i" thal ia Joat what yooipany in Coograaa have itaiatad avatj a_bd torcfjaiabHahl Their rotaa an "" raeetd igaiaalCuuUaUetloo. aggbjat Reaaaiptioa, agalaal aaatj.iVml to h.ti'l'U the I'niii-ii.y .iml Ktiiin to

tbe ...in itaodard. What1. the oae ia oratory,wh.-n the wlioh- world knows th.it yoiit partydoea all thal >»" eoodcani and apaostii ailtbat f/OU IMU .slioiilil Im l..)ii <.¦'"" T

81 >/;.' TBB OB SH BJIB8B.Wi have no diapoaitioo i" prejndga tht eaaa

ol Mr. i rothiaghaaii who h;t> in-t i»" i n

b-ii.-c.l in-iii tba Bloomingdalc loaaoa Aayloaiin eouBequi dc« "l tbe lotarfereaoa "t tba Ba-pdiol Coilll. bal .tOIJ i.| Wttl airiee thalan taraatigatloa ia deroandHlby tbe publie in-

it ia oi aoorae .l.itiiult. ;md ia nutnjttHttt gltogetber iiupoaaible, to decide upon a

bliaf ..Y.iiiiination whetlni I ini-mi i- iti-atu*

oi not. Thara ara dangaraoa fonoa al aaeataldisoiilir which maalftral thamaeltea oolt totha mi'SY practiead (.>«. or after loog aod pa-tii-nt stiid*. and there aie obfiOOl W.ggQ_lwhy rebiiive.H ahoold be aoxioaa ta rootmittbe iiisaiic to cusiody with aa little pabtteHj aa

the law will peimit. N'ot only fainil.v leaaoOl.of theae we make litlle aecoiiiif-but thehiiiith of the patieoti ofteoreodet ii boportaolth.it the iiiiinval hlioiild ba eflected witboale.\riti-nicii(- slioiild ln, in f.ut, ggOWtbiOg llkeg kidaappi.g. Thaae cooaidenttioaa, baaraarr,atii.nl bo excuae for the preaeat lavity of tlu-law in regard to the iBipriaooineol ol the m-

sane. We ilimw greatei aafagoarda arooodtlu- liberty of ¦ bmm aaapeeted af fdooj thanof one aaapeeted of bdng ni« k. A WKBpmTtieriniinal can only be ;ti ri -t. .1 on g w.ui.int; iathen eotatled to a prelinlinatv exaiiiiiiiition nt

the eaiiieal pics-i 1 >1** nOOMOt; and tinally niusthave an inipaitial tiial by jury, witb <\iiyoiijioitilliity tO present his dcfciise. Ain.ui, boWOTOTt who is ao unfoitiliiate Mto be ehargad with laaaaitji maybe conimitted by a iiia^risti:itc on vciy lUghtteslnnony, aml without wai.I.g oi opportunityto preaeot his own story; tniiy b(^ hurricd toau -i-ylmii 1.1'toic ho ran coininiiiiirate with hisfrieada; and ooee tbere, may in- iaapeieaawdfoiever golaaa ha eaa Bad mnaaa te aaaasa thegJd of a lawyer to jjet him rele;ised by habeaa(oipUH. Tho difeetOTg Of tbe \-yluin are not

required to tiy the qneHtion ol his Hanity, aa a

c-oiu I. trich the quention of a paiaoWOa^a iimo-cencc. They may.in most casi-s they probablydo.aaBitmr him to lx- cra/v merely In-.-aiisc hehaa been brOOght there,and wait fortime tojusti-fy oi refute their assuiiiption. The wnt ol aabaoieoipiiH is Hiippoaed to I" a paliaditim ot our

l.ethomil lilicihes before which the puson daotluiijiistiy elaaed oiaal inKtantly flj epawj imtluaitieally we know it is only with im-nicnse dillicnlty ttt.it a man once eoinmittedas insaiie can fggaifl his 1 rct-doiu and his phucin society.The. eaaataojaaaeea af ¦ eoattftttta* beteg ho .«e-

iioils, the l.iu oiiK'ht to take all poaaihtfi iirc.au-timiH to inevent coinmittal witlioiit jiibI agaeoibut in reality the facilitiea for RetliiiK a OMMman iinpiihoned in an -syhiin are onlyeqnalad by tha __Betrity of his getttOg ouiggatt. Any one who is inleroted in pott_i|a lelative out of the way has only to go beforea Jodge with Ihe certilirate of two piiytsi. ian*tthat they have examimd the peit.011 in qoottion and believe him to be oi' uiiHound mint1.and tlie thiiiK is done. It lnaken no dilt'eienK'wlio the phyhicians are, how little they knewabout iiieuinily, or how much they have secn Htheii patieut. And yet there. is such absolutofreo trade in niedicine that we have tttttMtiphyrUciaiiB wht) are utU-rly iKnorant of <»eirpiofeaaion, and neorea more who would sueaito anything if they were paid for it.We know nothing of the Heeret histoi? of

Mr. Frothinifhant's eaae, and if is qniti po#i-«athat he may have lneu Ingoae when hc waaaent to Hloomingdulo, thouidi we haVe the ad-iiii.-ion al t.he hircctnr bf ttfe Aayluoi tbat hels !"" li ii i aiagalar het, bowcui. lutU tfu tUawvcu llwl ku» BOfldit_W ic-

quircd uo further restraint was not made unt.l

writ of the Superior Court waa seryed upon

I)r. Hrowu. and ihe P«<i"Ut was then bu.riedlydischarged iu such a manner that the caae

could uot be brmikTl- ioto opeu court. Ibe

questions will naturally ariae, was tha conditi.-nof tlus nnfuitunate gentlema.i tl.oro.ighl. tl-

amined whaaham+ «itte,....i.tt.d to tl.e ..,

stitution, aud ha- h.UK "ould be have been de

ta.i.ed had not tha ¦ oui t mterfeied ! Malicioits

,...-,..* 4V1,|!,c auie to say tl.at foi son.e kmd*

of insa.nty thb -H* et.ctive icuedy it ¦ wnt

lroni Judge Urfto***_Young Priaaa Arthur sometimes sp.i.ks

"sarkaitical.".'* Arten.us Ward was wool to

say. At Woodr-tock, lf. »-. after having gone

thro.lg,, soine of those il.fclicitoilS experieli.eswhich the rccoids of his brothcr's Ainciiiati

tour doiibtless Iad him to expeet-nan.ely,1)(.1Iip "huKtled aud pushe.l- by a crowd

thro.tfh the st.ee.s. "in spite of poliee and

"miitarv, somcthing Ukf :. (piarter of a mile,

BOd tcing .-ul.je.te.l to tbe perfoimanccs ot an

amateui oiebestra "consiating of one clan-

"omtle aod lour brass iiistrunionts -ho

nndetwaot a foraiaJ addics* tl'."-" *.instrnmentality-likevtiso bra/en. it would

Bppa*-af tho Town Clork. To tlus tl.e

l'rinc, repbed by exprcssmg, ia a delicate

vein if satire, tbe dclight he telt in v.sil.ng

that 'ciiltivated poition of tbe 1'roviiice.' Of

,0111.. the Miunswickers will try to get away

fgtm tbe sting of this rebuke by prcteinlingtbal tbe 10v.1l visifor referred to the con.li-

,.,,, .t tl.e m.iI; but that is all ..«»..-

sensc The <'..loni-ts cl-cwherc will see llietoi.c

of lle tibseivation, and, we trust, will be Iadlliei.by to inoder.tte the boisteroilsliess ot their

loyaky. But if the young geiitleman sboiildcha_aa to visit cettaiii regioaaof the DaltodStatsn. we teai he will need somcthing more

pondiiil than satne to piotc. t him. Hisadvcn-

tiiret, and those of his coiupauioiis, at Wood

stocr, w.ie like dieams on be.ls of loses coill-

paiej witb those which Im 1. II tbe Piinc of

Waha'l paity on their landingat Detioit. Mcre,ragtig cuiiosily was iu 110 degree tempeied byl.v;i i.seive. i.n.l Albert-Kd ward was forced to

,111,11 guiiuttci, i.ll alone, fioiii the stcamboat

laadag t<» bia batol, whata be anivad in sin-

guia aad laaal aapriaodf dlaaiTaf; bia bithfaltulliwer. the road ..id Baii of st. Qai-Hwa, had

his hat kliocked over I11-. veneiable nose Itefore

he loiihl raaah l«is carnage; aad Hr. Paaaa-fcttcr, an estimal.le young meinb.r of the suite.

uhi 114 vi t dul anybody any harm. was a. tuallv

,-,iin/..l into the liver. lt is all very well to

BB] tbat people -hould not put tliell tlilst in

inrj.es; but there aie occatioiis when piii.ccs.sluiild not put too much 11 .i-t 111 people.atIcasl.tlic peoph- of, as Mi. linebii.I_ would MJ," tcltilill llee KepiltlllC."

Ve do not often tii.d BB npportunity to

prftte the I).-noiiatie paity, but, wheiiever we

,/.. tii.d one, ara make a pou.t of iinproving it.

Here. ent action of tbe Fhiladelphu D.m..

Mt- -ecti.s to us to ile>. I Ve -.pc.lt! coniliielid-

jnitiit. lt vncic bootleaa te oanata boirthowarsc cbniint ol tl.at p.utv got tlie ilpperb.iid s 111 t r -r Um daaperata a_brl to earrj thaBtate i"i Bajawai and Blab bj arhaleaalatitu.l Mi'bte lt th.tt sinli was thr c.i.-e. amltlut <u:e reaiilt was the noiiiin.itinii ot .1 fe.n

'lulvbitif.it> an.l couiitv tu'l.et Ior the ;m>

praaebiag Btato efecttoa. lt may not hava beanait i,._. 1, but it aai aatoriaaaly irry ba.l.

Ilarwapoa. tha rank aml iil<- <»f tha partjr.aflaidu« oiihiib i.ttioii, it -...U.'.i not tt» siipiuut it.

ii d.d no kimmi t<» iciwi, " suppurt tha ragvlai" ii.miiiati.Mis " I).¦iihm ra< y fmevi ''" "I».>\vi,"anl. tha aifgai1*waiahapataf " K« icrateh-" l.ic!" A.'.. Ai. tl.e niiiHscs list.-ncd cimiI :ts

i-u-iiiubi 1-. aad itood t<» their raaalra th.it thalotdii'-. aad Machlaga aha bad nude thainiet ihoald tr\ th. ir haod at alaetiaf H aad^. i,i>.i th.-v foi oa. K.xpostiil.ition, aattaatj,

itiof!, wvra hriad aad found aqaallj aadlitniv tutiie s.» tha caadidatoa bad to bacj.ix.d to K'et out of tha arajri t J *«- Koaaiaatiog(iiiitt iition laaaaaaablrd, aad a difl-raal lort4 ti.k.t >.t befora tha paapla. Tha leaaoavi 11 do |ood im tha next daaaa faaia.

Mi.t;coi_-e I'.ittiT.dalagatoto traeoel Tradaa.'nion Ooafraaa «t Bit-tiairiiaai, EagUad, bas>. 411 to-Uaf Maaa very bamaly trath to hisirothei woikin.n. He iafeian thaai that Al.-o-ooiic Drmks an- eoatiag tha Britiah Laboriagclaaa aaraial baadradi <>f aiillioaa ol dollarap. 1 iinnum. and that it is nouseiiie to talk ot«1. v.itii.K iu iaipaoviag tha position ot thatclaaa, so loiitf a.-> ;i tl.n.l of tben earninffa.whiohia n.aily the uhol. of uhat niik'ht iad nhouldbe theii savinirs iroes straijibt mto the till aftiu ^iii-hhop and |>orter-hoiisc so f.i-.t as theyearn it, and ia often due theie htfott tlnyeam it. This is ;is tme ;is tbe Multiplieatioiiliible, and tl.e very trath that needs t<» b'1

¦qoaral] eaaahleiad. Btaadj aack aad gaadVagoa aro exielleiit; but, if the workman.liinks all hia surpliia earninjrs, what do theyamoiint to at last' The Distiller. the Hrewer,tbe Liqaoi Meichant, tbe Ket.iiler, niay pos-sibly aave aud thiive, but the woikman is

mitkinir a bee-Iine foi the alnis-hoiise, whereili-.a->e, deciepituiln, 01 paralvsis. 11111st a«ion

land him. There is 110 poaaihla futuie foi Bbeeiy, bbiated, m bi-aky--.onkiiiK iiiecbainc Of ar-

tisan; be ia jroiiiK stiai^ht to |ieulition, audTiiides I'lilons Ciiii'l save him We tiust Mr.I'ottei may command attention.

No one an balp ailniiiiiiu: tlu^ hajipy ippiO*priateness ot coitain selei'tiona in Mr. S. S.Cox's serenade, last Thuisday light. That thebold Democracv shoiild laOOgOlsa the a|.|»li.ii-tion of ihe "Coionation March," symbolmnkC,aa it did, Mr. Cox's iccent monarchical expe-liences, was hai.lly to ln* expected, BlthOQghthe ligoifleaaoa of "Home Agaia" aaa aa-iloubtc.llv plaia enough even to their appieciation. itut wiun, on laeaiilag tha UiTitatioato wnlk in and "dnnk to muttial good will,"their ean irara talatod with Mch MbnlaaaliaaggeatiTf ¦traiaa as "When tho Bwallowa" lloincwanl Fly," an.l "Coiiiintf througb the" Uye," their ei.itement must biive pasHed 11

IiouiiiIm. Wb.kever arutnged this tbtiul of thefestivities detierves inlinite cie.lil ior hisiiDtitude and iogeouity.

Tlieie is nothiiiK like a cai.ful ic.ogiiitionof the law of compenaatiou. The ravages ofthe hiU' gale in Hoston were fiigbtftil, but,though tl.e Second Coliseuin (like the Kirst) ianow a rinn, though the Great Klm, tbat bistonetree, has lost aeveral branches, though manychuithea have beeu left in a dilapidated con.Ii¬tion, anewapaperof thc city seesa bleasiug whieh" lode iu the whirlwind," foi the atorm waa Bgnet puntier of tbe streeta, aud " thev are4 cleanei tban ever''.a state of things which we

ahould have thought to be impoasible. I'erhapsif we could have a political totaado in New-York u Himilar blesatul i.-iiilt iniglit beatlaiifcd Inii' itinufjli " ,1. .1:101 "i... .¦.

would I.. .'x;i> tl', the prop h phf ir»e '».

v.un.u iv Unaoii-BB u.o h-ttT-liajii


Ka«er_ .r.ard..: t. M .f Oaacre*. I. tb* r-r IM, b.' Ifraea

ataskv, i. th* CfcrrTi OOas sMfc Wrtr.ct Cairt tt tb. Uu,t«J Slau.

Mr Ui. Soat.ieio Ditt.itt of Baw Y*rk.



INDKB'l'KDNKSS-Ol U NATloNAI. DMBT.We are a yOBOg people. laroely amployedin tlie

siow aad raggad proeeaaof alaoHagawag tho pcfaai-hve foreet, hfoalring ap aataral ptania, buiidiug,fonciiiK. diaiaiag, and iu every way Hiihduing and

¦dapttogtheearthtetheaaaa ..f ..-iviiiz.*.i man. Waaraa nagtttae people, with oabaaadad fafth in onr

own eeaaaitjr, aad iu lha raaM prowta af earee«_«

hy in papalatiOO, w.altb, and powor. Wo aro an

aaptriag, aaaaoiooa people, and aheeaa to dircctlatherthan he direrted. Our boys are cairor to lie

men; oiiryoiinu nion waiit to "Kot into busin.-v.''l'orth'with. Baiog a poople of ycstcrday, wo have

Uaa aeeanalated weeith tfeaa we probably ahanboaa eeiitiiiii's baaee, «»r thaa thal peopka ef Eareaahave la-ncially ac.-uiied. And, goaag aa we aro. iu

lelligaara and oiuterprise aro f|tiito 10000*1? ditiiised

ooMiag m, ho thal wa aaah to aehiara aar iodaetrialouds hy lha an of inaehinery, anitnals. steam,trhaaa ni.br and inore Igoaraoi warhara rely whettyor niainly ao baaaa nmseie. Wo ara apigaraae.aoaiptBoaa, pro-aae, proaa toeataotat-aa. gadraekrlaaa ef eipeaea Too many of us ahoa B-adaaatti m-

daatrj. and aaah eaaaiataaoBi aaweeaa, waalthb aaat-n.'iic.', thfOOgh Trnde, Speeulatiou. or ouo of thel'li.fi-itions. Hence. WB lei-uiro eapital uiiieh fasterthan tra croatn it. und are proiio to run into dobt.Wa ran into dobt as enloniats: we borrowed ttOttIlance and Holland tosiintuin our War for lodepead-once: and Bhaje'a to ballioa aod hladied dlalarbaoeaa arara iaeited bf a ajaoeral aml egeulalagpeaa*'suroof debi Tba FadeeoJ Oeaatitatloa and Got>eniiiient, ioaaaiof greatai Btabfllty and prospcrityllianwe liatl provioiisly cnjoy.-d, enabled us t<> glt.nd 4Ii.? aphaia af our ho!rnwinir. and to incur mor-

cantile and oorporate aa well aa National obligatMNMiu Baropej to which Btata debta araeooeooodded.When we had li.w taiitln, wo iucutred ilehts nlin.ad ;

when tlie .lutios wen* taiied. we left thi.se dct)ts un-

paid, and BOOBOttaaM inciirroil mw. Thus wo hadiioiie on, until, at tho outbreak of eat SecesaionllOOblaa. we wereowniL' Kuiopo, tnainly in the shauoof state. Kailroad, aod other i orporala bonda, not Iorhthan Four Ilunilred Miilieooof DollarB.

Iu tha tnst tw.» years of the War. we added littleta thia aggfOgoea; for the lirst year. nothing. Wocontiniieii io oapart Oraia, Lord. aodoooMlfeatejoooooobegoa ta expoti PataalaaoB; eareapeeeofChaaae ateaailj iaeraaaadi and oo beaghtFabriaaUao freelv than we had pioviou.-dy done, paitly bc-

uovul aud absorbiiiR sensation had dwarfedtba p M-...H foi draaa iad dieplay partly baeaaaa aariiiterii.il credit systein had brokOB down, aml riualtradaaa.ua loegaf ahleta aajaeoiah IbetrotaeboeacriHitt. heagbt litala or nothmg-. But. lotiar bafara thectooeoi earfaoryaaia*atiaajla. wo badaaaabUehadaow in d.ts, iiiaini.v thraogb tho salo ahtaad of thaboeda rageaaaao-tg aau rapidly-aapaaa.agWar Debt,had auiidenly eiiiuhcd a laiiro class tbrniiirh con-

111. t-t aod atbar eporotiooa. pogalerly geeapod nndcrtha .b'siifnatioii of " Mioddy." and had rnn beavilyinto del.t f..i Ai in v Ml.ttikets. Nitn*. dc.A-r.. which...' paid for tn iiniy in beoda. Thus tho Uot two

faara of lha War aow onr Hmigg ladabCadaaaalorgaty laeraaaad, trbilatta aloaa boad the ahelvaa<»f .mr iniand otaeaa aaartp aora af Pbbti w aad their

wipplyof Orocerlea rerp lioiltad Tbroagbaat thoMatcs Itt.-l'. (loiuiti.it. -d l>v the KebelltO.i thete waa

aa ai.i.iinte iaortb af BMrrebaodiae; wkila Cattlebad beao tvepl afl aad Iaip*8BBaatadeaara*yad or woraoatdariogtba progreaa of tha eoataat. To till up...ii -.t.iie-i with au averaga aaaortowot, at laaatTwallaadrad Hilliaaa' aractb of Oaada were bopaaa*!i\.-iv raejaired; while erideoaea of Nationalillilrlitedlierta, lllllllieil tlir.Mla(!i juil i'Ji.lsi 4 ol

aeppliaa aml tba pagiOg oil ol our anuies. wero

ir iji. al.'iiid.iiit. and very wirl.dy BOWO. OOf Na-i:o:.-.1. radit, trbii h had ralad lot» abaood thaoaajh*aal IM aad *. waa oatarally _*aeb boprovad by thet-oinpletoiiaas of the National thnmpb.oa that our

ii.di.i-. t.peraiii> told f"; tn..r.. ia Eoaapa than thaparora wortb (ia gold athoiaa. Baaee, in ipite of thoreetraiaingiodaanea af our Tanrl. trhfc h badbeaaonce moie readered Pkoteetiaa ia 19BL, aod was

MNoawhal iaereaaad >»> aaadrp artialaa la UMoOdra iini'.'ii.-d beavily dariag the three yean

followiag tlio eloaa of our atroggte, though our cropalal tho s.iuth napaeiallyl af .-tisirtable pradoca were

i|into biiht, Minl their Bgieea much r. duied hy the re-

turn >i peaee, Doriogthalaat paarea two, our \a-tional Ind'istry Ins beea OMara edicient. while theprieo of Co'ton ha* heeti more reuiiiiieiatii" to thoirower; bat wa ara ia daU t.> BarapeaatleeathaBOoa l_oaaaad tfilliooa af DeUoBa, about threo-t..:nihs ol it iuthef.)iin of National bonds or ohli-gatioas; tha reetdae almeel whaHycaaapoaad ot Btatabonda aod thooo "i Railreoda and other aarparatiaaa.Ihe aanoal iatereal aa this vast boidoa aaaaal fallbalow -Sixtv Milli008 af DoHara .I jrohl: anit our

Baparta (ioeladiaa -pecio) ahoald otibt balaaoa our

baparta i>v at least this aatoaatBal they do not; they rarely or never did and it

wero lxild to paodkB) that. so loog OB Knrope willtroal M lurtiiei. tiiey ovor wi'.l. Thus far, we pay our

liiaitcrly aii runiK coupoiis of interest by exportin«iml taOiog BBorabvoda. gboof avaep taorth year.Earaaa h.is a iborl erop af Qraio, aml thaa we aapplyhei aeeda iargely al fair prieea; bataargnai graia<growiog dittin ti are l<>" rontota and |oe far iniandto aoobla us te eaaipela aa aajaol tataw arith theabeoigiowofB of Palaad aud of Boathora Baaaiafoi the cipriciom niaikets of (inat Britam nndot I'ranift. Of Su«ar. Kiee. Wool, Metals. and nearlyOBOfJ le-tiie I'ahric. wo OOOd all wo prodiico andinpca tae; aar Baparta ari* oaorly laatrieoad to a few

bulky st.ip!es--l,'oIlon. rheese. I.aid, BoaaB. rutro-loiun. it, Ac Wo are aoaatraetiag Boilraada ¦ararapidly and gaoaraUy thaa wa arei did paier to ino;mk am opoaiog aUooB) baildiag factoriee audfiiinaces. aroettog booaea, and oooTartiagfOtaal aadgntifie mto faruis: and all th.vie lovoloa heavypraaool ootlai toaabiarapreapeetivabeoadta. Ihaaaall stionitly toiid to BOOp up the prieea af every coiu-

inixlitv. stiniiilato IlBporta, (linnnish B.porta, and so

to lueraoaa tho aggrogataafaar ladabaadaeaa abeaad.Wo aro adiliiiR not lesn than Two Milhous |vet annuiii

lo out aggraajate waalth i bal wa do thia ot thaaoatof loeraaotag, by perhapa uu* llundrod Milliousaiinuall'., tho .-.niii of our Ioiokii ilel.t.We havo nn liredeeinublo Curienry that is. a

Oaneoejr whioh la not arnhangoabla for tha epeeiedollars it would so.'iii to represont, uiileas ut a he.i\ i

.ii..i enpi ici.iiis dlBioi.iit. II v i'OlLtei|lience, tlieiiniuiiial pnco of overv eoniiiiodity is Iroiti to twentyto lilt) per cent. hiifh.-r than its rrrt/price. iqgarnlngi4)in aa tho slainliml. A barrel of Klour oratunofCoal sold for $IOrealIy hiiiiKn Imt $7 to 9s so withall prieea af Pladaeej aa with tha wagag af Labor.Nothiag is cniieiitiv estimat.'.t ot Ita reai ar epeeievalue bal Datioaaa hoporteeod tha boodod BotioaalIlel.tTbere are theae who laaet tbeea llloaary prieeaaad

valaaiiaoa .^\^ aatagooaa looor (loaaa Maaa_aataraai oovar louiit aiicpt then peeatiaaa oaraootpraheud theii legie a too ot Pig baa that soiis for $ioiu eiiiiein y reully brin>:s los» than *^W whon (iold hIS; ihe gpaaeaaac whabojra iron rarely aaaaldaniiiai whaatver he predaeea or aaUalaaeabaatederpaieed bj the iggM doloalva aaeadardi but _hm_aethat Iron is dearor than forincrly. The dutioaonIron aio i-onsid. lal.l.v loWOB than thoso levied bythe T.irill' of ISVM, of UU, OT0*8*00 of mg| but a

I ien Irador adda I\ or ag por cent. foi (litteronfo in(iiiu iit't, aud tells tho taiiuol lhat I'u Inm imw

enio\ s a I'rotection of $l.'l'a$ll; whrreaa, it gged tohave I.ut *!<>. I'.voiy little tnekMtei \i ho inanipulatesliifiuoa iu the liopoflhal mtereat wdl tell you that ai eitain duty is -1». tk\ or 40 per cent. in gold, M thou_hil waa tho loust friietion moro thiiti exactly *Jt», UU, oriu por ceiii aelheeeaa auty bei ahovaloeboaogUiven in goU _swell itt the dut\ so that *Jn por cent.ia eiiullv one lillli af tlu- iiivoico value, snd noilherll.Olitnol le-.itli.ll.il lt Weli- collipilled ili (lltleili \

li iii inllatrxl u ii >n,. n ii.,*.,., ibloCarrooo] aenlavots . ui, i< turea, then

ii^tiyiiaul tO 1.0 MdattlMMi ,._uti UtlMiUaU

facturiug; Ior ber (.ovem_ie_t paper currency ia ata diacouul of '.*kj 01 nver for one.

I finnly believe tbat our inriated Currency ia ia-jurioua to M.inuf_< turea, aa to every other pre-duetag iutereat.that it were better for all whaescbew specnlation and try to lire by honeet imlin.tryif we were d.iwn on rock bottom tbia moment. I awi

imt, warnng upon thoae who hold aud teaeh thatthere miirfit an.l should be a Paper Currency devisediin.i adopted which ahould be irredeeniable in coin,

yat iij.no h.'i.ciii ont than any we have yot had : Ionly mii.-d that a Paper Currency should expreaaouita t__e its true cbaraoter.ahould declarn preciaelywhere, wUen, and in what mediiim, it is payable. or,it BOt payable at all. should makemauifust that fact.I am qnlte Impreased with tbe argumont* in favor ofiasuinit $10,000, $').0<W), $1,000, $"»00. and even $100 l.ills,diawtog interpst at the rate of ftflS-100 per anniini <orone ceiit per day on each $100): so that a man wbotraveled with $.V).00Oi» his pocket or truiik, at aaaverage ooat of |5 per day, tnight difray bia expenseafrom the i.tercstof hia caah in band. 1 lieliev©wo can and muat nltimately deviae tbe means ofmaking onr Narional Debt more lluul than it ia, andthat this would li.in ua to rcducethe rate ol intereat,and thua render the bnr.len far less m rioua.

I am of that old-faahioued school which can ae_ iua National Debt uo National lileasing, but the con-

trary, though some of ita incidenta may aeem bene-ficent. We are payiug about $1'25,000,000 per auuiiaa

in gold aa interest on our great National Debt.moretlii.n C.reat l>rit«in paya, though the prrndpalof herDeld is too.ira a«40 isto2T». lf we could reducethein-tereatof our Fivc-Twc.itiea alone from sixtofourpercent, the saving totheFederalTreaatiry would exceedThirty Mdlions perannuna.a auin that, inveated iaB Sinking Fun.l, wonld pay off the last dollar of onr

Deht within the nextl forty yeara. ln my view, B

.inlinal oliject of our National policy should be thaI'unding ol our redeemable deht at a low rate of ia-

tcreat at the earliest possihle day.To a_Gwt this, we niiist have an ample current Kev-

cnue, ao as to be constantly biiying up and cancebnaevi.lences of National Debt. So loug aa we, in addi¬tion to payiug our inte.rest prouiptly and honeatiy,I.uy up Five to T.-n Milliona per moiith of the prin-ip.il of <>ur Deld, its market value ninst continue ta

appreciatc, nnlesa tbe hohlera be ren.lereil appre-henaivothat kepudiation is likely to gain the asoea-

dency in onr Govemment and give effect to aome

Hcheme for cheatinot tho creditors of the Renublie.This ra-ril beiug dissipated or rodoced to a minimuna,our bonds aliouid steadily appreciate, until weoan

oasily fiin.l the Five-Twontiea at a far lower rate ofiotaiaat than the aix per cent. we now pay. and thuasignally ladoaa the weight of our Debt. By tbattime, the diffcrence hetween our Oreenbacka andCoin ahould bo wholly etiaced, so that thc formershould he redeemed with coin when prosentod forpayment at the Treasury, and our Currency be oni-form in value wi'h tho nun.lier of dollara expresaedon ita face.But this iuvolvea lower prices for Produce and for

Gooda, and will be aticuuoualy resisted by muiti-tudes, who lind or fancy tbat they protit by iuflatiun.Some of these aro deeply in debt; othera have prop¬erty which thoy wi-di to si-11 at higher prices ; manyare involved in apeculationa which require an eaay

money market to iuaure an advantageous reaolt. Byall theae and by other". Ifeanrnption will be fonghtatephyatep: and I shall be agreeably diaappointedif Congroas is not asritatcd, at an early period of tbaenaoing aessiou, by a atrenuous erlort toarresttbal.unihaala of Debt which Secretary Boutwell haa aa

aacc-Bafully inaugur»ted, aud return to the hoardingpi.nticc- it were to dignify it overniuck to term itapolicy.of Secretary MoCulloch.And one ready modo of aesanlt on the National

Credit is afforded by an effort to cut down the Tarilfto what ia eallcd a Rermue atamlard. Tbous- no

Tariff fratned avowedly for Revenue ever yieldednearly so much nioncy aa we are now reali/.ing from¦tTarift avowedly l'roteetive. we ahall lie told thatwc may ohtain aa large an income from low dutieaon a few artidea as from h\gh dutiea on many. and a

daagaiata itraggla will be made to recaat the Tariffou this arirt.iii.pti.jii _s an ecouomic trath. ThiawiU be barktd hf every avowed or aecret< hampion of National diahoneaty ; for, whilethore are many Free Trailera who abhor re-

pudiation, there are not a dozpn Repudiaton*iu tho «ouutry who are not veli. ment FreeTraders. Should this formidahle combinatioatriumph. the payment of the principal nf our Na¬tional Deht will be arrested, the ftindinirof the Fiva1 wiiti.s at a lower rate of intereat. with consequentredu.tion of the public burdcu. will be reudcred im-aaaBa-ia, the reaumptiun of Specie l'aymenta will baindetinitely poatponed. aud the country will badoomed to tlouiidor ln an abyas of iusol veuey anddiscredit. until M Bioaaad and cnlightened pubhoaentlmcnt ahall hurl /rom power the authora of thesowa.iton. purvadiug disaaters.There is an oppoaite courae. infniitely wiser and

aafei. which I trust will be takaa or jx-isiated in,whereof the ontlines are as l'ollowa:

1. Sternty resolvo that we will persist in payingour Natinnal Debt. and every fraction of it, preciaelyaa wc agreod to pay it.as we were underMtood to

atipulate at the time of contraetiog it.and thua ea-

tablish our credit so tirmly that cap.talista will lascairer to lei.d us the BMBM >>f red.eininir at a farloarariata tt lataiaal the aWtgattaaaanwhldiaaar>> now paftag six per cent.. and 00 whkh thc tijzhtof redemption has already accruad or willsooulioun.|liesti.>IKlbl.\

t, Kcsobitely set apart and con«ccrate every dollarwo thus save, to be ib'vof.'.t to the p.-iyiiicnt or pnr-chaK»of principal of our National Debt, hl additionto tha "one jH;r cent. paf anniiiu" which we are

already pledged to pay by the Lagal Tciidcr act olIflBsV

3. Make no cliangea in the esaential provi>ions ofourexiatiiiK Tarifl ; oorret t from ti.no to time auydiscropancies or errors of .1. tail that niav ha discov-ered: but leave it so that it wiU yield about tbean.ount of revenue we are now r. cciving from it.and appropnate the sutplns i-ifl-'Xihiy to pajiag in¬

terest and principal of tho Del.t.4. Ketlin-e iHinntenial -BOOatBBI exciseon W'lusky,

ToLacco, and other articliaiii'.i'.iiy I'l.aig.'d.wheneveiit is proved that wo may do ao without laM af rev¬

enue, but rotaiu tbem at a IgOM hiflh aSBOgh to

d.-t'iay tho current cost of atipporting the "Govem¬ment after the Income Tax (whfeh espirea by limita-tion next year) shall have aaoaad to be pnMlucttY.'.

lb Maintaiu in prosnerons a< tivity aU tho induatrialpt.rsuits we already possees. and endeavor to extendour prodiiction of lron. Hold. Silvcr, Copper, andotli.'.M.tals, while encoiiraguitf and ext.-udintr the

pr.Mluctioii on our soil of IW, BogBd tl.e t.rape. theOlive, Ac, Ac. with no BXBBI latiou of aupplviugall our wanta fiom douirMie soiircea, but with a

iciobitc. iin.i, latalllgaal pupaaa that aai r.xporta.shall soon bo made to ovcibalanco our Iniporta. so

that we may cease trauauiittinit to Kuropa IhiikIbwhieh are really mortgages on the in.lustry nnd pro-duetsof our grandchildren, und BBgla to call backiin.i pay ofl the htrge amoiiut we already owe there,with intcut that tho close of this century shall fiudus out of debt as a Natinn an.l out of debt to Kuropaaa imliv iduals, conipames, or States..Such are the outlinesof a poli.v which rommendti

itsclf to my undoratau.lii.g as hoiieat, lieneticentcon.li.civo to National aolvoiicy, amj trily Aniericau.

1 believe that it will take ua graduaily and aurolyback to Specie 1'aymenta: but I ia not iinaginu tbatit would restore ua tbe low im. .s t.f fortv.of twenty,nor even of ton yi>ais ago. Tho euormous produc-tion aince IHWof (Johl and Silver in Califom.a, Ana-tiitlia, aud elscw here, has permaueutlv inoreaaed tbovolumeof the world'a currency, aud thua enhancodthe money price of ulmost every description efproperty : blot all p.ipcr iiiuuey out of exiatence. andstill pri.-es would uaually range bigher than iti.ywere tweuty yeara ago. But wehave lately incntTeda vi.'Mt Dobt, luvolviug beavy tazation ; and such aDebt of itself strongly tenda to euhauced pricoR, aa(ireat Hritain, llolland, and (more reoently) Fmnce,aiuply attest. Tbe general range of prices is andmuat be bigher in a country largely mdebted uudheavily taxed than iu that aame or any sin.ilarcountry which owea hut little or notbing. and iataxed necordingly. Dcstroy all tho specie tbat hasbaaa miuod or worked ont aince IK4H, close up thelilil.es. and BtUI priOBR would be hi.hei wilh Bl ihafilh. \ Wl N pnoi (.. ..ui lal. Cu il U.ir.lot Uo uaOiU uud uuuuiaoa oi a k^uIu aiu uob

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