portfolio clil definitivo

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Portfolio CLIL






1. Introduction……………………………………………………………… .……...2

2. Resources……………………………………………………………………….....3

2.1 Video………………………………………………………………...........3

2.2 Game …………………………………………………………………4

2.3 Flashcard …………………………………………………………………6

2.4 Story telling………………………………………………………………..9

2.5 Posters…..……………………………………………………………….10

2.6 Role playing…………………………………………………………… 12


1. Introduction

The following Portolio contains six resources designed to teach economics to

students from 1st Bachelor.

I'll try to be innovative in these resources and, at the same time, to develop the

four skills of language: (reading, listening, writing and speaking).



Number of sessions: 1 Length: 50 minutes Subject: Economy 1º Bachelor Topic: The four P’s of marketing Type of activity: Debate Activity Difficulty: Low difficulty Source / autor: Youtube Resources: Video Involvement: Group work

PROCESS Introduction: With the use of video and songs in the classroom I intend to break the monotony of classes. Video as a teaching resource serves as reinforcement and provides clarity and simplicity to the content. Development:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIirzTdaey4 At the beginning of the class this video will be screened and then I will open a debate trying that students relate the contents studied in the subject with the video. Moreover, using a video in English students can improve their vocabulary related to business and marketing. To homework students will summarize the debate to practice writing. MAIN SKILL: LISTENING, WRITING AND SPEAKING

Objectives: 1. Be aware of the importance of good brand image for a company. 2. Be respectful with other opinions in a debate.

Content learning

1. The four p’s of marketing 2. Vocabulary related with marketing like brand, product life, etc.

Language learning

1. Goods and services, money, distribution, market, packaging, actions of promotion, manufacturers, products, consumers, etc

Assessment: 1. More participatory in the debate students will gain a positive point in order to improve the final exam mark.




Number of sessions: 1 Length: 15 minutes Subject: Economy 1ºBachillerato Topic: Basic concepts of economy Type of activity: Game Difficulty: Low difficulty Source / autor: Author’s own research Resources: www.educima.com Involvement: Individual work

PROCESS Introduction: Games let students the opportunity to learn contents while they are enjoying. This resource has the objective of identify different companies according to different aspects. Development: I will leave 10 minutes to solve the crossword individually and then we will correct it together. MAIN SKILL: READING

Objectives: 1. To know the level of previous knowledge of students Content learning

1. Conceps related with macro and micro economy.

Language learning

2. Vocabulary like: microeconomy, macroeconomy, communism, capitalism,…

Assessment: 3. This game has not a specifically assessment because is thought to know the level of previous knowledge of students and adapt the classes to that level.


ACTIVITY 3: Flashcards

The flashcards are a kind of laminated cardboard that are especially useful for presenting new vocabulary, review, create stories, stimulate discussions ...

I have prepared Flashcards about "ECONOMIC SYSTEMS" and I have written the name of the economic system on the front and the definition on the back.


Political and economic doctrine that advocates

the ownership and administration of the means of

production by the working class in order to

achieve an organization of society in which there

is a political, social and economic equality of all



Economic, political and social doctrine that

advocates a social organization in which there is

no private property or class differences, and

which would be the means of production owned

by the state, which would distribute the assets

equitably and according to the needs .


Political, economic and social doctrine, born

in the late eighteenth century, which

advocates individual liberty and minimal state

intervention in social and economic life.


Economic and social system based on private

ownership of the means of production, the

importance of capital as a generator of wealth

and in the allocation of resources through the

market mechanism.


Number of sessions: 1 Length: 50 minutes Subject: Economy 1ºBachillerato Topic: Economic Systems Type of activity: Flashcards Difficulty: Low difficulty Source / autor: Author’s own research Resources: Author’s own research Involvement: Individual work

PROCESS Introduction: The flashcards are a kind of laminated cardboard that are especially useful for presenting new vocabulary, review, create stories, stimulate discussions ...

I have prepared Flashcards about "ECONOMIC SYSTEMS" and I have written the name of the economic system on the front and the definition on the back.

Development: I’ll read the flashcards and I will explain the different economics systems with the purpose to get both objectives: students learn content and language. Then I will allocate a piece of paper with three columns with messy data (authors, economic system and definition) and students must join with arrows. MAIN SKILL: READING

Objectives: To know which are the main features of each of the studied economic systems.

Content learning:

1. Comunism features and main economists. 2. Capitalism features and main economists. 3. Liberalism features and main economists. 4. Socialism features and main economists.

Language learning:

Socialism, capitalism, liberalism, communism, economic policy, state, working class, order production,…

Assessment: The delivery of such simple activities will be used to improve the final exam mark.





R. Owen






Economic and social system based on private ownership of the

means of production, the importance of capital as a generator of

wealth and in the allocation of resources through the market


Economic, political and social doctrine that advocates a social

organization in which there is no private property or class

differences, and which would be the means of production owned

by the state, which would

Political and economic doctrine that advocates the ownership

and administration of the means of production by the working

class in order to achieve an organization of society in which there

is a political, social and economic equality of all people.

Political, economic and social doctrine, born in the late

eighteenth century, which advocates individual liberty and

minimal state intervention in social and economic life.


ACTIVITY 4: Story telling

Number of sessions: 1 Length: 30 minutes Subject: Economy 1ºBachillerato Topic: Inequality Type of activity: Storytelling Difficulty: Low difficulty Involvement: Group work

Objectives: 1. I will try to raise awareness among students of the importance of living in a social and economic equality.

Content learning:

1. Types and definition of equality (sexual, economic, racial and social)

Language learning:

1. Poverty, xenophobia, solidarity, unemployment, marginality, education,…

Assessment: 1. The aim of this resource is just to give some real examples of fighting against inequality to the students.

2. This activity will be used as support for the teacher and not be evaluated

PROCESS Introduction: Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means to entertain, educate, teach moral values. The essential elements in the act of storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. Development: We’ll read the story about the history of Malala. And then we will comment it giving some opinions relating it with the theory.



ACTIVITY 5: Posters

Number of sessions: 2 Length: 50 minutes Subject: Economy 1ºBachillerato Topic: Market functioning Type of activity: Poster Difficulty: Medium difficulty Involvement: Group work

Objectives: 1. Be aware of the importance of the market as a basic mechanism in the allocation of assets.

Content learning:

1. Law of supply and demand, market equilibrium. 2. Substitutes and complementary assets

Language learning:

2. Assets, complementary, substitute, elasticity, market,…

Assessment: Once that every group has finished their market functioning poster, they must expose it to the rest of the class. With this activity students will practice: READING, WRITING and SPEAKING. Teacher will use a rubric to assess the poster and the oral presentation.

PROCESS Introduction: Posters are creations normally made in groups that try to explain or summarize a particular subject in a visual way. Development: In the first class I will explain the law of supply and demand in a normal market and how reacts the balance point to changes in the price or quantity of the product. In the second class student, students should develop a poster in groups to explain the law of supply and demand and to make an oral presentation of their findings.


Example of poster:


ACTIVITY 6: Role - Play

Number of sessions: 1 Length: 50 minutes Subject: Economy 1ºBachillerato Topic: Human resources Department Type of activity: Role-Play Difficulty: Medium difficulty Involvement: Group work

Objectives: To know the functions of the human resources department of a company

Content learning:

Functions of HR department • Staff selection • Solve laboral disputes

Language learning:

salary, employment, interview, experience, work dispute…

Assessment: Teacher will assess vocabulary and implication using a rubric.

PROCESS Introduction: The role playing facilitates the understanding of theoretical concepts. It stimulates and motivates from the experiential. It is similar to the theatrical dramatization, but in this case the members do not adhere to a scripted story, but improvise. Development: Students will be divided into groups of 4 with the following roles: Student 1: worker Student 2: worker student 3: HR responsible student 4: manager of the company Students must invent a conflict and try to resolve it with the agreement of all concerned


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