portfolio kasia kucharska

Post on 29-Jul-2016






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This project is based on the physical, material and functional repercussions of garments produced for a low-gravity planet. On a planet with less terrestrial at-traction, individuals do not step on the ground like we do, but instead choose a direction of locomotion as atmospheric forces are working against their pushing and pulling motion. One can only carelessly accept this life and fit into the sur-roundings, forever floating without leaving traces and enjoying the lightness of being.

Not only have I worked with the functional demands on this planet to create this garment, I have also aimed to translate the state of mind of this planet’s inha-bitants into the garment design. The garment is made using a stretchable, se-mi-transparent mesh, which allows a natural evolvement around the body and creates a vanishing of its shapes. There is no premeditated direction in which the garment needs to be worn; the garment wraps the body and deforms it.

This collection plays with symbols of wealth and how both are demonstrated in the outer appearence of our European culture as well as in a foreign distant cul-ture, for example the culture of Ndebele nation in Africa. The collection is inspired by the statutory deformation of the body and impractical modifikations that come along with illustrating power in clothing. You can read a persons position in soci-ety through specific attributes of his look. The stereotype of a powerful european woman from today wears a serious well-fitted and tailored blazer or a sexualy at-tractive tight garment.The social influence of a Ndebele woman you can read from the embroideries and manual crafts on her wide everyday blan-ket or from the type of her accesories.

In this project i desire to mix these contra-ry attributes and multiply them in order to question this symbols in a modern global society.



Denken zu können unterscheidet den Menschen mutmaßlich von allen anderen Wesen. Aber worauf beruht das Denkver-mögen? Heißt denken rechnen? Kann man denken lernen? Was genau ist Realität und was ist Wahrnehmung?Maschinen und Computer können sch-reiben und denken. Sie werden den Menschen ersetzen. Wir leben in einer Big-Data-Ära, in einer Zeit mit immer leistungsstärkeren Denkmaschinen. Die menschliche Denk-, Speicher- und Verar-beitungskapazität ist jedoch begrenzt.Unsere Denkfähigkeit wird beeinträchtigt durch den rastlosen Rhythmus unseres Alltags. Immer auf Abruf, immer im Ein-satz, immer auf dem Sprung zum nächs-ten Projekt. Wir werden zu gehetzten Kon-formisten. Wir werden blind für andere Möglichkeiten des Daseins, des Handelns und des Urteilens. Man könnte sagen: Wir gleichen uns den Maschinen an. Aber: Computer sind gemacht um Antworten zu geben. Sie können aber keine Fragen stel-len. Diese Fähigkeit hat nur der Mensch. Das zeichnet ihn aus.Wir möchten in unserem Projekt das Den-ken sichtbar machen. Den menschlichen Verstand entführen. Die richtigen Fragen stellen. Das logische Denken aktivieren. Als Ausgangspunkt haben wir hierzu die optischen Täuschungen und visuelle Illu-sionen von M.C. Escher sowie die surrea-len Bildwelten Rene Magrittes.Beide Künstler erschaffen in ihrer Arbeit Welten die es in Realität nicht geben kann. Sie sind eine Täuschung. Die Arbeiten be-fragen unseren menschlichen Verstand. Der Verstand stellt das wahrgenommene in Frage und untersucht es kritisch und lo-gisch.



The Collection, titled „The Golden Collar“, is about searching the definition of beauty. In my eyes beauty is an emotion, a state of mind, a mo-ment evoked by harmony and balance, by har-monic proportions and by an accordance to the sourroundings, the here and now.I therefore wanted to develop a harmonic system of proportion in clothing, that refers to the indivi-dual size of each person and adapts to its sour-roundings. My goal is to create convertable pie-ces of clothes which fit into our modern, mobile lifes. Clothing that adapts to different bodies and gender as well as to different needs and circum-stances.The system of proportion is based on the human size and the golden ratio. The individual size of each human body is the baseline-value of a geo-metric sequel of measures, which each stand to one another in the proportion of the golden ratio. The clothing is aligned to these proportions and can be adapted to these lines individually with straps and belts.

I would also like to focus on the industrial produc-tion of cloths. It should be possible to produce clothing serially and make it reproducible - „meant to be serial, meant to be the same, proud to be the same“ (Li Edelkoort). Thereby, the personal identity of each individual should be preserved and not been demonstrated through the clothes.

Basically, I want to make a statement against the weariness of unlimited possibilities and fashion trends. Always a step ahead, standing out, at-tracting attention, always striving for individuality. Designing my collection, I wanted to create pie-ces of clothing that don’t need that. The body and its well-being have priority and are the origin of my conceptual idea. The pieces of clothing don’t reveal the personality of the individual that wears them, his identity is kept preserved. The Clothing should support the individual in his highly techni-fied way of everyday life and not impede him in his complex surroundings. Instead of status and self-marketing, the search for meaning becomes the central focus.





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