pregnancy testing in cattle with rectal palpation method for pastoral breeding

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Ihsan Salahuddin Rabbani



Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Mei 2014 sampai dengan 22 Juni 2014 di Victoria River Downs Station, Heytesbury Cattle Company, Northern Teritorry-Australia. Pendalaman materi yang diambil adalah mengenai manajemen reproduksi yaitu deteksi kebuntingan dengan metoda palpasi pada pemeliharaan pastura. Dengan luas lahan 2824 km² dan populasi 24.000 ekor sapi guna meningkatkan efisiensi perusahaan diperlukan manajemen kemampuan reproduksi kawanan ternak yang lebih baik, yang akan bermanfaat untuk pemasaran, manajemen nutrisi, dan kontrol penyakit. Control pada musim kawin ternak dan deteksi kebuntingan adalah dua komponen utama dalam manajemen reproduksi. Deteksi kebuntingan pada induk berkontribusi terhadap manajemen reproduksi dengan dua metode kunci: 1). memudahkan mengidentifikasi ternak produktif, dan 2). membantu mengidentifikasi ternak non-produktif untuk diafkir. Kata kunci : Deteksi kebuntingan, palpasi, reproduksi, produktif, non-produktif. Abstact

The fieldwork practice (PKL) was held on May 21, 2014 until June 22, 2014 in Victoria River Downs Station, Heytesbury Cattle Company, Northern Territory-Australia. The comprehensive focus on materials given was reproduction management, which is pregnancy detection by palpation method for pastoral maintenance. With a land area of 2824 km² and a population of 24,000 cattle, in order to improve efficiency, the company needed better management of herd reproductive capabilities, which will be useful for marketing purpose, nutrient management, and disease control. Seasonal mating control and pregnancy detection are two major components in reproduction management. Detection of pregnancy in mother cows contributes to reproduction management in two key points: 1). facilitate identification of productive livestock, and 2). help identify non-productive livestock for culling.

Keywords: pregnancy detection, palpation, reproductive, productive, non-productive.


2.1. Introduction

A survey conducted by an

abattoir in Queensland indicated that

60% cows were pregnant during

slaughter. This showed that numerous

productive cows were being slaughtered

while non-productive cows are left or

unsorted in the herd (Boorman, J.,


In many cases, owners generally

were unaware that their cows were

pregnant or oblivious to the economical

loss due to sales of pregnant cows. This

loss was admittedly difficult to

determine accurately, but it was

estimated to reach tens of millions of

dollars annually (Boorman, J., 1991).

The economical loss was due to

diminished reproductive ability of the

herd and lower prices of beef as meat

quality decreased significantly during

pregnancy. The later the pregnancy, the

lower the quality of the beef. Pregnant

cows are more prone to stress and thus,

have higher incidence of dark cutters,

lower dressing percentage, and lower

carcass yields.

2.2. AIM

1. To understand the advantage

and procedure of pregnancy

testing on cattle.

2. To understand the diagnostic

scheme of cattle pregnancy.

3. To understand the optimal time

to conduct cattle pregnancy

testing for pastoral breeding.

4. To understand palpation method

of pregnancy testing on cattle.

2.3. Observational Method

1. Participation; direct

participation on fieldwork


2. Event recordings; photos and

videos taken to supplement

report contents.

3. Citations; data and information

collection on selected materials


from the company with manager


4. Interviews; discussions on

selected materials with local

related persons, such as

managers and staff members in

Victoria River Downs Station.

2.4. Results and Discussions

Beef producers can increase

their efficiency by implementing

adequate reproductive management for

extensive cattle breeding or herding.

This will result in increase of profit,

better nutritional management and

disease control. Pregnancy testing is one

of the main keys in reproductive

management. Through pregnancy

testing, the company can determine

productive and non-productive cows.

In intensive breeding, pregnancy

testing is easier to manage; one of the

methods is to identify if there are signs

of estrus on the next cycle with the help

of careful recording. Meanwhile, in

extensive breeding, it is impractical to

monitor the cattle daily. Pregnancy

testing for extensive breeding directly

correlates to environmental

management. The optimal time for

pregnancy testing is during weaning in


Evidence from studies suggests

that fertility is the most economical

characteristic for livestock selection.

Estimates vary, but most sources stated

40-60 % selection efforts and

management practices should be

directed on improvement and

maximization of reproductive capacity

(Roger Kaus, 1997).

Reproduction rate varies

between properties and is proportional

with the changing seasons. Accurate

calculation results for the whole herd of

cattle in the Northern Territory is not

available; however, the percentage of

cows that produce calves under 12


months inter-calving interval is

estimated to be 50-70 %.

Achieving 95% calves weaned

to cows joined, an average calving

interval of 12 months, and a calving

spread of 10 weeks or less is the key to

profitability regarding high reproductive

efficiency (Geoff Kroker, et al, 2000).

2.4.1. Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy testing is one of the

methods to monitor reproductive

efficiency and to detect common issues

in early breeding cycle.

Early detection of non-pregnant

cows is one of the advantages of

pregnancy testing. Principally,

pregnancy status of breeders can be

evaluated through various methods,


Recording activity cycles

Hormonal testing of body

liquids, including milk, blood

and urine

Beta-mode ultrasonography

Real-time ultrasound

Measuring electrical

conductivity of cervical and

vaginal mucus

Rectal palpation

Unfortunately, not all pregnancy

testing are accurate. Survey from the

abattoir mentioned previously also

stated that from all cows declared not

pregnant through various methods of

pregnancy testing, 38% happened to be

pregnant and almost half were in the

second or last trimester of pregnancy

(Roger Kaus, 1997).

From all previously mentioned

pregnancy testing, none of them is

suitable to be used in every situation.

Until presently, the most economical

and effective method to detect

pregnancy in most situations is rectal


In Victoria River Downs,

professionals such as veterinarians from

Katherine usually perform pregnancy


testing. The pregnancy testing is carried

out during weaning, which is on April to

June in first cycle, then on September to

October in second weaning cycle.

In many cases, the age of the

calf and calving date can be estimated

during rectal palpation. Cows expected

to calve early can then be separated from

cows expected to calve later. This can

provide a useful base for culling if

needed to reduce the number of cattle,

possibly during feed shortage.

Calving spread between

pregnant cows may rapidly decrease if

cows, which tend to calve early, replace

cows, which tend to calve late. Various

factors causing infertility in cattle can

also be determined. More common

causes include cystic ovary and uterine

infection. Disease and management

issues that affect cattle reproduction can

also be identified earlier through

pregnancy testing. Low pregnancy rate

in a period, for example, may be caused

by low fertility level of the bull. Low

fertility level in a herd may be caused by

infectious disease or inadequate

nutrition before mating.

2.4.2. Diagnostic Scheme of Cattle


The objective of this scheme is

to provide a method of identifying

pregnant and not pregnant cattle to be

sold to buyers and sellers of livestock.

With this scheme, a veterinarian will

examine the animals before sale and

determine pregnancy status of each

animal. Livestock will then be given

individual identification with a wrap-

around tail tag, which is color-coded for

each category of pregnancy. On each tail

tag will be written the code number of

the veterinarian who examined the

cattle, individual numeric code for each

cattle, and an indication of the category

of pregnancy. An inspection certificate,

signed by the veterinarian performing

examination and contains detailed data


about the livestock examined, is also

prepared (Robert Hedlefs, 1994).

According to Robert Hedlefs,

there are three pregnancy categories

used in Australia:

1. Not detectably pregnant (NDP)

Cattle in this category might

include cattle with pregnancy less

than 6 weeks, a phase in which

pregnancy is difficult to confirmed

by manual examination.

2. Pregnant less than 4 months.

3. Pregnant more than 4 months.

There is the possibility of an

overlap between the two categories of

pregnancy for approximately 2 weeks.

By using the three categories it is to

possible to find out productive and non-

productive livestock. Productive

livestock are cattle that calve timely.

However, basically each company has

specific policies to determine the

identification process of productive and

non-productive livestock.

In Victoria River Downs station,

cattle that does not produce calves for

five years or considered non-productive

will be spayed first by taking her ovaries

using the Willis spay technique by a

veterinarian. This sterilization needs to

be done to ensure the cow does not get

pregnant while on a trip or at abattoirs.

Non-productive cows are usually sold to

Darwin and exported to Asian countries

for fattening or straight cut. Non-

productive cows that have been sold or

cut will be replaced with fertile heifers.

Meanwhile, productive cows, in this

case usually being pregnant, will be

released back to the herd.

From a genetic perspective,

although reproductive capacity can be

repeated, this ability tend not to be

inherited. If a cow produce a calf in the

near future this year, it is possible that

the cow will continue to calve early in

the years following. However, the calf


of the cow does not necessarily be able

to calve early.

The main advantages of

identifying productive and non-

productive cattle are :

Buyers will not experience

losses related to varied

proportions of non-pregnant

cows in one draft.

Seller will obtain higher price

for their livestock.

Knowing which cows are not

pregnant will attract more

buyers from meat processing


Minimize reproductive loss due

to slaughtering of cows in late


2.4.3. Optimal Time to Conduct

Pregnancy Testing

The most practical and easy

time to detect pregnancy is during

weaning in the yards, where it is still

quite easy to separate empty cows, or at

least 13 weeks after the bulls are

separated during weaning. The weaning

period varies depending on the

management, location and climate where

the farm is located.

Pregnancy testing while the

cows and their calves are in the yard for

weaning also avoid difficulties that may

arise during identification and drafting,

and also when the calves have been

transferred back to the paddock.

Seasonal mating (a time when the bulls

were separated for a certain period in the

year) means weaning, pregnancy

detection and culling can be carried out

simultaneously, which also resulted in

cost savings for workers.

Additional advantage of

pregnancy testing during weaning is that

non-productive cows can be separated

from the property before the period in

which there is high nutrition pressure

(e.g. winter). April to early June is the

perfect time for weaning and pregnancy


detection. During dry season, early

weaning can increase the conception rate

of the next calving season.

2.4.4. Palpasi Rektal

Pregnancy testing in cows with

less than 13 weeks of pregnancy can

cause miscarriage. Miscarriage can be

minimized by experienced handlers, but

may reach 10 % if done by roughly by

inexperienced people (Geoff Kroker,

dkk, 2000). Therefore, all early

pregnancy detection, whenever possible,

should be done by a professional or

veterinarian. In general, the later the

pregnancy, the easier to diagnose.

Pregnancy testing that can

accurately indicate fetal age is much

more preferred than simple pregnancy

testing that is only able to determine

whether or not a fetus is conceived.

Measurement of fetal age is useful for

detecting some reproductive diseases

and to determine the performance of the

bulls during mating (Geoff Kroker, et al,


One method to detect pregnancy

is by rectal palpation. This pregnancy

testing method is not only more practical

and easier to perform, but also has high

accuracy. Rectal palpation is based on

the condition of the uterus, ovaries and

uterine blood vessels (median uterine

arteries) (Toelihere, 1985).

Although practical and easy,

pregnancy testing by rectal palpation is

not a simple technique. This testing

requires certain expertise and there is a

risk for the calves. The method includes

livestock handling at close range, which

is quite dangerous even for experienced


Cows, which pregnancy is

tested, will enter the vet crush through

the race. Adequate facilities to curb

cattle, which is the vet crush, needs to be

provided during the process of

pregnancy testing. This is especially


necessary to ensure the accuracy of the

inspection and to prevent injury to the

handlers or veterinarian who perform the

examination. Race and crush to be used

must be in good condition and sturdy.


As soon as the cow enters the vet crush, handlers or veterinarians will

immediately test its pregnancy. The tools and materials needed are as following:

Long glove





Figure 4. Vet crush Front View Figure 5. Vet Crush Side View.

Figure 6. Race


The procedure of rectal palpation is as following:

1. Make sure your nails are not overgrown so as not to injure the rectum.

2. Wear long gloves lathered with lubricant such as tragacant, Vaseline, soap, or

other materials that will not irritate rectal mucosa (left hand is usually being used

to enter the rectum).

3. Hold the tail with one hand (the hand not being used to enter the rectum) to a

direction that will not obstruct view to allow easier access to rectum.

4. When entering the rectum, fold up the entire fingers. Stay your hand when you

feel contractions and move further inside when the contractions stop. If rectal

contractions are too strong, withdraw hand.

Figure 7. glove has been lubricate.

Figure 8. Pushing a Hand Inside a Rectum


5. If there are too many feces inside the rectum, remove the feces slowly until there

is enough space to reach and locate the cervix.

6. Locate cervix. Cervix is inside the reproduction tract and will be felt under the

hand while entering rectum. Cervix will feel hard and cylindrical.

7. Once cervix is palpable, move further inside and try to palpate whether there is a

fetus inside the reproduction tract. If you can feel something that feels like a

distended uterus, with small oval balls floating in a liquid inside, or something

that feels like a fetus, it can be concluded that the cow is pregnant. If you cannot

feel anything that would mean the cow is not pregnant or empty.

Figure 9. Finding the Cervix

Figure 10. Cows Reproduction (Rectum,

Cervix, and Uterus.


8. Once it is confirmed that the cow is pregnant, in late pregnancy or not pregnant,

withdraw hand slowly and return cow to the herd. Repeat with other cow.

Basically, plenty of practices are needed to know what we can feel during rectal

palpation. Commonly distinguished difference can be felt during the second until fifth

month of pregnancy, as we can feel something more prominent from the tennis-ball sized


According to Toelihere (Toelihere, 1985), signs of pregnancy in cows that can be

identified during rectal palpation are as following:

Table 8. Signs of pregnancy in cows.

Month Description

3 Cornua the size of volley ball, located slightly withdrawn into abdominal

cavity, uterine artery media clearly palpable and feels like the rustle of water

flow, palpable cotyledon the size of soybeans, palpable fetal membranes

5 Fetus has entered abdominal cavity and difficult to palpate. The cervix is

palpated as a flat hose, as the uterus is withdrawn into abdominal cavity due

to fetal weight and increased amniotic fluid volume. Placenta is the size of a

hundred rupiahs (1 cent AUS) coin when palpated, fremitus middle uterine

artery the size of straws are felt rippling

6 Fetal position of the fetus is parallel to pelvis, fetal ossification can be clearly

palpated, palpable middle uterine artery fremitus. The cervix is located at the

front edge of cranial symphysis and almost perpendicular to the bottom

7 Fetus is clearly palpable, middle uterine artery clearly palpable

9 Ends of fetal front legs and muzzle are very close to pelvic cavity, at the end

of pregnancy the muscles surrounding the pelvic bones visibly slacking, vulva

swells and mucus flows out. Fetus increase in size and middle uterine artery

fremitus becomes more prominent

Sumber: Toelihere, (1985)


Meanwhile, according to Manan

(Manan, 2000) in his thesis Ilmu

Kebidanan Ternak (Obstetrics for

Livestock), indications of cattle

pregnancy are as follows:

1. Rectal palpation of cornua uteri,

uterine cornua enlarged and

filled with placental fluid

(amnion and allantois).

2. Rectal palpation of the cornua

uteri, amniotic bag.

3. Fetal membranes, alanto-corion

in the narrowing of uterus, felt

between thumb and index finger.

4. Palpated and reflected fetus

inside enlarged uterus

containing fetal membranes and

placental fluid.

5. Palpable placenta.

6. Palpable enlarged middle

uterine artery, thin vessel walls

with fremitus.

On the other hand, Balai Besar

Pelatihan Peternakan Batu stated that

certain indications of pregnancy in cows

through rectal palpation examination


1. Careful palpation of amniotic

sac in early pregnancy, 35 to 50


2. Palpation of enlarged uterine

cornua filled with placental fluid

in day 30 to 90 of pregnancy.

3. Fetal membrane, allantochorion,

felt during uterine pinching

between thumb and index finger

in early pregnancy, day 40 to 90.

4. Palpated and reflected fetus

inside enlarged uterus

containing fetal membranes and

placental fluid.

5. Palpable placenta.

6. Palpable enlarged middle

uterine artery, thin vessel walls

with fremitu.

In some situations, not all empty

cows are being directly sold to abattoirs

or exported to Asian countries.


According to Victoria River Downs

manager, Russel Richter, there is an

advantage of delaying to sell non-

pregnant cows. When feed is aplenty

and beef price is decreased, the best

strategy is to return the cows to a

specialized paddock for fattening to be

sold in the future. Other profitable

decision is to sell the cows after the

calves are weaned. Bang-tailing is a

common practice to facilitate

identification of cows that will be culled

until 6 months in the future.

Other option is to re-mate the

non-pregnant cows, especially heifers,

for the next mating season. This strategy

can be applied to properties with more

than one calving period per year. In

properties with only one calving period,

a small group of late calving cows may

result in management difficulties.

If a non-pregnant cow is being

re-mated, a good recording is needed to

ensure barren cows are not being kept

and removed between herds with

differing calving period.

Pregnancy testing has an

implication in sales. Cows sold by live

weight will fetch higher price if a non-

pregnant certification from veterinarian

is provided.

2.5. Conclusions and Suggestions

2.5.1. Conclusions

In pastoral care for livestock,

pregnancy testing is one of the keys on

reproductive management to improve

business efficiency. This affects the

increase in profits, nutrition

management, and disease control for the

enterprise. By detecting pregnancy, the

company can determine whether a cow

is considered productive or non-

productive. Two major considerations in

deciding whether non-pregnant heifers

would be given a second chance to mate

are breeding value and the cost to

maintain the heifers.


Pregnancy testing by rectal

palpation is considered to be the most

effective method as it cost less and does

not require lots of manpower. The

optimal time to conduct pregnancy

testing is during weaning, which is from

early April to early June.

2.5.2. Suggestions

On the field, pregnancy testing

during weaning often cause stress for the

cows, due to rough handling by

livestock stockman towards pregnant or

non-pregnant cows. This not only affects

the reproductive capacity of livestock,

but also endangers the stockman, as

stressed cows tend to be difficult to

control. Thus, patience and knowledge is

needed to handle cows, especially cows

that are pregnant.

Experienced professionals with

a certificate should perform pregnancy

detection in order to avoid inaccurate

pregnancy prediction, given the

importance of the results of a pregnancy

test for future breeding plans.

This method of rectal palpation

is not commonly used in Indonesia,

especially for beef cattle. However, on

farms such as in Sumba area, which still

maintain cattle pastures, knowledge on

seasonal mating and pregnancy testing

can be applied.


Asmoro, Dwi. Palpasi Rektal dan

Pemeriksaan Kebuntingan (PKB). Dinas Kelautan Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Mesuji. [Online]. Tersedia: (3 April 2015).

Australian Brahman Breeders

Association Limited. Pregnancy Testing of Cattle. [Online].Tersedia: (3 April 2015)

Boorman, J. (1991). Bonechewing

Country: Cattle Management for Northern Australia. 56 pp. Queensland. The Department of Primary Industries.


Hedlefs, R. 1994. Cattle Pregnancy Diagnosis Scheme. Queensland. The Department of Primary Industries.

Kaus R, Lapworth J, Carroll P. 1997.

The Stockman’s Handbook 6th Edition. Queensland. The Department of Primary Industries. 36-37.

Kroker G, Bendigo, Clarke L, Hamilton.

2000. Pregnancy testing of beef cattle. Department of Environment and Primary Industries. [Online]. Tersedia: food/livestock/beef/breeding/pregnancy-testing-of-beef-cattle (27 Maret 2015).

Manan, D. 2000. Ilmu Kebidanan Pada Ternak. Nangroe Aceh Darussalaam. Universitas Syahkuala. Toelihere MR. 1985. Ilmu Kebidanan

Pada Ternak sapi dan Kerbau. Salemba. Jakarta Universitas Indonesia.



Appendix 1. Victoria River Downs Station Area Map

Appendix 2. Overview of Livestock Classification

During Harvest

If 300kg < weight < 350kg


(From a paddock to yard)


(Drafted cattle in the yard)


(Baby cattle)


(Weight calf > 100kg)



1. Branding

2. Ear mark

3. Castration

(only steer)

4. Dehorn


1. Branding

2. Ear mark

3. Castration

(only steer)

4. Dehorn

5. Vaccine


(only heifer)

6. NLIS tag



FOR 10 -11












If weight > 300kg


INDONESIA Steer and spayed heifer


Appendix 3. Procedure of Livestock Rectal Palpation and Sterilization

Appendix 4. Events and Activities.


Before leaving for Australia, Indonesia-Australia Pastoral Industry Student

Program 2014 participants firstly received a three -day training at PT. Citra Buana

Agro Universe, Malangbong, Garut, West Java. Participants received various

training, including ways of identifying and handling Brahman Cross in a colony,

Figure 11. Briefing during rectal palpation.

Figure 12. The collection of the ovary using Willis spay technique.


which aims to make the participants familiar with the behavior and the behavior of

Brahman Cross cattle which are imported from Northern Australia. In addition,


participants were also given an overview of the symptoms of the disease

that usually arises in feedlot industry.

Events and Activities

Arriving at Darwin, participants were welcomed by the Chief Executive of

the Northern Territory Cattlemen Association, Luke Bowen. During the two days

in Darwin, the participants were welcomed by the Indonesian Consulate On this

occasion, Mr. Ade Padmo Sarwono as Consulate of Indonesia provide advice and

messages about everyday culture of the people of Northern Australia.

Figure 13. Participants in PT. Citra Buana Agro Universe, Malangbong, Garut, West Java.

Figure 14. A placard for the Executive

Director of the NTCA, Luke Bowen.

Figure 15. With the Indonesian

consulate in Darwin, NT.


Participants received training at Charles Darwin University, Katherine

Rural Campus and Charles Darwin University-owned Mataranka station for two

weeks before being placed on a cattle station. Trainings provided include: safety

procedures standard operation procedure, working at height, welding, horseback

riding, the production of grass, grazing, rangelands, behavior and characteristics

of cattle, animal welfare, handling cattle, operating motorcycles, cars, tractors,

and Quadrant bikes, as well as first aid.

Figure 16. Working at Height.

Figure18. Welding.

Figure 17. Approacing a horses.

Figure 19. Riding motorbike dan



Activities at Victoria River Downs Station

Figure 20. Learning experience in

class, Mataranka station. Figure 21. Material presentation on


Figure 22. Participants at Mataranka


Figure 23. Learning about first aid procedure.

Figure 24. Preparation for mustering using motorbike and helicopter.


After training for two weeks at Charles Darwin University, Katherine

Rural College and Mataranka station, the participants were divided two-by-two to

be placed at a cattle station. The cattle stations were some family-owned and some

owned by private companies. The participants worked at the cattle station for six


Figure 25. Fencing Figure 26. Castration on cattle using


Figure 27. Drafting weaner. Figure 28. Walking cattle across

Victoria River.



Having spent six weeks at cattle stations, the participants reconvened at

Charles Darwin University, Katherine Rural College, and then prepare some

presentations about activities of participants while working at the cattle stations.

The presentation is done in two places, namely campus of Charles Darwin

University and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Darwin. The

presentations were attended by managers and state officials.

Figure 29. The stockman crews dan

manager Russel Richter (middle). Figure 30. Stockcamp for 5 days.

Figure 31. Presentation about the

activities at Charles Darwin University.

Figure 32. Presentation about the activities

at Indonesian Consulate.


Appendix 5. Articles on the Programs

1. Mahasiswa Indonesia Lulus Magang di Peternakan Australia

Sebanyak 10 mahasiswa Indonesia kini mudik berbekal pengalaman dan

pengetahuan tentang industri peternakan setelah sebulan magang di peternakan

Wilayah Utara Australia.

Kesepuluh mahasiswa itu lulus setelah mengikuti program pertukaran

mahasiswa tahunan Asosiasi Peternak Wilayah Utara (Northern Territory - NT)

Australia. Prakarsa yang kini masuk tahun ketiga itu, bertujuan mempererat

hubungan antara berbagai sektor di bidang industri ternak sapi Australia dan


Febrina Prameswari, yang magang selama sebulan di Peternakan Pigeon

Hole di Daerah Victoria River, dekat perbatasan Australia Barat, mengatakan

sungguh luar biasa melihat jumlah pasokan ternak sapi ke Indonesia. "NT

mengekspor demikian banyak sapi ke Indonesia untuk memasok protein karena

populasi Indonesia sangat besar," kata Febrina.

Figure 33. Presentation about the activities

at Faculty of Animal Husbandry,

Universitas Padjadjaran.

Figure 34. Presentation about the activities at

Dean Office, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,

Universitas Padjadjaran.


Dikatakannya, perbedaan besar antara peternakan Indonesia dan Australia

adalah luasnya, dan Febrina menekankan bahwa ini sebagai tantangan bagi visi

swasembada daging sapi di Indonesia. "Di Indonesia segalanya serba kecil, baik

ternak, petani mau pun desanya," ujar Febrina Prameswari. "Di kota-kota besar,

tidak banyak tanah yang bisa dijadikan peternakan sapi." Febrina mengatakan,

pengetahuan barunya mengenai kesejahteraan dan gizi hewan dapat digunakan

untuk membantu meningkatkan ternak di Indonesia.

Industri-industri ternak di kedua sisi Laut Timor berharap para alumni

seperti Febrina Prmeswari akan menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin masa depan di

bidang pertanian Indonesia.

Konsul Ade Padmo Sarwono, diplomat Indonesia di Wilayah Utara (NT)

Australia, mengatakan program pertukaran itu juga merupakan kesempatan

penting bagi para produsen Australia untuk mengerti lebih baik tentang Indonesia.

Konsul Sarwono mengumumkan bahwa ia akan meninggalkan NT untuk

memangku jabatan sama sebagai konsul di Australia Barat.

Sumber :


2. Mahasiswa Indonesia Bisa Beradaptasi dengan Peternak Australia

Oleh : Carmen Brown

Dua mahasiswa Indonesia, Salman Chafid dan Ade Kariyani, mendapat

kesempatan bekerja di peternakan Ujung Utara Australia (Top End). Kesempatan

ini merupakan mimpi mereka yang jadi kenyataan.


Pasangan ini sudah berada di sana selama tiga minggu terakhir di

Peternakan Auvergne, 350 kilometer barat daya daerah Katherine. Ini merupakan


bagian dari program pertukaran industri, yang dijalankan oleh Asosiasi Peternak

Wilayah Utara (NT) bekerja sama dengan sejumlah perguruan tinggi di Indonesia

Peternak Dave Young yang menjadi mentor pelatihan mengatakan kedua

mahasiswa Indonesia ini dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan kehidupan di


"Ya mereka begitu terlibat, sepertinya sudah lama berada di sini. Semuanya bisa

bergaul dan mereka gembira," ujar Dave Young.

"Saya pikir para peternak sangat gembira menerima mereka. Sepertinya

mata peternak saya terbuka, karena mereka begitu ingin mengetahui lebih banyak

tentang Indonesia," tambah Dave Young.

Ia mengatakan, "Salman dan Ade juga ingin mengetahui lebih banyak

tentang Australia, jadi segalanya berjalan baik." Young mengatakan para rekrutan

baru telah disibukkan belajar segala sesuatu mulai dari memagari, merencanakan

dan bahkan mereka telah berkemah beberapa malam di sebuah swag (semacam

tenda). "Mereka juga sudah melakukan sedikit tugas pekerjaan di seputar

peternakan," jelasnya.

Program pertukaran ini telah berjalan selama tiga tahun, bertujuan

membantu industri ternak Wilayah Utara, memperkuat hubungan dengan mitra

dagang terpenting.

Untuk Salman Chafid, mahasisiwa dari Universitas Gajah Mada, program

tersebut semuanya untuk mendapatkan pengalaman praktis. Meski pun dia

merasakan penat berhari-hari di tegalan, dia terkesan dengan etos kerja sesama

pekerja peternakan tersebut. "Orang-orang di sini sangat baik. Mereka bekerja dari


sebelum matahari terbit sampai setelah matahari terbenam," kata Salman.

"Memang bikin capek, tapi itu baik. Saya akan menerapkan cara kerja ini, begitu

saya kembali ke Indonesia, karena jika orang bekerja seperti itu, hal ini baik bagi

saya," jelasnya.

Para mahasiswa itu akan menghabiskan seminggu lagi pada penempatan

mereka di peternakan, sebelum kembali ke Indonesia tanggal 27 Juni 2014. Tapi

itu mungkin tidak terlalu lama, sebelum Salman Chafid kembali ke NT. "Ya, ini

adalah mimpi saya. Saya suka tempat ini dan saya berharap saya akan datang

kembali," kata Salman Chafid. "Mungkin saya bisa bekerja di sini atau belajar di

sini. Australia adalah negara yang baik."

Sumber :


3. Mahasiswa Fapet Unpad Belajar Industri Peternakan di Australia

Oleh : Ihsan Salahuddin Rabbani

Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Unpad, Ihsan Salahuddin Rabbani, dan 9

mahasiswa dari Fakultas Peternakan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia mengikuti

Indonesia-Australia Student Pastoral Program di Northern Territory Australia

pada April hingga Juli 2014 mendatang.

Program ini merupakan kerja sama yang dirintis oleh mahasiswa Fakultas

Peternakan Unpad, Universitas Brawijaya dan Ikatan Sarjana Peternakan

Indonesia (ISPI) dengan Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA)

Australia untuk belajar tentang industri sapi potong pada tahun 2012 lalu. Dalam

perjalanannya, sejumlah universitas lain bergabung sehingga pada tahun 2010 ini


total ada 10 universitas terdiri dari Unpad, Universitas Brawijaya, Institut

Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas


Andalas, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas

Sriwijaya, dan Universitas Mataram.

Masing- masing delegasi memiliki tujuan serta misi berbeda. Delegasi

Unpad, Ihsan yang merupakan mahasiswa tingkat dua, memiliki tujuan untuk

belajar, menambah wawasan, serta mencari pengalaman terkait industri sapi

potong di Australia. “Menjalin relasi serta pemahaman antar kedua belah pihak

juga menjadi hal penting dalam program ini” Ujar Ihsan.

Untuk dapat terpilih menjadi delegasi bukan perkara mudah karena setiap

mahasiswa harus menghadapi beberapa tahapan seleksi yang cukup ketat dari

masing–masing universitas terutama kecakapan dalam berbahasa Inggris dan

pengetahuan tentang peternakan.

Bersama Robi Agustiar selaku mentor para mahasiswa tersebut, mereka

disambut hangat oleh Executive Director NTCA, Luke Bowen, dan dua orang staf

dari kedutaan Indonesia di Australia. Mereka akan diberikan pelatihan terlebih

dahulu selama dua minggu di Katherine Rural College Charles Darwin University

sebelum ditempatkan di Cattle Station’s. Hal ini agar setiba di Cattle Station’s

nanti sepuluh mahasiswa tersebut tidak terkejut dengan metoda peternakan yang


Metoda yang digunakan Australia berbeda dengan di Indonesia. Sapi di

Australia umumnya dipelihara menggunakan metoda ekstensif atau dikenal

dengan metoda pengembaraan pastoral. Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang

menggunakan sistem pemeliharaan secara intensif dimana sapi dipelihara di

kandang dan diikat hidungnya sehingga sapi relatif jinak serta terbiasa dengan

manusia. Sapi yang dikembangkan dengan metoda ekstensif biasanya terbilang


lebih agresif karena jarang bertemu dengan manusia, sapi tersebut terbiasa hidup

di area yang luas atau biasa disebut paddock.

Para mahasiswa juga akan dikenalkan dengan yang namanya mustering,

walking cattle, drafting cattle suatu kegiatan yang tidak mudah. “Understanding

cattle behavior is the basic of efficient and safe specially when mustering” ujar

Witney saat mengajar sepuluh mahasiswa dari Indonesia.

Mereka diberikan pelatihan tentang basic working with cattle seperti safety

procedure work with cattle, animal behavior, animal welfare, rangelands, pastoral

management, working at high, first aid, menunggang kuda, mengendarai

motorbike dan quadbike hingga mengendarai alat berat seperti traktor.

Tahun ini lima Cattle Station’s tersebar di wilayah Northern Territory ikut

berpartisipasi dalam program ini yaitu Lake Field, Auvergne, Cave Creek, Pigeon

Hole, dan Victoria Rivers Down. Rencananya setiap Cattle Station’s akan

ditempati oleh dua orang mahasiswa. Terhitung sejak 16 Mei 2014 lalu sepuluh

mahasiswa tersebut sudah mulai menjalani kehidupan di masing-masing Cattle

Station’s hingga 22 Juni 2014 nanti.

Sumber :


4. Seminar Penutupan Australia-Indonesia Pastoral Study Student

Program 2014


Konsulat RI Darwin bekerja sama dengan Northern Territory Cattlemen’s

Association (NTCA) telah melaksanakan kegiatan Seminar Penutupan Australia-

Indonesia Pastoral Industry Student Program 2014. Kegiatan ini mengakhiri


rangkaian program yang dilaksanakan oleh sepuluh mahasiswa Indonesia yang

telah berada di Northern Territory selama sembilan minggu.

Pada seminar penutup ini, para peserta mempresentasikan kegiatan yang

telah mereka lakukan selama pelaksanaan program. Selama dua minggu peserta

melaksanakan pelatihan di Katherine Rural College, Northern Territory (NT) dan

enam minggu selanjutnya mereka melaksanakan program magang di lima cattle

station yang terdapat di NT. Secara umum, peserta menyampaikan pengalaman

baru yang didapatkan tidak hanya terkait pelatihan dan praktek-praktek lapangan

terkait kegiatan di cattle station, namun juga terkait pengalaman tinggal dan

bekerja dengan keluarga/orang Australia.

Dalam sambutannya, Konsul RI Darwin, Bapak Ade Padmo Sarwono

menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada para peserta yang telah menyelesaikan

program ini. Banyaknya pelajaran dan pengalaman berharga diharapkan akan

membuka wawasan dan mendukung perjalanan hidup mereka ke depan. Program

ini sendiri bukan merupakan program pemerintah namun lahir dari masyarakat

yaitu NTCA bekerja sama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Peternakan Indonesia (ISPI).

Program ini merupakan contoh kuatnya hubungan antar masyarakat (people-to-

people relations) yang terjalin antara Indonesia dan Australia, terlepas dari pasang

surut hubungan politik kedua negara.

Di akhir presentasi, Charles Darwin University memberikan sertifikat

kepada peserta yang telah menyelesaikan program dan kenang-kenangan dari

Konsulat RI Darwin. Acara dilanjutkan dengan ramah tamah dan makan bersama.

Sepuluh orang yang mengikuti program tahun 2014 ini adalah Randa

Kristoni (Universitas Andalas), Ferdinand Umbu Tay Hambadima (Universitas

Nusa Cendana), Aulia Uswa Noor (Universitas Hasanuddin), Febrina Prameswari


(Institut Pertanian Bogor), Choirul Badriyah (Universitas Diponegoro), Ihsan

Salahuddin Rabbani (Universitas Padjadjaran), Mahfuz Ahmadi Jakfar

(Universitas Sriwijaya), Ismail Yusuf (Universitas Brawijaya), dan Luh Ade

Kariyani Nugraha (Universitas Mataram).

Sumber :


5. NT Producers Reuine with Indonesian Students

Oleh : James Nason

For the past three years the Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association

has brought Indonesian Animal Husbandry students to northern Australia to learn

about Australian cattle production systems and to foster greater cross-industry

understanding of the unique challenges faced by producers in both countries

The Indonesian students typically spend eight weeks in Australia under the

NTCA’s Indonesian Australia Pastoral Student Program, which includes six

weeks of practical hands on training working alongside Australian stockmen and

women on northern cattle properties.

Several of the Australian host families then visit Indonesia to reunite with the

students they hosted in Australia and to learn more about Indonesian agriculture

and its requirements as a market.

The NTCA recently completed its reciprocal tour to Indonesia for 2014,

leading a delegation which included Mataranka Station manager Stuart Austin and

his wife Trisha Cowley, a beef extension officer with the DPI&F in Katherine


Mr Austing told Beef Central upon his return that the value of the relationships

being forged between Australia and Indonesia’s cattle industries through the

program was impossible to measure.

“these people-to-people relationships cannot be valued in dollar terms but

hold and immeasurable value in terms of our industry and partnerships in our

most important live export market,” he said.

“One can only hope that the powers that be at a Territory and Federal level

are able to grasp how important these relationships are to both Australia and


A total of 34 Indonesian students have participated in the first three years of the

program, and the NTCA is hopeful the initiative can continue to grow with

ongoing support from the $60m Australian-Indonesian Red Meat partnership in


NTCA executive director Tracey Hayes said Indonesia was an incredibly

valuable trading partner for northern Australia and the student program was

playing a critical role in helping to develop strong and mutually beneficial

relationships for both cattle industries going forward.

For northern cattle producers, trading with Indonesia was not simply about

“sending 700,000 cattle into market and then walking away.”

“It is very important for us to have an understanding of the environment

Indonesian farmers operate in, the challenges and the opportunities they face, and

to contribute through information exchange and assisting them to achieve their

production goals,’ Ms Hayes said.


Ms Hayes said some of the Indonesian students involved in the first student intake

in 2012 were now actively employed in Indonesia’s agricultural sector


A highlight of the NTCAs recent tour of Indonesia was a function at the Australia

embassy in Jakarta where former students gave presentations to dignitaries from

both countries about their time in Australia.

Those in attendance included Australia’s ambassador to Indonesia Greg

Moriarty, former NT chief minister Terry Mills and Indonesia’s director general

of livestock, Dr Syukur Iwantoro.

2014 student Febrina Prameswari spoke eloquently about her time in Australia,

while the delegation also heard from 2012 student participant Wahyu Bolang.

Upon graduating from university in 2013 Wahyu worket for an Indonesian cattle

importing company and now works for Meat & Livestock Australia in Indonesia

under the guidance of MLA’s Indonesia region manager John Ackerman.

It was a really powerful and incredible experience,” Ms Hayes said of the

recent tour. “The intangible benefits this will bring, it is very hard to put a

measure on it. “Some of the students come from villages of one million people

where they are just one of many, and they are given this opportunity to come out

to Autralia, to learn how to ride a motorbike, to ride a horse and to drive a car.

“They are from villages where no one owns cars, and it is just an

incredible experience for them. “Being in a big stock camp, they still have to tend

to their own cultural and religious require,emts, they still have to stop and pray,

and to fit into a community that is completely foreign to them. “When they go

home their families are so incredibly proud of them.”

Ms Hayes said it was gratifying to see the pride that senior Indonesian

Government officials took in hearing first-hand about what their students had

achieved in Australia. “They were very proud of what these students have done,


they have a strong awareness now of what the program is all about and they want

to see it continue to grow and prosper.”

Ms Hayes said the success of the program stemmed largely from the

strong level of industry but-in and producer support involved.

NTCA members gave up their time freely to contribute to the program

because they understood the value of building relationships between Australia and

Indonesia, she said. She also acknowledged the support the program had received

from Indonesia-Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle

Sector, MLA and the Northern Territory Government.

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