premium snæfellsnes peninsula

Post on 19-Mar-2017






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Premium Snæfellsnes Peninsula

An ideal retreat for the wanderlust in pursuit of tranquility:Travel west to Snæfellsness on this remote journey, to the centre of the Earth, the grandiose, epic stage for Jules Verne’s timeless novel. Journey back to the land of myriad secrets waiting for your discovery. Ancient, mangled lava fields give rise to the stresses and destruction these lands once endured.

Twisted, crippled and bowed volcanic rock, unimaginable shapes and forms flaring up from the earth, create an impressive sight to behold. Wander beside jagged cliffs of Arnarstapi to the beautiful arcs of Hellnar. Creeping pillars of basalt slowly ascend from the unforgiving sea. A stunning backdrop to the summit of Snæfellsjökull will impress and leave you with peace. 

This road less traveled continues to the lava pearl beaches of Djupalónssandur, peppered with smooth volcanic rock. Finishing on the north side of this breathtaking peninsula at Kirkufell, before your return to Reykjavik, imparts calm and invigorating positive energy from this mystical land.

Iceland Intro‘s professional guides have extensive experience of the region. They will share not only the must see sites but local knowledge, great stories and personal recommendations.

Travel with Iceland Intro will make your experience unforgettable and feeling like a local during the tour.Group size: max. 15 guests, providing a more intimate experience, more flexibility, more free time and more spontaneous encounters than travelling in big groups.

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