prescase 6

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  • 7/29/2019 PRESCASE 6



    I.I Patient Personal Data

    Name : Mr. . FA

    Age : 20 years

    Gender: male

    Address : Tegal Gubug

    Occupation: Student

    Religion : Islam

    I.2 Anamnesis

    The main complaint :Left abdominal pain

    History Disease Now :

    The patient came to the hospital emergency room complaining Arjawinangun with

    abdominal pain left . Around 13:00 ( approximately 6 hours before MRS ) fell down the stairs with

    a height of approximately 2 meters when renovating his house . At the time of fall hit the left

    abdomen bamboo ladder . By the time the patient is still conscious fall , accompanied by pain in the

    left abdomen . Patients do not feel dizzy , nauseated , or want to vomit .

    Past history of disease :

    History of Heart Disease ( - )

    History of Renal Disease ( - )

    Family history of disease :

    History of heart disease ( - )

    Disease history DM ( - )

    History of allergy medicines ( - )

    I.3 Physical Examination

    General state : CM

    Vital Sign :

    TD : 130/80 , lying , right arm , the cuff adult

    Nadi : 88x/menit , regular , pulse enough content , the quality is quite

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    RR : 39.2 x / minute , regular

    T : 36.5 degrees using axillary temperature

    head :

    Inspection : anemic conjunctiva - / - , sclera jaundice - / - , pupil isokor + / + , light reflex + / +

    Palpation : hematoma - , crackles -


    Inspection : normocolli

    Palpation : no palpable enlarged lymph nodes , there is no deviation of the trachea , JVP does not



    Pulmo :

    Inspection : normal chest shape , symmetrical ( + / + ) , retraction ( - / - ) , motion lag ( - / - ) .Palpation : Vocal fremitus at the left and dextra

    Percussion : resonant ( + ) on pulmonary and left dextra

    Auscultation : basic sounds : vesicular in both lung fields

    Additional sound : smooth ronkhi ( - / + ) , wheezing ( - / - )

    cast :

    Inspection : ICTUS cordis does not seem

    Percussion : Top right : SIC II LPS Sinistra

    Upper left : SIC II LPS dextra

    Bottom right : SIC IV LPS dextra

    Bottom left : SIC V 1 finger medial LMC Sinistra

    palpation : ICTUS cordis is not strong lift

    auscultation : S1 - S2 regular , noisy ( - )


    Inspection : flat , wound ( - ) , sikatrik ( - )

    Auscultation : peristaltic ( + ) , normal

    Palpation : outgoing, epigastric tenderness ( + ) , liver and spleen not palpable .

    Percussion : timpani .


    Edema ( - / - ) , extremities warm , strong pulse .

    Movement B / B

    B / B

    Muscle strength 5/5


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    I.4 Examination Support

    Plain photo abdomen ( BNO / Blass Neir Overzicht ) and LLD

    impression :

    Looked the picture of intestinal gas is floating



    Hasil Nilai Normal


    Hemoglobin 13,2 g/dl 13,5-18

    Hematokrit 39,2% 40-54

    Hitung Eritrosit 5,10 juta/cmm 4,5-6,5

    Hitung Leukosit 14.700 sel/cmm 4.000-11.000

    Hitung Trombosit 385.000



    LED 114 mm/1 jam

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    I.5 Diagnosis

    Blunt Abdominal Trauma , Internal Bleeding Suspected intra-abdominal organs with signs of


    I.6 Governance

    O2 3-4 liters / minute

    IVFD 26 TPM

    Inj . 2x50 mg ranitidine

    Inj . IM prophylaxis ATS 1500 iu / skin test

    Inj . 3x500 mg amoxicillin / skin test

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    Blunt abdominal trauma

    Abdominal anatomy

    Outside the abdomen


    See that the abdomen to the thorax was partially due to the bottom, then the abdomen in the

    superior part bounded by a line between mammary papilla , part of the inguinal ligament and the

    inferior by the symphysis pubis , and laterally by the anterior axillary line .


    This area is located between the anterior axillary and linea linea posterior axillary , and inpart limited by the superior and inferior SIC 6 bounded by the iliac crest . In contrast to the

    abdominal wall is thin , the muscles of the abdominal wall at the waist is thicker and can be an

    obstacle to penetrating injuries , particularly puncture wounds .


    This area is located at the back of the end linea posterior axillary scapula to the iliac crest .

    Same with abdominal wall muscles on the side, back and paraspinal muscles act mostly as a barrier

    penetrating injuries .

    2.Anatomi abdomen in

    a. The peritoneal cavity

    The peritoneal cavity is divided into upper and lower sections thereof . Upper abdominal or

    thoracoabdominal area covered by the bottom of the bony part of the thorax , including the

    diaphragm , liver , spleen , transverse colon . The presence of bone costa makes this area difficult to

    achieve with a full inspection and palpation . Because the diaphragm up to the SIC 4 at full

    expiration , costa broken down or exit wound in the area or it can injure the contents of the

    abdomen . Lower abdomen contains the small intestine and colon , uterus ( if gravid ) , and VU ( if

    distended) . Perforation of organs is associated with the discovery of the physical examination and

    is usually always manifest with pain from peritonitis .

    b . pelvic cavity

    Pelvic cavity surrounded by the pelvic bone , located at the bottom of the chamber

    containing the retroperitoneum and VU , urethra , iliac vessels , rectum , small intestine and female

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    internal genitalia ( ovaries , fallopian tubes , and uterus ) . Just like the thoracoabdominal region ,

    examination to determine the structure of the pelvis injury complicated by bones on it .

    c . cavity retroperitoneum

    These areas include the abdominal aorta , inferior vena cava , a large part of the duodenum ,

    pancreas , kidney , and urinary tract , the ascending colon and descending colon . Injury to this area

    are difficult to identify by physical examination or DPL . Evaluation of structure in this region

    requires a CT scan , angiography , and intravenous pyelogram .

    Mechanism of trauma

    Blunt abdominal trauma most often result in injury to the spleen ( 40-45 % ) , followed by

    injuries to the liver ( 35-45 % ) and small intestine ( 5-10 % ) . In addition 15 % had retroperitonealhematoma .

    Several mechanisms may explain the pathophysiology of blunt abdominal trauma . Broadly

    speaking blunt abdominal trauma ( non penetrtaing trauma ) is divided into three , namely:

    1 . compression trauma

    Traumatic compression occurs when the front of the body stopped moving , while the back

    and inside to keep moving forward . Organs squeezed from behind by the back thorakoabdominal

    and vetebralis column and in front by the sandwiched structure . Abdominal trauma describe

    specific mechanisms of variation trauma and emphasizes the principle that the state of the network

    at the time of transfer of energy influencing tissue damage . In the collision , then the patient will

    reflexively inhale and hold it by closing the glottis . Abdominal compression mengkibatkan

    intrabdominal increased pressure and can cause rupture of the diaphragm and the translocation of

    the abdominal organs into the chest cavity . Transient hepatic kongestion with blood as a result of

    actions followed Valsalva sudden abdominal compression can cause rupture of the liver . Similar

    situation may occur in the small intestine when intestinal closed loop sandwiched between multiple

    spinal and incorrect seatbelt use .

    2 . Trauma seat belt (seat belt )

    Three-point seat belts when used properly , reduce the mortality of 65% -70 % and reduce

    up to 10 times the weight of trauma . If not worn properly , seat belts can cause trauma . To function

    properly , pengamna belt must be worn under the anterior superior iliac spine , and at the top of the

    femur , can not slack off during a collision and passengers must bind properly . When used too high

    ( above SIAS ) the liver , spleen , pancreas , small intestine , diodenum , and kidneys will be

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    sandwiched between the seat belt and the spine , and the resulting burst injury or laceration .

    Hyperflexion vetebra lumbar belt due to high yangterlalu cause anterior compression fracture and

    lumbar vetebra .

    3 . Injury acceleration / deceleration .

    Trauma occurs when deceleration stabilize parts of organs, such as renal pedicle ,

    ligamentum teres stop moving , while the organ is stabilized to keep moving . Shear force occurs

    when this movement continues, kidney and spleen samples on premises pedikelnya , liver laceration

    of the liver 's central part , deceleration occurs when the right and left lobes around the ligamentum

    teres .

    History of traumaIn general , do not ask for a complete history to life-threatening injuries are identified and

    receive appropriate treatment . AMPLE is often used to remember the key of history , ie Allergies ,

    medications , Past medical history , Last meal or other intake , Events leading to the presentation .

    History of trauma is very important to assess patients injured in motor vehicle collisions . This

    information can be provided by the patient , other passengers , police or emergency medical

    personnel in the field . Information regarding vital signs , visible injuries , and the response to the

    pre - hospital care should also be given by the officers who provide pre - hospital care . At blunt

    abdominal trauma is primarily a result of a traffic accident , the medical officer must ask the

    following :

    fatality from the incident ?

    vehicle type and speed ?

    whether the vehicle rolled over ?

    how the condition of the other passengers ?

    location of the patient in the vehicle ?

    the severity of damage to the vehicle ?

    deformity of the steering wheel ?

    whether the victim using a seat belt ? Type of seat belts ?

    whether the airbag on the side and front of the victim's work when the incident ?

    whether there is a history of the use of alcohol and drugs before?

    The severity of injuries to pedestrians varies depending on the speed and size of vehicles

    that hit it . Bumper height versus height is a critical factor in patients with trauma . In adults in a

    standing position , beginning with the bumper collisions are usually on the legs and pelvis . Knee

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    trauma occurs as often as pelvic trauma . Children are more likely to be exposed TRUMA chest and

    abdomen . Pedestrians often suffer injury triad ie legs, torso and cranium , as a result of the trauma

    mechanism bumper collision , collision windshield and hood of the car , as well as a clash of heads

    in the ground . Injury to one part of the evaluation requires a more immediate than injuries to other

    body parts .

    History and chronology of events is important, but the mechanism itself can not determine

    whether or not required emergency laparotomy . Mechanisms and chronology of events must be

    accompanied by other data such as prehospital vital signs , physical examination , diagnostic tests ,

    and underlying health conditions .

    Primary evaluation and management

    Initial resuscitation and management of trauma patients based on the Advanced Trauma LifeSupport protocol . Initial assessment ( Primary Survey ) following ABCDE pattern , ie Airway ,

    Breathing , Circulation , Disability ( neurologic status ) , and Exposure .

    A.Intial assessment

    Blunt abdominal trauma will appear in the manifestation of a very varied , ranging from

    patients with normal vital signs and complaints of patients with minor to severe shock . Patients

    could have come up with the initial symptoms are mild even though there is a severe intra-

    abdominal injury . If there is evidence of injury extraabdominal , should be suspected intra-

    abdominal injury , although the patient hemodynamically stable and no abdominal complaints . In

    patients with hemodynamic instability , resuscitation and assessment should be carried out

    immediately . Physical examination of the abdomen should be done carefully and systematically ,

    with the order of inspection , auscultation , percussion , and palpation . Positive and negative

    inventions should carefully recorded in the medical record .


    Patients should be opened all the clothes to make it easier . When fitted clothing Pneumatic

    Anti- Shock Garment and hemodynamically stable patients , abdominal segments dikempeskan

    blood pressure while the patient is monitored carefully . Decrease in systolic blood pressure of 5

    mmHg is more adari sign to add fluid resuscitation before continuing pengempesan ( deflation ) .

    Stomach front and rear , and also the bottom of the chest and perineum , should be checked if there

    are scratches , rips , ekomosis , penetrating injuries , foreign bodies stuck , discharge omentum or

    small intestine , and pregnancy status . Seat belt sign , the sign of the constitution or abrasion on the

    lower abdomen , usually very berhubungna with intraperitoneal injury . Abdominal distention ,

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    which is usually associated with pneumoperitoneum , gastric dilatation , or ileus as a result of

    peritoneal irritation is an important thing that must be considered . Involving the presence of bluish

    flank region , lower back ( Grey Turner sign ) indicates a retroperitoneal hemorrhage involving the

    pancreas , kidney , or pelvic fractures . Bluish around the umbilicus ( Cullen sign ) indicates the

    peritoneal bleeding will usually involve bleeding pancreas , but these signs are usually only found

    after a few hours or days . Costa fractures involving the lower chest , usually associated with the

    spleen or liver injury .


    Through auscultation of bowel sounds is determined whether there is or not . Decrease in

    bowel sounds may come from the presence of chemical peritonitis due to bleeding or rupture of a

    hollow organ . Injury to adjacent structures such as ribs , spine or pelvis can also cause ileusalthough no intra-abdominal injury , so the absence of bowel sounds does not mean that there must

    be an injury intrabdominal . Presence of bowel sounds in the thorax indicates injury to the

    diaphragm .


    This maneuver causes the movement of the peritoneum , and may indicate the presence of

    peritonitis are still dubious . Percussion may also indicate the presence of tympanic sound in upper

    quadrant due to acute gastric dilatation or sound dim when there hemoperitoneum .


    Tendency to harden the abdominal wall (voluntary guarding ) can complicate abdominal

    examination . Instead defans muscular ( involuntary guarding ) is a reliable sign of peritoneal

    irritation . Palpation goal is to get if found to determine the location of pain and superficial

    tenderness , the tenderness , or pain off the press . Pain usually indicates a loose tap peritonitis

    caused by the presence of blood or intestinal contents . At TRUMA blunt abdominal suspicion

    should also be accompanied by pelvic fracture . To assess the stability of the pelvis , in particular by

    emphasizing hands - on tualng iliac spine to generate abnormal movements or bone pain that

    indicate pelvic fractures .

    Although it can be detected through physical examination intraperitoneal injury , the

    accuracy of physical examination in patients with blunt abdominal trauma ranged between 55-65

    % . The absence of signs and symptoms found in the physical examination does not rule out the

    existence of a serious injury , so that the necessary checks are more specific to avoid missed injury .

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    Although not found signs and symptoms , sensory changes or injury extraabdominal that

    ache in patients with blunt abdominal trauma should be directed to the injury intrabdominal . More

    than 10 % of patients with closed head injury , along with intra-abdominal injuries , and 7 % of

    patients with blunt trauma injuries extraabdominal have intraabdominal injury , although without

    the pain .

    In conscious patients without visible external injuries , the most visible symptoms of blunt

    abdominal trauma is pain and peritoneal findings . In 90% of cases , patients with visceral injury

    comes with local pain or general pain . These signs are not a specific sign , because it can also be

    found in isolated thoracoabdominal wall fracture costa constitution or the bottom . And most

    importantly , the absence of pain in the conscious patient and more stable indicating the absence of

    injury . However , injury may occur in patients intrabdominal conscious and without pain .

    Hypotension in blunt abdominal trauma is often as a result of bleeding or abdominal solidorgan abdominal injury vasa . Although the source of bleeding extraabdominal ( eg , scalp

    lacerations , chest injury , or fracture of long bones ) should be addressed immediately , but the

    evaluation of the peritoneal cavity also should not be overlooked . Patients with mild head injury

    can not cause shock , except in patients with intracranial injury , or in infants with intracranial

    hemorrhage or cephalohematoma .

    Rarely rectal examination showed the presence of blood or subcutaneous emphysema , but if

    found , the signs associated with abdominal injuries . Evaluation of rectal tone is a very important

    part for patients with suspicion of spinal injury . High - riding prostate palpation direct indication of

    the urethral injury .

    Laboratory studies

    Blood typing

    In trauma patients should be checked blood type and cross -match , in case at any time

    required transfusion , especially in patients with life-threatening bleeding .


    Hematocrit may be useful as the basis of assessment in patients with abdominal trauma ,

    previously to measure it regularly for ongoing bleeding .

    Leukocyte count

    At blunt abdominal trauma , acute nonspecific leukocyte count . Ephinefrin tibuh released

    during trauma may cause demarginasi and can increase the number of leukocytes reached 12000-

    20000/mm3 with a moderate shift to a kir .

    Pancreatic enzymes

    Levels of serum amylase and lipase in the not too has significance for diagnostic support .

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    Amylase and lipase levels were normal in the serum can not afford to get rid of adanay suspicion of

    pancreatic trauma . Increase may lead to pancreatic injury , but may also be of non- pancreatic

    abdominal injury . If there is suspicion of pancreatic injury , still need further investigation , eg CT

    scan .

    Liver function tests

    Liver injury can increase in serum transaminase levels , but this increase will not occur in

    minor constitution . Denagn comorbid patients as in patients with alcohol -induced liver disease

    may have an abnormal transaminase levels

    Toxicology analysis

    Skrening routine drug and alcohol abuse have not been conducted on the management of

    blunt abdominal trauma , especially in patients with a normal mental status .

    UrinalysisGross hematuri lead to serious kidney injury and require further investigai . Also required an

    examination of the micro hematuri Cedra which can indicate serious . Therefore, it is important

    dialakukan microscopic examination or dipstick urinalysis in all patients with blunt abdominal

    trayma . Presence of abdominal pain and hematuri has the sensitivity of 64 % and 94 % specific for

    intra-abdominal injury that has dibuktilkan through a CT scan .

    Specific Diagnostic Studies

    A. Radiology

    Radiology tests can convey important information for the management of blunt abdominal

    trauma patients . Radiological examination is indicated in patients with stable , if a physical

    examination and lab can not be inferred Diagnostics .

    Uncooperative patients , may interfere with the test results and radiology can be at risk of spinal

    injury . The cause of this koopertatif patients should be evaluated , such as hypoxia or brain injury .

    For smooth , these patients can be considered to be a sedative .

    X-rays for screening is Ro - photograph lateral cervical , thoracic AP , and AP pelvis in patients

    with blunt trauma multitrauma . Abdominal x-ray photo 3 positions ( supine , semi- erect and lateral

    decubitus ) allows you to see free air under the diaphragm or the air outside the lumen in the

    retroperitoneum , that if there is to be a clue both to do a laparotomy . The loss of the psoas shadow

    retroperitoneal indicate the possibility of injury . Plain abdominal have limited usefulness , and has

    been replaced by CT - scan and ultrasound

    B. Computed Tomography ( CT - scan )

    CT is a diagnostic procedure that requires transport patients to the scanner , oral and

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    intravenous contrast administration , and scanning of the abdomen and pelvis down . This process

    takes time and is only used in patients with normal hemodynamics . CT - scan is able to provide

    information relating to specific organ injury and severity , and can also diagnose injuries

    retroperitoneum and pelvic organs that are difficult to access through a physical examination and

    DPL . Kotraindikasi relative to the use of CT scanners include delays due to waiting , pendrita

    uncooperative , and allergies terhdap contrast material .

    Advantages CT - scan :

    1.Non invasive

    2.mendeteksi organ injury and the potential for non- operative management of liver and spleen


    3.mendeteksi the bleeding and find out where the source of bleeding4.retroperitoneum and columna vetebra can be seen

    Additional 5.imaging can be done if necessary

    Weakness CT - scan

    1.kurang sensitive to pancreatic injury , diaphragm , intestine , and mesentery

    2.diperlukan intravenous contrast


    4.Not can be performed on patients who are not stable

    C. Ultrasound

    Ultrasound is used to detect the presence of blood intraperitonum after blunt trauma . USG

    is focused on areas where often found intraperitoneal blood accumulation , namely the

    1.kuadran upper right abdomen ( Morison 's the space between the liver right kidney )

    2.kuadran ats left abdomen ( perisplenic and left perirenal )

    3.Suprapubic region ( perivesical area )

    4.Subxyphoid region ( pericardiumhepatorenal space )

    Anechoic areas due to the presence of blood can be seen most clearly when compared with

    the surrounding solid organ . Many retrospective studies state the benefits of ultrasound in patients

    with hemodynamically stable or unstable to detect intraperitoneal bleeding . Some RCTs

    demonstrated the use of FAST for patients with diagnostic will produce better care outcomes .

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    Advantages of ultrasound :


    2.Can be implemented quickly

    3.tingkat sesitifitas by 65-95 % in the detection of at least 100 ml of intraperitoneal fluid .

    4.spesifik for hemoperitoneum

    5.tanpa radiation or kotras

    6.mudah dilakuakn serial examinations if necessary

    7.tekniknya easy to learn

    8.Non invasive

    9.lebih cheap compared to CT - scan or peritoneal lavage

    weakness ultrasound1.cedera dense parenchyma , retroperitoneum , or the diaphragm can not be seen well

    2.kualitas image will be affected in patients who are not cooperative , obesity , presence of

    intestinal gas , and subcutaneous air

    3.darah indistinguishable from ascites

    4.Not sensitive for detecting bowel injury .

    Methods of ultrasound examination in the case of blunt abdominal trauma is FAST

    ( Focused Abdominal Sonogram for Trauma ) . The primary goal of FAST is to identify adanyan

    hemoperitonium suspicion in patients with intra - abdominal injuries . FAST is an indication of

    hemodynamically unstable patients with suspicion of abdominal injury and similar patients who

    also had extra - abdominal injuries significantly ( orthopedic , spine , thorax , etc. . ) That require

    non - abdominal surgical emergency .

    FAST should be performed by surgeons who were present at that time in the ER / ICU as a

    bedside procedure while resuscitation can continue. FAST recommended using a 3.5 or 5 MHz

    sector ultrasound transducer probe and gray scale ' B ' mode ultrasound scanning .

    Scan starts from the sub - xiphoid region in the sagittal plane . Probe is then moved to the right to

    examine Morrison 's pouch ( hepato - renal ) ( sagittal plane ) . After that , the probe is moved to the

    left to to assess the spleno - renal cavity ( sagittal plane ) . In this situation , it is recommended that

    the bladder is filled with 200-300 ml of normal sterile solution through a urinary catheter which is

    then clamped . This will provide excellent sonological window to visualize the pelvis ( transverse

    plane ) . In patients with suspected bladder injury , avoid charging procedure above . Replace with

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    bag laying on top hipogastrium saline , thereby causing acoustic window for pelvis.Waktu total

    required for the entire procedure should be between 5-8 minutes .

    D. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

    Diagnostic peritoneal lavage ( DPL ) has a major role in the management of blunt abdominal trauma

    . DPL most useful in patients who have a high risk of hollow organ injury , especially if from the

    CT - scan and ultrasound detected only a little fluid , and in patients with fever were real ,

    peritonitis , or both . This situation lasted for 6-12 hours after injury hollow organs .

    indications :

    Changes in sensorium - head injury , alcohol intoxication , drug use .

    The mood change - injury spinal cord tissue .

    Injury to adjacent structures - below the rib cage , pelvis , spine of the lower back ( lumbar spine ) .Physical examination of the doubt .

    Traditionally , DPL dialakukan through 2 stages , the first stage is the aspiration of free

    intraperitoneal blood ( diagnostic peritoneal tap , DPT ) . If blood is aspirated 10 ml or more , stop

    the procedure because it indicates the presence of intraperitoneal injury . If not available from DPT

    blood , do peritoneal lavage with normal saline and immediately send the results to the lab weeks to

    be evaluated .

    Patients who require immediate laparotomy is the only counter- indication for DPL or DPT .

    History of abdominal surgery , abdominal infection , coagulopathy , obesity and pregnancy

    trimester 2 or 3 merupakn relative contraindications .

    DPL profit / DPT

    1.triase multisystem trauma patients with hemodynamic instability , bleeding through spending


    2.Can detect minor bleeding in patients with hemodynamically stable .

    Drawbacks and complications DPL / DPT

    1.infeksi local or systemic ( at less than 0.3 % of cases )

    2.cedera intaperitoneal

    3.positif false because the insertion of a needle through the abdominal wall hematoma or in

    disorders of hemostasis

    DPL interpretation

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    At blunt abdominal trauma , aspiration of blood as much as 10 ml or more on suspicions

    DPT showed more than 90 % against the intaperitoneal injury . If the results of lavage of patients

    who are sent to RBC's lab showed more than can be said 100.000/mm3 then positive for intra-

    abdominal injury . If the results of positive aspirations and an increase in RBC lavge indicate

    injury , especially solid viscera and vascular structures , but it is not enough to indicate laparotomy .

    In patients with pelvic fractures , should aware of the existence of false positives in the DPL .

    Nevertheless, more than 85 % of cases , patients with pelvic fractures positive aspirations DPT

    indicating intraperitoneal injury . Negative aspiration in patients with pelvic fractures hemodynamic

    instability showed retroperitoneal bleeding , if so needed angiography with embolization .

    Increased WBC occurred after 3-6 hours after the injury , so it does not really matter on the

    interpretation of DPL . Increased amylase is also not specific and are not sensitive to Cedra

    pancreas .

    Kriteria untuk trauma abdomen yang positif DPL berikut tumpul

    Index Positive Equivocal


    Blood >10 mL -

    Fluid Enteric contents -


    Red blood cells >1.000.000 / mm3 >20.000 / mm3

    White blood cells >1.000.000 / mm3

    >500 / mm3

    Enzyme Amylase >20 IU/L and

    alkaline phosphatase >3


    Amilase >20 IU/L or

    alkaline phosphatase >3


    Bile Confirmed



    Advanced management

    Blunt abdominal trauma patients should be evaluated further operative treatment is needed

    or not . After resuscitation and initial management by ATLS protocol , should be considered anindication for laparotomy through a physical examination , ultrasound ( U.S. ) , computed

    tomography ( CT ) , and DPT / DPL

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    Examination Procedure algorithms in Blunt Abdominal Trauma


    American College of Surgeon. 2004. Advanced Trauma Life Support. Terjemahan IKABI

    (Ikatan Ahli Bedah Indonesia). First Impression :USA

    Jong, Wim de. 2004.Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah Edisi 2 . EGC : Jakarta

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    King, Maurice . 2002.Bedah Primer Trauma. EGC : Jakarta

    Marijata. 2006.Pengantar Dasar Bedah Klinis. Unit Pelayanan Kampus fakultas Kedokteran

    Universitas Gajah Mada : Yogyakarta

    Richard A Hodin, MD. 2007. General Approach to Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Adult.


    Sabiston, David C. 1994.Buku Ajar Bedah Bagian 1. EGC : Jakarta

    Sandy Craig, MD. 2006.Abdominal Blunt Trauma. E-Medicin

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