
Post on 27-Jan-2017






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Client Project

Jess Stanton

• Photography• Social Media• Sans serif fonts• Using my own images, on location & product shots

Content Outline

Target Audience• “Naught to 90”• Men & Women• Located in village• Mainly females due to nature

• Camera, tripod and flashgun• Studio access• Photoshop • Products


• No additional help• Client will provide feedback

Personnel Requirements

• No cost for equipment• No travel expenses


Production Schedule:

1 2 3 4 5

9th Monday

Finish presentation & finish extra page alongside for notes

Email client to find when a suitable time to go to location and shoot. Pick up products ready to photography

Source images from the internet of social media templates to imitate.

Start creating social media templates in Photoshop

Carry on with production

Tuesday Anymore necessary production on social media templates

Use studio to create product shots

Edit images created in studio and stitch together if necessary in Photoshop.

Thursday Continue with production on social media templates for todays, this session and the next.

Production Schedule Continued: 1 2 3 4 5

16th Monday

Continue working on Facebook page mock up. This will be the main focus for all of today

Start looking into sizes for image posts on Facebook ready to create later in the day.

Look into booking studio for tomorrow ready to create product shots.

Start production on making image displays both portrait and landscape.

Edit and place images into image display mock ups to get an idea of what they will look like when used with product shots.

Tuesday Continue with production on mock ups

Use studio to create product shots

Edit and place product shots in mock ups.

Thursday Finish editing product shots for these two lessons.

If completed within time frame, start placing them into Facebook photo mock ups

1 2 3 4 5

23rd Monday

Continue production on Facebook mock up.

Put together image posts with edited product shots. This will take the rest of the day.

Tuesday Email client for product shot captions.

Finish amendments on mock up Facebook page making sure everything is laid out correctly and all measurements fit.

Finish creating product shots by writing the captions

Thursday Create price lists for business and include what services are on offer.

Price lists then need to be added into a photo post mock up to show what how they would appear on the page.

Production Schedule Continued:

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