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October 2014


















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Первый борт / Анастасия Зайцева о главных новинках Yacht ShowMonaco 2014Одна из самых главных тенденций монакской выставки: для высокого уровня комфорта на воде не обязательностановиться владельцем 60-метровой суперъяхты. Суда в 40-метровом размере от лидирующих верфей теперь неуступают более крупным образцам. Большая часть интересных новинок на выставке была представлена как раз всегменте 40-50 м. Но при этом известные бренды, например итальянские Admiral и Riva, объявили о запуске новыхсерий суперъяхт свыше 50 м, Benetti сообщила о строительстве 100-метровой лодки, что по-прежнемусвидетельствует о растущем спросе со стороны любителей отдыхать на своей яхте на самой дальней линии отберега. Монте-Карло — это еще и одна из важнейших площадок для услуг чартерных компаний: многие изперечисленных ниже новинок можно будет зафрахтовать на следующий сезон.

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1 di 2 23/10/14 17:46


İtalyan Grup Azimut|Benetti, 2014 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show’da pek çok yeni ürünve dünya prömieri yaparak Amerika’daki başarılı İtalyan tarzını devam ettirmek istiyor.

Avrupa’daki fuarların sona ermesini takiben Azimut| Benetti grubu, en yeni ürünlerini Amerika pazarınasunmaya hazırlanıyor. Kuşkusuz, dünya prömieri yapılacak olan yeni hızlı deplasman serisindeki ilkteknesi Benetti Veloce 140’lansmanı, Benetti Tradition Supreme 108’ teknesinin Amerika’ya ayakbasması, Azimut Magellano 53, Atlantis 50 grubun en önemli silahları olacak. Azimut|Benetti markasıFort Lauderdale’de açtığı Benetti ofisi ve Azimut için, Meksika’da imzaladığı yeni distribütörlük ileAmerika’da daha etkin bir dönem hedefliyor.

!30 Ekim ile 3 Kasım 2014 tarihleri arasında ziyarete açık olacak olan 55. Fort Lauderdale InternationalBoat Show’da (FLIBS) Azimut|Benetti Group 18 yat ile gövde gösterisi yapacak. 47 metre boyundakidünya prömieri yapılacak olan model ve Amerika pazarına ilk kez tanıtımı yapılacak olan 2 model ençok ilgi çekecek tekneler olacak.

2013 yılında İtalyan grup Azimut|Benetti tarafından Amerika pazarının önemi dikkate alınarak,benzersiz yatların tanıtım kampanyaları için ideal fuar olarak FLIBS seçilmişti. Bunlara ilave olarakFlorida’da açılan Benetti ofisi ve Meksikalı bayi Euro Yacht ile, Meksika pazarı için yapılan anlaşmayeni dönemdeki hedefleri büyütüyor.

2014 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show’daki yenilikler yeni modeller ile de sınırlı kalmıyor;Benetti satış ve sonrası ofislerini aynı zamanda açacak. Fort Lauderdale’deki ofis Orta ve GüneyAmerika için mükemmel bir lokasyon.






































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Azimut|Benetti Group’tan Fort Lauderdale Çıkartması

1 di 3 23/10/14 13:57

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Yeni ofis ve yeni bayi grup için niyetlerinin net bir şekilde altını kalın çizgilerle çizerek, bu bölgedekiyatırımlarının artacağının göstergesi ve grup satış-marka bilinirliğindeki gelişimden büyük mutlulukduyuyor.Hızlı deplasman serisi yatların ilki olan, gövdesinde ve güç ünitesinde pek çok teknolojik yenilikleribarındıran 47 metre uzunluğundaki lüks Benetti Veloce 140’, sahibinin isteklerine göre dizayn ediliyor.

Bu yeni modelin anahtarı, D2P gövde Azimut|Benetti Group Araştırma & Geliştirme bölümü tarafındantasarlandı. Bu gövde 12 knot gibi düşük hızlarda düşük yakıt tüketimi veya 20 knot üstü hızlarda damükemmel konfor elde edilmesini sağlamıştır.

Dış tasarımı Stefano Righini tarafından yapılan teknenin, iç tasarımı ise İngiltere kökenli RWD-RedmanWhiteley Dixon tasarım stüdyosu tarafından geliştirilmiş. Tekne sahibinin tasarımcısının iş birliği ilegerçekten olağandışı ve nadir sonuç elde edilmiş. Tasarımda vazgeçilmezler olan konfor ve zevkteknenin her yerinde kendini belli ediyor. Teknede sahibine ait lüks süit dışında, dört kamarada 10konuk ağırlanabiliyor. Ayrıca, mürettebat için de sekiz kişilik bağımsız bir konaklama bölümü bulunuyor.

Amerika’daki Azimut severlere müthiş yenilikler geliyor. İtalyan yat üreticisi iki yeni çok başarılı modeliAmerika pazarına ilk kez tanıtacak. Avrupa pazarlarına geçtiğimiz ay sunumu yapılan modeller AzimutAtlantis 50 ve Azimut Magellano 53.

Bu motor yatlar her türlü deniz koşulunda mükemmel güvenlik ve güvenilirlik sunmalarının yanı sırakullanım kolaylığı, uzun menzilleri, harika denebilecek yakıt tüketimi ile maksimum konforu bir aradasunmaları sayesinde büyük ilgi görecektir.!








Azimut|Benetti Group’tan Fort Lauderdale Çıkartması

2 di 3 23/10/14 13:57

16/10/14 15.08Benetti först med ”fast displacement” för stora yachter - Tidningen Båtliv

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Benetti först med ”fast displacement” för stora yachter

2014-10-13 Skriv ut.

Italienska Benetti visar upp sin helt nya Veloce 140 vid Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014, som arrangeras30 oktober – 3 november. Det är det kända varvets nya flaggskepp och den första stora yachten från dem med ”fastdisplacement” skrov för farter över 20 knop.

Den mest tydliga skillnaden hos Benetti Class Fast Displacement serie är det nya D2P-skrovet (Displacement to Planing), som har designats avPierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio tillsammans med Azimut|Benetti Research and Development Center. Exteriör och styling ansvararStefano Righini för medan brittiska RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon och ägarens egna designers har gjort inredningen.

Den största fördelen med skrovet är hur mycket energi skrovets design sparar. Bäst effekt får man vid 12 knops marschfart, men båten har kapacitet attköra över 20 knop med bibehållen komfort.


16/10/14 15.08Benetti först med ”fast displacement” för stora yachter - Tidningen Båtliv

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Motorerna är de största som hittills har monterats i någon yacht byggd av Benetti, som har sitt varv i Viareggio. I motorrummet finns två stycken MTU12V 4000 M93L 3500 hk dieselmotorer. För stabilitetens skull har yachten även CMC Marine elektriska fenstabilisatorer.

Utrymmena ombord är väl tilltagna. Soldäcket är till exempel på hela 77 kvadratmeter på den högsta delen av ”flybridge”. För den som vill ha extragod utsikt över havet finns en stor sittyta längst fram i fören.

Båten är i övrigt utrustad med all den lyx som riktigt rika omger sig med. Det vill säga stora matplatser, barer, gym, djup pool, soldäck med air-condition etc.


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20/10/14 13.40Sjöhistoriska museet bjuder in till Fartygsforum i Eskilstuna - Tidningen Båtliv

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Sjöhistoriska museet bjuder in till Fartygsforum i Eskilstuna

2014-10-13 Skriv ut.

Sjöhistoriska museet bjuder in till årets Fartygsforum i Eskilstuna 11-12 oktober. Fartygsforum är en mötesplats fördem som bevarar och använder historiska fartyg. Tillsammans med engagerade fartygsentusiaster deltar politiker ochmuseiledningar.

Det är ett tillfälle för ideella aktörer och myndigheter/institutioner att mötas och tillsammans diskutera och samtala om angelägna frågor för att


20/10/14 13.40Sjöhistoriska museet bjuder in till Fartygsforum i Eskilstuna - Tidningen Båtliv

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utveckla verksamheten. I år är det fjorton år sedan första Fartygsforum arrangerades. Årets arrangemang sker i samarbete med Arbetets museum,Eskilstuna Stadsmuseum och Munktellmuseet.

Läs mer om programmet för Fartygsforum och om fartygsbevarande på

Bilden:Ångbogseraren Rex, nuvarande hemmahamn Torshälla. Foto: Claes Wollentz/SMM.

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Home \ BoatShows \ Design \ Benetti introduces Veloce 140′, the first yacht of the Fast Displacement series


Written by: Redazione Pamela Paci 2014/10/08 1:27 PM

Benetti introduces Veloce 140′, the first yacht ofthe Fast Displacement seriesBenetti Class - Veloce 140’ will have her world debut at next Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 (30Oct-3Nov). BENETTI CLASS VELOCE 140’ - the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range - is a yacht with a great personality, deriving both from the technological innovations of the hull and propulsion [...]

Benetti Class – Veloce 140’ will have her world debutat next Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 (30Oct-3Nov).

BENETTI CLASS VELOCE 140’- the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range -

is a yacht with a great personality, deriving both from the technological innovationsof the hull and propulsion systems, and from the distinctive design and furnishings.


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Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Disp...

1 di 4 16/10/14 09:16

High-Performance and Comfort

The most distinguishing feature is the new D2P - Displacement to Planing

– hull designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio and the

Azimut|Benetti Research and Development Center. The most obvious

advantages consist of the energy-saving, 12-knot cruising speed and the

ability to travel at high speeds – over 20 knots – in total comfort. Veloce 140’

– a semi-custom yacht with a D2P hull – is an innovative project that excites

both Benetti enthusiasts, eager for greater speed, and those who are

approaching the Tuscan shipbuilder for the first time, in the knowledge of being able to rely on high-performing yachts with comfortable

displacement speeds. For more technical information, please view the attached press releases on the Fast Displacement line.

Highly customized interiors

The hull, first built for a yacht owner and a trusty Azimut|Benetti customer, is characterized by highly customized interiors, starting with the

layout, which may be designed according to the customers’ requirements. The Exterior Styling & Concept was developed by Stefano

Righini, while the interior design is the work of the British RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, in collaboration with the owner’s designer.

The interior and exterior decor was entrusted to the international architect Joao Armentano. The woods used mainly include light gray

TAY and slate gray TABU for the flooring. The decorative elements are in a silver lacquer finish and the ceilings in alcantara and a

white lacquer finish. All stainless steel features come with a satin finish. The interior furnishings are by Minotti, the lamps by Flos and the

taps and fittings by Gessi.


As regards the technological heart of 140’, it is worth noting the use of the largest engine ever mounted at the Viareggio Benetti


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Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Disp...

2 di 4 16/10/14 09:16

Benetti SpA

Via M. Coppino, 104 – 55049 Viareggio (Lucca) – Italy –

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shipyard: two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines. It is also equipped with a system of CMC Marine electrical fin stabilizers.

Sun Deck

The large Sun Deck covers more than 77 square meters on the highest “bridge” of the new Benetti yacht. Here, too, class and

functionality blend seamlessly. This large terrace overlooking the sea is dominated by a central pool facing the most spectacular living

area of the yacht: an extended section on the right, served by a long linear bar on the left. Another feature of this bridge are the seats in

the bow, with a frontal sea view.

Upper deck

This bridge is marked by modularity, as it was not designed with the traditional “fixed” furniture. Everything can be removed or moved

with ease, to obtain a large circular area that extends outdoors and indoors. Astern, there is a large dining table seating sixteen. Here

there is also a relaxation area, leading to an internal sky-lounge through electric concertina doors. This provides is a large open plan area

that is partly air-conditioned.

At the bow stands the yacht’s second spectacular – and especially deep – pool, with a comfortable and safe ladder to ease yourself into

the water and relax in the whirlpool. Opposite, there are two large sunbeds and a living area with a sofa and coffee table, offering total

privacy. On this bridge, at the express request of the owner, the area originally designed as the captain’s cabin has been converted into

an additional luxury bedroom.

Main deck

This bridge is dominated by a large gym, designed at the owner’s behest. Placed in the bow, it has a wide-body structure, thus optimally

exploiting the entire hull width. One of its main features is a side terrace with stunning views of the sea, providing the entire area with

natural light and ventilation. The equipment, from the Technogym Personal line, is of the highest level, and there is also a massage


Further astern, there is a large dining area seating twelve and a huge living area that extends outdoors, once again creating a seamless

indoor-outdoor environment. The cockpit comes with a day bed that quickly converts into a relaxation area.

Lower deck

The lower deck leads to the sleeping area. This consists of five cabins, one for the yacht owner, two doubles and two for guests,

with twin and pullman beds. The four crew cabins, for the eight crewmembers, are at the far end of the bow. The lower deck also

features a wonderful and extensive “beach club” area, accessed by a double flight of steps and equipped with a central bar counter

running the length of the bulkhead. The garage is placed transversely to the beam, and can accommodate up to two tenders.

Technical DataMain data Veloce 140

Azimut Benetti, Benetti, Benetti Class, Benetti Class Fast Displacement, British RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, CMC

Marine, D2P, Displacement to Planing, Flos, Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, Gessi, Gruppo Azimut

Benetti, Joao Armentano, Minotti, MTU, Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio, Stefano Righini, Technogym

Personal line, Veloce 140

Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Disp...

3 di 4 16/10/14 09:16

Benetti Veloce 140 of the Fast Displacement series08 October 2014

World debut at next Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 (30Oct-3Nov)

Veloce 140', the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range, is a yacht with a greatpersonality, deriving both from the technological innovations of the hull and propulsion systems, and from thedistinctive design and furnishings.

The most distinguishing feature is the new D2P hull designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio andthe Azimut|Benetti Research and Development Center. The most obvious advantages consist of the energy-saving, 12-knot cruising speed and the ability to travel at high speeds (over 20 knots) in total comfort. Veloce140' - a semi-custom yacht with a D2P (Displacement to Planing) hull - is an innovative project that excites bothBenetti enthusiasts, eager for greater speed, and those who are approaching the Tuscan shipbuilder for the firsttime, in the knowledge of being able to rely on high-performing yachts with comfortable displacement speeds.For more technical information, please view the attached press releases on the Fast Displacement line.

Veloce 140'.The hull, first built for a yacht owner and a trusty Azimut|Benetti customer, is characterized byhighly customized interiors, starting with the layout, which may be designed according to the customers'requirements. The Exterior Styling & Concept was developed by Stefano Righini, while the interior design is thework of the British RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, in collaboration with the owner's designer. The interior andexterior decor was entrusted to the international architect Joao Armentano. The woods used mainly include lightgray TAY and slate gray TABU for the flooring. The decorative elements are in a silver lacquer finish and theceilings in alcantara and a white lacquer finish. All stainless steel features come with a satin finish. The interiorfurnishings are by Minotti, the lamps by Flos and the taps and fittings by Gessi.

As regards the technological heart of 140', it is worth noting the use of the largest engine ever mounted at theViareggio Benetti shipyard: two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines. It is also equipped with a system of CMCMarine electrical fin stabilizers.

For further details, please contact:Esprit Yachting Ltd.Valdor Buildings, Triq Is-Sebh,Qormi QRM 9055Tel: 21446421Fax:Mob: 99442122Email:

Benetti Veloce 140 of the Fast Displacement series - Malta Ma...

1 di 2 08/10/14 16:04

Back to: Home News & Events New Launches Benetti Veloce 140 To Debut At FLIBS 2014

Benetti Veloce 140 To Debut At FLIBS 2014

The world debut of the Benetti Veloce is set to take place at the next Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show 2014 - taking place from 30 Oct-3 Nov.

Veloce 140’, the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class FastDisplacement range, is a yacht with a great personality, derivingboth from the technological innovations of the hull and propulsionsystems, and from the distinctive design and furnishings.

The most distinguishing feature is the new D2P hull designed byPierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio and the Azimut|BenettiResearch and Development Center. The most obvious advantagesconsist of the energy-saving, 12-knot cruising speed and the abilityto travel at high speeds (over 20 knots) in total comfort.

Veloce 140’ - a semi-custom yacht with a D2P (Displacement toPlaning) hull - is an innovative project that excites both Benettienthusiasts, eager for greater speed, and those who areapproaching the Tuscan shipbuilder for the first time, in theknowledge of being able to rely on high-performing yachts withcomfortable displacement speeds. For more technical information,please view the attached press releases on the Fast Displacementline.

The Veloce 140’hull, first built for a yacht owner and a trustyAzimut|Benetti customer, is characterized by highly customizedinteriors, starting with the layout, which may be designed accordingto the customers' requirements. The Exterior Styling & Concept wasdeveloped by Stefano Righini, while the interior design is the work ofthe British RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, in collaboration with theowner's designer. The interior and exterior decor was entrusted tothe international architect Joao Armentano. The woods used mainlyinclude light gray TAY and slate gray TABU for the flooring.

The decorative elements are in a silver lacquer finish and the ceilingsin alcantara and a white lacquer finish. All stainless steel featurescome with a satin finish. The interior furnishings are by Minotti, thelamps by Flos and the taps and fittings by Gessi.

As regards the technological heart of 140’, it is worth noting the useof the largest engine ever mounted at the Viareggio Benettishipyard: two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines. It is alsoequipped with a system of CMC Marine electrical fin stabilizers.

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By: Ben RobertsPublished: 27th Oct 2014

TAGS: Benetti, Fort Lauderdale International Boat ShowFILED IN: New Launches

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Benetti Veloce 140 To Debut At FLIBS 2014


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Benetti Veloce 140 To Debut At FLIBS 2014

1 di 2 31/10/14 11:59

Benetti Veloce 140 to make world debut at Fort Lauderdaleboat show

22 August 2014 by Amy

Making its world debut at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show is the first inBenetti’s Fast Displacement superyacht range, the Veloce 140’.

This semi-custom yacht features a new D2P (Displacement to Planing) hull design, whichprovides an energy-saving, 12-knot cruising speed as well as the ability to travel at speedsin excess of 20 knots in total comfort.

Power is provided by twin 3,500hp MTU 12V 4000 M93L engines, the largest ever mountedat the Benetti shipyard in Viareggio, Italy, while CMC Marine electrical fin stabilisers help togive a smooth ride.

The Veloce 140’s sun deck covers more than 77 square metres and includes a central pool,while the upper deck provides a relaxation area, a skylounge, and a second pool.Meanwhile, the area originally designed as the captain's cabin on this bridge deck has beenconverted into a luxurious guest stateroom.

A large dining area seating 12, a huge living area extending outdoors, and a large gymdesigned at the owner's behest are sited on the main deck, while the lower deck includesfive cabins, one for the yacht owner, two doubles and two for guests, plus four crew cabinsaccommodating a total of eight crew members. This deck also features a beach club areaand a transverse garage accommodating up to two yacht tenders.

Article printed fromBoat International

Article linkBenetti Veloce 140 to make world debut at Fort Lauderdale boat show

Benetti Veloce 140 to make world debut at Fort Lauderdale bo...

1 di 1 24/10/14 17:55

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

By Gemma Fottles

The 42.67 metre superyacht Veloce 140’ will make her world debut at the Fort Lauderdale InternationalBoat Show 2014. The latest vessel in the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range features exterior stylingand concept by Stefano Righini, with an interior by RWD-Redman Whitely Dixon in collaboration with theowner’s designer.

One of her most distinguishing features is the new D2P hull designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval ArchitectureStudio and the Azimut|Benetti Research and Development Centre. Some significant advantages to this hull designinclude energy saving, a 12 knot cruising speed and the ability to travel at speeds over 20 knots in total comfort.

She is also characterised by highly customised interiors, starting with the layout that can be designed according tothe owner’s requirements. The interior and exterior decor was entrusted to international architect, JoaoArmentano. The woods used include light gray Tay and slate gray Tabu for the flooring. The decorative elementsare in a silver lacquer finish and the ceilings in alcantara and a white lacquer finish. All stainless steel featurescome with a satin finish. The interior furnishings are by Minotti, the lamps by Flos and the taps and fittings byGessi.

Powered by two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines, Veloce 140’ features the largest engine ever mountedat the Viareggio Benetti shipyard.

She will be on display at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show from 30th October until 3rd November.

Benetti Veloce 140’ to debut at FLIBS

Benetti Veloce 140’ to debut at FLIBS - New Models - Super...

1 di 1 16/10/14 12:05 ONLINE MAGAZINE / The Best of the Made in Italy Yachting Industry

Home \ Corporate \ Benetti, new Italian style office and show room in Fort Lauderdale


Written by: Redazione Pamela Paci 2014/10/22 11:59 AM

Benetti, new Italian style office and show room inFort LauderdaleAs proof of their consolidated commercial success in the Americas, Benetti opens new headquarters in FortLauderdale. With Benetti's 2014 further growth in the America's, one of the Tuscan yard's strategic markets, successis confirmed with the opening of the new Benetti sales and post-sales office on 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale, capitalof American and world [...]

As proof of their consolidated commercial success in the Americas, Benettiopens new headquarters in Fort Lauderdale.

With Benetti’s 2014 further growth in the America’s,one of the Tuscan yard’s strategic markets, success is confirmedwith the opening of the new Benetti sales and post-sales office

on 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale, capital of American and world yachting.

Having secured their commercial presence in the USA, with

more than 50% of the brand’s business, Benetti secures

their physical presence in Fort Lauderdale, a perfect location

close to the Central and South American markets.

Benetti’s new American headquarters was designed as an

office and showroom, open to brokers, traders and owners.

It is not only a starting point but a meeting point, dedicated

to hospitality.

The design of the first American office for Benetti is inspired

by the Benetti Viareggio showroom: dark tinted rosewood

and ivory colored leather and bronze detailing, with floors of

Crema Marfil marble with teak inserts, while the exclusive

Yachtique showcases are of crystal.


Cannes, Ferretti Custom Line Navetta28, bella come una dea!


Cannes, Cantiere delle Marche con lagamma Darwin Class e Nauta Air


Chopi Chopi, “Most Achieved Trophy” aiWorld Yacht Trophy 2014


Amer, come a casa


Mangusta, a Cannes con grande stile!


Cannes 2014

Monaco 2014




Benetti, new Italian style office and show room in Fort Laude...

1 di 3 22/10/14 18:22

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The designer furnishings have all been offered only by Italian suppliers and its design is highest standard level. They are names that

represent excellence of the world – Edra, Lupi, Poltrona Frau, Schiffini, Cantalupi, Stefano Ricci, Armani, Yachtline, Menchini Marmi and

Gruppo Mastrotto – which make the space confortable, elegant and definitely unique. Inside the offices limited edition design furniture by

the interior designer Maria Rosa Remedi up the reception and meeting room.

“Choosing only Italian suppliers was a decision taken together with the company management with the intent of promoting what we know

how to do best, but above all to say that we are Italian and happy about it, and that our history and culture make us very special”, stated

Maria Rosa Remeti.

The new offices are not only dedicated to sales but also to an efficient after-sales, all coordinated by Piergiorgio Belardini, service

manager for Benetti Americas.

Fabrizio Scerch, Benetti Americas Country Manager: “After a

year of work, day after day, I must admit that the American

opportunities for Benetti are much greater than what we

imagined beforehand. And with the opening of offices in Fort

Lauderdale we’ll close the distance between the Americas

and Italy. When a client enters the new space he can feel

the same Benetti style found in the Italian showrooms, find

the same technology and furnishings made by our trusted

suppliers, along with detailing and samples of their own

yacht’s personalization to keep.”

Tommaso Bilotta, Brand Manager Benetti Americas: “We

have had significant commercial success here, and the new

offices confirm our local presence. We have welcomed our

clients to the great Benetti family and now we want to keep

them in our house, as comfortably as possible.”

Once again, Benetti shows Italian excellence to the world,

characterized by family feeling and Italian style, the latter an

unequaled strength and unifying force. Visitors to the new offices will be surrounded by elegance and style, wrapped in a true hug of

Italian beauty.

About BenettiBenetti

With the highest growth rate among the worlds manufacturers of super and mega yachts, Benetti is an icon of timeless Italian style and

elegance united with renowned building excellence.

• Established in 1873, Benetti is the oldest Italian luxury shipyard.

• Every yacht is unique, built according her owners desires.

• Benetti designs, builds, and markets two product lines: Class – Displacement and Fast Displacement in composites from 93 to 145 feet;

and Custom – in steel and aluminum over 45 meters in length.

• Benetti has facilities in Viareggio, Fano, Livorno and offices in Fort Lauderdale, Dubai and Hong Kong.

• Benetti is part of the Gruppo Azimut|Benetti, the worlds largest private capital luxury yacht group.

Benetti, Fabrizio Scerch, Fort Lauderdale, Headquarters USA, Maria Rosa Remedi, new office, Piergiorgio Belardini,

Tommaso Bilotta



Overmarine, sold the second yacht inthe new Mangusta 110 series


Benetti, new Italian style office and showroom in Fort Lauderdale


Volvo Penta, the jewel in the Azimut 77Scrown


All about Navigation, all about Navionics!


Ferretti Yachts 690, Spanish debut at the2014 Salonnautico in Barcelona


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ott 02, 2014 0VismaraMarine Spa is


lug 04, 2014 0Ferretti Groupcresce edapre a Palmadi Maiorca


lug 02, 2014 0OTAM celebrai 60 anni diattività


Benetti, new Italian style office and show room in Fort Laude...

2 di 3 22/10/14 18:22 ONLINE MAGAZINE / The Best of the Made in Italy Yachting Industry


IPS system or conventionalpropellers? Amer Yachts unvealedthe new 94’!


Wider 150' expected by nextsummer 2015


Benetti introduces Veloce 140',the first yacht of the FastDisplacement series


MondoMarine'sresponse tothe market:the new M57EIDOS

2014/10/10 12:30 PM Mondo Marine, SM45 Amerigo, aboard an All-Sea Yacht 2014/10/10 10:50 AM Mondo Marine's response to the market: the new M57 EIDOS 2014/10/09 9:18 PM


ott 15, 2014 0Ferretti Yachts 690, Spanish debut at the2014 Salonnautico in Barcelona

ott 08, 2014Benetti introduces Veloce 140′, the firstyacht of the Fast Displacement series

ott 02, 2014Vismara Marine Spa is born!

set 15, 2014


Cannes, Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 28, bellacome una dea!


Cannes, Cantiere delle Marche con la gammaDarwin Class e Nauta Air


Chopi Chopi, “Most Achieved Trophy” ai WorldYacht Trophy 2014


Amer, come a casa


BOAT SHOWS 2014/2015

Cannes 2014

Monaco 2014



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1 di 3 16/10/14 09:15


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DIRECTORY è la Directory dedicata al settore della

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Azimut|Benetti trionfa al World Yacht Trophycon Azimut Grande 95 RPH e Azimut 77S

set 15, 2014Giovanni Costantino, “Imprenditore dell’anno” agli ultimi World Yachts Trophy 2014

set 10, 2014Benetti annuncia a Cannes la vendita di duemegayacht oltre i 100 metri


ott 15, 2014 0Isa Yachts YARA 44 between myth andreality. Speed, range and outdoor living

ott 14, 2014IPS system or conventional propellers? AmerYachts unvealed the new 94’!

ott 13, 2014Isa Yachts M/Y Silver Wind, When the Madein Italy becomes pure state-of the-art!

ott 10, 2014Mondo Marine, SM45 Amerigo, aboard anAll-Sea Yacht

ott 10, 2014Mondo Marine’s response to the market: thenew M57 EIDOS

ott 09, 2014Wider 150′ expected by next summer 2015

YACHTS 10 - 20 mt


Mangusta, a Cannes con grande stile!


Wider 32’, Italian debut at the Genoa International Boat

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2 di 3 16/10/14 09:15

22/10/14 15.16New office and showroom for Benetti Yachts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

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New office and showroom for Benetti Yachts in Fort Lauderdale,FloridaOctober 22, 2014

Tuscany-based luxury yacht builder, Benetti, is proud to announce the opening of the new sales and post-sales office in the lovely Floridayacht charter location – Fort Lauderdale, as part of the company’s expansion in the Americas, representing one of their strategic markets.

The opening of the new Benetti office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The office is situated on 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale, capital of American and world yachting.

Having secured their commercial presence in the USA, with more than 50% of the brand’s business, Benetti secures their physical presence in FortLauderdale, a perfect location close to the Central and South American markets.

Benetti’s new American headquarters was designed as an office and showroom, open to brokers, traders and owners. It is not only a starting pointbut a meeting point, dedicated to hospitality.

The design of the first American office for Benetti is inspired by the Benetti Viareggio showroom: dark tinted rosewood and ivory colored leatherand bronze detailing, with floors of Crema Marfil marble with teak inserts, while the exclusive Yachtique showcases are of crystal.

22/10/14 15.16New office and showroom for Benetti Yachts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

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New Benetti office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The designer furnishings have all been offered only by Italian suppliers and its design is highest standard level. They are names that representexcellence of the world – Edra, Lupi, Poltrona Frau, Schiffini, Cantalupi, Stefano Ricci, Armani, Yachtline, Menchini Marmi and Gruppo Mastrotto– which make the space confortable, elegant and definitely unique. Inside the offices limited edition design furniture by the interior designer MariaRosa Remedi up the reception and meeting room.

“Choosing only Italian suppliers was a decision taken together with the company management with the intent of promoting what we know how todo best, but above all to say that we are Italian and happy about it, and that our history and culture make us very special”, stated Maria RosaRemeti.

The new offices are not only dedicated to sales but also to an efficient after-sales, all coordinated by Piergiorgio Belardini, service manager forBenetti Americas. Fabrizio Scerch, Benetti Americas Country Manager: “After a year of work, day after day, I must admit that the Americanopportunities for Benetti are much greater than what we imagined beforehand. And with the opening of offices in Fort Lauderdale we’ll close thedistance between the Americas and Italy. When a client enters the new space he can feel the same Benetti style found in the Italian showrooms, findthe same technology and furnishings made by our trusted suppliers, along with detailing and samples of their own yacht’s personalization to keep.”

22/10/14 15.16New office and showroom for Benetti Yachts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida — Luxury Yacht Charter & Superyacht News

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Tommaso Bilotta and Fabrizio Scerch

Tommaso Bilotta, Brand Manager Benetti Americas: “We have had significant commercial success here, and the new offices confirm our localpresence. We have welcomed our clients to the great Benetti family and now we want to keep them in our house, as comfortably as possible.”

Once again, Benetti shows Italian excellence to the world, characterized by family feeling and Italian style, the latter an unequaled strength andunifying force. Visitors to the new offices will be surrounded by elegance and style, wrapped in a true hug of Italian beauty.

Below is a selection of the beautiful charter yachts built by Benetti.

Benetti Charter Yacht Images

Andreas L Motor Yacht (ex Amnesia) - ...

Andreas L Motor Yacht (ex Amnesia) - ...

20/10/14 13.37Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Displacement series |

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ONLINE MAGAZINE / The Best of the Made in Italy Yachting Industry

Home \ BoatShows \ Design \ Benetti introduces Veloce 140′, the first yacht of the Fast Displacement series


Written by: Redazione Pamela Paci 2014/10/08 1:27 PM

Benetti introduces Veloce 140′, the first yacht ofthe Fast Displacement seriesBenetti Class - Veloce 140ʼ will have her world debut at next Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 (30Oct-3Nov). BENETTI CLASS VELOCE 140ʼ - the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range - is a yacht with a great personality, deriving both from the technological innovations of the hull and propulsion [...]

Benetti Class – Veloce 140ʼ will have her world debutat next Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014 (30Oct-3Nov).

BENETTI CLASS VELOCE 140ʼ- the new jewel in the crown of the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range -

is a yacht with a great personality, deriving both from the technological innovationsof the hull and propulsion systems, and from the distinctive design and furnishings.


Cannes, Ferretti Custom Line Navetta28, bella come una dea!


Cannes, Cantiere delle Marche con lagamma Darwin Class e Nauta Air


Chopi Chopi, “Most Achieved Trophy” aiWorld Yacht Trophy 2014


Amer, come a casa


Mangusta, a Cannes con grande stile!


Cannes 2014

Monaco 2014




20/10/14 13.37Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Displacement series |

Pagina 2 di 5

High-Performance and Comfort

The most distinguishing feature is the new D2P - Displacement to Planing

– hull designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio and the

Azimut|Benetti Research and Development Center. The most obvious

advantages consist of the energy-saving, 12-knot cruising speed and the

ability to travel at high speeds – over 20 knots – in total comfort. Veloce

140ʼ – a semi-custom yacht with a D2P hull – is an innovative project that

excites both Benetti enthusiasts, eager for greater speed, and those who are

approaching the Tuscan shipbuilder for the first time, in the knowledge of being able to rely on high-performing yachts with comfortable

displacement speeds. For more technical information, please view the attached press releases on the Fast Displacement line.

Highly customized interiors

The hull, first built for a yacht owner and a trusty Azimut|Benetti customer, is characterized by highly customized interiors, starting with

the layout, which may be designed according to the customersʼ requirements. The Exterior Styling & Concept was developed by Stefano

Righini, while the interior design is the work of the British RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, in collaboration with the ownerʼs designer.


Ferretti Yachts 690, Spanish debut atthe 2014 Salonnautico in Barcelona


Isa Yachts YARA 44 between myth andreality. Speed, range and outdoor living


IPS system or conventional propellers?Amer Yachts unvealed the new 94’!


Promotech lights up Rossinavi M/YPolaris


The impressive Team Italia’s technologyat the Monaco Yacht Show



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20/10/14 13.37Benetti introduces Veloce 140', the first yacht of the Fast Displacement series |

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The interior and exterior decor was entrusted to the international architect Joao Armentano. The woods used mainly include light grayTAY and slate gray TABU for the flooring. The decorative elements are in a silver lacquer finish and the ceilings in alcantara and awhite lacquer finish. All stainless steel features come with a satin finish. The interior furnishings are by Minotti, the lamps by Flos and thetaps and fittings by Gessi.


As regards the technological heart of 140ʼ, it is worth noting the use of the largest engine ever mounted at the Viareggio Benetti

shipyard: two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines. It is also equipped with a system of CMC Marine electrical fin stabilizers.

Sun Deck

The large Sun Deck covers more than 77 square meters on the highest “bridge” of the new Benetti yacht. Here, too, class andfunctionality blend seamlessly. This large terrace overlooking the sea is dominated by a central pool facing the most spectacular livingarea of the yacht: an extended section on the right, served by a long linear bar on the left. Another feature of this bridge are the seats inthe bow, with a frontal sea view.

Upper deck

This bridge is marked by modularity, as it was not designed with the traditional “fixed” furniture. Everything can be removed or movedwith ease, to obtain a large circular area that extends outdoors and indoors. Astern, there is a large dining table seating sixteen. Herethere is also a relaxation area, leading to an internal sky-lounge through electric concertina doors. This provides is a large open plan areathat is partly air-conditioned.

At the bow stands the yachtʼs second spectacular – and especially deep – pool, with a comfortable and safe ladder to ease yourself intothe water and relax in the whirlpool. Opposite, there are two large sunbeds and a living area with a sofa and coffee table, offering totalprivacy. On this bridge, at the express request of the owner, the area originally designed as the captainʼs cabin has been converted intoan additional luxury bedroom.

Main deck

This bridge is dominated by a large gym, designed at the ownerʼs behest. Placed in the bow, it has a wide-body structure, thus optimallyexploiting the entire hull width. One of its main features is a side terrace with stunning views of the sea, providing the entire area withnatural light and ventilation. The equipment, from the Technogym Personal line, is of the highest level, and there is also a massagearea.Further astern, there is a large dining area seating twelve and a huge living area that extends outdoors, once again creating a seamlessindoor-outdoor environment. The cockpit comes with a day bed that quickly converts into a relaxation area.

Lower deck

The lower deck leads to the sleeping area. This consists of five cabins, one for the yacht owner, two doubles and two for guests,with twin and pullman beds. The four crew cabins, for the eight crewmembers, are at the far end of the bow. The lower deck alsofeatures a wonderful and extensive “beach club” area, accessed by a double flight of steps and equipped with a central bar counterrunning the length of the bulkhead. The garage is placed transversely to the beam, and can accommodate up to two tenders.

➤➤ Five of the largest superyachts for sale at the Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤➤ Top 5 Bars in Fort Lauderdale

➤➤ Benetti Veloce 140 to make world debut at Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤➤ BYS sells Westport superyacht Harmony with Moran Yacht & Ship

➤➤ Olympic Marine sells Mangusta luxury yacht Ohana

➤➤ Continental Yachts sells Sunseeker yacht Argo with Northrop & Johnson

➤➤ Leopard superyacht Tutto le Marrane for sale with Yachtzoo

➤➤ Yachtzoo signs sportfish superyacht Mustang Sally for sale

➤➤ $1 million price cut on Christensen superyacht Atlantica at RJC Yachts

➤➤ Price cut on Astondoa luxury yacht Holycow at Denison Superyachts

➤➤ Further price cut on Feadship superyacht Sirenuse at Northrop & Johnson

➤➤ Seatrial for Quantum Blue superyacht

➤➤ Esenyacht’s augmented reality app re-invents the superyacht rendering

➤➤ Pastrovich launches X-Alien 48m concept

➤➤ America's Cup teams outfit AC45s superyachts

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Daily Superyacht NewsTuesday 28 October 2014

Inside: Fort Lauderdale Show | Brokerage | Yard | Design | Events


Da: Malcolm at Boat International <>Oggetto: Harmony and Ohana sold, Pastrovich launches new concept

Data: 28 ottobre 2014 09:01:58 GMT+01:00A:

Rispondi a: Boat International Newsdesk <>

Scroll down for full news below


Five big superyachts at Fort Lauderdale We canvassed the opinions of the world's top brokersand here present five examples of large superyachts forsale at the Fort Lauderdale International... More »

Top 5 Bars in Fort Lauderdale Among the list of things to do in Fort Lauderdale,wetting one’s whistle certainly ranks high as a pastime.But in an ever-evolving city... More »

Benetti Veloce 140 at Fort Lauderdale Making its world debut at the Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show is the first in Benetti’s FastDisplacement superyacht range... More »

Read more about the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show »


BYS and Moran Yacht & Ship sell HarmonyThom Conboy at BYS is definitely on a roll as he tellsme he’s found a buyer for the 50 metre motor yachtHarmony, listed for sale with... More »

Olympic Marine sells Mangusta luxury yacht OhanaNews of another sale now as Pierre de Cancellis atOlympic Marine confirms that he closed on the sale ofthe 33.48 metre motor yacht Ohana... More »

Continental Yachts sells Argo with N&J Paul Daubner at Northrop & Johnson tells me he’sclosed on his listing for sale, the 32.92 metre motoryacht Argo, with Continental Yachts... More »

Tutto le Marrane for sale with Yachtzoo More news from Yachtzoo, this time that they’ve listedfor sale the 46.2 metre motor yacht Tutto le Marrane.Designed by Studio Bacigalupo... More »

Yachtzoo signs Mustang Sally for sale Another sportfish yacht comes on the market asYachtzoo lists for sale the 25 metre Mustang Sally. Builtin GRP by US yard Viking with delivery... More »

$1m price cut on Atlantica at RJC Yachts News in overnight from David Wiest at RJC Yachts of a$1 million price drop on his listing for sale, the 41.5metre motor yacht Atlantica... More »

Price cut on Astondoa Holycow at Denison David Johnson at Denison Superyachts sends news ofa $460,000 price reduction on his listing for sale, the28.9 metre motor yacht Holycow... More »

Further price cut on Sirenuse at N&J Chris Chumley at Northrop & Johnson sends word of afurther $250,000 price cut on his listing for sale, the38.4 metre classic motor yacht Sirenuse... More »

Read more brokerage news »


Seatrial for Quantum Blue superyacht Lürssen has sea-trialled its new 104 metre superyachtQuantum Blue. The vessel was run out for her maidentrip under power after her... More »

Esenyacht unveils augmented reality appThis September during the Cannes boat show,Esenyacht gave Boat International a sneak preview ofits latest innovation – an impressive... More »

➤ Mondo Marine presents SM45 motorsailer at Fort Lauderdale

➤ Review of the Sanlorenzo SD112 at the Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤ Review of Benetti's Veloce 140 Cheers 46 at Fort Lauderdale

➤ New Chris-Craft Catalina 34 tender at Fort Lauderdale

➤ Seriously for sale yachts at the Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤ Top 10 biggest new superyachts at the Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤ Top 5 Bars in Fort Lauderdale

➤ Benetti superyacht Annaeva for sale with Fraser Yachts

➤ Worth Avenue Yachts lists Azimut superyacht Happy Hour for sale

➤ RJC Yachts signs Broward superyacht Muchos Mas for sale

➤ Price cut on 50m superyacht berth at Porto Montenegro with Peter Insull's

➤ €500,000 price drop on Benetti superyacht More at Ocean Independence

➤ Further price cut on Burger luxury yacht Roamin Holiday at BYS

➤ New Columbus Liberty 32m in build at Palumbo Group

Mittente: Malcolm at Boat International <>Destinatario: g@sandpeoplecommunication.comData: 10/31/2014 09:01Soggetto: Fort Lauderdale yacht reviews, Fraser lists Annaeva for sale

The latest superyacht news on Friday 31 October… Fort Lauderdale yacht review | Seriously for Sale at FLIBS | Top 5 Bars in Fort Lauderdale

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Daily Superyacht NewsFriday 31 October 2014

Inside: Fort Lauderdale Boat Show | Brokerage | Yard


Scroll down for full news below


1 di 5 31/10/14 12:17

Mondo Marine’s SM45 at Fort LauderdaleItalian superyacht builder Mondo Marine will present thedesign for its new SM45 motorsailer superyacht, ProjectAmerigo, during the... More »

Sanlorenzo SD112 at Fort LauderdaleItalian superyacht builder Sanlorenzo has debuted itsSanlorenzo SD112 superyacht to the US audience forthe first time today at... More »

Review of Benetti’s Veloce 140 Cheers 46The world debut the Benetti 140 superyacht Cheers 46has been celebrated this morning at the FortLauderdale boat show... More »

Chris-Craft Catalina 34 tenderUS yacht builder Chris-Craft has debuted its latestcentre console yacht and the largest in its Catalinarange, the Catalina 34, at the... More »

Seriously for sale at Fort LauderdaleKeen sellers are vying to attract viewings during theFort Lauderdale show and here we present five yachtsseriously for sale... More »

Top 10 biggest yachts at Fort Lauderdale showNow in its 55th year, the Fort Lauderdale InternationalBoat Show promises a diverse array of luxury yachtsand a multitude of new launches... More »

Top 5 Bars in Fort LauderdaleAmong the list of things to do in Fort Lauderdale,wetting one’s whistle certainly ranks high as a pastime.But in an ever-evolving city... More »

Read more about the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show »

2 di 5 31/10/14 12:17


Benetti Annaeva for sale with FraserNews from Fraser Yachts that Dennis Frederiksen haslisted for sale the 56 metre motor yacht Annaeva. Builtin steel and aluminium... More »

Worth Avenue Yachts lists Happy HourNews from Chris June at Worth Avenue Yachts thathe’s listed the 35.36 metre motor yacht Happy Hour forsale. Built in GRP by Italian yard... More »

RJC Yachts signs Muchos Mas for saleBob Cury at RJC Yachts sends word that he’s listed forsale the 35 metre motor yacht Muchos Mas. Built inaluminium by US yard... More »

50m berth price cut with Peter Insull’sNews now from Marc Borderon at Peter Insull’s YachtMarketing of a €500,000 price drop on their listing forsale, a 50 metre x 12 metre... More »

€500,000 price drop on More at OCINews now from Ocean Independence of a further€500,000 price drop on Marco Vandoni’s listing for sale,the 44.2 metre motor yacht More... More »

Further cut on Roamin Holiday at BYSMore news in overnight from Thom Conboy at BYS, thistime of a $300,000 price drop on their listing for sale,the 25.91 metre motor yacht... More »

Read more brokerage news »

3 di 5 31/10/14 12:17

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Headline NewsSanlorenzo appoints new president/general manager

Italian superyacht builder Sanlorenzo has announced the appointment of FerruccioRossi as its new president/general manager. Rossi will report to Massimo Perotti,Sanlorenzo chairman, who has decided to enlist a highly skilled and experiencedmanager in ... read >>

Italian yard makes comeback

Italian superyacht builder Privilege, which has had a run of financial challenges andsome labour issues in recent years, is back in business. Within the next six months thecurrent 127m (416ft) project that is around 55% complete will be launched and ... read>>

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PartnershipsMasterCraft works with Hobie for custom wakesurf board line

MasterCraft says that it has worked with Hobie to design and manufacture a line ofcustomised wakesurf boards. The company said in a statement that Hawaii-based“musician and Hobie ambassador” Donavon Frankenreiter was the inspiration behindthe first ... read >>

EventsGold Coast International Marine Expo “outstanding success”

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reported as features of a successful 4th Gold Coast International Expo just held. EmmaMilne, marketing and events manager, comments: “Based on exhibitor feedback, the >>

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METS organisers have announced that 45 products have been nominated to go forwardfor final judging by the jury of the prestigious Design Award METS (DAME) 2014competition. The products have been selected from a total of 116 entries from 23 >>

General NewsBenetti to open new offices in Ft Lauderdale

Benetti Yachts says it will open a new office and showroom in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.The Italian shipyard said that the US market now represents more than 50% of itsbusiness. “Benetti's new American headquarters was designed as an office and ... read>>

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2 di 2 22/10/14 19:59

14/10/14 15.13Benetti Fast Displacement Composite Yachts - Luxury News

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At the recent Cannes boat show, Benetti unveiled a third generation of fast yachts, rounding out itsalready extensive range of products which currently includes Class Range, semi-custom displacementvessels with 6 models from 93' to 145', and custom mega-yachts starting at 45 metres.

The new Fast Displacement line of composite yachts built by Benetti in the Viareggio boatyard alreadyincludes two models: the F-140ʼ, introduced last year, and the brand new F-125ʼ, which is made itsdebut at Cannes 2013. With this new line, the boatyard intends to tap into a strong and as yet relativelyunexplored market in semicustom super yachts with a sporty spirit. These are vessels characterised bytheir versatility and speed, but which are also extremely comfortable in displacement mode and highlyefficient at any speed. Their dynamism perfectly unites with the sheer pleasure of onboard living, andthe construction quality and maximum customisation which Benetti is known for.

“Many of our clients have requested faster, more versatile, and efficient boats, while maintaining thesame level of comfort and customisation found in our existing yachts. The new Fast Displacement line isdesigned precisely in response to these requests, and it rounds out our current offering in the ClassRange. We haven't just created a new series; we have invested time and resources - combining theBenetti's 140-years of experience in super yachts with the technological knowhow of Azimut BenettiGroup - to create a new way of heading out to sea." said Benettiʼs CEO, Vincenzo Poerio.

Benetti (









Tuesday, 21 October 2014

By Maarten Janssen, photo by Merijn de Waard /

Launched this summer, Mingfa is the 5th Benetti Supreme 132 to be delivered. Mingfa was delivered onAugust 10th. The yacht made her debut just weeks after her launch, at the Cannes Yachting Festival.

The Supreme 132 model was first unveiled in 2011, and the first yacht that was delivered in the series was PetrusII, followed by Oryx and Galaktica. The name of the 4th BS 132, also a 2014 delivery, has not yet been released.

Mingfa 5th Benetti Supreme 132 to be delivered

Mingfa 5th Benetti Supreme 132 to be delivered - Deliveries ...

1 di 2 23/10/14 17:05

There is also a 6th hull currently under construction in Italy, for a 2015 delivery.

Mingfa 5th Benetti Supreme 132 to be delivered - Deliveries ...

2 di 2 23/10/14 17:05

➤➤ Five of the largest superyachts for sale at the Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤➤ Top 5 Hotels in Fort Lauderdale

➤➤ Benetti Veloce 140 to make world debut at Fort Lauderdale boat show

➤➤ IYC sells Westport superyacht Miss Michelle with Worth Avenue Yachts

➤➤ Westport superyacht Gusto for sale with Camper & Nicholsons

➤➤ Fraser Yacht signs explorer yacht Maria Teresa for sale

➤➤ Price cut on Marinteknik superyacht AMZ at YPI

➤➤ Price cut on Falcon luxury yacht Champagne O'Clock at Ocean Independence

➤➤ Exclusive: See the first images of Esenyacht's new 50m superyacht Taurus

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Daily Superyacht NewsFriday 24 October 2014

Inside: Fort Lauderdale Boat Show | Brokerage | Yard


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The five largest yachts for sale in Fort Lauderdale We canvassed the opinions of the world's top brokersand here present five examples of large superyachts forsale at the Fort Lauderdale International... More »

Da: Malcolm at Boat International <>Oggetto: Miss Michelle sold, Esenyacht 50m first images, largest yachts for sale in Fort Lauderdale

Data: 24 ottobre 2014 10:02:26 GMT+02:00A:

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Top 5 Hotels in Fort Lauderdale Beachside relaxation meets opulence in FortLauderdale’s best hotels. These resorts put you stepsfrom the sand and surf... More »

Benetti Veloce 140 to debut in Fort Lauderdale Making its world debut at the Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show is the first in Benetti’s FastDisplacement superyacht range... More »

Read more about the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show»


IYC sells Miss Michelle with WorthGood news from Michael Mahan at Worth AvenueYachts that he has closed on his listing for sale, the 40metre motor yacht Miss Michelle... More »

Gusto for sale with Camper & Nicholsons Sold in August 2014, the 39.62 metre motor yachtYeratel G is already back on the market renamed Gustoand listed for sale by Michael Rafferty... More »

Fraser Yacht signs Maria Teresa for sale Davide Silvello at Fraser Yachts has listed the sturdyexplorer yacht Maria Teresa for sale. Maria Teresa wasbuilt in steel and aluminium... More »

Price cut on Marinteknik superyacht AMZ at YPI Mark Duncan at Yachting Partners International sendsnews of a €550,000 price reduction on Russell Crump’slisting for sale... More »

Price cut on Champagne O'Clock Ocean Independence sends word of a further €160,000price cut on Marc Haendle’s listing for sale, the 26.5metre motor yacht Champagne O’Clock... More »

Review of Benetti's Veloce 140 superyacht Cheers 46 at FortLauderdale boat show

30 October 2014 by Risa Merl

The world debut the Benetti 140 superyacht Cheers 46 has been celebrated at the FortLauderdale boat show.

Benetti debuts its first Fast Displacement yacht the Benetti Veloce 140 at the Fort Lauderdale boatshow

Built for existing Azimut-Benetti yacht owners, two brothers from Brazil, the Benetti 140 isthe first in the Italian superyacht builder's fast displacement series of yachts. PierluigiAusonio Naval Architecture Studio and the Azimut-Benetti Research and Development Centredeveloped the yacht's Displacement to Planing (D2P) hull design, which provides equally foran energy-saving, 12-knot cruise speed and the ability to reach speeds of more than 20 knotsin complete comforte.

She carries the largest engine package ever employed by Benetti's Viareggio, Italy, shipyardwith twin 3,500hp MTU 12V M93L, and she has CMC Marine electrical fin stabilisers. Exteriorstyling and interior design is by architect Joao Armentano, who employed light grey woods,silver lacquer finishes, ceilings in a white lacquer finish, and stainless steel in a satin finish.Furnishings are by Minotti, lamps are by Flos and taps and fittings are by Gessi.

Most noticeable is the unique layout of Cheers 46, which sees the typical main-deck masterstateroom to be used as an enormous gymnasium with a stockpile of fitness equipment. Themaster is instead located down on the lower deck with the other accommodations. Thecaptain says this unusual layout, along with the doubling of fun toys like diving boards andeven spa tubs was because, 'They all wake up at the same time and like working out togetherand won't do it if treadmills aren't free.'

Article printed fromBoat International

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13/10/14 09.51Benetti to debut fast displacement series at FLIBS

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Benetti to debut fast displacement series at FLIBSPosted Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

Benetti is to introduce the first yacht of its fastdisplacement series at this yearʼs FortLauderdale International Boat Show (30 Oct to3Nov).

The 42.7m Veloce 140ʼ, is considered by theshipyard to be the new jewel in the crown of theBenetti Class Fast Displacement range andfeatures a displacement to planing (D2P) hulldesigned by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval


Benetti says one of the yachtʼs strongest draws is its ability to cruise at an energy-saving, 12-knot cruisingspeed, as well as the ability to travel at high speeds (over 20 knots) in total comfort.

The yachtʼs exterior styling was developed by Stefano Righini, while the interior design is the work of theBritish RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon, in collaboration with the ownerʼs designer.

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24/10/14 13.39Benetti to open new offices in Ft Lauderdale

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Benetti to open new offices in Ft LauderdalePosted Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

Benetti Yachts says it will open a new office and showroom in Ft Lauderdale, Florida. The Italian shipyardsaid that the US market now represents more than 50% of its business.

“Benettiʼs new American headquarters was designed as an office and showroom, open to brokers, tradersand owners,” said a company statement. “It is not only a starting point but a meeting point, dedicated tohospitality.”

The company said the design of Benettiʼs first American office was inspired by its showroom in Viareggio. Ithas dark tinted rosewood and ivory-colored leather and bronze detailing, with floors of Crema Marfil marblewith teak inserts. It is furnished by only Italian suppliers, including Edra, Lupi, Poltrona Frau, Schiffini,Cantalupi, Stefano Ricci, Armani, Yachtline, Menchini Marmi and Gruppo Mastrotto. Limited-edition designfurniture by interior designer Maria Rosa Remedi are included in the reception and meeting room.

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13/10/14 09.47Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show | Benetti | Veloce 140' | superyacht | events News on

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7 Oct 2014

By William Mathieson | Other articles by this author

Related NewsCMC's growing marketshare prompts Monacoappearance MoreBenetti toasts launch of'Cheers 46' MoreCMC recruits IslandMarine Electronics MoreRoyal Huisman launch46.4m Hoek Project 392MoreBenetti launches 40.2mBS003 More

Benetti's Veloce 140' confirmed for FLIBS

Benetti’s Veloce 140’ is one of the first high-profile vessels to have her attendance confirmed at the forthcoming Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show(FLIBS). The 43m vessel will make her world debut at America’s premier yacht show.

The Veloce 140’ is part of Benetti’s Fast Displacement range, characterised by its D2P hull, developed by the in-house R&D team in conjunction withPierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio. This hull form produces an efficient cruising speed of 12 knots, and the capability to travel at up to 20 knots.The latter is thanks to the fitting of the largest engines ever aboard a yacht at Benetti’s Viareggio yard – two MTU 12V 4000 M93L engines – whilecomfort is assured via CMC Marine electric fin stabilisers.

The yacht itself has been designed by Stefano Righini, while the interior is the work of Redman Whiteley Dixon. The interior and exterior decor wereentrusted to the international architect Joao Armentano and the woods used include light grey Tay and slate grey Tabu for the flooring. The decorativeelements are finished in a silver lacquer and the ceilings in alcantara and a white lacquer. The interior furnishings are by Minotti, the lamps by Flos andthe taps and fittings by Gessi.

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The Billionaire Superyachting Hotspots Of The Future

As the number of super yachts rises and demand for space grows, new yachting hubs likeBarcelona, Montenegro and Puerto Rico are emerging.

By Tara Loader Wilkinson, Editor in Chief

October 1, 2014

At the Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) this year – widely-considered the bellwether for the superyachting industry –the atmosphere was buzzier than it has been for a long time. 118 superyachts crammed into a blazingly-hot Port Hercules between the 24th and 27th of September, a recordnumber for the show, with many having to anchor outside in the harbour. Attendees said that a hike in ticket prices (almost double that of the previous year) had ensured a more“serious” visitor, with lots of promising enquiries that they hope will translate to sales. “It has been a good year, we have three customised boats under construction and ‘touch wood’ three or fourmore soon,” said Lamberto Tacoli, chief executive of CRN, which builds some of the world’s most expensivesuperyachts. But he cautioned: “The market in Europe collapsed by around 60 percent during the financialcrisis, it is coming back now, but slowly.”

Dukley Marina Others agree the industry is on the road to recovery, with estimates that the current fleet of approximately5,000 superyachts will grow by 60 percent within the next two decades, to around 11,000. And the pool ofpotential buyers is swelling too. According to the annual Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census published lastmonth, the typical buyer of a superyacht is a billionaire, of which there are now a record 2,325 worthcollectively US$7.3 trillion. And by 2020, Wealth-X estimates that there will be more than 3,800 billionaires – soplenty of potential new owners. All good news for the industry, but more yachts need more marinas. Overcrowding is already afflicting thoseseeking a spot in the Med. According to Hume Jones, head of yacht charter at Y.Co: “It is becoming increasingly difficult to moor yoursuperyacht in St. Tropez, Cannes, Monte Carlo or Capri during the prime summer months, and likewise in St.Barths over the winter. New centres will have to open up without doubt.” The question is, where will the next Monte Carlos and St. Tropez’s of the world be?

Porto Montenegro “The Côte d’Azur will always be the key sea,” said Vincenzo Poerio, chief executive of Benetti, pointing to the


The Billionaire Superyachting Hotspots OfThe Future

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region’s rich 5,000-year history, excellent infrastructure, and its ideal conditions as a protected sea, which hereckons give it permanent pulling power. “But in twenty years times there will be many other superyachting centres,” he added. He pointed to Brazil, the Balearics, like Majorca and Ibiza, and also Barcelona, as areas that could emerge asthe next hubs. At MYS, Barcelona seemed to be the place on everyone’s lips. As announced last month, the billionaireUS-based Huizenga family have teamed up with merchant bank Salamanca Group to acquire Barcelona’s state-of-the-art Marina Port Vell. As part of the deal, they will invest in a new superyacht repair facility that will beable to take vessels of up to 180 metres, making it Europe’s largest of its kind. Wayne Huizenga Jr. said in astatement that it will “transform Barcelona in to the most important superyachting hub in the Mediterranean.” And a bit further into Eastern Europe, Montenegro, Croatia and Turkey – particularly the marinas in Bodrum,Antalya and Marmaris – are positioning themselves as the next European Riviera. “There is a lot of noise about the Adriatic and Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, Montenegro, Croatia andbeyond,” says Rebecca Taylor, brokerage editor at The Superyacht Group. “Clients berthing here are usuallylooking for something new and different and want to avoid the usual milk round in the Mediterranean and theCaribbean, which some consider owner-crowded and over-priced.” 11-year-old D-Marin Marinas Group is a rapidly expanding marina company that in recent years has launchednine different locations in Croatia, Turkey and Greece. Meanwhile the coastline of Montenegro is getting a full-on makeover. It started when Canadian oil tycoonPeter Munk bought an old naval shipyard from the government in 2006, with the help of a group of UHNWinvestors including Oleg Deripaska, Nathaniel Rothschild, Jacob Rothschild and Bernard Arnault.Fast-forward eight years and Porto Montenegro has become a thriving village of international jet-set in thebeautiful UNESCO-protected Bay of Kotor. Already the first phase of luxury residences has sold out and aforthcoming residential building is 67 percent sold. In addition, Porto Montenegro just created 150 new berthswith capacity for yachts of up to 180 metres, making a total of 400 berths. Hot on its heels is the Dukley Gardens and marina development in nearby Budva, the brainchild of US UHNWinvestor Neil Emilfarb. As well as 200 luxury one-, two-and three-bedroom apartments overlooking thepanoramic turquoise Zavala peninsula, the project includes a 300-berth marina which is undergoing a €45million refurbishment guided by Camper & Nicholsons.

Lustica Bay Marina And along the coast lies the burgeoning Luštica Bay development, backed by Orascom Development chairmanand billionaire Samih Sawiris who has already invested €35 million in the project. This will see the creation ofa 176-berth marina and around 1,500 luxury properties. “The duty-free fuel and low VAT on marine services in Montenegro, which is not yet part of the EU, is helpingencourage more superyacht owners to refuel their yachts here and stay a while,” pointed out Oliver Corlette,managing director for Porto Montenegro And on the other side of the Atlantic, another lesser-known jurisdiction is using low tax to its advantage toposition itself as a future superyacht destination. Puerto Rico in the Caribbean is seeing more interest from the yachting community after two recently introducedtax incentives – Act 20 & Act 22, which mean zero capital gains tax. More than 200 people this year haveapplied to move to the island under Act 22, which has been endorsed by highly successful investors like JohnPaulson, who correctly predicted the mortgage meltdown. Paulson is also reported to be building a housethere, as well as having made substantial investments in the island.

The Yacht Club Marina, Puerto Rico

The Billionaire Superyachting Hotspots Of The Future | Wealth-X

2 di 3 06/10/14 08:30

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The BillionaireSuperyachting Hotspots OfThe Future

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In addition to competitive port fees and berthing costs, Puerto Rico has no passport requirements for thosetraveling from the United States. In anticipation, the government is planning to grow its yachting industry from US$3.6 million annually to morethan US$100 million in five years, said a spokeswoman. Earlier this year, the Encanto Group announced aninvestment of US$200 million to develop a world-class beach and marina community on the island’s east coast,The Yacht Club at Palmas del Mar. When complete, it will offer 158 boat slips, including 40 designed for yachtsup to 175 feet. But when you ask about China, the reaction from the industry is usually the same – not yet. Ferretti is investingin a large superyacht marina and facility in Zhuhai, but insiders believe it could take years for the industry toproperly take off due to lack of infrastructure and cultural differences. It has to start somewhere though,believes Ferretti. Leonardo Allasia, a spokesman for the Italian yacht builder, said: “We have been a firm believer in the Chinesemarket for years and trust that it will continue to evolve for the benefit to consumers, dealers andmanufacturers alike.” Only time will tell whether China too, deserves a spot on the map of the future super yacht hotspots.

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3 di 3 06/10/14 08:30

13/10/14 09.50Benetti Introduces First of the Fast Displacement Superyacht Series - The Howorths | The Howorths

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Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Benetti Introduces First of the Fast Displacement SuperyachtSeries

Built especially with the American market in mind, the Benetti Veloce 140’ Cheers 46 will make herworld debut at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show later this month

The semi-custom yacht with a D2P (Displacement to Planning) hull is an innovative project that excites

13/10/14 09.50Benetti Introduces First of the Fast Displacement Superyacht Series - The Howorths | The Howorths

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both Benetti enthusiasts, eager for greater speed, and those who are approaching the Tuscan shipbuilderfor the first time, secure in the knowledge of being able to rely on high-performing yachts capable ofcomfortable displacement speeds.

The most distinguishing feature of the all new yacht is the new D2P hull designed by Pierluigi AusonioNaval Architecture Studio and the Azimut Benetti Research and Development Centre.

Her most obvious advantages revolve around of the boats energy-saving quality which offers a 12-knotcruising speed and the ability to travel at high speeds (over 20 knots) in total comfort.

Stefano Righini developed the Exterior Styling & Concept, while the interior design is the work of theBritish RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon team working in collaboration with the owner’s personal designer.

The first yacht has been built for an owner who is a long time Azimut|Benetti customer.

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Megayachts Debuting at FLIBSOCTOBER 10, 2014 BY MEGAYACHT NEWS STAFF

If it’s boat-show season, it’s also megayacht-debut season. A number of megayachts—some recently delivered, others

new to the American market—will be making their debuts at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show this month.

Affectionately referred to as FLIBS within the yachting industry, the show is the world’s largest in-water event.

Among the megayachts premiering are:

* Arcadia 85: Arcadia Yachts, based in Italy, was founded in 2008. It began exhibiting at FLIBS within the past few

years, but never had a model on display. The Arcadia 85 is therefore making her stateside debut.

* Benetti Veloce 140 (pictured above): This is the first fast-displacement megayacht from Benetti. The builder calls

the hull design a D2P hull, meaning Displacement to Planing. It promises 30-percent better efficiency than conventional

planing hulls. Top speed should be about 20 knots. The owner, who christened the yacht Cheers 46, is a repeat Benetti

client and had Redman Whiteley Dixon design a highly customized interior.

* Christensen Shipyards’ D’Natalin IV: the newest Custom Series 164 megayacht from Christensen Shipyards has been

turning heads all along the West Coast this summer. She has a contemporary-meets-classic interior design by Carol

Williamson & Associates. The owners, having had three megayachts previously, were heavily involved in the

specifications creation and the overall design and construction.

* Hargrave Custom Yachts’ Adventure Us II and 76 Flush Deck Widebody: Adventure Us II is a 94 Skylounge

Motoryacht for a repeat client. There’s a great story behind her: A grandmother who loves the water, and who’s a

repeat Hargrave customer, commissioned the megayacht for her grown children and her grandchildren to cruise with

her. The 76 (below) is a new version of a prior model. The latter differs in having a full-beam interior and other spaces

specifically arranged for a couple who plan to live several months onboard at a time.


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* Italian Sea Group’s Entourage: This 154-footer (47-meter) is an Admiral Maxima model. The Italian Sea Group, as a

reminder, was formerly known as Admiral Tecnomar. Entourage is classed to RINA Green Plus and has full-height

sliding-glass doors on both sides of the saloon. Entourage premiered at the Monaco Yacht Show and is the first

megayacht that the Italian Sea Group will ever have at FLIBS, part of a new initiative to market to Americans and Latin


* Ocean Alexander 100 Flybridge Motoryacht: The latest megayacht from Ocean Alexander is based on the Ocean

Alexander 90, stemming from client requests for a little larger of a yacht. Both models bear design work from Evan K.

Marshall. The yacht at FLIBS will have an open-bridge arrangement, though enclosed-bridge arrangements are also


* Paragon 100 SkyMaster: christened Kaytoo, the 100 SkyMaster gets her model name from the configuration of her

lofty superstructure. She has a good-size cockpit, too, ideal for barbecuing and relaxing or even fishing. The yacht was

designed to tow a tender, too—specifically, a center console.

* Riva 122 Mythos: Riva Yachts initially intended to premiere its largest yacht to date at the Cannes show last month.

Instead, she’s making her global premiere at FLIBS.

* Sanlorenzo SD112: Christened O, this is the first SD model from Sanlorenzo. She’s actually the first of six for this new

series, whose name stands for semi-displacement. Highlights include fold-down balconies off the saloon and woods like

teak, walnut, and Tanganyika that are used both inside and outside.

* Sunrise Yachts’ Atomic. This 147’6” (45-meter) motoryacht (above) was just delivered to her owner last month.

Atomic was known as Project Sunset while under construction. The megayacht was started on spec as a sistership to

Africa, and the buyer stepped in prior to the interior being completed.

Some new megayacht projects will also be announced at the show:

* Outer Reef Yachts, known for its long-range cruisers, is initiating a new megayacht series designed by Ward Setzer

Yacht Architects. It’s the Explorer Series, consisting of a 108 and 115 so far.

* Cheoy Lee will have drawings and information on hand for its two newest models, the Alpha 111 and Explorer 150.

Each was penned by Overing Yacht Design.

Check the boat-show website for each exhibitor’s location.

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Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft.Lauderdale International Boat ShowOctober 10, 2014

The popular Florida yacht charter destination – Fort Lauderdale, also known as the ‘Yachting Capital of the World’ will host the 55th FortLauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) from October 30 to November 3, 2014. The event will feature a wide range of boats and seavessels, including luxury superyachts measuring over 80 feet in length.

FLIBS 2013 - Image credit to 2013 Forest Johnson

Selection of the superyachts over 80ft on display at the upcoming 2014 Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show:

Benetti Veloce 140

Superbly penned by Stefano Righini, the all-new motor yacht Veloce 140 is an elegant 42-metre vessel, launched by Benetti this year. The strikinginteriors by Redman Whiteley Dixon provide comfortable accommodation to up to 12 guests in 6 cabins.

Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft....

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Benetti Veloce 140 Yacht

Pacific Mariner 85

A sister ship to luxury charter yacht Reflections (ex Surya), the all-new superyacht ‘W’ is a beautiful Pacific Mariner 85 vessel, launched in 2014.Accommodation aboard this lovely craft is offered to up to 8 guests in 4 magnificent en-suite cabins.

Pacific Mariner 85 superyacht W

Westport 112

Westport 112 super yacht Lyons Pride is an outstanding 34-metre vessel, built by Westport in 2014 to uncompromising standards of structuralintegrity and quality. Providing extraordinary performance as well as unsurpassed luxury, privacy and comfort, the yacht features beautifulaccommodation for up to 8 guests in 4 staterooms.

Westport 112 motor yacht Lyons Pride

Sunseeker 28M Yacht

Using ultra-modern materials to reach new heights in design and engineering excellence, the 28 Metre Yacht (example is charter yacht In AllFairness) boasts a revolutionary use of space. It incorporates full height and wrap-around glazing to create a stunning effect both inside and out.Accommodation is provided to up to eight guests and four crew.

Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft....

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Sunseeker 28M Yacht

Ocean Alexander 85

Luxury yacht Ocean Alexander 85 is a a delightful 25-metre semi-custom vessel, built by Alexander Marine. Her lovely interiors by Destry DarrDesigns can comfortably sleep up to 6 guests in 3 well appointed cabins.

Ocean Alexander 85 Yacht

Ferretti 840 Altura

Motor yacht Ferretti 840 Altura is a beautiful 84-foot vessel, with the attention dedicated to maximizing space for social interaction. Luxuriousaccommodation for up to 8 guests is divided into 4 four cabins, each with their own bathroom.

Ferretti 840 Altura Yacht

Azimut Flybridge 84

Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft....

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Azimut Flybridge 84 superyacht has been developed from the positive experience of the Azimut 82 yacht, introducing some major innovations interms of layout as well as style. The vessels boasts a ground-breaking elegance, large exterior space with Jacuzzi, bar, as well as relaxation area.

Azimut Flybridge 84 Yacht

Pershing 82

Luxury motor yacht Pershing 82 is a striking 25-metre high performance open motorboat, built by Pershing, a brand of Ferretti Group. Designed byFulvio De Simoni, in partnership with AYT (Advanced Yacht Technology) as well as Centro Stile Ferrettigroup, the vessel offers its guests withmaximum comfort in 4 elegant cabins.

Superyacht Pershing 82

Superyacht News Related to "Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft. Lauderdale InternationalBoat Show"

Superyachts over 80ft to be exhibited at the 2012 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show1. US debut for superyacht Pershing 108′ and Pershing 74′ yacht at the 2012 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show2. Two new Hargrave motor yachts to debut at Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show 20143. US debut for Benetti Vision 145′ motor yacht CHECKMATE at Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show 20134. International debut for Hatteras 100 RPH Yacht at the upcoming Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show5.

55th Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, Alexander Marine, America, AYT, AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Azimut Flybridge 84, Benetti,Centro Stile, Centro Stile Ferretti, Destry Darr, Ferretti Altura 840, Ferretti Group, FLIBS, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Boat Show,Fort Lauderdale Florida, Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014, Fulvio De Simoni, Lyon's Pride,Ocean Alexander 85, Pacific Mariner 85, Pacific Mariner 85 W, Pershing, Pershing 82, Redman Whiteley Dixon, Reflections, Stefano Righini,Sunseeker 28M, Sunseeker 28m Yacht, USA, Veloce 140, Westport, Westport 112

Selection of superyachts over 80ft to be displayed at 2014 Ft....

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03/11/14 13.02Nautical innovations abound at 55th annual Fort Lauderdale Boat Show | The Miami Herald

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Benetti’s new Veloce model, named Cheers, makes its world debut at the55th annual Fort Lauderdale International BoatShow. BENETTI/COURTESY PHOTO

Nautical innovations abound at55th annual Fort LauderdaleBoat ShowBY SUE COCKING - SCOCKING@MIAMIHERALD.COM10/29/2014 1:45 PM | Updated: 10/30/2014 7:37 AM

Just about anything you can imagine that floats — and all the accessoriesto go with it — will be on display at the 55th Fort Lauderdale InternationalBoat Show Thursday through Monday.

The 2014 edition has expanded to seven locations with 3 million squarefeet of exhibit space showcasing $4 billion worth of the best and newestproducts of the marine industry worldwide.

Here is a snapshot of some of the innovations you can peruse over the nextfive days:

! Viking 92 Convertible, Bahia Mar D dock 432, about $10.3 million: Justwhen you thought 80 feet might be too large for a competitive sport-fishingyacht, Viking Yachts introduces a model way bigger — the 92-footconvertible.

The boat on display has an enclosed bridge, but you can order it with anopen configuration. With the usual sport-fishing appointments such ascustom tuna tower, the Viking 92 features luxury accommodations,including six staterooms, each with a private head and shower; full-beammaster suite with his and hers dressing facilities; spacious living areaincluding a pop-up 65-inch flat screen television; formal dining area thatseats six; full galley with granite countertops, and crew quarters.

You have your choice of power and electronics — all designed and installedby a Viking subsidiary — along with many accessories. You might not catchmore fish, but you can try to catch them in the utmost comfort.

! Intrepid 327 center console/Blue Gas Marine, Bahia Mar G dock 700-708,no price available: This 32-foot, 7-inch center console boat with twin 275-horsepower Mercury outboards may look a lot like the company’s existingofferings, but there really is nothing like it in the world.

Largo-based Intrepid Powerboats has teamed with Blue Gas Marine founderMiguel Guerreiro of North Carolina to introduce the first natural gas hybrid-powered boat.

The new model can operate on natural gas alone, or the operator can

03/11/14 13.02Nautical innovations abound at 55th annual Fort Lauderdale Boat Show | The Miami Herald

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switch to gasoline with the touch of a button at any speed. Guerreiro says a

boater could save up to 70 percent on fuel with the new system.

“We are out there to make a significant difference for those with heavy fuel

uses,” he said. “It makes a huge dent in operating commercial boats.”

Guerreiro said the patented system also reduces pollution because the

engines emit no smoke or exhaust odor, and it’s a great excuse to avoid

gasoline with 10 percent or more ethanol, which harms marine engines.

Blue Gas Marine plans to expand the availability of natural gas at public

marinas and home filling stations.

! Evinrude E-TEC G2 outboard engines, Broward County Convention Center,

booths 2013-2014, $22,000-$28,000: Parent company BRP quietly rolled out

the new 200-, 250- and 300-horsepower models to a few selected pro

staffers last summer, but the Fort Lauderdale show is the first reveal to


With innovative components but a throwback cowling style, the G2s have

been redesigned from scratch, according to company representatives.

Like existing E-TECs, the new engines rely on direct injection instead of four-

stroke technology, but product manager Jason Eckman says they optimize

performance with 20 percent more torque to get the boat on plane more

quickly; 15 percent better fuel economy, and 75 percent less fuel emissions.

The I-Trim system automatically positions the boat for the most

comfortable and fuel-efficient ride, depending on revolutions per minute

and throttle position.

“Set it and forget it,” Eckman said.

The G2s come with an unprecedented five-year warranty with 500 hours

between scheduled maintenance visits and a five-year corrosion warranty.

! Benetti Veloce motoryacht Cheers, Bahia Mar face dock 15, about $46

million: Targeted to Forbes-list types, this 150-foot long super-yacht —

making its world debut — can take you wherever, and relatively quickly, in

absolute comfort and luxury.

Built with a new fast-displacement hull, Cheers can cruise at an energy-

saving 12 knots or zip along the wave tops at over 20 knots. The yacht

features not one, but two swimming pools, one on the top sundeck and

another on the bow of the bridge deck just below. It sleeps 12 people in six

cabins, with separate quarters for eight crew.

The owner had a gym built on the bow of the main deck with stunning

ocean views. There are two large dining areas, plus a “beach club” on the

lower deck aft swimming platform with a bar and a garage for a personal

watercraft and tender. With a choice of more than 15 custom interior

designs, you can let your imagination (and wallet) open wide.

! Blue Water Warriors 37-foot Vision, Bahia Mar H-I dock, not for sale.

Yacht captain Andrew Grego and wife Karen built this aluminum, offset-

center console boat by hand, from scratch, over the past two years in a tiny

Fort Lauderdale warehouse with a lot of help from the local marine

industry. Their dream was to create a totally accessible boat for injured U.S.

military veterans to enjoy diving, fishing or just tooling around local

waterways independently.

“Most of the guys I talked to don’t want to be helped,” Grego said. “They’re

Type A personalities who want to be as independent as possible. We’ve

03/11/14 13.02Nautical innovations abound at 55th annual Fort Lauderdale Boat Show | The Miami Herald

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tried to provide a platform so they can do the same things an able-bodiedperson can do. They get on board, get in and out of the water, get in and outof the head, and on and off the helm unassisted.”

The deck and extended transom easily accommodate wheelchairs. A gyrostabilizer keeps the boat from rocking too much side-to-side. The under-console head has a floor that raises level with the deck. Three 250-horsepower outboards allow cruising at up to 50 miles per hour with up tosix people on board.

The Gregos created the Blue Water Warriors Foundation to solicit donationsso they can offer free trips on the new boat to disabled vets and others withmedical problems. They would like to go into the accessible boat buildingbusiness full time.

! Wider Yachts USA, Bahia Mar face dock E, $500,000-$985,000: Amid thecrowded weekend flotilla at Nixon Beach off Key Biscayne, one boat alwaysdraws plenty of gaping stares: the Wider 42.

It looks like a cross between a racing powerboat and a luxury yacht and canperform like either, cruising at 40 knots and topping out at 50. But the mostremarkable feature is its expandable cockpit that creates nearly 200 squarefeet of outdoor party space with electronically controlled mobile extensions.The enclosed cabin features a kitchenette, master bed and bath andoverhanging leather bags that substitute for storage lockers.

The company will introduce its new 32-footer at the show — a stylishexpress cruiser in orange or green, minus the expandable cockpit — with acomfortable cabin that also can serve as a yacht tender for Wider’s 150-footer currently under construction in Italy.


55th annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show

Thursday through Monday at Bahia Mar Yachting Center, Broward CountyConvention Center, Las Olas Municipal Marina, Hilton Fort Lauderdale, SailsMarina, Hall of Fame Marina and Pier 66 Marina.

! Show hours: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday through Sunday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.Monday.

! Admission: $38 online for Thursday’s Prime Time Preview; $40 at theshow; $22 for adult general admission all other days online; $24 at theshow; $7 online for children 6-15; $9 at the show; free for children under 6. Atwo-day pass is $40 online; $42 at the show.

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20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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The 2014 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, October 30th – November 3rd, is fastapproaching. It is held annually and is considered by many to be the largest boat show in theUS and arguably the most important in the world. With so many boats and endless things tosee I’ve broken down some of the boats/yachts that will be debuting at the show and should be

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on your list to see. [Some yacht information below provided by MegaYachtNews]

Arcadia 85Arcadia 85

This is the one yacht I look forward to seeing second most (see below for #1). Really interestingdesign concept and use of technology. Anxious to see execution of fit and finish.

Azimut Flybridge 84Azimut Flybridge 84

Azimut Flybridge 84 superyacht has been developed from the positive experience of theAzimut 82 yacht, introducing some major innovations in terms of layout as well as style. Thevessels boasts a ground-breaking elegance, large exterior space with Jacuzzi, bar, as well asrelaxation area.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Azimut Magellano 53 (Debut)Azimut Magellano 53 (Debut)

I never cared much for this design but it has been very successful for Azimut and Im sure the 53will continue on that success.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Benetti Veloce 140 (Debut)Benetti Veloce 140 (Debut)

A good looking, contemporary styled Benetti. Another yacht I look forward to seeing as I thinkit will do well in the U.S.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Christensen 164 Christensen 164

D’Natalin IV: the newest Custom Series 164 megayacht from Christensen Shipyards has beenturning heads all along the West Coast this summer. She has a contemporary-meets-classicinterior design by Carol Williamson & Associates. The owners, having had three megayachtspreviously, were heavily involved in the specifications creation and the overall design andconstruction. [Via MegayachtNews]

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Everglades 435CC (Debut)Everglades 435CC (Debut)

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Ferretti 840 AlturaFerretti 840 Altura

Ferretti doesn’t have much new on display this year. However the 840, while not a new model,is a new boat. I’ve always liked the foredeck of this yacht, it’s one of her best features.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Hargrave 125Hargrave 125′

Few companies offer more boat for less cost than Hargrave. Haven’t seen the 125′ in person yet,but everything I’ve heard is good.

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Hatteras GT70 (Debut)Hatteras GT70 (Debut)

Competition is good and I hope this sport fish competes well against the Vikings, which havedominated the past several years.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Horizon PC52 (Debut)Horizon PC52 (Debut)

Horizon is all in when it comes to power-cats. This 52 is just one of several models they will haveon display

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Monte Carlo MCY86 (Debut)Monte Carlo MCY86 (Debut)

Always fun to see what the biggest boat building company in the world is up to, especiallywhen they are debuting their biggest model to date.

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Monte Carlo 4 (Debut)Monte Carlo 4 (Debut)

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Ocean Alexander 100 (Debut)Ocean Alexander 100 (Debut)

With MarineMax representation and US manufacturing just around the corner OA is acompany to keep an eye on.

The latest megayacht from Ocean Alexander is based on the Ocean Alexander 90, stemmingfrom client requests for a little larger of a yacht. Both models bear design work from Evan K.Marshall. The yacht at FLIBS will have an open-bridge arrangement, though enclosed-bridgearrangements are also available. [via Megayachtnews]

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Princess 43 Fly (Debut)Princess 43 Fly (Debut)

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Riva 120 Mythos (Debut)Riva 120 Mythos (Debut)

I consider this mandatory to see, if you can get on it.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Riviera 6000 Sport Yacht (Debut)Riviera 6000 Sport Yacht (Debut)

Yet, another IPS powered boat comes to market.

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Sea Ray L580 Fly (Debut)Sea Ray L580 Fly (Debut)

I think Sea Ray has done a nice job with the new 51o and 650. The 580 looks to bridge the gapbetween the two. Will be interesting to see what you gain over a 510 and loose over the 650. Plus I really want to see how they position this models pricing in the marketplace.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Sunrise YachtsSunrise Yachts

This 147’6” (45-meter) motoryacht (above) was just delivered to her owner lastmonth. Atomic was known as Project Sunset while under construction. The megayacht wasstarted on spec as a sistership to Africa, and the buyer stepped in prior to the interior beingcompleted. [via MegaYachtNews]

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Sunseeker 65 ManahttanSunseeker 65 Manahttan

With an all new window line, giving the hull an appearance of being all glass, she may be smallerbut the 65 Manhattan will attract big crowds.

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Sunseeker 75 Yacht (Debut)Sunseeker 75 Yacht (Debut)

Looks to be like another successful yacht series from Sunseeker.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Viking 75 Yacht (Debut)Viking 75 Yacht (Debut)

Looking forward to seeing this in person. Feedback I’ve heard so far is that she is a bit small fora 75′ motor yacht, but need to see it in person.

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Viking 92 Sport FishViking 92 Sport Fish

A giant sport fish from Viking, what’s not to like?

20/10/14 13.30The Ultimate 2014 Fort Lauderdale Boat Show New Yacht Guide - Ocean Of News

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Wider 32 (Debut)Wider 32 (Debut)

Great design. Always unique. That’s what Wider does. The new 32 will be no different.

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24/10/14 13.38Azimut|Benetti Group at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 20…r the Italian Group whose Italian style is winning over the Americas.

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Azimut|Benetti Group at the Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show

Posted: 23rd October 2014 | Written by: Azimut/Benetti Group

With the European Boat Shows over, theAzimut|Benetti Group is now ready to present itsnewest products to the American market.

An absolute world premiere event will be the launchof the new Benetti Veloce 140’, the first yacht in theFast Displacement series, and the American debut ofthe Benetti Tradition Supreme 108’, the Azimut

Magellano 53 and Atlantis 50 by Azimut Yachts. The Azimut|Benetti brand namewill be further strengthened with the opening of new Benetti offices at FortLauderdale and a new dealership agreement for Azimut Yachts in Mexico.

The Azimut|Benetti Group will present eighteen models at the 55th Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show (Flibs) that will run from 30 October to 3 November 2014.Among these will be the world premiere launch of a 47-metre model and two newvessels for the American market. As in 2013, this year too Azimut|Benetti haschosen Flibs as the ideal setting for launching an exclusive new yacht, which

underlines the importance of this market for the Italian Group. Further proof lies inthe opening of a new Benetti office/showroom in Florida and a new partnershipbetween Azimut Yachts and the Mexican dealer, Euro Yacht.

However, the innovations presented at the Fort Lauderdale International BoatShow 2014 are not limited to new models; the new Benetti sales and after salesoffices will also be opened at the same time. Based in Fort Lauderdale, an excellentlocation for the Central and South American markets, the new headquarters weredesigned in the form of an office/showroom that is open to brokers, industryoperators and boat owners.

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24/10/14 13.38Azimut|Benetti Group at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 20…r the Italian Group whose Italian style is winning over the Americas.

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With this opening, Azimut|Benetti has yet again confirmed its commitment to beinginvolved in and supporting the local markets and sales network with a 30%increase in the budget allocated to stocking spare parts locally. This represents thebiggest investment in the market to date by any overseas manufacturer. On thesame subject, Azimut Yachts has officially announced an exclusive dealershipagreement with the Mexican company, Euro Yacht. This is the fifteenth partnershipsigned by Azimut Yachts in the past 12 months.

This is part of a series of determined actions underlining the clear intention of theGroup to continue with a policy of significant investments on the territory thatmatch the increasing success the Group has been enjoying in terms of sales andbrand awareness.

The luxurious Benetti Veloce 140’ is the first model in the Fast Displacement series.It is a 47-metre semi-custom model featuring significant technological innovationsin the hull and propulsion system, not to mention its distinctive style. The key tothis model is the new D2P hull, designed by the Azimut|Benetti Group Research &Development department. This hull gives the choice of a cruising speed of 12 knotswith low fuel consumption or the faster speed of over 20 knots while travelling incomplete comfort.

The Exterior Styling & Concept was provided by Stefano Righini, while the interiordesign was developed at the UK design studio of RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon incollaboration with the owner's personal designer, for a truly exceptional and uniqueresult. The imperatives are comfort and fun, ranging from the huge sun deckoverlooking the sea to the central swimming pool and the upper deck, wheretransformability reigns supreme. The traditional “fixed” items of furniture havebeen abandoned, along with anything that can easily be moved, to provide a hugedisco zone that extends from the open-air area to the interior. On the main deck,the owner's large gym is located at the bow, making full use of the yacht's widebeam. Apart from the owner's suite, the Veloce 140’ can accommodate up to tenguests in four cabins, and there is accommodation for eight crew members.

There's also great news for American Azimut Yacht owners. The Italian boatyard

24/10/14 13.38Azimut|Benetti Group at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 20…r the Italian Group whose Italian style is winning over the Americas.

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There's also great news for American Azimut Yacht owners. The Italian boatyardwill also introduce two very successful models for the first time on the Americanmarket: the AZIMUT Atlantis 50, which made its debut at European boat shows inthe coupé version and combines sports performance with the maximum use ofexterior spaces, and the AZIMUT Magellano 53. These yachts offer excellent safetyand stability at sea under all conditions, great range figures, ease of use, excellentfuel consumption and maximum comfort for extended stays aboard.

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20/10/14 13.31Benetti VELOCE 140 137 feet | Boats On Display | Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2014

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Azimut Benetti SPA-Benetti Division

Contact: Stefania Dosso

Via M.L. King 9-11

Avigliana, 10051

Telephone: 39 3357182746Fax:



Building/Decorating/Designing Yacht Architects & DesignersInboard Mega Yacht Motor YachtManufacturingOther


Bahia Mar/ Hall Of Fame/Las Olas MarinaShow 2014 Face Dock 14

Builder: Benetti

Model: VELOCE 140

Year: 2014

Length: 137 feet


Beam: 8,5mt 27' 10''

Draft: 2,23mt 7' 4''

Accomodates: 12 guest 7 crew

Construction: GRT



2 x MTU 12V4000M93L2.580kW @ 2.100rpm

Fuel: 9.245 US gals

Water: 1.055 US gals

Max. Speed: 21 knots


16,5 knots


Inboard Mega Yacht Motor Yacht



20/10/14 13.49New superyachts to see at the Fort Lauderdale show | Superyacht World

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New superyachts to see at the Fort Lauderdale show

Paul AshtonPosted Thursday, October 16th, 2014

The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, which takes place from October 30 to November 3, is shapingup to be a showcase for some great new superyachts. Weʼve rounded up a selection of the best of thedebutants.

Sunrise 45M Atomic

The second 45-metre from the Sunrise yard, a full-displacement yacht in steel and aluminium, and built for “ayachtsman who has extensive navigation planned that requires an ocean-going vessel”. If sheʼs anything likethe first yacht in the series (launched in 2009), sheʼll boast excellent volumes and deck heights. The exteriorstyling is by Studio Scanu with an interior by Franck Darnet Design, and sheʼs powered by twin MTUs.

Riva 122 Mythos

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20/10/14 13.49New superyachts to see at the Fort Lauderdale show | Superyacht World

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With the owner happily cruising after taking delivery earlier this year, the much-anticipated all-aluminium 122didnʼt make her public debut at the Cannes or Monaco shows, but weʼre eager to see her at Fort Lauderdale.The biggest Riva ever built, her silver paint scheme with dramatic black accents make for a striking sight onthe water.


The breathtaking 43-metre schooner was launched in August at the Eastern Shipbuilding Group yard, and isa replica of the original Columbia, built in 1923 in Panama City, Florida. The hull of the new yacht is in steel(the original is in wood), and she successfully completed sea trials in late September. She has been a labourof love for Eastern Shipbuilding Group owner Brian DʼIsernia since he came across the plans for the originalfishing schooner. Working with John W. Gilbert & Associates, he designed a 21st Century replica withengines and a proper state room.

Westport 112 Lyonʼs Pride

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20/10/14 13.49New superyachts to see at the Fort Lauderdale show | Superyacht World

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The hugely popular Westport 112 offers a fast cruise and a shallow draught, meaning you can reach a hostof anchorages inaccessible to many big yachts. Lyonʼs Pride – a 2013 yacht – is for show only but is a fineshowcase for what Westport can do.

Italian Sea Group – Admiral Entourage

The first in Italian Sea Groupʼs new steel-and-aluminium displacement Maxima range with an elegant LucaDina exterior. The yacht has a main deck master suite with its own gym and steam room, and four guestcabins below. There is a striking use of art throughout, including a specially commissioned sculpture by themain stairs, rising through the decks to create a visual focus for this central area.

Benetti 46 Veloce

The first of Benettiʼs fast displacement range, with a Stefano Righini-styled hull, and an interior designed by

Oceanco Ocean IndependencePendennis Perini Navi princess RedmanWhiteley Dixon Riva Royal Huisman Studio ZucconInternational Project Sunseekersuperyacht travel Trinity Yogi YPI

20/10/14 13.49New superyachts to see at the Fort Lauderdale show | Superyacht World

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Redman Whiteley Dixon and the ownerʼs architect João Armentano. The ʻD2Pʼ – displacement-to-planing –hull is designed to offer a turn of speed but efficient and comfortable performance at lower-speed cruising.

Paragon 100 SkyMaster Kaytoo

Developed in conjunction with an existing owner and built at Paragonʼs facility in Taiwan. She sleeps eight,with the ownerʼs suite on the upper deck and a tiered cockpit area aft.

Ocean Alexander 100

This Evan K. Marshall yacht from Ocean Alexander, which has been configured with chartering in mind, hasa full-beam master and a forward VIP separated by two twin cabins, and larger crew quarters. The sundeckis available in an open configuration, or with a screen to separate off the areas and protect guests from theelements.

A full preview of the show appears in our next issue, which publishes on October 22.

Tags: Benetti , Columbia , Eastern Shipbuiding Group , Evan K. Marshall , FLIBS , Fort LauderdaleInternational Boat Show , Franck Darnet Design , Italian Sea Group , Luca Dini , Ocean Alexander , Paragon, Riva , Sunrise Yachts , Westport

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20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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! / " October 19, 2014 / # Kathleen Turner

In its 55th year, the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show maintains its status as the largest on-water show in the world. Opening Oct. 30,running through Nov. 3, the 2014 show features a renovated Pier 66 Marina, with 127 slips, 16 of which are deepwater slipsaccommodating yachts of 150 feet. The show also features a number of important yachts that should appear on every serious list.


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20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Admiral Entourage

The Admiral Maxima Entourage from The Italian Sea Group is an innovative, full displacement yacht paying homage to high ceilings andnatural light. Full length windows, 9-foot ceilings, and spacious interiors only hint at the features this 47m/154ft yacht embraces. Anowner’s gym, sauna, and office earn this tri-deck passage-maker desirable status. The Luca Dini exterior and Admiral Centro Stila/BaldoGjurasic interiors make it stylish and comfortable. Hall of Fame Marina, HOF FD 31-38.

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Admiral Sail Wave

Whether power or sail is your oyster, Admiral’s 38m/124ft Sail Wave is mandatory viewing. This Phillippe Briand series, up to 60m,features exceptionally broad deck space, clean, contemporary design, sliding glass bimini, protected cockpit, and spacious owner’s suite,delivering a yacht that is perfect for entertaining family and friends, and simply a joy to sail. This fast, responsive, RINA Green Plusclassification yacht will likely dock at the Sails Pavilion, but check the program for final dock assignment.

Feretti Group Riva Mythos

Known for luxurious tenders and limousines, Riva’s 38m/122ft Mythos is one stunning Italian coupe. Debuting her divine syncopation ofRiva founder and designer Mauro Micheli and Oficina Italiana Design’s Sergio Beretta, Mythos delivers an aluminum planing hull thatmasters both comfort and performance. Additional details from Advanced Yacht Technnology and Design, Feretti Group’s Research Styleand Production Development Center, and CRN’s interior design and technology department make the unquestionably superb Mythos atimeless choice. Evergreen materials of steel, wood, and leather, and a top speed of 28.5 kts continue to quicken the pulse. Face Dock 7, 7A-D, 8.

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Comitti Venezia Sport

What a difference a day makes when it is spent in the luxury of the 28 ft Classic Venezia tender. This iconic runabout, originally designed

as a limousine for hotels on Lake Como, Italy, is a true rough water day boat that comfortably accommodates six adults in the cockpit with a

full sunbed, head, refrigerator, cockpit table, and cuddy cabin. Stylish mahogany deck and analog dash flash back to a time of quality and

luxury in one of the most sophisticated tenders afloat. F/G Dock 7-14.

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Sunseeker Predator 92 Series

A stylish trifecta of comfort, luxury, and performance, the Sunseeker Predator 28 m/92 ft motor yacht is a dreamy vision of practicality,whether for living aboard or vacationing. Spacious main salon and owner’s suite, plus four cabins with ensuite baths, foredeck seating andsunbathing, and a mini flybridge helm, make this an exciting option for those with a need for speed of 40 kts. Viewable at Bahia Mar Hallof Fame Dock 2 A-F.

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Benetti Veloce

An exceptional design pairing exterior styling of Stefano Righini and interiors by Redman Whitely Dixon, this Benetti Veloce 42.67 m/140

ft planing hull boasts extraordinary details. The D2P, or Displacement to Planing hull, assisted by Rolls Royce Azipull propulsion, draws

thrifty, smooth breath while underway. With a 21kt top speed, the yachting experience on board this beauty is further enhanced by a gym on

the main deck, with balcony and massage area, dining, hot tub, sky lounge, beach club, and tender garage nicely arranged on the upper and

lower decks. Face Dock 14

Trinity Unbridled

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Geoff Van Aller exterior and Patrick Knowles interiors make this Trinity Yachts 58.22 m/191 ft yacht an exquisite escape for 10 guests and13 crew. Lovely, light woods, mixed with traditional darker woods and plush interiors, are complemented by the dark blue hull with whitesuperstructure. Stabilizers work underway to reduce roll motion, and at anchor to ensure time on board goes smoothly. With a top speed of17 kts, and a cruise speed of 14.5 kts, Unbridled’s range reaches to 5,900 nm, making long distance travel a possibility. Hall of Fame FaceDock 31-38

Trinity Lady Linda

Grace and beauty abound on Lady Linda, enhanced with Lalique glass details throughout the salon and appropriate highlight spaces. Helicapable, with a reach of 3800 nm at 12 kts, this is a choice that will accommodate 12 guests in 6 suites, with space for 14 crew on her56.9m/186ft. The dramatic Hollywood style cinema, lobby, and salon, all come from the hand of London’s Evan Marshall. Face Dock 18 A-H

20/10/14 13.34Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show: Luxury Lineup - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Hargrave Custom Yachts Gigi II

From American shipyard Hargrave, with delicious interiors by Shelley DiCondina, this 38.1 m/125ft craft cruises effortlessly at 15 kts,easily reaching up to 19 kts when appropriate. Truly spectacular interiors, fashioned from rich, polished walnut, are accented with clean,white furnishings, glimmering glass, and bright metal, exuding a contemporary air. The raised pilothouse, abundant natural light fromoversize windows, and the extra high 7’6” headroom make her the perfect choice for 8 guests, in 4 staterooms in a master and three VIParrangement. Las Olas Marina A Dock 1-10.

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01/11/14 16.10Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show Preview Day - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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! / " October 31, 2014 / # Kathleen Turner

Thursday, traditionally an ‘industry’ day at this exceptional show, proved one of the busiest on record this year, echoing the increase inmany of the numbers surrounding the yachting industry in the third quarter of 2014. Displaying 1,500 boats, form and function combined tooffer crafts with wide ranging appeal in style, size, amenities, and price, with emphasis on innovation.

The Feretti Group was one of the first to capture attention with its Mythos 122. Early in the day, the world debut of the largest Riva onrecord enchanted all during a rare viewing allowed through the generous grace of the yacht’s new owner. Striking design, flooded withnatural light, and furnished with dark walnut cabinetry trimmed in chromed steel, the interior effect is as impressive as the 26 kt cruisespeed. With luxuries embracing a 5m tender and a top deck Jacuzzi, Mythos is also considerate in handling black and grey water withadvanced systems, and running high tech engines that express low particulates and NOx emissions. Sculpted in a luscious silver shell,Mythos is simply elegant in all respects.


Riva Mythos 122

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01/11/14 16.10Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show Preview Day - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Benetti Yachts opened the doors for the world debut of the Benetti Veloce 140 MY Cheers. A tour and lunch highlighting this intriguing

yacht’s D2P, displacement to planing hull, illustrated its comfortable passage even at the top 20 kt speed. True to Italian design, Cheers is

impeccably furnished, boasting dining table for 12, two pools, full beam gym, two tenders, and an expansive beach club.

Wider Yachts dropped more than a few jaws with some very seductive new details, not the least of which was a distinctive orange hue.

Known for their expandable decks at anchor, this builder uses space creatively and dramatically, with unmistakable style. A joy to view, and

Benetti Veloce 140

Wider Yachts

01/11/14 16.10Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show Preview Day - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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a pleasure to cruise, Wider is also going longer, with some 100+ foot hulls in the wings.

Stunning designs from Cheoy Lee, embracing an abundance of natural light, weight-saving honeycombed technology for solid luxury

materials like marble and wood, and intuitive, clever use of space, truly set these yachts apart from the pack. Many might shy from a

Chinese manufacturer, but these yachts are beautifully and carefully crafted, inside and out, and polished for precision and appreciation

down to the last detail. Everything about these yachts makes them desirable, including a competitive price. The secret is their go-fast

heritage, and their affinity for speed. These really are a must see.

Cheoy Lee

01/11/14 16.10Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show Preview Day - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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While they do take center stage, it’s not all about the boats at this large, diverse show. Conspicuous by their unique styling and clever

design, the GoCycle electric bicycles seem to be everywhere. Portable and convenient, the bikes fold for storage and portability, and

connect with an app to smooth the riding experience with respect to physical workout and geolocation, making them a nice yachting

amenity for on shore excursions.


01/11/14 16.10Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show Preview Day - Best of Yachting Luxury Yacht Charter

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Automaker Alfa Romeo held a live auction for charity at the end of the day, nudged up next to a lineup of exotic models from severalmanufacturers, including Ferrari, Jaguar, and Rolls Royce. Cocktails and canapés ended the day for Monte Carlo Yachts, and at the SYBassSuperyacht Life docks, with VEEDIMS, IYC, and Hatteras all welcoming guests with festivities. Tomorrow’s schedule is just as busy, withmany more updates posted exclusively to The Best of Yachting.

% Events, FLIBS, Yachts / & Comment

Rolls Royce





01/11/14 15.54Yacht makes world debut at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show | The Triton

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Yacht makes world debut at FortLauderdale International Boat Show

The new 140-foot (47m) Benetti Veloce, M/Y Cheers 46, is full ofsurprises. Customized for its young owners, the main-deck masterstateroom has been turned into a gym, diving boards jut off the

Posted on Oct 31, 2014 by Lucy Chabot Reed in News

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USCG seeks inputto change rulesabout New Riverrailroad bridgeI attended the public meetingyesterday about the proposedpassenger train that will cause thebridge over the New River to closeabout …

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01/11/14 15.54Yacht makes world debut at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show | The Triton

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starboard side at both theflybridge and sky lounge levels(the latter at nearly 10m off thewater), and its interior is gray.

Launched in July, Capt. Kelly Essersaid the yacht cruised in the Medfor a few weeks before heading tothe United States to make itsworld debut at the Ft. Lauderdaleshow yesterday.

The yacht still has five staterooms below as well as a huge sun deck inthe bow, and two hot tubs, one up high aft, and one lower down in thebow. Exterior styling was done by Stefano Righini and it has an interiorby the UK design studio of RWD-Redman Whiteley Dixon incollaboration with the owner’s personal designer.

It has a displacement-to-planing hull, what Benetti is calling a D2P hull,that cruises at 12 knots and hits speeds of more than 20 knots. It hasthe largest engines ever mounted at the Viareggio Benetti shipyard:two MTU 12V 4000 M93L 3500 mhp engines, and is equipped with asystem of CMC Marine electrical fin stabilizers.

Its interior — and the crew uniforms — are mostly gray, including woodfloors and carpets as well as furnishings. And the crew love the wall-mounted, wireless and removable electronic tablets that controleverything from lights to music.

The Azimut|Benetti Group has 18 models at the show, and the builderalso opened a new office/showroom.

Sanlorenzo also debuted its newest vessel, the 112-foot M/Y O. Six ofthese yachts had been sold before O launched, and the next three arein advanced stages of production, the company said.

Hargrave Yachts debuted two new models, the 94-foot M/Y AdventureUs II and the new live-aboard version of its popular 76-foot flush deckmotoryacht.

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23/10/14 15.15Benetti Yachts opens Fort Lauderdale location | Trade Only Today

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TradeOnlyToday > Manufacturers > Other > Benetti Yachts opens Fort Lauderdale location

Benetti Yachts opens Fort Lauderdale location

Posted on October 22nd, 2014

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Benetti Yachts opened a new office and showroom in Fort Lauderdale as it continues its growth efforts in

the Americas.

The United States accounts for more than 50 percent of the brand’s business and the move to Fort

Lauderdale will give the company closer proximity to Central and South American markets.

Benetti’s new American headquarters, in all-Tuscan styling, was designed for sales and post-sales and to

be open to brokers, traders and owners.

The design of the first American office for Benetti is inspired by the Benetti Viareggio showroom: dark-

tinted rosewood and ivory-colored leather and bronze detailing, with floors of Crema Marfil marble with


23/10/14 15.15Benetti Yachts opens Fort Lauderdale location | Trade Only Today

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teak inserts. The Yachtique showcases are of crystal.

The designer furnishings are from Italian suppliers, including Edra, Lupi, Poltrona Frau, Schiffini, Cantalupi,

Stefano Ricci, Armani, Yachtline, Menchini Marmi and Gruppo Mastrotto.

The new offices are not only dedicated to sales, but also to efficient after-sales, all coordinated by

Piergiorgio Belardini, service manager for Benetti Americas.

“We have had significant commercial success here, and the new offices confirm our local presence. We

have welcomed our clients to the great Benetti family and now we want to keep them in our house as

comfortably as possible,”Benetti Americas brand manager Tommaso Bilotta said in a statement.

Copyright © 2014 Cruz Bay Publishing Inc., an Active Interest Media company. 10 Bokum Rd., Essex, Conn., 06426-1185

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LOA: 74.30mBath Iron Works1930 | 2017Price: $55,500,000


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3 di 4 23/10/14 17:04

03/11/14 12.56New U.S. Headquarters for Benetti Yachts | Yachting Magazine

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The new U.S. headquarters are on 17th Street in Fort


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New U.S. Headquarters for BenettiThe Fort Lauderdale showroom is designed as a meeting place for owners and brokers.

Published: October 29, 2014

The Italian yacht builder Benetti, which earns about half its business from the United States, has openeda new U.S. headquarters on 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale.

The office is designed not only as a showroom, but also as a gathering place for owners and brokers. Itsdesign is based on the look of Benetti’s showroom in Viareggio, Italy, with dark-tinted rosewood, ivoryleather and bronze details. Floors are marble with teak inserts, and Yachtique showcases are crystal.Furnishings are from Italian designers including Stefano Ricci, Armani, Yachtline and more.

“We have had significant commercial success here, and the new offices confirm our local presence,”Tommaso Bilotta, brand manager of Benetti Americas, stated in a press release. “We have welcomed ourclients to the great Benetti family, and now we want to keep them in our house, as comfortably aspossible.”

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THINK BIG: Sizing Up the 2014 Fort Lauderdale International Boat

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While there is a boat show taking place somewhere every month of the year, none hasthe range and diversity of the Fort Lauderdale show. (COMPLETE BOAT SHOWGUIDE)

In its 55th year, the show is the largest in-water boat show in the world. This year it will cover more territorythan ever. Taking place October 30 through November 3, the show attracts an international audience ofhundreds of thousands of marine enthusiasts to Fort Lauderdale. The show features nearly $4 billion worth ofboats and marine products across more than 3 million square feet of exhibit space, offering something foreveryone from superyachts to sportfishing boats to trawlers to runabouts.

“Year after year our goal for the show is to enhance the overall experience for visitors and offer industryprofessionals the best platform to conduct business,” said Efrem “Skip” Zimbalist III, CEO of ShowManagement, the company that manages and produces the show. “This year we have more exhibit space thanever before, further-improved navigational aids and additional dining options all designed to ensure that FLIBSremains the center of the yachting world.”


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Lifestyle exhibits include a high-end auto display, helicopters, personal submarines and a wide selection of thelatest yacht and water toys. For those who are just looking, the show offers plenty of fun including floatingcocktail lounges, live musical entertainment and informative fishing and boating seminars for adults andchildren of all ages. Several noteworthy enhancements to this year’s show include the addition of Pier Sixty-Sixmarina, which will serve as the show’s seventh location and feature a display of brokerage yachts.

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This Year’s Big Stars

Here are some of the great yachts scheduled to appear at the show:

Riva Mythos | 122 feet (37 meters)

Riva 122 Mythos

Built at the CRN shipyard in Ancona, Italy, Riva’s flagship Mythos is a 35-ton aluminum planing flybridgevessel. Her top speed of 28.5 knots at one-third load and maximum continuous cruising speed of 25 knots aredelivered by twin 3,510-horsepower MTU 12V 4000 M93L engines. The Mythos achieves style points for herpure Italian design—clean, modern and truly timeless. The yacht was conceived with an eye towardenvironmental impact reduction, which is the reason RINA classified the Mythos with its Green Plus notation.The lower-deck garage houses a 16-foot-plus tender and a Jet Ski, with an electrical/hydraulic platform perfect

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for diving or launching toys with ease. You can check out impressive video of the build process HERE.

Show location: Ferretti display, Face Dock #7A-D

Riva 122 Mythos

Benetti Veloce 140 | 137ft. 10in. (42 meters)

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Benetti Veloce 140

The Veloce 140, a new yacht in the Benetti Class Fast Displacement range, makes her world debut at the show.The new D2P hull, designed by Pierluigi Ausonio Naval Architecture Studio and the Azimut-Benetti Group, hasexterior styling and concept by Stefano Righini and interior design by Redman Whiteley Dixon. At a 12-knotcruising speed, she is notably energy-efficient, and she has the ability to steam at more than 20 knots in totalcomfort. The yacht features the largest engine package ever mounted at the Benetti shipyard in Viareggio, Italy:twin 3,500-horsepower MTU 12V 4000 M93Ls. She is also equipped with CMC Marine electrical finstabilizers.

Show location: Benetti display, Face Dock #14

Westport 130 | 130 feet (39.6 meters)

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The Westport 130 trideck incorporates the best of custom design in a proven platform. Conceived and designedto be a low-maintenance vessel, her premium materials are selected for easy care and long service life, resultingin fewer haul-outs and less down time. ABS-classed and MCA-compliant, the 130 is equally well-suited forprivate use or charter service.

Show location: Westport display, Hall of Fame Marina FD #10-17

Westport 164 | 164 feet (50 meters)

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Westport’s flagship, the 164 trideck, accommodates 12 guests. Launched this year, the newest 164 wasdesigned in collaboration with designer Donald Starkey and naval architect William Garden, who developed arefined hull form for exceptional ocean-going performance. A new accommodation plan balances interior andon-deck spaces for maximum enjoyment and versatility, with contemporary styling that ensures lasting appeal.

Show location: Westport display, Hall of Fame Marina FD #10-17

Paragon Motor Yachts 100 SM | 100 feet (30.48 meters)

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American Pacific Boatworks is debuting the 100-foot Bahama SkyMaster, which recently launched at its parentcompany’s Paragon Motor Yachts yard in Taiwan. Interior design is by Marty Lowe. As her name suggests, theyacht is styled like a Bahamas house, permitting lots of light via large vertical windows in the superstructuredesigned to reduce incoming heat from the sun. The iconic Bahamas cockpit concept features a large mezzaninefor outdoor fun in the sun. The 100 SkyMaster offers three king-berth staterooms, a fourth queen-berthstateroom and an additional bunk, along with accommodations for four crewmembers. Other unique interiorfeatures include a panoramic dining lounge, an innovative wheelhouse with three electric helm chairs and aspacious flybridge.

Show location: F/G Dock

Sanlorenzo SL106 | 106 feet (32.3 meters)

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Built at the Ameglia shipyard in La Spezia, Italy, the Sanlorenzo 106 features a distinct new layout. On themain deck, an open path leads from the salon to the dining room/family lounge at the bow, creating a spatialcontinuity and permitting a full view of the yacht from stem to stern. The salon terrace, which opens over thewater, enlarges the space and offers stunning views. Light and space characterize the owner’s suite and gueststaterooms. Engine options are a pair of 2,200-horsepower MTU 16V 2000 M84 engines for a maximum speedof 27 knots, or twin 2,400-horsepower MTU 16V 2000 M93 engines for a maximum speed of 29 knots.

Show location: Sanlorenzo display, Face Dock #10A-B

Sunrise 45 | 147ft. 7in. (45 meters)

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Launched last summer in Antalya, Turkey, this yacht—the second in Sunrise’s 45m series—is a three-deck,full-displacement vessel of 499 gross tons. With a steel hull and aluminum superstructure, she’s a transatlantic,fuel-efficient, go-anywhere yacht with low levels of sound and vibration. For easy maintenance, the Sunrise45m features a full-length technical tunnel running from the engine room to the bow thruster compartment.Interior design is by Franck Darnet Design.

Show location: Face Dock (visit for more info)

Admiral Maxima 47 Entourage | 154 feet (47 meters)

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Entourage is a full-displacement trideck with a steel hull and aluminum superstructure. Exterior styling is byLuca Dini in collaboration with Admiral Centro Stile and Baldo Gjurasic, the owner’s representative and projectmanager. Full-height panoramic windows douse the salon with natural light. She accommodates 10 guests infour staterooms on the lower deck and a master suite with a gym, sauna and office on the main deck. Thesundeck is shaded with a hardtop. Designed for passagemaking, Entourage has a range of 6,000 nautical miles.

Show location: Face Dock #13/13A

Hargrave 94 Adventure Us II | 94 feet (28.65 meters)

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This sky lounge model was customized to meet the needs of three generations spanning grandparents, parentsand grandchildren. With an on-deck master, four staterooms and crew quarters aft, Adventure Us II offers a top-shelf onboard entertainment package with state-of-the-art connectivity, flat-screen TVs and video gamecontrollers. A yacht with enough stowage for a barrage of entertainment provisions from water toys to golfclubs, she sports twin 1,600-horsepower Caterpillar C32s for a comfortable ride.

Show location: Hargrave display, Las Olas Marina, A Dock

Think small(er)

Whether you’re shopping for a second boat or looking to downsize, the Fort Lauderdale International BoatShow offers a staggering number of options to browse. We scanned the show landscape to find six models thatfit that mold. They are surely not the last word, but they represent some of the great smaller-boat offerings at theshow.

Marquis 420 Sport Bridge

While very much Italian by design, the stylish 420 Sport Bridge by Wisconsin-based Marquis Yachts isAmerican-manufactured all the way. Exterior styling is aerodynamic and sporty thanks to Italian navalarchitecture firm Nuvolari Lenard, with a hefty bridge deck that continues the concept of openness experiencedin the yacht’s galley, salon, cockpit and swim platform. Interior décor is modern and elegant, with bulkheadsand cabinets constructed from a variety of rich hardwoods. Twin 435-horsepower Volvo Pentas affixed tointegrated IPS 600 pods permit top speeds close to 35 knots.

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Show location: G/H Dock

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Pirelli PZero 1100

At the cutting edge of what some call a “rubberized boat revolution,” Pirelli PZero RIBs are increasingly invogue. They serve a segment of the luxury market where it has become difficult to stand out from the crowd,and the PZero 1100 series wins serious points for originality. The PZero is no ordinary tender, combiningremarkable deck space with speeds in excess of 50 knots. Designed to hold up to 14 people, the chic 1100 (11meters) offers a bold, sporty ethos thanks to her silhouette and hard-top helm. European sex appealdistinguishes the line, from Ferrari-red exterior cushions and elegant teak finishes to the carbon hard top over adigital control panel. The swanky console conceals a full-service head, closet and double bed. The main deckhas flexible seating at the helm and multiple lounge areas all the way back to a spacious swim platform. ThePZero 1100 is available with twin inboard gasoline or diesel engines, or twin 300- to 350-horsepoweroutboards.

Show location: Land display 1068-1070

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Chris-Craft Launch 36

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This all-American tender (see also: day boat), which launched earlier this year at the Miami boat show, blendstradition and style in a way that’s quintessentially Chris-Craft. Whether she launches from the dock behind yourhouse or from the tender garage on your superyacht, the iconic lines of Chris-Craft’s Launch 36 will alwayscommand attention. With an open bow and a sporty ride, the Launch 36 comes standard with a pair of VolvoPenta V8s with Duoprop outdrives, or twin 430-horsepower MerCruisers with B3 outdrives. Big surprises awaitbelowdecks, with three levels of teak trim and the ability to sleep five comfortably. The Launch 36 is a fullwalkaround that offers multiple areas to gather and relax. The outdoor cockpit galley includes an ice maker,refrigerator and microwave, with cockpit seats along both sides of the walkthrough to the swim platform. Adining table rises from the deck for entertaining. For driving comfort, try the plush triple helm seat panel on forsize.

Show location: G/H Dock

For more information:

Wider 42

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If you missed the Wider 42 at the Miami show in February, don’t fret. This innovative, fleet-footed expresscruiser will be on exhibit at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show and she just might blow your mind.Notwithstanding the sexy cabin with its simple, yet elegant overnight amenities that include a standup showerand crazy-cool, carbon-fiber toilet, the real action on this boat is in the sprawling cockpit. Essentially a centerconsole on steroids, this boat was created around outdoor living. The helm is luxurious with carbon accents anda carbon T-top. The name Wider derives from a pair of electro-hydraulically operated “wings” that extend outfrom the sides of the boat and nearly double the walkable deck space at anchor, and provide stability. The boat’sversatile stern section supports a sunpad with concealed space below that can be configured to stow dive gear, atender, a personal watercraft or a proper fighting chair. But that’s not the end of it. With twin gas or dieselengines, Arneson drives and a stepped high-performance hull, the thing is a rocket capable of achieving speedsof 50 knots, according to the builder. Wider will exhibit a new 32 at the show as well.

Show location: Face Dock #5A-E

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MJM 50z

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The MJM Yachts 50z is a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Glasses off, she resembles a slew of Downeast-workboat-influenced yachts that have brightened harbors for decades. But you’d never find this gem haulingpots in a Maine cove. You’re more likely to find her hissing by you at 30 knots burning a fraction of the fuel hercompetitors do while treating her guests to a comfortable, stable ride. The 50z, MJM’s new flagship, is theextension of a range of similar craft designed by Doug Zurn, who was responsible for, among many other greatdesigns, Billy Joel’s Shelter Island 38. Among many other features Zurn brings to the table is an efficient,stable, modified deep-V hull, along with distinctive lines that massage the eyes—glasses on. The hull isconstructed of lighter-weight epoxy composites, which, along with its shape, enables the yacht to be driven withless horsepower while burning less fuel than others in her class, MJM says. Standard power is twin Volvo PentaIPS 600s that produce a top speed of 31.5 knots with a 28-knot cruise. With optional triples, top speed is 38knots with a 34-knot cruise. The yacht has port and starboard boarding doors that open onto a bridge deck thatis flush from cockpit to wheel.

Show location: B Dock

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Zeelander Z44

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The Zeelander Z44 is not a new design, nor is she new to American shores, but this unique, curvaceous, Dutchreimagining of a Downeast yacht remains a standout among potential second boats for yachtsmen who want tocruise local waters with a heavy dose of class and style. The first thing you might notice about this boat is hersubstantial freeboard, which is out of character for a typical Downeast cruiser. This feature conceals what is acapacious, two-stateroom interior. Her outfitting includes glove-stitched leather and a generous complement ofveneers both below and on her bridge deck. Her stout proportions are tempered by stern sections that feature alittle curl of tumblehome and a steeply sloping transom that flips open to convert to a swim platform. Thrustcomes from a pair of Volvo Penta IPS 500s, which produce a top speed of 34 knots, according to the builder. Ina bit of irony, Zeelander moved production of the 44 from Holland to facilities owned by S2 Yachts (builder ofTiara and Pursuit) in the Michigan town of … Holland.

Show location: B Dock

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Le Yacht show de Monaco15.10.2014 - 13:30 Documentaire

Le luxe... Pascale Pascariello © dr

Le monde du yacht ne connait pas la crise. Des stands de décoration luxueuse au cabinet deconseil spécialisé dans les investissements offshore : bienvenue dans le monde du yachting, aucélèbre salon qui se tient chaque année à Monaco, le Yacht show.

Reportage : Pascale PascarielloRéalisation : Emmanuel Geoffroy

Chanson de fin : "Open Book" par The Rakes (2009) - Album : "Capture/Release" (Label

par Sonia Kronlund Le site de l'émissiondu lundi au vendredi de 13h30 à 14h

Le Yacht show de Monaco

1 di 2 17/10/14 12:00

MC_RMC NEWS Benetti 140

Veloce MY Cheers 46

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