principii de actiune.pdf

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  • Air Liquide Romania Principii de Actiune

    Martie 2007

  • AIR LIQUIDE GRUPUL INTERNATIONAL PRINCIPII DE ACTIUNE Benoit Potier, Chairman & CEO al Grupul International Air Liquide

    Misiunea noastra Noi, Air Liquide urmarim crearea de valoare pentru clientii nojtri din Tntreaga lume prin furnizarea de tehnologii , produse i^ servicii inovative atat pentru pentru afacerile noastre cu gaze industriale 5i medicale cat j i pentru activitatile complementare acestora. Urmarim de asemenea sa incurajam dezvoltarea angajatilor, sa protejam sanatatea j i mediul inconjurator j i sa furnizam performanta pe termen lung actionarilor nojtri.

    Declaratie generala Air Liquide adera la cele mai inalte standarde in conducerea afacerilor sale j i urmare^te in special respectarea drepturilor omului, dreptui muncii i^ protejarea mediului inconjurator. Oriunde este prezent Air Liquide, filialele sale se integreaza in cultura 5! traditiile locale transmitand vaiorile Grupului prin actiunile sale i^ prin angajamentui local. / Air Liquide respecta toate legile 5! reglementarile, mai ales regulile competitiei i^ respinge coruptia in toate formele sale. Integritatea, transparenta, reevaluarea constanta, imbunatatirea performantelor, prin inovatie i^ printr-o organizare riguroasa sunt surse continue de inspiratie pentru conduita 1 actiunile noastre.

    Actionarii nostri Satisfactia i^ loialitatea actionarilor nojtri permit Grupului Air Liquide sa dezvolte 0 strategie pe termen lung. Actionarii sunt deci in centrul atentiei j i al organizarii Grupului Air Liquide. Toate deciziile colective sunt luate in interesul companiei 1 al actionarilor sai pentru a asigura 0 cre^tere a valorii afacerii noastre. Aceasta responsabilitate este stabilita in Carta actionarilor nojtri care se bazeaza pe urmatoarele patru obligatii: I

    Grija j i respect pentru toti actionarii

    Ascultarea actionarilor j i informarea acestora

    Plata actionarilor i crearea de plus valoare pe termen lung \

    Servicii pentru actionari

    3 A^'^ > -


    Clientii nostri Grupul Air Liquide anticipeaza dezvoltarea pietii prin atentia constanta acordata clientilor sai, oferind acestora tehnologii, produse 1 servicii inovative i competitive. Profesionalismul i rigoarea garanteaza siguranta, disponibilitatea j i increderea serviciilor sale. Air Liquide lucreaza alaturi de clientii sai din intreaga lume, pe plan local j i global, zilnic j i pe termen lung, urmarind sa le ofere acestora servicii regulate de durata, in cadrul unor relatii contractuale dare care respecta interesele economice ale fiecarei parti.

    Angajatii nostri Air Liquide ii asigura succesul sau j i pe acela al angajatilor sai prin motivarea oferita in desfaurarea activitatii lor j i prin incurajarea acestora in stabilirea de standarde de inalta peformanta. Oferim angajatilor nostri conditii sigure la locul de munca, respect pentru oameni, respingerea tuturor formelor de discriminare, un nivel competitiv al compensatiei in concordanta cu performantele, diversitatea culturala, cu deschidere i transparenta. Air Liquide iji unete toti angajatii stimuland spiritui lor de initiativa, simtui responsabilitatii, profesionalismul i promovand spiritui de echipa j i de imparta^ire a cunotintelor. Toti trebuie sa ne pregatim pentru a face fata provocarilor viitoare prin dezvoltarea abilitatilor noastre, a pregatirii, a mobilitatii profesionale, geografice si capacitatilor de dialog.

    Furnizorii si partenerii nostri de afacerl Relatia dintre Air Liquide j i furnizorii sai se bazeaza pe o evaluare continua i^ obiectiva a performantelor acestora in ceea ce prive^te calitatea, competitivitatea i serviciile prestate. Datorita faptului ca afacerile grupului Air Liquide se desfa^oara atat pe plan local cat j i global, date fiind cerintele clientilor notri din Tntreaga lume. Air Liquide acorda o importanta marita disponibilitatii furnizorilor 1 partenerilor sai de afacerl de a Tnsoti Grupul in intrega lume j i de a se asigura astfel un nivel inalt de siguranta, Tncredere 1 competitivitate. I In unelezone critice, implicarea stransa a partenerilor nojtri de afaceri Tn strategia noastra comerciala ne determina sa stabilim o relatie stransa i de durata cu ei.



    Comunitatile locale Air Liquide respecta legile i reglementarile tuturor tarilor i^ regiunilor din lume unde i j i desfa^oara activltatea, mai ales in domeniul muncii, competitiei j i mediului inconjurator j i in anumite imprejurari, chiar i j i impune standardele. Air Liquide nu este implicat in operarea sau finantarea vietii politice. Toate filialele sale sunt considerate ca fiind buni cetateni corporati^tiji urmaresc implementarea principiilor de guvernare corporatista ale Grupului j i de transparenta. Air Liquide respinge orice forma de coruptie, Independenta nu inseamna indiferenta i Air Liquide se implica in dezvoltarea economica j i sociala a regiunilor unde i j i desfajoara activitatea prin actiuni tehnice, industriale 1 economice. Air Liquide incurajeaza initiativele comunitare intreprinse de catre filialele sale j i de catre angajatii acestora mai ales in domeniul mediului inconjurator, al sanatatii j i al educatiei.

    Mediul inconjurator Air Liquide respecta legile, reglementarile j i standardele mediului inconjurator. Prin tehnologiile sale asigura o imbunatatire continua a eficientei energetice a punctelor sale de lucru j i controleaza evacuarea de^eurilor. Air Liquide este un sustinator important al dezvoltarii durabile.

    In domeniul industrial. Air Liquide creaza i^ furnizeaza tehnologii, produse i^ servicii care, atunci cand sunt integrate in procesele de productie ale clientilor, imbunatatesc eficacitatea, calitatea 5i reduc emisiile.

    In domeniul sanatatii, Air Liquide furnizeaza produse j i ofera solutii care sustin j i ocrotesc viata.

    In domeniul energiei i al resurselor naturale. Air Liquide dezvolta i folosete tehnologii care contribuie semnificativ la imbunatatirea balantei globale de mediu.

    O cultura a inovatiei fi a performantei Inovatia, mai ales in domeniul tehnologiei j i performantei, a stat inca de la inceput in centrul atentiei Grupului Air Liquide Inovatia este un pilon de baza al strategiei de dezvoltare i a succesului Grupului Air Liquide. Nu este numai produsul cercetarii j i dezvoltarii, ci i^ rezultatui creativitatii angajatilor sai care este stimulate, recunoscuta i raspandita printr-un sistem organizat de management. Performanta este obiectivul principal pentru toti angajatii Grupului Air Liquide, in toate domeniile i la toate nivelurile. Performanta este produsul competentei tuturor angajatilor nojtri, abilitatii lor de a reconsidera in continuu lucrurile pentru a putea progresa, dorintei lor de a lucra impreuna in echipa 1 de a imparti cele mai bune practici pentru o implementare rapida. Performanta sustinuta se obtine printr-o organizare stricta. Acest lucru necesita folosirea de instrumente de masura, de recunoa^tere a performantelor 1 aderarea la un cadru de referinta comun bazat pe disciplina. Inovatia j i performanta se bazeaza pe o referinta comuna j i impartajita j i pe un sistem de management adecvat. \


    Sisteme i organizare Air Liquide are o strategie clara, prioritati pe termen mediu, planuri anuale de actiune, principii de actiune i politici de Grup care permit angajatilor nostri sa i j i uneasca eforturile Tntr-o abordare coerenta, Organizarea Grupului Air Liquide are la baza o natura duala a business-ului, atat pe plan local cat i global.

    0 organizare flexibila, aproape de client, ne permite: - Sa ascultam nevoile clientilor nojtri i sa raspundem ateptarilor acestora pe fiecare piata locala - Sa garantam securitatea si sanatatea in munca, disponibilitatea 1 siguranta serviciilor noastre - Sa mobilizam talente 1 initiative - Sa asiguram un raspuns operational rapid la chestiunile curente.

    Coordonarea cuno^tintelor 1 resurselor noastre, asigurarea expertizei profesionale j i functionale in toate zonele geografice, de business j i folosirea managementului de proiect, acolo unde este necesar, ne permite sa imparta^im i sa imbogatim "know-liow"-ul nostru, accelerand astfel implementarea j i Tmbunatatind eficienta.

    Echipele de conducere pe parte functionala i^ de linii de business ale Grupului definesc un cadru specific in zone diferite. Acesta le permite sa implementeze strategia in mod consistent i^ rapid in functie de conditiile de pe piata, sa clarifice procesele de implementare, sa raspandeasca "know-how"-ul 1 sa incurajeze dezvoltarea oamenilor, Acest cadru este revizuit periodic pentru a se adapta schimbari lorde mediu. \

    Analizarea continua a riscurilor ne permite sa implementam mijioacele corespunzatoare pentru a gestiona riscurile j i pentru a le diminua impactul.

    In sfar^it, functia de audit intern ne permite sa controlam daca principiile noastre de actiune, regulile j i procesele legate de acestea sunt respectate corespunzator 5i daca sistemele sunt relevante eficiente.


  • Introducere I Codul de Conduita al companiei Air Liquide Romania stabilete regulile valabile pentru toti angajatii

    in desfajurarea activitatii lor profesionale. Fiecare angajat, in cadrul functiilor ji responsabilitatilor sale, trebuie sa aplice regulile acestui cod de conduita care sunt legate de executarea intr-un mod loial i sincer a contractului sau. AngajatuI trebuie sa se asigure ca regulile sunt aplicate i de catre persoanele care se afla in responsabilitatea sa. Codul de conduita al Grupului Air Liquide se aplica tuturor angajatilor companiei Air Liquide Romania, punctelor sale de lucru, activitatilor i liniilor de business ale acestuia.

    Respect pentru principiile, legile \e generale I Compania Air Liquide Romania sustine cele mai inalte standarde in desfajurarea activitatilor sale,

    j mai ales in respectarea drepturilor omului, a legilor muncii i a mediului inconjurator.

    Fiecare angajat trebuie sa respecte in orice imprejurare legile i reglementarile care il privesc.

    Pe langa respectui pentru legi j i reglementari, fiecare angajat trebuie sa de-a dovada de ^ corectitudine i^ integritate.

    Fiecare angajat va respecta cele mai inalte standarde de conduita in relatiile cu ceilaiti angajati, cu clientii, cu furnizorii, cu comunitatile ji cu actionarii.

    Respect pentru oameni i Securitatea f i sanatate in munca '

    Prioritatea companiei Air Liquide Romania este siguranta personalului sau. Fiecare angajat are dreptui sa munceasca in conditii de siguranta ji sanatate i are obligatia de a contribui la aceste conditii print-un comportament responsabil. Fiecare angajat trebuie sa i^ i desfajoare activitatea respectand regulile de siguranta, igiena i^ sanatate la locul de munca 1 sa participe la sesiunile de pregatire care se desfajoara in aceste domenii. \

    Membrii personalului au responsabilitatea de a asista la implementarea politicii respectand regulile, atragand atentia asupra riscurilor 1 raportand incidentele care au provocat sau pot provoca accidente sau pagube. Angajatii care lucreaza pe amplasamentele clientilor trebuie sa respecte i^ regulile clientului in legatura cu securitatea 1 sanatatea in munca. ,


    Ghidui utilizatorilor IT 1. Toti utiiizatorii sunt responsabiii de siguranta datelor. Astfel un utilizator

    trebuie sa respecte regulile de mai Jos: La birou

    - Nu dezvaluiti parola primita. - Inchidetiintotdeauna sesiunea de lucru (apasati CTRL+ALT+DELi alegeti optiunea Lockcomputer)

    atunci cand plecati de la birou sau cand computerul ramane nesupravegheat. - Utilizati spatiul personal din reteaua interna Air Liquide pentru stocarea datelor. - Nu va conectati j i nu lucrati la alte calculatoare, chiar daca folositi contui personal. - Cand impartiti un fijier cu altcineva, intrerupeti transferul cand ati terminat activitatea

    respectiva. ^ \ Inainte de a pleca de la birou )

    - Deconectati calculatorul de la reteaua electrica. - Daca luati laptop-ul cu vol, stocati datele pe reteaua interna sau pe CD. - Daca lasati laptop-ul la birou, il veti deconecta de la reteaua electrica j i il veti pastra inchis in

    birou/ dulap.

    in timpul calatoriilor

    - Pastrati laptop-ul tot t i m p u l cu vo i : nu il lasati i n nnaina, in cut i i de depoz i t a r e i nu il lasati in cala d e bagaje (la av ion , autocar) .

    - Nu lasati la vedere laptop-ul a tunc i c a n d nu il ut i l izat i . - A lege t i o serv ieta cu aspec t d iscret pen t ru l ap top . - Cand lucrati , i n t o t d e a u n a i n ch ide t i sau secur izat i ses iunea d e luc ru , a tunc i c a n d lasati

    laptop-ul nesupraveghea t . (

    Ce trebuie sa faceti atunci cand, in ciuda masurilor de securitate luate, laptop-ul o fost furat:

    Dupa furtui sau pierderea laptop-ului 5/ a tuturor datelor profesionale din acesta, trebuie sa aplicati urmatoarea procedural

    - Contactati ro,support pentru a raporta furtul/pierderea 5/ cereti seria laptop-uluL Ro,support va va trimite chestionarul "Air Liquide - furt/pierdere laptop"

    - Raportati furtul/pierderea laptop-ului la Politia in raza careia s-a produs evenimentui

    furnizati seria laptop-uluL

    - Completati chestionarul in EXCEL "Air Liquide - furt/pierdere laptop" Se solicita informatii

    legate de eveniment, starea laptop-ului i tipul de date stocate in acesta.

    * Aceste reguli se aplica atat pentru PDA {Personal Digital Assistant) cat i^ pentru alte dispozitive electronlce de valoare.


    2. Toti utiiizatorii trebuie sa foloseasca mailbox-urile respectand urmatoarele reguli: 2.1. Sa nu foloseasca contui de e-mail al firmei pentru scopuri personale. 2.2. Sa nu Tncarce prea mult contui de mail; limita propusa este de 50 Mb pentru fiecare utilizator. Daca

    depajiti aceasta limita; puteti crea fijiere pe discul local. Acest lucru se recomanda pentru a se evita incarcarea server-ului nostru de mail.

    2.3. Curatati periodic mailbox-ul. ^tergeti definitiv (shift+del) toate mail-urile de care nu mai aveti nevoie.

    3. Toti utiiizatorii trebuie sa foloseasca Internetui respectand urmatoarele reguli: 3.1. Nu navigati niciodata pe pagini care pot fi virusate. 3.2. Nu intrati pe site-uri pop-up. 3.3. Nu descarcati fijiere in scop personal ji nu folositi servicii care incetinesc viteza retelei noastre cum

    ar fi google earth, internet radio sau software pentru prognoza meteo, doar daca exista un motiv specific legat de business.

    II Va reamintim ca instalarea oricarui software care nu este Indus in POLITiCILE GLOBALE ale GRUPULUI este strict interzisa. Cine dore^te sa instaleze un anume software trebuie sa contacteze serviciul IT (ro,support)

    Pentru informatii suplimentare adresati-va serviciului IT (ro,support)

    Prevenirea actiunilor discriminatorii $i a hartuirii [ Compania Air Liquide Romania este hotarata sa ofere angajatilor sai oportunitati egale de recunoajtere i^ de avansare in cariera, oricare ar fi originile ji credinta acestora, j i nu va tolera nici o forma de discriminare sau hartuire. Angajatii trebuie sa se poarte cu colegii lor cu respect j i demnitate. ^

    Independenta i obiectivitate Este 0 cerinta fundamentala a practicii profesionale ca lucrul sa fie indeplinit cu integritate ^ i

    obiectivitate. Integritatea nu implica numai onestitate ci ji impartialitate ji Tncredere. Obiectivitatea este 0 stare de spirit care se refera la toate aspectele privitoare la sarcina ce trebuie indeplinita. Independenta poate fi definita ca abilitatea de a actiona cu integritate ji obiectivitate.

    Angajatii companiei Air Liquide Romania trebuie de asemenea sa iji apere obiectivitatea demonstrandu-ji independenta fata de influente care i-ar putea afecta. Astfel un angajat care furnizeaza servicii unei terte parti trebuie sa evite orice posibila amenintare a obiectivitatii: de exemplu sa aiba un interes financiar direct sau indirect intr-o afacere sau o relatie personala cu un client.

    Angajatii companiei Air Liquide Romania trebuie de asemenea sa iji demonstreze obiectivitatea fiind independenti fata de orice influenta, financiara sau personala


    Respect pentru mediul inconjurator I Respectui pentru mediul inconjurator i protejarea resurselor naturale in

    activitatile Grupului i cele ale clientilor sai sunt prioritatile majore ale companiei Air Liquide Romania. Este de datoria fiecarui angajat, in cadrul functiei sale, sa sprijine eforturile 1 activitatile companiei Air Liquide Romania prin respectarea |^ reglementarilor, a procedurilor ji a celor mai bune practici.

    Respect pentru regulile comertului intern I Orice informatie care nu este publica, care ar putea influenta pretui capitalului de schimb al actiunilor

    Grupului International Air Liquide, trebuie sa ramana confidentiala pana la publicarea acesteia de catre \l autorizat pentru a respecta regulile capitalului de piata. Orice angajat care acces la informatii

    carenusuntpublice,carearputeainfluentapretulcapitaluluideschimbalactiunilorGrupuluiinternational I Air Liquide, trebuie sa pastreze confidentialitatea acestor informatii ^ i sa nu execute nici o operatiune in j numelesau sau in numelealtcuiva pana cand aceasta informatie nu estefacuta publica. In cadrul politicii / de instruire interna a Grupului International Air Liquide (va rugam sa contactati DepartamentuI Juridic \l pentru mai multe informatii) angajatii care, prin functiile lor, detin informatii privilegiate, trebuie sa

    \e un acord specific prin care se angajeaza sa respecte regulile in vigoare in unitatile Grupului Air / Liquide referitoare la aceasta chestiune.

    Prevenirea conflictelor de interese \

    B Relatiile cu un concurent, client sau fumizor Angajatii se obliga sa evite orice situatie care implica un conflict intre interesele lor personale 1 acelea ale companiei Air Liquide Romania. Un conflict de interese poate exista daca afacerile sau interesele externe ale vreunui angajat afecteaza

    { intr-un mod nefavorabil rationamentui, motivarea sau performantele acestuia. De exemplu, faptui ca un angajat sau un membru apropiat al familiei sale lucreaza in acelai t imp pentru un concurrent, client sau fumizor sau are interese majore de la acesta constituie un conflict de interese.

    I Respect pentru regulile referitoare la coruptie I / \ Este interzis sa se plateasca, sa se dea mita sau sa se acorde avantaje, direct sau printr-un intermediar, unei persoane private sau unui reprezentant al autoritatilor publice din orice tara, cu scopul de a obtine un tratament favorabil sau de a influenta rezultatui unei negocieri in care este implicata compania Air Liquide Romania.

    1 I I I Distractie, cadouri, favoruri

    Nici un angajat nu poate accepta sau nu poate oferi unui concurent, client sau furnizor al companiei Air Liquide Romania bani, cadouri sau alte favoruri. Sunt acceptate doar cadourile 1 invitatiile care nu depajesc limitele de prudenta sau care au legatura cu practicile comerciale curente.


    Protejarea activitatilor companiei Air Liquide Romania ^ Relatiile cu media

    Membrii personalului nu trebuie sa acorde interviuri presei Tn scopuri legate de companie, de clientii sau colaboratorii firmei. Nerespectarea acestei reguli va fi considerata de catre companie o Tncalcare a confidentialitatii profesionale. Membri i personalului nu trebuie sa raspunda la investigatiile telefonice ale presei sau sa scrie din proprie initiativa articole sau scrisori pentru presa cu subiecte profesionale. Orice cerere din partea mass-media sau a reprezentantilor acesteia trebuie sa fie Tnaintata Directorului Administrativ.

    I Protejarea informatiifor Informatiile confidentiale sunt strategice. Dezvaluirea unei terte parti a unor date sau documente

    ^ financiare, tehnice sau comerciale care nu sunt publice, Tn cadrul companiei Air Liquide Romania sau Tn afara acestuia poate afecta interesele companiei Air Liquide Romania. De asemenea, informatiile referitoare la viata privata a persoanelor cum ar fi date legate de numele, salariul personalului/ clientilor sau furnizorilor companiei Air Liquide Romania sunt confidentiale j i trebuie luate toate masurile pentru a preveni modificarea sau dezvaluirea acestora. Datoria de a pastra confidentialitatea este valabila 1 pentru informatiile furnizate de catre partenerii companiei Air Liquide Romania, Aceasta datorie trebuie respectata chiar j i dupa plecarea unui angajat al companiei Air Liquide Romania.

    ^ Protejarea proprietatii $i resurselor companiei Air Liquide Romania Fiecare angajat este responsabil pentru utilizarea corespunzatoare 1 protejarea proprietatii i^ resurselor companiei Air Liquide Romania cum arfi drepturile de proprietate intelectuala, instalatiile, echipamentui j i rezervele de bani sau transferurile electronice de fonduri. Aceste resurse potfi folosite Tn scopuri personale numai Tn baza unei autorizari explicite Tn cadrul acestor proceduri. Fiecare angajat are responsabilitatea de a proteja proprietatea 1 resursele companiei Air Liquide Romania Tmpotriva oricaror deteriorari, alterari, fraude, pierderi sau furturi. Este obligatoriu ca personalul sa inchida calculatoarele sau orice alte aparate/echipamente in afara orelor de program (Xerox, aer conditionat, lumini, etc.)



    Transparenta financiara Registrele, evidentele, declaratiile de venit ji declaratiile financiare colective sau conturile consolidate ale diverselor puncte de lucru ale companiei Air Liquide Romania trebuie sa reflecte, intr-o maniera sincera i corespunzatoare, tranzactiile efectuate de catre aceste puncte de lucru in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare, procedurile de contabilitate, procedurile de raportare i de control intern ale companiei Air Liquide Romania. Orice angajat care introduce date trebuie sa dea dovada de precizie ji corectitudine i^ sa se asigure ca exista hartii j i documente corespunzatoare pentru fiecare intrare. Aceasta regula este valabila pentru toate documentele interne cum ar fi de exemplu raportarea cheltuielilor sau deconturile de deplasare.

    Controlul $i auditui intern I Controlul intern

    I Scopul controlului intern este de a asigura o garantie corespunzatoare conducerii Grupului in legatura j cu siguranta informatiilor finaciare ji administrative, protejarea bunurilor, respectarea reglementarilor, j regulilor 1 procedurilor interne ca i^ eficienta 1 relevanta sistemelor Grupului pentru operatiunile de i control.

    g Auditui intern ^ Auditui intern instituie o evaluare independenta a sistemelor de control intern j i urmarejte stabilirea

    \r sale la nivelul unitatilor GrupuluL \i angajatii grupului trebuie sa respecte procedurile de audit intern i^ extern 1 sa dea dovada de

    promptitudine 1 transparenta in satisfacerea cererilor de informatii. \ I Ei trebuie de asemenea sa coopereze la implementarea planurilor de imbunatatire.

    Informatii personale H In timpul perioadei de angajare, unele informatii furnizate de catre angajat cand s-a alaturat firmei se pot

    schimba, cum ar fi statutui familial, adresa sau numerele de telefon. In acest caz va rugam sa injtiintati DepartamentuI Administrativ.

    Implementarea codului de conduita I Toti angajatii trebuie sa respecte regulile prezentate in codul de conduita al companiei Air Liquide

    Romania. In anumite situatii neclare sau cand exista vreo indoiala in legatura cu aplicarea regulilor, angajatui este rugat sa contacteze superiorul sau eel mai apropiat sau DepartamentuI Administrativ pentru Indrumari.


  • LEGEA COMPETITIEI 1 ETICA IN AFACERI Valabila pentru toate filialele Grupului Air Liquide

    Un ghid pentru toti angajatii companiei Air Liquide Romania H Art. 81

    Interzicerea acordurilor care "pot afecta comertui dintre Statele Membre i care au ca obiectiv sau efect prevenirea, restrictionarea sau distorsionarea competitiei {...}".

    Art. 82 "Orice abuz {...} de pozitie dominanta{...} va fi interzis {.. .}in masura in care poate afecta comertui dintre Statele Membre".

    TratatuI de la Roma (fragmente)

    "Regulile concurentei trebuie respectate $i fiecare dintre voi trebuie sa le cunoasca i sa le aplice. Orice comportament necorespunzator pune in joc responsabilitatea $i reputatia Grupului Air Liquide. De aceea comportamentui dumneavoastra in aceasta privinta trebuie sa fie ireprof abil. Pentru informatii, consultati superiorii dvs. sau serviciul juridic."

    Jean-Michel Samaniego Director General Air Liquide Romania

    Etica in afaceri } I Comportamentui $i actiunile noastre

    Este obligatoriu sa respectati Legea Concurentei!

    De aceea trebuie sa va cunoa^teti toate drepturile 1 obligatiile.

    Trebuie sa fiti mereu la curent ji sa va informati personalul (ce sa faca, ce sa nu faca....). ^

    Atunci cand comunicati cu clientii sau cu autoritatile competente folositi un limbaj i argumente dare, pentru a evita neintelegerile i suspiciunile.

    Compania Air Liquide Romania are un cod de conduita pe care trebuie sa il respectati.

    Managerii trebuie sa se asigure ca toti angajatii cunosc regulile ji le respecta.

    Trebuie sa respectati comportamentui etic din mediul de afaceri local.


    Principiile, pedepsele $i aria de actiune III Principiile

    Apararea competitiei corecte permite clientilor/consumatorilor sa beneficieze de produse ji servicii mai bune, intr-un mod mai rapid i la preturi mai bune.

    Competitia protejeaza companiile de practicile incorecte ale celorlalte companii.

    In Uniunea Europeana, regulile concurentei sunt asemanatoare pentru tarile membre, chiar daca pedepsele sunt diferite.

    m Pedepsele

    Contractele care incaica regulile concurentei pot fi considerate nule sau fara valoare iar partile vatamate pot pretinde despagubiri. ,. --^ ^

    Investigatiile icondamnarilevor afecta imagineajiputerea companiei. j

    Amenzile pot sa ajunga pana la 10% din cifra totala de afaceri a companiei.

    \ Aria de actiune ) /

    / Legea Concurentei este valabila pentru toate aspectele afacerii unei companii, cu accent pe complot, antitrust, 1 abuz de putere. /

    Este valabila nu numai pentru documentele scrise ci 1 pentru intelegerile orale sau chiar insinuate sautacite.

    Se bazeaza pe obiecte efecte ceea ce inseamna comportament sau intentie fara a lua in ; consideratieconsecintele. \

    De ce este atat de important pentru Air Liquide? H Produsele ji serviciile noastre trebuie sa fie recunoscute pe pietele lor prin excelenta %\i ales prin


    I Imaginea noastra i reputatia companiei sunt pretioase %\e protejate. ' / Pozitia noastra pe piata internationala implica respectui pentru actionari %\n comportament fara



    Ce trebuie sa faceti/sa nu faceti m i Ca regula, nu va angajati niciodata in contacte sau intalniri cu concurentii.

    Legile interzic discutarea: Preturilor sub toate aspectele, datelor referitoare la profit


    Planurilor de afaceri, a investitiilor i a proiectelor de marketing

    Cotelorde piata

    Termenilor j i conditiilor de vanzare j i cumparare

    Politicilor comerciale, portofoliului de clienti sau surselor de aprovizionare,

    Practicilor care exclud sau discrimineaza clientii ji/sau furnizorii

    Informatiilor sau acordurilor referitoare la politica ofertelor

    I In cazul in care este necesar sa participati la intalniri de afaceri cu concurenta (manifestari comerciale, intruniri ale asociatilor nationale de comert, asociatiilor profesionale) trebuie sa:

    Discutati doar subiecte autorizate cum ar fi: siguranta, protectia mediului, definirea standardelor/

    normativelor tehnice.

    Organizati intrunirea in prezenta unei a treia parti care poate sa va fie martor, daca este necesar.

    Daca 0 discutie se abate catre subiecte periculoase, terminati imediat discutia sau retrageti-va.

    In timpul intrunirilor, respectati ordinea de zi.

    Rezumati in note interne continutui intrunirilor 1 pastrati-le intr-un dosar.

    Intocmiti dosare cu documente care prezinta subiectele discutate i continutui acestora.

    Asigurati-va ca aceste documente nu sunt intelese greit din punct de vedere al continutului lor.

    Inaintati o copie a tuturor documentelor superiorului dvs. sau Departamentului Juridic.

    Consultati mai intai avocatii companiei

    NOTA BENE AIR LIQUIDE coopereaza cu autoritatile antitrust 1 respecta toate reglementari le i procedurile. In cazul unei investigate, inaintati imediat o cerere unui m e m b r u al Comitetulu i Executiv sau al Departamentulu i Administrat iv al Grupulu i Air L iquide Romania.


    What you should/should not do I As a rule, never engage in any contact or meetings with competitors. Laws forbid discussing:

    Prices in all aspects as well as profits and margins


    Business plans, investments and marketing projects

    Market Shares

    Terms and conditions of sale and purchase

    Customers or sources of supply, trade policies

    Having possible concerted practices to exclude or discriminate customers and/or suppliers

    Exchanging info or agreements on bid policy (could be bid rigging).

    ' H V^" ^^^^ "^^^ attend professional meetings including competitors (trade show, national trade association meetings)... You should:

    _J Discuss only authorized subjects such as: safety, environmental protection, settlement of a dispute, definition of technical standards

    Hold the meeting in presence of a third party who can act as a witness if necessary

    If a conversation happens to stray into dangerous areas, end or withdraw from the discussion immediately

    During meetings, follow the agenda as determined

    Summarize in internal notes the contents of the meeting and keep it in a file

    Keep accurate files with documents describing the addressed subjects and the content

    Make sure that all contents in such documents cannot be misinterpreted

    Forward a copy of all documents to your supervisor and to the Leagal Department

    Askfirst for assistance from the in-house lawyers.

    NOTABENE / \r L iquide fully cooperates w i th antitrust authorit ies and respects all relevant legislation and

    / \. In case of an investigation you are expected to immediately forward any requestto / I the Administrat ion Depar tment of Air L iquide Romania.


    Principles, Stakes and Perimeter B Principles

    ^ Protecting of fair competition allows customers/consumers to benefit from better products and services, more rapidly and at better prices.

    Competition protects companies from disloyal practices of other companies.

    Throughout the European Union the competition rules for the countries members are similar, even if the penalties are different.

    I The Stakes

    Contracts which are judged as breaching the competition rules may be considered as null and void and injured parties may ask for damages.

    Enquiries and convictions will damage the image and the strength of the Company.

    j The fines can rise up to 1 0 % of worldwide turnover.


    The Competition Law applies to all aspects of the business of a Company with a focus on collusion, anti-trust and abuse of dominant position.

    It applies not only to written documents but equally to oral and even implied or tacit i understandings.

    '\ lt isbasedon"objects"and"effects"which means"behavior or intent"without considering ; the consequences.


    Wliy is it so important for Air Liquide? x ^ Our products and services must be recognized on their markets both for their excellence and over all


    Our image and company reputation are precious and must be protected.

    Our position on the French stock exchange and the worldwide market implies a respect of the shareholders and a faultless attitude. i / "


    A Guide to all employees Air Liquide Romania Art. 81 Prohibition of agreements that "may affect trade between Member States and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition {...}"

    Art. 82 "Any abuse{,.,}of a dominant position {...}shali be prohibited {..Jinsofaras it may affect trade between Member States"

    Treaty of Rome (extracts)

    "Competition laws have to be respected and each of you has to know and abide by them. Inappropriate conduct may engage Air Liquide Group's responsibility and reputation. That is why your actions with respect to competition laws must be irreproachable. In case of need, do not hesitate to revert to your hierarchy or to the legal department."

    Jean-Michel Samaniego General Manager Air Liquide Romania

    Business ethics Our behavior and actions

    It is mandatory to respect the Competition Law!

    To do that you need to know your rights and obligations.

    You must get regularly updated and inform your staff (to do, not to do....).

    When you communicate with customers and competent authorities be precise in the language and arguments that you use, to avoid misunderstandings and suspicions.

    There is an Air Liquide Romania Code of Conduct. You must abide by it.

    It is a manager's responsibility to make sure his staff knows the rules and abides by them. ^

    You must respect ethical behavior on your local business environment.


    Financial transparency I The registers, books and account statements as well as the corporate financial statements or consolidated

    accounts of the Air Liquide Romania various units must reflect, in a sincere and appropriate manner, the transactions carried out by these units in accordance with the regulations in effect, the applicable accounting procedures and the reporting and internal control procedures of Air Liquide Romania. Any employee who makes any data entries must show precision and honesty and make sure that there are the appropriate papers or documents for each entry. Every employee must abide by the rules and instructions concerning the establishment or keeping of invoices, expense accounts and any other vouchers that are to be posted. This rule is also applicable for all inside documents like e.g. expense reports or vacation schedules.

    Internal control and audit ^ I Internal control

    The purpose of internal control is to provide reasonable assurance to the top management concerning the reliability of financial and management information, asset protection, respect for regulations, rules and internal procedures as well as the efficiency and relevance of the company's systems for running and controlling operations. j

    B Internal audit The internal audit institutes an independent evaluation of internal control systems and follows the establishment of its recommendations at the level of the company's units.

    y All the employees must cooperate with the internal or external audit procedures and show diligence and transparency In satisfying any requests for information. They must cooperate as well in the implementation of improvement plans.

    Personal Information B During the course of employment some of the information submitted by the employee at the time of

    joining the firm may change, such as family status, home address or telephone numbers. If this occurs please inform the Administration Department accordingly.

    Implementation of the code of conduct I All employees must respect the rules defined within Air Liquide Romania code of conduct. In any

    uncertain situation, or doubt concerning the application of the rules, the employee is required to contact his or her immediate superior or the Administration Department to seek guidance. \


    Protection of the Air Liquide Romania activities Relations with the Media Staff members may not give interviews to the press for any purpose connected with the firm or the firm's clients and collaborators, Non adherence to this rule will, in the firm's view, be a break of professional confidence. Members of staff must not deal with telephone enquiries from the press or write articles or letters on professional matters for the press by their own initiative. Any requests from any media and their representatives have to be forwarded to the Administration of Air Liquide Romania.

    Protection of information ConfidentialinformationisstrategicDisclosuretothirdpartiesofanyfinanciaUechnicalorcommercial data or documents that are not public, within or outside the Air Liquide Romania, could be harmful to the company's interests. Likewise, information concerning the private life of individuals such as nominative data, salary on Air Liquide Romania personnel, customers or suppliers is confidential and must be subject to all the precautions needed to prevent its modification or disclosure. The duty to maintain confidentiality also applies to information provided by Air Liquide Romania partners. This duty continues even after the departure of a Air Liquide Romania employee.

    Protection of Air Liquide Romania property and resources Each employee is responsible for the proper use and protection of Air Liquide Romania property and resources such as intellectual property rights, installations, equipment and cash reserves or electronic fund transfers. These resources may not be used for personal ends except if explicit authorization has been granted in the framework of such procedures. It is the responsibility of each employee to protect Air Liquide Romania property and resources against any damage, alteration, fraud, loss or theft. It is stressed that staff should switch off their computers and all kind of machinery/equipment that has no purpose in operating during non-working hours (photocopiers, air conditions, lights etc).


    Respect for the environment I Respect for the environment and the preservation of natural resources in

    the company's operations and those of its customers is a major priority for Air Liquide Romania. It is up to each employee, within his or her functions, to support the Air Liquide Romania efforts and commitments by respecting the applicable regulations, procedures and best practices.

    Respects for rules on insider trading I Any information that is not public that could influence the Stock Exchange price of the International

    Group's Air Liquide share must remain confidential until its publication by authorized personnel in order to respect the applicable stock market regulations. Any employee having access to information that is not public that could influence the Stock Exchange price of the International Group's Air Liquide share must keep this information confidential and abstain from carrying out any operation, either on his or her own behalf or on behalf of anyone else for as long as this information has not been made public. In the framework of the International Group's Air Liquide policy on insider training (please refer to the local Legal Departmentforfurther information) employees who, through their functions, might

    \d privileged information are requested to sign a specific agreement by which they commit to / respecting the regulations applicable to the International Group's Air Liquide units in this matter.

    Prevention of conflicts of interest I Links to a competitor, customer or supplier

    Employees commit to avoiding any situation that involves a conflict between their personal interests and those of the Air Liquide Romania. A conflict of interest would exist if an employee's outside business or interests affect adversely his or her judgment, motivation or performance. For example the fact that an employee or a member of his or her immediate family works simultaneously for a competitor, customer or supplier or holds major interests in these latter may constitute a conflict of interest.

    ' i \

    I Respect for rules on corruption It is prohibited to pay or offer bribes or to grant unwarranted advantages, directly or through an intermediary, to a private party or a representative of the public authorities in any country, with the purpose of obtaining favorable treatment or influencing the outcome of a negotiation in which the Air Liquide Romania is involved.

    I Entertainment, gifts and courtesies No employee may accept from a competitor, customer or supplier of the Air Liquide Romania or offer to these latter payments, gifts or other courtesies. Only gifts or invitations that do not exceed prudent and conservative bounds and are in keeping with current commercial uses may be accepted. ^


    2. All users have to manage their mailboxes with the following rules: 2.1. Avoid the use of your corporate e-mail account for personal purposes. 2.2. Keep your mail size in low limits; the suggestion limit is 50 Mb per user. If you have more the solution

    is to create folders in your local disk.This is for not overloading our MAIL SERVER. 2.3. Clean your mailbox periodically. Delete permanently (shift+del) all mails you don't need any more.

    3. All users have to manage the internet use with the following rules: 3.1. Never surfto virus suspicious pages. 3.2. Do not enter to any pop up sites. 3.3. Do not download files for personal use and do not use services that decrease our network speed

    like google earth, internet radio or weather forecast software, except if there is a specific business related purpose.

    it is reminded that the installation of any software not included to the GROUP'S GLOBAL POLICIES is strictly forbidden. k If someone needs to install a specific software he/she has to contact to IT Department. / For any further questions please refer to the IT Department


    Prevention of discriminatory actions and harassment Air Liquide Romania is determined to offer its personnel equal opportunities for recognition and career advancement, whatever their origins or beliefs, and will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment Employees are expected to treat their colleagues with respect and dignity.

    g Independence and Objectivity Itis a fundamental requirementofprofessionalpracticethatworkshouldbecarried out with integrity

    and objectivity. Integrity implies not merely honesty but fair dealing and truthfulness. Objectivity is a state of mind that has regard to all considerations relevant to the task in hand but no other. Independence may be defined as the ability to act with integrity and objectivity.

    Air Liquide Romania employees need also to protect their objectivity by demonstrating their independencefrominfluencesthatcouldaffectthem.Thisnecessitatestheavoidancebyan employee providing services to a third party of any threat to objectivity that could arise: i.e. from having a direct or material indirect financial interest in a client or a business or personal relationship with the dient.

    Air Liquide Romania employees need also to demonstrate objectivity by being independent from any influence i.e. financial or personal.


    IT User Guidelines 1. All users are responsible for keeping secured their data. This means that as a

    user you have to: At the office

    - Keep secret your password - Lock your computer if you leave your desktop for a while (press CTRL+ALT+DEL and choose Lock

    computer option) or when your laptop is unattended. - Use your personal network space from Air Liquide internal network to store your data. - Avoid to logon and work to other computers, even if you use your account. ^ ^ - When you share a folder with someone else don't forget to stop the sharing after you finish the job.

    Before leaving the office \

    - Power off the computer J / - If you take your laptop with you, back-up your data on internal network or on CD """"^ ^ - If you leave your laptop in your office, power it off and keep it locked on your desk or preferably in

    a locked desk or filing cabinet.

    When travelling \

    - Keep the laptop with you at all times: do not leave it in cars or cloakrooms, do not register it as checked baggage

    - Keep the laptop out of sight when not using it - Choose an inconspicuous carrying case - When working, always close or lock your Windows session when you leave your laptop

    unattended ^

    VJhQt to do if your laptop is stolen despite the application of those best practices: ^

    After the theft or loss of your laptop and all the professional data it contains, you have to

    follow the procedure below:

    - Contact rOfSupport to report the theft/loss and ask for the serial number of your laptop.

    Ro, support will also send you the "Air Liquide laptop theft/loss" questionnaire

    - Report the theft/loss to the police and give them the serial number of the laptop.

    - Fill-in the "Theft of an Air Liquide laptop" questionnaire. This simple file has to be completed

    directly on Excel. It asks about the event the state of the laptop and the type of data stored in it.

    * These rules also apply PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and any kind of valuable electronic devices.


    Introduction I Air Liquide Romania code establishes the rules of conduct applicable to all employees in the conduct of

    their professional activity. Each employee must apply, within his or her functions and responsibilities, the rules of this code of conduct that are in keeping with the loyal and sincere execution of his or her work contract The employee must make sure that the rules are also applied by the people under his or her responsibility. ^ Air Liquide Romania code of conduct applies to all employees of Air Liquide Romania, its subsidiaries, activities and business units.

    Respect for general principles, laws and regulations Air Liquide Romania upholds the highest standards in how it runs its activities, notably by

    respecting human rights, labor laws and the environment

    Every employee must abide by the laws and regulations that apply to him or her under all circumstances. / 3

    Above and beyond respect for the laws and regulations, each employee must demonstrate honesty and integrity. i

    Each employee will commit to the highest standards of conduct in dealing with other employees, customers, suppliers, communities and stockholders.

    Respect for people Safety and health


    Air Liquide Romania first priority is the safety of its personnel. Each employee has the right to work under safe and healthy conditions, and the duty to contribute to these conditions by responsible behavior. Each employee must exercise his or her activity while abiding by the safety, hygiene and health rules applicable at his or her workplace and take part in any training sessions that might be planned in these areas. \

    Members of staff have a responsibility to assist in the implementation ofthefirm's policy by complying with the appropriate rules, by drawing attention to hazards and by reporting incidents which have led, or may lead to injury or damage. Employees working at client's premises should comply in addition with the client's rules regarding health and safety work.


    Systems and Organization Air Liquide has a clear strategy, medium-term priorities, annual action plans, principles of action and Group policies that allow our employees to combine their efforts in a coherent approach. Group's Air Liquide organization is based on the dual nature of its business, being both local and global.

    A flexible organization that is closed to the customer enables us to: - Listen to our customers' needs and meet their expectations in each local market - Guarantee the safety, availability and reliability of our services - Mobilize talents and initiative - Ensure a rapid operational response to day-to-day issues.

    Pooling our knowledge and resources, ensuring professional and functional expertise in geographies and business lines, and using project-based management where necessary, enable us to share and enrich our know-how, thus accelerating implementations and improving efficiency.

    The Group's functional and business line management teams define a framework with the various zones. It allows them to implement strategy consistently and rapidly depending on market conditions, to clarify implementation processes, to disseminate know-how and to enhance the development of people. This framework is reviewed periodically in order to adapt to changes in the environment.

    Continual risk analysis allows us to implement the appropriate means required to manage the risks we face and to mitigate their impact. ,

    Finally, the internal audit function enables us to check that our principles of action and their related rules and processes are duly respected and that our systems are relevant and effective.


    Local Communities ^ Air Liquide complies with the laws and regulations of all countries and regions of the world where

    it operates, particularly in the areas of labor, competit ion and the environment and, in certain circumstances, it also imposes its own standards. Air Liquide is not involved in eitherthe operation orfinancing of political life. All of its subsidiaries are good corporate citizens and they implement the Group's corporate governance and transparency principles. Air Liquide rejects all forms of corruption. Independence does not mean indifference and Air Liquide takes part in the economic and social development of the regions where it operates through its technical, industrial and economic activities. Air Liquide encourages community initiatives undertaken by its subsidiaries and their employees,

    ^ particularly in the fields of the environment, health and education.

    The Environment / H Air Liquide complies with environmental laws, regulations and standards.Through its technologies,

    it achieves continual improvement in the energy efficiency of its own facilities and it controls waste discharges. Air Liquide is a major contributor to sustainable development.

    In the industrial field, Air Liquide develops and provides technologies, products and services which, when intergraded into its customers' manufacturing processes, improve their effectiveness and quality and reduce emissions.

    In the field of health. Air Liquide provides products and offers solutions that sustain and preserve life.

    In the field of energy and natural resources. Air Liquide develops and uses technologies that contribute significantly to improving the global environment balance .

    A Culture of Innovation and Performance ^ I Innovation, particularly in the area of technology, and performance have been Air Liquide's core

    values since its foundation. Innovation is an essential pillar of Group's Air Liquide growth strategy and of its success. It is not only the product of Research and Development but also stems from its employees'creativity which is stimulated, recognized and shared via an organized management system. Performance is a primary objective for all at Group Air Liquide, in all areas and at all levels. Performance is the product of the competencies of all our employees, their ability to continually rethink and question matters in order to progress, and their willingness to work together in teams and share best practices for rapid implementation. Sustained performance is achieved through strict management. This requires using measurement tools, recognizing performance and adhering to a common reference framework based on discipline. Innovation and performance rely on a common and shared reference and management system.


    Our Customers Group Air Liquide anticipates marl

  • PRINCIPLES OF ACTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL GROUP AIR LIQUIDE Issued by B. Potier, Chairman & CEO of the International Group Air Liquide

    Our Mission We at Air Liquide are committed to creating value for our customers worldwide by supplying innovative technologies, products and services for our industrial and medical gases business and related activities. We are also committed to encouraging employee development, protecting health and environment and delivering long-term performance to our shareholder.

    General Statement Air Liquide adheres to the highest standards in conducting its business and is particularly committed to respecting human and labor rights and to protecting the environment. Wherever Air Liquide is present in the world, its subsidiaries integrate into the local cultures and traditions while transmitting Group values through their actions and local commitment. Air Liquide complies with all laws and regulations, notably the rules on competition, and precludes corruption in any form. / Integrity, transparency, constant reassessment, improvement of performance, through innovation and rigorous management are continual sources of inspiration for our behavior and our actions.

    Our Shareholders Shareholder satisfaction and loyalty enable Air Liquide to develop a long-term strategy. Shareholders are therefore at the core of Air Liquide's thinking and that of its management. All corporate decisions are taken in the interests of the company and its shareholders in order to ensure growth in the value of our business. .i

    This responsibility is set out in our Shareholders'Charter which is based on the following four commitments: \

    Consideration and respect for all shareholders

    Listening to and informing shareholders

    Shareholder remuneration and increased value creation over the long term

    Shareholder services. \


    Our Group is progressing successfully in an environment influenced by a significant number or important transformations. Its size has fundamentally changed now with sales of over 10 billion euros and 36.000 employees in more than 70 countries.

    In this environment, interaction between our local operations, business lines and Group's functions has become more intensive. A new generation of men and women is assuming growing responsibilities while others are joining the Group in countries and businesses experiencing high growth rates.

    Our strategy of continuous growth is based on three key elements: present, conquest and innovation. This requires greater efficiency in execution and rigorous management, based on the core values which have enabled us to build our success.

    To continue our success, I believe it is now necessary to formalize the principles which have guided our actions over time, to reinforce the coherence among our teams around these same ( values and to facilitate the transmission of our culture and know-how within our Group.


    It is with this objective in mind that we are publishing the attached Principles of Action. At the same time they express in a few simple words our ambition and align our behavior and actions in relation to all stakeholders.These principles are expressed thought policies, either existing or currently under development. The establishment of key indicators will allow us to monitor implementation and practice. ^

    I am sure that I can count on each of you to embrace these principles and to share them with your teams for implementation. ^

    Benoit Potier Chairman & CEO

    of the International Group Air Liquide


  • CONTENTS 3 Message of the Air Liquide President Benoit Potier

    4-7 Iternational Group Air Liquide Principles of Action

    8-13 Air Liquide Romania Employees Code of Conduct i \

    14-16 Competit ion Law & Business Ethics

  • Air Liquide Romania Principles of Action

    March 2007 AIR LIQUIDE

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