professorautor_inglês_inglês ι 1º ano ι médio_verb to be - simple present past

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Professorautor_inglês_inglês ι 1º Ano ι Médio_verb to Be - Simple Present Past


  • Linguagens, Cdigos e suas Tecnologias InglsEnsino Mdio, 1 AnoVerb to be - simple present /past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / PastNDICE Apresentao: Grammar Notes Componente Terico 1: Verb To Be Simple Present Affirmative Form Componente Terico 2: Verb To Be Simple Present Negative Form Componente Terico 3: Verb To Be Simple Present Interrogative Form Componente Terico 4: Verb To Be Simple Past Affirmative Form Componente Terico 5: Verb To Be Simple Past Negative Form Componente Terico 6: Verb To Be Simple Past Interrogative Form Exerccios: Grammar in use 1.1. To Be Simple Present 1.2. To Be Simple Past Sugestes para um trabalho interdisciplinar Cano: Grammar in action Youre in my heart Respostas Bibliografia

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • A opo cuja resposta est incorreta em relao pergunta :

    a. Who are you? Im Alan, and who are you?b. Where are you from? Were from Colombia.c. How old are you? Im 20! What about you?d. How tall are you? Im have 1.65m tall.e. Whats your occupation? Im a student and a tour guide.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be tem o significado de ser?

    a. Im not thirsty.b. They are not here.c. Hes not in Chile.d. Arent they at home?e. Arent we Americans?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo tem a opo de estar?

    a. Are you hungry?b. Is she a Paraguayan?c. Isnt he a teacher?d. Are you diabetic?e. Arent they tall?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para dizer que tem certeza de algo, voc diz:a. I have certain about it!b. Im sure about it!c. I am wrong about it!d. Im in doubt about it!

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Se voc est conhecendo algum pela internet, por telefone ou por carta, que tipo de pergunta voc deve fazer para saber como essa pessoa fisicamente?

    a. What are you like? b. How are you?c. Whats your name? d. What are you?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Que respostas voc daria s perguntas abaixo se elas lhe fossem feitas?

    a. Is your house far from here?__________________________________________________________b. Isnt it cold today?__________________________________________________________c. Is Manaus the capital of your state?__________________________________________________________d. Isnt it difficult to dance?__________________________________________________________e. Are the British proud of their history?__________________________________________________________f. Are factories important in a city?__________________________________________________________INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Nos dilogos a seguir, qual a opo cuja pergunta est gramaticalmente incorreta?

    a. Where were you born? I was born in Chile. Im Chilean.b. How old was your mother when you were born? She was 27.c. Where were Alice and Alan yesterday morning? Both were at school.d. When were your father here? Im not sure, but maybe in 1999.e. In your opinion, was she right? Yes, she was completely right!

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be significa ser?

    a. Where were you in 2002?b. When I was small, Christmas trees were very tall.c. Im sorry, but yesterday I was really busy!d. After the competition we were very tired and thirsty.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be significa estar?

    a. What were your chances of success?b. Who was the first Brazilian president?c.People were excited about the new invention.d. In 2003 he was 22 years old and was a soldier in the army.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para perguntar quem foi Graham Bell, voc poderia dizer:

    a. Who was Graham Bell?b. Who is Graham Bell?c. Who went Graham Bell?d. Who were Graham Bell?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para perguntar que horas eram, voc diz:

    a. What hours were?b. What time was it?c. What hour was?d. What were the time?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Que perguntas poderiam ser feitas com o passado de to be para as respostas dadas?

    a. __________________________________________________________ No, last week I was in Recife with my mother.b. __________________________________________________________ I was born in Peru. Im a Peruvian.c. __________________________________________________________ No, the examination was quite easy.d. __________________________________________________________ He was born in February, 1998.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • NO SLIDE SEGUINTE ,OUA A MSICA YOURE IN MY HEARTE COMPLETE OS ESPAOS VAZIOS COM O VERBO TO BE.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / PastImagem:LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Forcepublic domain

  • Youre in my heart (Rod Stewart)Clique no link acima e oua a msica no You Tube.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past


  • SUGESTES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINARCincias: fazer uma pesquisa sobre os avanos da gentica desde 1984, quando nasceu o primeiro beb de proveta do Brasil, at os dias atuais.Artes: organizar uma exposio sobre a obra monumental de Oscar Niemayer destacando o sambdromo inaugurado no Rio de Janeiro em 1984.Lngua portuguesa: pesquisar e edio de um jornal com os fatos mais marcantes no Brasil e no mundo do ano de 1984.Histria: fazer reconstituio do movimento Diretas J, que pedia a volta das eleies diretas para presidente do Brasil no ano de 1984.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past


  • A opo cuja resposta est incorreta em relao pergunta :

    a. Who are you? Im Alan, and who are you?b. Where are you from? Were from Colombia.c. How old are you? Im 20! What about you?d. How tall are you? Im have 1.65m tall.e. Whats your occupation? Im a student and a tour guide.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be tem o significado de ser?

    a. Im not thirstyb. They are not here.c. Hes not in Chile.d. Arent they at home?e. Arent we Americans?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo tem a opo de estar?

    a. Are you hungry?b. Is she a Paraguayan?c. Isnt he a teacher?d. Are you diabetic?e. Arent they tall?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para dizer que tem certeza de algo, voc diz:a. I have certain about it!b. Im sure about it!c. I am wrong about it!d. Im in doubt about it!

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Se voc est conhecendo algum pela internet, por telefone ou por carta, que tipo de pergunta voc deve fazer para saber como essa pessoa fisicamente?

    a. What are you like? b. How are you?c. Whats your name? d. What are you?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Que respostas voc daria s perguntas abaixo se elas lhe fossem feitas?

    a. Is your house far from here? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.b. Isnt it cold today? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.c. Is Manaus the capital of your state? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. d. Isnt it difficult to dance? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. e. Are the British proud of their history? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. f. Are factories important in a city? Yes, They are. / No, They arent.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Nos dilogos a seguir, qual a opo cuja pergunta est gramaticalmente incorreta?

    a. Where were you born? I was born in Chile. Im Chilean.b. How old was your mother when you were born? She was 27.c. Where were Alice and Alan yesterday morning? Both were at school.d. When were your father here? Im not sure, but maybe in 1999.e. In your opinion, was she right? Yes, she was completely right!

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be significa ser?

    a. Where were you in 2002?b. When I was small, Christmas trees were very tall.c. Im sorry, but yesterday I was really busy!d. After the competition we were very tired and thirsty.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Em qual opo o verbo to be significa estar?

    a. What were your chances of success?b. Who was the first Brazilian president?c.People were excited about the new invention.d. In 2003 he was 22 years old and was a soldier in the army.

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para perguntar quem foi Graham Bell, voc poderia dizer:

    a. Who was Graham Bell?b. Who is Graham Bell?c. Who went Graham Bell?d. Who were Graham Bell?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Para perguntar que horas eram, voc diz:

    a. What hours were?b. What time was it?c. What hour was?d. What were the time?

    INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Que perguntas poderiam ser feitas com o passado de to be para as respostas dadas?

    a. Were you here in Macei last week? No, last week I was in Recife with my mother.b. Where were you born? I was born in Peru. Im a Peruvian.c. Was examination difficult / hard / complicated? No, the examination was quite easy.d. When was he born? He was born in February, 1998.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • NO SLIDE SEGUINTE, OUA A MSICA YOURE IN MY HEARTE CONFIRA AS SUAS RESPOSTAS.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / PastImagem:LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Forcepublic domain

  • Youre in my heart (Rod Stewart)Clique no link acima e oua a msica no You Tube.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • BIBLIOGRAFIALIBERATO, Wilson. Ingls Doorway:volume nico: Ensino Mdio. So Paulo: FTD, 2004.Gramticas

    Celce-Murcia, Marianne & Larsen-Freeman, Diane. The Grammar Book; an ESL/EFL teachers course. Heinle & Heinle, 1999.

    Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London, Collins Publishers / University of Birmingham, 1991.

    Halliday, M. Functional Grammar. London, 1994.

    Quirk, R. et alii. A Grammar of contemporany English. London, Longman, 1979.INGLS, 1 Ano do Ensino MdioVerb To Be Simple Present / Past

  • Tabela de Imagens

    n do slidedireito da imagem como est ao lado da fotolink do site onde se consegiu a informaoData do Acesso21,38LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Forcepublic domain


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