proposal for masjid al-huda project, kyoto, … · mr....

Post on 12-Sep-2018






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Kyoto, Japan



Ippan Shadan Houjin # 1300-05-014934

May, 2017




Introduction and Motivation………………………………………...………………… 1

Scope and expected outcomes……………………………………….………………… 1

Founder and operator………………………………………………………..………… 2

Association………………………………………………………………………….… 2

Organization Chart: …………………………………………………………………… 2

Objectives……………………………………………………………………………… 3

Activities…………………………………………………………………………….… 3

Masjid Al-Huda Committee (17 Member) …………………………….……………… 4

Timeframe …………………………………………………………………………..… 5

Project Budget ………………………………………………………………………… 5

Target House…………………………………………………………………...……… 6

Campaign Plan and Fund……………………………………………………………… 9

Financial Situation……………………………………………………………….…… 9

How can you help us? …………………………………………..…………………… 10

Donation Appeal…………………………………………………………………….… 10

Bank Accounts………………………………………………………………………… 11

Contact Information…………………………………………………………………… 11


1- Introduction and Motivation

We, as a Muslim community in Japan, in an immediate need for a Masjid that plants the true

Islamic faith and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص in the minds of our children, especially for Muslim

families with permanent residence in Japan (a country where most aspect of Islam and its teachings are

totally absent). We have a dream to establish a new (even small) Masjid.

The nearest Musalla to Uji city is located about 15 km far, at Kyoto city, which makes it hard to

attend the five-times congregational prayers, or accompanying kids to the Musalla. In addition, the

small area of the Musalla (basement floor area) cannot accommodate the big congregation on Friday

prayers, which lead many people to pray near the entrance, causing inconvenience for the passersby,

and the neighbors in the upper floors and residents in the nearby buildings.

The increased number of Muslims especially with permanent residence is the impetus to establish

Al-Huda Muslim Association. The association aims to serve the Muslim community, and build the

first Masjid in Kyoto.

According to Islamic fiqh, Masjids must be waqf for the sake of Allah (swt), however, the

Japanese law does not recognize the waqf system, so any estate must be owned by individuals,

corporations, or associations. Al-Huda Muslim Association has been established to be a legal entity,

entitled to possess an estate (the planned Masjid) under the ownership of the association, to obviate

any future problems pertinent to sole proprietorship, such as the case of death, or forfeiture in case of

bankruptcy. In addition, the association is an independent entity, managed by board of directors,

elected by different Muslim community, and has internal constitution with clear vision and goals. The

association is also a not-for-profit organization, under the supervision of the Japanese Ministry of

Justice, authorized to conduct different educational and dawaa activities.

2- Scope and expected outcomes

The expected result after the completion of Masjid Al-Huda project are:

1- Masjid Al-Huda, in-Sha-ALLAH, will become one of the catalysts to the spread of Islam in Japan.

2- Masjid Al-Huda, in-Sha-ALLAH, will be a true bona-fide masjid that form united strong Muslim

community. This Masjid will be a place where Muslims can gather and worship, learn and serve

the community. At the same time, it will become the most unique and welcoming place for the

Japanese public to communicate frankly with local muslims and to discover the history, facts and

true beauty of Islam.

3- The future of Islam in Japan lies in the hands of the next generation of Muslims who are born or

raised here and fully understand the inner workings of Japanese society. However, the role of the

adult generations is to create a suitable environment for Muslim youths to learn Islam and develop


communication skills to become the voices of Islam and protect their lives as Muslims in Japan.

Masjid Al-Huda is in-Sha-ALLAH, expected to achieve this goal.

3- Founder and operator

Al-Huda Muslim Association is the founder and operator of this project.

4- Association

Name: Al-Huda Muslim Association (in Arabic: جمعية مسلمي الُهدى , in Japanese: 一般社団法人アル

フダムスリム協会 ).

Registration: Al-Huda Muslim Association is an officially registered organization in the Japanese

government, with registration number 1300-05-014934 issued from the Regional Legal Affairs Bureau,

Uji branch, Kyoto prefecture on April 27, 2017. The association includes 17 founding members from

different countries. Al-Huda Muslim Association is independent entity that is not a branch under any

other association and it has no branches.

Purpose: Al-Huda Muslim Association aims basically to build (buy) the first Masjid in Kyoto

prefecture, Japan. Our association also aims to introduce the Islamic religion to the non-Muslims

Japanese on the basis and principles of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alayhi

Wa Sallam).

Address: Maison KIKU 306, 17-2 Gokasho-Nishiura, 611-0011, Uji, Kyoto


Executive committee (17 regular members): Indonesia (11), Egypt (4), Malaysia (1), Japan (1)

Representative: Ahmed Alyeldien, President

5- Organization Chart:


6- Objectives

1. Introduce the Islamic religion to the non-Muslims Japanese on the basis and principles of

Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.

2. Raising and educating the children of resident Muslims and visiting students based on the

Islamic religion in a country where most aspects of Islam and its teachings are totally absent.

3. Establishing good relationships among Muslims, and with non-Muslims Japanese (in the

light of Shariaa’eh), to promote a better understanding of Islam, remove any

misunderstanding about Islam, and contribute to the dissemination of its true teachings.

4. Support the new Japanese Muslims by provide guidance and counseling, and follow-up with

them in order to establish the right Islamic faith in their hearts, rendering them good

preachers for their community.

7- Activities

Al-Huda Muslim Association is entitled to perform the following activities:

1. Performing the Five-Times prayers, Friday prayer, Eid prayers, and all other Islamic rituals

and activities.

2. Religious activities for children and adults, such as classes for memorizing Quran, and

studying Hadith, Tafsir (Quran exegesis or explanation), Al-sīra al-Nabawiyya (Prophetic

biography), and so forth. (especially for kids from different countries on Saturdays and



3. Teaching the principles of Islam in a country where awareness and the sense of belonging to

Islam are absent. We, the Muslim community in Japan, in an immediate need for an Islamic

organization plants the true Islamic faith and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص in the minds

of our children. Children are negatively impacted by what they see daily in the school and in

the Japanese society and unfortunately believe it is permitted. Parents only cannot provide

the right guidance for teenagers; however, the Masjid, as a gathering place for children of the

same age group and the same culture, can instill the right Islamic principles in a society full

of concepts that are contrary to Islamic principles and faiths, especially for Muslim families

with permanent residence in Japan.

4. Educational objectives:

Teaching Arabic language to Arab children. Due to their early age in Japan, most

of them are fluent in Japanese but can’t read and write Arabic well.

Teaching Arabic to Muslims who aren’t native Arabic speakers.

Teaching the basics and rules of the Arabic language for Japanese interested in

studying Arabic language and culture.

5. Preaching and guiding Muslims, and invite (Dawaah) the non-Muslim Japanese to Islam,

especially those who have negative image about Islam promoted by mass media. In this

reagard, the Masjid as a competent authority to answer the questions of the non-Muslim

Japanese people will has more credibility.

6. Holding social events with the Japanese community ( for example, Iftar party during the

month of Ramadan where non-Muslim Japanese are invited to listen about Islam).

7. Help in managing the affairs of Muslim society by collecting Zakaa, Udiha (Sacrifice) ,

marriage contract, help in issuing certificate of embracing Islam (after uttering Shahadaa),

providing guidance for Islamic graves and Coffins, and so forth.

8- Masjid Al-Huda Committee

Mr. Ahmed Alyeldien, President (Egyptian)

Mr. Welly Naptali, Vice-President (Indonesian)

Mr. Tri Sambodo, Director (Indonesian)

Mr. Badar Beth Werek, Founding member (Indonesian)

Mr. Redoyan Refli, Founding member (Indonesian)


Mr. Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed, Founding member (Egyptian)

Mr. Hidayat Panuntun, Founding member (Indonesian)

Mr. Mohd Fadli Bin Mokhtar, Founding member (Malaysian)

Mr. Didi Tarmadi, Founding member (Indonesian)

9- Timeframe

Description of Work Start and End Dates

Phase One Establishing the legal Organization Completed 27 April, 2017

Phase Two



“Declaration of Intention”

Announcement of the Donation Appeal-1

Start, 16 May, 2017

Launch Crowd-Funding Campaign

Announcement of the Donation Appeal-2

Build Network with other Islamic


Call Donation From Islamic Countries

Announcement of the Donation Appeal-3

Phase Three Reserve or Buy the proposed house

Phase Four Renovation

10- Project Budget

Description of Work Anticipated Costs

Phase One Establishing the legal Organization ¥ 300,000

Phase Two Donation Appeal ¥ 200,000

Phase Three Buy the proposed house ¥ 30,000,000

Phase Four Renovation ¥ 7,000,000

Total ¥ 37,500,000

11- Target House

Location: We are seeking for an approximately 100 m² property that responds to the following


1- Easily accessible to both worshipers as well as the general public who are interested in learning

about Islam.

2- Have wide large area nearby to avoid crowding after going out of prayers.

3- Sunny, healthy, good air circulation, so that we can minimize our energy expenses and help

preserve the environment.

We had been searching and screening land/building around Uji-Rokujizo area (a huge residential area

where big Muslim community lives). We found a very suitable 2-floors house lies in the heart of


Uji-Rokujizo area. The house overlooks a main road, Figures (1, 2). There is a Public Park in front of

it, (large play area equipped with swingset, slide, seesaw, climbing frame,…that is very convenient to

children), so visiting the Masjid is expected to be a PRAY and PLAY family outing. If we hang a sign

board named AL-HUDA MASJID, it will be itself a direct invitation (Dawaa) to Islam because it will

be visible from all directions of a very vital place in the heart of Uji-Rokujizo.

Figure 1, Location of the proposed Masjid

(Relative to other famous place in Kyoto Map:

Figure 2, Location of the proposed Masjid

(Relative to public transportation and shopping malls)


Stores: The house is 3 minutes walk from Izumiya store (with parking), 8 minutes walk from MOMO

Terrace Mall (with parking), 10 minutes walk from Kōnan shop (with parking), 3 minutes walk from

Shimamura Fashion center store (with parking), 3 minutes walk from 7-Eleven shop (with parking).

Public Transportation: It is easily accessible from all directions. It is 6 minutes walk from Rokujizō

station (Keihan line), 10 minutes walk from Rokujizō station (both JR line and Subway Tozai Line), 3

minutes walk from Higashimachi (Kiehan bus) stop. The house is in a flat (not a mountain) area, so

riding bicycle is very convenient.

Structure: 2-floors wooden house built on 2010. Area is 98.33m2(29.74坪) (lF54.03m2) (2F44.3m2 +

Loft which may be used for accommodations or storage). Parking suitable for one big car is also


Photos (Outside)

Others: House entrance, stairs, and bathroom are located in the opposite side of Qibla direction so any

person can go in and out will without interrupting those who pray. Besides, Kitchen is located in the

second floor which will give more space for praying area in the first floor. Also, classroom can be

furnished by using of foldable chairs and tables. Considering the facilities, we plan (In-Shaa-ALLAH)


to buy this house immediately when we have its price in hand.

Photos (Inside)

View from inside window


Details of the proposed House

12- Campaign Plan and Fund

We plan to buy a house and modify it to be ready for prayer. (No intension to buy a land and then build

a house) we think about an already built house. Regarding the campaign, we have FOUR steps:

1- Declaration of intention: (We announce ourselves, and we declared our intention to buy Masjid

AL-HUDA, we distribute brochure (flyers)) this will give general background to all Muslim

communities and allow individuals (Individual / personal scale) to donate and share the Hasanat in

establishment of the Masjid.

2- On site donation campaign (Organization Scale): Members of our associations visit many

masjids and Islamic centers to establish strong and good connections with other Islamic

organizations and ask them the advice from their previous experience and also ask their support as

well. Organizations can help with either direct donations or by moral support and recommendation

to other societies.

3- Donations from country scale: by calling Islamic countries through their embassies to help us.

4- Crowd funding campaign through our website (on progress)

13- Financial Situation:

The total price, including land & 2-floors building and renovation, is around 37.5 million yen (3750


Manns). We are just started (May 2017) , so we have 0.0 yen (Oh ALLAH, give us the abundance of

your generosity, Ameen)

For fund raising, (In-Shaa-ALLAH), we will initiate international calling cards distributions, joining

food festivals around the city and collecting donations. After buying the target house we will

(In-Shaa-ALLAH) initiate halal food shop and cultural classes with profits flowing into the Masjid,

then think about the second project “Islamic School”.

14- How can you help us?

Please, support us by all means like:

1. Give us your sincere advice and experience.

2. Direct donations from individuals (you and your families in your home countries)

3. Give us a connection with rich Muslim people (or organizations) and mention about our project,

so they can donate.

4. You can help by preparing a donation box in your masjid (Musallah) after the FOUR Friday’s

prayer in Ramadan, then transfer to our account*.

5. Print our brochure and spread as much as you can inside and outside Japan.

6. Like our FB page

Share our brochure and Tag all your Muslim friends

7. Any other support idea is more than welcome, please share your ideas with us

* If you have the intention to help by donation box method, there is a pre-process must be followed (.i.e. provide

us your name, Masjid (Musallah) name, the name of masjid leader (responsible person), then our association will

issue official letter asking the masjid for permission for donation box, and coordinate the transfer method and

delivery receipts. This step is necessary to avoid conflict with any other campaign and to avoid collecting

donations outside the legal way)

Donation Appeal

“Whosoever builds for Allah a Masjid, Allah will reward him similar to it in paradise.” (Bukhari). We

sincerely invite all Muslims to Donate generously to establish Masjid Al-Huda in KYOTO, Japan


Bank Accounts

Japan Post Bank (ゆうちょ銀行)

Account Name: Ippan Shadan Houjin Alhuda Muslim Kyoukai


From JP Bank:

Code : 14420 , Account :43568281

From other bank account:

Branch Code: 9900

Branch Number: 448

Account Number: 4356828

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)


Account Name: Ippan shadan houjin Alhuda Muslim Kyoukai


Account Number: 1748958


Bank Code: 0009 Branch Code: 513

Branch: Fushimi Branch

Address: 1-354 Ginza-Cho Fushimiku, Kyoto, 612-8089, Japan

Campaign Duration: 3.5 Months, From the first of Ramadan 1438 (27 May, 2017)

Until the end of Hajj Season around 14 Dhul-Hejja, (6 Sept.2017)

15- Contact Information


E-mail :


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