proves diagnòstiques

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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This is the dossier from the Proves Diagnostiques.





MODELS DE PROVA ORIENTATIUS (Departament Ensenyament 27.06.2011)

MODELS DE PROVA ORIENTATIUS (Departament Llengües Estrangeres SIN Pla Marcell Gener 2012)

El tipus de prova i d’ítems són semblants als de la prova definitiva, però no hi ha una correspondència exacta entre els models proposats i la prova definitiva.

A la prova definitiva hi haurà:-dos textos orals amb preguntes de resposta tancada, que mesuraran la comprensió oral en dos apartats: a) obtenció d’informació i b) interpretació -dos textos escrits de tipologia diversa amb preguntes de resposta tancada, que mesuraran la comprensió lectora en dos apartats: obtenció d’informació i b) interpretació -dues redaccions breus


Read this text carefully and answer the questions.

Fifty years of television

My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager. Of course it was black and white. She said she only watched it in the evenings, when all the family sat together in the living room. She doesn't remember ever watching it in the morning or early afternoon. Remote controls did not exist and there were only two channels. So whenever they wanted to change the channel they had to get up and press the button on the television set. What a nuisance!

When I was young we had only about 4 or 5 different channels. I think they were channels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. My bothers and sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch. But we usually enjoyed the same shows.

Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV. I can't believe it! There are channels with only old movies, and channels with only cooking, and channels with only fishing. It's amazing! There is a channel for everything. I wonder how much my brothers and sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when we were children. Of course we had only one television set. These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes. I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose from.

Adapted from

1. The text is about…a)how TV has become part of our daily life. b)the history of an invention. c)the changes TV has undergone in 50 years.

2. What was a nuisance?a)Having only a black and white TV. b)Having to get up to change the channel. c)Having no TV in the mornings or early afternoons.

3.According to the text most people can enjoy TV today because … a) everyone can have a choice. b) there is colour TV. c) it is a great entertainment.

4.A remote control is something used to… a) switch on the TV at home from the office. b) control the TV set from a distance .c) keep the TV set clean.

5.When the author says “It’s amazing” he means he can’t believe… a) the level of perfection of TV. b) the number of TV channels today . c) how many movies TV is offering us.

6.Which is the correct order of the following facts in the text?

The author The author tells The author writes The authorthinks about TV us about his about his childhood remembers thatchannels mother’s days and adolescence when he was a childnowadays there was only one

TV set in his houseA B C D

a)B – C – A – D. b)A – D – C – B. c)C – D – B – A.


Read this text carefully and answer the questions.

Welcome to Vancouver!

If you are here on business, to visit friends, or to enjoy the city’s

natural wonders and sights, anytime is a wonderful time to visit

Vancouver, a city set between the Strait of Georgia and the North

Shore mountains.

You’ll soon find that Vancouver is alive with energy, day and

night, with outdoor activities always available at the city’s best-

known entertainment and shopping zones.

Vancouver is Canada’s third largest city, after Toronto and

Montreal. It is also home to almost a fourth of the ancient

temperate rain forests left in the world. Surrounded by its natural

beauty and mild year-round climate, Vancouverites have a

healthy, outdoor life-style. Events: If you are here just for one

night or you plan to stay for an extended visit, Vancouver offers a

multitude of events to make your stay memorable. Take

advantage of our extensive performing arts events, visit any of

Greater Vancouver’s green parks or tour the city’s museums and

art galleries.

Attractions: The most famous downtown hotels are Gastown, and

Yaletown, you can also take a five-minute boat ride from the end

of Thurlow Street to the market at Granville Island.

Shopping: Shopping in Vancouver is fabulous. Robson Street, also

the best place to eat, is a must, with the main shopping area

starting at Burrand Street and going west towards Stanley Park.

This area is home to many of the world’s most famous designers.

Throughout the downtown area you will find kitchen shops,

bookstores and fashion stores. (249 words)

Adapted from:

1. What is the best time to visit Vancouver? a) Summer. b) The whole year. c) Winter.

2. The geographical situation of Vancouver is explained in the… a) first paragraph. b) second paragraph. c) third paragraph.

3. “Vancouver is Canada’s third largest city after Toronto and Montreal” means that… a) Toronto and Montreal are larger than Vancouver. b) Vancouver is larger than Toronto and Montreal. c) Toronto and Montreal are as large as Vancouver.

4. A “mild climate” is one in which… a)the temperature is pleasant. b)winters are cold and summers are hot. c)it rains very often.

5.“Vancouverites” are people who… a) often go to Vancouver. b) are from Vancouver. c) like Vancouver.

6.Which are the two most famous downtown hotels:

Gastown and Yaletown.

7.How long is the boat ride from Thurlow Street to the market at Granville Island? a)Less than five minutes. b)More than five minutes. c)Only five minutes.

8.This text is from… a) a geography book. b) a tourist leaflet. c) an online encyclopedia.

9.The objective of this text is… a)to inform people about Vancouver. b)to describe the geographical situation of Vancouver. c)to advertise about shopping in Vancouver.


Read this text carefully and answer the questions.

The Yeti: Myth or Reality?

The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is a monster who lives in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. People have believed in the Yeti for thousands of years and it is part of the Himalayan history and mythology.

The first person who saw the Yeti was a German photographer in 1925, but many Nepalese people affirm having seen the Yeti as well. Mountaineers also say having seen large footprints in the snow. In 1970, British mountaineer Don Whillans announced to have seen a strange creature when climbing Annapurna. According to Whillans, he heard some strange screams. His Sherpa guide believed to be a Yeti's call. That night, he saw a dark shape moving near his camp. The next day, he observed some human-like footprints in the snow, and that evening, viewed with binoculars a creature that was searching for food not far from his camp. However, expeditions to find the Yeti have failed, perhaps because of the difficult weather conditions in the Himalayas, thus there is no scientific evidence about its existence.

The Nepalese describe the Yeti as a nocturnal creature, which kills animals, but which is not necessarily dangerous to humans. It is approximately 1’82m tall, has human characteristics, and is covered with short brown hair and has white spots on his chest. He has a broad face, a large mouth and long teeth. His arms are very long and reach almost to his knees. It stands up when it attacks. When Tibetans are asked what animal looks like the Yeti, they choose the orangutan.

The idea of an ancient species surviving for millions of years hidden from humans is difficult to believe but fascinating as shown by other existing myths such as the Loch Ness monster or the Coelacanth fish. However, if the Yeti does exist and wants to remain unknown to us, the frozen landscape of the Himalayas is one of the safest places for him to be.

Adapted from: and

1. Who was the first person who claimed to have seen the Yeti?

A German photographer.

2. The mountaineer Don Whillans is...a) German.b) British.c) Nepalese.

3. Don Whillans...a)took a photograph of the Yeti b)saw the footprints of his Sherpa guide in the snow. c)found footprints in the snow and saw a strange creature.

4.Most of the characteristics of the Yeti are described in the… a) second paragraph. b) third paragraph. c) last paragraph.

5.How tall is the Yeti?

1'82 metres.

6.According to the text the Yeti is... a)a human being capable of surviving in frozen landscapes. b)a tiny, cute pet which lives in cold places. c)a big creature not always dangerous to humans.

7.The Abominable Snowman looks like... a) an orangutan. b) the Loch Ness monster. c) the Coleacanth fish.

8.True or false? The Yeti...

True Falsea) can screamb) has his chest covered with long white hairc) has no teethd) has small feete) is dangerous to animals

9.The frozen landscape is ideal for the Yeti because...

a) he can attack the mountaineer’s camps very easily.

b)the weather conditions make it easy for him to hide


c)if he gets lost he can get home by following his

footprints in the snow.

10. The text...a)gives evidence of the existence of the Yeti. b)proves the non existence of the Yeti. c)explains that the Yeti’s existence cannot be confirmed.


A.Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1.How many musical instruments can you see at the Horniman Museum? 1.600

2.How many seats are in the Little Angel Theatre? 100

3.How many animals can you see at Mudchute Park and Farm? 200

Free time activities in London.

What is there to do in London for kids in their free time? Time out – a weekly magazine which gives information about what is on London – presents five ideas.

Mile End Climbing Wall

This is a specially prepared wall for climbing - a good, safe place to start climbing as a hobby. At the weekend there are climbing lessons for beginners. Classes are for children between the ages of 8 and 16. Birthday parties and other special events are held here too.

Little Angel Theatre

This is a tiny puppet theatre which puts on puppet shows by visiting companies. Inside the theatre there are 100 seats and a workshop where puppets are made. On Saturdays there is a puppet club, with a workshop and a chance to invent a puppet show.

Horniman Museum

This anthropological museum has a natural history gallery with stuffed animals from all over the world and an aquarium where you can see creatures from British ponds as well as exotic fish, including an amazing fish with four eyes. There is section with 1,600 musical instruments, and visitors are allowed to play some of them. There is also a nature trail for kids, which includes a visit to a beehive.

A.Read the text again and circle the correct word in these sentences.

1.‘Time out’ comes out once a week / month.

2.There is a display of living / dead animals at the Horniman Museum.

3.The nature trail is for adults / children.

4.Children can do / watch toy making at the V & A Museum.

5.At the Little Angel Theatre children are able to act in / write a puppet show.

6.At Mile End Climbing Wall there are classes for people who know / don’t know how to climb.

7.Mudchute Park and Farm is near / in London.

8.You have to / don’t have to pay to get into Mudchute Park and Farm.

Mudchute Park and Farm

This is a farm in the middle of London, situated on the Isle of Dogs near the Canary Wharf. There are over 200 animals to see, as well as areas growing vegetables and other plants. There are educational projects for children and an excellent place to eat called the Mudchute Kitchen Café. Admission is free.

V&A Museum of Childhood

This is one of the biggest collections in the world of children’s toys, doll’s houses, games and costumes. There are hands-on activities for kids, with toy making and toy repair workshops. There are special events at weekends and school holidays.


A.Read the text about a healthy diet. Highlight the words your teacher says.

1.People with a healthy diet eat a balance of ….

2.People with a healthy diet eat very little ….

A healthy diet

As the rhyme says, ‘Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat’. Whether we eat a goose for Christmas dinner or any other traditional dish, what’s clear is that we’ll probably eat far more than we need to eat over the festive season. And no Christmas is complete without sweets, pastries, cakes, chocolates and other less-than-healthy treats. But Christmas is traditionally a time of excesses. If we keep to a healthy diet the rest of the year, we can break a few rules at Christmas. So, what is a healthy diet?

For a healthy diet it is important to follow certain guidelines.

Eat at least three meals a day.

Eat a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats.

Don’t eat too many fatty foods, junk food, processed foods and sugary snacks.


‘It’s the most important meal of the day’ you often hear people say. And it is probably true. You need energy to start the day so a bowl of cereals and a glass of fruit juice or toast and jam and a glass of milk is ideal.

Lunch at school

If you have lunch in the school canteen, choose something rich in protein (like meat, chicken, fish, eggs or beans) and one starchy food (bread, potatoes rice or pasta). Add a portion of salad or vegetables and for dessert eat fruit or yoghurt.


If you get hungry between meals, avoid crisps, chocolate and sugary cakes and biscuits. These are bad for your health because they contain lots of fats and sugar but very few vitamins and minerals. Instead, eat fruit, homemade biscuits or healthy sandwiches.


Don’t drink too many soft drinks like cola or fizzy orange. These drinks contain lots of sugar and artificial flavouring and colouring. Instead mix fruit juice with sparkling water or make your own fruit milkshakes and smoothies.

B. Read the text again and circle the correct words.

1.A goose is/isn’t a traditional Christmas dish.

2.People traditionally eat not enough/more at Christmas.

3.We should eat only/at least three meals a day.

4.It is/isn’t possible to eat a healthy school lunch.

5.Crisps are healthy/unhealthy.

6.Fruit juice/A fizzy drink contains lots of artificial flavouring.


1.Look at these words. Use a dictionary to look up any words you don’t know.

athletic sports – Olympic Games

chariot races – public baths

jousting - tournaments

bandstand – steam-powered roundabouts

1.Match each of the words and expressions above to one of these four eras in history:

Ancient Greece: athletic sports – Olympic Games

Roman Times: chariot races – public baths

The Middle Ages: jousting - tournaments

Victorian Britain: bandstand – steam-powered roundabouts

3.Now quickly read the texts. Find the words and check your


The History of Leisure

4.Answer these questions about the text.

a)Which three texts mention animals? What animals are mentioned? Text C (dogs, bears and monkeys), Text D (zoos ) and Text B (chariots).

b)Which three texts mention sports? Which sports are mentioned? Text A (athletic sports, checkers, dice), Text B (sporting events) and Text C (jousting, hunting, cricket).

c)Which two texts mention the theatres? What could you see there?Text B (comedies and tragedies) and Text D (the music hall, singers)

d)Which text speaks about technology changing people’s way of life? Text D (Introduction of the steam train)

e)Which two texts talk about the lives of different social classes? How are they different? Text C (Rich people liked medieval sports and poor people

played board games) and Text B (Rich people had dinner parties in their homes)

f)Which text mentions religion in some way? Text A (They believe that when you won a competition, God believe in you)

g)Which are the most violent or cruel leisure activities in all these texts? Text B (gladiators)


1.Complete these sentences with the words in the box. Then read the text to check your answers.

1. Charles Dickens is a famous writer.

2. Oliver Twist is the name of a book.

3. Ebenezer Scrooge is a character in ‘A Christmas Carol’.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is one of the best known novelists in the world. His novels about social injustices in the Victorian era have been widely read all over the world, and lots of his stories have been made into plays, films, TV serials and even musicals. Some of his most famous novels are Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations and, perhaps his best known book, A Christmas Carol (See below).

Facts about Charles Dickens

He was born in Portsmouth in 1812.

When he was 12 years old, his father was put in prison for not paying his debts. Charles had to work in a factory to help his family survive. This experience had a profound effect on him, and probably influenced all his later work.

Charles Dickens was responsible for reviving Christmas traditions in the UK and the USA. Christmas had been in decline for hundreds of years, but Dickens helped to revive customs like the family Christmas dinner, the giving of presents, the sending of Christmas cards and decorating the Christmas tree. It was his novel A Christmas Carol which had the most profound effect on Victorian society, with its message that Christmas is a time for people to get together and think about things that really matter, like family and friends.

A brief summary of A Christmas Carol

Oliver Twist Ebenezer Scrooge Charles Dickens

Ebenezer Scrooge is a miser who cares nothing for the people around him. For him, people exist only for the money that can be made from them through exploitation and intimidation. He hates Christmas which he sees as 'a time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer'.

Scrooge is visited, on Christmas Eve, by the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley who died seven Christmas Eves ago. Marley, a miser like Scrooge, is suffering the consequences of his miserable life in the afterlife. He hopes to help Scrooge avoid his fate.

He tells Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits. These three spirits, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, succeed in showing Scrooge the error of his ways. He changes his ways immediately and on the next day (Christmas morning) he sends a Christmas turkey to his poor clerk, Bob Cratchit, who earns so little that he can’t afford to buy special food for


Scrooge raises Cratchit's salary and promises to help his family, which includes Bob's crippled son, Tiny Tim. In the end Scrooge became 'as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew'

Adapted from a text at:

1.Read the text again and answer the questions.

1.What did Dickens write about? About social injustices in the

Victorian era.

2.What is Dickens’ most famous book? A Christmas Carol.

3.What two things happened to Dickens as a child that changed his

life? His father was put in prison for not paying his debts and he had

to work in a factory to help his family survive.

4.How did ‘A Christmas Carol’ change society in the UK and the USA?

He helped to revive customs like the family Christmas dinner, the

giving of presents, the sending of Christmas cards and decorating the

Christmas tree.

5.What does Scrooge love most? The money.

6.Who is responsible for Scrooge changing his ways? Three spirits.

(The ghost of Christmas past, present and future)


Write 80-90 words on the following topics:

1.WRITING 1. You will be 17 next week and you want to celebrate it with your friends. Write an invitation telling them where you are going to meet, what time, what are your plans for that day, what they have to bring, how many people you have invited, etc.


Hello! As you know, next week is my birthday! I’m going to be 17, and it’s very special to me. I will like to have a big party, and you are invited!

It will be next Saturday, 21st January. We will meet at my house at 11 o’clock. If you don’t know, my address is: c/ Pi nº 69, Cardedeu. We will be 35 people! There we can dance, drink, talk, laugh… you will do what you want!

I don’t need any present, but I need some drinks and some food, because I can’t buy food for 35 people! If you want to get some music, you can bring it too.

I hope you can come; it will be the best night of the year! See you there, AnnaJ

2.WRITING 2. Write a short text for a brochure about your town (or a place you know well): explaining, for example, situation, number of people who live there, places to visit, things to do...


I live in Cardedeu, a town that it’s situated next to Barcelona. It’s not very big, but it’s not bad. There are about 18.000 inhabitants.

Here there are some places to visit; the museum, the church, some old buildings… there are two beautiful places; one is the mountain called “La Serreta”. It’s on Poble Sec. the other is the park “Els Pinetons”.

Here you can do many things, like having a coffee, a nice walk… But if you like shopping, you can go to La Roca Village. It’s near Cardedeu, about 5-10 minutes by car. You can also go shopping in Cardedeu, there are good shops!

3.WRITING 3. Write a piece of news for the school magazine that has surprised you: what happened, where, when, who was involved, etc. Begin like this: That was a fantastic surprise…


That was a fantastic surprise! Last week, we received the news that 4th of ESO won a competition called “Let’s speak English!”. The competition consisted of talking only English in class. No Catalan, no Spanish. It was an interactive reality show, so we had some cameras filming us.

The first days, it was difficult, because we only speak English in English class, so speak English in Catalan, for example, is difficult and strange. But in the last days it was easier because we got used to do.

The award was a trip to New York. We’re very happy because this competition was in all Spain, and we are the only students that can go to New York. There, we can learn more English, practice with American people and visit a lot of places! And of course, do a lot of shoppings!

4.WRITING 4. You are on holiday with your friends. Write an e-mail or a postcard to your family describing the place where you are and telling them what you are doing there.


Dear mum and dad;

I’m writing this postcard from Formentera. I’m here with Laia and Èlia. Now, we are relaxing in our bedroom. This island is spectacular. Here it’s plenty of beaches. They’re very beautiful because the sand is white and the water is very clean. When you are in the water, you can see a lot of fish and plants.

Tomorrow is our last day in Formentera, so in two days we’ll get a ferry to Ibiza. There, we will get a hotel room in the middle of the town. We will go to some discos, visit my favorite beach (Las Salinas) and visit all the other beaches too.

I’ll send you another postcard from Ibiza.

Lots of kisses,


5.WRITING 5. You have a new English-speaking penpal. Write an email telling him/her what your favourite sport is and why, where you practise it, when, who with, etc.


Dear Clara,

I’m very happy to know that you are my new pen pal. I wish that we will meet one day in London or Barcelona!

Well, I would like to talk about me. I live in Cardedeu, near Barcelona. I’m 15 years old, but in 2 months I will be 16. I love my friends; I spend all my time with them.

I like some sports, like dancing. This is my favorite. I have been dancing since I was three or four years old, I don’t remember well. I started doing ballet. Then, I did gymnastics, and when I was ten, I think, I started to dance funky. Now, I don’t go to a dance class, but when I have the opportunity of dancing, I don’t think about it twice times and I start to dance!

I would like to receive things from you!

Kisses from CardedeuJ

6.WRITING 6. You work for an international music magazine. Write an article on your favourite band so that the magazine readers get to know this band: band name, origin, type of music, band members, band history, etc.


The Wanted is an English and Irish music group. There are five members: Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Jay McGuiness, Tom Parker and Nathan Sykes.

They formed this group in 2009. Their first single was “All Time Low”, and they made it with the support of different producers like Taio Cruz or Steve Mac.

In 2011, they made the album Battleground. In this album you can find famous songs like “Gold Forever”, “Glad You Came”, “Lightning” or “Warzone”. Some of these songs became a number 1 in the Unites States and the United Kingdom.

They won some awards too, like the “Sexy Boys” and “Best Revelation Artist of the UK commercial radio in 2011”.

7.WRITING 7. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her about one book that you have read lately: title, author, characters, plot and if you would recommend this book or not and why.


“Canciones Para Paula” is a romantic book written by Blue Jeans. The characters are Paula, Angel, Alex, Katia, Diana, Cristina, Miriam, Irene and Mario.

The sotry is about one teenager, Paula, who meets a boy called Angel. In a chat they talked for two months and one day they decided to meet in person. At first, Angel didn’t arrive on time and Paula thought that this was a fake, and she decided to go to a Starbucks coffee shop and there, she mets a boy called Alex. They talked a bit, but enough to meet again. When Paula went out from the Starbucks, she clashes with a very handsome boy, Angel.

I recommend this book because the principal characters are teenagers, and maybe they live things that we can live too.

8.WRITING 8. You collaborate with an international science magazine and the magazine director has asked you to write an article about the type of diet that people in your country have and whether it is a healthy diet or not.


People in Spain are quite healthy. We don’t eat a lot of junk food. We almost always eat fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, but when it’s weekend or holiday we eat more junk food.

For breakfast, we normally eat cereals or toasts with butter or marmalade. Some people eat jam sandwiches or cheese sandwiches, but at first time in the morning we always eat cereals with milk or coffee.

In mid-morning, people here usually eat sandwiches, with jam, cheese, sausage, pate, Nutella… and one glass of juice or a coffee. There are some other people who eat meat with beans and a glass of wine.

For lunch, we usually eat pasta, meat or fish, with one salad. And for deserts, we normally eat fruit or a yogurt.

In the snack, we eat some fruit, or some people eat biscuits with milk or sandwiches of Nutella.

And for dinner, here people usually eat a little bit. We eat one salad, some meat or fish and a piece or fruit. There are other people who eat pizza, pasta, soup or other things.

To swim up, I think that the diet here in Spain is different from the diet in the USA, because here we normally don’t eat McDonald’s or another restaurant with junk food. It’s true that there are some people who eat a lot, but the other people normally eat normal.

9.WRITING 9. You work for the Vallès Oriental tourist information centre. Write a text explaining the different free time and leisure activities that tourists can do during their stay in this area.


Vallès Oriental is a region from Catalonia. It’s situated next to Barcelona, Maresme, Vallès Occidental, etc. Some of the big cities and town are:

Granollers, Cardedeu, Llinars Del Vallès, Mollet, Montmeló, Montseny, Sant Celoni… and more!

In Vallès Oriental you can do many things, like going shopping, going to forests and enjoying the nature, etc.

For shopping, you can go to Granollers or la Roca Village. There are a lot of shops for babies, children, teenager, adults and other people. In la Roca Village you can buy designer clothes. It isn’t expensive, because la Roca Village is an outlet shop and all the clothes are cheaper.

For nature, you can go to the mountain called Montseny. There is one natural park, called “Park Natural del Montseny”. It’s very beautiful. When it’s winter, you see the entire mountain with snow, and the views are spectacular. It’s a great place to go with your partner or your family.

These are some of the things that you can do on the Vallès Oriental. To see more, come and enjoy with us!


To express personal opinion:

•In my opinion

E.g. In my opinion, that decision was a mistake.

•I think/ I don't think (that)...

E.g. I think that learning a foreign language is essential nowadays.

E.g. I don't think that it is going to work.

•I believe that....

E.g. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

•It is clear to me that....

E.g. It is clear to me that we can and must do more for developing countries.

•As I see it, ...

E.g. As I see it, it is one of the most important pieces of work done this year.

To compare or contrast

•On the one hand............on the other hand......

E.g. On the one hand, I'd like more money, but on the other hand, I'm not prepared to work the extra hours in order to get it.


E.g. Although he hurried, the shop was closed when he got there.


E.g. I am not interested in painting. However, I will go to the exhibition


E.g. There were four categories before, whereas now there are only two.


E.g. Peter didn't study much last year. Nevertheless, he managed to pass all the exams.

To indicate an example

•For example

E.g. I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the guitar, and the piano.

•Such as

E.g. I can play quite a few musical instruments, such as the flute, the guitar, and the piano.

•For instance

E.g. I can play quite a few musical instruments, for instance, the flute, the guitar, and the piano.

To indicate more information

•First, second, third... finally

E.g. This is our plan: first, we call the hotel and book the rooms; second, you take your father’s car; third, we meet up at the petrol station next to my house and finally, we escape.

•In addition

E.g. You must complete this essay by 5 p.m. In addition, you must do the exercises on page 47.


E.g. Cheating is dishonest. Moreover, it hinders students from learning.


E.g. Students should be on time. Furthermore, they must be prepared.

To indicate a cause or reason


E.g. I am not going to that concert because I don't like that band.

•Because of

E.g. The match was cancelled because of the heavy rain.

•Due to

E.g. The cancellation was due to the heavy rain.

To indicate a result or an effect


E.g. Sue is not feeling well. Therefore, she will not be here today.


E.g. Tina lost her keys. Consequently, she could not drive home.

To conclude

•To sum up

E.g. To sum up, we can argue that.......

•In conclusion

E.g. In conclusion, living abroad has different advantages.........


Listen to Sandy inviting Paul for brunch and answer the questions:

1. Sandy is inviting Paul to have brunch on... a) Sunday morning.b) Sunday afternoon.c)Saturday morning.

2. What are Paul and Sandy going to have for brunch?

a) Eggs, pancakes, marmalade and sausages.b) Eggs, hamburger, fresh fruit and cakes.c)Chicken, sausages, fresh fruit and pancakes.

3.What are “has browns”?

a) fried potatoes.b) boiled potatoes.c)grilled potatoes.

4.Paul is going to Sandy's house earlier so he can help...

a) setting the table.b) cooking.c)cutting the bread.

5.Each person will eat...

a) 12 pancakes.b) 4 pancakes.c)3 pancakes.

6.Sandy thinks making pancakes is...

a) a lot of work.b) very easy.c) quite difficult.


Listen to Annie and Ben. They are talking about Ben’s hobby. After listening answer the questions:

1. Ben enjoys painting and...

a) jogging.b) drawing.c) writing.

2. When did he learn to paint?

a) When he was a little boy.b) He took art classes at school.c) When he was outdoors.

3. Where does Ben paint?

a) In the country.b) In museums.c) In art classes.

4. What does he like to paint?

a) Portraits.b) Abstract paintings.c) Landscapes.

5. Ben was in Paris in...

a) spring.b) summer.c) autumn.


Long-lost brothers meet by chance

Two brothers who had never met before accidentally found each other. Listen to their story and answer the questions:

1.Where did the two brothers meet?

a) in Hawaii.b) in England.c) in New York.

2. When the two brothers met, Joe...

a) was working in England.b) was on holiday in New York.c) was living in Hawaii.

3. Joe and Rick...

a) had the same father and the same mother.b) had the same father but different mothers.c) had the same mother but different fathers.

4. You have listened to...

a) a conversation between Joe and Rick.b) a piece of news.c) the weather forecast.


A. Listen to this person talking about different kinds of football. Complete each sentence with a number.

1. The game of rugby was first played in the 1840s. In rugby league there are 13 players on each side.

2. In rugby union there are 15 players on each side.

3. In the USA 100.000.000 people watch the Super Bowl each February.

4. In Australia, they play a game of football with 18 players on each side.

5. In association football there are only 17 rules.

6. A team can usually use 3 substitutes in a game.

B. Listen again and complete the sentences with a word from the box.

substitute name rugby catch school throw

1. The name rugby comes from a school in England.

2. The Super Bowl is the name of the National Football league in the USA.

3. American football uses a similar ball to a rugby ball.

4. In Gaelic football the players can catch the ball but they can’t throw it.

5. If a player is hurt a substitute replaces him.


Listen to Paula talking about a tour of the London Underground. Then decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1.Michael had been on a tour of the London Underground T2.The underground in Paris is older than the London Underground F3.The first route on the London Underground was six kilometres long T4.A return ticket on the first London Underground cost three pennies F5.Michael is going on a boat ride later T


Listen to the news report. Then choose the correct answer.

1. The fire began in....

a) someone's home b) a forest c) a city centre

2. Several firefighters were ill from....

a) the strong wind b) the flames c) the smoke

3. Forest fires often kill young....

a) birds b) rabbits c) deer

4. There are often fires in Los Angeles because...

a) it's got a lot of crime b) it's dry there c) it's windy there

5. This fire was probably started by …

a) several people b) natural causes c) a teenager

London Underground

Los Angeles Skyline


Listen to the radio interview. Then choose the correct answer.

1.John Christopher is a thief/a victim/an author.2.Alan Golder chose his victims in jewellery shops/at

parties/in famous clubs.3.He often robbed people when they were eating/were

sleeping/were out.4.Golder was already stealing jewllery at the age of 10/15/21.5.The police finally arrested Golder in Belgium/Spain/the UK.


Listen to the conversation between Jeff and Anita about Santorini. Then complete the sentences.

1.To visit the volcano, you must go by …................. . 2.The volcano erupted …............... ago.3.The village of Akrotiri was discovered in …............ .4.Santorini has got beautiful beaches, with sand of many

different …................... .5.Anita thought that someone ….............. her passport in a club,

but she was wrong.


Listen to the conversation between Philip and Brenda. Then choose the correct answer.

1. Brenda is going to participate in a competition in...

a) her schoolb) the UKc) the USA

2. The International Science and Engineering Fair is for...

a) young scientistsb) scientists of all agesc) adults interested in science

3.The participants in the International Fair come from...

a) six countriesb) 1,500 countriesc) 60 countries


4. Brenda wants to meet young people who are interested in …

a) her inventionb) sciencec) doing research

5. The first prize in the International Fair is …

a) $4 millionb) $50,000 c) $75,000


Listen to a radio programme about the artist Vincent van Gogh. Then complete the sentences.

1.Vincent van Gogh had many ….............. .2.We can learn about Vincent van Gogh's life from his …..........

to Theo.3.Theo often sent Vincent ….............. to help him.4.Vincent shot himself when he was …........... years old.5.Vincent painted …............... and portraits of simple people.

Van Gogh's self-portrait

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