purity holiness v1

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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祭禮 祭司 潔淨 聖潔 祭司 節期贖罪日1—7 8—10 11—15 16—17 18—20 21—22 23—27

[ 連繫 ] 敬拜與記念 [ 區隔 ] 分別為聖的民族

聖俗的把關員[ 立約子民的靈修課 ]



祭禮 祭司 潔淨 聖潔 祭司 節期贖罪日1—7 8—10 11—15 16—17 18—20 21—22 23—27

[ 連繫 ] 敬拜與記念 [ 區隔 ] 分別為聖的民族

聖俗的把關員[ 立約子民的靈修課 ]






v.17–18 不可心裏恨你的弟兄;要指摘你的鄰舍,免得因他承擔罪過。不可報仇,也不可埋怨你本國的子民。你要愛鄰如己。我是耶和華。

v.1-8 十誡前五誡 — 對上帝v.9-22 十誡後五誡 — 對人

[ 收割莊稼,不可割盡拾遺。要留給窮人和寄居的外人 ]

耶穌回答:「第一是:『以色列啊,你要聽,主—我們的上帝是獨一的主。你要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主—你的上帝。』第二是:『要愛鄰如己。』再沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了。」 ( 可 十二 :29—31)


成聖的品格 — 利 十九

成聖的品格 — 利 十九


若有外人寄居在你們的地上和你同住,不可欺負他。寄居在你們那裏的外人,你們要看他如本地人,並要愛他如己,因為你們在埃及地也作過寄居的。我是耶和華-你們的上帝。『我的祖先原是一個流亡的亞蘭人,帶著稀少的人丁下到埃及寄居。 … … 』 ( 申 二十五 : 5a )

《受割禮的果實 大地的管家》

《將心比己 惠及外人》

v. 23-24

v. 33-34

分別為聖的種族 — 利 二十;十八 你們要歸我為聖,因為-我耶和華是神聖的;我把你們從萬民中分別出來,作我的子民。 ( 二十 : 26 )

二十 : 1–8 獻兒子給摩洛需治死 v. 9–22 家庭倫理 v. 23-26 辨識潔淨走獸 恍如聖民與萬國區分 十八 : 守護家庭種族

不要讓地因你們玷污了它而把你們吐出來,像吐出在你們之前的國一樣。無論是誰,若做了這其中一件可憎惡的事,必從百姓中剪除。你們要遵守我的吩咐,免得你們隨從那些可憎的習俗,就是在你們之前的人所做的,玷污了自己。我是耶和華-你們的上帝。 ( 十八 : 28-30)


Phoenix Interactive StudiosBible based video games

地不可以賣斷,因為地是我的; 你們在我面前是客旅,是寄居的。 利二十五: 23

土地公義 愛鄰如己

禧年 與 韓劇《善德女王》的橋段


John Calvin

話語職事Sermons also serve as excellent means of fostering the congregation’s ability to interpret culture, recognise cultural hegemony, and understand the way particular cultural texts and trends either contribute to or hinder the realisation of God’s rule on earth. - Kevin Vanhoozer, “Conclusion: Fifty-Five Summary Theses on the Pastor as Public Theologian”

… [Christian people] see theologians as interested in making simple things difficult and complex, and in exploring questions that have nothing to do with life. But, putting it in homely imagery, theologians are in fact the church's water engineers, plumbers, and sewage specialists, whose job it is to ensure that pure truth, fully fit to drink, is constantly supplied, and that nothing which threatens spiritual health gets absorbed unwittingly. Intellectual garbage keeps fouling the springs of the church's life, and no one who swallows its poison is likely to stay healthy. So the church needs theologians to detect and dispose of all such unedifying matter.

Theologians are the church's nutritionists, too. … … Health requires a health-giving diet, and the theologian's positive role is to see that such a diet is provided. 

J.I. Parker


Fairy tales are more than true: not because they

tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can

be beaten.

- Neil Gaiman, author of Coraline

潔淨條例不科學 祭祀意義很抽象 ?

Fairy tales, then, are not responsible for producing in children fear, or any of the shapes of fear; fairy tales do not give the child the idea of the evil or the ugly; that is in the child already, because it is in the world already. Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon. Exactly what the fairy tale does is this: it accustoms him for a series of clear pictures to the idea that these limitless terrors had a limit, that these shapeless enemies have enemies in the knights of God, that there is something in the universe more mystical than darkness, and stronger than strong fear.

— Tremendous Trifles XVII: "The Red Angel"

Neil Gaiman 的題詞是意譯自 G.K. Chesterton 文集的話

C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia

“Safe? Who said anything about safe? Of course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

— —上帝的神聖Aslan is not a

Tame Lion

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