qm zg663-l8

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    BITS PilaniPilani Campus

    Concurrent Engineering


    Lecture 8

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    BITS PilaniPilani Campus

    Design for


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8



    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 3

    • Reliabilit

    • !"E#

    • $esign %or Sa%et

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Why Engineering items fai!

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 4

    • In&erentl incapable 'esign• ()erstresse'

    • *ariation +Strengt& , -oa'.

    • ear out +"o)ing members0 corrosion0 Insulation'eterioration.

    • Sneas or bugs

    • Errors in t&e assembl

    • "an ot&ers

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Cassification of faiures

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani

    • on Repairable , -ig&t bulb

     , Transistor 

     , $io'e

     , $omestic s5itc&es

    suall a''resse' b "ean Time To !ailure +"TT!.

    • Repairable ,  Sstems suc& as #utomobiles0 #ir con'itioners0 re%rigerators

      suall a''resse' b "ean Time Bet5een !ailure +"TB!.

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    "#$ecti%es of &eia#iity Engg

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 6

    •  To appl engineering no5le'ge an' specialist tec&ni7ues to pre)ent orto re'uce t&e lieli&oo' or %re7uenc o% %ailures8

    •  To i'enti% an' correct t&e causes o% %ailures t&at 'o occur0 'espite t&e

    e%%orts to pre)ent t&em8

    • To 'etermine 5as o% coping 5it& %ailures t&at 'o occur0 i% t&eir causes&a)e not been correcte'8

    • To appl met&o's %or estimating t&e liel reliabilit o% ne5 'esigns0 an'

    %or analsing reliabilit 'ata

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    &eia#iity Economics

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 9



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    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani :


    The ability of an item to perform a required function under

    stated conditions for a stated period of time ( BS 4778)

    )a*ar+ &ate(): (also called failure rate)

    - Is the number of failures per unit time per the number of

    items eposed for the same time

    -ie 1; per 1

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Bathtu# cur%e

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani =

    Applicable for electronic components

    Initial failures (with in break-in) arehigh due to “infant mortality” due todesign, mfg , installation failures.

    an be minimi!ed by "nal # at factoryto "lter good from bad

    After initial break- in, failure will occurless and less and will reach constant$alue only random failures occur atconstant failure rate. %inally wear outwill accelerate the failure

    Applicable for &echanicalcomponents

     'hey do not ehibit constant

    failure rate.

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    • !ean time to failure (!TT"):

     , T&e sum o% t&e sur)i)al time %or all o% t&e

    components 'i)i'e' b t&e number o% %ailures8

    T&is is use' %or parts t&at are not repaire' +lig&tbulb or transistor or spacecra%t.8 &en a part

    %ails 0 t&e sstem %ails

    • !ean time bet#een failures (!TB"):

     , T&e mean time bet5een t5o successi)ecomponent %ailures8 "TB! is similar to "TT!0

    but applie' %or components or sstems t&at can

    be repaire'8


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8




    !or e>ample0 assume ou teste' 3 i'entical sstems starting %rom

    time < until all o% t&em %aile'8 T&e %irst sstem %aile' at 1< &ours0 t&e

    secon' %aile' at 12 &ours an' t&e t&ir' %aile' at 13 &ours8 T&e "TT!

    is t&e a)erage o% t&e t&ree %ailure times0 5&ic& is 1186669 &ours

    8  +1

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    .%erage /aiure &ates for a 0ariety of

    Com-onents an+ Systems

    12Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    • I% R+t. is t&e reliabilit 5it& respect to time0t&en !+t. is t&e unreliabilit +probabilit o%

    %ailure. in t&e same time8

    • I% components are put on test0 t&e number

    sur)i)ing to or at time t is 0 an' t&e number

    t&at %aile' bet5een t@< an' t@t is 8

    • $e%inition o% reliabilit


    13Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Constant /aiure &ate

    • !or t&e special case o% a constant %ailure rate

     #lso items 5&ic& sur)i)e a%ter t&e t perio' s@ p +t .  #

    !or e>ample0 i% %ailure rate is 2 > 1

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8



    If there are s items sur$i$ing at time t, then in a smallperiod of ,



    ln s ? ln C @ t

    s @ C e>p + t . D I% p + t .


    1Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    &eia#iity With . 0aria#e /aiure &ate

    • "ec&anical %ailures0 an' some %ailures o% electronic components0 'onot e>&ibit a perio' o% constant %ailure rate8

    • Since t&e %ailure rate is a %unction o% time0 t&e simple e>ponential

    relation %or reliabilit no longer applie'8

    • Instea'0 reliabilit is e>presse' b t&e eibull 'istribution

    m, s&ape parameter  , Scale parameter +C&aracteristic )alue.

    t ran'om )ariable


    16Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    System &eia#iity

    • T&e o)erall reliabilit o% t&e sstem 'epen's on &o5 t&e in'i)i'ualcomponents 5it& t&eir in'i)i'ual %ailure rates are arrange'8

    • I% t&e components are arrange' so t&at t&e %ailure o% an component

    causes t&e sstem to %ail0 it is sai' to be arrange' in series


    19Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    System &eia#iity

    •  # muc& better arrangement o% components is one in 5&ic& it is

    necessar %or all components in t&e sstem to %ail in or'er %or t&e

    sstem to %ail8 T&is is calle' parallel reliability:


    1:Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

    * +ystem ./

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    System &eia#iity 12

    • I% 5e are 'ealing 5it& a constant%ailurerate sstem

    • Series

    • Parallel


    1=Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Binomia +istri#ution

    • T&e reliabilit o% an nouto%m sstem isgi)en b a binomial 'istribution


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    So%e+ -ro#em( 1457 'ieter Schmi+t

    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 21

    ple engineering design can be described by a reliability block diagram as shobelow. In subsystem A, two components must operate for the subsystem to funssfully. +ubsystem has true parallel reliability. alculate the reliability of eachstem and the o$erall system reliability.

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    4/2/16 Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani 22

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    Maintenance an+ &e-air 

    •  #n important categor o% reliabilit problems'eals 5it& maintenance an' repair o% sstems

    • I% a %aile' component can be repaire' 5&ile a

    re'un'ant component &as replace' it in ser)ice0

    t&en t&e o)erall reliabilit o% t&e sstem is


    • I% components subFect to 5ear can be replace'

    be%ore t&e &a)e %aile'0 t&en t&e sstemreliabilit 5ill be impro)e'

    • Pre)enti)e maintenance is aime' at minimiGing

    sstem %ailure

    23Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    •  # re'un'ant sstem continues to operate 5&en a component &as%aile'0 but it ma become )ulnerable to s&ut'o5n unless t&e

    component is repaire' an' place' bac in ser)ice8

    &ere "TB!@ mean time bet5een %ailures

      "TT!@mean time to %ail

      "TTR@mean time to repair 

    • !aintainabiltiy is t&e probabilit t&at a component or sstem t&at

    &as %aile' 5ill be restore' to ser)ice 5it&in a gi)en time8

    t- repair rate

    r- permissible time to carry out the repair 


    24Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    • !or a large computer installation0 t&e maintenance cre5 logboo s&o5s t&ato)er a perio' o% a mont& t&ere 5ere 1 unsc&e'ule' maintenance actions

    or 'o5ntimes0 an' 12

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8



    •  #)ailabilit is t&e concept t&at combinesbot& reliabilit an' maintainabilitD it is t&e

    proportion o% time t&e sstem is 5oring

    Hon line to t&e total time0 5&en t&at is'etermine' o)er a long 5oring perio'8


    26Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    'esign for &eia#iity

    • T&e 'esign strateg use' to ensure reliabilit can %all

    bet5een t5o broa' e>tremes

    • T&e fail-safe approach is to i'enti% t&e 5ea spot in t&e

    sstem or component an' pro)i'e some 5a to monitor

    t&at 5eaness +re'un'anc etc.

    • !re7uentl an absolute #orst-case approach is use'0 in it

    t&e 5orst combination o% parameters is i'enti%ie' an' t&e

    'esign is base' on t&e premise t&at all can go 5rong at

    t&e same time

     , T&is is a )er conser)ati)e approac&0 an' is o%ten lea's to


    29Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    'esign for &eia#iity 12

    • T5o maFor areas o% engineering acti)it

    'etermine t&e reliabilit o% an engineering


    18 Pro)ision %or reliabilit must be establis&e' 'uringt&e 'esign concept stage0 carrie' t&roug& t&e

    'etaile' 'esign 'e)elopment0 an' maintaine'

    'uring t&e man steps in manu%acture

    28 (nce t&e sstem becomes operational0 it is

    imperati)e t&at pro)ision be ma'e %or its

    continue' maintenance 'uring its ser)ice

    2:Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Causes of 9nreia#iity

    • $esign mistaes , #mong t&e common 'esign errors are %ailure to inclu'e all important

    operator %actors0 incomplete in%ormation on loa's an' en)ironmental

    con'itions0 erroneous calculations0 an' poor selection o% materials

    • "anu%acturing 'e%ects

     , Poor sur%ace %inis&0 'ecarburiGation crac in &eattreate' steel

    • "aintenance

    • E>cee'ing 'esign limits

     , E>cee'ing limits o% temperature0 spee'0 etc8

    • En)ironmental %actors

     , SubFecting e7uipment to en)ironmental con'itions %or 5&ic& it 5as not


    2=Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Minimi*ing /aiure

    •  # )ariet o% met&o's are use' inengineering 'esign practice to impro)e


     , "argin o% sa%et , $erating

     , Re'un'anc

     , $urabilit , $amage tolerance

     , Ease o% Inspection


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8



    • !ailure mo'e an' e%%ects analsis +!"E#. is a team

    base' met&o'olog %or i'enti%ing potential problems

    5it& ne5 or e>isting 'esigns

    • !"E# 5as %irst use' to i'enti% an' correct sa%et



    • !"E# i'enti%ies t&e mo'e o% %ailure o% e)er

    component in a sstem an' 'etermines t&e e%%ect on

    t&e sstem o% eac& potential %ailure

    31Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    /actors in 'e%eo-ing /ME.

    • T&ree %actors are consi'ere' in 'e)eloping a!"E#

     , T&e se)erit o% a %ailure

     , T&e probabilit o% occurrence o% t&e %ailure8

     , T&e lieli&oo' o% 'etecting t&e %ailure in eit&er 'esign

    or manu%acturing0 be%ore t&e pro'uct is use' b t&e


    • Ris Priorit umber +RP.

    • *alue o% RP can )ar %rom a ma>imum o%


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    &ating for Se%erity of /aiure

    33Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    &ating of "ccurrence of /aiure

    34Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    &ating of 'etection of /aiure

    3Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    &esuts "f . /ME. .naysis

    36Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

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    .n e,am-e of /ME.

    39Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16



  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Creating a /ME. Chart

    18 T&e 'esign is re)ie5e' to 'etermine t&e interrelations o%assemblies an' t&e interrelations o% t&e components o%

    eac& subassembl

    28 o5 loo more broa'l0 an' as 5&at are t&e

    conse7uences to t&e sstem o% eac& %ailure i'enti%ie' in


    38 !or eac& o% t&e %unctions0 list t&e potential %ailure mo'e

    48 !or eac& o% t&e %ailure mo'es i'enti%ies0 'escribe t&econse7uences or e%%ect o% t&e %ailure

    8 sing t&e se)erit o% %ailure table0 enter t&e numerical


    3:Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Creating a /ME. Chart 12

    68 I'enti% t&e possible causes o% t&e %ailure mo'e

    98 sing t&e occurrence o% %ailure table0 enter a )alue %or t&e

    occurrence o% t&e cause o% eac& %ailure

    :8 $etermine &o5 t&e potential %ailure 5ill be 'etecte'

    =8 sing Table s&o5n earlier0 enter a rating t&at re%lects t&e

    abilit to 'etect t&e cause o% t&e %ailure i'enti%ie' in step :


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    'esign /or Safety

    • Sa%et ma 5ell be t&e paramount issue in pro'uct 'esign

    • ormall 5e tae sa%et %or grante'0 but t&e recall o% an

    unsa%e pro'uct can be )er costl in terms o% pro'uct

    liabilit suits0 replace' pro'uct0 or tarnis&e' reputation

    • T&e pro'uct must be sa%e to

     , "anu%acture

     , se

     , $ispose o% a%ter use

    •  # sa%e pro'uct is one t&at 'oes not cause inFur or

    propert loss


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    .s-ects To 'esign for Safety

    18 "ae t&e pro'uct sa%e0 'esign all &aGar's out o% t&epro'uct

    28 I% it is not possible to mae t&e pro'uct in&erentl

    sa%e0 t&en 'esign in protecti)e 'e)ices lie guar's0

    automatic cuto%% s5itc&es0 an' pressurerelie% )al)es0

    to mitigate t&e &aGar'

    38 I% step 2 cannot remo)e all &aGar's0 t&en 5arn t&e

    user o% t&e pro'uct 5it& appropriate 5arnings lielabels0 %las&ing lig&ts0 an' lou' soun's

    48 Pro)i'e training an' protecti)e clot&ing or 'e)ices to

    t&e user or operator o% t&e e7uipment

    41Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    /ai:Safe 'esign

    •  # %ailsa%e 'esign sees to ensure t&at a %ailure 5ill eit&er nota%%ect t&e pro'uct or c&ange it to a state in 5&ic& no inFur or

    'amage 5ill occur 

    • T&ere are t&ree )ariants o% %ailsa%e 'esign

     , !ailpassi)e 'esign

    • &en a %ailure occurs0 t&e sstem is re'uce' to its lo5estenerg state0 an'

    t&e pro'uct 5ill not operate until correcti)e action is taen

     , !ailacti)e 'esign

    • &en %ailure occurs0 t&e sstem remains energiGe' an' in a sa%e operatingmo'e

     , !ailoperational 'esign

    • T&e 'esign is suc& t&at t&e 'e)ice continues to pro)i'e its critical %unction

    e)en t&oug& a part &as %aile'

    42Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Gui+eines for 'esign for Safety

    18 RecogniGe an' i'enti% t&e actual or potential &aGar's0an' t&en 'esign t&e pro'uct so t&e 5ill not a%%ect its


    28 T&oroug&l test prototpes o% t&e pro'uct to re)eal an

    &aGar's o)erlooe' in t&e initial 'esign38 $esign t&e pro'uct so it is easier to use sa%el t&an to

    use unsa%el

    48 I% %iel' e>perience turns up a sa%et problem0 'etermine

    t&e root cause an' re'esign to eliminate t&e &aGar'$% &eali'e that humans #ill do foolish thins and allo# for

    it in your desin

    43Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Gui+eines for 'esign for Safety 12

    68 T&ere is a close correspon'ence bet5een goo'ergonomic 'esign an' a sa%e 'esign

    98 "inimiGe t&e use o% %lammable materials0 inclu'ing

    pacaging materials

    :8 Paint an' ot&er sur%ace %inis&ing materials s&oul' be

    c&osen to compl 5it& EP# an' (S# regulations %or

    to>icit to t&e user an' %or sa%et 5&en t&e are burne'0

    reccle'0 or 'iscar'e'

    =8 T&in about t&e nee' %or repair0 ser)ice0 or maintenance


  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    Warning La#es

    • it& rapi'l escalating costs o% pro'uct liabilit0manu%acturers &a)e respon'e' b plastering t&eir

    pro'ucts 5it& 5arning labels

    • arnings s&oul' supplement t&e sa%et relate' 'esign

    %eatures b in'icating &o5 to a)oi' inFur or 'amage%rom t&e &aGar's t&at coul' not be %easibl 'esigne' out

    o% t&e pro'uct 5it&out seriousl compromising its


    •  #ttention is ac&ie)e' b printing , $anger

     , arning

     , Caution

    4Concurrent Engineering BITS Pilani4/2/16

  • 8/18/2019 QM ZG663-L8


    T&an ou

top related