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ISSUE : 4 VOL : 2 FEB 2017


P. 1-2 : Ramakanta TripathyDoes a leader need to manage people?

P. 3-4 : HR Team

P. 9 : Raj Khubir

P. 16 : Previous months answers

P. 5-8 : Dr. R K Patel

P. 18 : Birthdays

P. 10 : Dr. Shivaji

P. 11-12 : Neha Sharma

P. 13 : Hima Bindu

P. 15 : Quiz

P. 19-21 : Did you know?


Effects of beta-casein milk protein on human health

Many more happy returns of the day.

Tax Tit Bits

Obesity: The silent killer




P. 14 : Know your productsOrtho


Riddles and puzzles

Motivation is one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to reiterate or not to

reiterate a behavior. It can be internal or external factors that rouse an aspiration in the people to get

interested in a particular activity for it accomplishment in a seamless manner.

You can take a horse to the pond but cannot make it drink. Motivation is something lies within.

Motivation can be self-generated or persuaded by situation, work atmosphere and work

measurement. Motivation always comes from within your team members, not from leaders. Leaders’

role is to see if their team members are motivated. They can do that only by managing agreements,

not people.

Performance is a function of Motivation, Ability and Environment. The ways of motivating others are:

1. Design the Goal and make the place for members in achieving the goal. Let the members agree

on their place in the journey. Create a vision. Live the vision. No destination means no journey, as

simple as that. Employees should appreciate they are participating. Collaborative Goal setting by

consensus on key goals is a better motivating factor.

2. Delegate Power to the members. Your mechanic can do no job on your car that you have placed

in his garage, while keeping the car key safely in your pocket. This empowers them not only for

achieving faster accomplishment of the goal but making them owners of systems in the organization.

3. Discuss regularly and have feedback since trust and confidence are such pillars built on the

foundation of communication. This helps not only boosting up the employees’ morale but in

measuring the journey on reaching the goal. “The greatest motivational act one person can do for

another is to listen.” – Roy E Moody.

4. Demonstrate your demeanor. Set priorities to set an example. Your action and conduct set

example for others. Be an owner yourself. Remember, doers only motivate others. Be a doer to make

team members understand what to achieve, how to achieve and what to do. If your actions inspire

others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy


5. Do not resist and do not confront. Blend your inner ideas in such a manner that it is in

alignment with their inner energy for attaining mutual goal. Try to receive their energy not resisting it.

6. Define Deadlines. When there is no deadline, defining the desired result on a scheduled time, you

will not see people moving towards action. Non-accountability will create a plethora of semi-finished

or non-started jobs in the systems, which will become challenging for completion afterwards. Positive

reinforcement makes the task interesting.

Does a leader need to manage people?

Ramakanta Tripathy


7. Design Rewards. Rewards, recognitions and applauds support people all the way as these

acknowledge their positive behavior and provide opportunities for advancement. This will bring

clarity, conviction and commitment on the part of participants. Non-performers will have no room for

complains and excuses. “Appreciation can make a day. Even change a life. Your willingness to put it

into words is all that is necessary.”- Margaret Cousins.

8. Do focus on true but realistic possibilities and advantages. Remove out hurdles in the

functioning. Self-responsible, creative, positive players will be more productive in a hassle free

environment. Do systems and processes simple, doable and achievable. Difficulties are meant to

rouse, not discourage. – William Ellery Channing, Psychologist. There should be no room to blame

circumstances, situations or techniques. Illustrate ways of doing. Being a leader, be a solution

provider not the problem analyzer. “I’m slowly becoming a convert to the principle that you cannot

motivate people to do things. You can only demotivate them. The primary job of the manager is not

to empower but to remove obstacles.” – Scott Adams.

9. Do manage agreements. Yes, it is all about managing promises with people but not managing

people. It is the commitment and accountability determined in the agreements that lead to create

higher levels of self-responsibility resulting self-respect. Motivation is creation of trust and mutual

respect as a precondition to performance in a professional manner. Hence, a leader has just to

maintain agreements.

( Readings : Steve’s Reinventing Yourself, Dale Dauten’s The Laughing Warriors and Warren

Bennis’s On Becoming a Leader )



HR Team

What is LTA ?

Can We Claim LTA Every Year?

LTA can be claimed by any employee upto 2 trips in the block of 4 years.

When and how can I get Tax Exemption on LTA.

Who can travel and what are the travelling modes for claiming LTA?

My spouse is also working. Can we both claim LTA?

What is the remedy if I missed one block of four years ?

Leave Travel Concession or Assistance (LTC/LTA),

extended by an employer to an employee for going

anywhere in India along with his family.

Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) has got a tax

EXEMPTION. The exemption shall be limited to fare for

going anywhere in India along with family twice in a block

of four years.

The answer is Yes – you can claim LTA every year, but you will not be able to claim LTA

EXEMPTION ever year.

If you do not wish to claim LTA in one particular year you can have your employer carry forward your

LTA for the next year.

For getting LTA tax exempt you will have to produce bills, but you can’t get your LTA exempt every


You can get your LTA exempt twice in a block of four years. Right now the block that is relevant is 1st

January 2014 to 31st December 2017. This block is decided by the Government so does not have a

bearing on when you start your job and also these blocks are calendar years and not financial years.

The bills can be air, rail or even a private rental company however the exemption is only for domestic

travel so an international ticket won’t do.

The bills have to be for a journey that has been undertaken when you are on leave ( availing EL of

four days) and should be for you and your family that is spouse, children and dependent parents,

brothers and sisters.

If you and your wife/ husband both get LTA – both of you can’t claim exemption for the same travel

but you can avail exemption independently for different travels. So effectively between the two of you,

you can claim exemptions two times in four years.

If for some reason you fail to claim LTA exemption in the bucket of four years – you still have the

option to claim exemption in the first year of the next block.


Can I claim lodging expenses ?

Is it for shortest route ?

Can I claim for petrol /diesel spent on own vehicle ?

As the name suggests, it is exemption on Leave Travel. Hence, only travel bills can be used for LTA

exemption, so a hotel bill can’t be produced for claiming LTA exemption even though you might

have stayed in the hotel during your leave.

Yes. LTA can only be claimed for the shortest distance between two places. So if you are planning

to travel from Goa to Mumbai then you will be allowed exemption on tickets from Goa to Mumbai

and back. You will not be allowed to produce tickets that are via some other place like Mumbai to

Hyderabad and then from Hyderabad to Goa and so forth.

No. LTA can only be claimed on tickets or rented private vehicles, you cannot show petrol or diesel

vehicles for your own vehicles and then claim exemption on it.






Demonetisation to hold back India's 2017 fuel demand growth

Fuel demand growth is expected to slow by as much as 40 per cent in 2017 from last year as a

government-induced cash shortage hurts businesses, industry and car sales. The dent in demand

growth in the world's third-largest oil consumer is expected to be temporary, though, with India still

taking up the third-biggest portion - behind China and United States - of 2017's rise in fuel use on a

barrel-per-day basis, according to energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie. Fuel demand in 2016 grew

at its fastest in at least 16 years as low oil prices boosted demand for gasoline and aviation fuels,

but analysts say the nation's currency troubles will put the brakes on this year.

Oil product demand growth in 2017 is expected to drop to 160,000 barrels per day (bpd), from

270,000 bpd in 2016.

PM’s currency crackdown has led to a cash crunch that has severely hurt overall output and

consumer demand, with December factory activity contracting in its biggest monthly decline in eight

years and last month's car sales dropping the most in 16 years. Growth in both diesel consumption -

used mainly for heavy industrial vehicles - and gasoline burned to power cars, is expected to slow,

especially in the first quarter, traders and analysts told Reuters. And while this will dent refining

margins for diesel, it is not expected to be enough to undercut a strong 2017 profit outlook for the

fuel across Asia this year.

"The cash crunch ... is dampening growth in agricultural and other small-to-medium scale sectors,

which are heavily cash-reliant," as per head of East of Suez Oil at energy consultants FGE.

Although long-term prospects remain strong, with spending on infrastructure projects and a

resumption in economic growth and freight shipments supporting diesel. Diesel demand is expected

to grow only 2 percent in the first quarter of 2017 compared with a year ago, less than half of the 5

per cent growth rate seen in the first 10 months of 2016, as per Singapore-based consultancy Ivy


Actual oil demand growth may be lower than projected, though, cautioned an Indian refiner source,

as consumers have been stocking fuel to take advantage of an exception given to old 500 and

1,000-rupee notes for purchases of diesel and gasoline at retail pumps.

Tax Tit Bits

Raj Kubir


I smell l ike cheese, Oh, help me please. Do you hear what I am saying? Or should I speak up and yell? Obesity is horrible. Keep eating so much, and with you, i t wil l ki l l .

KFC tastes good, i t makes you wood Drink large soft drinks daily Eat al l the chil i cheese fries that you please, Develop obesity as t i l l u make doctor on lease.

Fresh veggies, fruits are al l so dull Always you never eat them full Overlook your chronic heartburn symptom. No room for meat that's lean, Certainly never eat anything green, Ignore your increased hypertension.

I don't think you realize what I 've seen. Obesity ki l ls us inside and out. Maybe you're eating your problems a lot. I see what this disease is doing to you. You're eating your l i fe away.

Do you hear what I am saying? Or should I speak up and yell? Obesity is horrible. Keep eating so much, and with you, it will kill.

Mom and Dad feed me bad. I am fat, kids hit me with a bat, Should I go on a run? No, that doesn't sound fun.

Obesity has been growing in the past 20 years But health off icials were shocked by now Study revealed that high incidence of obesity With population practice less exercise and eat junk This l inked to diabetes, Heart disease, Hypertension, And cancers are at r isk




Motivation is the act or process of Motivating; a stimulus influence, or inducement. Motivation is the way

to encourage us to do something new and special.

Source of motivation- I can give two categories of the different source of motivation

For Organization- Some people can be self motivated and others need to be motivated by other


Need of Performance Appraisal – “It is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to

his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for development.”

Performance appraisal discloses how an employee is working in his present job and what his

strong and weak points are. This information can be used for devising training and development

programmes appropriate for overcoming weakness of employees.

Performance appraisal puts a sort of pressure on employees for better performance.

Performance appraisal plays significant role where promotion is based on merit and seniority.

Performance appraisal is helped to improve communication.

The goal of a performance appraisal is to support and improve employee’s performance and



Neha Sharma


My Believe is that “Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you No-One would believe it.”

It is more important that the employee understands the rating scales being used to evaluate their

performance, and agree that the measures are fair and accurate.

Employees who are satisfied with their jobs and motivated by the company to succeed will also

work to create more efficient job processes. Managers should meet at least monthly with

employees to discuss the efficiency of their job duties and how they can be improved to increase


One of the benefits to a company that has a motivated and satisfied staff is patience.

Show appreciation- Appreciation can be a simple “good job” or “nice work.” It will only take a few

moments out of your day to show your employees that you notice their outstanding work.

Display confidence- Show that you trust your employees to make the right decisions for the

overall well-being of the company. To an extent, allow the employee to be creative in their job


Work is most motivating when it’s clear what exactly you’re accomplishing. Think about it like how

you feel when you made great progress on big project? Working all day and thinking what did I even do today? At the end of each day or week make a got done list where you outline....

Motivated Environment

Motivated employees will retain a high level of innovation

Importance of Employees Satisfaction

Employers are faced with the task of motivating employees and creating high job satisfaction

among their staff. Creating programs and policies that develop job satisfaction and serve to

motivate employees takes time and money to create. When the employer understands the benefits

of job satisfaction and motivation in the workplace, though, the investment in employee-related

policies can be justified.


7 Things to get and stay Motivated, leading to Success

Get serious on decisions

Know your limiting step

Get around the right people

Take care of yourself

Talk nicely all the time

See yourself as the best

Get going

The best motivation is Self-Motivation

(an inspired state of mind)

Hima Bindu





The DonJoy OA REACTION Web Knee Brace was developed by an orthopedic surgeon for

patients with anterior knee pain related to the following:

Knee Arthritis

Shock Absorption

Anterior Knee Pain

Stabilize knee joint

Delay knee surgery

Reduce knee wear and tear

Decrease anti-inflammatory medications

Decrease knee pain symptoms

Improve knee joint function

Reduce knee arthritis symptoms

Provide support and comfort





1. What is the nick name given to a score of zero by a batsman?

2. Three of the West Indies’ most legendary cricketers are nicknamed Big bird, the super cat

and ……………………..

3. Which country has a fanatical supporters group that is known as the Barmy Army?

4. As of 2017, which bowler has the fastest recorded bowling speed of all time?

5. What is that Queensland’s premier cricket ground is affectionately known as?

6. What is that a network designed to allow communication within an organization called?

7. To whom is the Cambodian temple Angkor Wat dedicated?

8. What is the Korean festival of the winter solstice?

9. What is the largest religious structure in the world?

10. What holiday ends Ramadan?

(Please send your answers to us, muralidhar@sandor.co.in on or before 20.03.2017)






There are no successful participants

Please find the answers for last month's quiz.

Please find the answers for last quiz.

PUZZLE Answers: 1. Two identical trains, at the equator start travelling round the

world in opposite directions. They start together, run at the

same speed and are on different tracks. Which train will wear

out its wheel treads first? Naturally, the train travelling against the spin of the earth. This train will wear its wheels out more quickly, because the centrifugal force is less on this train.

2. Next door to me live four brothers of different heights. Their

average height is 74 inches and the difference in height

among the first three men is two inches. The difference

between the third and the fourth man is six inches. Can you

tell how tall each brother is? The first brother is 70 inches tall, the second 72, the third 74 and the fourth brother 80 inches tall.

3. Fifty minutes ago if it was four times as many minutes past

three o’ clock, how many minutes is it until six o’clock? 26 minutes

4. A family I know has several children. Each boy in this family

has as many sisters as brothers but each of the girls has twice

as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters

are there? Since the boys have as many brothers as sisters, there must be 1 boy more than the number of girls. If we try 2 and1, 3 and 2, and 4 and3, we will find that 4 boys and 3 girls is the solution to fulfill the requirement that each girl has twice as many brothers and sisters.

Answers for RIDDLES: 1. fireworks 2. pencil 3. key 4. basilisk 5. tongue 6. bat pa 7. bird hand two bush 8. potato 9. geode 10. glacier



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FEB 10



FEB 10



Sandor Group of Companies

FEB 12



FEB 12



FEB 19












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FEB 25



FEB 26



FEB 27



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FEB 28



FEB 29



FEB 25



FEB 20



FEB 20





August has the highest percentage of births

11% of people are left handed

A bear has 42 teeth

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

Unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it

The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes



8% of people have an extra rib

85% of plant life is found in the ocean

Your foot has 26 bones in it

Birds need gravity to swallow

The average human brain contains around 78% water

Women blink twice as much as men

An average person will spend 25 years asleep



Your foot and your forearm are the same length

Your mouth produces 1 litre of saliva a day

The most commonly used letter in the alphabet is EE


March 2017 issue of The Sandorian will cover the feature topic "ETHICS". Please send across your articles by 20th March 2017 to

muralidhar@sandor.co.in & ramakrishna@sandor.co.in

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