
Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Job - ResearchResearch recces scout out the locations, who they want in the product, accessibility, availability of the places and people, even food and toilets.Recces have to fill in a lot of paperwork! They need to inform the production manager, director, producer, etc. who, what, when, where and how.Questions you need to ask for filling in paperwork:• Facilities/location(s) – are they available? How much do they cost to hire?• Is there any permissions that need granted?• Risk assessments needed?• Who will be involved?• What will they need to do it? Equipment? – does it need hiring?• When do they need to do it? Is there a deadline? Only certain days you can film?• Where is the location(s)? Any filming in a studio?• How long do you have to do all of this?

Job – TechnicalTechnical recces after needed after the initial research recces. They go to the locations and work out when things will be happening, how long for and what is needed for the product to work.While at the location(s), recces need to know the accessibility, the electrics, health and safety, space, lighting, sound, availability and points of interests.Questions technical recces need to ask:• Is the location(s) accessible? By foot? Car? For disabled people? • How are you going to control the electrics? Generator? Cables around the room?• What are the risks in this location(s)?• How much space is there? How much equipment can you fit in the location(s)? • Is there any ambient sound? Noise from a nearby school? Next to a fire station?


For shooting, a recce needs to consider:• Camera positions/problems/access• Decide on location(s) – alternatives if

necessary• Time of day and/or year• Weather – covers needed?• Ambient sound – local building site,

school, shooting range

The logistics need considering as well:• Travelling time• Accessibility while there • Decide on routes General considerations:• Location situations – market day, traffic,

events• Nearby schools – start and end times• Animals/farms close by• Local police need to be advised?

As a recce, you must think about all possibilities for the product you’re working on. There needs to be questions about shooting, logistics and general goings on that could help or hinder the product.

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