restate ro»re»f] feooo 21/cortland ny... · fdephms your feooo oasts* u ta* a** tri«pfcoo»...

Post on 30-Aug-2020






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fdephms Your

feOOO o a s t s *

U ta* a * * tri«pfcoo» stnnber of tfas


A l *

life far a dai$ifu&

g ^ i o a and -The S te jUar** * • « * -

dyt» of Q!9*-w a s ' l ' M -"

» f eoBseeetivs iaeertteasy So * B a a inserticav- -,-'«.-:-

« eeaseesi lve iaaertiea* a e k insertion, -. --- ,-- -^*': Trerage word* to a * Bee . orier taken tor tan tJma^Sbe. . .

_, Mt- an ia eapttal tetters, d i t f * l i M I t rat*. ^wTl? hits W*»» *•* PefjSaca, . ,. ZSasaTaot 4*»eeeB*tve take t h e S * rate, w i t h a o twdnetioa after

I * a

i-ert-semeais for t h e s e e e l a j m a hereceived before 1 P- a* a s * « n

daring Jane, W « * A * .

S e r v e ' the r ight t o reject a a y ftitsaeate under this h a s d f f .


lost soft VenA UOt BEAGLE PCP, l o s t Whita,

and t a s . C*n 1057-J or Inquire Eabbard.



to cover :-2raI territory-diatKbaV : Beanedx. Products, a a d t a k e

of dea»h*freto» t w a w - -our Baking Powder and ether

direct to the home. Good sad rapid advancement t o m a n

to wi»k hajrd.toeetabiteh t h e 'Writ* tee appointment B e a ­

dy Products 1-a , Oloversvifie, % Ti


3CA3RJS I r a s * U B I M

- t»*» comply w t t *


Oaiefc Serrice--Right Pries

- orde* aariy

• • • *


OB i U L sards, tetter phists, vatelsgaed.

U w o l a o ! tie -TBI*. . M U * « U «

W s a s Z X O IKYTTASSOXS ViaWia* ***** en­

graved or printed. Mullen's, SS Hair .

4*—Kitcheastts a p a r t m s a t

J w Bent

_ dry* ..... Cell I* Liaoeln-eve,

4tt*ra fjjgJBggjjg a t ffla|.

For Reus

f r V S ; BOOBS la. Biodgett BHla Oarage, gardes, furnace aad atectnc agate, inquire Peek, Biodgttt Bin*.

PfeOB* US9-B. iroo©-^artiir sis**

B A S S WOOD—Fred U7S-W,

HAT—Si first qsality. si fttear


T r o a * t o 13 isoatx* o!4. j a r S y ftroJMs. JWoxaa— of • t e a I t U IfeMd S O B . thowatea 2 « a a l a r o r a a t . Chaaftatea Ub* t, May * ^ . PaUaoaa aad o o w r £aaMM t o s a 3 . W. Caapxaaa. Xlaaoy dvli road. Cojctlaad X. T.

CatSa, T ^ i e k a i t

S S ' . ' S M O L S fUXMITUItX tor 2a«airo £5 Wliocter.

[HOL8MHS StlXLS—•. par* bred. C 3d. a t t o a . Clacteaataa K T.

f t K O S T S 2CAQa-^%o Dr. roaUaaoo. Ia«.a&« B . Tia-

awtrtota. X%oao sis.

Wasted To Beat S4

A P A B T J O B S T S? Cat, s ioely ftir=i»5j«d. WMto.«M«rlp toa> !oeauo& aad prie* t o B o x 252, -car? Standard.

TABac B B aaaroa B a r s stock aad toote. Atar—s B'eatcr" cars Cortlaad t taadard .


HOUSSHOLC f tJSKITt 'RS for iale ia« I W a s s e o , M*s s t e s k

fif^TtnURXABCX o2 aa ordor of Baa . lOOOrsjo 3d. CaampUa. Surrogate of tite iCoastx of Cortlaad, aotise Is aorabr

• S I gtvaa to s B persons ^txltig elaisss against t i e estate or ZXIen F. PJiilips,

t 3 a » of the TUXags of Homer, New iTork, dsecased. t a s t tasy-are repaired {to exaibit the same, wi ta t&e Toncaers

tEersot t* t i e sa&scri&ersj t i » ^E-sca-< tors of t i e estato of "said deceased, a t *tae reel estate office .of 'William G, craadali . Xo, x P a r k Pteca, ia tfte VH-laga of Romer, Xear Tork, o a or before t i e Jtd day of October! 1 H L

Dated, Karca ,26th, ISJt. James TL Osdee aad

WUIiam G. Craadan Sxscnstors. ?Ji»7t*tae

. B « w Tork, April 10. (AP) -s t e a d y ; receipts, 4,d2C. C r s i n i s i y t h igasr thaa extras, dd^" * * ? t ; j-tt»* .35 score) , 4 5 ^ » 4 6 e ; t n t (SS I t flTJ score;, * * ^ » 4 i > j « ; aaekteg. eurreat m s k e . S s . 1, S S ® 3 * e ; 3fo.

c l s d i s g Smerson piano. Can erefi iags! t M i ' « « « » . < - . . * . » * » . S S bsfsrs W«da*«dayat t ? C U a ^ a A l a . i K f ^ ^ g ? £ I A * • 9?Se^- ? a s"*

HEX CABTXET in good cond12ea. Call K Paaraa A r e , after C


BITCH1SX BANGS, smsai. i a good coa-dttioa. iBOAllr* IS Railway Aye.

OIL 8T0VB—t baraer, for s a l a la^air* 1S5 Madisos.

BAXGX, cheap. CaU 10S7-B. T 1 '. . * ' * ' ' '•*»»• 1 »

B B S S STSOliuSS—Good, price low. i t S r s w a A T S .

• B B B B BABT CABBIAGE, ia A- l coa> ditioa. s s Maple A r a

ftgsjesqs S sa te RJBB& B A S T CARRIAG3i— P i o = e

TBSXCB B A S C X I i r S G w i t h special atethed of rirteiTng w a r e s that stay. WakeSJeld Seaa ty Shtppe la the aa2y placet t h a t g i r a s thte apedal atethcd. FBoaa 1213-J. ios asasa st.


W l t a ' B o a M

HOMER—AVB. J4—Tarris ied r o e a s , w i t h or without board. .

S» wahoat Baaed G B B B X S r s B , U — B o o m s , reasonabla

R B T X g L n s . S—Sleepiag rooav w i t h or wl thoot board. Phoae 583-

in. i i a — e a t s s a i i • Tar

ABTHCB A T B , ST—-S l ight bxmsekeep-l a c rooau turalshed o r aafimtished.

<SKXTBAL» Voratehad hoaaekeepteg rooms. Oarage. 16 Prospect.

OBBBXSCSB ST., U — i destrahte ^43tt hoasekeaatas; rooms. AU iasproye-

- aielBte. ;- &

GBOTOX A T & . 53—4 tBTBiahed l ight I honsekeepiag rootts ~zstt. -hath, also

3 fsraished l ight hoasekeepisg rooms aad bath . Ia^nire_t Boater A y a

S3-> VTAS* to work aa. t a n a .

2 3 S J E A X raBahle.. far. gaaera: rk s= certified dairy -iaKB. Apply person at Tally Farms, Tally, X. T.

KWMKsttBTOtO B O O B B " ! *mMlH*~ J O B B B g T B SHADT PLACJS 1U.WX Adalta Call U S l - B eyeaiagai . . .

XOETK CHtmCB. 34—Three famished hoaaeiteepiag rooms a a t bath, h e a t ­ed. K r t t floor, s r l y a t s satraace. Call *«phoae m-fd i ter snc. - - -

fBdttWAT A*m, 3S--Faralshe€ hoase-3iAX oa M-F-U.

by moaih . keepiag rooms. CaU S3i*3.

Be^ Wanted Female, t


CXZOX ST, *<—Foar aicely xaraished rooms, private entrance. Adatts only. Phoae 23*-J. Stafford's.

m W & M<cGrmw ^t^SSSS^tl **®* 8 0 - B o * » t k e e p l a g rooma far-V. g . McGraw. 34 Tompkias S t . } B l < J i e 4 ^ 7 ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ca is-F-2.

te geaerar aaasswork. Phoae L c j n Q S , 2 5 _ 2 J ^ J . ^ ^ housekeeping ™ * 2 -^:- •• rooraa Phoae ttt-W. ~ ^>.

WOXSX » dettoastrate mad dsa. | ate a aew hraad of Be king P o w -

r. Steady work, six hoars per day. " pay. Also wssaaa from aearby

to cover their respective com* mittea Write tar appoiataeat . naedy Prcdacts Znc^ Gioversrille, T.

T23SE waated at oace. Apply ia a w&ite Boaae Bostammat.

tAK to do general hoaseworx. M eentesh. Phoae T4W.

ti$ to do hoaMworfc. B r a Good-Ciarchui Sai ldiag.


A*ABTBBXT, S Phoae 122S-K.

rooatSy Can tvta iaga

APARTBSXTS—Flats . »W. Bimar I» Thompooa.

SM to

A B T B U B A T B * Phoae 1?1?»J.

» ^ * hoase.

UX for general boasewerk. Bra . isea ASea, 37 N o r m Charea, St . H t t t .

S sks People Wi TA

CBXTBAi A V B , ?»—4 rooms aad hath, oak floors a a d finish, heat, l ights aad hot water. Call S*»-B. -

CBXTBAXt AVB* 1S1—TTpper flat asodera. Garage. Phone 1747-J.


Fal l or part t ime t Old established hoase. Good;

Sxperteas* aaaeeesaary. T.

{CBCBCBZLIU BUILPIXG— Oesiraole apartmeata saaay aad seders im-proveaea^.

BAST ATB, t—Bodera Cat. Phoae 1333-W.

S room upper.

iFOCR BOOBS. day,} moath. Ada&a Phone

aeahoase, «7t-7:

u s

JFLAT—4 rooms, i a fine eoadttiOB, 33d. Xacalre « Xorth 2Cata»

SERVICES OFFERED ; B O B B S A T B , W—f rooms aad bath,

.asodera. Oarage. Phone 30S-B.

BOUSX, s ix rooms, Phoae XW4--W « l i l 7 - J .


: BADISOX, 143—Pleaaaat, modsra heat-' t d r d a s r stewad. • efi-apartsseat, S rooaa , bath. Garage.

CaU or phoae 153S-*.

gardems ptewed. I BaPISOX S T . i niltower f lat . Call 14S4-W.

AH im-'

snfefcWX.— Piewlag, Fhsae-jBAPl* ATB. 33—Cpper Sat. Bay tea Phone 7tf>J.

TfIM% 44—• room apper Sat.

aew mm S j a O S ATB. t U rs«

h a m WM. -TlT^ff4ff Fi W A l - S S

S e a l . Bstate aad tassraaoe Phaaa'SMUr • N H t

S a t , w B S

1'STr WViJ-T. PAPEB—18,000 rol ls for sale a t c lose o s t prices. SdaHea'a 23 Main, Cortlaad,

Badio aad Bo^dpmeot SKA

B d l B O OCT OF THXZ7—I c a a pat i t ia perteet working order. Xo pay If X f a n . JBBealt jobs are the kiaft 2 SSBy Faaae «ST«7 evaaiaaa tor ag-apiatmenta"

O f S c e Boaipaaeat

COgXTBBS—3, S f teaa feet, for sale at Oace. Cheap. WlSiaasoa*Htmsoa Co.

rss-sc acrs. Parker.

George Wetherell, 42


AateaBOljuea Bar Si



IX PfKSCAXCE of aa stGmt of B o a . George M. Chaaplin, sarregate of the Coaaty of Cortlaad, aotic* is hereby

I g ives tc all persons havlag etasssf against the estate of S s s a 8. Xore-

! hoase late of the City of Cortlaad, de-! ceased, that they afe required t o ex-hlhlt the same, with vouchers thereof;

B A X V E L L COACH. 1»28. r i g h t Xiver, 34 Xapie.


esJesewea/assi ssss sasgpsjsjj

XBW aad rebailt Bar ley S a T i s s e a s o -toreyelea, solo aad side oar s s t t t s , Cortlaad Sffttoreycle Garage. 31% Xorth j£ala*«t

to the subscriber, the Executor of the It £ k e e I ****** °? said deceased, a t his rest*

) denes at No. 14» Homer Avenue, ta the M u iCitv of Cortlaad. New Tors* oa or

before the 24th day of September, 1S2S. Dated, March Uth , 1928.

N. d a y t o a Ssita^ Lush. Back Ames 4b Coos.

Attorneys for Executor. *7-27t-tae*


GeUSeJ CS F ® xLCStt 5£

TACCT31 CT.EANBB, Begina. 6 months old. 2<ess t h a a half price. Crocker & Ogdea. Phoae US.

IX PUBSUANCS of aa order of Hoa. r r ~ ~ r ~ 7 Z Z , . *Z1 „ . L. . u I George K. Chsmplia. Surrogate of the

G £ D r r 0 N £T*~ ^ ^ J " **** * ° * b l e : <***& O I Cortland, notice is hereby garage. Phone i T l l - a t jg lvea to all persons having claiajs

against the estate of Etta A. Wheeloca EVEBGREEN ST,

13S3. 23—Garage. Phoae

jEsceHaaeooa snsr s e l e dZA KOXBB A Y E , f—Oarage for r e a t

BATHTUB, toilet, also quantity -Sag stone. B» H. Beard 4b Sons.


BOT*S BICTCLB, 37. White Iron crib, 37. laquire 10 Garfield.

SMiT.T. S A B X for sale, 14x24. Also gas engine, s a w table aad oak heater. Phone 1215-B.

MADISOX S T , 40—Garage for rent.


Bagfaesa i^jxgfawftiirs

J 57

Wearias Apparel 45 TTPBrVBITBBS—For sa le or taatv 0 B > aerwdoe. Caroaa, U C Szmta. Xew; , t t t a B s a d taeoad ftaad. KaUaa'a I r ^ r j - r s S U B B B B COAT, browa, six* f ? * ^ ^ f-- -'• t 38. 33. Phoae Homer 131-J.

SaSdlSig jfataataj S7

SAXTf. STOXB AND GBAVBXi—C A. C B r i e a . Telephone 37C. 14 Qraat.

&ADZBS' A X S etothiag sold.

BBX*8 Sseoad-haad CaU ISS*. SO Church.

Machinery a a d Tools SS

TBACTOB PLOWS—Nearly aew, H c -Cornrfck Deerlng, two bottom, suit­able for Fordson. Price 33S. Season for seUlag, have sold my tractor. Ernest Stafford, Bledgett B i l l s . P h o n e t*F»28.

SECOND-HAND clothing bought aad I sold. Phone 1695-S. 133 Port Watsoa.

I SPRING COAT—Lady's, l ight brown, aaatft embroidered, size 38. Excellent t condition, $5. Phone 433-M. }

Wanted To Bay 48

GABAGE s a d gas station for r e a t Good location. Inquire B. Ftakelsteia. Phoae »19 or 1434-W.

BLACKSMITH SHOP—Located ia good . community and sa good road. House,

barn, henhouse and fruit on land. All in good repair. Because of im­paired eyesight, it i s necessary for me to sell. A. D. Van Marter, Rare! i, Locke.


B e a s t s For Sale SI

B l a s t s , Ferti l izers 40 POTATOES, 300 bushels wanted. Write !

or phone what you have. Syracuse Produce Co., 14 Port Watson S t , '

the t ime I Cortland, X. T. BDLBS of aH kinds. Now. i s _____.________^__._ t o plant them. Preston. Phone 1348-M. { ^ A T O S ^ - T r a a S

3rNSALCW—New, complete la STery detail. Reasonable price and t e n n a Phone 583-/ .


t o Syracuse market. Will pay highest price and come to your plaee after tbem. Also buy your apples and small potatoes. P h o n e Homer 310. Z. X . Harmon.

CHESTNUT ST, Call l » -F- t .

-House for sale.

GRASS wi l l produce an emerald green l a w n where l ittle or n o sua penetrates. Lb., 3.60; 10 Lba, 3S.00; 29 Lbs* S » . » , v -

• f ~m" FCBRBST SEED C©, INC.-: '^-^\

I CORTLAND, N. Y. ,'%•


F O B R E S T S GOLD STANDARD LAWN Grass. A pure mixture of the finest grasses that produces a lawn which wi l l retain its rich deep ve lvety ap­pearance right through the •season. Lb. 3-50; 10 L b s , $4.25, 20 Lbs. 37.50.



•• Eggs>~ Boaitry,/ a M

ZJ ELM ST.—8 large rooms, fire place, 2

oaths, electricity, gas. Fine location. Small payment down for quick sale. Phone 134<*B.

late of the Village of McGraw, Cert- | land County. N. Y , deceased, that they ! are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub­scriber, the Executor of the estate of ] said deceased, a t 129 Caithrop Avenue. Syracuse. X. Y , on or before the 6th day of A u g u s t 1328.

Dated, January 30th. 192s. Ancil D. Brown, Executor

Estate of Etta A. Wheelock 129 Caithrop Avenue,

Syracuse, N. Y. • 25-2?t tues

i ' m- • - — • i

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate sealed proposals covering

repainting the exterior of the Cortland State Normal School in accordance with specification No. S102, will be re­ceived by the Commissioner of Edu­cation, Education Department. State Education Building, Albany, N, Y , until 3:00 o'clock p. m. (Eastern Standard : Time), Thursday, April 19, 132$. Pro­posals shall be accompanied by a cer­tified check or money deposit for S per cent of the amount of tne bid. : Successful bidders will be required to give a bond in the sum of SO per cent of the amount of contract Specifica­tions are on file at the Cortland State Normal SciocC. CertSaad, X. Y , and at the offices of the D e p t of Public I Works, Division of Architecture, 9*9 Broadway, New York City, and 353 Broadway. Albany. N. Y. Specifications, : proposal blanks and envelopes may be : obtained at the discretion of aad from the State Architect. SSS Broadway, Albany. N. Y.

Dated: March 2S. 1928. Sl-4t-tue A thur. *

E g g s — S t e a d y ; r e e e i p t a ^ S t ^ Fresh gathered extra first 2 9 @ S S e ; i first. 2 7 H © 2 3 H e ; seconds, t e « x s H * j 1 storage packed, ^mt marks, SI X ® 8 X c i ! extra a n t . S O X S S i e r first * * H + i SC&e; nearby hennery white, c losely -selected extra, 3 4 # S S e ; aearby a a d nearby western hennery white, first t o average extra, 3 0 $ 3 3 e ; nearby hen-nory brown extra, 3 3 # 3 4 « ; Paeifis coast whi te extra. 3 5 # 3 7 j 4 c ; first ta extra first, S S S S S ^ e -

Cheese — Rece ipts . 84,4*0. S t a t s ' whole milk fiats, fresh, fancy. 22H 3% 2Sc; do . , he ld , fancy t o fancy s p e c i a l 2 » # * O c .

Ltee) P o u l t r y — Irregular; chick-eas b y f r e i g h t S4«>33c; broilers, by freight, S O # 5 5 c ; by express, 4 5 & 6 0 c ; fowls, f r e i g h t 2 5 ® 2 S c ; express, 2 S ® 2Sc; roosters, f r e i g h t 14c; turkeys, f r e i g h t SS; express, 3 4 $ 3 5 c .

P l e a s e d P o u l t r y ' — Irregular; eSteS> e s s , frosen, 24 @3Sc; fowls, fresh, i£% 3Sc; froaea, 2 1 # 2 l s ; old roosters. 1 7 ^ 2 4 c ; tSiTkeys, fresh, 3 C # 4 0 c ; fro­aea. S 0 @ 4 5 c

Potatoes—2>uil aad weak; receipts SS cars. M a i n e . Green moSiatsia. ia bulk. i>er 180 lbs . . $ 4 . 5 0 @ 5 . 0 0 ; Long Island do. . $3 .55@6.0C; N e w York. do. , n o t q u o t e d ; B e r m u d a aew, bbl. . $11.00 © 1 2 . 5 0 ; Florida, S l l . 0 0 .

Cabbages — irregular; old N e w York D a n i s h white . 9 0 to 100 lb. sack. 5©c@$1.00; red. do . , g l . 0 0 @ 2 . 0 0 ; Florida, new, whi te . 1 H bu. hamper, 75c@S3.00; red do . , $ 2 . 0 0 $ 2 . 5 0 .

M E A T S Country Dressed Calves—Fresh re­

ceipts l ight, moderate demand, market s t eady on ail but smal l , which moved lower; fresh receipts per pound, choice 2 0 @ 2 l c ; fair tc good , 18 9 1 9 c ; com­mon 14C&15; smal l to medium 1 2 c ® 13; small 1 0 c 9 1 1 .

Hothouse L a m b s — Carryovers liberal, d e a m a d slow, market s t eady; fancy 30-35 lbs. each $12.00 # 1 3 . 0 C ; poor t© good, S 7 0 0 @ l l . 0 0 .

G R A I N M A R K E T S New York. April 10. (AP)—Flour,

s teady; spring patents , 3 7 . 5 5 © 7 . 3 5 ; hard winter straights, $7.30 ©7 .65 .

Cornmeai — Quiet; fine white granulated, $ 2 . 7 5 © 2 . 8 5 ; fine yellow granulated, $2.75 © 2 80.

W h e a t , — Spot irregular: No . 1 dark northern'spring. e. i. f. New York, all rail, $1.59J<; N o . 2 hard winter t o. b. N e w York, all raC, $1-1615$; N o . i mixed durum, do. , nominal; N o . 2 Mani toba do. , to arrive, $1.71 X in bond.

C o m — S p o t firm; N o . 2 yel low e. i. f. N e w York, all rail, $ 1 . 1 9 J i ; No . 3 yellow do. , $1 . ISH-

Oats—Spot firm; S o , 2 white 70 %.

BABY CHICKS—White Leghorns Rhode Island Reds. Call 6-F-S.

CHICKS—From pare bred White L e g ­horns, carefully culled as to size. Color and e g g production. Approved I by Poultry Improvement Association, i Reduced prices in large quantities. I Hatches each week. Phone or write | Mrs. N. B. Foster, Marathon..

HATCHING EGGS—Buy your Barred Rock hatching eggs from a Culled and inspected flock. $1.50 for 15, 38.00 per hundred. Mrs. Clarence Giveas, Drydea. N. Y. Gee Hill Road.

ITHACA; 301 WILLIAMS ST.—Boom-- t e g house with student furniture. 14

•47"" • v^ooms, hardwood floors aad trim. 2 complete baths, toilet aad lavatory, good heat. Splendid location, a lways .Sited. B a k e s a One income. Very easy terms. For sale on account of i ickaesa. W. 3. Ramsey.


l e t s F o r Sale 82

CEDAR S T , 12—Valuable l o t S. Rosen­berg. 102 Main St.

SAXDS-ST, 23—Desirable bailding l o t ! Inquire 43 Graham-ave. Phoae 259-J.

Farms F o r Sale «5

S E B D POTATOES, Certified Irish Cob- ; PCLLETS—IS thoroughbred bter. Beeeonable prices. G. B . A l e x - ! a fine flock. Call 1S33-W. eadee... . * f- m^*~— \ • •«


S S B C B S of al l kinds. Order before the sappft'' te gone. ' Preston. Phoae


•! STURDY BABY CHICKS—A.U. varieties. V ^ * . Mrs. M. D. Roe .

WHITE DUTCH CLOVER for lawns . Makes a a Excellent turf. Poand, $.65, i o Lba; i s . ; : .


Poaltry SappUes and Bqa lpmeat , 47A

BROODER for sale. Call 22-F-13.

114 ACRE FARM, with or without equipment. Between Cortlaad and Groton. Address "A. X." care Stand­ard.

NEW HOUSE—3 rooms, large annex,; cculd be used for rummer kitchen, Henhouse, 3 horse barn, 2 acres of good land, many apple trees. Two miles out en South Pendleton St. road. Martin Perquln, rural 3, Cort- j land.

District Maaager Hstionauy k n o w s mvestzaeat security hooae of eleven years' sta-ding is loTking for a man •viik execative amnty and se-curity t iTTig experience, pref-esabiy i s pabHe at!2?iea H e masf have good appearance, sddebas and edacation. Here is an oppertaafty to develop s a d operate a sales orgasfzs-tlon m - s e v e n ! coanttea adja­cent to Cortland.

Coas peasaCMO: LsDeral coss-mssssonwttn sver wr-rir^ w tucit will afford right maa hand­some income. --

W r i t e F. K. S a a t e r 475 Fifth A T S ^ ^ e w York Chy.

P, Bennett Co. successor t o

Geo. A . Adait

Real Estate Insurance Investments I

Houses for Safe B o s s e s and Apartments for R e n t Lots m al l parts of City for Sale Safe Investments Paying 8%

Ihssrance •*• Antomobite, Fire, AccJ^S^t ZJs"biIit % * t c

II P. Bennett Co. 40 Main St. P s o n e 5 6 4


Just Among Us

!. *ci~r^ M s ihe wiomesn not. door $bft \evff her u^3 apd dovra?•/

ammng up wife and running

I i i






Phoae 2000

Answers t o Grab 1. Theodore Bartoa; TT.

sentat lvs; Ohio. », Coastant iaa 3. Jane Adama. 4 . St. Lawreaee.

. S. Sarah Bernhardt 5. Isaiah XXX, 20.


S. repre-

ALSMTwal Reduction

T o setSe s a s s t s t e , & • wrice of tfe& pro|>4Hiy s o Grotca A v t a u s a t s bwea ptdticed to s vsry s t t r se -tirs fiffare.

Wita ia $cm b locks from K s i a S tr s s t aad d o t s to N o r a t L Kewly saiatie)d, p s p c r s d s a d p*intod; a s w floors s a d fur u s e s .

S t a t S6200 wi ta s m t i i pay­ment down wCl b a y t a k property.

Beajamia Baktx- &. Co INVESTMENT BONDS


U r a r S T R I A L AXT> R E A L E S T A T E


20S ^aiiMgs Bass BicLg. Corti&nG? w« i •

Saleswom i With Personality *. Here is aa opportuaitr for a sa leswomaa of

and good persoaality t o secure % desirable po^t ioa carrying an attractive salary.

Experience- ia Women's Beady-to-woar w o o l d b t a a advantage , but is not of so m n c a importance s s ability to mee t and bold attention of biga-elass trads.

Address at oaee* f iTtsg M l particalars, }

Bex 300 s tandard O f S s s ,


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