revision units 4–6 - edupage

Post on 15-Jan-2022






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Wpisz podane wyrazy do odpowiednich kolumn w tabeli. Dwa wyrazy podane są dodatkowo.

semi-detached mansion earache souvenir stall freezing a cough crowd firework display heart foggy a sore throat bungalow stomach cloudy

houses in the street weather illnesses

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami należącymi do podanych kategorii.

Feeling and emotions 1 I ate too much ice cream and I felt s__ __ __.

2 My parents were very p __ __ __ __ of me when I got a medal.

3 I was really d__ __ __ because I had a temperature and couldn’t go to the street party.

Clothes4 It’s raining so take your r __ __ __ c __ __ __

with you.

5 Why are you wearing your p__ __ __ __ __ s now? Are you going to bed?

6 It’s really cold in the cabin, so you shouldn’t wear your f__ __ __ - f __ __ __ __ there.

Injuries / inside the body7 Jane cut her finger and there was a lot

of b __ __ __ d everywhere.

8 Josh broke two of his b __ __ __ s when he was skiing.

9 When I fell off my motorbike, I hit my head but, thankfully, my b__ a __ __ was ok.

Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.

1 When Matt had a headache, his mum gave him some … .

a medicine b wood c top

2 Darren … a coin in his jacket pocket.

a wore b found c fell

3 Sophie … for too long and when she finally woke up, she felt really dizzy.

a slept b saw c left

4 Paper was a Chinese … .

a invent b note c invention

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz podany jest dodatkowo.

do didn’t did wasn’t when were could couldn’t

1 Luckily, Jim ______________ twist his ankle.

2 Where ______________ you last night?

3 I was watching the laser show ______________ I saw him.

4 Where ______________ Liz find the money?

5 James ______________ wearing his socks so he caught a cold.

6 Alice was a very intelligent child. She ______________ read when she was only four.

7 We didn’t ______________ anything wrong.

Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.

1 Yesterday at six, I ______________ (read) a book about the history of Yellowstone National Park.

2 Henry ______________ (not say) ‘Hello’ to me when he saw me this morning.

3 What time ______________ you ______________ (come back) home last night?

4 Last week, Mary ______________ (draw) a beautiful picture for her grandma.

5 Yesterday afternoon, I ______________ (run) in the park when I ______________ (meet) John.

6 You ______________ (not be) very nervous before your exam last Monday.

7 We ______________ (hear) the good news when we ______________ (sit) inside McDonald’s yesterday.

56 Photocopiable Evolution plus 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2009 Polish edition © Macmillan Polska 2014

Revision Units 4–6

Dopasuj do siebie części zwrotów. Jeden początek zwrotów podany jest dodatkowo.

1 Let’s play 2 He fell in love 3 It’s now 4 Lucky 5 So much 6 They made

a your turn. b was going on. c with her. d it up. e a joke.

W zdaniach (1–3) z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią ilustracji. Wpisz znak ✓ w kratkę obok odpowiedzi a, b albo c.

1 It’s

a raining. b snowing. c sunny.

2 The girl wearing a leather jacket is

a getting a text. b getting off the bus. c getting on the bus.

3 The man in the suit has

a toothache. b stomach ache. c a cold.

Dopasuj reakcje (a–f) do wypowiedzi (1–5). Jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

1 Did you sleep well?2 How was the street show?3 What’s the matter?4 Did you see Jennifer? She was wearing her pink sandals.5 My mum fell off her bike and broke her arm.

a No, I didn’t sleep a wink.b Well, I feel dizzy and my muscles hurt.c It can’t be true. It’s too cold. d I’m feeling really happy.e I’m sorry to hear that.f Fantastic! I loved every minute of it.

Opisz swój sen (prawdziwy lub zmyślony). Uzupełniaj zdania według sugestii w nawiasach.

In the dream, I was … (who/where?).It was … (what was the weather like?). I was /We were … (doing what?).I felt … (how?).First … (what happened?).When I was / we were … (doing what?), … (what happened?).Next/Then … (what happened?).Later, when I was / we were … (doing what?), … (what happened?).Finally … (what happened?).When I woke up, I … (did what?).

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

DIANA It was one of those bad days when everything goes wrong. First, I woke up late because my alarm clock didn’t ring. Then, when my brother was leaving the

bathroom, I bumped into the bathroom door and hurt my head. Next, I burnt my hand when I was making some toast. ‘Where did I put my key?’ I asked myself when we were leaving. I couldn’t find it anywhere, but I said nothing and we left the house. It was dark because it was raining again. When mum was driving us to school, we saw a black cat run across the street. ‘This is going to be a very unlucky day’, I thought sadly. And you know the rest.

1 Why did Diana wake up late?2 How did she hurt her head?3 When did she burn her hand?4 What was she looking for before leaving for school?5 Why was it dark outside?6 What did she think when she saw the black cat?

57Photocopiable Evolution plus 3 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2009 Polish edition © Macmillan Polska 2014

Revision Units 4–6

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