rezumat articol congresul de la paris

Post on 07-Oct-2015






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Congresul de pace de la Paris din 1856. Raporturile franco-ruse i problema romneasc.

La Paris se ntrunea diplomaia european dup 40 de ani de la congresul de la Viena, care a pus capt rzboielor cu Napoleon Bonaparte. Acum Frana se ncununa de laurii succesului, reuind mpreun cu Anglia s nving Rusia n rzboiul Crimeii. Astfel, problema romneasc i gsea loc pe agenda de politic extern a marilor puteri. Cu toate c Rusia fuseser nvins aceasta se apropie de Frana, n urma negocierilor secrete care aveau loc ntre ducele de Morny i ministrul rus de la Viena Mihail Gorceacov n 1855. Congresul de la Paris avea s demonstreze c aceast apropiere este una vizibil. Frana este cea care pune n discuie unirea principatelor, lucru susinut i de Rusia, n mod suprinztor. Rusia cuta mijloace pentru a se reabilita n faa romnilor, dar i de a rupe aliana franco-britanic. . Cu toate astea cele dou ri, antagoniste n timpul rzboiului Crimeii au colaborat pentru realizarea doleanelor romnilor de la acel moment, iar n unele momente Frana era dispus s cedeze teren ruilor. Congresul de la Paris nu a dat o soluie definitiv realizrii unirii, din cauza opiniilor divergente ale marilor puteri, dar a reuit s mai obin un aliat Rusia.

The Peace Congress of Paris in 1856. The Franco-Russian relations and Romanian problem.

European diplomacy was meeting in Paris after 40 years of the Congress of Vienna, which ended with Napoleon Bonaparte of warfare. Now France is crowned with the laurels of success, making an alliance with England to defeat Russia in the Crimean War. The Romanian problem found its place on the foreign policy agenda of the great powers. Although Russia had been defeated by France and its allies, secret negotiations taking place between the Duke of Morny and Russian Minister of Vienna Mihail Gorceacov. The Congress of Paris in 1856 demonstrated that this approach is visible. France supported the union of the two Romanian principalities, and Russia, surprisingly. Russia seek to rehabilitate to Romanians, but also to break the Franco-British alliance. Yet the two countries during the Crimean War antagonists have collaborated to achieve wishes Romanians at that time, and in some moments France was willing to cede ground to the Russians. Paris Congress did not give a definitive solution to achieve union because of divergent views of the great powers, but managed to get an ally - Russia.

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