risk assessment of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (c.b.r.n.) substances in greece,...

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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In the present paper we describe the Risk Assessment Analysis of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear (CBRN) threat. Nowadays, the most serious threats considered to be, firstly, the Chemical and Biological, and secondly the Nuclear. The dissemination of WMD is one of the most crucial issues of international security. The vivid effusion of this phenomenon in the region of Middle East and North Africa has possible consequences limited within the boundaries of this particular region. The terrorist organizations considered to be, by governments and the International Community, a possible threat. In such a framework of the International environment, Greece seems to live in. Our country, through its participation in International Organizations exercises pressure for the termination, reduction and control of the accession of CBRN weapons. In Greece there is no competent authority for the materialization of CBRN risk assessment. In order to affront the issue of the CBRN risk assessment, the Greek authorities made a serious endeavour, during the organization. In this paper, are presented the most crucial proposals that could offer solutions to the present institutional framework which rules the risk assessment procedure on European and national level. Η παρούσα εργασία πραγματεύεται την εκτίμηση Χημικών, Βιολογικών, Ραδιολογικών και Πυρηνικών (Χ.Β.Ρ.Π.) κινδύνων στη Χώρα μας. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η αναγνώριση, ανάλυση, αξιολόγηση και εκτίμηση Χημικών (Χ.Β.Ρ.Π.) απειλών στη Χώρα μας και τα μέτρα που οφείλουν να λάβουν τόσο οι Δήμοι της Χώρας, όσο και το Κράτος, προκειμένου να καλύψουν τυχόν νομοθετικά κενά. Σήμερα, ως σοβαρότερη απειλή θεωρείται πρώτα η Χημική και η Βιολογική, ενώ η Ραδιολογική κατέχει τη δεύτερη θέση.


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