rm concepts

Post on 04-Oct-2015






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Research methods_ conceptsBasic research: Its main objective is to extend the existing domain of knowledge above certain subject or topicApplied: it is the research relating a specific product, service or system . It aims at solving the problem or resolving any issue in a scientific and systematic manner. Empirical research: it is a research which is based on observed data without the support of any theory or model. Scientific research: This is systematic and organised way of inquirySocial research: It attempts to analysis reasoning for behavioural issues leading to criteria for selection, preference etc. Historical research: The process of systematically examining past events to give an account, may involve interpretation to recapture the occurrences, personalities and ideas. Business research: It is the research relating to problem or issues to business entities or business environment or a group of business Exploratory research: It is conducted to explore a problem, at its preliminary stage to get some basic idea It is general and lacks in objective. Descriptive research: It aims to describe the characteristic feature of the phenomenon. It answer the questions who, what, where, when and how. Casual research: It is concerned with finding the root cause of a symptom Normative research: It is usually conducted which developing new product, service or system to assure whether desire objective has been achieved. Deductive logic: Inference are drawn from a general principle to particular conclusion Induction: the inference is from particular to general. Research process: problem identification, literature review, formation of research question and objective, hypothesis, research design, sampling, data collection, analysis and interpretation of data, finding and conclusions, report writing. Variable: a variable is anything that can take on differing or varying values. Dependent variable: It is the variable of primary interest to the researcher The goal is to understand and describe the dependent variable to explain its variability or predict it. Independent variable; It is one that influences the dependent variable either in the positive or negative way. Ie. The variance in the dependent variable is accounted by the independent variable. Mediating variable: It is one that surfaces between the time the independent variable start operating to influence the dependent variable and the time their impact is felt on it. Moderating variable: It is one that has a strong contingent effect on the independent variable-dependent variable relationship. That is the presence of third variable(the moderating variable) modifies the original relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. (It has been found that there is a relationship between the availability of reference manuals that manufacturing employees have access to, and the product rejects. That is when the workers follow the procedures laid down in the manual, they are able to manufacture products that are flawless. IV availability of manual, DV rejects the dv is moderated by moderating variable (interest and inclination) Hypothesis: It can be defined as a tentative, testable statement which predicts what you expect to find in your empirical data. Exploratory design: an exploratory study is undertaken when not much is known about the situation at hand, or no information is available on how similar problems or research issues have been solved in the past. Descriptive : It is study undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of variable of interest in a situation Sampling process: Step I defining the population: elements, sampling units, extent, timeStep 2- indentifying the sampling Frame- a complete list of population units (registers)Step 3 specify the sampling unit- target populationStep4- specify the sampling method any one methodStep 5- determine the sample size number of elements to be chosenStep 6 specify the sampling plan-Steps 7- select the sample (elements- product, sampling units- retail outlets, super markets, extent- New Delhi, Mumbai, Time- may2nd 2014)Report : a final draft of the findings of the studyTechnical report (research article, research abstract)Popular report ( summary)Interim Data processing : editing, coding and tabulation.

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