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n Test obsahuje 60 úloh. Je rozdělen do 3 oddílů, na řešení prvního máte 23 minut (délkanahrávky), na každý další 20 minut. Pracujte vždy jen na příslušném oddílu, časy nejsou převoditelné. U každé úlohy s výběrem možností je jen jedna správná odpověď. Za každou správnou odpověď získáte bod, za špatnou odpověď(s výjimkou posledních 8 úloh) část bodu ztrácíte. Nejlepší je řešit nejdříve snadné úlohy a k náročnějším se vrátit. Nebuďte nervózní z toho, že nevyřešíte všechno, to se povedemálokomu.



T��� � ČERVNA I/JÚNA I 2020

Datum konání zkoušky: 13. června 2020 Počet řešitelů testu: 850 Počet úloh: 60Průměrná vynechanost: 12,3 %

Správné odpovědi jsou označeny.

Max. možné skóre: 60 Max. dosažené skóre: 60 Min. možné skóre: -17,3 Min. dosažené skóre: -6,7 Průměrné skóre: 26,2

1. Listening

© Scio 2020  2 

Listening 1

You will hear a text which is followed by several tasks. You will be given time to look through the relevant tasks before you listen. You will hear the recording twice. Solve the tasks based solely on the information in the recording.


Wally Funk

The pilot broke astronaut training records in the 1960s before being told a woman’s place is not in orbit. Sixty years on, she is still pursuing her dream.

(adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/)


When Wally was a child, her parents ______ outdoor activities.

(A) discouraged her from(B) were unaware of her(C) were supportive regarding her(D) strictly forbade her to do


As a 14-year-old, Wally ______.

(A) met the president himself(B) joined a political association(C) got a flying licence(D) proved to be an excellent shooter


The aim of Lovelace’s Woman in Space program was to ______.

(A) find out what society thinks about the idea of women in space(B) determine if men and women have comparable

abilities(C) prove that women were better astronauts than men(D) get funding for a space mission he wanted to participate in


Wally broke a record in a test which involved ______.

(A) being deprived of sensory stimuli(B) floating in outer space(C) driving a tank(D) flying a plane for 10 hours


Mercury 13 was ______.

(A) a plan to go to Mercury(B) Wally’s nickname(C) a group of women(D) a spaceship


While travelling around Europe and Africa, Wally ______.

(A) had to leave her dog behind(B) built her own camper van(C) spent most time flying from one place to another(D) had no people to keep her company

    1. Listening  

© Scio 2020  3 

Listening 2

You will hear a series of short unrelated extracts. There is one task for each extract. You will be given time to read the relevant task before you listen. You will hear each extract twice. Solve the tasks based solely on the information in the recording.


You hear a piece of news about a criminal case.

The criminals ______.

(A) set a remote forest on fire (B) hijacked a train (C) dismantled a former railway bridge (D) blew up a frequently used bridge


You hear a story about a man from Siberia.

The man ______.

(A) was forced to pay a compensation to his wife after she left him

(B) took legal action against The Sixth Sense company (C) possesses supernatural abilities (D) paid 6,300 dollars to The Sixth Sense company


You hear a story about a man called Takis who takes care of stray dogs.

Takis started taking care of dogs after he had ______.

(A) been fired (B) lost all his property (C) won a lot of money (D) come across them at a local dump


You hear a piece of information about Hum, a town in Croatia.

Hum ______.

(A) has not changed much since it was established (B) has over 30 streets despite being very small (C) has the highest consumption of brandy in all Croatia (D) has been closed for tourists since 2011


You hear a story about a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, Tristan da Cunha.

According to the story, Tristan da Cunha is ______.

(A) uninhabitable due to its extreme environment (B) impossible to reach by mail (C) known for its pleasant environmental conditions (D) the most distant permanently inhabited place in the



You hear the results of a study.

According to the study, people have a higher chance of getting a lost wallet back if it contains ______.

(A) a nice infant photo than a photo of an old couple (B) personal identification documents (C) little money (D) a photo of an animal than a photo of a person

    2. Reading  

© Scio 2020  4 

Reading 1

Read the following text and solve the tasks based solely on the information in it.


You are going to read about four of the Wonders of the Ancient World. For each of the questions below, choose from the wonders A–D. Each wonder may be chosen more than once.

A – Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was the tomb of the Persian governor Mausolus, built in c. 351 BC. Mausolus chose Halicarnassus as his capital city, and he and his beloved wife Artemisia went to great lengths to create a city whose beauty would be unmatched in the world. Mausolus died in 353 BC and Artemisia wished to create a final resting place worthy of such a great ruler. The tomb’s interiors were ornately decorated with fine sculpture. It is from the tomb of Mausolus that the English word mausoleum is derived.

B – Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the god Helios constructed between 292 and 280 BC. It stood overlooking the harbor of Rhodes and, despite current fanciful depictions to the contrary, stood with its legs together on a base and did not straddle the harbour. The statue was commissioned after the defeat of the invading army of Demetrius in 304 BC. Demetrius left behind much of his siege equipment and weaponry and this was sold by the Rhodians who used the money to build the Colossus. The statue stood for only 56 years before it was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC.

C – The Lighthouse at Alexandria

The Lighthouse at Alexandria, built on the island of Pharos, stood close to 134 m in height and was commissioned by Ptolemy I. Construction was completed sometime around 280 BC. At the time of its construction, the Lighthouse was the third tallest human-made structure in the world and its light could be seen as far as 35 miles out to sea. The structure rose from a square base to a middle octagonal section up to a circular top and those who saw it in its glory reported that words were inadequate to describe its beauty. The lighthouse was badly damaged in an earthquake in 956 AD, again in 1303 AD and 1323 AD and, by the year 1480 AD, it was gone.

D – Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was created by the great Greek sculptor Phidias. The statue depicted the god Zeus seated on his throne, his head of ivory and robes of hammered gold, designed to inspire awe in the worshippers who came to the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. Not everyone was awestruck by the statue, however. A Greek historian Strabo reports: “Although the temple itself is very large, the sculptor is criticized for not having appreciated the correct proportions. He has shown Zeus seated, but with the head almost touching the ceiling, so that we have the impression that if Zeus moved to stand up, he would unroof the temple.”

(adapted from: https://www.ancient.eu/The_Seven_Wonders/)

    2. Reading  

© Scio 2020  5 


Which wonder gave origin to a word in a present-day language?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia 14.

Which wonder was constructed following a victory over enemies?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia


Which wonder is said not to have been unanimously praised?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia


Which wonder tends to be portrayed inaccurately nowadays?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia 17.

Which wonder was built by someone who wished to celebrate the memory of their late spouse?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia 18.

Which wonder is named after a person who previously ruled the city where it was located?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia


Which wonder was distinctive by having various geometric shapes incorportated into its structure?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia


Which wonder has been labelled as disproportionate to its surroundings?

(A) Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (B) Colossus of Rhodes (C) The Lighthouse at Alexandria (D) Statue of Zeus at Olympia

    2. Reading  

© Scio 2020  6 

Reading 2

Read the following text and solve the tasks based solely on the information in it.


Delight as beach that vanished 33 years ago leaving just rock pools behind reappears

Villagers are delighted after an entire beach that was washed away 33 years ago has reappeared virtually overnight thanks to a freak tide. The beach near the Irish village of Dooagh on Achill Island vanished in Spring storms of 1984 after waves washed away all the sand. With nothing more than rock pools left behind, almost all the village’s hotels, guesthouses and cafes shut down. (A) But hundreds of thousands of tons of sand were dumped on the beach by the tides over ten days in April, re-creating a stunning 300 m long beach. (B) Alan Gielty, 48, the third generation to run the local Gielty’s Bar and Restaurant, said the beach has brought with it an influx of tourists. He said: “It disappeared back in the 80s after a very, very bad sea storm. (C) But now it’s back. It’s amazing. Since people have seen the news of the beach on the news we have had plenty more visitors from the middle of the country.”

The beach used to be integral to the population of Achill. During the 1845 famine, many families moved to nearby to live off the fish and rich soils the beach provided. According to the history books, the beach at Dooagh first vanished in the 1890s but had returned within three decades. A pier was built shortly thereafter, in 1927. In those days, a bugle would summon villagers to the beach when large amounts of wrack seaweed were washed ashore with the spring tides. Villagers would collect the seaweed and then used it to fertilise their land. Dooagh resident Emmet Callaghan still has the original bugle that his great-great-grandfather Patrick Callaghan used to sound the call. “We live in a dark world these days so I think that is why there has been so much interest in Dooagh beach since the story broke – for something like our beach to come back gives people hope. It’s a good news story and one where nature has done something benign for a change,” Callaghan, an administrator at Achill Tourism, said.

Dr Ivan Haigh, associate professor in coastal oceanography at the University of Southampton, explains the reasons behind the reappearance of the beach: “Sand along the coast is in a constant state of flux, moved by storms, waves and wind. It is also influenced by the available supply of sediment from stretches of coastline many 100 km’s away. (D) The typical strength of storm and waves changes on decadal time-scales, and it is also possible that environmental conditions have altered providing the ideal conditions for a fresh build up of sand.”

(adapted from: www.telegraph.co.uk)

    2. Reading  

© Scio 2020  7 


The word “virtually” in the first paragraph of the text is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) unrealistically (B) evidently (C) practically (D) undoubtedly


When was the earliest recorded disappearance of the Dooagh beach?

(A) 1845 (B) 1890s (C) 1927 (D) 1984


What was the bugle mentioned in the text used for?

(A) to warn about a coming storm (B) to inform about seaweed deposits (C) to keep villagers away from the beach (D) to honour a tradition started by Patrick Callaghan


The word “integral” in the second paragraph of the text is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) essential (B) inclusive (C) detrimental (D) initial


According to Mr Haigh, how long does it take for the typical strength of waves at sea to change?

(A) a couple of weeks (B) several months (C) tens of years (D) hundreds of years


In which two of the following ways has the beach benefitted the locals?

I. It has shelters for fishermen. II. It served as a food source during the famine. III. It attracts visitors. IV. It served as a marine sanctuary for endangered sea


(A) I and II (B) I and III (C) II and III (D) III and IV


Which of the following outlines best summarizes the three paragraphs of the text?

(A) first paragraph: details of the story; second paragraph: historical background; third paragraph: expert opinion

(B) first paragraph: expert opinion; second paragraph: details of the story; third paragraph: comparison with other natural phenomena

(C) first paragraph: details of the story; second paragraph: future forecasts; third paragraph: quotes from locals

(D) first paragraph: quotes from locals; second paragraph: future forecasts; third paragraph: effect on tourism


Look at the four letters (A) to (D) in the text above. These indicate where the following sentence could be added to the text.

And the picturesque stretch is still in place.

Where would the sentence best fit?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

    3. Use of English  

© Scio 2020  8 

Multiple choice cloze

Fill in the numbered gaps in the following short texts with the most suitable word or phrase from the options offered.


Well-intentioned restorer?

For 500 years, the painted wooden statue of St George __(29)__ decorates a chapel in the Spanish town of Estella has been locked in a silent struggle against his old enemy, the dragon. Today, however, the saint __(30)__ a different battle thanks to a feat of restoration that has resulted in the ancient statue __(31)__ more like a children’s doll, with a rosy pink face and a bold, red-and-grey suit of armour.

The restoration __(32)__ to have been carried out by a crafts teacher at the __(33)__ of the authorities of the Church of St Michael. The mayor of Estella, which lies in the Navarre region, is demanding to know why the council was not consulted before the work went ahead. The mayor said he had seen the statue and was not happy with the result. “It is not the kind of restoration that it __(34)__ for this 16th-century statue. They have used plaster and the wrong kind of paint and it is possible that the original layers of paint have been lost.”

He said experts had been called in and were checking whether it would be possible to undo the restoration work and restore the statue to its previous __(35)__.

(adapted from: www.eveningstandard.com)


(A) what (B) whose (C) whom (D) that


(A) copes (B) faces (C) deals (D) defeats


(A) look (B) looking (C) to look (D) looked


(A) looks (B) is believed (C) is done (D) apparently


(A) request (B) reply (C) information (D) choice


(A) must have been (B) should have been (C) can have been (D) cannot have been


(A) ability (B) state (C) sight (D) view

    3. Use of English  

© Scio 2020  9 


Bag containing thousands in cash dumped on doorstep

A householder in York got a surprise as she went to put her rubbish out, only to discover a bin bag full of cash on her doorstep.

The bag, which __(36)__ with thousands of pounds of used bank notes, had been left on the doorstep of a __(37)__ vicarage in the city. The occupants of the property immediately contacted police to let them know of the discovery and detectives are now __(38)__ for help to locate who the money belongs to. It is not clear whether the cash is the result of a crime or whether the person it belongs to lost the money __(39)__ accident. Police are not saying how much cash was contained in the bag, but __(40)__ that it was thousands rather than hundreds.

Detective Inspector Andrea Kell of York CID, said: “This is a very unusual find which remains __(41)__ and we would like to find out where the money came from and rule __(42)__ any criminal connection.”

(adapted from www.telegraph.co.uk)


(A) crammed (B) had crammed (C) has crammed (D) was crammed


(A) before (B) former (C) long ago (D) prior


(A) denying (B) aiding (C) appealing (D) blaming


(A) at (B) by (C) for (D) to


(A) confirmed (B) was confirmed (C) was confirming (D) were confirmed


(A) unadvised (B) unequal (C) unexplained (D) unquoted


(A) in (B) into (C) of (D) out

    3. Use of English  

© Scio 2020  10 

Grammar and Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the most suitable word or phrase from the options offered.


The newspapers gave a very biased report of the meeting of the two leading political parties.

In the context of the sentence above, the word “biased” is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) one-sided (B) objective (C) accurate (D) detailed


He was charged with driving a car without the consent of the owner.

In the context of the sentence above, the word “consent” is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) licence (B) supervision (C) presence (D) permission


His account of events contains many inaccuracies and is therefore quite implausible.

In the context of the sentence above, the word “implausible” is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) discouraging (B) dull (C) imprudent (D) unconvincing


Chinese authorities say that the death toll from the typhoon has risen to two dozen.

In the context of the sentence above, the expression “death toll” is closest in meaning to ______.

(A) cause of death (B) murder victims (C) number of deceased (D) natural disaster


I am worried about John – he is a ______ smoker.

(A) heavy (B) hard (C) tough (D) strong


Nowadays, women in many countries are treated ______ than they used to be.

(A) more respect (B) respectfully (C) more respectful (D) more respectfully


He admitted that he ______ on the test. I knew he couldn’t possibly have got an A just like that.

(A) has cheated (B) had cheated (C) had been cheated (D) was being cheated


All books are checked for plagiarized passages prior to ______ for publication.

(A) be accepted (B) accept (C) having accepted (D) being accepted


You want Maria to babysit your daughter? She can’t take care of herself, ______ a child!

(A) although (B) so that (C) not enough (D) let alone


As a child, he ______ the school bus almost every day because he couldn’t get out of bed in time.

(A) used to missing (B) has missed (C) would miss (D) will have missed

    3. Use of English  

© Scio 2020  11 

Word formation

Use the word in brackets at the end of each sentence to form a new word that fits the gap. Please write neatly in capital letters. Illegible answers will be considered to be incorrect. Please note that only words listed in either Cambridge Dictionary (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/) or Oxford English Dictionary (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/) or Webster’s Dictionary (https://www.merriam-webster.com/), which are not marked as archaic or obsolete, will be accepted as correct answers.

Example: The Mona Lisa is one of the most ______ paintings in the world. (FAME)


Adam doesn’t recall his father ever being enthusiastic, enthused or passionate about anything. (ENTHUSIASM)


When I asked for directions, a local said to me: “Just go straight for about 10 minutes and then take the left turn where the road naturally forks and gets narrower.” (FORK)


It would be too costly to repair the old bridge so it was torn down. (COST)


The pictures are meant to clarify some of the points in the text. (CLARITY)


Several security cameras and alarms have been put in place to prevent unauthorised, unauthorized access to the premises. (AUTHORISE)


Some deeply religious people say a prayer before each meal. (PRAY)


Power plants are required to dispose of any waste which is hazardous to the environment in a safe manner. (HAZARD)


When making a big decision, you should always carefully weigh up all the pros and cons. (WEIGHT)



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