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Ingo Rohlfing Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, Universität zu Köln

office: room: 313.c, Herbert-Lewin-Str. 2, 50931 Köln mail: Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln

phone: +4922147089973 // fax: +492214702889

Current and previous positions 12/2016- Professor for Methods of Comparative Political Research, University of

Cologne 09/2015-03/2016 Paternity leave 09/2013-11/2016 Professor for Political Science, Qualitative Methods at Bremen International

Graduate School of Social Science (BIGSSS), University of Bremen; Adjunct Professor, Jacobs University Bremen

04/2013-09/2013 Visiting professor (Vertretungsprofessur, W2) for Methods for Empirical

Political Science (Prof. Achim Goerres) at the University of Duisburg-Essen 07/2009-09/2013 Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor, W1) for Comparative Social Research

at the Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), University of Cologne (on leave of absence during summer term 2013)

04/2008-06/2009 Research associate, project The dynamics of interparty competition, Chair for

Comparative Politics, Prof. André Kaiser, University of Cologne 07/2007-03/2008 Research associate, project The quality of macrodata in the social sciences,

Chair for Empirical Social and Economic Research, Prof. Hans-Jürgen Andreß, University of Cologne

04/2003-12/2006 Research associate, International tax policy project, Prof. Philipp Genschel,

Collaborative Research Center Transformations of the State, Jacobs University

University education 04/2003-09/2007 PhD studies at the Jacobs University, PhD in Political Science 10/1997-03/2003 Studies in Political Science at the University of Konstanz

Diplom (equivalent to M.A.) in Politics and Management

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


Teaching Graduate

Advanced Qualitative Methods, seminar (Master), 2014/15 Building and Evaluating Theories in Empirical Research, seminar, 2017 Case study method, seminar (PhD), 2012/13, 2011/12, 2010/11, 2009/10 Concepts, measurement, and data in the social sciences, seminar (PhD), 2012, 2011 Neo-Institutional Economics in International Relations, seminar (Master), 2014 Political parties: organization, competition, and membership in office and opposition, seminar

(Master), 2009 Political and social institutions: theory and methodology, seminar (PhD), 2010 Process tracing and case studies in comparative politics, seminar (Master/PhD), 2018/19, 2017/18 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), seminar (PhD: 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010; Master: 2018,

2017) Research design, seminar (PhD), 2011/12, 2009/10, 2008 (jointly with André Kaiser) Methoden für Politikwissenschaft für Lehramtsstudenten (Introduction to methods for prospective

teachers), lecture, 2013 Strategies of causal analysis and comparative research designs, seminar (Master/PhD), 2017/18 Undergraduate

Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Introduction to Comparative Politics), lecture, 2012/13

Einführung in die Statistik (Course held in German: Introduction to Statistics), lecture, 2013 Entscheiden im Politischen System der BRD: Analysen mit qualitativen Methoden (Course held in

German: Decision making in the German political system: analyses using qualitative methods), seminar, 2015, 2014

Logic of comparative research: case studies and process tracing, seminar, 2014/15 Politische Parteien in Westeuropa (Course held in German: Political Parties in Western Europe),

seminar, 2015, 2013 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Methodik und empirische Anwendung in der EU-

Forschung (research seminar in German, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Method and empirical application in EU research), seminar, 2016

Staatstätigkeit und Politische Parteien (Course held in German: Public Policy and Political Parties), seminar, 2013/14

Publications All authors contributed equally to co-authored publications. See my OSF repository for preprints and reproduction material:

Monograph (peer reviewed)

(2012): Case studies and causal inference: an integrative framework (Palgrave Macmillan Research Methods Series). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Peer-reviewed articles

Rohlfing, Ingo and Tobias Schafföner (forthcoming): The time-varying relationship between economic globalization and the ideological center of gravity of party systems. PLOS ONE

Rohlfing, Ingo and Christina Zuber (forthcoming): Linking theories of causation to social science methods. Sociological Methods & Research

Behrens, Lion and Ingo Rohlfing (2018): Not so different in present attitudes and behaviour, but expected future membership: A technical replication of a study of party youth in six European democracies. Research & Politics (online only,

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


(2018): Power and false negatives in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Foundations, simulation and estimation for empirical studies. Political Analysis 26 (1): 72-89

Beach, Derek and Ingo Rohlfing (2018): Integrating cross-case analyses and process tracing in set-theoretic research: strategies and parameters of debate. Sociological Methods & Research 47 (1): 3-36

Rohlfing, Ingo and Carsten Q. Schneider (2018): A unifying framework for causal analysis in set-theoretic multi-method research. Sociological Methods & Research 47 (1): 37-63

Kuehn, David and Ingo Rohlfing (2016): Are There Really Two Cultures? A Pilot Study on the Application of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Political Science. European Journal of Political Research 55 (4): 885-905 Corrigendum: Kuehn, David and Ingo Rohlfing (2017): Are there really two cultures?

European Journal of Political Research 56 (1): 187. (2016): Why simulations are appropriate for evaluating Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Quality &

Quantity 50 (5): 2073-2084 Schneider, Carsten Q. and Ingo Rohlfing (2016): Case studies nested in fuzzy-set QCA on

sufficiency: formalizing case selection and causal inference. Sociological Methods & Research 45 (3): 526-568

(2015): Mind the gap: A review of simulation designs for Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Research & Politics (December)

(2015): Asset or liability? The influence of changes in party membership on party ideology. Party Politics 21 (1): 17-27

(2014): Comparative hypothesis testing via process tracing. Sociological Methods & Research 43 (4): 606-642

Klaus Detterbeck and Ingo Rohlfing (2014): Party leader selection in Germany. Pilet, Jean-Benoit Pilet and William Cross (eds.): The selection of political party leaders in contemporary parliamentary democracies: A comparative study. Routledge: London: 77-92

Rohlfing, Ingo and Peter Starke (2013): Building on solid ground: robust case selection in multi-method research. Swiss Political Science Review 19 (4): 492-512

Schneider, Carsten Q. and Ingo Rohlfing (2013): Combining QCA and process tracing in set-theoretic multi-method research. Sociological Methods & Research 42 (4): 559-597

(2013): Varieties of process tracing and ways to answer why-questions. European Political Science 12 (1): 31-39

Rohlfing, Ingo, and Carsten Q. Schneider (2013): Formalized case selection for process tracing after QCA: the case of necessity. Political Research Quarterly 66 (1): 220-235

(2012): Analyzing multilevel data with QCA: a straightforward procedure. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 15 (6): 497-506

(2009): Bilateralismus und Multilateralismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen: Ein polit-ökonomischer Ansatz am Beispiel der Handelsbeziehungen. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 16 (1): 75-101

(2009): Discrimination in international trade: A different perspective. Acta Politica 44 (2): 192-210 (2008): What you see and what you get: Pitfalls and principles of nested analysis in comparative

research. Comparative Political Studies 41 (11): 1492-1514 (2008): Continuity in discontinuity: The domestic political economy of trade cooperation from 1860

to 1914. International Negotiation 13 (2): 211-231 Rixen, Thomas and Ingo Rohlfing (2007): The institutional choice of bilateralism and multilateralism

in international trade and taxation. International Negotiation 12 (3): 389-414 Fischer, Jörn, André Kaiser and Ingo Rohlfing (2006): The push and pull of ministerial resignations

in Germany, 1969-2005. West European Politics 29 (4): 709-735

Non-peer reviewed

Rohlfing, Ingo and Carsten Q. Schneider (2014): Clarifying misunderstandings, moving forward: towards standards and tools for set-theoretic methods. Newsletter of the APSA Section Qualitative Methods and Multi-Methods Research 12 (2): 27-34

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


(2014): Foreward for “Alemán, José A. (2014): Labor relations in new democracies: East Asia, Latin America, and Europe. 2.ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.”

(2013): A tale of four books. Contribution to symposium on Goertz and Mahoney’s A Tale of Two Cultures. Newsletter of the APSA Section Qualitative Methods and Multi-Methods Research.

(2013): What is the relation between Comparative Historical Analysis and ‘ordinary’ case studies? European Political Science 12 (1): 16-19

Schneider, Carsten Q. and Ingo Rohlfing (2012): Does set-relational causation fit into a potential outcomes framework? An Assessment of Gerring’s Proposal. Newsletter of the APSA Section Qualitative Methods and Multi-Methods Research 10 (1): 8-14

Kühn, David and Ingo Rohlfing (2010): Causal explanation and multi-method research in the social sciences. Working Paper no. 26, Political Methodology Working Paper Series of the IPSA Committee on Concepts & Methods Winner of the Best Working Paper Award 2011 of the IPSA Committee on Concepts &

Methods Kühn, David and Ingo Rohlfing (2009): Does it, really? Measurement error and omitted variables in

multi-method research. Newsletter of the APSA Section Qualitative Methods and Multi-Methods Research 7 (2): 18-22

(2008): Vergleichende Fallanalysen (Comparative case studies). Pickel, Susanne, Gert Pickel, Hans-Joachim Lauth and Detlef Jahn (eds.): Vergleichende politikwissenschaftliche Methoden. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag: 133-151

Book reviews Mahoney, James, and Kathleen A. Thelen (eds.) (2009): Explaining Institutional Change: Ambiguity,

Agency, and Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Political Studies Review 9 (2): 259-260

Challenges and change in party politics, Journal of European Integration 33 (1): 93-99 (reviewed books: Poguntke, Thomas et al. (eds.) (2007): The Europeanisation of national political parties; O'Brennan, John and Raunio Tapio (eds.) (2007): National parliaments within the enlarged European Union; Bosco, Anna and Leonardo Morlino (eds.) (2007): Party Change in Southern Europe; Benoit, Kenneth and Michael Laver (2006): Party Policy in Modern Democracies; Deschouwer, Kris (ed.) (2008): New parties in government)

Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Henry E. Brady, and David Collier (eds.) (2008): Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology. Political Studies Review 7 (3): 402

Schimmelfennig, Frank and Thomas Gschwend (eds.) (2008): Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft. Swiss Political Science Review 14 (3): 579-583

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


Awards & Grants Awards Best Paper Award 2013, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 2nd place Rohlfing, Ingo and Peter Starke (2013): Building on solid ground: robust case selection in

multi-method research. Swiss Political Science Review 19 (4): 492-512 Best Working Paper Award 2011, IPSA Committee on Concepts & Methods

Kühn, David and Ingo Rohlfing (2010): Causal explanation and multi-method research in the social sciences. Working Paper no. 26, Political Methodology Working Paper Series of the IPSA Committee on Concepts & Methods

Grants and fellowships Enhanced qualitative and multimethod research (ENHANCEDQMMR), ERC Starting Grant 2014,

05/2015-04/2020, 1.125.700 Euro A Tale of Two Cultures? An empirical analysis of common practices in qualitative and quantitative

research in political science, Thyssen foundation, 07/2014-06/2015, 15.000 Euro (jointly with David Kühn)

The dynamics of inter-party competition (extension), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 01/2011-08/2011, 35.000 Euro (jointly with André Kaiser)

The dynamics of inter-party competition, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 04/2008-03/2010, 116.000 Euro (jointly with André Kaiser)

Workshops Methods school courses & workshops Qualitative Comparative Analysis and set-theoretic multimethod research, IQMR Institute, Syracuse

University, June, 2018, 2017 A short introduction to mixed-methods research, Meth-Lab workshop, Leuven University, June 18,

2018 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), ICPSR Summer Program, Ann Arbor, June 6-8, 2018 Introduction to regression analysis, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, April

11, 2018 Mixed-Methods Research, Energy Politics Group at ETH Zurich, Dec 18, 2017 Fallauswahl und Fallstudiendesigns in komplexen Evaluierungen, Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut

der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Bonn, Nov 21, 2017 What makes a good research question, ACCESS Europe Summer School, University of

Amsterdam, June 12, 2017 Einführung in Prozessanalyse in der Sozialwissenschaft, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften,

Universität Frankfurt am Main, May 11, 2017 Set-theoretic multi-method research, short course, APSA Annual Meeting, 2017, 2016, 2014 Qualitative Techniken in der Evaluierung (working title), Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Bonn, July 27, 2016 Multimethod research in political science, Geschwister-Scholl-Institut, LMU München, July 14, 2016 Multimethod research: Rationale and types, Summer School on Research Strategies in Policy

Studies, University of Genoa, June 30, 2016 Bayesian case studies: The interplay of expectations and evidence, Summer School on Research

Strategies in Policy Studies, University of Genoa, June 30, 2016 Process tracing: Basics and strategies, SDU Odense, May 26, 2016 Fallstudien und Prozessanalyse, Graduate School of Politics (GraSP), University of Münster,

October 01-02, 2015 Multimethod research, research seminar ‘Economy in Latin America’, FU Berlin, June 26, 2015 QCA and multi-method research, EU Initial Training Network “Power and Region in a Multipolar

Order”, GIGA Hamburg, April 14-15, 2014

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Advanced multi-method research, ECPR Winter School on Methods and Techniques, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Case study research, University of Duisburg-Essen, Sep 11-12, 2014 Mixed-methods research, GIGA Institute, Hamburg, June 5-6, 2014 Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), University of Duisburg-Essen, Jan 17, 2014 Case selection in qualitative research, GIGA Institute, Hamburg, Nov 7-8, 2013 & May, 18-19, 2017 Case study research: method and practice, ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques,

2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 Prozessanalyse: Methode und Anwendung, workshop at the Political Science Department of the

University of Stuttgart, July 12, 2013 Process tracing, workshop at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn,

July 5, 2013 Prozessanalyse: Methode und Anwendung, workshop of Phd program "International-vergleichende

Forschung zu Bildung und Bildungspolitik im Wohlfahrtsstaat" of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, in cooperation with graduate school of the University of Tübingen, Tübingen, April 18, 2013

Multi-method research, one-day workshop at PARTIREP II project, Bruxelles, 7 Dec, 2012 Process tracing: philosophy, theory, and practice, co-director of workshop at the ECPR Joint

Sessions (jointly with Derek Beach), Antwerp, 10-14 April, 2012 Using mixed methods to study social phenomena, workshop, University of Enschede, 16 March,

2012 Mixed-methods research, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Universität Konstanz, 30

September, 2011 Case study design & Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), workshop at the International

Summer School “Religious Pluralization and Migration”, University of Bochum, 27-28 July, 2010

Committees & Academic Services Reviewer and publishing activities (See for my Publons profile: Some reviews listed here are missing in the profile because I created it later) Editorships and boards American Political Science Review, associate editor, 09/2016- Comparative Politics Series (Nomos), founding co-editor COMPASSS, advisory board DiscussData, DFG-funded project at Uni Oldenburg and Uni Bremen, advisory board IPSA Concept & Methods Working Paper Series, editorial board SAGE Open, editorial board Journals Acta Politica, American Political Science Review British Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Sociology Climate Policy, Comparative Political Studies, COMPASSS Working Paper Series Democratization Environmental Planning C, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science,

European Political Science Review, European Sociological Review Government & Opposition Information Sciences, International Interactions, International Journal of Social Research

Methodology; International Review of Administrative Studies; International Studies Review Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of East Asian Studies, Journal of European Public

Policy, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Public Policy Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


Methodological Innovations Online Oxford Research Encyclopedia Party Politics, PLOS One, Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, Political Science

Research and Methods, Political Studies Review, Politics & Society, Politische Vierteljahresschrift

Regulation & Governance Quality & Quantity R Journal, Research & Politics, Romanian Journal of Political Science SAGE Open (article editor), Social Movement Studies, Social Science Computer Review,

Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods & Research, Sociological Perspectives, Studies in Comparative International Development, Swiss Political Science Review

Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

Book publishers Cambridge University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, SAGE Funding agencies Czech Science Foundation (GACR): Project proposal Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Project proposals Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD): Post-Doctoral Researcher International Mobility

Experience (PRIME 2018), Reviewer for Political Science Schweizer Nationalfonds (SNF): Project proposal UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC): Project proposal

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


Committees and services Award committees Award for Concept Analysis in Political Science (2015), member of award committee, IPSA

Committee on Concepts & Methods Giovanni Sartori Book Award 2013, chair of award committee, APSA Section on Qualitative and

Multi-Method Research Program committees Program co-chair of the Section Qualitative and Multi-Methods Research, APSA Annual Meeting,

Washington, D.C., 2014 Program co-chair of the Section Data Analysis in the Social, Behavioural and Health Care Sciences,

2nd European Conference on Data Analysis, Bremen, 2014 Panel/paper discussant Internationally Comparative Research Designs in the Social Sciences, special issue workshop for

Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, discussant of article draft, Dec 8, 2017 Integrated inferences, book draft workshop, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, May 5-6, 2017 Set-theoretic methods in democratization research, workshop on methods in democratization

research, Heidelberg, March 11, 2016 (tabled paper with comments) Qualitative methods in political science, APSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2016 The production of knowledge, general discussant at author workshop, Syracuse University, June

12, 2016 QCA expert seminar, Zurich, Oct 23-24, 2013 Causal inference in set-relational analysis: new techniques and developments, ECPR General

Conference 2013, Bordeaux (jointly with Carsten Q. Schneider) Qualitative Comparative Analysis: critiques, enhancements, and applications, APSA Annual

Meeting, Chicago, 2013 Panel chair Qualitative methods in political science, APSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2016 Causal inference in set-relational analysis: new techniques and developments (jointly with Carsten

Q. Schneider), ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 2013 Qualitative Comparative Analysis: critiques, enhancements, and applications, APSA Annual

Meeting, Chicago, 2013 Working groups Comparative case studies and process tracing, working group of the Qualitative Transparency

Deliberations (QTD) of the APSA Section on Qualitative and Multimethod Research, 09/2016-04/2018

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Invited Talks & Roundtables Bayesian generalization of process tracing inferences, Social Science Research Colloquium,

University of Göttingen, Nov 16, 2016 Qualitative and quantitative methods and causal analysis in the social science, retreat of PhD

candidates of Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Wuppertal, Oct 12, 2016 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Strengths, challenges, and misperceptions, Leiden

University, Den Hague campus, Oct 16, 2015 Promises and pitfalls of Bayesianism in process tracing, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Feb

4, 2015 Who votes for new parties? A multilevel analysis of voting behavior in parliamentary democracies

(with Gregor Zons), Institute of Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, May 14, 2014 Multi-method research, Initial Training Network “Post-Soviet Transitions”, Spring School for Early-

Stage Researchers, March 6, 2014 Are we all bound to become Bayesians? The Bayesian perspective in quantitative and qualitative

research, brown bag roundtable at ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques 2014, Vienna, Feb 19, 2014

Der Einfluss ökonomischer Globalisierung auf Parteiensysteme in westlichen Demokratien (talk held in German: The Influence of Economic Globalization on Party Systems in Western Democracies), colloquium at the University of Oldenburg, Feb 5, 2014

Kausalität, kausale Mechanismen und Prozessanalyse (talk held in German: Causation, causal mechanisms and process tracing), University of Darmstadt, Jan 30, 2014

Economic globalization and party system convergence, Research Seminar Comparative Politics, Interdependence and Globalization, University of Kiel, Dec 19, 2013

Causal inference in process tracing and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), University of Mannheim, Dec 13, 2013

Causation in the social sciences: ontology and epistemology, GIGA Institute, Hamburg, Dec 4, 2013 The future of qualitative methods, roundtable at ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques,

Aug 6, 2013 Case selection for process tracing after regression analyses and QCA – A comparative discussion

(joint work with Carsten Q. Schneider), workshop, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 25-26 May, 2011

Kausalität in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodendebatte (“Causality in the methods debate in the social sciences”), research seminar of Professor of Philosophy Andreas Hüttemann, University of Cologne, 4 May, 2011

It’s in the process: the logic and methodology of process tracing reconsidered, workshop “Reassessing the methodology of process tracing”, University of Oldenburg, 26 Nov, 2010

Merkmale und Entwicklung der Fallstudienmethode (“Characteristics and developments of the case study method”), workshop on qualitative and interpretive methods, University of Constance, 22 Nov, 2008

Nested analysis: how to do it without falling out of one’s nest, roundtable, ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques, Ljubljana, 14 Aug, 2008

Prozessanalyse: Eine neue Logik kausaler Inferenz? (“Process tracing: a new logic of causal inference?”), University of Potsdam, 1 Aug, 2008

Anyone missing? The omission of variables in quantitative and qualitative research, Research Group at the Arizona Institute on Qualitative Methods and Multi-Method Research, Tempe, Phoenix, 6 Jan, 2008

Mixing methods, mixing problems? Problems in combining regression analysis and case studies, MZES, Mannheim, 1 Oct, 2007

Causality in the social sciences: a contested concept, roundtable, ECPR Summer School on Methods and Techniques, Ljubljana, 31 July, 2007

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PhD Education & Academic Administration PhD supervision First supervisor of current PhD candidates Ayjeren R. Tobias Schafföner Jan Schwalbach Second supervisor of current PhD candidates Kristina Gushchina Kristina Ophey Valeria Smirnova Florian Wittmann Completed Kathrin Busch (2nd supervisor) Laura Cabeza Pérez (2nd supervisor) Jörn Fischer (Chair of PhD defence committee (“Disputationsvorsitzender”)) Sharo Ibrahim Garip (Chair of PhD defence committee) Sabine Haveric (2nd supervisor) Annika Hennl (Chair of PhD defence committee) Andreas Hofmann (Chair of PhD defence committee) Andreas Kammer (2nd supervisor) Leonce Roeth (2nd supervisor) Saskia Ruth (2nd supervisor) Jan Sauermann (Chair of PhD defence committee) André Schaffrin (2nd supervisor) Jonas Schneider (2nd supervisor) Sebastian Sewerin (2nd supervisor) Dennis Spies (2nd supervisor) Gregor Zons (2nd supervisor) Christina Zuber (2nd supervisor) PhD recruitment 03/2014 Member of recruitment committee of Field A: International and Regional Governance,

DFG-funded graduate school BIGSSS (Excellence Initiative) 2009/11 Member of recruitment committee of the DFG-funded PhD program Social Order and

Life Chances 05/2010 Interviewer of applicants for PhD stipend by the Cologne Graduate School Academic administration Academic councils and committees 07/2009- Principal investigator of DFG-funded PhD program Social Order and Life

Chances 04/2010-03/2013 Member of the Promotionsausschuss, University of Cologne Member of search committees W3 Internationale Politische Ökonomie und Wirtschaftssoziologie (Professorship in International

Political Economy and Economic Sociology), University of Cologne W3 Wirtschaftliche Staatswissenschaften (Professorship in Public Economics), University of

Cologne W1 Soziologie (Assistant Professorship in Sociology), University of Cologne

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External review for search committee Methods in Political Science, University of Salzburg, running W2 Professorship in Political Science Methods, University of Gießen, September 2014

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Conferences Rohlfing, Ingo, Ayjeren R. and Jan Schwalbach: A procedure for the substantive interpretation of

QCA results, APSA Annual Meeting, September 1, 2018 Kuehn, David and Ingo Rohlfing: Bayesian generalization of process tracing inferences in multi-

method research, APSA Annual Meeting, August 30, 2018 Rohlfing, Ingo, Ayjeren R. and Jan Schwalbach: Publication bias in Qualitative Comparative

Analysis (QCA), ECPR General Conference, August 25, 2018 Rohlfing, Ingo, Ayjeren R. and Jan Schwalbach, The analysis of multilevel data with QCA, QCA

workshop, University of Cologne, April 29, 2018 Kuehn, David and Ingo Rohlfing: Does the application of qualitative and quantitative methods follow

two distinct cultures? San Francisco, Sep 1, APSA Annual Meeting 2017 Publication bias in Qualitative Comparative Analysis, San Francisco, Aug 31, APSA Annual Meeting

2017 Causal inference and epistemic uncertainty in process tracing, Philadelphia, APSA Annual Meeting

2016 Rohlfing, Ingo, Carsten Q. Schneider and Holger Doering: Causal modeling in Qualitative

Comparative Analysis (QCA), Philadelphia, APSA Annual Meeting 2016 Schneider, Carsten and Ingo Rohlfing: Overfitting models in Qualitative Comparative Analysis, QCA

conference, Tilburg University, Jan 16, 2015 Rohlfing, Ingo and Christina Zuber: Linking theories of causation to social science methods.

AnaGramm Workshop, University of Düsseldorf, Nov 8, 2014 Rohlfing, Ingo and Carsten Q. Schneider: The formalized choice of cases for comparative process

tracing based on QCA results, APSA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2014 Rethinking Designing Social Inquiry: views from the second generation, APSA Annual Meeting,

Washington, D.C., 2014 Kühn, David, and Ingo Rohlfing: Are there really two cultures? An empirical analysis of the

application of qualitative and quantitative methods, APSA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2014

Bayesian causal inference in process tracing: the importance of being probably wrong, APSA Annual Meeting 2013, Chicago

Rohlfing, Ingo and Tobias Schafföner: „Die versprechen doch eh alles das Gleiche“. Der Einfluss ökonomischer Globalisierung auf die Unterscheidbarkeit von Parteiprogrammen, DVPW General Conference, Tübingen, September 2012

Generalisierungen kausaler Inferenzen als kontrafaktische Aussagen, DVPW General Conference, Tübingen, September 2012

Case selection and causal inference in comparative hypothesis testing via process tracing, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Antwerp, 10-15 April, 2012

Bräuninger, Thomas, Sara Binzer Hobolt, Robert Klemmensen, and Ingo Rohlfing: Rupture or continuity? The effect of party leader change on party ideology, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, 12-17 April, 2011 (presentation of joint work with

Rohlfing, Ingo, and Carsten Q. Schneider: Explaining party competition: a multi-method approach combining fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) and case studies, ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, 10-12 Sep, 2009

Are opposition parties ideological opportunists or purists? An analysis of campaign manifestos, ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, 10-12 Sep, 2009

Kühn, David, and Ingo Rohlfing: Causal Explanation and Multi-method Research in the Social Sciences , APSA Annual Meeting, Toronto, 3-6 Sep, 2009

Case selection and model dependence in multi-method research: problems and strategies, Annual Meeting of the Comparative Politics Section of the DVPW, Darmstadt, 23-25, Jan, 2008

Kühn, David, and Ingo Rohlfing: Types of causal relationships and their identification in small-n, large-n, and mixed-method designs, APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, 29 Aug, 2008

Distribution versus transaction costs: a dilemma of institutional choice between bilateral and multilateral cooperation (poster), APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, 29 Aug, 2008

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Rohlfing, Ingo, and Peter Starke: Regressionsschätzungen als Kontext für Prozessanalysen, Annual Meeting of the Methodology Group of the DVPW, Mainz, 6-7 June, 2008

Rohlfing, Ingo, and Peter Starke: Stairway to heaven or highway to hell? A skeptical view on the combination of regression analysis and case studies, ECPR Joint Sessions, Rennes, 11-16 April, 2008

Was bringt die Kombination von Groß-N und Klein-N Methoden? Eine skeptische Perspektive, Annual Meeting of the Comparative Politics Section of the DVPW, Delmenhorst, 9-11 Nov, 2007

Bilateralism and multilateralism in the GATT, Young Scholar’s Conference of the International Relations Section of the DVPW, Arnoldshain, May 26-28, 2006

Seeing both the forest and the trees: a network analytic perspective on international trade cooperation, 1815-1913, 2nd conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis, Zurich, Oct 20-21, 2005

Rixen, Thomas, and Ingo Rohlfing: The political economy of bilateralism and multilateralism: institutional choice in trade and taxation, Meeting of the International Relations Section of the DVPW, Mannheim, Oct 6-7, 2005 (joint work with Thomas Rixen)

When the strength becomes the problem: spill-over errors in mixed-methods designs, ECPR General Conference, Budapest, Sep 8-10, 2005

Have you chosen the right case? Pitfalls in case selection in nested analysis, ASPA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Sep 1-4, 2005,

Claiming too much? Cautions on generalizing from within-case analysis, Annual Meeting of the Methodology Group of the DVPW, Hagen, May 19-21, 2005

Rixen, Thomas, and Ingo Rohlfing: Bilateralism and multilateralism: institutional choice in international cooperation, the examples of international trade and taxation, APSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Sep 2-5, 2004

Rixen, Thomas, and Ingo Rohlfing Wann handeln Staaten bilateral oder multilateral? Young Scholar’s Conference of the International Relations Section of the DVPW, Freiburg, Jan 30-Feb 01, 2004

Ingo Rohlfing c.v., February 2019


DFG travel grant, September 2009, 1.400 Euro DFG travel grant, January 2008 (1.400 Euro) PhD fellowship, Jacobs University, 01/2007-06/2007

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