royal botanic gardens sri lanka 1

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! A tourist attraction for sure with a long and grandiose history of colonialism, a monument of Kandyan King Wickramabahu III in the 14th century is the horse shoe- shaped Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya situated on 147 acres, a significant national asset to Sri Lanka. A place not to be missed, the Royal Botanic Gardens has flourished since 1371 and stands today to tell its visitors and Botanists interesting facts about its age-old trees and plants a unique marvel of Lankan history unfolded within the precincts of its lustrous greenery. With over 1.4 million people visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens annually in addition to the 5 per cent school children, I am certain history enthusiasts around the world would love to see some of the memorial trees in the Gardens as well as some of the oldest and rarest trees one could find just one of a kind in Sri Lanka. Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya.


Bauhinia blakeana

O autentică atracţie turistică, cu o lungă şi grandioasă istorie colonială, un adevărat monument al regelui kandian Wickramabahu III din secolul XIV, Grădina Botanică Regală în formă de potcoavă, este o adevărată comoară naţională

The origins of the Botanic Gardens date as far back as 1371 when King Wickramabahu III ascended the throne and kept court at Peradeniya near Mahaweli river. Royal Botanical Garden, Peradeniya is situated about 5.5 km to the west from the city of Kandy in the Central Province of Sri Lanka and attracts 2 million visitors annually

Grădina Botanică Regală înfiinţată în 1371 poate arăta vizitatorilor săi sau botaniştilor din lumea mare lucruri interesante despre arborii săi seculari şi plantele sale rare, o minune a istoriei ţării concentrată între zidurile sale de verdeaţă

Royal Botanical Garden, Peradeniya is renowned for its collection of a variety of orchids. It includes more than 4000 species of plants, including of orchids, spices, medicinal plants and palm trees. Attached to it is the National Herbarium. The total area of the botanical garden is 147 acres (0.59 km2), at 460 meters above sea level, and with a 200-day annual rainfall. It is managed by the Division of National Botanic Gardens of the Department of Agriculture.

Peste 2 milioane vizitatori anualCopaci seculari sau foarte rariPeste 4000 de specii de plante

Amherstia nobilis sau Mândria Burmei, este un arbore tropical cu flori de o frumuseţe deosebită, supranumit Copacul Orhidee (nume rezervat de obicei copacilor Bauhinia)

Amherstia nobilis (the Pride of Burma, in the Fabaceae family) is a tropical tree with exceptionally beautiful flowers.

După cum arată şi numele, este nativ din Burma (Myanmar). Numele ştiinţific o comemorează pe Lady Sarah Amherst care colecta plante din Asia la începutul secolului XIX.

It is native to Burma (Myanmar), hence the common name. The scientific name commemorates Lady Amherst, as does Lady Amherst's Pheasant. Another common name, the Orchid Tree, is otherwise reserved for members of the genus Bauhinia.

Datorită florilor sale fascinantul copac îşi merită porecla de Regina Copacilor cu Flori. Inflorescenţele sale lungi de un roşu aprins sunt formate dintr-o cascadă de flori cu 5 petale din care două foarte mici iar restul de mărimi diferite

The extravagant flowers are seen hanging from the long inflorescence, or flower stalk, which is a bright crimson red at the end. There are 5 petals although 2 of these are minute and the rest are of unequal size.

Cele două petale medii au un tiv galben iar cea mai mare are un triunghi mare galben intens. Această petală mare poate ajunge până la 7,5cm lungime şi 4cm lăţime în partea superioară

These petals are also crimson; the two medium sized petals are yellow at the tip and the largest petal is broad and fan-shaped with a wavy upper margin and a yellow triangle of colour extending from the lip down into the flower. This large petal can reach 7.5 centimetres long and over 4 centimetres wide at the end.

Frunzele sunt compuse şi au 6-8 foliole alungite şi palide dedesubt.

The compound leaves bear 6 - 8 large leaflets; these are broadly oblong in shape and are pallid underneath.

Frunzele noi apar ca nişte ciucuri in stare flască, palide, care devin apoi roşietice şi înainte să de deschidă verde deschis. Când copacul nu este înflorit poate fi uşor confundat cu Saracca, (ashoka) alt copac cu fructe păstaie la care frunzele noi sunt roşietice şi atârnă ca nişte ciucuri înainte să se desfacă

The new leaves are produced in flaccid pale tassels that turn purplish before they green and open out. When not in flower, Amherstia looks similar to Saracca, another Asian legume genus. New leaf growth is reddish, hangs down at first

Fructele sunt păstăi colorate ca şi florile, lungi de 11-20 cm, aproximativ în formă de iatagan . Păstaia lemnoasă se deschide pentru a elibera seminţele.

The fruits (legumes) are 11 to 20 centimetres long. They are roughly scimitar-shaped pods, and the woody outer case opens to disperse the seeds.

Nu numai Mândria Burmei o comemorează pe Lady Amherst ci şi frumosul fazan "Lady Amherst's pheasant", una dintre cele mai elegante păsări

The scientific name commemorates Lady Amherst, as does Lady Amherst's Pheasant. The Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Chrysolophus amherstiae, is a bird native to south western China and Myanmar. The name commemorates Sarah Countess Amherst, wife of William Pitt Amherst, Governor General of Bengal, who was responsible for sending the first specimen of the bird to London in 1828

Mulţi copaci au fost plantaţi de vizitatori de seamă ai Grădinii Botanice: Majestatea sa Birendra Bir Bikram Shahdev, Regele Nepalului, în 1980, ultimul ţar al Rusiei în 1891, Regele Eduard VII în 1875, sau maiorul Yuri Gagarin în 1961

The great circle is a grassy central area of nearly 4 acres in extent. Around the circle is a diverse array of trees planted by dignitaries, who had visited the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens.A "Flamboyante" of Madagascar (Poinciana regia), planted by Princess Henry of Prussia in 1899; a "Bo" (Peepal) tree (Fiscus religiosa), planted in 1875 by King Edward VII; a "Na" tree, or Ceylon Ironweed (Mesua ferrea), planted in 1891 by Czar of Russia; "Cannonball" tree (Couroupita guianensis), planted by the Prince of Wales in 1901.

Saraca indica (Ashoka tree)

Frunze noi de Saraca indica (Ashoka tree new leaves) Fructe de Saraca indica (Ashoka tree fruits)

Bauhinia blankeana

Fond muzical: Sri Lanka baila song sinhala by Gypsies & Rookantha Gunathilaka

Fotografii: ♦ Sanda Foişoreanu

♦ Nicoleta Leu

Prezentare: Sanda Foiş

Sri Lanka

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