royal botanic gardens sri lanka 3

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Grădina Botanică Regală înfiinţată în 1371 poate arăta vizitatorilor săi sau botaniştilor din lumea mare lucruri interesante despre arborii săi seculari şi plantele sale rare, o minune a istoriei ţării concentrată între zidurile sale de verdeaţă

A tourist attraction for sure with a long and grandiose history of colonialism, a monument of Kandyan King Wickramabahu III in the 14th century is the horse shoe- shaped Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya situated on 147 acres, a significant national asset to Sri Lanka.A place not to be missed, the Royal Botanic Gardens has flourished since 1371 and stands today to tell its visitors and Botanists interesting facts about its age-old trees and plants a unique marvel of Lankan history unfolded within the precincts of its lustrous greenery.

Peste 2 milioane vizitatori anualCopaci seculari sau foarte rari

Aproape 10.000 de plante

Foarte aproape de intrare se află Sera de orhidee. Climatul tropical al insulei este foarte adecvat creşterii orhideelor, cea mai diversificată și răspândită dintre familiile de plante superioare

The best known attraction of the Gardens is the famous Orchid House, which house for more than 300 varieties of exquisite orchids from the rare indigenous Foxtail and Vesak orchids, to many natural and hybrid species which have made this one of the best known orchid centers of the world.

Familia orhideelor are în lume peste 20.000 de specii și mai mult de 200.000 de hibrizi.

Along with the Asteraceae, the orchid family is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, with between 21,950 and 26,049 currently accepted species, found in 880 genera

Heliconia pendula

Heliconia, false bird-of-paradise

Remarcabilă plantă agăţătoare originară din pădurile tropicale din Filipine, cu o spectaculoasă inflorescenţă bleu-vert, de unde şi numele: liana de jad

Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as jade vine, emerald vine or turquoise jade vine, is a species of leguminous perennial woody vine, a native of the tropical forests of the Philippines, with stems that can reach up to 18 m in length

Fiecare floare are 7-7,5 centimetri iar inflorescenţa în formă de ciorchine poate depăşi 90 de centimetriFlorile (care îşi schimbă culoarea la soare), sunt polenizate de liliecii frugivori

The pale green foliage consists of three leaflets. The claw-shaped flowers are carried in pendent trusses or pseudoracemes of 75 or more flowers and can reach as much as 3 m long. The turquoise flower color is similar to some forms of the minerals turquoise and jade, varying from blue-green to mint green. The short, oblong, fleshy seedpods are up to 15 cm long and contain up to 12 seeds.

Sound: - Wasanthaya Oba (You are the Spring) - Pera Eka Davasaka

Sri Lanka

Text : InternetPictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Lucia BuzduganCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

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