rsp prnt install

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  • 8/2/2019 Rsp Prnt Install


    RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Version 6.0

    November 2009

  • 8/2/2019 Rsp Prnt Install


    Riverbed Technology199 Fremont StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105

    Fax: 415.247.8801


    Phone: 415.247.8800

    Part Number


    2003-2010 Riverbed Technology, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

    Riverbed Technology, Riverbed, Steelhead, RiOS, Interceptor, Cascade, and the Riverbed logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Riverbed Technology, Inc. All other trademarks used or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

    Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and in other countries. VMware is a trademark of VMware,

    Incorporated. Oracle and JInitiator are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Vista,Outlook, and Internet Explorer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademarkin the United States and in other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.

    Parts of this product are derived from the following software:Apache 2000-2003. The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.Busybox 1999-2005 Eric Andersenethtool 1994, 1995-8, 1999, 2001, 2002 Free S oftware Foundation, IncLess 1984-2002 Mark NudelmanLibevent 2000-2002 Niels Provos. All rights reserved.LibGD, Version 2.0 licensed by Boutell.Com, Inc.Libtecla 2000, 2001 by Martin C. Shepherd. All rights reserved.Linux Kernel Linus Torvaldslogin 2.11 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.md5, 1995 University of Southern California, 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc.my_getopt.{c,h} 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, Benjamin Sittler. All rights reserved.NET-SNMP 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. Derivative Work - 1996, 1998-2000 Copyright1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.OpenSSH 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.pam 2002-2004 Tall Maple Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.pam-radius 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.pam-tacplus 1997-2001 by Pawel Krawczyksscep 2003 Jarkko Turkulainen. All rights reserved.ssmtp GNU General Public Licensesyslogd 2002-2005 Tall Maple Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Vixie-Cron 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994 by Paul Vixie. All rights reserved.Zile 1997-2001 Sandro Sigalam 2003 Reuben Thomas. All rights reserved.

    This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley (and its contributors), EMC, and ComtechAHA Corporation. This product is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.

    For detailed copyright and license agreements or modified source code (where required), see the Riverbed Technical Support siteat Certain libraries were used in the development of this software, licensed under GNU LesserGeneral Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999. For a list of l ibraries, see the Riverbed Technical Support at You must log in to the support site to request modified source code.

    Other product names, brand names, marks, and symbols are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

    The content of this manual is furnished on a RESTRICTED basis and is subject to change without notice and should not beconstrued as a commitment by Riverbed Technology, Incorporated. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government issubject to restrictions set forth in Subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR

    52.227-19, as applicable. Riverbed Technology, Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuraciesthat may appear in this book.

    Part Number


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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide iii



    About This Guide ..........................................................................................................................................5


    Organization of This Guide...................................................................................................................5Document Conventions.........................................................................................................................6

    Additional Resources .............. ............... .............. ............... ............... .............. ............... .............. ................6

    Release Notes ..........................................................................................................................................6

    Riverbed Documentation and the Support Knowledge Base ............. ................ ................ .............7

    Release Documentation ............. ................ ............. ................ .............. ............... ............... .............. .....7

    Contacting Riverbed......................................................................................................................................7


    Technical Support ............. ............... .............. ............... ................ .............. ............... ............. ................7

    Professional Services..............................................................................................................................7


    Chapter 1 - Installing and Configuring Print Services ............................................................................9


    Installing the RSP Print Package ............... ............... ................ ................ ................ .............. .............. .......9

    Configuring the RSP Package ............... .............. ................ ............... .............. ................ ................ .......... 11

    Joining a Windows Domain .............. ................ ................ .............. ................ ............... ............. ............. ..14

    Configuring the Printers.............................................................................................................................16

    Adding Printers to CUPS ............... .............. ............... ................ ............. ................ ............... ............16

    Adding Print Drivers to the Print Package.......................................................................................17

    Adding a Printer to Windows Clients .............. ............... ................ ............. ................ ............. ........18

    Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................................................................................................19

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    iv RSP Print Package Installation Guide


  • 8/2/2019 Rsp Prnt Install


    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 5


    Welcome to the RSP Print Package Installation Guide. Read this introduction for an overview of theinformation provided in this guide and the documentation conventions used throughout, hardware andsoftware dependencies, additional reading, and contact information. This introduction includes thefollowing sections:

    About This Guide on page 5

    Additional Resources on page 6

    Contacting Riverbed on page 7

    About This Guide

    The RSP Print Package Installation Guide describes how to install and configure Riverbed Services Platform(RSP) on the Steelhead appliance using the Riverbed Command-Line Interface (CLI).


    This guide is written for storage and network administrators with familiarity administering and managingWANs using common network protocols such as TCP, CIFS, HTTP, FTP, NFS, and so on.

    Organization of This Guide

    The RSP Print Package Installation Guide includes the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Installing and Configuring Print Services describes how to install and configure RSP onthe Steelhead appliance.

    A list of acronyms and a glossary of terms follows the chapters. A comprehensive index directs you to areasof particular interest.

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    6 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Preface Additional Resources

    Document Conventions

    This manual uses the following standard set of typographical conventions.


    Additional Resources

    This section describes resources that supplement the information in this guide. It includes the followingsections:

    Release Notes on page 6

    Riverbed Documentation and the Support Knowledge Base on page 7

    Release Documentation on page 7

    Release Notes

    The following online file supplements the information in this manual. It is available on the RiverbedTechnical Support site at

    Please examine this file before you begin the installation and configuration process. It contains importantinformation about this release of the Steelhead appliance.

    Convention Meaning

    italics Within text, new terms and emphasized words appear in italic typeface.

    boldface Within text, CLI commands and GUI controls appear in bold typeface.

    Courier Code examples appear in Courier font. For example:

    login as: admin

    Riverbed Steelhead

    Last login: Wed Jan 20 13:02:09 2010 from

    amnesiac > enable

    amnesiac # configure terminal

    < > Values that you specify appear in angle brackets. For example:


    [ ] Optional keywords or variables appear in brackets. For example:

    ntp peer [version ]{ } Required keywords or variables appear in braces. For example:

    {delete | upload }

    | The pipe symbol represents a choice to select one keyword or variable to the left or right ofthe symbol. (The keyword or variable can be either optional or required.) For example:

    {delete | upload }

    Online File Purpose

    _.pdf Describes the product release and identifies fixed problems, knownproblems, and workarounds. This file also provides documentationinformation not covered in the manuals or thathas been modified sincepublication.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 7

    Contacting Riverbed Preface

    Riverbed Documentation and the Support Knowledge Base

    For a complete list of Riverbed documentation log in to the Riverbed Technical Support Web site located at

    The Riverbed Knowledge Base is a database of known issues, how-to documents, system requirements, andcommon error messages. You can browse titles or search for key words and strings.

    To access the Riverbed Knowledge Base, log in to the Riverbed Technical Support site located at

    Release Documentation

    The Riverbed documentation set is periodically updated with new information. To access the most currentversion of Riverbed documentation and other technical information, consult the Riverbed TechnicalSupport site located at

    Contacting RiverbedThis section describes how to contact departments within Riverbed.


    You can find out about Riverbed products through our Web site at

    Technical Support

    If you have problems installing, using, or replacing Riverbed products contact Riverbed Technical Support

    or your channel partner who provides support. To contact Riverbed Technical Support, please open atrouble ticket at or call 1-888-RVBD-TAC (1-888-782-3822) in the UnitedStates and Canada or +1 415 247 7381 outside the United States.

    Professional Services

    Riverbed has staff of professionals who can help you with installation assistance, provisioning, networkredesign, project management, custom designs, consolidation project design, and custom coded solutions.To contact Riverbed Professional Services go to or

    DocumentationWe continually strive to improve the quality and usability of our documentation. We appreciate anysuggestions you may have about our online documentation or printed materials. Send documentationcomments to

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    8 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Preface Contacting Riverbed

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 9

    CHAPTER 1 Installing and Configuring PrintServices

    This chapter describes how to install and configure the RSP print services package on the Steelheadappliance. This chapter includes the following sections:

    Overview on page 9

    Installing the RSP Print Package on page 9 Configuring the RSP Package on page 11

    Joining a Windows Domain on page 14

    Configuring the Printers on page 16


    The primary mechanism for the printing and print package is the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).CUPS manages print jobs, queues, and provides network printing using the standard Internet PrintingProtocol (IPP), while offering support for a very large range of printers, from dot-matrix to laser and manyin between. CUPS also supports PostScript Printer Description (PPD) and auto-detection of networkprinters, and features a simple Web-based configuration and administration tool.

    Installing the RSP Print Package

    The following section describes how to install the RSP print package.

    This section assumes the following:

    You have installed and started RSP. For details, see the Steelhead Management Console Users Guide.

    You are familiar with administering the Steelhead appliance from the Riverbed Command-LineInterface.

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    10 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Installing and Configuring Print Services Installing the RSP Print Package

    To add an RSP package

    1. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    2. Under Packages, complete the configuration as described in the following table.

    3. After the package uploads, click the Local Name link to view the package information.

    To assign an RSP package to a slot

    1. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    To install an RSP package in an occupied slot, you must first uninstall the package for that slot.Installing a package into a slot and uninstalling that particular slot affects only the slot directory, notthe package itself. For details, see the Steelhead Management Console Users Guide.

    2. Under Slots, click the slot name and complete the configuration as described in the following table.

    3. Click Save to save your settings permanently.

    Control Description

    Add Package Displays the controls to add an RSP package.

    Name Optionally, type a descriptive name for the package.

    From URL Click this option and type the URL.

    For third-party packages, get the URL directly from the third-party vendor.

    From Local File (for packages less than 2GB in size) Click this option and type the path or click Browse tonavigate to the local file directory.

    Important: You cannot use this option to download a packagefile that is larger than 2 GBs. If the file is larger than 2 GBs youcan use SCP or FTP to transfer it using the CLI. For details, see

    the Steelhead Management Console Users Guide.

    Add Adds the RSP package to your system. The package appearsin the package list.

    Remove Selected Packages Click the check box next to the name and click RemoveSelected Packages.

    Control Description

    Slot Name Optionally, type a descriptive name for the slot (up to eight characters).

    Note: The slot must be empty before you can change its name.

    Package File Name Select the package filename from the drop-down list.

    Update Slot Adds the package to the slot and updates the configuration.

    Note: This step can take five minutes or longer to complete.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 11

    Configuring the RSP Package Installing and Configuring Print Services

    To configure a slot

    1. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    2. Under Slots, click the slot number.

    3. Complete the configuration as described in the following table.

    To start and enable the slot

    1. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    2. Under Slots, click the slot number or the name that you have provided for your slot where the packagewas installed.

    3. Click Enable Slot.

    The Slot is now enabled message is displayed.

    Configuring the RSP Package

    The following section describes how to configure the RSP package.

    To connect to RSP shell using CLI

    1. On the Steelhead appliance, connect to the CLI.

    2. At the system prompt, enter the following set of commands:


    configure terminalrsp shell

    3. At the system prompt, enter the following command to exit shell:

    ctrl-o x

    Control Description

    Memory Footprint Specify the desired Memory Footprint.

    Watchdog Specify this option to Not watching from the drop-down list todisable it.

    In-Path Virtual Network Interfaces Verify that no in-path virtual network interfaces are included.

    Management Virtual Network Interfaces Select one of the following options: Primary, Aux.

    Update Slot Updates the slot information.

    Note: If changes are made while a slot is enabled, the slot must be

    disabled and then enabled for it to take effect.

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    12 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Installing and Configuring Print Services Configuring the RSP Package

    To connect to the print package slot using the VMware console

    1. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    2. Under Slots, click the slot number that you have assigned to the print package.

    3. Click Launch VM Console.The VMware Infrastructure Web Access login box appears.

    4. Enter the Steelhead Login Name and Password to open the VM console connection to the package.

    Note: If you are prompted with any certificate warnings, click OK- Install - Add to bypass them.

    5. Click inside the VMware console and log in.

    If this is your first time accessing the VMware console, you are prompted for a username andpassword. The default first time login and password is root/changemeNOW.

    Note: To change your mouse and keyboard focus, press Ctrl-Alt.

    To configure the network

    1. At the system prompt, enter the following to edit the file to set up the network interface:

    nano /etc/network/interfaces

    2. If a static IP is used, add or change the following lines in the file:

    change iface eth0 inet dhcp to iface eth0 inet static



    Optional: gateway

    Optional: network

    Optional: broadcast

    3. Save the file and exit.

    4. At the system prompt, enter the following command to edit the hostname:

    nano /etc/hostname

    5. Change rspprint to the appropriate hostname.

    Note: This name must be lowercase. Do not use uppercase.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 13

    Configuring the RSP Package Installing and Configuring Print Services

    6. At the system prompt, enter the following command to edit DNS:

    nano /etc/resolv.conf

    7. Change test.local to your realm.

    Note: This name must be lowercase. Do not use uppercase

    8. Change nameserver to the correct DNS server.

    9. Save the file and exit.

    10. At the system prompt, enter the following command to edit the hosts file:

    nano /etc/hosts

    11. Change rspprint to the hostname.realm hostname.

    For example: rspprint

    12. Save the file and exit.

    13. At the system prompt enter the following command to restart the networking services:

    /etc/init.d/networking restart

    To setup the correct time zone

    1. Launch VMware Remote console.

    2. At the system prompt, enter the following command:

    dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

    3. Select the Geographical area from the list, and click OK.

    4. Select the Time zone from the list, and click OK.

    To change the root password

    1. Launch VMware Remote console.

    2. Log in to the package.

    3. At the system prompt, enter the following:


    4. At the system prompt, enter the new password and then reenter the new password.

    The Password Updated Successfully message is displayed.

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    14 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Installing and Configuring Print Services Joining a Windows Domain

    To restart the slot (Guest OS/VM)

    1. Select Exit to exit out of VMware Remote console.

    2. Choose Configure>Branch Services>RSP Packages to display the RSP Packages page.

    3. Under Slots, click the slot number and click Disable.

    4. Under Slots, click the slot number again, and click Enable.

    Joining a Windows Domain

    The following sections describes how join a Windows domain.

    To configure the Kerbos configuration files

    1. At the system prompt, enter the following command to edit the krb5.conf file and make the followingchanges:

    nano /etc/krb5.conf

    Change every occurrence of TEST.LOCAL to your realm.

    Change default_domain=TEST to default_domain=.

    Note: The domain name must be uppercase. Do not use lowercase.

    To configure the Samba configuration files

    1. Log in to the package via RSP shell or VMware Remote console.

    2. Enter the following command to edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and make the with the followingchanges:

    nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

    Change workgroup TEST to your domain. For example, workgroup=RIVERBED.

    Change realm TEST.LOCAL to your realm. For example, realm=RIVERBED.COM.

    Change and uncomment printer admin directive to be able to add users and groups that needadmin access to the printers.

    For example, %D\administrator allows administrator root access.

    For example, @%D\domain users allows users in the group\Domain Users root access.

    Optionally, set the server string parameter to something more descriptive.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 15

    Joining a Windows Domain Installing and Configuring Print Services

    3. Edit the [print$] section, as described in the following table:

    To join the Windows domain

    1. Log in to the package.

    2. Restart the following services:

    /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

    /etc/init.d/samba restart

    /etc/init.d/winbind restart

    3. Enter the following command to create a kerberos ticket:

    kinit @

    Note: The domain name must be uppercase. Do not use lowercase.

    4. Enter the password.

    5. Enter the following command to join the domain:

    net ads join -U @

    Note: The domain name must be uppercase. Do not use lowercase.

    Step Description

    1. Uncomment and configure orchange the write list parameter.

    Add or change the appropriate users and groups to have access.

    For example, write list = %D\Administrator @%D\"domain users" root wherethe following applies:


    %D= replaces the default domain. For example, %D\administrator in theTEST.LOCAL domain translates to TEST.LOCAL\administrator.

    2. Uncomment and configure orchange the admin usersparameter.

    Add or change the appropriate users and groups to have access.

    For example, admin users = %D\Administrator @%D\"domain users" rootwhere the following applies:

    @ = groups

    %D = replaces the default domain. For example, %D\administrator in theTEST.LOCAL domain translates to TEST.LOCAL\administrator.

    3. Uncomment and configure orchange the printer admin


    Add or change the appropriate users and groups to have access.

    For example, printer admin = %D\Administrator @%D\"domain users" rootwhere the following applies:

    @ = groups, root = usernames

    %D = replaces the default domain. For example, %D\administrator in theTEST.LOCAL domain translates to TEST.LOCAL\administrator.

    @%D\"domain users" allows the users in the group \Domain Users to haveroot access.

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    16 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Installing and Configuring Print Services Configuring the Printers

    6. Enter the password.

    7. Enter the following command to check the domain membership:

    net ads info

    Configuring the Printers

    The following section describes how to configure the printers.

    Adding Printers to CUPS, next

    Adding Print Drivers to the Print Package on page 17

    Adding a Printer to Windows Clients on page 18

    Adding Printers to CUPS

    The following section describes how to add a printer to CUPS. For details, see the CUPS Web site.

    To add a printer to CUPS

    1. Navigate to your local host.

    For example: http://:631/

    If you access the URL remotely note that transactions, including CUPS passwords, can be viewed overthe network.

    2. Select Add Printer.

    3. Enter the following information, and click Continue.




    4. Select the type of device from the Device drop-down list, and click Continue.

    5. Enter the Device URI, and click Continue.

    6. Select the Make, and click Continue. Or, click Browse to navigate to the PPD file for the printer and clickAdd Printer.

    Note: If you click Browse and navigate to the PPD file, an authentication dialog is displayed. You need to enter the printpackage username as root and the root password for the files to be uploaded.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 17

    Configuring the Printers Installing and Configuring Print Services

    7. Select the Model or click Browse to navigate to the PPD file for the printer and click Add Printer.

    Note: If you click Browse and navigate to the PPD file, an authentication dialog is displayed. You need to enter the printpackage username as root and the root password for the files to be uploaded.

    After the printer name has been added, the Printer Successfully Added Page is displayed.

    Adding Print Drivers to the Print Package

    The following section describes how to add the print drivers to the print package.

    To add the print drivers to the print package

    1. From a Window client, navigate to \\RSP-IP and authenticate as the user that was setup as a printeradmin in /etc/samba/smb.conf file.

    2. Choose Printers and Faxes.

    3. Double-click Printers and Faxes to view the list of installed printers on IP/System name of RSP.

    For example, Xerox Fisher 4500 printer on IP

    4. Right-click the listed printer, and choose Properties.

    5. Click No in the Printer Properties dialog box as shown in the figure below.

    Figure 1-1. Printer Properties Dialog Box

    6. Choose Advanced>New Driver>Next to install a new driver.

    7. Click Have Disk and navigate to the installation files for your printer.

    8. After the drivers have been successfully uploaded, a message is displayed. The upload will take severalminutes to complete.

    9. Click Print Test Page to verify that the printer has been configured properly.

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    18 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Installing and Configuring Print Services Configuring the Printers

    Adding a Printer to Windows Clients

    The following section describes how to add a printer to Windows clients.

    To add a printer to Windows clients

    1. Choose Windows Start>Settings>Printers and Faxes, and select Add Printer.

    2. Click Next on the Welcome to the Add Printer Wizard screen.

    3. Select A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer radio button, and click Next.

    4. Select Connect to this printer.

    5. Optionally, to browse for a printer, select this option and click Next.

    6. Enter the name in the Name box, and click Next.

    7. Enter \\\printername, and click Next.

    This process can take several minutes as the printer drivers are being downloaded from the RSP to theclient.

    8. Optionally, you can choose to make this your default printer.

    9. Click Finish.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 19

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    AAA. Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting.

    ACL. Access Control List.

    ACK. Acknowledgment Code.

    ACS. (Cisco) Access Control Server.

    AD. Active Directory.

    ADS. Active Directory Services.

    AES. Advanced Encryption Standard.

    APT. Advanced Packaging Tool.

    AR. Asymmetric Routing.

    ARP. Address Resolution Protocol.

    BDP. Bandwidth-Delay Product.

    BW. Bandwidth.

    CA. Certificate Authority.

    CAD. Computer Aided Design.

    CDP. Cisco Discovery Protocol.

    CHD. Computed Historical Data.

    CIFS. Common Internet File System.

    CLI. Command-Line Interface.

    CMC. Central Management Console.

    CPU. Central Processing Unit.

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    20 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    CRL. Certificate Revocation List.

    CRM. Customer Relationship Management.

    CSR. Certificate Signing Request.

    CSV. Comma-Separated Value.

    DC. Domain Controller.

    DER. Distinguished Encoding Rules.

    DES. Data Encryption Standard.

    DHCP. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

    DID. Deployment ID.

    DMZ. Demilitarized Zone.

    DNS. Domain Name Service.

    DR. Data Replication.

    DSA. Digital Signature Algorithm.

    DSCP. Differentiated Services Code Point.

    ECC. Error-Correcting Code.

    ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning.

    ESD. Electrostatic Discharge.

    FCIP. Fiber Channel over IP

    FDDI. Fiber Distributed Data Interface.

    FIFO. First in First Out.

    FIPS. Federal Information Processing Standards.

    FSID. File System ID.

    FTP. File Transfer Protocol.

    GB. Gigabytes.

    GMT. Greenwich Mean Time.

    GPO. Group Policy Object.

    GRE. Generic Routing Encapsulation.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 21

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    GUI. Graphical User Interface.

    HFSC. Hierarchical Fair Service Curve.

    HSRP. Hot Standby Routing Protocol.

    HSTCP. High-Speed Transmission Control Protocol.

    HTTP. HyperText Transport Protocol.

    HTTPS. HyperText Transport Protocol Secure.

    ICA. Independent Computing Architecture.

    ICMP. Internet Control Message Protocol.

    ID. Identification Number.

    IETF. Internet Engineering Task Force.

    IGP. Interior Gateway Protocol.

    IKE. Internet Key Exchange.

    IOS. (Cisco) Internetwork Operating System.

    IP. Internet Protocol.

    IPMI. Intelligent Platform Management Interface.

    IPSec. Internet Protocol Security Protocol.

    ISL. InterSwitch Link. Also known as Cisco InterSwitch Link Protocol.

    L2. Layer-2.

    L4. Layer-4.

    LAN. Local Area Network.

    LDAP. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

    LED. Light-Emitting Diode.

    LRU. Least Recently Used.

    LZ. Lempel-Ziv.

    MAC. Media Access Control.

    MAPI. Messaging Application Protocol Interface.

    MDI, MDI-X. Medium Dependent Interface-Crossover.

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    22 RSP Print Package Installation Guide

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    MEISI. Microsoft Exchange Information Store Interface.

    MIB. Management Information Base.

    MOTD. Message of the Day.

    MS GPO. Microsoft Group Policy Object.

    MS SMS. Microsoft Systems Management Server.

    MS-SQL. Microsoft Structured Query Language.

    MSFC. Multilayer Switch Feature Card.

    MSI Package. Microsoft Installer Package.

    MTU. Maximum Transmission Unit.

    MX-TCP. Max-Speed TCP.

    NAS. Network Attached Storage.

    NAT. Network Address Translate.

    NFS. Network File System.

    NIS. Network Information Services.

    NSPI. Name Service Provider Interface.

    NTLM. Windows NT LAN Manager.

    NTP. Network Time Protocol.

    OSI. Open System Interconnection.

    OSPF. Open Shortest Path First.

    PAP. Password Authentication Protocol.

    PBR. Policy-Based Routing.

    PCI. Peripheral Component Interconnect.

    PEM. Privacy Enhanced Mail.

    PFS. Proxy File Service.

    PKCS12. Public Key Cryptography Standard #12.

    PRTG. Paessler Router Traffic Grapher.

    PSU. Power Supply Unit.

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    RSP Print Package Installation Guide 23

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    QoS. Quality of Service.

    RADIUS. Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service.

    RAID. Redundant Array of Independent Disks.

    RCU. Riverbed Copy Utility.

    ROFS. Read-Only File System.

    RPC. Remote Procedure Call.

    RSA. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Encryption Method by RSA Security.

    RSP. Riverbed Services Platform.

    SA. Security Association.

    SAP. System Application Program.

    SCP. Secure Copy Program.

    SCEP. Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol.

    SCPS. Space Communications Protocol Standards.

    SDR. Scalable Data Referencing.

    SDR-A. Scalable Data Referencing - Adaptive.

    SDR-M. Scalable Data Referencing - Memory.

    SEL. System Event Log.

    SFQ. Stochastic Fairness Queuing.

    SMB. Server Message Block.

    SMI. Structure of Management Information.

    SMTP. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

    SNMP. Simple Network Management Protocol.

    SOAP. Simple Object Access Protocol

    SPAN. Switched Port Analyzer.

    SQL. Structured Query Language.

    SRDF. Symmetric Remote Data Facility

    SRDF/A. Symmetric Remote Data Facility/Asynchronous

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    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    SSH. Secure Shell.

    SSL. Secure Sockets Layer.

    SYN. Synchronize.

    SYN/ACK. Synchronize/Acknowledgement.

    TA. Transaction Acceleration.

    TACACS+. Terminal Access Controller Access Control System.

    TCP. Transmission Control Protocol.

    TCP/IP. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

    ToS. Type of Service.

    TP. Transaction Prediction.

    TTL. Time to Live.

    U. Unit.

    UDP. User Diagram Protocol.

    UNC. Universal Naming Convention.

    URL. Uniform Resource Locator.

    USM. User-based Security Model.

    UTC. Universal Time Code.

    VACM. View-Based Access Control Model.

    VGA. Video Graphics Array.

    VLAN. Virtual Local Area Network.

    VoIP. Voice over IP.

    VWE. Virtual Window Expansion.

    WAN. Wide Area Network.

    WCCP. Web Cache Communication Protocol.

    WOC. WAN Optimization Controller.

    XOR. Exclusive OR logic.

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