sadaiyay enumal padhigam unicode

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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SadaiyAy EnumAl Padhigam Unicode


22) -- 2.018 -- - 2.18------------------------------------------------------------- :

. , . " ! ! ! !" .

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"! . . 7 . . ( - ). , . . , . . . . , . . . . . . !" .

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. . .


A merchant who had seven daughters had promised to his nephew that he would give his eldest daughter in marriage to him. However, the merchant was greedy and later got her married to someone else. He promised his nephew that he would give his second daughter in marriage to him. As time went by, one by one he got his first 6 daughters married to other men of wealth. The last daughter was unhappy about her father breaking his word. One day she eloped with that young man planning to get married in another town. On their way, they had stopped for the night at thirumarugal. That night a snake bit him and he died. The girl was in distress as she had left her parents and the man she was planning to marry was dead and she was stuck in an unfamiliar place. She was crying and lamenting and praying to Siva. thiru~njAna samba~ndhar happened to pass by on his way to the temple in the morning and heard her cries. He was moved by her plight. He went to the temple and sang this padhigam. At the end of this padhigam, the dead man came back to life. He and the girl prostrated at samba~ndhar's feet. samba~ndhar had them married in front of Siva of thirumarugal.============ - 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.1) .

: ; ; ; ; ; .

- ; - ; ; - ; - - Covered channel, drain, conduit; sluice to let off water from a tank;

: - ;

: ! , . ?.

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai enumAl; saraN ~nI enumAl;vidaiyAy enumAl; veruvA vizhumAl;madai Ar kuvaLai malarum marugaludaiyAy thagumO ivaL uL melivE.

O Siva of thiru-marugal, where blue lotus blooms along the sluices! This girl says "O Siva having matted locks! You are my refuge! O Siva on the bull!" and faints in fear. Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? (Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian=======================================

- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.2) .

: ; ; ; ;() , .

- ; - ; - ; ; - (antiquity); - (cluster of flowers); - (to shine, gleam, be conspicuous); - - ; - - (regret, compunction, penitence);

: ! , "! ( )!" , "" , " " , "" . ? ( ).

: '' '' '' . , '' .

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai enumAl; sivanE enumAl;mu~ndhAy enumAl; muthalvA enumAl;ko~ndhu Ar kuvaLai kulavum marugale~ndhAy thagumO ivaL EsaRavE.

O Siva of thiru-marugal, where blue lotus and flower bunches bloom! This girl is entreating you saying "O the Endless! O Siva! O the Oldest! O primal Lord!". Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? (Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.3) .

: , , ; ; () .

- ; ; - (to combine with, belong to); (to wear, put on); - ; ; - ; - ; - (wrist, fore-arm); (arm); ( - joint of the body); - ; - (to snatch, take hold of);

: , , ! ! ! ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai Ar kazhalum, azhal vAy aravum,piRai Ar sadaiyum udaiyAy; periyamaRaiyAr marugal magizhvAy; ivaLaiiRai Ar vaLai koNdu ezhil vavvinaiyE.

O Siva dwelling in thiru-marugal town where well learned vedic scholars live! You are adorned with warrior anklets, poisonous snake, and crescent moon! You have snatched away the bangles that adorned her forearms. You have snatched away her beauty too. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.4) .

: ; ; ; .

- ; (to sound, as letter; to roar, as the ocean); - ; ; (to withhold; to refuse to give); - ; - ; ; - (to suffer; to languish); (to become lean, thin); - ; ;

: ! ! ! ! ? ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai ~nIr sadaiyil kara~ndhAy; ulagampali ~nI thirivAy; pazhi il pugazhAy;mali ~nIr marugal magizhvAy; ivaLaimeli ~nIrmaiyaL Akkavum vENdinaiyE.

O Siva dwelling in thiru-marugal town where water is plentiful! You withheld the roaring Ganga river in your matted locks. You roam the worlds for alms. You have blemish-less fame. You wanted to make this girl to be in a state of distress. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.5) .

: ; () () .

- (piece, slice, chop, fragment, bit, morsel); - (to be sundered, cut, severed); (to become clear); - ; (sapphire); - (to esteem, honor, respect, regard); (to repeat mentally in worship, as mantras); - ; - ; - (blue nelumbo / blue lotus); ; ; - (brilliancy, splendor, brightness); ; - (fatigue); (dizziness; swooning); (pain);

: ! , . ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai ~nIla vaNNam mugil thOndRi annamaNi ~nIlakaNdam udaiyAy; marugalkaNi ~nIla vaNdu Ar kuzhalAL ivaLthanaNi ~nIla oN kaN ayarvu AkkinaiyE.

O Siva having a beautiful blue throat resembling a dark blue cloud! This girl with beautiful hair where balck bees buzz around worships thiru-marugal. You have made this girl, who has beautiful bright blue lotus like eyes, faint due to extreme distress. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.6) .

: ; () ; () .

- ; - (to appear; to rise to view); - ; - (side); (place, room, location; site); - ; ; - (the idle talk in a village about any two lovers); (slander);

: ! ! . ? ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai paravappaduvAy; sadai mElmalarum piRai ondRu udaiyAy; marugalpularum thanaiyum thuyilAL; pudai pO~ndhualarum padumO adiyAL ivaLE.

O Siva! You are worshipped by many. You wear a crescent moon on your matted locks. This girl in thiru-marugal has remained awake all night till daybreak and had been worshipping you all that time. Will this devout girl now go to her place and be subjected to the slander of the town? (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.7) .

: ; ; ; ; .

- ; - - ;

:" !" . . ! ! . ( ? ).

: "; ;" - ( ; " !" ) - . ,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai perumAn kazhal vAzhga enAezhuvAL; ~ninaivAL iravum pagalum;mazhuvAL udaiyAy; marugal perumAn;thozhuvAL ivaLaith thuyar AkkinaiyE.

O Siva of thiru-marugal! O holder of battle-axe! This girl always wakes up with the words "Long live our Lord's holy feet!". She meditates on You day and night. You have made such a devout worshipper suffer so much pain. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.8) .

:() () .

- ; - ( ); - ; ; ; - ; ; - ( - circumambulation from left to right); (To conquer); . (To win a victory); - (wreath, garland); ( - (garland of flowers, worn by women); (woman, beautiful as a garland);) - (the idle talk in a village about any two lovers); (slander); : , , ! . ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai iRaivan vila~nggal eduppaththula~nggu av viral UndRalum thOndRalanAyvalam koL madhil sUzh marugal perumAnala~nggal ivaLai alar AkkinaiyE.

O Siva of thiru-marugal that is surrounded by a fort! When Ravana, the king of Lanka, attempted to lift Mount KailAsam, You placed one your exalted toes and crushed him. He did not know what to do and worshipped you. You have made a beautiful garland-like girl the subject of slander. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.9) .

: ; () .

- ; - (to resemble); - ; - ; - ; - () - (to remember, meditate); - (adherents, followers); (, , - - , ?); - (precious, dear, excellent, rare, difficult); - ; ; ; - (fatigue); (dizziness; swooning); (pain);

: ! ! . ( ? ).

: 1. - / - ;2. " = . ( )" .

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai Ar sadaiyum adiyum iruvartheriyAdhadhor thIth thiraL AyavanE;mariyAr piriyA marugal perumAnariyAL ivaLai ayarvu AkkinaiyE.

O Siva of thiru-marugal! When You stood as an infinite column of fire, Brahma and Vishnu could not see your flaming red matted locks and the Holy feet. Devotees are always close to you. You have made this precious girl suffer so much. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.10) .

:() ; () ; ; ; .

- (To spread, to expand); (To increase in size, become large); - (Way, road, path); (Path of virtue, righteousness); - ( Always, permanently); - (To wander, roam about); - (fawn); - (Curliness of hair); - ; - (Strength of mind, moral firmness);

: . ! ! ( ) . ( ? ).

,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai il samaNum alar sAkkiyarum~neRi allana seythanar; ~nindRu uzhalvAr;maRi E~ndhu kaiyAy; marugal perumAn;~neRi Ar kuzhali ~niRai ~nIkkinaiyE.

The unthinking Jains and the numerous Buddhists always wander and do not follow the right path. O Siva, the Lord of thiru-marugal! You hold a fawn in your hand. You have destroyed the mental balance this curly haired girl. (Is this befitting you to let this girl suffer such anguish? Please show your grace on this poor girl).

anbudan,V. Subramanian


- 2.18-------------------------------------------------------------2.18.11) .

: () .

(: (), .)

- ; (real knowledge); - ; ; - (to befall, happen); (to resemble; to be like unto); - (greatness); ; ; (treatise, esp. the Agama works); ; - (sky); (greatness); (excellence); (wonderfulness); (vastness); - ; ;

: , , .

: . .

- - " " - . ,. ------------------------------------------thiru~njAnasambandhar's thEvAram - thirumuRai vallAr marugal peruMAnuyar ~njAnam uNar~ndhu adi uLgudhalAliyal ~njAna samba~ndhana pAdal vallArviyan ~njAlam ellAm viLa~nggum pugazhE.

Many who have attained spiritual knowledge live in thiru-marugal. By constantly meditating on the Holy feet of Siva of thiru-marugal, ~njAna samba~ndhan has attained the ultimate knowledge. ~njAna samba~ndhan, who has Siva like knowledge, has composed these songs. The fame of those who sing these songs will span the whole wide world.

Note: This song is a more difficult song. Hence, there may be errors in my translation.

"siva siva ennac civagadhi thAnE" - thirumandhiram: "Those who chant Siva Siva will achieve Siva state indeed"

anbudan,V. Subramanian - 2.18 - Last Updated: 23-May-09

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