safretti brochure lr

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    MoodSET THE ...

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    Saretti designs and abricates sustainable design eco-

    frespaces. Not in a production line, but on the basis o

    pure cratsmanship. And we are led in this by our desire

    to innovate. Saretti breaks through customaryproduction processes and takes a second look at

    materials and their possible applications. A simple

    philosophy, but one that has proven very successul.

    Agents, distributors and retailers worldwide are lining

    up to strengthen their end users identity with Saretti


    Saretti decorative frespaces have a unique design and

    a high-quality fnish. A combination o exclusive design

    and the warmth o fre. The decorative frespaces are

    easy to attach to the wall or to place in open spaces.

    The open fre will be created by using a special liquid

    (bio-alcohol). A ue is not necessary.

    Due to the high-quality materials used, these frespacesare suitable or use both inside and outside on the patio

    or balcony. Saretti stands or Stylish, Modern,

    Trustworthy and Design.

    For people with passion for exclusivity.

    burns eco-riendly uel (bio-alcohol)

    no chimney necessary

    real ames clean burning: no smoke, smell, soot or residue

    simple installation

    award-winning designs

    no electricity

    certifed by ocial external institutes

    MoodSET THE ...

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    P r o m e t h e u s , d e s i g n b y F r a n s S c h r o e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    P r o m e t h e u sThe design o the Prometheus has been approached with the eye o an expressive artist. It thus creates a combination o natural orms, poetry

    and rhythm. The Prometheus combines both convex and concave aluminium. The frespace has been named ater the Greek god who stole

    fre rom the gods and then oered it as a git to mankind. The round model thus associates with the eeling o wanting to share, according

    to Frans Schroer.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    G a y a , d e s i g n b y R o d e r i c k V o s

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    G a y aThe Gaya, designed by Roderick Vos, has a unique design. It is like a painting on the wall, which at frst notice, does not appear as a frespace.Even when the Gaya is not being used, it is obviously a nice looking object or the interior. The alienated image o fre, captured in a ramed black

    painting, makes this design o the Gaya antastic. It is a design that has been reduced to pure simplicity.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    D o u b l e V i s i o n , d e s i g n b y J a n d e s B o u v r i e

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    Peace and harmony are the absolute key elements o my designs. Designs that in an interior will provide a timeless basis to work with. This specifc

    design is a beautiul symbiosis between two products, each o which strengthens the other with orce.

    Double Vision Powered by:

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    C u b e , d e s i g n b y J a n d e s B o u v r i e

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    As a column, standing completely ree or as a single block on the oor. Jan des Bouvrie has designed a timeless, versatile frespace,

    having returned to the essence o everything. The Cube is a unity o simplicity, emotion and warmth.


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    A p o l l o S , d e s i g n b y F r a n s S c h r o e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    A p o l l o SApollo S is a new small portable frespace. Apollo replaces paran candles by creating a larger, more inviting ame using bio-ethanol uel.

    The smokeless and eco-riendly uel is contained in a volcanic shaped aluminium base. The hardened glass cylindrical sphere contains the ames

    and heat.

    Named ater the god o light, truth and healing, Apollo bathes an interior with its sot ames, caressing its surroundings with warm light creating

    a soothing atmosphere.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    A p o l l o X L , d e s i g n b y F r a n s S c h r o e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    A p o l l o X LA larger variant o the Apollo S is now also available: Apollo XL.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    T e k t o , d e s i g n b y P o r s c h e D e s i g n S t u d i o

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    D i a m o n d , d e s i g n b y H u g o d e R u i t e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    DiamondA Diamond is rare and thereore extremely precious. A diamond worker cuts acets, turning the raw diamond into a magnifcent jewel with skill

    and artistry. The dark acets o this frespace oer a refned pallet o tones.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    E i g h t , d e s i g n b y H u g o d e R u i t e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    EightIn an infnite succession o the seasons, the sun and our world o green plants convert CO2 into oxygen and uel by means o photosynthesis.

    The design or the Eight frespace took a lemniscate shape to emphasise this natural process.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    W a v e , d e s i g n b y H u g o d e R u i t e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    WaveFor the design o the Wave frespace, I was inspired by the 500 million-year-old rock ormation Wave Rock in Hyden, Australia. This unbelievably

    beautiully shaped rock shows that it is not only water that undulates.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    O l y m p i Q , d e s i g n b y F r a n s S c h r o e r

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    With the OlympiQ you can take the outdoor lie to a new level. One in which stylish design, culinary delights and a comortable atmosphere

    all come together. The philosophy behind the design o the OlympiQ revolves around the combination o maximum user-riendliness and an

    aesthetically pleasing appearance. The result is a high-qualit y, modern design that makes reerence to the amous Olympic torch. The OlympiQ

    is built around the Philips Woodstove, a high eciency wood burn (Philips) technology, originally intended or rural populations in

    India and Arica.

    O l y m p i QPowered by:

    D i

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    Jan des Bouvrie Jort Mercuur

    Hugo de Ruiter

    Henk Heres

    Porsche Design Studio

    Frans Schrofer

    Roderick Vos

    D e s i g n e r s

    Design is no varnish,

    it is the heart and

    soul of the product.

    Tom Peters

    A d

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    A w a r d s

    Saretti wins the North Sea

    Pearl 2008 Award or the

    frespace Prometheus.

    Design by Frans Schroer.

    Saretti wins the prestigious

    GOOD DESIGN Award 2008

    or the frespace Gaya.

    Design by Roderick Vos.

    Saretti wins the highest ocial

    Design Award o the Federal

    Republic o Germany 2010 or

    the frespace Gaya.

    Design by Roderick Vos.

    Saretti wins the Interior

    Innovation Award 2011 or

    the frespace / eco-riendly

    barbecue OlympiQ.

    Design by Frans Schroer.

    Saretti wins the prestigious

    GOOD DESIGN Award 2010

    or the frespace / eco-riendly

    barbecue OlympiQ.

    Design by Frans Schroer.

  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


  • 7/28/2019 Safretti Brochure LR


    Metaalstraat 3a/3c | 7483 PD Haaksbergen (NL) | T. +31 (0)53 574 25 54 | F. +31 (0)53 574 34 53 | E. | I.

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