sap hana 5

Post on 08-Aug-2018






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8/22/2019 SAP HANA 5 1/5

1.  Analytic View = Data Foundation = Fact Table: Select measure from one table (Transaction data)

Select attributes from several tables (joinable)

Logical View (fields chosen, joins)

2.  Analytic View: Process Flow: 1. Set Parameter



2. Table Selection

Search and Select (attribute view)

OR Click Add Table Button

OR Filter>Drag& Drop

3. Table Joins and properties

 Analytic View = Attribute Views + Private Attribute (Selected from DB Table?)

Join Type Default = InnerJoin

Cardinality Default = 1:1

Non-Key fields = Navigation attributes implicitly added

4. Select Attributes and Measures Analytic View (Data Foundation) Must have:

One Attribute (AB)

One Measure (12)

Can Create

 Attribute Filter

Calculated Measure

Restricted Measure

Rename Attribute/Measure

5. Calculated Measures


Data Types



6. Restricted Measures

Parameters w/ Filter

7. Save and Activate

Same as in Attribute.

Only Analytic and Calculation views displayed in business object tools?

8. Data Preview 

Same three preview modes as in Attribute view.

3.  Attribute View: Cardinality: 1:1



4.  Attribute View: Description Mapping: Select attribute in output structure

Description Mapping in Properties

Connect description text to the semantic key of attribute value

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8/22/2019 SAP HANA 5 2/5

5.  Attribute View: Join Types: Referential

(When Referential Integrity enforced? Time?)


(Return Rows w/ at least one match in both tables)


(Returns all rows from left, even no matches)


(Opposite of LeftOuter)


(Returns all rows from both tables)


(Join Text to Master Data Table. Description Mapping. Language Mandatory)

6.  Attribute View: Process Flow: 1. Set Parameters

Name, Description

Type (Standard/ Time)


2. Table Selection

Select from Expanding Schema

OR Click Add Table Button

(also search by column names)

OR Filter>Drag& Drop

3. Table Joins/Properties (Relationships)

Join Type


Language (SPRAS)

Draw Left Table First!

4. Select Attributes and Measures

One Key 

Multiple Non-Key (Navigation Attributes)


5. Create Hierarchies

MDX/Excel only 

Hierarchy Active = True (Displays Non-Key)

Level/Parent-child Hierarchy 

Calculated Attribute:

Static/Dynamic Value, Functions

6. Save and Activate

SAVE button

 Activate creates db view in schema "_SYS_BIC" (Repository, Column View _SYS_BIC.I_package/view name)

7. Data Preview 

 Attribute View (Information Model)

Physical Tables (Column View)

Preview Views:

Raw Data (Text)

Distinct Values (Text/Graph)

 Analysis (Graph)

8/22/2019 SAP HANA 5 3/5

7.  Attribute View: Time Dimension: Gregorian




8. Calculation View: Column View visible in reporting tools

Graphical/SQL Script

Function Executed:

(SELECT<fields>FROM<table/view/column view, etc.>)

Read Only 

Call other Functions

Pre-Defined Functions

9. Calculation View (Graphical): Process Flow: 1. Set Parameter

Name, Description


2. Choose Analytic and Attribute Views

Select raw tables or views

3. Define Nodes

Projection Nodes

Union Node

Output Node

4. Add Calculated Columns


Create Calculated column (Actual=0, Planned=1)

5. Define Mappings

Define Union Node w/button: auto mapping for fields w/ same name

6. Define Output Fields

 Add Attributes, Measures to output

7. Save and Activate

Creates Column View.

8. Data Preview 

8/22/2019 SAP HANA 5 4/5

10. Calculation View (Script): Process Flow: 1. Set Parameter

Name, Description


2. Define Table Output Structure

Right click Table

Select "Definition"

Right Click Displays tables/fields

Export SQL

3. Define Function (Input and Output Structure)

Input Optional

Output Mandatory 

4. Write SQL Statement

 Write to populate output table structure

5. Execute

Click on green button to generate

Column View Created:


6. Assign Attributes and Measures

 Add/assign for output node

7. Save and Activate

8. Data Preview 

SQL Editor doe preview 

11. Create Information Models Step 1 Attribute View: Step 1: Attribute View 

Join text table to master data table

Step 2: Analytical View Build Data Foundation=Fact Tables

Select Measures = Key Figures

Join Attribute Views

Step 3: Calculation View (optional)

Graphical/ SQL Script


Step 4:

 Analytic Privileges

Based on attributes in analytic views

 Authorization for specific attribute values

Privileges for each user group

12. Import Export: Client: PC <-> HANA Studio

Quick Launch>Export

Select system/Info Models/Priv.

Specify folder on PC

Exported as XML

 Vice Versa for Import

Cannot overwrite, need to delete first

Must activate after import

Server: -> HANA DB

8/22/2019 SAP HANA 5 5/5

13. Modeling Process Flow: 1. Import Source System Metadata (Physical Tables created dynamically)

2. Provision Data (Physical tables loaded w/ content)

3. Create Information Models (DB/Attribute/Analytical/Calc Views)

4. Deploy (Column View created and activated

5. Consume

14. SQL Script: Collection of SQL Extensions to push dat intesive logci into the database.

Code to Data - Code in DB Layer. Application will only retrieve results.

Funcitonal Extension?

Data Type Extension?

15. Studio Features: Data Preview: Physical Tables

Information Models

16. Studio Features: Import/Export: Models

Data Source Schemas (metadata)


17. Studio Features: Modeling: Information Modeling:

Used to create multiple views of transactional data used for analytical purposes

4 Levels of Modeling:

 Attribute View  Analytic View 

Calculation View 

Calculation View enhanced w/ Analytical View 

18. Studio Features: Other: Data Provisioning (initial load, replication)

 Analytic Privileges/ Security 


19. Studio Preferences: Default Model Parameters:

Default Client

Default Language

Data Preview:

Max Rows

Show Calculated Columns

Note: Can set per information model/view 

20. Terminology (Data): Attributes = Characteristics

(Qualitative: Who/What/Where/When)

(Calculated Attributes)

Measures = Key Figures = Fact Table

(Quantitative: Cost)

(Calculated/Restricted Measures)

21. Terminology (Views, Procedure, Security): Attribute Views = Dimensions = Master Data

 Analytic Views = Simple Star Schema = Cube

Calculation Views

(Graphical/ SQL Script)

Procedure = Functions

 Analytic Privileges = Security Objects

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