savremeni koncepti međunarodnog bankarskog marketinga

Post on 27-Dec-2016






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stručni prilozi


dr Bojan Đorđević*

* Fakultet za mendžment Zaječar

RezimeU uslovima globalizacije i sve jače konkurencije, poslovna koncepcija banke koja se

zasniva na uvažavanju potreba i zahteva raznovrsnih segmenata korisnika bankarskih usluga postaje uslov opstanka, rasta i razvoja banke. Dobro osmišljen i adekvatno primenjen koncept međunarodnog marketinga u bankarstvu, doveo je do značajne konkurentske prednosti i uspeha pojedinih bankarskih institucija na međunarodnom bankarskom tržištu. Slobodno se može reći da je jedan od najznačajnijih faktora internacionalnih uspeha banaka, upravo primena savremenih koncepata međunarodnog marketinga. Još jednom se pokazuje da pristup “misli globalno - deluj lokalno” ima pozitivne efekte u internacionalnom bankarskom marketingu.

Ključne reči: banka, međunarodne marketing strategije, inovacije




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expert contributions




SummaryIn the times of globalization and ever-growing competition, the business concept of

a bank, based on respecting the needs and requests of various segments of bank service users, becomes the precondition for the existence, growth and development of a bank. Well-designed and adequately applied concept of international bank marketing has led to the significant competitive advantage and success of certain banking institutions in the international bank market. One can, by all means, claim that one of the most significant factors banks have to thank for their international success is precisely the application of modern international marketing concepts. Once again the ’think globally-act locally’ approach proved to have positive effects on the international bank marketing.

Key words: bank, international marketing strategies, innovations

Bojan Đorđević PhD*

* Faculty for management Zaječ




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Specifičnosti međunarodnog marketinga u bankarstvu

Veliki je broj bankarskih organizacija koje posluju na međunarodnom tržištu, obavljajući finansijske transakcije kao što su platni promet sa inostranstvom, kreditni poslovi sa inostranstvom, prikupljanje devizne štednje stanovništva, finansiranje izvoznih operacija, finansiranje proizvodnje itd. Veći deo ovih bankarskih organizacija poseduje jaku konkurentsku poziciju na međunarodnom tržištu bankarskih usluga. Takođe, one predstavljaju snažne finansijske institucije sa sve većom mrežom filijala i predstavništava širom sveta.

Poslovno iskustvo najuspešnijih bankarskih institucija u svetu treba da posluži kao primer srpskim bankarskim organizacijama, koje se posle dužeg niza godina oporavka i rastrukturiranja, ponovo vraćaju na međunarodnu scenu. Pored toga, srpski bankarski sektor suočen je sa velikom konkurencijom i agresivnim nastupom na domaćem tržištu upravo onih najjačih bankarskih institucija iz inostranstva, koji imaju visok stepen afirmacije marketing koncepta u svom poslovanju. Naime, danas u Srbiji skoro i da nema “izvorne” srpske banke, već se radi o preuzimanju domaćih ili osnivanju novih banaka od multinacionalnih bankarskih korporacija. U tom smislu, radi se o domaćim bankama osnovanim stranim kapitalom. Posmatrano sa aspekta međunarodnih marketing strategija, multinacionalne banke su preko tzv. “kćeri” banaka u Srbiji, dale jednu novu dimenziju u shvatanju značaja primene marketinga u bankarstvu, što se praktično ogleda u velikoj konkurenciji na domaćem bankarskom tržištu, gde su glavni “igrači” domaće jedinice internacionalnih banaka (Intesa, Raiffeisen, Hypo, Societe Generale itd.). Na osnovu toga, nama su od bitnog značaja internacionalni marketing koncepti ovih banaka, gde svaki od njih ima svoje ključne osobenosti u pristupu domaćim potrošačima - klijentima banaka u Srbiji.

Karakteristike bankarskih usluga i finansijske transakcije povezane sa međunarodnim tržištem daju specifičnost marketinga u bankarstvu, dok savremena

kretanja i tendencije na međunarodnom bankarskom tržištu daju pečat savremenom bankarskom marketing konceptu. Savremena kretanja i tendencije na tržištu bankarskih usluga sa sobom nose i mnogobrojne promene koje se ogledaju u (Gavrilović - Gagović, 1996, str. 17):• Integracionim procesima (npr. Evropska

monetarna unija i jedinstvena valuta euro)• Tehnološkim inovacijama u bankarstvu

(e-bankarstvo, m-bankarstvo, ATM/POS - bankomati/terminali...)

• Intenzivnoj konkurenciji (veliki spektar ponude bankarskih usluga pojedinih banaka)

• Deregulaciji finansijskih tržišta (sve manji uticaj države - centralnih banaka)

• Ukrupnjavanju bankarskih organizacija (merdžeri, akvizicije, alijanse)

• Pojavi novih finansijskih centara u svetu.Bankama na međunarodnom tržištu nameće

se neophodnost kontinuiranog praćenja zbivanja i sistematski blagovremenog prilagođavanja ponude bankarskih usluga izraženoj tražnji. Sa tog aspekta, bankama je neophodan kreiran sistem marketing istraživanja i kvalitetno uspostavljen marketing informacioni sistem (MIS). Marketing informacioni sistem banke veoma je važan firmama, komitentima banke koji izvoze svoje proizvode i usluge na međunarodna tržišta. Važnost se ogleda u sve češćem korišćenju bančinog marketing informacionog sistema u svrhu lakšeg i racionalnijeg donošenja različitih poslovnih odluka.

Po iskustvima najafirmisanijih bankarskih institucija iz zemalja kao što su SAD, Japan i Velika Britanija, specifičnosti međunarodnog bankarskog marketinga najviše se ispoljavaju kroz marketing istraživanja međunarodnog tržišta i kreiranje instrumenata marketing miksa banke.

Marketing istraživanje međunarodnog tržišta

Primenom marketing istraživanja tržišta, banka dolazi do višestruko korisnih informacija. Pre preduzimanja konkretne istraživačke akcije na terenu, banka preko svog marketing informacionog sistema treba da sistematizuje i sagleda sve interne informacije o komintentima,




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Specificities of the International Bank Marketing

There is a significant number of banking organizations operating in the international market, performing financial transactions such as foreign payment transactions, foreign credit operations, foreign exchange savings from the citizens, export finance, production finance, etc. The majority of these banking organizations hold a strong competitive position in the international market of bank services. In addition, these are strong financial institutions, with ever-growing network of branches and subsidiaries all over the world.

The business experience of the most successful banking institutions in the world should pose an example for the Serbian banking organizations, returning to the international scene a�er many years of recovery and restructuring. Apart from this, the Serbian banking sector faces harsh competition and aggressive approach in the domestic market of the strongest foreign banking institutions, precisely the ones which have a well-established marketing concept in their operations. Namely, there are almost no “genuine” Serbian banks in Serbia today. What we deal with are the cases of takeovers of domestic banks or the new banks established by multinational banking corporations. In that sense, we have domestic banks founded with the foreign capital. From the point of view of the international marketing strategies, the multinational banks, through the so-called “daughter” banks in Serbia, have added a whole new dimension of understanding the importance of marketing application in banking, which is practically reflected in the huge competition in the domestic bank market, where the main “players” are the domestic units of the international banks (Intesa, Reiffaisen, Hypo, Societe Generale, etc.). Taking this into account, what is of crucial importance for us are the international marketing concepts of these banks, each of them having its key characteristics regarding the approach to domestic consumers - banks’ clients in Serbia.

The characteristics of bank services and the financial transactions related to the international market create the specificities of the bank marketing, and modern trends and tendencies

in the international bank market leave their stamp on the concept of contemporary bank marketing. Modern trends and tendencies in the market of bank services also introduce numerous changes, reflected in the following (Gavrilovic-Gagovic, 1996, page 17): • Integration processes (e.g. European

Monetary Union and Euro as a uniform currency)

• Technological banking innovations (E-banking, M-banking, ATM/POS - automated teller machines, terminals…)

• Intense competition (wide range of bank services offered by certain banks)

• Deregulation of financial markets (diminishing influence of the state - central banks)

• Consolidation of banking organizations (mergers, acquisitions, alliances)

• Emergence of the new financial centers in the worldBanks in the international market are forced

to continually monitor developments, and timely and systematically adjust the supply of bank services in order to meet the articulated demand. From this point of view, banks need to have a designed system of marketing survey, and a well-established marketing information system (MIS). Marketing information system of a bank is extremely important for companies - clients of a bank, which export their goods and services into the international markets. The importance is reflected in the more and more frequent use of a bank’s marketing information system with a view to making various business decisions more easily and rationally.

According to the experience of the most renowned banking institutions from the countries such as the USA, Japan and Great Britain, the specificities of the international bank marketing are mostly manifested through the marketing surveys of the international market and the creation of the marketing mix instruments of a bank.

Marketing Survey of the International Market

By applying the marketing survey of a market, a bank obtains information useful on multiple levels. Before undertaking concrete




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odnosno korisnicima usluga i poslovanju. Eksterne informacije banka dobija istraživanjem tržišta, sagledavanjem sledećih faktora:• Tržišno učešće• Tržišni segmenti• Stanje i aktivnost konkurencije• Demografske promene• Imidž banke u očima klijenata• Motivi korišćenja pojedinih vrsta bankarskih

usluga.Kao ilustraciju možemo navesti aktivnosti

American Express Bank i German Banking Group u istraživanju tržišta. Odluka o osnivanju American Express Bank zasnivala se na sistematično sprovedenom istraživanju tržišta. Marketing istraživanje obuhvatilo je: 1) identifikaciju glavnih tržišnih segmenata koji bi mogli biti privučeni novim uslugama i 2) testiranje prihvatanja novih usluga od strane identifikovanih tržišnih segmenata (Chisnall, 1991, str. 340). Za potrebe German Banking Group, istraživanje je sprovela specijalizovana institucija Federal Association of Cooperitive Banks (FACB). Istraživanje se odnosilo na percepciju, stavove, satisfakciju i motive ponašanja potrošača, korisnika usluga banke. U ovom istraživanju obuhvaćeni su postojeći i potencijalni korisnici usluga, na bazi dva tipa informacija - standardnih i specifičnih. Standarne i specifične informacije u ova dva tipa istraživanja prikazane su u Tabeli 1.

Rezultati ovog istraživanja razvrstani su na bazi niza kriterijuma koji su obuhvatili emocionalne i racionalne komponente ponašanja postojećih i potencijalnih korisnika

usluga banke. Zapaženo je da je prisutna supstitucija bankarskih usluga jedne banke uslugama druge u većim gradovima. Objašnjenje se nalazi u većoj konkurenciji i većoj ponudi bankarskih usluga u većim gradovima. Generalno posmatrano, istraživanje je pokazalo da ipak postoji visok stepen lojalnosti jednom izabranoj banci i kod onih segmenata kod kojih je prisutan racionalan momenat (motivi) u izboru odgovarajuće banke.

Može se zaključiti da marketing istraživanje potreba i zahteva pojedinaca i organizacija, tj. korisnika bankarskih usluga na međunarodnom tržištu, utiče na strategijski izbor i odluku za nastup banke na ciljnom tržištu u uslovima jake konkurencije. Bitno je istaći, da menadžment banke mora imati razvijenu svest o značaju marketing istraživanja i imati spremnost da se ulože određena sredstva, znanje i vreme radi identifikacije konkretnih marketinških problema i iznalaženja najefikasnijih načina za njihovo rešavanje. Takođe, dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju informacionu osnovu za planiranje marketing miksa banke, odnosno njihovu najoptimalniju kombinaciju.

Međunarodna marketing miks strategija banke

Međunarodni marketing miks banke čine četiri kategorije ili instrumenta:

• Proizvod - bankarska usluga koja obično uključuje više bankarskih poslova• Cena - provizije i kamate kao cene bankarskih usluga• Distribucija - izbor adekvatnih kanala prodaje bankarskih usluga• P r o m o c i j a - izbor adekvatnih kanala promocije u cilju privlačenja

novčanih sredstava i promocije plasmana bankeProizvod, odnosno bankarska usluga,

predstavlja glavni instrument marketinga u

Tabela 1. Istraživanje FACB za potrebe German Banking Group

Standardno istraživanje Specifično istraživanje

Tržišno učešće Različite reakcije korisnika usluga na:Demografski profil korisnika usluga Nove bankarske uslugeVrste usluga koje koriste pojedini segmenti klijenata

Komunikaciju bankarskih službenika sa klijentima

Imidž banke i njenih glavnih konkurenata kod postojećih i potencijalnih korisnika

Različito radno vreme

Motivi o izboru banke Poboljšanje kvaliteta bankarskih usluga

Lojalnost banciAtraktivnost kooperativnog koncepta banke




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investigative actions on the spot, a bank, through its marketing information system, needs to systematize and consider all internal information on its clients, i.e. service users, and on its operations. The bank obtains external information by investigating the market, and considering the following factors:• Market share• Market segments• Competitors’ status and activities • Demographical changes• Bank’s image from the perspective of its

clients• Motives for the use of certain types of bank

servicesFor the sake of illustration, we can mention

the activities of American Express Bank and German Banking Group in respect of market investigation. The decision on the establishment of American Express Bank was based on a systematically conducted market survey. The marketing survey comprised: 1) identification of the main market segments that could be a�racted by the new services and 2) testing the acceptance of the new services by the identified market segments (Chisnall, 1991, page 340). On behalf of German Banking Group, the survey was conducted by the specialized institution Federal Association of Cooperative Banks (FACB). The survey targeted the perception, opinions, satisfaction and motives for behaviour of consumers - users of bank services. The survey included the existing and potential service users, based on two types of information - standard and specific. The standard and specific information in these two survey types are given in Table 1 below.

The results of this survey were sorted according to the range of criteria, including emotional and rational components of behaviour of the existing and potential bank service users. It was noticed that the bank services of one bank become substituted by another bank’s services in larger cities. The explanation lies in the tougher competition and broader supply of bank services in larger cities. Generally speaking, the survey showed that the loyalty towards a chosen bank is, nevertheless, high, even in respect of those segments which include a rational aspect (motives) during the choice of a certain bank.

It may be concluded that the marketing survey of needs and requests of individuals and organizations, i.e. bank service users in the international market, affects the strategic choice and decision regarding the bank’s emergence in the target, highly competitive market. It is important to emphasize that a bank’s management has to be fully aware of the significance of marketing survey, and to be willing to invest certain funds, knowledge and time into the identification of concrete marketing challenges and the process of finding the most efficient ways to address them. In addition, the obtained results represent an informational basis for the planning of a bank’s marketing mix, i.e. its most optimal combination.

International Marketing Mix Strategy of a Bank

The international marketing mix of a bank consists of four categories or instruments:• Product - bank service usually including

several bank operations• Price - fees and interests as prices for bank services• Distribution - choice of adequate channels for the selling of bank services • P r o m o t i o n - choice of adequate promotion channels, with a view to a�racting cash funds

Table 1. FACB survey on behalf of German Banking Group

Standard survey Specific survey

Market share Different reactions of service users to:Demographical profile of services users

New bank services

Types of services used by certain segments of clients

Communication between bank officers and clients

Image of a bank and its main competitors from the perspective of its existing and potential users

Different working hours

Motives for the choice of a bank Enhanced quality of bank servicesLoyalty towards a bankA�ractiveness of a bank’s cooperative concept




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bankarstvu. Pojavom velikih transnacionalnih banaka, proširuje se ponuda raznovrsnih bankarskih usluga, tako da je proizvod kao instrument marketing miksa banke veoma kompleksna kategorija. Cilj današnjih bankarskih organizacija je ponuditi što više usluga klijentu i uslužiti ga na jednom mestu. Prisutne su i banke koje su specijalizovane za pružanje pojedinih vrsta usluga za pojedine tržišne segmente i izabrana tržišta. Ponuda banke, odnosno asortiman bankarskih usluga na međunarodnom tržištu, zavisi od brojnih faktora koje možemo podeliti na dve grupe - interni i eksterni faktori. U interne faktore koji opredeljuju izbor asortimana bankarskih usluga spadaju: veličina banke, organizaciona struktura, kadrovski potencijali, mogućnost pribavljanja finansijskih sredstava i sl. Eksterni faktori izraženi su kroz tržišne zahteve i uticaj važećih propisa u pojedinim zemljama. Na međunarodnom tržištu javlja se tražnja za veoma raznovrsnim bankarskim uslugama u koje spadaju:• Kreditiranje pojedinaca ili domaćinstava

(poslovi sa stanovništvom u manjim iznosima)

• Kreditiranje kompanija, korporacija i vladinih institucija većim iznosima (poslovno bankarstvo)

• Operacije na tržištu novca - plasman sredstava kod drugih banaka i finansijskih posrednika

• Finansiranje proizvodnje, trgovine itd.Može se zaključiti da se proizvodna

bankarska strategija, u okviru marketing miks strategije banke, zasniva na izboru odgovarajućeg asortimana bankarskih usluga u skladu sa zahtevima tržišta i sopstvenim raspoloživim mogućnostima banke. U uslovima oštre međunarodne konkurencije, banke a naročito transnacionalne bankarske organizacije, teže da se putem prilagođavanja svoje ponude maksimalno približe zahtevima postojećih i potencijalnih korisnika, i na taj način ostvare odgovarajuću konkurentsku prednost. U poslednje vreme javlja se “pojačana” ponuda bankarskih usluga investicionim konsalting uslugama i netipičnim bankarskim poslovima kao što su finansijski lizing, faktoring, forfeting, kastodi poslovi itd. Primera radi, kao najizraženija pojava u ponudi

stranih bankarskih institucija na tržištu Srbije, može se navesti finansijski lizing u kupovini novih i polovnih automobila, opreme i sl. Međunarodne bankarske institucije, koje su na vreme uočile mogućnosti i prednost prodaje robe putem lizinga, posegle su za formiranjem posebnih organizacionih jedinica za obavljanje ovih poslova (Raiffeisen Leasing, Hypo Leasing). U kratkom vremenskom periodu lizing jedinice ostvarile su na tržištu Srbije zavidan obim prodaje, pogotovo kada se radi o kupovini novih vozila ovim putem.

Međunarodna strategija distribucije zasniva se na izboru adekvatnih kanala prodaje bankarskih usluga kojim treba da se reši problem prostora i obezbedi ekonomisanje vremenom (Milisavljević, 1980, str. 541). Zbog same prirode bankarskih usluga i zahteva pojedinih tržišnih segmenata, zahteva se neposredan kontakt između davaoca i korisnika usluga, tako da banke moraju naći odgovarajuća organizaciona rešenja koja omogućuju takav kontakt. Primera radi, velike međunarodne bankarske organizacije pribegavaju osnivanju posebnih organizacionih jedinica:• Filijale kao sastavni delovi banke• Subordijarne poslovne jedinice kao

korporacije sa potpunim ili većinskim vlasništvom matične banke

• Predstavništva, u obliku malih agencija, sa ograničenim ovlašćenjima bez primanja depozita i odobravanja kreditaAdekvatan izbor kanala prodaje uključuje

i izbor lokacije (makro i mikro). Najpoznatije makro finansijske lokacije u svetu su London, Njujork i Tokio i mikro lokacije Wall Street, Lombard Street, City itd. Razvoj informacione tehnologije doneo je promene u kanalima prodaje pojavom e-poslovanja. Javljaju se elektronski kanali koji svoju osnovu nalaze u Internetu i savremenim elektronskim i mobilnim tehnologijama.

Strategija cena bankarskih usluga, odnosno planiranje i određivanje provizija i kamata, u velikoj je zavisnosti od ograničenja državne kontrole i zaključenih međunarodnih sporazuma. Kao primer može se navesti formiranje Evropske monetarne unije i jedinstvene valute euro, gde su prihvaćena zajednička i unificirana pravila ponašanja zemalja članica i banaka iz tih zemalja, sa ciljem




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and promoting lending activities of a bankA product, that is a bank service, represents

the main instrument of bank marketing. With the appearance of large trans-national banks, the range of various bank services has been broadened, and therefore the product, as an instrument of marketing mix in a bank, has become a very complex category. The banking organizations today aim to offer as many services to the clients as possible, and to serve them at one spot. There are also banks specialized for certain types of services, for certain market segments and chosen markets. Banks’ offer, that is the range of bank services in the international market, depends on the numerous factors that can be divided into two groups - internal and external factors. The internal factors, on which the choice of bank service offer depends, include the following: size of the bank, organization structure, staff potential, possibility of obtaining financial resources, etc. The external factors are reflected in market requirements, and the influence of the existing regulations in certain countries. In the international market there is a demand for various bank services, including:• Lending smaller amounts to individuals or

households (retail operations)• Lending larger amounts to companies,

corporations, and government institutions (business banking)

• Money market operations - placing funds with other banks and financial intermediaries

• Production finance, trade finance, etc.It may be concluded that the bank

production strategy, within the bank marketing mix strategy, is based on the choice of the appropriate range of bank services according to the market demands and the available capacities of the bank itself. In the times of harsh international competition, the banks, and especially the trans-national bank organizations, by adjusting their offer, tend to meet the requests of existing and potential users to the greatest possible extent, thus gaining certain competitive advantage. Lately, there has been an “increase” in the supply of bank services in respect of investment consulting services and atypical bank operations such as financial leasing, factoring, forfeiting,

custody operations, etc. For instance, the most important phenomenon in the supply of foreign banking institutions in the Serbian market may be the financial leasing for the purchase of new and second-hand cars, equipment, etc. The international banking institutions which timely noticed the opportunity and the advantage of selling goods on leasing resorted to establishing the special organizational units for performing these operations (Reiffaisen Leasing, Hypo Leasing). Within a short period of time these leasing units accomplished an enviable sales volume in the Serbian market, especially when it comes to purchasing new cars in this manner.

The international distribution strategy is based on choosing adequate channels for the selling of bank services, with a view to solving the problem of space, and ensuring time-effectiveness (Milisavljevic, 1980, page 541). Due to the nature of bank services themselves, and the demands of certain market segments, it is required to establish a direct contact between the service provider and service user, which, in turn, implies that banks have to come up with adequate organizational solutions enabling such a contact. For example, the large international banking organizations resort to establishing special organizational units:• Branches, as integral parts of a bank• Subsidiary operating units, as corporations

with the overall or majority share of parent-bank’s capital

• Representative offices, in form of small agencies with limited authority excluding taking deposits and extending creditsAn adequate choice of sales channel also

includes the choice of location (macro and micro). The best-known financial macro-locations in the world are London, New York and Tokyo, and micro-locations Wall Street, Lombard Street, City, etc. The informational technology development introduced some changes in respect of sales channels due to the emergence of e-banking. There are now the electronic channels based on the Internet and modern electronic and mobile technologies.

The strategy of bank service pricing, i.e. planning and se�ing fees and interest rates, depends to a great extent on the state control restrictions and the concluded international




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izjednačavanja uslova pružanja određenih bankarskih usluga. Provizije i kamate određuju banke u granicama mogućnosti slobodnog određivanja i prilagođavanja ciljnim tržišnim segmentima.

Strategija promocije, kao instrument međunarodnog marketing miksa banaka, u tržišnim uslovima doprinosi prikupljanju bankarskih sredstava i njihovom racionalnom raspoređivanju. U uslovima veće tražnje u odnosu na ponudu novčanih sredstava, banke na međunarodnom tržištu obično veću pažnju posvećuju izboru adekvatnog promotivnog miksa u cilju privlačenja novčanih sredstava, nego promociji plasmana. Kao najkarakterističnije oblike promocije bankarskih organizacija u međunarodnom marketingu izdvajaju se: 1) ekonomska propaganda (advertising) 2) publicitet i odnosi sa javnošću (PR - public relations) i 3) lična prodaja. Ovi oblici promocije unapređuju efekte depozitne funkcije banke, unapređuju bankarske plasmane i nove specifične oblike usluga kao što je npr. finansijski lizing.

Kada je reč o ekonomskoj propagandi na međunarodnim tržištima, osnovno pitanje i zadatak koji banka mora rešiti je izbor adekvatnog medija i propagandne poruke, koji moraju biti prilagođeni odgovarajućim tržišnim segmentima. Ekonomska propaganda kao oblik plaćenog i masovnog komuniciranja kompanija sa potrošačima i javnošću, razvojem komunikacionih tehnologija, uz trend globalizacije i internacionalizacije medija i agencija za podršku kao što je PR, gubi na značaju u promotivnom miksu, ali se ne treba zanemariti (Milanović-Golubović, 2003, str. 370). Ipak, utisak je da propaganda ostavlja najjači psihološki efekat i utisak koji utiče na izgradnju lojalnosti potrošača kompaniji i njihovim markama (brendovima). Ekonomska propaganda podstiče prodaju, kreira buduću tražnju i sredstvo je konkurentskog diferenciranja. Iz tih razloga, ne treba je zapostavljati. Sa funkcionalnog aspekta međunarodna ekonomska propaganda deli se na (Kotler, 2000):• korporativnu propagandu - propaganda

usmerena na imidž (international corporate ads)

• medijsku propagandu - propaganda usmerena

na tražnju (media ads)Publicitet, kao oblik promocije kojim

banka putem sredstava javnog informisanja komunicira sa javnošću putem objavljivanja informacija o njenom poslovanju, proizvodima i uslugama utiče na povećanje rejtinga banke. Publicitet u odnosu na odnose sa javnošću (PR) banke, predstavlja aktivnosti koje nisu ničim naložene niti plaćene od strane kompanije - banke. Publicitet banke služi za promovisanje bankarskih proizvoda i usluga, linije u okviru asortimana bankarskih proizvoda/usluga, same bankarske organizacije, ideja, aktivnosti, države itd (Kotler, 2000).

Međunarodni PR, odnosno međunarodni odnosi sa javnošću, imaju za cilj uticaj na javno mnenje i sticanje pozitivnog stava ili imidža kompanije, u ovom slučaju banke. Radi se o svesnom, planiranom i trajnom stvaranju i negovanju međusobnog poverenja i razumevanja u stranoj javnosti (Vezjak, 1976.). Međunarodni PR banke u tesnoj je vezi sa međunarodnom marketing strategijom banke i očekivanom i željenom pozicijom na međunarodnom tržištu. Ciljevi promocione marketing strategije banke, preko aktivnosti odnosa sa javnošću na inostranom tržištu mogu biti:• Stvaranje atmosfere poverenja prema banci• Podrška lansiranju novih bankarskih

proizvoda i usluga• Pomoć u repozicioniranju bankarskih

proizvoda i usluga• Stimulisanje popularnosti bankarske

ponude• Smanjivanje šteta od izvesnih neprijatnih

događaja, u koje je banka uvučenaPR strategija banke, u okviru međunarodne

promotivne strategije, ima zadatak da kreira pozitivno mišljenje o banci, promoviše bankarsku ponudu, doprinese povećanju vrednosti kapitala, imovine i obezbedi javnu podršku. Posmatrano sa stanovišta procesa komuniciranja, PR banke je okrenut ukupnoj javnosti - spoljašnoj (korisnici usluga, distributivni kanali, faktori šireg okruženja) i unutrašnjoj (akcionari, zaposleni itd.). Po svojim karakteristikama i profilu akcija, PR bankarska strategija nije direktno usmerena podsticanju kupovine odnosno korišćenju usluga. PR aktivnosti svrstavaju se u četiri




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agreements. An example may be the establishment of European Monetary Union and choice of Euro as a uniform currency, where the common and uniform rules of conduct were accepted by member countries and banks from these countries, with a view to unifying the conditions of providing certain bank services. The level of fees and interest rates is determined by the banks with the possibility of free decision-making and adjustment to the target market segments.

The strategy of promotion, as an instrument of international bank marketing mix, facilitates bank funding and rational allocation in the market. With the demand of money resources exceeding supply, the banks in the international market usually pay more a�ention to the choice of adequate promotional mix in order to a�ract money resources, rather than to the promotion of lending activities. As the most characteristic forms of promotion of banking organizations in the international marketing, there are: 1) business advertising 2) publicity and PR - public relations, and 3) personal selling. These forms of promotion enhance the deposit functions of a bank, bank’s lending activities and new specific forms of services, such as, for instance, financial leasing.

When it comes to business advertising in the international markets, the main issue and task that a bank needs to address is the choice of adequate media and advertising message, which have to be in accordance with the appropriate market segments. In the times of ever-developing communication technologies, along with the trends of globalization and internationalization of media and support agencies such as PR, business advertising, as a form of paid and mass communication of companies with the consumers and the public, loses its importance in the promotional mix, but still should not be neglected (Milanovic-Golubovic, 2003, page 370). However, it seems that advertising has the strongest psychological effect, and influences the loyalty of consumers towards the company and its brands. Business advertising boosts sales, creates future demand, and represents a means of differentiation between competitors. This is why it should not be neglected. According to its function, the international business advertising can be

divided into (Kotler, 2000):• International corporate ads -focused on

image• Media ads - focused on demand

Publicity, as a form of promotion within which a bank communicates with the public through the mass media by publishing information on its operations, products and services, helps the bank’s rating upgrade. Publicity, as a part of the public relations (PR) of a bank, represents the activities which are not ordered or paid by the company - i.e. bank. The bank’s publicity aims at promoting the bank’s products and services, a line within the range of bank products/services, the banking organization itself, its ideas, activities, country, etc. (Kotler, 2000).

The international PR, i.e. the international public relations, has a goal to influence the opinion of the public, and to create a positive view or image of the company, in this case the bank. This implies the conscious, planned, and permanent creation and maintenance of mutual confidence and understanding in the foreign public (Vezjak, 1976). The international PR of a bank is closely connected with the international marketing strategy of a bank, and the expected and desired position in the international market. The goals of the promotional bank marketing strategy, through an active relation with the public in the foreign market, may be the following:• Creation of the atmosphere of confidence in

a bank• Support to the launching of new bank

products and services• Assistance in repositioning of bank products

and services• Stimulation of popularity of bank’s offer• Mitigation of damage incurred by certain

unpleasant events, in which the bank was drawn inBank PR strategy, within the international

promotional strategy, has an aim to create the positive opinion on a bank, promote the bank’s offer, contribute to the capital and asset value increase, and provide public support. From the point of view of communication process, the bank’s PR is targeting general public - external (service users, distribution channels, broad environment factors) and internal




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osnovne grupe (Jović, 2002.):• Akcije publiciteta (susreti sa novinarima,

posete medijima, štampanje materijala)• Organizovanje posebnih događaja

(programski i spozorski podržani)• Organizovanje komercijalnih manifestacija

(predstavljanje ponude i novih proizvoda/usluga, davanje objašnjenja)

• Uključivanje u javne aktivnosti (podržavanje akcija od opšte koristi u konkretnoj sredini)Ovim aktivnostima može se dodati još

jedna, koja poslednjih godina preuzima primat - sponzorstvo. Internacionalne banke sve više posežu za ovim vidom međunarodne promocije, koja se javlja najčešće u obliku sponzorstava poznatih sportskih ekipa i istaknutih pojedinaca, sportista i umetnika, koji su u ovom slučaju u ulozi promotera banke na svim značajnim manifestacijama. Kao primer promocije putem sponzorstva, možemo navesti Weiner Stadiche - FK Crvena Zvezda, Raiffeisen Bank - VK Partizan, koncerti mega pop zvezde Zdravka Čolića, donacije domovima za decu bez roditeljskog staranja itd.).

Svi prethodno navedeni oblici PR aktivnosti u bankama, usmereni su na ostvarivanje dva cilja: 1) stvaranje pozitivne slike o banci (imidž) i 2) stvaranje pozitivne slike o asortimanu bankarskih usluga. PR tehnike se koriste ne samo kada treba izgrađivati pozitivnu sliku o banci i njenim uslugama (goodwill), nego i kada treba sve to braniti u određenim situacijama (nepogodni i nesrećni slučajevi koji u javnosti mogu pogoditi tržišnu poziciju banke).

U međunarodnom marketingu se posebno ističe odnos PR funkcije sa pet ključnih segmenata javnosti od najvećeg značaja, koji važi i za bankarske organizacije:1. Odnosi sa korisnicima bankarskih usluga2. Odnosi sa ključnim partnerima banke3. Odnosi sa zaposlenima4. Odnosi sa medijima5. Odnosi sa vlastima

Slobodno se može reći da klijenti banke, tj. korisnici usluga predstavljaju resurs banke i da briga o njima predstavlja doprinos u izgrađivanju lojalnosti i poverenja na duži rok. Odnosi sa klijentima moraju biti sastavni deo bančinog koncepta brige o korisnicima usluga (customer care). Ključni partneri banke

predstavljaju bitnu kariku uspešnog poslovanja, jer utiču na status banke i održavanje dobrih odnosa pogotovo kada se radi o lokalnim partnerima. Ključ odnosa sa zaposlenima je u potpunoj informisanosti o aktivnostima banke, koja je u međunarodnom poslovanju posebno značajna zbog geografske, kulturne i jezičke distance. Mediji predstavljaju značajan segment, jer pružaju pomoć u propagandi kroz reportaže, emisije, vesti, članke o banci čime se odražava prisustvo u javnosti. Doprinos medija je veliki i ogleda se u oblikovanju javnog mnenja. Odnosi sa vlastima imaju izuzetnu ulogu u međunarodnom PR, pogotovo u slučajevima pojave problema koji podrazumevaju uključivanje vlasti. U razvijanju dobrih odnosa sa vlastima, međunarodna kompanije (u našem slučaju banke) teže da se ponašaju kao dobri (lojalni) građani, čime se prevazilazi problem osećaja stranca. Jedan od načina je jačanje dimenzija društvene korporativne odgovornosti putem donacija, sponzorstava, zapošljavanja mladih itd.

Bankarska organizacija na međunarodnom tržištu u sprovođenju PR aktivnosti može angažovati sopstvene pojedince (PR menadžeri), PR konsultante, PR odeljke velikih propagandnih agencija, usko specijalizovane PR agencije ili specijalizovane konsultantske kuće za marketing komunikacije. Danas je trend da se poslovi oko PR kampanje povere specijalizovanim PR i marketing agencijama. Vodeće PR agencije u svetu nude potpune usluge (full-service) i tzv. integralni paket komunikacionih aktivnosti, koji uključuje:• Kreiranje PR kampanja• Odnose sa medijima (saopštenja za štampu,

brifinzi za novinare)• Priprema promocione galanterije, brošura i

ostalih materijala• Obezbeđivanje publiciteta (smišljanjem

odgovarajućih konstrukcija za medije)• Medijsku obuku (kako biti intervijuisan

na radiu i TV, kako odgovarati na pitanja novinara)

• Pisanje govora za rukovodioce kada imaju važna izlaganja i obraćanja javnosti




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(shareholders, employees, etc.). According to its characteristics and activities profile, the bank PR strategy is not directly aimed at boosting sales or service usage. PR activities are divided into four main groups (Jovic, 2002):• Publicity activities (meeting journalists,

visiting the media, publishing materials)• Hosting special events (with the support of

programmes and sponsors)• Hosting commercial events (presenting the

offer and new products/services, providing explanations)

• Joining public activities (supporting causes of common interest in a concrete environment)Apart from these activities, there is another

one - sponsorship, which has been gaining primacy these last couple of years. International banks increasingly use this particular means of international promotion, mostly demonstrated through sponsorships of celebrated sports teams and distinguished individuals, athletes and artists, who in such cases play the role of a bank’s promoter in all significant events. Some of the examples of promotion by means of sponsorship are Weiner Stadiche - FC Crvena Zvezda, Reiffaisen Bank - WC Partizan, concerts of the mega pop star Zdravko Colic, donations to institutions for children without parental care, etc.

All above mentioned types of PR activities in banks are focused on achieving two goals: 1) creation of positive image of a bank, and 2) creation of positive image of the range of offered bank services. PR techniques are used not only when a positive image of a bank and its services (goodwill) needs to be built up, but also in certain situations when all this has to be defended ( in case of incidents or catastrophes which may affect the bank’s market position).

What is especially emphasized in the international marketing is the relation of PR function with the five key public segments of essential importance, which goes for banking organizations too:1. Relations with the bank service users2. Relations with the bank’s key partners3. Relations with the employees4. Relations with the media5. Relations with the authorities

There is no doubt that the bank’s clients, i.e.

service users represent the bank’s resource, and that by taking care of them, the bank contributes to building long-term loyalty and confidence. Relations with clients have to be an integral part of the bank’s concept in respect of customer care. The bank’s key partners represent an important link in the chain of successful operations, because they influence the bank’s status and maintenance of good relations, especially when it comes to local partners. The key to the relations with employees lies in the complete knowledge of bank activities, which is especially important in the international operations due to geographical, cultural and linguistic distance. The media represent a significant segment, because they assist advertising through cover-stories, shows, news, articles about a bank, which reflects the presence in the public sphere. The contribution of the media is huge and is reflected in shaping the public opinion. The relations with the authorities play a significant role in the international PR, especially when the problems occur which require the intervention of the authorities. When developing good relations with the authorities, the international companies (in our case the banks) tend to behave as good (loyal) citizens, thus overcoming the ‘feel-like-a-foreigner’ problem. One of the ways to achieve this is by broadening the scope of social corporate responsibility by means of donations, sponsorships, hiring young people, etc.

A banking organization conducting its PR activities in the international market may hire its own individuals (PR managers), PR consultants, PR departments within large advertising agencies, specialized PR agencies or specialized consulting companies for marketing communications. The trend today is to hire the specialized PR and marketing agencies for your PR campaign. The leading PR agencies in the world offer their full-service, and the so-called integrated package of communication activities, which includes:• Designing a PR campaign• Relations with the media (press releases,

briefings for journalists)• Preparing promotional materials, brochures,

etc.• Providing publicity (by coming up with the

adequate constructions for the media)




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Lična prodaja (personal selling) kao elemenat promocionog miksa banke na međunarodnom tržištu može dati izvanredne rezultate. Specifičnost lične prodaje je u dvosmernoj komunikaciji i zasniva se na angažovanju adekvatno pripremljene i obučene prodajne operative (kadrova) koji su osposobljeni da svojim ponašanjem utiču na kreiranje lojalnosti postojećih klijenata i na privlačenje novih. Lična prodaja u bankarskoj praksi potvrđuje svoj značaj preko iskustva nekih zemalja sa visoko razvijenom tehnologijom savremenog bankarskog poslovanja i primenom savremenih sredstava plaćanja koja ne zahtevaju direktan kontakt između davaoca i korisnika usluge. Zapaženo je, da i pored upotrebe najsavremenije tehnologije bankarskog poslovanja, ipak postoji velika sklonost klijenta ka tradicionalnom načinu obavljanja transakcija, koji se zasniva na neposrednom kontaktu bankarski službenik - korisnik usluge banke.

Bankarske inovacije i međunarodni marketing

Inovacije u oblasti međunarodnog bankarstva obuhvataju ne samo ponudu novih i raznovrsnih usluga nego i osavremenjivanje tehnike i tehnologije. Razvoj i primena novih tehnika i informacione tehnologije doprinose višem nivou kvaliteta bankarskih usluga i formiranju pozitivnog imidža banke. Može se reći da informaciona tehnologija ima globalnu ulogu u osvajanju tržišnih pozicija banke i stvara konkurentsku prednost u određenim segmentima. Sa poboljšanjem tehničko-tehnološke opremljenosti banaka, došlo se do pojave raznih oblika finansijskih inovacija. Po

nekim autorima, najznačajnija inovacija je otvaranje novih tržišta, što je omogućeno deregulacijom finansijskog poslovanja (oslobađanjem finansijskog tržišta od velike državne i zakonske kontrole). Sigurno je da su tehnološke inovacije, pogotovo kompjuterizacija banaka, izazvale nove trendove u bankarskom poslovanju. Sa marketinškog aspekta, efekti tehnološke inovacije u bankarstvu ogledaju se u pojavi novih kanala distribucije i pojavi novih bankarskih proizvoda i usluga. Pitanje “da li su banke otkrile informacionu tehnologiju

ili je informaciona tehnologija otkrila bankarstvo i finansije” ne ostaje bez odgovora. Odgovor leži u globalizaciji finansijskih odnosa, koja stvara pogodan ambijent za uvođenje i primenu informacione tehnologije u bankama:• Pružanje finansijskih usluga kroz obavljanje

velikog broja standardnih i rutinskih operacija koje se mogu automatizovati

• Veliki broj tradicionalnih administrativnih poslova i arhiviranih spisa se može kompjuterizovati i memorisati

• Upotreba računara u najkraćem broju bankarskih operacija omogućuje uštedu vremena i svodi greške na minimumSve veća iskorišćenost mogućnosti

informacionih tehnologija u bankama, dovodi nas do zaključka da je ipak bankarstvo pronašlo informacionu tehnologiju i počelo da je koristi u svoje potrebe. Masovnom kompjuterizacijom u bankarskom poslovanju, nastala je neophodnost formiranja jedinstvene mreže sa ciljem efikasne primene računarske tehnologije u međunarodnim bankarskim transakcijama. Na taj način, umrežavanjem banaka, bankarski poslovi se obavljaju brže, kvalitetnije, sigurnije i ujednačeno. Smatra se da se danas nalazimo u trećoj fazi finansijskih inovacija, zasnovanoj na potpunoj kompjuterizaciji mehanizama plaćanja, što ima uticaj na definisanje koncepta novca, tražnje novca i brzinu opticaja novca. Drugim rečima, danas se nalazimo u fazi postepenog prelaska sa tradicionalnog bankarstva na elektronsko bankarstvo (e-banking) i upotrebu elektronskog novca (Krstić, 2003, str. 494.). Formiranjem SWIFT mreže (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecomunication), 1973. godine, u bankarskoj praksi su se pokazali prvi pozitivni

Tabela 2. Vodeće PR agencije u svetu

Mesto Firma Neto profit 1993 (mil USD)


Burson-MarstellerShandwickHill & KnowltonOmnicom PR networkFleishman-HillardEdelman PR WorldwideKetchum PRRowland Co.Robinson LakeManning, Selvage & Lee


Izvor: preuzeto M. Jović, 2002. str. 476.




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• Media training (how to give an interview on the radio or TV, how to answer to the journalists’ questions)

• Writing speeches for the heads when they address the public on important occasions

Personal selling as a part of the bank’s promotional mix in the international market may yield extraordinary results. What makes personal selling so specific is the two-way communication, and the fact that it is based on engaging adequately prepared and trained sales personnel (staff) whose behaviour will instill loyalty in the existing clients, and a�ract new ones. The importance of personal selling is confirmed in banking practice by the experiences of some countries which have a highly developed technology in the field of modern banking operations, and apply modern means of payment which do not require a direct contact between the service provider and service user. It was noticed that, despite the application of the state-of-the-art banking technology, the clients to a great extent tend to prefer the traditional way of performing transactions, based on the direct contact bank officer - bank service user.

Bank Innovations and International Marketing

Innovations in the field of international banking include not only the supply of new and diversified services, but also the modernization of equipment and technology. The development and application of the new techniques and information technology contribute to the heightening of quality level

in respect of bank services, and to the formation of the positive image of a bank. One can say that the information technology plays a global part in bank’s a�aining its market positions, and leads to competitive advantage in certain

segments. Along with the improvement of technical-technological equipment in banks, there have appeared the various forms of financial innovations. According to some authors, the most significant innovation is the opening of new markets, which came as a result of deregulation of financial operations (removing the large-scale state and legal supervision of the financial market). It is certain that the technological innovations, especially the computerization in banks, have triggered some new trends in banking operations. From the point of view of marketing,

the effects of the technological innovation in banking are reflected in the emergence of the new distribution channels and the appearance of some new bank products and services. The question “whether banks have discovered information technology or the information technology discovered banking and finance” does not remain unanswered. The answer lies in the globalization of financial relations, which creates an atmosphere suitable for introduction and application of information technology in banks:• Providing financial services by conducting

a large number of standard and routine operations that can be automated

• Large number of traditional administrative operations and archived documents can be computerized and memorized

• Use of computers in most banking operations saves time and minimizes the number of mistakesThe fact that the possibilities offered by

the information technology are more and more exploited by the banks points to the conclusion that it is banking, a�er all, which discovered information technology and started to utilize it in order to meet its needs. Mass computerization in banking operations resulted in necessary formation of a unified network with a view to efficient application of computer technology in the international bank transactions. In this way, with banks’

Table 2. Leading PR agencies in the world

Rank Company Net profit in 1993 (USD million)


Burson-MarstellerShandwickHill & KnowltonOmnicom PR networkFleishman-HillardEdelman PR WorldwideKetchum PRRowland Co.Robinson LakeManning, Selvage & Lee


Source: M. Jović, 2002, page 476.




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efekti kompjuterizacije. Banke uključene u ovu mrežu stekle su značajne konkurentske prednosti u obavljanju međunarodnih bankarskih transakcija.

Klijenti banaka, koji su aktivni na inostranim tržištima imaju potrebe za širokim spektrom usluga, počevši od vršenja plaćanja i kreditnih usluga, pa do marketinških konsalting usluga. Raznovrsnost novih usluga koje međunarodne banke nude nastala je u velikoj meri kao odgovor na sve veće potrebe klijenata i snažnu međunarodnu konkurenciju.

Danas, glavni spektar usluga koje međunarodne banke pružaju svojim klijentima,

čine:• Obezbeđivanje inostrane valute klijentima

za transakcije - FOREX usluge• Hedžing tansakcije u odnosu na rizik

inostrane valute (terminski ugovori, valutni terminski aranžmani i opcije, valutni svopovi)

• Hedžing u odnosu na kamatni rizik (kamatni svopovi, terminski poslovi i opcije)

• Garantovanje emisija hartija od vrednosti za korporativne klijente (emitovanje akcija, obveznice i menice)

• Plaćanja i upravljanje gotovinom (akcepti, akreditivi)

• Instrumenti štednje (štedni računi, depozitni certifikati, penzioni program)

• Odobravanje kratkoročnih i dugoročnih kredita i izdavanje kreditnih garancija

(direktni zajmovi, emitovanje nota, evroobveznica)

• Marketing i konsalting usluge na inostranom tržištu (pomaganje klijentima da trguju svojim proizvodima preko kompanija koje se bave trgovinom izvoza - export trading company (ETC)Međunarodne banke danas se suočavaju

sa sve većim problemima i izazovima kada su u pitanju aktivnosti odobravanja kredita - postoji sve veća konkurencija na tržištu hartija od vrednosti i pri dilerskim poslovima sa hartijama od vrednosti kada su u pitanju potrebe klijenata za povećanjem sredstava. Kada je tokom 1980-tih i 1990-tih godina došlo do pojave velikih problema u otplatama međunarodnih kredita, mnoge međunarodne banke povukle su znatna sredstva sa globalnih tržišta kredita. Institucije koje su poslovale sa hartijama od vrednosti iskoristile su ovu situaciju i stvorile mrežu sa ponudom hartija od vrednosti i obveznicama zajmoprimca na tržištu evrovalute. Velike finansijske i osiguravajuće kompanije i druge nebankarske finansijske institucije pridružile su se konkurenciji u cilju odvraćanja zajmoprimalaca od banaka i pomoći pristupu otvorenom tržištu, kako bi prodali hartije od vrednosti i uvećali kapital. Pošto su međunarodne banke kupile veliki deo ovih hartija od vrednosti i same su morale da prihvate sporiji rast, i čak pad u svom kreditnom poslovanju, sa manjim prihodima po kreditima odobrenim međunarodnim zajmoprimaocima.

Kako će međunarodne banke moći ponovo da pridobiju i održe svoj deo globalnog kreditnog poslovanja, zavisiće od važećih i budućih propisa koji se odnose na rizik koji ove banke preuzimaju širom sveta, što utiče na agresivnost njihovih glavnih konkurenata - nebankarskih institucija, i na promene stavova u vezi pouzdanosti ovih multinacionalnih banaka. Iz prikaza u Tabeli 4. vidimo neke od najvećih konkurenata međunarodnim bankama - dileri hartijama od vrednosti i osiguravajuće kompanije koji su se razvili i proširili svoj spektar usluga kako bi mogli da konkurišu najvećim svetskim bankama (Rose, 2005, str. 724).

Tabela 3. Najveće bankarske institucije koje posluju na globalnom tržištu

Citygroup, Inc., SADBank of America, SADHSBC, V. BritanijaMizuho Holdings, JapanSumitomo Mitsui, JapanMitsubishi Tokyo FinancialGroup, JapanUBS/Swiss Bank, ŠvajcarskaDeutsche Bank AG, NemačkaBNP Paribus, FrancuskaCredit Suisse, ŠvajcarskaUFJ Holdings, JapanRoyal Bank of Scotland, V. BritanijaJ. P. MorganChase, SADBarclays PLC, V. BritanijaING Group, HolandijaSociete Generale, Francuska

Izvor: P. Rose, S Hudgins, 2005., str. 713.




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networking, banking operations become processed in a faster, higher quality, safer, and even manner. It is considered that we are today in the third phase of financial innovations, based on the complete computerization of payment mechanisms, which influences the definition of concepts of money, money demand, and money velocity. In other words, what we have today is a phase of gradual transition from traditional banking to electronic banking (e-banking) and the use of electronic money (Krstic, 2003, page 494). With the formation of SWIFT network (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) in 1973, the banking practice experienced the first positive effects of computerization. The banks integrated in this network gained significant competitive advantages in conducting international bank transactions.

Banks’ clients, active in the foreign markets, need a wide range of services, starting with payments and credit services, to marketing consulting services. The variety of new services offered by the international banks was, to a great extent, the result of an a�empt to meet the rising demand of clients, and fight off the strong international competition.

The main range of services provided by the international banks to their clients today includes:• Providing foreign currency for FOREX

services transaction clients• Hedging transactions in respect of foreign

currency risk (forward contracts, currency forward arrangements and options, currency swaps)

• Hedging in respect of interest rate risk (interest rate swaps, forward operations and options)

• Guaranteeing securities issuance on behalf of corporate clients (issuing shares, bonds and bills of exchange)

• Payments and cash management (acceptances, le�ers of credit)

• Savings instruments (savings accounts, certificates of deposit, pension plan)

• Extending short-term and long-term credits and issuing credit guarantees (direct loans, issuing notes, Eurobonds)

• Marketing and consulting services in the foreign market (helping clients trade their products through export trading companies (ETC))International banks today face the growing

problems and challenges when it comes to activities in respect of extending credits - the competition in the securities market grows stronger, and the same goes for the dealer securities operations regarding the clients’ needs for increased funds. During the 1980s and 1990s, when significant problems in international credit servicing occurred, many international banks withdrew considerable amounts from the global credit markets. The institutions operating with securities took the advantage of that situation, and created a network offering securities and borrowers’ bonds in the Eurocurrency market. Large financial and insurance companies and other non-banking financial institutions joined their competitors in order to discourage the borrowers from turning to banks, and to facilitate the access to the open market, with a view to selling securities and increasing capital. Given that the international banks bought a large proportion of these securities, they had to accept the slower growth themselves, even the slump in their credit operations, with reduced income in respect of credits extended to the international borrowers.

Whether the international banks will manage to regain and keep their part of global

Table 3. The biggest banking institutions operating in the global market

Citygroup, Inc., SADBank of America, SADHSBC, V. BritanijaMizuho Holdings, JapanSumitomo Mitsui, JapanMitsubishi Tokyo FinancialGroup, JapanUBS/Swiss Bank, ŠvajcarskaDeutsche Bank AG, NemačkaBNP Paribus, FrancuskaCredit Suisse, ŠvajcarskaUFJ Holdings, JapanRoyal Bank of Scotland, V. BritanijaJ. P. MorganChase, SADBarclays PLC, V. BritanijaING Group, HolandijaSociete Generale, Francuska

Source: P. Rose, S Hudgins, 2005, page 713.




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Kao nikada ranije, banke na međunarodnim tržištima danas moraju da ulože velike napore da bi pronašle nove izvore prihoda i kapitala kako bi se suočile sa konkurentima - druge banke i nebankarske institucije. Primer takvog napora je prodaja svojih superiornih mogućnosti kada se radi o kreditnoj proceni, organizovanju hartija od vrednosti za preprodaju i odobravanje kreditnih garancija

u cilju zadovoljavanja finansijskih potreba svojih klijenata. Ono što je interesantno i vezano za internacionalni marketing velikih bankarskih institucija jeste velika pomoć u razvoju finansijskih tržišta zemalja u razvoju i tranziciji. Savremena banka svoje poslovanje danas gradi ne samo na depozitima i kreditima, već i na velikom broju novih proizvoda i usluga kao npr. međunarodni faktoring i forfeting, finansijski lizing, finansijski konsalting, kastodi poslovi, e-bankarstvo, m-bankarstvo i sl. Setimo se samo prvih bankarskih merdžera i akvizicija u Srbiji, i ne tako dugo posle toga osnivanja i prvih nezavisnih poslovnih jedinica - lizing kuća (npr. Hypo Leasing), koje su omgućile velikom broju građana Srbije da dođu do novog automobila ili kompanijama da zamene svoju dotrajalu opremu. U svakom slučaju danas je sveprisutna velika konkurencija na međunarodnim tržištima finansijskih proizvoda i usluga, gde se bankama kao dugogodišnjim glavnim igračima suprotstavljaju neke nove, nebankarske institucije. Možda se može reći da bitka za klijente ne posustaje, gde je glavni problem bankara, ne kako privući nove, već kako zadržati postojeće klijente i podići svoj imidž i rejting na tržištu.

1 Dileri i brokeri hartijama od vrednosti, osiguravajuće kompanije i kompanije koje posluju sa kreditnim karticama

Literatura / References

1) Chisnall, P., Marketing Research for Services: Marketing Research - Analysis and Measurement, McGrow-Hill Book Company, London, 1991.

2) Gavrilović - Gagović, S., “Savremene tendencije na međunarodnom tržištu bankarskih usluga”, Financing, br. 7-8, jul-avgust 1996.

3) Jović, M., Međunarodni marketing, IEN, Beograd, 2002.

4) Kotler, P., Marketing management, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall International, 2000.

5) Krstić, B. Ž., Bankarstvo, Ekonomski fakultet, Niš, 2003.

6) Milisavljević, M., Marketing, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1980.

7) Milanović-Golubović, V., Međunarodni marketing i globalni biznis, Megatrend, Beograd, 2003.

8) Rose, P., Hudgins, S., Bankarski menadžment i finansijske usluge, Data status, Beograd, 2005.

9) Vezjak, D., Međunarodni marketing, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 1976.

Tabela 4. Vodeće nebankarske finansijske kompanije koje konkurišu međunarodnim bankama1

Alianz, NemačkaAmerican International Group, SADMorgan Stanley, SADFederal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)GE Capital Corporation, SADAXA, FrancuskaMerrill Lynch, SADGoldman Sachs, SADNomura Holdings, JapanSwiss Reinsurance, ŠvajcarskaZurichFinancialServices, ŠvajcarskaAmerican Exspress Co., SAD




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credit operations, depends on the existing and future regulations regarding the risk these banks take all over the world, which encourages the aggressiveness of their main competitors - non-banking institutions, and the change of opinions in respect of reliability of these multinational banks. In Table 4 there are listed some of the main competitors of international banks - securities dealers and insurance companies, which have developed and broadened their range of services in order to be able to compete with the largest banks in the world (Rose, 2005, page 724).


As never before, banks in the international markets have to invest huge efforts in order to find new revenue and capital resources, and in turn be able to face their competitors - other banks and non-banking institutions. An example of such efforts is the sale of your own superior capabilities in respect of credit assessment, organizing securities for re-selling, and extending credit guarantees with a view to meeting the financial needs of your clients. What is interesting in relation to the international marketing of large banking institutions is huge assistance in developing financial markets in the developing countries and countries in transition. Operations of a modern bank are today based not only on deposits and credits, but also on a wide range of new products and services such as, for instance, international factoring and forfeiting, financial leasing, financial consulting, custody operations, e-banking, m-banking, etc. Let us recall the first mergers and acquisitions in Serbia, and, soon a�erwards, the establishment of first independent business units - leasing companies (e.g. Hypo Leasing), which enabled many Serbian citizens to afford a new car, or companies to replace their dilapidated equipment. Anyway, the overall international markets of financial products and services are highly competitive, with banks, as main players for so many years, having to face some new, non-banking institutions. One may say that the ba�le for clients never ends, the main problem for bankers not being how to a�ract the new clients, but how to keep the existing ones, and how to enhance one’s image and rating in the market.

1 Securities dealers and brokers, insurance companies, and companies operating with credit cards

Table 4. Leading non-banking financial companies competing with the international banks1

Alianz, NemačkaAmerican International Group, SADMorgan Stanley, SADFederal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)GE Capital Corporation, SADAXA, FrancuskaMerrill Lynch, SADGoldman Sachs, SADNomura Holdings, JapanSwiss Reinsurance, ŠvajcarskaZurichFinancialServices, ŠvajcarskaAmerican Exspress Co., SAD

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