scenario 1 : relater ma pfmp - · scenario 1 : relater ma pfmp ... prepare...

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SCENARIO 1 : Relater ma PFMP

Descripteurs :

Je peux rendre compte de ma PFMP (B1)

Domaine : Etudier, travailler

Modules d’enseignement CO + PE + POC

Nombre de séances 4

Apports culturels L’entreprise

Apports lexicaux Le travail & son organisation dans une entreprise

Apports communicationnels Parler de ma PFMP

Supports Enregistrement 1 : My first week (Action goals, ”My first

work experience”, Bac Pro 3 ans, Foucher)

Enregistrement 2 : Shaun présentation (Action Goals)

Cartes Mentales


Grilles d’évaluation


Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix-Marseille,,Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants- Page 1

SEANCE 1 : Compréhension de l’Oral

Enregistrement 1 : My first week

ACTION 1 : Listen and tick the sentence you hear. � Ok this is what I did day after day. � Ok this is what I did say after say. Day 1: � On my first day I was very obvious but at the same time I was very exciting. � On my first day I was very anxious but at the same time I was very excited. � On my first day I was very nervous but at the same time I was very excited.

� You know what it is. I spent the day with my mentor. � You know what it is. I spent the day with my tutor.

� We visited the company from the offices to the cafeteria and the workshop and I met a lot of people. � We visited the company from the offices to the cafeteria and the workshop and I met a lot of other trainees. � We visited the company from the cafeteria to the workshop and I met a lot of people. Day 2: � Mr Soames showed me around the bookshop when I watched the men working on their machines. � Mr Soames showed me around the workshop when I watched the men working on their machines.

� Hey that was really fascinating. � Hey that was really interesting.

� I was still anxious to smart. � I was still anxious to start. Day 3: � At last I started to walk. � At last I started to work.

� I used a press to make pieces and I put them in boxes. � I used a press to make parts and I put them in taxis. � I used a press to make parts and I put them in boxes. Day 4: � Day 4 was different because I went to a workers’ sleeping. � Day 4 was different because I went to a walkers’ meeting. � Day 4 was different because I went to a workers’ meeting. � It was about safety in the workshop. � It was about security in the workshop. � It was about sanity in the workshop. Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix-Marseille,,Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants- Page 2

� Remember, swallow the rules or you could have an accident. � Remember, follow the rules or you could have an accident. � Remember, follow the roads or you could have an accident. Day 5: � Quite a snoring day really! � Quite a boring day really! � Quite a bored day really!

� I worked on the assembly mine all day. � I worked on the assembly line Monday. � I worked on the assembly line all day. � I worked on the rally line all day.

� I was very tiring. � I was very tired. � I was very expected.

� But on the whole this was an interesting experience… � But on the whole this was an excellent experience…

� … and I particularly appreciated learning how to use new equipment. � … and I particularly enjoyed leaning how to use new equipment. � … and I particularly enjoyed learning how to use new equipment.

ACTION 2 : Listen again and recap the the activities done by the speaker

in the Mind Map below

Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac. Aix Marseille, Formation PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 3

Day 5 : a)

Day 1 : a) I spent the day with my tutor b) We visited… c) I…

Day 2 : a) b)

Day 4 : a)

Day 3 : a) b) c)

My first week

SEANCE 2 : Compréhension de l’Oral

Enregistrement 2 : Shaun presentation

Action 1 : Fill in the Mind Map with the French words given in the box.


Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix-Marseille, Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 4

a workshop : ...............................

a mentor : ................................

to make parts : ...............................

a family business : .....................................

internship : ..........................

a foreman : ...............................

a morning shift : ..................................

overalls : ............................

Une combinaison Un atelier

Une équipe du matin Un tuteur

Un contremaître Fabriquer des pièces détachées

Un stage en entreprise Une entreprise familiale

ACTION 2 (A2 - easy) : Listen again and choose the correct answer.



1. Dates

a. from June 6th to July 2nd

b. from June 5th to July 2nd

c. from July 6th to June 5th

2. Company name

a. Bronson

b. Prawns Sons

c. Brown and Sons

3. Production

a. parts of sowing machines

b. parts of washing machines

c. parts of snowing machines

4. Place

a. London

b. a small town near Birmingham

c. Birmingham

5. Transport

a. car

b. bus

c. bike

6. Working hours

a. from 6am to 1pm

b. from 5pm to 1am

c. from 5am to 1pm

7. Lunch break

a. 1 hour

b. half an hour

c. 2 hours

8. Lunch

a. cafeteria

b. pack lunch

c. pack lunch or cafeteria

9. Protection equipment

a. pullover

b. underwear

c. overalls

10. Opinion

a. I enjoyed

b. I didn’t enjoy

c. I disliked

Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix-Marseille, Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 5

ACTION 2 (B1 - difficult) : Listen again and complete the grid.


Name of the company



Name of the mentor

Working hours

Means of transport

Travel arrangements

Dress code

Lunch break

Eating possibilities


Shaun’s opinion

ACTION 3 : Listen once more and find another word for :

training period


morning team

place in accompany where you work on machines

people working in a factory

protecting clothes

to like

Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix- Marseille, Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 6

Séance 3 : Production Ecrite

ACTION 1 : Now using your own experience, fill in the grid below : Name of the company




Name of the mentor

Working hours

Means of transport


ACTION 2: Talk about your work placement

Amélie, Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix –Marseille, Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 7


SCHEDULE 35 hours Sunday off Afternoon –evening shift

DRESS CODE Black suit White shirt

ACTIVITIES Make photocopies Prepare coffee Give out the mail Organize the archives

TRANSPORT TGV Bicycle On foot

WHAT YOU LEARNT Work hard Obey the rules

YOUR COLLEAGUES Hard working stressed

YOUR COMPANY Name Location Activity

THE PREMISES Clean modern

Séance 4: Production Orale en Continu

OBJECTIF : Je dois être capable de décrire mon activité professionnelle récente (B1)

Savoirs : Contenu du message



Prononciation, intonation…



1. Je sais saluer mon interlocuteur & me

présenter brièvement

2 . Je peux énoncer l ’objet de ma


3 . Je suis capable de présenter l ’entreprise

dans laquel le j ’ai effectué ma PFMP en

indiquant :

a. son nom

b. son activité

c. son emplacement

d. ses clients

e. son code vestimentaire

4 . Je peux indiquer les modalités de ma

PFMP en donnant des informations sur :

a. mon tuteur

b. la période de ma PFMP (& durée)

c. mes horaires

d. mon mode de transport (& durée)

e. les repas

5 . Je sais décrire 5 de mes activités durant


a. Je faisais...

b. J’étais responsable de...

c. J’étais chargé de ...

d. Je faisais parfois...

e. Je faisais également...

Note partielle sur 8,5 Note partielle sur 8,5

Attitudes 0 2 3

Débit, implication, sérieux

Note finale sur 20

Amélie Bourdier, Fabienne Gomez, Ac Aix- Marseille, Stage PAF Baladodiffusion/ TBI 2010-2011-Production des participants Page 8

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