section general requirements table of 07m 01 00 00 ‐1 section 01 00 00 general requirements table...

Post on 21-Mar-2018






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1.1 GENERAL INTENTION…………………….………………………..……………………1

1.2 STATEMENT OF BID ITEM(S)……………………………………………….…………….1



1.5 FIRE SAFETY…………………...……………………………………………………………3

1.6 OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS……………………………………………………4

1.7 ALTERATIONS…………………………………………………………………………..…..8

1.8 INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES…………………………………………………..9

1.9 DISPOSAL AND RETENTION…………………………………………………...…………9


1.11 RESTORATION……………………………………………………………………………..9

1.12 PHYSICAL DATA ……………………………………………………………………...…10

1.13 LAYOUT OF WORK…………………………………………………………………..…..10

1.14 AS‐BUILT DRAWINGS…………………………………………………………….……..12

1.15 USE OF ROADWAYS……………………………………………………………….…….12

1.16 TEMPORARY TOILETS………………………………………………...………………..12


1.18 TESTS………………………………………………………………………..……………13

1.19 INSTRUCTIONS…………………………………………………………..……..…….....14



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A. Contractor shall completely prepare site for operations, including demolition and removal of

existing structures, and furnish labor and materials and perform work for Project 520‐14‐126

Install Nuclear Med Hood – Replace Domestic Water Controls JACC as required by drawings and


B. Visits to the site by bidders may be made only at the date and time specified in FAR 52.236‐27,


C. All employees of general contractor and subcontractors shall comply with VA security

management program and obtain permission of the VA police, be identified by project and

employer, and restricted from unauthorized access.

D. Prior to commencing work, general contractor shall provide proof that a OSHA certified

“competent person” (CP) (29 CFR 1926.20(b)(2) will maintain a presence at the work site

whenever the general or subcontractors are present.

E. Training:

1. Beginning July 31, 2005, all employees of general contractor or subcontractors shall have the

10‐hour OSHA certified Construction Safety course and /or other relevant competency

training, as determined by VA CP with input from the ICRA team.

2. Submit training records of all such employees for approval before the start of work.




A. AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT, __1___ sets of specifications and drawings will be furnished.

B. Additional sets of drawings may be made by the Contractor, at Contractor's expense, from

reproducible sepia prints furnished by Issuing Office. Such sepia prints shall be returned to the

Issuing Office immediately after printing is completed.


A. Security Procedures:


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1. General Contractor’s employees shall not enter the project site without appropriate badge.

They may also be subject to inspection of their personal effects when entering or leaving the

project site.

2. For working outside the “regular hours” as defined in the contract, The General Contractor

shall give 3 days notice to the Contracting Officer so that security/escort arrangements and

extended base access can be provided. This notice is separate from any notices required for

utility shutdown described later in this section.

3. No photography of VA premises is allowed without written permission of the Contracting


4. VA reserves the right to close down or shut down the project site and order General

Contractor’s employees off the premises in the event of a national emergency. The General

Contractor may return to the site only with the written approval of the Contracting Officer.

B. Document Control:

1. The General Contractor is responsible for safekeeping of all drawings, project manual and

other project information. This information shall be shared only with those with a specific

need to accomplish the project.

2. Certain documents, sketches, videos or photographs and drawings may be marked “Law

Enforcement Sensitive” or “Sensitive Unclassified”. Secure such information in separate

containers and limit the access to only those who will need it for the project. Return the

information to the Contracting Officer upon request.

3. These security documents shall not be removed or transmitted from the project site without

the written approval of Contracting Officer.

4. All paper waste or electronic media such as CD’s and diskettes shall be shredded and

destroyed in a manner acceptable to the VA.

5. Notify Contracting Officer and Site Security Officer immediately when there is a loss or

compromise of “sensitive information”.


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6. All electronic information shall be stored in specified location following VA standards and

procedures using an Engineering Document Management Software (EDMS).

a. Security, access and maintenance of all project drawings, both scanned and electronic

shall be performed and tracked through the EDMS system.

b. “Sensitive information” including drawings and other documents may be attached to e‐

mail provided all VA encryption procedures are followed.

C. Motor Vehicle Restrictions: IAW VA requirements; as a minimum, proper state drivers license,

proof of insurance, and proof of vehicle registration required to operate motor vehicle on VA



A. Applicable Publications: Publications listed below form part of this Article to extent referenced.

Publications are referenced in text by basic designations only.

1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

E84‐2007 .............................. Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

10‐2006................................ Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

30‐2003................................ Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

51B‐2003 ............................. Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other

Hot Work

70‐2005................................ National Electrical Code

241‐2004 ............................. Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and

Demolition Operations

3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

29 CFR 1926 ......................... Safety and Health Regulations for Construction


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B. Site and Building Access: Maintain free and unobstructed access to facility emergency services

and for fire, police and other emergency response forces in accordance with NFPA 241.

C. Egress Routes: Maintain free and unobstructed egress. Inspect daily.

D. Fire Extinguishers: Provide and maintain extinguishers in construction areas and temporary

storage areas in accordance with 29 CFR 1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 10.

E. Flammable and Combustible Liquids: Store, dispense and use liquids in accordance with 29 CFR

1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 30.

F. Existing Fire Protection: Do not impair any fire protection systems in the accomplishment of

work. Provide fire watch for impairments more than 4 hours in a 24‐hour period. Request

interruptions in accordance with Article, OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS, and coordinate

with COTR and base facility Safety Officer.

G. Hot Work: Perform and safeguard hot work operations in accordance with NFPA 241 and NFPA

51B. Coordinate with COTR. Obtain permits from facility Safety Officer at least __72__ hours in


H. Fire Hazard Prevention and Safety Inspections: Inspect entire construction areas weekly.

Coordinate with, and report findings and corrective actions on construction progress reports

(aka “daily logs”), which are part of the construction contract record documents.

I. Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in and adjacent to construction areas inside existing buildings

and additions under construction. Comply with all base smoking restrictions.

J. Dispose of waste and debris in accordance with NFPA 241. Remove from buildings/site daily.

K. Perform other construction, alteration and demolition operations in accordance with 29 CFR



A. The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) on Government

premises to areas authorized or approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall hold

and save the Government, its officers and agents, free and harmless from liability of any nature

occasioned by the Contractor's performance.


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B. Temporary buildings (e.g., storage sheds, shops, offices) and utilities may be erected by the

Contractor only with the approval of the Contracting Officer and shall be built with labor and

materials furnished by the Contractor without expense to the Government. The temporary

buildings and utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by the

Contractor at its expense upon completion of the work. With the written consent of the

Contracting Officer, the buildings and utilities may be abandoned and need not be removed.

C. The Contractor shall, under regulations prescribed by the Contracting Officer, use only

established roadways as authorized by the Contracting Officer. When materials are transported

in prosecuting the work, vehicles shall not be loaded beyond the loading capacity recommended

by the manufacturer of the vehicle or prescribed by any Federal, State, or local law or regulation.

When it is necessary to cross curbs or sidewalks, the Contractor shall protect them from

damage. The Contractor shall repair or pay for the repair of any damaged curbs, sidewalks, or


D. Working space and space available for storing materials shall be as determined by the COTR and


E. Workmen are subject to rules of VA applicable to their conduct.

F. Execute work so as to interfere as little as possible with normal functioning of Base as a whole,

including operations of utility services, fire protection systems and any existing equipment, and

with work being done by others. Use of equipment and tools that transmit vibrations and noises

through the building structure, are not permitted in buildings that are occupied, during

construction, jointly by government personnel, and Contractor's personnel, except as permitted

by COTR where required by limited working space.

1. Do not store materials and equipment in other than assigned areas.

2. Schedule delivery of materials and equipment to immediate construction working areas

outside or within buildings in use by Government in quantities sufficient for not more than

two work days. Provide unobstructed access to base areas required to remain in operation.

G. Utilities Services Impact: Where necessary to cut existing pipes, electrical wires, conduits, cables,

etc., of utility services, or of fire protection systems or communications systems (except

telephone), they shall be cut and capped at suitable places where shown; or, in absence of such


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indication, where directed by COTR. All such actions shall be coordinated with the Utility

Company involved:

1. Whenever it is required that a connection fee be paid to a public utility provider for new

permanent service to the construction project, for such items as water, sewer, electricity,

gas or steam, payment of such fee shall be the responsibility of the Government and not the


H. Phasing: To insure such executions, Contractor shall furnish the COTR with a schedule of

approximate phasing dates on which the Contractor intends to accomplish work in each specific

area of site, building or portion thereof. In addition, Contractor shall notify the COTR two weeks

in advance of the proposed date of starting work in each specific area of site, building or portion

thereof. Arrange such phasing dates to insure accomplishment of this work in successive phases

mutually agreeable to COTR, CO, and Contractor.

I. Contractor will be allowed space on VA grounds to park temporary storage trailers. Coordinate

with VA Resident Engineer. Construction Fence if required to secure materials: Before

construction operations begin, Contractor shall provide a chain link construction fence, 2100

mm (seven feet) minimum height, around the construction storage area. Provide gates as

required for access with necessary hardware, including hasps and padlocks. Fasten fence fabric

to terminal posts with tension bands and to line posts and top and bottom rails with tie wires

spaced at maximum 15 inches. Bottom of fences shall extend to one inch above grade. Remove

the fence when directed by COTR.

J. Utilities Services: Maintain existing utility services for base at all times. Provide temporary

facilities, labor, materials, equipment, connections, and utilities to assure uninterrupted

services. Where necessary to cut existing water, steam, gases, sewer or air pipes, or conduits,

wires, cables, etc. of utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems

(including telephone), they shall be cut and capped at suitable places where shown; or, in

absence of such indication, where directed by COTR.

1. No utility service such as water, gas, steam, sewers or electricity, or fire protection systems

and communications systems may be interrupted without prior approval of COTR. Electrical

work shall be accomplished with all affected circuits or equipment de‐energized. When an

electrical outage cannot be accomplished, work on any energized circuits or equipment shall


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not commence without the Medical Center Director’s prior knowledge and written approval.

Refer to specification Sections 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS,




2. Contractor shall submit a request to interrupt any such services to COTR, in writing, 48 hours

in advance of proposed interruption. Request shall state reason, date, exact time of, and

approximate duration of such interruption.

3. Contractor will be advised (in writing) of approval of request, or of which other date and/or

time such interruption will cause least inconvenience to operations of base. Interruption

time approved by COTR may occur at other than Contractor's normal working hours.

4. Major interruptions of any system must be requested, in writing, at least 15 calendar days

prior to the desired time and shall be performed as directed by the COTR.

5. In case of a contract construction emergency, service will be interrupted on approval of

COTR. Such approval will be confirmed in writing as soon as practical.

6. Whenever it is required that a connection fee be paid to a public utility provider for new

permanent service to the construction project, for such items as water, sewer, electricity,

gas or steam, payment of such fee shall be the responsibility of the Government and not the


K. Abandoned Lines: All service lines such as wires, cables, conduits, ducts, pipes and the like, and

their hangers or supports, which are to be abandoned but are not required to be entirely

removed, shall be sealed, capped or plugged. The lines shall not be capped in finished areas, but

shall be removed and sealed, capped or plugged in ceilings, within furred spaces, in unfinished

areas, or within walls or partitions; so that they are completely behind the finished surfaces.

L. To minimize interference of construction activities with flow of base traffic, comply with the


1. Keep roads, walks and entrances to grounds, to parking and to occupied areas of buildings

clear of construction materials, debris and standing construction equipment and vehicles.


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Wherever excavation for new utility lines cross or bore beneath existing roads, at least one

lane must be open to traffic at all times.

2. Method and scheduling of required cutting, altering and removal of existing roads, walks

and entrances must be approved by the COTR.

M. Coordinate the work for this contract with other construction operations as directed by COTR.

This includes the scheduling of traffic and the use of roadways, as specified in Article, USE OF



A. Survey: Before any work is started, the Contractor shall make a thorough survey with the COTR,

of areas and within/outside of buildings in which alterations occur and areas which are

anticipated routes of access, and furnish a report, signed by all three, to the Contracting Officer.

This report shall list:

1. Existing conditions found of areas not required to be altered.

2. Shall note any discrepancies between drawings and existing conditions at site.

3. Shall designate areas for working space, materials storage and routes of access to areas

within buildings where alterations occur and which have been agreed upon by Contractor

and COTR.

B. Re‐Survey: Fourteen days before expected partial or final inspection date, the Contractor and

Resident Engineer together shall make a thorough re‐survey of the areas of buildings involved.

They shall furnish a report on conditions then existing, of resilient flooring, doors, windows,

walls and other surfaces as compared with conditions of same as noted in first condition survey


1. Re‐survey report shall also list any damage caused by Contractor to such flooring and other

surfaces, despite protection measures; and, will form basis for determining extent of repair

work required of Contractor to restore damage caused by Contractor's workmen in

executing work of this contract.

C. Protection: Provide the following protective measures:


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1. Wherever existing roof surfaces are disturbed they shall be protected against water

infiltration. In case of leaks, they shall be repaired immediately upon discovery.

2. Temporary protection against damage for portions of existing structures and grounds where

work is to be done, materials handled and equipment moved and/or relocated.

3. Protection of interior of existing structures at all times, from damage, dust and weather

inclemency. Wherever work is performed, floor surfaces shall be adequately protected prior

to starting work, and this protection shall be maintained intact until all work in the area is



A. Establish and maintain a dust control program as part of the contractor’s infection preventive measures. Contractor shall maintain negative air pressure at all times in renovation areas. Any plastic sheeting and tape used shall be fire resistant. Plastic sheeting ducting will NOT be allowed. Contractor shall provide and install fire –resistant typical flexible metal ducting as the negative air‐pressure means. See Scope of Work for other requirements.


A. Materials and equipment accruing from work removed and from demolition or parts thereof,

shall be disposed of as follows:

1. Items not reserved shall become property of the Contractor and be removed by Contractor

from base property.


A. The Contractor shall preserve and protect all structures, equipment, and vegetation (such as

trees, shrubs, and grass) on or adjacent to the work site, which are not to be removed and which

do not unreasonably interfere with the work required under this contract. The Contractor shall

only remove trees when specifically authorized to do so, and shall avoid damaging vegetation

that will remain in place. If any limbs or branches of trees are broken during contract

performance, or by the careless operation of equipment, or by workmen, the Contractor shall

trim those limbs or branches with a clean cut and paint the cut with a tree‐pruning compound as

directed by the Contracting Officer.


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B. The Contractor shall protect from damage all existing improvements and utilities at or near the

work site and on adjacent property of a third party, the locations of which are made known to or

should be known by the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair any damage to those facilities,

including those that are the property of a third party, resulting from failure to comply with the

requirements of this contract or failure to exercise reasonable care in performing the work. If

the Contractor fails or refuses to repair the damage promptly, the Contracting Officer may have

the necessary work performed and charge the cost to the Contractor.


A. Remove, cut, alter, replace, patch and repair existing work as necessary to install new work.

Except as otherwise shown or specified, do not cut, alter or remove any structural work, and do

not disturb any ducts, plumbing, steam, gas, or electric work without approval of the COTR.

Existing work to be altered or extended and that is found to be defective in any way, shall be

reported to the COTR before it is disturbed. Materials and workmanship used in restoring work,

shall conform in type and quality to that of original existing construction, except as otherwise

shown or specified.

B. Upon completion of contract, deliver work complete and undamaged. Existing work (walls,

ceilings, partitions, floors, mechanical and electrical work, lawns, paving, roads, walks, etc.)

disturbed or removed as a result of performing required new work, shall be patched, repaired,

reinstalled, or replaced with new work, and refinished and left in as good condition as existed

before commencing work.

C. At Contractor's own expense, Contractor shall immediately restore to service and repair any

damage caused by Contractor's workmen to existing piping and conduits, wires, cables, etc., of

utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems (including telephone)

which are indicated on drawings and which are not scheduled for discontinuance or


D. Expense of repairs to such utilities and systems not shown on drawings or locations of which are

unknown will be covered by adjustment to contract time and price in accordance with clause

entitled "CHANGES" (FAR 52.243‐4 and VAAR 852.236‐88) and "DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS"

(FAR 52.236‐2) of Section 00 72 00, GENERAL CONDITIONS.


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A. The Contractor shall lay out the work and shall be responsible for all measurements in

connection with the layout. The Contractor shall furnish, at Contractor's own expense, all

stakes, templates, platforms, equipment, tools, materials, and labor required to lay out any part

of the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for executing the work to the lines and grades

that may be established or indicated. The Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining

and preserving all stakes and other marks established by the Government until authorized to

remove them. If such marks are destroyed by the Contractor or through Contractor's negligence

before their removal is authorized, the Contracting Officer may replace them and deduct the

expense of the replacement from any amounts due or to become due to the Contractor.

(FAR 52.236‐17)


A. The contractor shall maintain two full size sets of as‐built drawings which will be kept current

during construction of the project, to include all contract changes, modifications and


B. All variations shall be shown in the same general detail as used in the contract drawings. To

insure compliance, as‐built drawings shall be made available for the COTR’s review, as often as


C. Contractor shall deliver two approved completed sets of as‐built drawings to the COTR within 15

calendar days after each completed phase and after the acceptance of the project by the COTR.

D. Paragraphs A, B, & C shall also apply to all shop drawings.


A. For hauling, use only established public roads and roads on Medical Center property and, when

authorized by the COTR.


A. Contractor may have for use of Contractor's workmen, such toilet accommodations as may be

assigned to Contractor by COTR. Contractor shall keep such places clean and be responsible for


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any damage done thereto by Contractor's workmen. Failure to maintain satisfactory condition in

toilets will deprive Contractor of the privilege to use such toilets.


A. The Government shall make all reasonably required amounts of utilities available to the

Contractor from existing outlets and supplies. The amount to be paid by the Contractor for

chargeable electrical services shall be the prevailing rates charged to the Government. The

Contractor shall carefully conserve any utilities furnished without charge.

B. The Contractor, at Contractor's expense and in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the

Contracting Officer, shall install and maintain all necessary temporary connections and

distribution lines, and all meters required to measure the amount of electricity used for the

purpose of determining charges. Before final acceptance of the work by the Government, the

Contractor shall remove all the temporary connections, distribution lines, meters, and

associated paraphernalia.

C. Contractor shall install meters at Contractor's expense and furnish the COTR a monthly record of

the Contractor's usage of electricity as hereinafter specified.

D. Electricity (for Construction and Testing and Storage Trailers): Furnish all temporary electric


1. Obtain electricity by connecting to the VA electrical distribution system. The Contractor shall

meter and pay for electricity required for electric cranes and hoisting devices, electrical

welding devices and any electrical heating devices providing temporary heat. Electricity for

all other uses is available at no cost to the Contractor.

F. Water (for Construction and Testing): Furnish temporary water service.

1. Obtain water by connecting to the Medical Center water distribution system. Provide

reduced pressure backflow preventer at each connection. Water is available at no cost to

the Contractor.

2. Maintain connections, pipe, fittings and fixtures and conserve water‐use so none is wasted.

Failure to stop leakage or other wastes will be cause for revocation (at COTR’s discretion) of

use of water from base system.


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1.18 TESTS

A. Pre‐test systems and make corrections required for proper operation of such systems before

requesting final tests. Final test will not be conducted unless pre‐tested.

B. Conduct final tests required in various sections of specifications in presence of an authorized

representative of the Contracting Officer. Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials,

equipment, instruments, and forms, to conduct and record such tests.

C. Systems shall be balanced, controlled and coordinated. A system is defined as the entire

complex which must be coordinated to work together during normal operation to produce

results for which the system is designed.

D. All related components as defined above shall be functioning when any system component is

tested. Tests shall be completed within a reasonably short period of time during which operating

and environmental conditions remain reasonably constant.

E. Individual test result of any component, where required, will only be accepted when submitted

with the test results of related components and of the entire system.


A. Contractor shall furnish Maintenance and Operating manuals and verbal instructions when

required by the various sections of the specifications and as hereinafter specified. They shall be

submitted in 3‐ring binders, tabbed and labeled accordingly.

B. Manuals: Maintenance and operating manuals (four copies each) for each separate piece of

material or equipment shall be delivered to the COTR coincidental with the delivery to the job

site. Manuals shall be complete, detailed guides for the maintenance and operation. They shall

include complete information necessary for maintaining in continuous operation for long

periods of time and dismantling and reassembling of the complete units and sub‐assembly

components. Manuals shall include an index covering all component parts clearly

cross‐referenced to diagrams and illustrations. Illustrations shall include "exploded" views

showing and identifying each separate item. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of special tools

and instruments. The function of each piece of equipment, component, accessory and control

shall be clearly and thoroughly explained. All necessary precautions for the operation of the

equipment and the reason for each precaution shall be clearly set forth. Manuals must reference


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the exact model, style and size of the piece of equipment and system being furnished. Manuals

referencing equipment similar to but of a different model, style, and size than that furnished will

not be accepted.

C. Instructions if required: Contractor shall provide qualified, factory‐trained manufacturers'

representatives to give detailed instructions to assigned Department of Veterans Affairs

personnel in the operation and complete maintenance. All such training will be at the job site.

These requirements are more specifically detailed in the various technical sections. Instructions

for different items of equipment that are component parts of a complete system, shall be given

in an integrated, progressive manner. All instructors for every piece of component equipment in

a system shall be available until instructions for all items included in the system have been

completed. This is to assure proper instruction in the operation of inter‐related systems. All

instruction periods shall be at such times as scheduled by the COTR and shall be considered

concluded only when the COTR is satisfied in regard to complete and thorough coverage.

‐ ‐ ‐ E N D ‐ ‐ ‐


DESIGN ANALYSIS October 3, 2012

VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC)

790 Veterans Way Pensacola, FL 39507

100% Submittal

By JMZ Group

With: Kariher Daughtry Architects PL

H.M. Yonge and Associates Bagwell Yates and Associates

Joint Ambulatory Care Center Nuclear Medical Radioisotope Hood

Architectural & Electrical Design Analysis ARCHITECTURAL & Electrical The architectural component of this project is primarily concerned with button up surfaces and finishes around the work to be performed by the mechanical and electrical subcontractors. Removing the existing exhaust hood and installing the new radioisotope hood in its place will require the removal of quite a bit of suspended ceiling, both to gain access to the duct work and also provide room for workmen to do their job. Additionally a section of flexible duct currently located in the existing system will have to be replaced with a length of seamless stainless duct. This location will also require the removal of ceiling. Once this work is completed the affected ceiling areas will require reframing with new grid and replacement of ceiling tile to match the existing texture and pattern. The room containing the radioisotope hood also contains both existing overhead and base cabinets which are in excellent condition. Notes have been added to the drawings warning the General Contractor to protect all finishes and surfaces during construction and that if any damage is sustained, these components will have to be replaced. In the interstitial space above the floor containing the hood, a fire rated fan room exists that contains the existing fan for the hood to be replaced. The new fan for the new hood will be spark proof and explosion proof. Based on our code analysis, with the installation of an explosion/spark proof motor, it has been deterred that the room containing the fan does not need to be designated as a Class 1 Division 1 Area. For this reason the existing J-boxes, devices and other equipment in the room may remain as is. The codes having jurisdiction over these issues are the NEC and the VA HVAC and Electrical Guide.

Joint Ambulatory Care Center Nuclear Medical Radioisotope Hood

Mechanical Design Analysis General The general scope of this project is to replace an existing bio-safety cabinet in Hot Lab 2C106 with a new radioisotope hood. Applicable Codes and Standards:

International Building Code – 2009 International Mechanical Code – 2009 International Plumbing Code – 2009 HVAC Design Manual for New, Replacement, Addition, and Renovation of Existing VA

Facilities – March 2011 HVAC The heating and cooling loads for Hot Lab 2C106 are not affected by this project, thus no load calculations have been completed. Section 3.8 of the HVAC Design Manual lists 15 specific requirements for fume hoods. There are several requirements in the list that do not apply to this project because the primary hood exhaust system is existing and a complete redesign of the system is not within the scope of this project. In an effort to be thorough, a complete list of the requirements is below whether the requirement applies to this project or not. A statement regarding compliance with each requirement is also included.

1. Requirement: Provide emergency power for the exhaust system and associated controls for hood exhaust systems.

Compliance: The building owner has indicated that the exhaust fan is already on emergency power. The new lab hood controller will also be on emergency power.

2. Requirement: Do not connect any exhaust from sources other than identical hoods to the

fume hood exhaust system. Compliance: The new radioisotope hood is the only hood connected to this exhaust system.

3. Requirement: Radioisotope hoods can be grouped together to form a combined exhaust system. General Purpose or Chemical Hoods can be grouped together to form a combined exhaust system. Perchloric Acid hoods cannot be grouped together. Each Perchloric Acid Hood must have its own dedicated exhaust system.

Compliance: The new radioisotope hood is the only hood connected to this exhaust system so this requirement does not apply.

4. Requirement: Provide spark-proof construction fans and explosion-proof motors.

Compliance: The existing fan carries a Type C spark rating. The existing motor is being replaced with an explosion-proof motor.

5. Requirement: Provide an airflow control valve with readout capability or a DDC CV/VAV terminal unit in each branch exhaust duct.

Compliance: A new DDC controls system is being installed in this room that includes a lab hood exhaust terminal and motorized dampers. The system will continuously monitor the hood sash position, and lab hood face velocity. It will also monitor the total supply air and exhaust air in the room to make sure the room stays negative with respect to the adjacent corridor.

6. Requirement: Provide local and remote alarm capability at the ECC for each fume hood in the event of a system failure or the face velocity readout outside the high or low setpoints.

Compliance: The new lab hood control system has the required alarms. A local room pressure monitor has also been added to visual proof that the room is under negative pressure.

7. Requirement: Provide round, stainless-steel welded ductwork for hood exhaust. Provide a stainless steel transition piece between the hood discharge connection and the exhaust duct.

Compliance: All existing exhaust duct is welded stainless steel. Any new ductwork required to connect to the new hood will also be welded stainless steel.

8. Requirement: Keep entire exhaust ductwork under negative air balance.

Compliance: The existing exhaust system consists of ductwork under negative pressure between the Hot Lab and the mechanical mezzanine where the fan is located. The positive pressure exhaust duct extends from the fan up through the roof. No changes to the duct system will be made.

9. Requirement: Discharge exhaust air from the highest level of the building. Provide a discharge stack at least 10 feet tall. Increase the stack height as required to meet the dispersion analysis recommendations. The discharge velocity at the nozzle shall be 3,500 FPM.

Compliance: The exhaust stack and accelerator cone are existing and no changes will be made. The existing stack extends 14 feet above the roof and the discharge velocity is 3,100 FPM.

10. Requirement: Include the discharge air velocity pressure and the static pressure drop through the hood in the fan static pressure calculations.

Compliance: The fan is existing and the total exhaust air flow is not being modified. No static pressure calculations are required.

11. Requirement: Include recommended acoustic analysis measures to contain the fan noise traveling back to the exhaust fan in the system design.

Compliance: The fan and exhaust system is existing. No acoustical analysis is required or provided.

12. Requirement: Do not attempt heat recovery from exhaust ducts of fume hoods.

Compliance: There is no heat recovery on the existing exhaust system.

13. Requirement: Do not install fume hood exhaust ducts in the same shafts that environmental ducts are housed. See NFPA 90A for additional information.

Compliance: The existing exhaust duct is not in a shaft that houses environmental ducts. No action is required.

14. Requirement: Do not install fire dampers in fume hood exhaust ducts.

Compliance: There are not fire dampers in the existing fume hood exhaust duct.

15. Requirement: The designer shall verify the project-specific filtration requirements for the Radioisotope hood exhaust air system in consultation with the end-users and the Radiation Safety Officer. The filtration requirements depend on the use/quantity and type of isotopes used and may require MERV 17 (HEPA) filter, or a combination of MERV 17 (HEPA) and a charcoal filter, or no filters at all.

Compliance: The Radiation Safety Officer has determined that no filtration is required.

Plumbing No plumbing work is required in the scope of this project. Fire Protection No fire protection work is required in the scope of this project.

Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-996

June 23, 2011

Lab and Pressurized Room Controllers with Off-board Air Modules

Siemens Industry, Inc.

Page 1 of 4

Figure 1. Lab Controller Module.

Figure 2. Off-board Air Module 550-818B.


The APOGEE® Automation System Laboratory Room Controllers and Room Pressurization Controllers are available on a new hardware platform. The Lab Controller Module (LCM) uses the Off-board Air Module (OAM) to measure airflow for standard and custom pressurized room control applications.

Lab Controller Module

The LCM (Figure 1) operates as an independent, stand-alone DDC controller and can be connected on the Floor Level Network (FLN) with the APOGEE® Automation System. The LCM includes the largest physical point count of any APOGEE FLN device. Not all physical points are used in all applications.

Off-board Air Module

The OAM (Figure 2) contains the air velocity sensor (a specialized differential pressure transducer), V/F conversion circuitry and solenoid for auto-zero function. Advanced digital signal processing produces a highly accurate reading of even the noisiest flow signals. The auto-zero solenoid connects to the air velocity pressure transducer's inlet ports to enable automatic periodic re-calibration. This re-calibration ensures accurate, drift-free airflow measurement. Automatic re-calibration of the differential pressure transducers occurs upon system power-up and when airflows are stable with frequency selectable from 1 to 6 times a day.

Page 2 of 4

Siemens Industry, Inc.


LCM can be factory mounted on terminal units or venturi air valves, or field mounted in panels located for easier access.

OAM factory mounted on terminal units or venturi air valves eliminates field installation of airflow signal tubing.

Control applications available for a variety of airflow control devices, including dampers, terminal units, fans with VFDs and venturi air valves.

Control applications using a variety of actuation types including high-speed electronic, low-speed electronic and pneumatic (with transducers).

Control applications that do not use a general exhaust, do not require a second OAM.

Airflow sensor is read five times per second, independent of the output device loop time, giving the most accurate reading at all times.

Airflow sensor is automatically recalibrated periodically to maintain highest accuracy.

BTU Compensation temperature control application allows tighter control without over-cooling or over-heating during transients (requires discharge temperature sensor).

Supports the use of wall switch input to change from occupied to unoccupied state.

Optional room pressurization alarm output to notify laboratory occupants.

Reports airflow directly in actual cfm (lps). Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only

Memory (EEPROM) used for storing control parameters—no battery backup or re-entry of data required.

Quick return from power failure without operator intervention that maintains room pressure relationship.

Maintains room pressurization during transient conditions.

Secure Mode prevents unauthorized users from making changes to the TEC through the MMI port or room sensor, supporting FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance guidelines for protection of electronic records (see Application Information).

User-adjustable offset for the calibration of room temperature reading when required for validation purposes (see Application Information).


Power Requirements Operating Range Power Consumption

19.2 to 27.6 Vac 50 or 60 Hz 3.8 VA (Nominal) to 5.3 VA (Peak) @ 24 Vac (plus 12 VA per DO)

Inputs Analog


1 room temperature sensor (10K thermistor) 1 setpoint (optional at RTS) 1 auxiliary temperature sensor (100k thermistor) 2 selectable 0-10 Vdc/4-20mA 2 air velocity sensor inputs (Only for OAM inputs) 2 dry contacts

Outputs Analog Digital

3 0-10 Vdc 8 DO 24 Vac optically isolated solid state switches @ 0.5 amp 1 DO dedicated to AZ function

Airflow Sensing Measurement Range Accuracy

0 to 5600 fpm (0 to 26 m/s) 3.5% maximum error from velocity pressure of 0.023‖wc (5 Pa)

Controlled Temperature Accuracy

1.5 F (0.9 C)

Dimensions 4-1/8" W × 11-1/4" L × 1-1/2" H (105 mm × 197 mm × 38 mm)

Weight Approximately 1.65 lb (750g) Communications Remote Local

4800 bps FLN Trunk Portable Operator's Terminal

Ambient Conditions Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Humidity Range

-40 F to 167 F (-40 C 75 C) 32 F to 122 F (0 C to 50 C) 0% to 95% (non-condensing)

Agency Listings UL Listing cUL Listed


UL 916, PAZX, Canadian Standards C22.2 No. 205-M1983, PAZX7 FCC 47 CFR Part 15 European EMC Directive (CE) Australian EMC Frame (C-Tick)

Siemens Industry, Inc.

Page 3 of 4

Application Information

LCM P/N Application Airflow Control Temperature Control

Application Notes Device Output Type Application Output



Venturi High-speed Modulating

Room Temp Sensor


Flow-Tracking, compatible with VAV fume hood control. OCC and UOC states have separate, selectable: >Differential Flow Setpoint >VAV or CAV Temp Control Mode Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

2626 BTU Comp [Discharge Temp Req’d]



Venturi Low-speed Modulating

Room Temp Sensor


Flow-Tracking, compatible with CV2 fume hood control. OCC and UOC states have separate, selectable: >Differential Flow Setpoint >VAV or CAV Temp Control Mode Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

2628 BTU Comp [Discharge Temp Req’d]



Damper High-speed 3-state

Room Temp Sensor


Flow-Tracking, compatible with VAV fume hood control. OCC and UOC states have separate, selectable: >Differential Flow Setpoint >VAV or CAV Temp Control Mode Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

2627 BTU Comp [Discharge Temp Req’d]



Damper Low-speed 3-state

Room Temp Sensor


Flow-Tracking, compatible with CV2 fume hood control. OCC and UOC states have separate, selectable: >Differential Flow Setpoint >VAV or CAV Temp Control Mode Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

2629 BTU Comp [Discharge Temp Req’d]


2624 Damper supply Venturi exhaust

Low-speed Modulating / Low-speed


Room Temp Sensor


Flow-Tracking, compatible with CV2 fume hood control. OCC and UOC states have separate, selectable: >Differential Flow Setpoint >VAV or CAV Temp Control Mode Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

2630 BTU Comp [Discharge Temp Req’d]

NOTE: Setpoint hardware adapter is required when using 10K duct sensor in place of room temperature sensor.

Information in this document is based on specifications believed correct at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes as design improvements are introduced. APOGEE and Insight are registered trademarks of Siemens Industry, Inc. Other product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2010 Siemens Industry, Inc.

Siemens Industry, Inc. Building Technologies Division 1000 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513 USA +1-847-215-1000

Your feedback is important to us. If you have comments about this document, please send them to

Document No. 149-996 Printed in the USA

Page 4 of 4

Application Information

LCM P/N Application Airflow Control Temperature Control

Application Notes Device

Output Type

Application Output

550-767N 2463 Damper Low-speed 3-state

Room Temp or Discharge Temp Sequenced with Radiation

REHEAT 3pos /0-10V



Flow-Tracking, NO FH FLOW INPUT. Separate Heating & Cooling Set Points Two pressurization states. Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

550-767H 2631 Various

Low-speed 3-state

OR Modulating

Discharge Temp


―Cacade‖ Control of Room Pressure by Resetting Flow-Tracking Differential Room Temperature Offset for single-point calibration and SECURE MODE for Part 11 compliance solution.

Ordering Information

Description Part Number

Lab Controller Module 550-767_ (various) Off-board Air Module 550-818B Single Duct Supply Terminal LGSn….n Dual Duct Supply Terminal LGDn….n Exhaust Terminal LGEn….n Airflow Measurement Station LGFn….n Venturi Air Valve – Constant Volume – Variable Volume – Zero Leakage Shut-Off

AVCn….n AVVn….n AVZn….n

Venturi Air Valve Accessories AVAn….n Laboratory Electronic Actuator GNP191.1P

TEC Duct Sensor Set Point Adapter Kit


Technical Specification Sheets Part Number

FHC-VAV 149-245 FHC-CV2 149-947 Venturi Air Valves 149-425 Venturi Air Valve Accessories 149-495 Laboratory Room Single Duct Supply Air Terminal


Laboratory Exhaust Air Terminal 149-320 Laboratory Room Dual Duct Supply Air Terminal


Laboratory Airflow Station 149-317 Laboratory Electronic Actuator Submittal Sheet


Technical Specification SheetDocument No. 149-269P25

March, 1 2007

1Patent Numbers 5,090,304, 5,347,754 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.

Page 1 of 2

UniTrak Fume Hood Sash Sensors

Specifications Sensing Range 0" to 85" (0 cm to 218cm) Resistance 96K Ω/ft Expected Life >1,000,000 cycles Ambient Conditions Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Operating Humidity

-40°F to 167°F (-40°C to 75°C) 0°F to 120°F (-20°C to 50°C) 20% to 80% rh non-condensing

Table 1. Materials of Construction.

Bill of Materials Construction Linkage Stainless Steel, Type 316 Actuator Block Assembly Stainless Steel, Type 440, 304,

302, and 18-8, PVC Adhesive Acrylic Sensor Connector Plastic, Nylon 6/6 Connector Plastic, Nylon 6/6 Cable Teflon Coated Sensor Strip Polyester Film Sensor Track Rigid PVC Type II Sensor Shield Rigid PVC Type II

Ordering Information

Vertical Sensor Kits * Description Installed Product Part Number

30 (762) 33.3 (846) 546-00490 32 (813) 35.3 (897) 546-00489 35 (889) 39.3 (998) 546-00488 40 (1016) 40.3 (1024) 546-00487 44 (1118) 48.3 (1227) 546-00486 53 (1346) 57.3 (1455) 546-00485 71 (1803) 75.3 (1913) 546-00484 85 (2159) 89.8 (2281) 546-00443

*Vertical Kits include 1 Unitrak with sensor, 1 sash actuator car, 2 straight linkages, and 1 sash sensor shield.

Horizontal Sensor Kits** Description Installed Product Part Number

34 (863.6) 39.3 (998) 546-00495 43 (1092) 48.3 (1227) 546-00493 52 (1321) 57.3 (1455) 546-00492 70 (1778) 75.3 (1913) 546-00491 84 (2134) 89.8 (2280) 546-00442

**Horizontal kits include 2 Unitraks with 2 sensors, 4 sash actuator cars, 5 straight linkages, and 2 sash sensor shields. Do not cut or trim horizontal sash traks. Functionality of one of the sash actuator cars will be lost.

Tools and Replacement Parts Description Product Part Number Spare Linkage Kit: Vertical 546-00215 Spare Linkage Kit: Horizontal 546-00494 Sensor Trim Toolkit 546-00041 Linkage Forming Tool 546-00558 Sash Sensor Cable 546-00175 Sash Sensor Actuator Kit 537-829

Information in this publication is based on current specifications. The company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and models as design improvements are introduced. Product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. ©2007 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 1000 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513

Your feedback is important to us. If you have comments about this document, please send them to

Sash Sensor Shields (included in kits or available as spares) Description Product Part Number

37.3 (947) 546-00565 46.3 (1176) 546-00566 55.3 (1405) 546-00567 73.3 (1862) 546-00568 87.8 (2230) 546-00569

Document No. 149-269 Country of Origin: US

Page 2 of 2

Document Description Document Number VAV FHC Specification Sheet 149-245P25 Unitrak Sensor Kit Installation Instructions


Table 2. Fume Hood Sash Applications.

Sash Type Sash Kit Requirements Vertical/Multi-Vertical Sash

1 Vertical Kit per Vertical Sash

Horizontal Sash 1 Horizontal Kit per 4 Horizontal Sashes

Combination Sash 1 Vertical Kit per Vertical Sash, 1 Horizontal Kit per 4 Horizontal Sashes

Figure 3. Outside Installation.

Figure 4. Cable Placement.

Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-245P25

August 11, 2008

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 4

Fume Hood Controller Variable Air Volume (VAV)

Figure 1. Fume Hood Controller (SMT board), Enclosure

and Operator Display Panel

The Fume Hood Controller is an integral part of the APOGEE Automation System. The controller is a proven, patented stand-alone Direct Digital Control (DDC) system for Variable Air Volume (VAV) control of laboratory fume hoods. The controller maintains constant face velocity as the fume hood sash is raised and lowered. An Operator Display Panel provides the fume hood user with the face velocity readout, operating status of the hood, alarm horn, and an emergency purge function. The Fume Hood Controller operates independently and extends the benefits of DDC to an entire facility’s HVAC equipment.



Constant face velocity fume hood operation. Maintains programmed minimum exhaust flow. Fully integrates with the APOGEE Automation

System controllers and software. True exhaust flow measurement used to position

the flow control device. Modular components, easy to install and service.

Program and calibration parameters are user defined or modified via the Laptop Terminal

PID closed loop control for all control devices Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only

Memory (EEPROM) memory for setpoint and control parameters no battery needed

Supports multiple hood and sash configurations Supports damper, VFD and Venturi Air Valve

airflow control devices Surface Mount Technology for low electrical noise

Operator Display Panel

Continuous display of hood operating parameters using a large alpha-numeric display,

Colored hood status lights for normal (green), marginal (yellow), and alarm (red) conditions,

Purge push-button for activation of emergency operation mode,

Alarm horn for high and low face velocity and emergency purge indication

Easy to install and connect to the controller via a single cable and telephone type connectors.


Operating independently, or integrated with the APOGEE Automation System, the Fume Hood Controller may be configured for the following types of laboratory fume hood applications:

Single/Multi-Vertical Sash, Horizontal Sash and Combination Sash Bench top and Distillation type Fume Hoods,

Vertical and Horizontal Sash Walk-in Hoods, Damper or Venturi Air Valve control for manifold

exhaust systems or VFD for single hood fans Electronic or pneumatic damper actuators

Page 2 of 4 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.


The VAV Fume Hood Controller consists of the following components, which are required for each fume hood:

Fume Hood Controller Operator Display Panel and Cable Sash Sensor Kits (Vertical/Horizontal) Airflow Measurement and Control Options

For Pneumatic Damper applications you will need the Pneumatic Fume Hood Exhaust Terminal, which includes:

#3 Pneumatic Actuator LAB AO-P Module. Velocity Pressure Transmitter Orifice Plate Airflow Sensor Single Blade Damper

For Electronic Actuation applications you will need the Electronic Fume Hood Exhaust Terminal which includes:

Lab Electronic Damper Actuator Assembly Velocity Pressure Transmitter Orifice Plate Airflow Sensor Single Blade Damper or Venturi Air Valve


The Fume Hood Controller consists of a control circuit board and metal enclosure. The enclosure may be mounted directly on the exterior of the fume hood or remotely on the laboratory wall or ceiling. The controller circuit board is snap mounted inside the enclosure and provides all wiring terminations for input and output points, 24 Vac power, FLN trunk, and the Operator Display Panel. A spare digital input and output are provided for user applications such as auxiliary sensors and alarms.

The control algorithms are pre-programmed. The Fume Hood Controller is ready to begin operation after selecting the proper application number defining the network address, and appropriate setpoint and control parameters using the laptop terminal. User definable parameters include:

Face Velocity Setpoint Alarm and Warning Limits Minimum Exhaust Flow Maximum Exhaust Flow Hood Sash Dimensions Control PID Gains Display Resolution Alarm Delay Emergency Setpoint Sash Open Area “Alert” for both

Attended and Unattended conditions

The controller uses the measured sash position and the exhaust airflow to calculate the fume hood face velocity using the equation: Face Velocity = Exhaust CFM

Hood Open Area*

*Includes the sash opening, air foil and bypass area The face velocity is compared to the face velocity setpoint to calculate the required exhaust flow. The controller modulates the damper using a floating output to maintain the required exhaust airflow. VFD and Venturi Air Valve applications include use of calibration table and an analog output to take advantage of the special flow control characteristics of these devices. The fume hood controller performs this control algorithm up to 10 times per second to ensure maximum speed of response to changes in hood sash upsets. Concurrently, the controller continually monitors and updates all fume hood points including:

Face Velocity High/Low Alarms Exhaust Airflow Sash Position

Controller Specifications

Power Requirements Operating Range Power Consumption

18-30 Vac, 50/60 Hz 4.0 VA (nominal) @ 24 Vac plus actuator loads

Inputs Analog Digital

1 Velocity Pressure Sensor (4-20 mA) 1 Spare (0-10 Vdc) 5 Sash position sensors 1 dry contact

Outputs Analog (0-10 Vdc) Digital (24 Vac optically isolated solid state switches @ 0.5A)

1 Exhaust Airflow Signal 1 Modulating for use with Venturi or VFD, or Spare 1 Damper Actuator (2 DOs) 1 Spare

Package Dimensions Weight

6.5" H x 10.5" W x 3.0" D (165 mm x 267 mm x 67 mm) Approx. 3 lb. (1.35 kg)

Environmental Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Operating Humidity

-40°F to 167°F (-40°F to 75°C) 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) 20% to 80% RH non-condensing

Agency Listings

UL 916, PAZX & CSA Certified FCC, Class B, Subpart J

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of 4

CE, C-tick Communications Local Area Network (FLN trunk) Portable Operator’s Terminal

RS-485 4800 baud RS-232 1200 baud

Control Performance Speed of Response

1 second to flow change

Airflow Measurement Range Accuracy*

0 – 2.5" wc 3.0%

*Accuracy is shown in percent of Actual Airflow and includes differential pressure transmitter accuracy.

Operator Display Panel

The Fume Hood Controller Operator Display Panel (ODP) includes a custom designed package for visual and audible indication of fume hood operating conditions and push-buttons for emergency mode operation, alarm silence and user defined auxiliary functions. The panel is mounted on the fume hood in an easy to access location and will fit over an unused hood electrical box or over pre-drilled holes. RJ-11 type connectors provide termination to the Fume Hood Controller and for the Portable Operator’s Terminal. One Operator Display Panel is supported per Fume Hood Controller.

The Operator Display Panel supports the following functions:

Digital display of face velocity in FPM (MPS), Green, yellow and red status lights, Emergency purge push button, Alarm horn with silence push button, and Two auxiliary push buttons.

The face velocity display also indicates high and low alarm conditions, emergency purge activation, and diagnostic failure mode conditions when the controller is in the minimum flow mode. Face velocity FPM (MPS) display may be blanked as an option for applications where the user does not desire the face velocity reading.

Operator Display Panel Specifications

Face Velocity Display Range

0 fpm to 255 fpm (0.0 MPS to 1.3 MPS)

Display Resolution 1 fpm adjustable up to 255 fpm

Push-Buttons Switch inputs

1 Emergency Purge 1 Horn Silence 2 Momentary Auxiliary

Alarm Horn 85 dB @ 4" (10 cm) Dimensions 5.5" H x 3.125" W x 1.5" D

(140 mm x 80 mm x 39 mm) Weight 8 oz. (0.2 kg)

Fume Hood Controller Communication

Compatible with the Modular Building Controller (MBC), Mechanical Equipment Controller (MEC) and FLN Controller, up to 32 Fume Hood Controllers can be connected to each one of a field panel’s three FLN Trunks, for a total of 96 per field panel.

Operators can communicate with the Fume Hood Controller from any field panel on the system network. The APOGEE Automation System network does not require additional hardware to connect controllers. When Fume Hood Controllers are networked to an MBC, MEC or FLN Controller, all the APOGEE Automation System features available can utilize the Fume Hood Controller.

Portable Operator’s Terminal

The laptop computer serving as the Portable Operator’s Terminal can communicate with the Fume Hood Controller. The terminal connects to the controller via a plug-in jack on the ODP. The terminal can be used to remotely adjust setpoints, to troubleshoot and start up the system. The terminal uses full English language prompting for all functions, eliminating the need to remember coded commands.

Information in this document is based on specifications believed correct at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes as design improvements are introduced. APOGEE and Insight are registered trademarks of Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Other product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2008 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 1000 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513

Your feedback is important to us. If you have comments about this document, please send them to

Document No. 149-245 Country of Origin: US

Page 4 of 4

Ordering Information

Description Part Number

Fume Hood Controller – Universal Configuration, Different Horizontal Sash Widths

Application 941 for use with Damper Application 942 for use with Venturi Air Valve or VFD

546-00705 (Board Only) 546-00705E (With enclosure)

Fume Hood Controller – For use with Damper (only) Application 903 Vertical Only,

Single, dual side-by-side, dual top/bottom, or four top/bottom side-by-side

Application 905 Horizontal Only, 2-4 sashes in 2 tracks Application 907 Combination Vertical with 2-4 Horizontal in 2 tracks

546-00701 (Board Only) 546-00701E (With enclosure)

4:8 Sash Sensor MUX Board 537-460

Operator Display Panel (consisting of two parts)

Operator Display Panel, Panel 537-720A Operator Display Panel, Mounting Kit 537-720B Operator Display Cable 15' 537-772 Operator Display Cable 25' 537-773 Operator Display Cable 50' 537-774 Lab Electronic Actuator Assembly 546-00438 Lab Electronic Actuator, Only (LEA) 546-00437B LEA 90 Deg Rotation Mounting Kit 546-00581 LEA 45/60 Deg Rotation Mounting Kit 546-00582 LEA Interface Board 546-00450 Lab Pneumatic Actuator 546-00020 Lab AO-P Module (for pneumatic actuation) 546-00090 UNITRAK Sash Sensor Technical Specification Sheet 149-269P25 Venturi Air Valve Technical Specification Sheet 149-425P25 Laboratory Exhaust Terminal Technical Specification Sheet 149-320P25

Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-320P25

January 7, 2011

Siemens Industry, Inc Page 1 of 12

Laboratory Room Exhaust Air Terminal

Figure 1. Laboratory Room Exhaust Air Terminal.

The APOGEE Automation Laboratory Room Exhaust Air Terminal is an industrial grade, easy-to-install, pre-packaged airflow measurement and control terminal unit. When used with the Laboratory Room Controller, it provides fast-acting, stable and precise laboratory general exhaust airflow control over the entire range of room airflow requirements.

Measurement of airflow is accomplished by unique orifice plate or four quadrant sensing technology that minimizes pressure loss and duct obstruction while maintaining measurement accuracy at 2% of actual flow (sensor only). Airflow control uses a round single blade damper. The terminal is comprised of 22 gauge-galvanized steel including the damper and orifice plate components. For corrosive environments, 316L stainless steel or Teflon® is available as an option. Slip or flange end fitting connections may be selected to match the ductwork construction. Flanges comply with the SMACNA Round Industrial Duct Construction Standard (RIDCS).


Orifice plate airflow measurement or four quadrant airflow sensor with multipoint, center averaging and signal amplification.

Solid stainless steel damper shaft on Teflon bushings for fast acting control and maintenance free operation.

Option of three different materials for construction, 1) Galvanized steel for non-corrosive, general applications. 2) 316L stainless steel for potentially corrosive applications. 3) Teflon for highly corrosive applications.

Low non-recoverable static pressure loss. Eleven standard sizes with airflow capacities from 36

to 5591 CFM – additional sizes are available. Only two pivoting mechanical points, the damper shaft

ends in Teflon bushings are exposed to the airstreams. Field commissionable and adjustable–not dependent

upon factory calibration. Factory-mounted measurement and control devices to

simplify installation (optional). Electronic or pneumatic damper control.


The Lab Room Exhaust Air Terminal consists of the following components: Round duct casing, damper blade, and airflow sensor

in sizes from 4 inches to 18 inches diameter. Material offerings: Galvanized steel, 316L stainless

steel, Teflon-coated cold-rolled steel. Galvanized steel equipment enclosure with exterior

supply connection (optional). Factory-mounted controls (optional)

Page 2 of 12 Siemens Industry, Inc.


Materials (within air stream) – Standard

Construction A

22-gauge Galvanized steel casing, orifice & blade. Shaft is zinc-plated steel. Type A or B sensors available.

Construction B

20-gauge 316L stainless steel casing, orifice & blade. Shaft is solid stainless steel. Type A sensors only.

Construction C

Teflon-coated 18 ga. Cold-rolled Carbon Steel casing, orifice, blade, shaft, nuts, bolts. Type A sensors only.

Damper Shaft Teflon shaft bushings. 1/2-inch (1.27 cm) diameter, End marked with blade position

Flanges Comply with SMACNA RIDCS. Seam welded BEFORE coating for A or C code.

Materials (outside air stream) – Standard

Control Enclosure 18 gauge galvanized steel Pneumatic Tubing UL rated 94 V-2 fire retardant Pneumatic Fittings with enclosure only

Brass, dual barbed

Airflow Measurement

Sensor Type A Square edge orifice plate Two sets of averaging pressure taps Same material as duct casing

Sensor Type B Four quadrant, with 12 sensing points, center averaging and signal amplification


Flow Measurement ±2% of actual flow @ listed ranges (Sensor only. Does not include accuracy of controller or transmitter.)

Installation Requirements

Rigid duct of the same diameter 1 x duct diameters upstream from the sensor, or taper angle less than 30 deg, is required.

Airflow Control

Damper Blade Round, non-sealing single blade with 90 degree control


Operating Temperature/% RH

40 to 120°F (4 to 50°C) 0 to 95% non-condensing

Storage Temperature/% RH

-10 to 150°F (-23 to 65°C) 0 to 95% non-condensing


Sizes See Figure 2 and Figure 3 Weight 20 to 32 lbs. (9.1 to 14.5 kg)

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Figure 2. Laboratory Room Exhaust Air Terminal with Orifice Flow Sensor.

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Figure 3. Laboratory Exhaust Air Terminal with Multi-Point Flow Sensor.

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Table 1. Minimum Pressure Drop at Listed Airflow.

Unit Size

Flow Minimum Operating Pressure Drop Unit

Size Flow

Minimum Operating Pressure Drop



36 17 0.01 2.5


238 112 0.01 2.5 44 21 0.01 2.5 273 129 0.01 2.5 87 41 0.05 12.5 545 257 0.03 7.5 175 83 0.20 50.0 1091 515 0.14 35.0 252 119 0.42 105 1686 796 0.37 92.5


89 42 0.02 5.0


339 160 0.00 0.0 98 46 0.03 7.5 393 185 0.00 0.0 196 92 0.12 30.0 785 370 0.02 5.0 393 185 0.51 128 1571 741 0.06 15.0 627 296 1.32 330 2394 1130 0.12 30.0


121 57 0.02 5.0


460 217 0.00 0.0 134 63 0.02 5.0 535 252 0.00 0.0 267 126 0.09 22.5 1069 504 0.01 2.5 535 252 0.36 90.0 2138 1009 0.07 17.5 855 403 0.93 233 3254 1536 0.19 47.5


148 70 0.01 2.5


626 295 0.00 0.0 175 83 0.02 5.0 698 329 0.00 0.0 349 165 0.06 15.0 1396 659 0.01 2.5 698 329 0.22 55.0 2793 1318 0.04 10.0 1049 495 0.48 120 4429 2090 0.12 30.00


196 92 0.01 2.5


791 373 0.00 0.0 221 104 0.01 2.5 884 417 0.00 0.0 442 209 0.05 12.5 1767 834 0.01 2.5 884 417 0.18 45.0 3534 1668 0.04 10.0 1389 655 0.44 110 5591 2638 0.11 27.5

Page 6 of 12 Siemens Industry, Inc.

Table 2. Exhaust Terminal Casing Leakage in CFM.

LGE Casing Leakage (Per ASHRAE 130-1996)

Imperial Units (CFM, Inches Water)

Unit Size 1” WC 3.0”WC 6.0”WC Unit Size 1.0” WC 3.0” WC 6.0”WC

4 0 1 3 10 1 3 4 6 0 1 3 11 / 12 1 2 3 7 1 2 4 14 1 3 5 8 1 2 4 16 1 3 5 9 1 2 4 18 1 3 5

Metric Units (Lps, Pascals)

Unit Size

250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa Unit Size 250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa

4 0.0 0.5 1.4 10 0.5 1.4 1.9 6 0.0 0.5 1.4 11 / 12 0.5 0.9 1.4 7 0.5 0.9 1.9 14 0.5 1.4 2.4 8 0.5 0.9 1.9 16 0.5 1.4 2.4 9 0.5 0.9 1.9 18 0.5 1.4 2.4

Table 3. Exhaust Terminal Damper Leakage in CFM.

LGE Closed Blade Leakage, No Seals (Per ASHRAE 130-1996)

Imperial Units (CFM, Inches Water)

Unit Size 1.0” WC 3.0”WC 6.0”WC Unit Size 1.0” WC 3.0” WC 6.0”WC

4 13 20 25 10 67 110 135 6 31 50 63 11/12 72 144 168 7 39 58 77 14 98 195 228 8 42 73 94 16 133 266 310 9 56 94 111 18 112 280 335

Metric Units (Lps, Pascals)

Unit Size 250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa Unit Size 250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa

4 6 9 12 10 32 52 64 6 15 24 30 11 / 12 34 68 79 7 18 27 36 14 46 92 108 8 20 34 44 16 63 126 146 9 26 44 52 18 53 132 158

LGE Blade Seal Leakage (VOLARA; Per ASHRAE 130-1996)

Imperial Units (CFM, Inches Water)

Unit Size 1” WC 3.0”WC 6.0”WC Unit Size 1.0” WC 3.0” WC 6.0”WC

4 0 1 3 10 1 3 4 6 0 1 3 11/12 1 2 4 7 1 2 3 14 1 3 5 8 1 2 3 16 1 3 5 9 1 2 4 18 1 3 5

Metric Units (Lps, Pascals)

Unit Size 250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa Unit Size 250 Pa 750 Pa 1500 Pa

4 0.0 0.5 1.4 10 0.5 1.4 1.9 6 0.0 0.5 1.4 11 / 12 0.5 0.9 1.9 7 0.5 0.9 1.9 14 0.5 1.4 2.4 8 0.5 0.9 1.9 16 0.5 1.4 2.4 9 0.5 0.9 1.9 18 0.5 1.4 2.4

Siemens Industry, Inc. Page 7 of 12

Table 4. Flow Range for Orifice Air Flow Sensor.

Flow Range for Sensor “A”

Inlet Size Maximum Flow @ 1.0” dp Minimum Flow @ 0.02” dp Flow Sensor Inlet Area Flow Coefficient CFM. Lps CFM Lps SQ.FT M2

4 252 119 36 17 0.087 0.008 0.721 6 627 296 89 42 0.196 0.018 0.797 7 857 404 121 57 0.267 0.025 0.801 8 1049 495 148 70 0.349 0.032 0.750 9 1389 656 196 93 0.442 0.041 0.785

10 1686 796 238 112 0.545 0.051 0.772 11 2054 969 290 137 0.785 0.073 0.653 12 2394 1130 339 160 0.785 0.073 0.761 14 3254 1536 460 217 1.069 0.099 0.760 16 4429 2090 626 295 1.396 0.130 0.792 18 5591 2639 791 373 1.767 0.164 0.790

Table 5. Flow Range for Sensor – Center-Averaging Multi-Port.

Note: The multi-point flow sensor option is not available for unit sizes 4, 11, and 18.

Flow Range for Sensor “B”

Inlet Size Maximum Flow @ 1.0” dp Minimum Flow @ 0.02” dp Flow Sensor Inlet Area Flow Coefficient CFM. Lps CFM Lps SQ.FT M2

6 468 221 66 31 0.196 0.018 0.596 7 673 318 95 45 0.267 0.025 0.629 8 923 436 126 59 0.349 0.032 0.660 9 1155 545 163 77 0.442 0.041 0.652

10 1487 702 210 99 0.545 0.051 0.681 12 2141 1010 303 143 0.785 0.073 0.681 14 3045 1437 431 203 1.069 0.099 0.711 16 4074 1923 576 272 1.396 0.130 0.729

Table 6. Radiated Sound Data for Exhaust Terminal. Sound Power Levels, Lw dB, re 10^-12 Watts.

Pressure Drop

125 Pa (0.5" W.G.) 250 Pa (1.0" W.G.) 500 Pa (2.0" W.G.) 750 Pa (3.0" W.G.)

Unit Airflow Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band

Size Lps cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7


35 75 51 29 27 22 19 17 51 32 30 27 24 24 52 36 33 31 29 31 52 38 35 34 32 35 71 150 52 34 36 31 27 23 52 38 40 35 32 30 53 41 43 40 37 36 53 43 45 42 40 41 106 225 52 38 42 36 31 26 53 41 45 41 36 33 53 45 49 45 41 40 53 47 51 48 44 44

132 279 53 39 45 39 33 28 53 43 48 43 39 35 53 46 52 48 44 42 54 48 54 50 47 46


59 125 41 27 23 21 20 20 44 31 27 26 26 26 46 35 32 31 32 33 48 38 34 34 35 37 118 250 44 33 30 29 26 25 46 37 35 34 31 31 49 41 39 39 37 38 50 43 42 41 40 42 177 375 45 36 35 33 29 28 48 40 39 38 35 34 50 44 44 43 40 41 52 46 46 46 44 44

236 500 46 38 38 36 31 30 49 42 42 41 37 36 51 46 47 46 43 43 53 49 50 49 46 47 296 628 47 40 40 39 33 32 50 44 45 44 39 38 52 48 49 49 44 44 54 50 52 51 48 48


71 150 43 28 22 21 22 19 45 31 26 25 26 24 46 34 30 29 31 29 47 36 33 31 34 33 142 300 46 33 29 29 27 24 47 36 33 33 32 29 49 39 37 36 37 35 50 41 40 39 40 38

212 450 47 36 33 33 30 27 49 39 37 37 35 32 50 42 42 41 40 38 51 43 44 43 43 41 284 601 48 38 36 37 33 29 50 41 40 40 37 34 51 44 45 44 42 40 52 46 47 46 45 43

Page 8 of 12 Siemens Industry, Inc.

Pressure Drop

125 Pa (0.5" W.G.) 250 Pa (1.0" W.G.) 500 Pa (2.0" W.G.) 750 Pa (3.0" W.G.)

Unit Airflow Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band

Size Lps cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7


83 175 42 30 25 22 23 23 44 33 29 26 28 28 47 37 33 30 32 34 48 38 35 32 35 37 177 375 45 34 32 30 29 28 47 37 36 34 34 33 50 41 40 38 38 39 51 42 42 40 41 42 271 575 47 36 36 35 33 31 49 40 40 38 37 36 52 43 44 42 42 42 53 45 46 44 45 45

366 775 48 38 39 38 35 33 50 41 43 42 40 38 53 44 47 45 44 44 54 46 49 47 47 47 527 1117 49 40 42 42 38 35 52 43 46 45 43 41 54 46 50 49 47 46 56 48 53 51 50 49


118 250 38 30 27 25 25 24 41 34 31 29 31 30 45 39 35 33 36 36 47 42 38 36 39 40 236 500 42 34 33 32 29 27 46 38 38 36 35 34 49 43 42 40 40 40 51 46 45 42 43 44

354 750 45 36 37 35 32 29 48 41 42 39 37 36 52 45 46 43 43 42 54 48 48 46 46 46 469 994 47 37 40 38 34 31 50 42 44 42 39 37 53 47 49 46 44 43 55 50 51 48 48 47


118 250 43 28 23 24 25 24 46 32 28 29 30 30 49 36 32 34 34 35 51 39 34 36 37 39 260 550 45 33 32 30 30 29 48 37 37 35 35 34 51 41 41 40 40 40 53 44 43 43 43 43

401 850 46 36 37 34 33 31 49 40 41 39 38 37 52 44 46 44 43 42 54 47 48 47 46 45 543 1150 47 38 41 37 35 33 50 42 45 41 40 38 53 46 49 46 45 44 55 49 52 49 48 47 684 1450 47 40 43 39 37 34 50 44 48 43 42 40 53 48 52 48 46 45 55 50 54 51 49 48 824 1745 48 41 45 40 38 35 51 45 50 45 43 41 54 49 54 50 48 46 56 52 56 53 50 49


165 350 38 28 26 23 24 24 42 31 29 27 29 30 45 35 33 30 33 37 47 37 35 32 36 41 307 650 43 34 33 30 30 28 46 37 36 34 35 35 49 41 40 37 40 41 51 43 42 40 42 45 448 950 46 37 37 34 33 31 49 41 41 38 38 37 52 45 44 42 43 44 54 47 46 44 46 48 590 1250 48 40 41 38 36 33 51 43 44 41 41 39 54 47 48 45 46 46 56 49 50 47 49 50

701 1485 49 41 43 40 38 34 52 45 46 43 43 40 55 49 50 47 48 47 57 51 52 49 51 51


165 350 37 29 27 25 27 26 40 33 32 29 33 33 43 38 36 34 38 40 45 40 38 36 41 44 401 850 44 36 36 33 33 31 47 40 40 37 38 38 50 44 44 42 44 44 52 47 47 44 47 48 637 1350 47 39 40 37 36 33 50 44 44 41 41 40 53 48 49 46 47 47 55 50 51 48 50 50

873 1850 49 42 43 40 38 35 53 46 47 44 43 41 56 50 52 49 48 48 57 53 54 51 52 52 1109 2350 51 43 45 42 39 36 54 48 50 47 45 43 57 52 54 51 50 49 59 55 56 53 53 53 1186 2513 52 44 46 43 40 36 55 48 50 47 45 43 58 53 54 51 50 50 60 55 57 54 54 54


236 500 42 29 30 27 28 26 45 35 35 32 34 33 48 40 40 38 40 39 50 43 44 41 43 43

590 1250 47 38 39 36 35 32 50 43 44 41 41 39 53 48 50 47 46 45 55 51 53 50 50 49 944 2000 50 42 44 41 38 36 53 47 49 46 44 42 56 52 54 51 50 48 58 55 58 54 53 52 1298 2750 52 44 47 44 41 38 55 50 52 49 47 44 58 55 58 54 52 50 60 58 61 57 56 54 1615 3421 54 46 49 46 42 39 57 51 54 51 48 45 60 57 60 56 54 52 61 59 63 60 57 55


283 600 45 34 35 33 35 28 47 37 39 38 40 34 49 41 42 42 45 40 50 44 44 45 48 44 661 1400 50 40 42 39 39 34 52 44 46 44 45 40 54 48 49 48 50 46 55 51 51 51 53 49 1038 2200 53 44 46 42 42 36 55 48 49 47 47 43 57 52 53 51 52 49 58 54 55 54 55 52 1416 3000 55 47 49 44 44 39 57 51 52 49 49 45 59 55 55 54 54 51 60 57 57 56 57 54

1793 3800 56 49 51 46 45 40 58 53 54 51 50 46 60 56 57 55 55 52 61 59 59 58 58 56 2110 4470 57 50 52 47 46 41 59 54 55 52 51 47 61 58 59 56 56 53 62 60 60 59 59 57


358 760 45 34 35 33 35 28 47 37 39 38 40 34 49 41 42 42 45 40 50 44 44 45 48 44 835 1770 50 40 42 39 39 34 52 44 46 44 45 40 54 48 49 48 50 46 55 51 51 51 53 49

1311 2780 53 44 46 42 42 36 55 48 49 47 47 43 57 52 53 51 52 49 58 54 55 54 55 52 1792 3800 55 47 49 44 44 39 57 51 52 49 49 45 59 55 55 54 54 51 60 57 57 56 57 54 2264 4800 56 49 51 46 45 40 58 53 54 51 50 46 60 56 57 55 55 52 61 59 59 58 58 56 2665 5650 57 50 52 47 46 41 59 54 55 52 51 47 61 58 59 56 56 53 62 60 60 59 59 57

Performance Notes:

1. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 130-1996: ―Methods of Testing for Rating Ducted Air Terminal Units.‖ 2. Airflow given in liters/seconds (L/s); and in cubic feet per minute (cfm). 3. Pressure given in Pascals (Pa) and inches of water gauge (in W.G.).

Siemens Industry, Inc. Page 9 of 12

Table 7. Discharge Sound Data for Exhaust Terminal. Sound Power Levels, Lw dB, re 10^-12 Watts.

125 Pa (0.5" W.G.) 250 Pa (1.0" W.G.) 500 Pa (2.0" W.G.) 750 Pa (3.0" W.G.)

Unit Airflow Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band

Size Lps cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7


35 75 46 43 45 43 43 38 51 49 50 49 49 45 56 54 55 54 55 53 58 58 58 58 58 57 71 150 52 50 52 50 49 43 56 56 57 56 55 50 61 61 62 61 61 58 64 65 65 64 65 62 106 225 55 54 56 54 53 46 60 60 61 60 59 54 65 65 67 65 65 61 67 69 70 68 68 65 132 279 57 56 59 56 54 48 62 62 64 62 60 55 66 67 69 67 66 63 69 71 72 71 70 67


59 125 47 40 43 45 43 39 51 45 48 50 49 45 56 50 52 54 55 52 59 53 55 57 59 56 118 250 54 48 50 51 48 44 58 53 55 55 54 50 63 58 60 60 60 57 66 61 62 63 63 61 177 375 58 53 54 54 50 47 62 58 59 59 56 53 67 63 64 64 63 60 70 66 67 67 66 64 236 500 61 56 57 56 52 49 65 61 62 61 58 55 70 66 67 66 64 62 73 69 70 69 68 66

296 628 63 58 59 58 54 50 68 64 64 63 60 57 72 69 69 68 66 64 75 72 72 71 70 68


71 150 43 38 41 40 39 36 48 42 45 45 45 43 53 47 50 50 51 50 55 50 53 52 54 54 142 300 51 46 48 48 45 42 56 51 53 52 51 49 61 56 58 57 57 55 64 58 60 60 60 59 212 450 55 51 53 52 49 45 60 56 57 57 55 52 65 61 62 61 61 59 68 63 65 64 64 63

284 601 59 55 56 55 52 48 64 59 61 60 58 54 69 64 65 64 63 61 72 67 68 67 67 65


83 175 43 38 40 43 45 38 48 43 45 47 51 45 53 48 50 52 57 53 56 50 53 55 60 58 177 375 52 47 49 50 50 44 57 52 53 54 56 52 62 57 58 59 62 59 64 59 61 62 65 64 271 575 57 53 53 54 53 47 61 57 58 58 59 55 66 62 63 63 64 63 69 64 66 66 68 67

366 775 60 56 57 57 55 49 65 61 61 61 61 57 70 65 66 66 66 65 73 68 69 69 70 70 527 1117 64 61 61 60 57 52 69 65 66 65 63 60 74 70 70 69 69 68 77 72 73 72 72 73


118 250 46 41 42 43 42 34 51 46 47 48 48 41 56 51 51 53 54 48 59 54 54 56 57 52 236 500 53 48 50 50 48 41 58 53 55 55 53 48 63 58 59 59 59 55 66 61 62 62 63 59

354 750 58 53 55 54 51 45 63 58 59 58 57 52 68 63 64 63 62 59 71 66 66 66 66 63 469 994 60 56 58 56 53 47 66 61 62 61 59 54 71 66 67 66 65 61 74 69 69 69 68 66


118 250 45 41 42 41 41 40 50 46 47 47 47 47 54 51 51 52 52 54 57 54 54 55 56 58 260 550 54 50 51 48 47 45 59 55 55 53 53 52 63 59 60 59 59 59 66 62 62 62 63 63

401 850 59 54 55 52 51 48 64 59 60 57 57 55 68 64 65 62 63 62 71 67 67 66 66 65 543 1150 63 58 59 54 54 50 67 62 63 60 60 57 71 67 68 65 66 64 74 70 71 68 69 67 684 1450 65 60 61 56 56 52 70 65 66 62 62 58 74 70 70 67 68 65 77 72 73 70 71 69 824 1745 67 62 63 58 57 53 72 67 68 63 63 60 76 72 73 69 69 66 79 74 75 72 73 70


165 350 49 42 42 42 42 37 53 47 47 47 48 44 57 53 51 52 54 51 60 56 54 55 57 55 307 650 55 48 48 47 47 41 59 54 53 52 53 48 64 59 58 57 59 55 66 62 61 60 62 60 448 950 59 52 52 51 50 44 63 57 57 56 55 51 67 63 62 60 61 58 70 66 65 63 65 62 590 1250 62 55 55 53 52 46 66 60 60 58 57 53 70 66 65 63 63 60 73 69 68 66 67 64

701 1485 64 57 57 54 53 47 68 62 62 59 59 54 72 67 67 64 65 62 75 70 70 67 68 66


165 350 46 41 41 41 42 36 50 46 46 46 48 43 55 51 50 51 54 50 57 54 53 54 57 54 401 850 56 51 51 49 48 43 60 56 56 54 54 50 64 61 60 59 60 57 67 63 63 62 64 61 637 1350 61 55 56 53 52 46 65 60 61 58 58 53 70 65 65 63 64 61 72 68 68 66 67 65

873 1850 65 59 59 56 54 49 69 64 64 61 60 56 73 69 69 66 66 63 76 72 71 69 70 67 1109 2350 67 61 62 58 56 51 72 66 67 63 62 58 76 71 71 68 68 65 78 74 74 71 71 69 1186 2513 68 62 63 59 57 51 72 67 67 64 62 58 77 72 72 69 68 66 79 75 75 72 72 70


236 500 47 41 42 43 45 40 51 47 47 47 50 46 55 52 51 52 56 53 58 55 53 54 59 56 590 1250 57 51 53 52 51 47 62 57 57 56 57 53 66 62 61 60 62 59 68 65 64 63 65 63

944 2000 63 56 58 56 55 50 67 62 62 61 60 56 71 67 67 65 65 62 74 70 69 67 68 66 1298 2750 66 60 62 59 57 52 71 65 66 64 62 58 75 70 70 68 68 65 78 74 73 71 71 68 1615 3421 69 62 64 61 59 54 73 67 68 66 64 60 77 73 73 70 69 66 80 76 75 73 72 70


283 600 47 42 43 44 46 39 51 47 47 49 52 46 56 52 51 54 58 53 58 55 54 57 61 57

661 1400 56 51 52 51 51 44 60 56 56 56 56 51 65 61 60 61 62 58 67 64 63 63 66 62 1038 2200 61 56 57 55 53 47 65 61 61 60 59 54 69 66 65 64 65 61 72 69 68 67 68 65 1416 3000 64 59 60 57 55 49 68 64 64 62 61 56 73 69 68 67 66 63 75 72 71 69 70 67 1793 3800 67 61 62 59 56 50 71 66 67 64 62 57 75 71 71 69 68 64 78 74 73 71 71 68

2110 4470 68 63 64 60 57 51 73 68 68 65 63 58 77 73 72 70 68 65 79 76 75 73 72 69

Page 10 of 12 Siemens Industry, Inc.

125 Pa (0.5" W.G.) 250 Pa (1.0" W.G.) 500 Pa (2.0" W.G.) 750 Pa (3.0" W.G.)

Unit Airflow Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band Octave Band

Size Lps cfm 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7


358 760 47 42 43 44 46 39 51 47 47 49 52 46 56 52 51 54 58 53 58 55 54 57 61 57 835 1770 56 51 52 51 51 44 60 56 56 56 56 51 65 61 60 61 62 58 67 64 63 63 66 62 1311 2780 61 56 57 55 53 47 65 61 61 60 59 54 69 66 65 64 65 61 72 69 68 67 68 65

1792 3800 64 59 60 57 55 49 68 64 64 62 61 56 73 69 68 67 66 63 75 72 71 69 70 67 2264 4800 67 61 62 59 56 50 71 66 67 64 62 57 75 71 71 69 68 64 78 74 73 71 71 68 2665 5650 68 63 64 60 57 51 73 68 68 65 63 58 77 73 72 70 68 65 79 76 75 73 72 69

Performance Notes:

1. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 130-1996: ―Methods of Testing for Rating Ducted Air Terminal Units.‖ 2. Airflow given in liters/seconds (Lps); and in cubic feet per minute (cfm). 3. Pressure given in Pascals (Pa) and inches of water gauge (in W.G.).

Siemens Industry, Inc. Page 11 of 12

Ordering Information

Part numbers are created based on the selections you choose. There are no spaces or dashes in the SAP part number.

NOTE: Not all combinations or configurations will yield a valid part number in SAP. Sample Part Number: LGEG815R14BAS Model Number

Control Package Number

Mounting Side Inlet (Duct) Size

Casing Material and Sensor Type

End Fitting

Custom Options

LGE G815 R 14 BA S S or T Laboratory Exhaust Air Terminal

Enclosure with a #3 actuator, a transducer, and a Flow Transmitter.

Available in R only.

The inlet (or duct) size is 14 inches.

Stainless steel casing and Orifice sensor.

Slip fitting Including this letter at the end of your part number creates a number that is non-orderable in SAP. Please contact your Siemens Representative for this Custom solution.

To create an orderable part number that can be entered in SAP, complete the following steps: 1. Begin with the Model Number, LGE. 2. Select a Control Package number, and append it to the Model Number:

Control Package …includes the following Control Components:

Actuator Part Number

Transducer Part Number

Flow Transmitter Part Number

Controller Part Number

E000 — — — —

E800 546-00020 — — —

G000 — — — —

G504 GDE131.1P — 550-818A —

G506 GMA131.1P — 550-818A —

G565 546-00437B 546-00450 550-818A —

G800 546-00020 — — —

G803 546-00020 545-113 590-780 —

G815 546-00020 590-780 —

G862 546-00437B 546-00450 590-780 —

G865 546-00437B 546-00450 — —

G904 GDE131.1P — — —

G905 GDE161.1P — 590-780 —

G906 GMA131.1P — — —

G907 GMA161.1P — 590-780 —

R904 GDE131.1P — — 540-104

R906 GMA131.1P — — 540-104

U945 GMA131.1P — 590-780 546-00750A

U862 546-00437B 546-00450 590-780 546-00750A

V862 546-00437B 546-00450 590-780 546-00705

Information in this document is based on specifications believed correct at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes as design improvements are introduced. APOGEE is a registered trademark of Siemens Industry, Inc. Other product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. © 2011 Siemens Industry, Inc.

Siemens Industry, Inc. Building Technologies Division 1000 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513 USA + 1 847-215-1000

Your feedback is important to us. If you have comments about this document, please send them to .

Document No. 149-320P25 Printed in the USA

Page 12 of 12

Control Components Legend

Part Number Description Part Number Description

540-104 Constant Volume TEC with Auto-Zero Module 546-00750A Constant volume Fume Hood Controller

545-113 AOP 0-10V - Voltage to Pneumatic Transducer, 0-10 Vdc input

550-818A OAM - Offboard Air Module

546-00020 No. 3 Pneumatic Actuator 590-780 Differential Pressure Transmitter, 1‖ WC, 4-20 mA, 0.4% accuracy

546-00090 High-Speed Pulsed Pneumatic Transducer GDE131.1P Fail-in-Last Position, Floating, 44 in-lb electric actuator

546-00437B L.E.A - Lab Electronic Actuator GDE161.1P Fail-in-Last Position, Modulation, 44 in-lb electric actuator

546-00450 Interface Board for L.E.A. ―AN‖= 10 Vdc, ―FP‖= Floating GMA131.1P Fail-safe Spring Return Floating, 62 in-

lb electric actuator 546-00705 Variable Volume Fume Hood Controller GMA161.1P Fail-safe Spring Return Modulating 62

in-lb electric actuator

3. Choose R for the Mounting Side, and append the letter to the part number. (The R is required.) 4. Choose the Inlet size (the size of the duct), and append the 2-digit number to the part number.

Inlet Size

(in inches) 2-digit Number Inlet Size

(in inches) 2-digit number

4 04 11 11 (12‖ casing with special orifice) 6 06 12 12 7 07 14 14 8 08 16 16 9 09 18 18 10 10 — —

5. Choose the Casing Material and the Sensor, and append the letters to the part number:

Casing Material and Sensor Type

AA Galvanized steel casing with orifice sensor. AB Galvanized steel casing with multi-point sensor. (Does not apply to inlet sizes 4, 11, or 18.) BA Stainless steel casing with orifice sensor. CA Teflon®-coated steel casing with orifice sensor.

6. Select the End fitting, and append that letter to the part number:

S = Slip

F = Flange

7. (Custom Options) This selection is for custom orders only, and will not be accepted in SAP. Please see your Siemens representative if you want to choose one or both of these options: T = Transformer (120/24 CL.2) and Disconnect Switch

S = Volara Blade Seals

After completing your selections, you should have an SAP orderable part number that looks similar to the example given here: SAMPLE Part Number: LGEG815R14BAS


Joint Ambulatory Care Center Nuclear Medical Radioisotope Hood

Outline Specification Division 09

• 09 51 00 – Acoustical Ceilings • 09 29 00 – Gypsum Board • 09 91 00 – Painting

Division 23

• 23 05 11 – Common Work Results for HVAC • 23 05 12 – General Motor Requirements for HVAC and Steam Generation Equipment • 23 05 93 – Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC • 23 09 23 – Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC • 23 31 00 – HVAC Ducts and Casings

Division 26

• 26 05 11 – Requirement for Electrical Installations • 26 05 21 – Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables (600 Volts & Below) • 26 05 26 – Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems • 26 05 33 – Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems



VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC)

790 Veterans Way Pensacola, FL 39507

By JMZ Group

200 East Government St. Pensacola, FL 32502

(850) 433-3023 With:

Kariher Daughtry Architects PL (850) 433-3023

H.M. Yonge and Associates (850) 434 2661

Bagwell Yates and Associates (850) 462 8040

Nuclear Medical Radioisotope Hood (JACC)

Joint Ambulatory Care Center

Table of Contents


00 01 15 List of Drawing Sheets 01 00 00 General Requirements 01 33 23 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples


07 84 00 Firestopping


09 29 00 Gypsum Wall Board 09 51 00 Acoustical Ceilings 09 91 00 Painting


23 05 11 Common Work Results for HVAC 23 05 12 General Motor Requirements for HVAC and Steam Generation Equipment 23 05 93 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC 23 09 23 Direct Digital Control Systems for HVAC 23 31 00 HVAC Ducts and Casings


26 05 11 Requirements for Electrical Installations 26 05 21 Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors & Cables (600 Volts & Below) 26 05 26 Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems 26 05 33 Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems


00 01 15 - 1


The drawings listed below accompanying this specification form a part of

the contract.

Drawing No. Title



A2 Plans & Sections


M101 HVAC Demolition Plan

M201 HVAC New Work Plan

M301 HVAC Schedules Legend and Details


E1 Partial 3rd Floor Electrical Plan

E2 Partial 2nd Floor Electrical Plan

- - - END - - -


01 00 00 -1



1.1 GENERAL INTENTION…………………….………………………..……………………1

1.2 STATEMENT OF BID ITEM(S)……………………………………………….…………….1



1.5 FIRE SAFETY…………………...……………………………………………………………3

1.6 OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS……………………………………………………4

1.7 ALTERATIONS…………………………………………………………………………..…..8

1.8 INFECTION PREVENTION MEASURES…………………………………………………..9

1.9 DISPOSAL AND RETENTION…………………………………………………...…………9


1.11 RESTORATION……………………………………………………………………………..9

1.12 PHYSICAL DATA ……………………………………………………………………...…10

1.13 LAYOUT OF WORK…………………………………………………………………..…..10

1.14 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS…………………………………………………………….……..12

1.15 USE OF ROADWAYS……………………………………………………………….…….12

1.16 TEMPORARY TOILETS………………………………………………...………………..12


1.18 TESTS………………………………………………………………………..……………13

1.19 INSTRUCTIONS…………………………………………………………..……..…….....14



01 00 00 -2


A. Contractor shall completely prepare site for operations, including demolition and removal of

existing structures, and furnish labor and materials and perform work for Project VA-256-11-RP-

0207 “Install Nuclear Medical Radioisotope Hood, VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System,

Joint Ambulatory Care Center (JACC), 790 Veterans Way, Pensacola, FL” as required by

drawings and specifications.

B. Visits to the site by Bidders may be made only by appointment with the COTR.

C. All employees of general contractor and subcontractors shall comply with Navy and VA security

management program and obtain permission of the Navy police, be identified by project and

employer, and restricted from unauthorized access.

D. Prior to commencing work, general contractor shall provide proof that a OSHA certified

“competent person” (CP) (29 CFR 1926.20(b)(2) will maintain a presence at the work site

whenever the general or subcontractors are present.

E. Training:

1. All employees of general contractor or subcontractors shall have the 10-hour OSHA certified

Construction Safety course and /or other relevant competency training, as determined by

VA CP with input from the ICRA team.

2. Submit training records of all such employees for approval before the start of work.




A. AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT, __4___ sets of specifications and drawings will be furnished.

B. Additional sets of drawings may be made by the Contractor, at Contractor's expense, from

reproducible sepia prints furnished by Issuing Office. Such sepia prints shall be returned to the

Issuing Office immediately after printing is completed.


A. Security Procedures:


01 00 00 -3

1. General Contractor’s employees shall not enter the base project site without appropriate

badge. They may also be subject to inspection of their personal effects when entering or

leaving the project site.

2. For working outside the “regular hours” as defined in the contract, The General Contractor

shall give 3 days notice to the Contracting Officer so that security/escort arrangements and

extended base access can be provided. This notice is separate from any notices required for

utility shutdown described later in this section.

3. No photography of VA or base premises is allowed without written permission of the

Contracting Officer.

4. VA reserves the right to close down or shut down the project site and order General

Contractor’s employees off the premises in the event of a national emergency. The General

Contractor may return to the site only with the written approval of the Contracting Officer.

B. Document Control:

1. The General Contractor is responsible for safekeeping of all drawings, project manual and

other project information. This information shall be shared only with those with a specific

need to accomplish the project.

2. Certain documents, sketches, videos or photographs and drawings may be marked “Law

Enforcement Sensitive” or “Sensitive Unclassified”. Secure such information in separate

containers and limit the access to only those who will need it for the project. Return the

information to the Contracting Officer upon request.

3. These security documents shall not be removed or transmitted from the project site without

the written approval of Contracting Officer.

4. All paper waste or electronic media such as CD’s and diskettes shall be shredded and

destroyed in a manner acceptable to the VA.

5. Notify Contracting Officer and Site Security Officer immediately when there is a loss or

compromise of “sensitive information”.


01 00 00 -4

6. All electronic information shall be stored in specified location following VA standards and

procedures using an Engineering Document Management Software (EDMS).

a. Security, access and maintenance of all project drawings, both scanned and electronic

shall be performed and tracked through the EDMS system.

b. “Sensitive information” including drawings and other documents may be attached to e-

mail provided all VA encryption procedures are followed.

C. Motor Vehicle Restrictions: IAW VA requirements; as a minimum, proper state drivers license,

proof of insurance, and proof of vehicle registration required to operate motor vehicle on VA



A. Applicable Publications: Publications listed below form part of this Article to extent referenced.

Publications are referenced in text by basic designations only.

1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

E84-2007 .............................. Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

10-2006................................ Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

30-2003................................ Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code

51B-2003 ............................. Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other

Hot Work

70-2005................................ National Electrical Code

241-2004 ............................. Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and

Demolition Operations

3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

29 CFR 1926 ......................... Safety and Health Regulations for Construction


01 00 00 -5

B. Site and Building Access: Maintain free and unobstructed access to facility emergency services

and for fire, police and other emergency response forces in accordance with NFPA 241.

C. Egress Routes: Maintain free and unobstructed egress. Inspect daily.

D. Fire Extinguishers: Provide and maintain extinguishers in construction areas and temporary

storage areas in accordance with 29 CFR 1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 10.

E. Flammable and Combustible Liquids: Store, dispense and use liquids in accordance with 29 CFR

1926, NFPA 241 and NFPA 30.

F. Existing Fire Protection: Do not impair any fire protection systems in the accomplishment of

work. Provide fire watch for impairments more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period. Request

interruptions in accordance with Article, OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS, and coordinate

with COTR and base facility Safety Officer.

G. Hot Work: Perform and safeguard hot work operations in accordance with NFPA 241 and NFPA

51B. Coordinate with COTR. Obtain permits from facility Safety Officer at least __72__ hours in


H. Fire Hazard Prevention and Safety Inspections: Inspect entire construction areas weekly.

Coordinate with, and report findings and corrective actions on construction progress reports

(aka “daily logs”), which are part of the construction contract record documents.

I. Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in and adjacent to construction areas inside existing buildings

and additions under construction. Comply with all base smoking restrictions.

J. Dispose of waste and debris in accordance with NFPA 241. Remove from buildings/site daily.

K. Perform other construction, alteration and demolition operations in accordance with 29 CFR



A. The Contractor shall confine all operations (including storage of materials) on Government

premises to areas authorized or approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall hold

and save the Government, its officers and agents, free and harmless from liability of any nature

occasioned by the Contractor's performance.


01 00 00 -6

B. Temporary buildings (e.g., storage sheds, shops, offices) and utilities may be erected by the

Contractor only with the approval of the Contracting Officer and shall be built with labor and

materials furnished by the Contractor without expense to the Government. The temporary

buildings and utilities shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by the

Contractor at its expense upon completion of the work. With the written consent of the

Contracting Officer, the buildings and utilities may be abandoned and need not be removed.

C. The Contractor shall, under regulations prescribed by the Contracting Officer, use only

established roadways as authorized by the Contracting Officer. When materials are transported

in prosecuting the work, vehicles shall not be loaded beyond the loading capacity recommended

by the manufacturer of the vehicle or prescribed by any Federal, State, or local law or regulation.

When it is necessary to cross curbs or sidewalks, the Contractor shall protect them from

damage. The Contractor shall repair or pay for the repair of any damaged curbs, sidewalks, or


D. Working space and space available for storing materials shall be as determined by the COTR and


E. Workmen are subject to rules of VA applicable to their conduct.

F. Execute work so as to interfere as little as possible with normal functioning of Base as a whole,

including operations of utility services, fire protection systems and any existing equipment, and

with work being done by others. Use of equipment and tools that transmit vibrations and noises

through the building structure, are not permitted in buildings that are occupied, during

construction, jointly by government personnel, and Contractor's personnel, except as permitted

by COTR where required by limited working space.

1. Do not store materials and equipment in other than assigned areas.

2. Schedule delivery of materials and equipment to immediate construction working areas

outside or within buildings in use by Government in quantities sufficient for not more than

two work days. Provide unobstructed access to base areas required to remain in operation.

G. Utilities Services Impact: Where necessary to cut existing pipes, electrical wires, conduits, cables,

etc., of utility services, or of fire protection systems or communications systems (except

telephone), they shall be cut and capped at suitable places where shown; or, in absence of such


01 00 00 -7

indication, where directed by COTR. All such actions shall be coordinated with the Utility

Company involved:

1. Whenever it is required that a connection fee be paid to a public utility provider for new

permanent service to the construction project, for such items as water, sewer, electricity,

gas or steam, payment of such fee shall be the responsibility of the Government and not the


H. Phasing: To insure such executions, Contractor shall furnish the COTR with a schedule of

approximate phasing dates on which the Contractor intends to accomplish work in each specific

area of site, building or portion thereof. In addition, Contractor shall notify the COTR two weeks

in advance of the proposed date of starting work in each specific area of site, building or portion

thereof. Arrange such phasing dates to insure accomplishment of this work in successive phases

mutually agreeable to COTR, CO, and Contractor.

I. Contractor will be allowed space on VA grounds to park temporary storage trailers. Coordinate

with VA Resident Engineer. Construction Fence if required to secure materials: Before

construction operations begin, Contractor shall provide a chain link construction fence, 2100

mm (seven feet) minimum height, around the construction storage area. Provide gates as

required for access with necessary hardware, including hasps and padlocks. Fasten fence fabric

to terminal posts with tension bands and to line posts and top and bottom rails with tie wires

spaced at maximum 15 inches. Bottom of fences shall extend to one inch above grade. Remove

the fence when directed by COTR.

J. Utilities Services: Maintain existing utility services for base at all times. Provide temporary

facilities, labor, materials, equipment, connections, and utilities to assure uninterrupted

services. Where necessary to cut existing water, steam, gases, sewer or air pipes, or conduits,

wires, cables, etc. of utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems

(including telephone), they shall be cut and capped at suitable places where shown; or, in

absence of such indication, where directed by COTR.

1. No utility service such as water, gas, steam, sewers or electricity, or fire protection systems

and communications systems may be interrupted without prior approval of COTR. Electrical

work shall be accomplished with all affected circuits or equipment de-energized. When an


01 00 00 -8

electrical outage cannot be accomplished, work on any energized circuits or equipment shall

not commence without the Medical Center Director’s prior knowledge and written approval.

2. Contractor shall submit a request to interrupt any such services to COTR, in writing, 48 hours

in advance of proposed interruption. Request shall state reason, date, exact time of, and

approximate duration of such interruption.

3. Contractor will be advised (in writing) of approval of request, or of which other date and/or

time such interruption will cause least inconvenience to operations of base. Interruption

time approved by COTR may occur at other than Contractor's normal working hours.

4. Major interruptions of any system must be requested, in writing, at least 15 calendar days

prior to the desired time and shall be performed as directed by the COTR.

5. In case of a contract construction emergency, service will be interrupted on approval of

COTR. Such approval will be confirmed in writing as soon as practical.

6. Whenever it is required that a connection fee be paid to a public utility provider for new

permanent service to the construction project, for such items as water, sewer, electricity,

gas or steam, payment of such fee shall be the responsibility of the Government and not the


K. Abandoned Lines: All service lines such as wires, cables, conduits, ducts, pipes and the like, and

their hangers or supports, which are to be abandoned but are not required to be entirely

removed, shall be sealed, capped or plugged. The lines shall not be capped in finished areas, but

shall be removed and sealed, capped or plugged in ceilings, within furred spaces, in unfinished

areas, or within walls or partitions; so that they are completely behind the finished surfaces.

L. To minimize interference of construction activities with flow of base traffic, comply with the


1. Keep roads, walks and entrances to grounds, to parking and to occupied areas of buildings

clear of construction materials, debris and standing construction equipment and vehicles.

Wherever excavation for new utility lines cross or bore beneath existing roads, at least one

lane must be open to traffic at all times.


01 00 00 -9

2. Method and scheduling of required cutting, altering and removal of existing roads, walks

and entrances must be approved by the COTR.

M. Coordinate the work for this contract with other construction operations as directed by COTR.

This includes the scheduling of traffic and the use of roadways, as specified in Article, USE OF



A. Survey: Before any work is started, the Contractor shall make a thorough survey with the COTR,

and a base rep, of areas and within/outside of buildings in which alterations occur and areas

which are anticipated routes of access, and furnish a report, signed by all three, to the

Contracting Officer. This report shall list:

1. Existing conditions found of areas not required to be altered.

2. Shall note any discrepancies between drawings and existing conditions at site.

3. Shall designate areas for working space, materials storage and routes of access to areas

within buildings where alterations occur and which have been agreed upon by Contractor

and COTR.

B. Re-Survey: Fourteen days before expected partial or final inspection date, the Contractor and

Resident Engineer together shall make a thorough re-survey of the areas of buildings involved.

They shall furnish a report on conditions then existing, of resilient flooring, doors, windows,

walls and other surfaces as compared with conditions of same as noted in first condition survey


1. Re-survey report shall also list any damage caused by Contractor to such flooring and other

surfaces, despite protection measures; and, will form basis for determining extent of repair

work required of Contractor to restore damage caused by Contractor's workmen in

executing work of this contract.

C. Protection: Provide the following protective measures:

1. Wherever existing roof surfaces are disturbed they shall be protected against water

infiltration. In case of leaks, they shall be repaired immediately upon discovery.


01 00 00 -10

2. Temporary protection against damage for portions of existing structures and grounds where

work is to be done, materials handled and equipment moved and/or relocated.

3. Protection of interior of existing structures at all times, from damage, dust and weather

inclemency. Wherever work is performed, floor surfaces shall be adequately protected prior

to starting work, and this protection shall be maintained intact until all work in the area is



A. Establish and maintain a dust control program as part of the contractor’s infection

preventive measures.


A. Materials and equipment accruing from work removed and from demolition or parts thereof,

shall be disposed of as follows:

1. Items not reserved shall become property of the Contractor and be removed by Contractor

from base property.


A. The Contractor shall preserve and protect all structures, equipment, and vegetation (such as

trees, shrubs, and grass) on or adjacent to the work site, which are not to be removed and which

do not unreasonably interfere with the work required under this contract. If any limbs or

branches of trees are broken during contract performance, or by the careless operation of

equipment, or by workmen, the Contractor shall trim those limbs or branches with a clean cut

and paint the cut with a tree-pruning compound as directed by the Contracting Officer.

B. The Contractor shall protect from damage all existing improvements and utilities at or near the

work site and on adjacent property of a third party, the locations of which are made known to or

should be known by the Contractor. The Contractor shall repair any damage to those facilities,

including those that are the property of a third party, resulting from failure to comply with the

requirements of this contract or failure to exercise reasonable care in performing the work. If

the Contractor fails or refuses to repair the damage promptly, the Contracting Officer may have

the necessary work performed and charge the cost to the Contractor.


01 00 00 -11


A. Remove, cut, alter, replace, patch and repair existing work as necessary to install new work.

Except as otherwise shown or specified, do not cut, alter or remove any structural work, and do

not disturb any ducts, plumbing, steam, gas, or electric work without approval of the COTR.

Existing work to be altered or extended and that is found to be defective in any way, shall be

reported to the COTR before it is disturbed. Materials and workmanship used in restoring work,

shall conform in type and quality to that of original existing construction, except as otherwise

shown or specified.

B. Upon completion of contract, deliver work complete and undamaged. Existing work (walls,

ceilings, partitions, floors, mechanical and electrical work, lawns, paving, roads, walks, etc.)

disturbed or removed as a result of performing required new work, shall be patched, repaired,

reinstalled, or replaced with new work, and refinished and left in as good condition as existed

before commencing work.

C. At Contractor's own expense, Contractor shall immediately restore to service and repair any

damage caused by Contractor's workmen to existing piping and conduits, wires, cables, etc., of

utility services or of fire protection systems and communications systems (including telephone)

which are indicated on drawings and which are not scheduled for discontinuance or


D. Expense of repairs to such utilities and systems not shown on drawings or locations of which are

unknown will be covered by adjustment to contract time and price in accordance with clause

entitled "CHANGES" (FAR 52.243-4 and VAAR 852.236-88) and "DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS"

(FAR 52.236-2) of Section 00 72 00, GENERAL CONDITIONS.


A. If required for trenching and under-road boring operations, Bidders are expected to examine site

of work and logs of borings; and, after investigation, decide for themselves character of

materials and make their bids accordingly. Upon proper application to Department of Veterans

Affairs, bidders will be permitted to make subsurface explorations of their own at site.


01 00 00 -12


A. The Contractor shall lay out the work and shall be responsible for all measurements in

connection with the layout. The Contractor shall furnish, at Contractor's own expense, all

stakes, templates, platforms, equipment, tools, materials, and labor required to lay out any part

of the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for executing the work to the lines and grades

that may be established or indicated. The Contractor shall also be responsible for maintaining

and preserving all stakes and other marks established by the Government until authorized to

remove them. If such marks are destroyed by the Contractor or through Contractor's negligence

before their removal is authorized, the Contracting Officer may replace them and deduct the

expense of the replacement from any amounts due or to become due to the Contractor.

(FAR 52.236-17)


A. The contractor shall maintain two full size sets of as-built drawings which will be kept current

during construction of the project, to include all contract changes, modifications and


B. All variations shall be shown in the same general detail as used in the contract drawings. To

insure compliance, as-built drawings shall be made available for the COTR’s review, as often as


C. Contractor shall deliver two approved completed sets of as-built drawings to the COTR within 15

calendar days after each completed phase and after the acceptance of the project by the COTR.

D. Paragraphs A, B, & C shall also apply to all shop drawings.


A. For hauling, use only established public roads and roads on Medical Center property and, when

authorized by the COTR.


A. Contractor may have for use of Contractor's workmen, such toilet accommodations as may be

assigned to Contractor by COTR. Contractor shall keep such places clean and be responsible for


01 00 00 -13

any damage done thereto by Contractor's workmen. Failure to maintain satisfactory condition in

toilets will deprive Contractor of the privilege to use such toilets.


A. The Government shall make all reasonably required amounts of utilities available to the

Contractor from existing outlets and supplies. The amount to be paid by the Contractor for

chargeable electrical services shall be the prevailing rates charged to the Government. The

Contractor shall carefully conserve any utilities furnished without charge.

B. The Contractor, at Contractor's expense and in a workmanlike manner satisfactory to the

Contracting Officer, shall install and maintain all necessary temporary connections and

distribution lines, and all meters required to measure the amount of electricity used for the

purpose of determining charges. Before final acceptance of the work by the Government, the

Contractor shall remove all the temporary connections, distribution lines, meters, and

associated paraphernalia.

C. Electricity (for Construction and Testing and Storage Trailers): Furnish all temporary electric


1. Obtain electricity by connecting to the VA electrical distribution system. The Contractor shall

meter and pay for electricity required for electric cranes and hoisting devices, electrical

welding devices and any electrical heating devices providing temporary heat. Electricity for

all other uses is available at no cost to the Contractor.

D. Water (for Construction and Testing):

1. Obtain water by connecting to the Medical Center water distribution system. Provide

reduced pressure backflow preventer at each connection. Water is available at no cost to

the Contractor.

2. Maintain connections, pipe, fittings and fixtures and conserve water-use so none is wasted.

Failure to stop leakage or other wastes will be cause for revocation (at COTR’s discretion) of

use of water from base system.


01 00 00 -14

1.18 TESTS

A. Pre-test systems and make corrections required for proper operation of such systems before

requesting final tests. Final test will not be conducted unless pre-tested.

B. Conduct final tests required in various sections of specifications in presence of an authorized

representative of the Contracting Officer. Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials,

equipment, instruments, and forms, to conduct and record such tests.

C. Systems shall be balanced, controlled and coordinated. A system is defined as the entire

complex which must be coordinated to work together during normal operation to produce

results for which the system is designed.

D. All related components as defined above shall be functioning when any system component is

tested. Tests shall be completed within a reasonably short period of time during which operating

and environmental conditions remain reasonably constant.

E. Individual test result of any component, where required, will only be accepted when submitted

with the test results of related components and of the entire system.


A. Contractor shall furnish Maintenance and Operating manuals and verbal instructions when

required by the various sections of the specifications and as hereinafter specified.

B. Manuals: Maintenance and operating manuals (four copies each) for each separate piece of

material or equipment shall be delivered to the COTR coincidental with the delivery to the job

site. Manuals shall be complete, detailed guides for the maintenance and operation. They shall

include complete information necessary for maintaining in continuous operation for long

periods of time and dismantling and reassembling of the complete units and sub-assembly

components. Manuals shall include an index covering all component parts clearly

cross-referenced to diagrams and illustrations. Illustrations shall include "exploded" views

showing and identifying each separate item. Emphasis shall be placed on the use of special tools

and instruments. The function of each piece of equipment, component, accessory and control

shall be clearly and thoroughly explained. All necessary precautions for the operation of the

equipment and the reason for each precaution shall be clearly set forth. Manuals must reference

the exact model, style and size of the piece of equipment and system being furnished. Manuals


01 00 00 -15

referencing equipment similar to but of a different model, style, and size than that furnished will

not be accepted.

C. Instructions if required: Contractor shall provide qualified, factory-trained manufacturers'

representatives to give detailed instructions to assigned Navy and Department of Veterans

Affairs personnel in the operation and complete maintenance. All such training will be at the job

site. These requirements are more specifically detailed in the various technical sections.

Instructions for different items of equipment that are component parts of a complete system,

shall be given in an integrated, progressive manner. All instructors for every piece of component

equipment in a system shall be available until instructions for all items included in the system

have been completed. This is to assure proper instruction in the operation of inter-related

systems. All instruction periods shall be at such times as scheduled by the COTR and shall be

considered concluded only when the COTR is satisfied in regard to complete and thorough


- - - E N D - - -


01 33 23 - 1



(FAR 52.236-21) and, SPECIAL NOTES (VAAR 852.236-91), in GENERAL


1-2. For the purposes of this contract, samples, test reports, certificates,

and manufacturers' literature and data shall also be subject to the

previously referenced requirements. The following text refers to all

items collectively as SUBMITTALS.

1-3. Submit for approval, all of the items specifically mentioned under the

separate sections of the specification, with information sufficient to

evidence full compliance with contract requirements. Materials,

fabricated articles and the like to be installed in permanent work shall

equal those of approved submittals. After an item has been approved, no

change in brand or make will be permitted unless:

A. Satisfactory written evidence is presented to, and approved by

Contracting Officer, that manufacturer cannot make scheduled delivery of

approved item or;

B. Item delivered has been rejected and substitution of a suitable item is

an urgent necessity or;

C. Other conditions become apparent which indicates approval of such

substitute item to be in best interest of the Government.

1-4. Forward submittals in sufficient time to permit proper consideration and

approval action by Government. Time submission to assure adequate lead

time for procurement of contract - required items. Delays attributable

to untimely and rejected submittals will not serve as a basis for

extending contract time for completion.

1-5. Submittals will be reviewed for compliance with contract requirements by

Architect-Engineer, and action thereon will be taken by Resident

Engineer on behalf of the Contracting Officer.

1-6. Upon receipt of submittals, Architect-Engineer will assign a file number

thereto. Contractor, in any subsequent correspondence, shall refer to

this file and identification number to expedite replies relative to

previously approved or disapproved submittals.

1-7. The Government reserves the right to require additional submittals,

whether or not particularly mentioned in this contract. If additional

submittals beyond those required by the contract are furnished pursuant

to request therefor by Contracting Officer, adjustment in contract price

and time will be made in accordance with Articles titled CHANGES (FAR


01 33 23 - 2

52.243-4) and CHANGES - SUPPLEMENT (VAAR 852.236-88) of the GENERAL


1-8. Schedules called for in specifications and shown on shop drawings shall

be submitted for use and information of Department of Veterans Affairs

and Architect-Engineer. However, the Contractor shall assume

responsibility for coordinating and verifying schedules. The Contracting

Officer and Architect- Engineer assumes no responsibility for checking

schedules or layout drawings for exact sizes, exact numbers and detailed

positioning of items.

1-9. Submittals must be submitted by Contractor only and shipped prepaid.

Contracting Officer assumes no responsibility for checking quantities or

exact numbers included in such submittals.

A. Submit color samples required in quadruplicate. Submit other samples in

single units unless otherwise specified. Submit shop drawings,

schedules, manufacturers' literature and data, and certificates in

quadruplicate, except where a greater number is specified.

B. Submittals will receive consideration only when covered by a transmittal

letter signed by Contractor. Letter shall be sent via first class mail

and shall contain the list of items, name of Medical Center, name of

Contractor, contract number, applicable specification paragraph numbers,

applicable drawing numbers (and other information required for exact

identification of location for each item), manufacturer and brand, ASTM

or Federal Specification Number (if any) and such additional information

as may be required by specifications for particular item being

furnished. In addition, catalogs shall be marked to indicate specific

items submitted for approval.

1. A copy of letter must be enclosed with items, and any items received

without identification letter will be considered "unclaimed goods"

and held for a limited time only.

2. Each sample, certificate, manufacturers' literature and data shall be

labeled to indicate the name and location of the Medical Center,

name of Contractor, manufacturer, brand, contract number and ASTM or

Federal Specification Number as applicable and location(s) on


3. Required certificates shall be signed by an authorized representative

of manufacturer or supplier of material, and by Contractor.

C. In addition to complying with the applicable requirements specified in

preceding Article 1.9, samples which are required to have Laboratory

Tests (those preceded by symbol "LT" under the separate sections of the


01 33 23 - 3

specification shall be tested, at the expense of Contractor, in a

commercial laboratory approved by Contracting Officer.

1. Laboratory shall furnish Contracting Officer with a certificate

stating that it is fully equipped and qualified to perform intended

work, is fully acquainted with specification requirements and

intended use of materials and is an independent establishment in no

way connected with organization of Contractor or with manufacturer or

supplier of materials to be tested.

2. Certificates shall also set forth a list of comparable projects upon

which laboratory has performed similar functions during past five


3. Samples and laboratory tests shall be sent directly to approved

commercial testing laboratory.

4. Contractor shall send a copy of transmittal letter to both Resident

Engineer and to Architect-Engineer simultaneously with submission of

material to a commercial testing laboratory.

5. Laboratory test reports shall be sent directly to Resident Engineer

for appropriate action.

6. Laboratory reports shall list contract specification test

requirements and a comparative list of the laboratory test results.

When tests show that the material meets specification requirements,

the laboratory shall so certify on test report.

7. Laboratory test reports shall also include a recommendation for

approval or disapproval of tested item.

D. If submittal samples have been disapproved, resubmit new samples as soon

as possible after notification of disapproval. Such new samples shall be

marked "Resubmitted Sample" in addition to containing other previously

specified information required on label and in transmittal letter.

E. Approved samples will be kept on file by the Resident Engineer at the

site until completion of contract, at which time such samples will be

delivered to Contractor as Contractor's property. Where noted in

technical sections of specifications, approved samples in good condition

may be used in their proper locations in contract work. At completion of

contract, samples that are not approved will be returned to Contractor

only upon request and at Contractor's expense. Such request should be

made prior to completion of the contract. Disapproved samples that are

not requested for return by Contractor will be discarded after

completion of contract.

F. Submittal drawings (shop, erection or setting drawings) and schedules,

required for work of various trades, shall be checked before submission


01 33 23 - 4

by technically qualified employees of Contractor for accuracy,

completeness and compliance with contract requirements. These drawings

and schedules shall be stamped and signed by Contractor certifying to

such check.

1. For each drawing required, submit one legible photographic paper or

vellum reproducible.

2. Reproducible shall be full size.

3. Each drawing shall have marked thereon, proper descriptive title,

including Medical Center location, project number, manufacturer's

number, reference to contract drawing number, detail Section Number,

and Specification Section Number.

4. A space 4-3/4 by 5 inches) shall be reserved on each drawing to

accommodate approval or disapproval stamp.

5. Submit drawings, ROLLED WITHIN A MAILING TUBE, fully protected for


6. One reproducible print of approved or disapproved shop drawings will

be forwarded to Contractor.

7. When work is directly related and involves more than one trade, shop

drawings shall be submitted to Architect-Engineer under one cover.

1-10. Samples, shop drawings, test reports, certificates and manufacturers'

literature and data, shall be submitted for approval to




(A/E P.O. Address)


(City, State and Zip Code)

1-11. At the time of transmittal to the Architect-Engineer, the Contractor

shall also send a copy of the complete submittal directly to the

Resident Engineer.

- - - E N D - - -

Typewritten Text
Kariher Daughtry Architects PL
Typewritten Text
200 East Government St. Suite 240-A
Typewritten Text
Pensacola, Florida 32502


07 84 00 - 1




A. Closures of openings in walls, floors, and roof decks against

penetration of flame, heat, and smoke or gases in fire resistant rated


B. Closure of openings in walls against penetration of gases or smoke in

smoke partitions.


A Fire and smoke damper assemblies in ductwork: Section 23 31 00, HVAC



A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT


B. Manufacturers literature, data, and installation instructions for types

of firestopping and smoke stopping used.

C. List of FM, UL, or WH classification number of systems installed.

D. Certified laboratory test reports for ASTM E814 tests for systems not

listed by FM, UL, or WH proposed for use.


A. Deliver materials in their original unopened containers with

manufacturer’s name and product identification.

B. Store in a location providing protection from damage and exposure to

the elements.


Firestopping work subject to the terms of the Article “Warranty of

Construction”, FAR clause 52.246-21, except extend the warranty period

to five years.


FM, UL, or WH or other approved laboratory tested products will be



A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by the basic

designation only.

B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):


07 84 00 - 2

E84-10..................Surface Burning Characteristics of Building


E814-11.................Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops

C. Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Corporation (FM):

Annual Issue Approval Guide Building Materials

D. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

Annual Issue Building Materials Directory

Annual Issue Fire Resistance Directory

1479-10.................Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops

E. Warnock Hersey (WH):

Annual Issue Certification Listings



A. Use either factory built (Firestop Devices) or field erected (through-

Penetration Firestop Systems) to form a specific building system

maintaining required integrity of the fire barrier and stop the passage

of gases or smoke.

B. Through-penetration firestop systems and firestop devices tested in

accordance with ASTM E814 or UL 1479 using the "F" or "T" rating to

maintain the same rating and integrity as the fire barrier being

sealed. "T" ratings are not required for penetrations smaller than or

equal to 100 mm (4 in) nominal pipe or 0.01 m2 (16 sq. in.) in overall

cross sectional area.

C. Products requiring heat activation to seal an opening by its

intumescence shall exhibit a demonstrated ability to function as

designed to maintain the fire barrier.

D. Firestop sealants used for firestopping or smoke sealing shall have

following properties:

1. Contain no flammable or toxic solvents.

2. Have no dangerous or flammable out gassing during the drying or

curing of products.

3. Water-resistant after drying or curing and unaffected by high

humidity, condensation or transient water exposure.

4. When used in exposed areas, shall be capable of being sanded and

finished with similar surface treatments as used on the surrounding

wall or floor surface.


07 84 00 - 3

E. Firestopping system or devices used for penetrations by glass pipe,

plastic pipe or conduits, unenclosed cables, or other non-metallic

materials shall have following properties:

1. Classified for use with the particular type of penetrating material


2. Penetrations containing loose electrical cables, computer data

cables, and communications cables protected using firestopping

systems that allow unrestricted cable changes without damage to the


3. Intumescent products which would expand to seal the opening and act

as fire, smoke, toxic fumes, and, water sealant.

F. Maximum flame spread of 25 and smoke development of 50 when tested in

accordance with ASTM E84.

G. FM, UL, or WH rated or tested by an approved laboratory in accordance

with ASTM E814.

H. Materials to be asbestos free.


A. Use mineral fiber filler and bond breaker behind sealant.

B. Sealants shall have a maximum flame spread of 25 and smoke developed of

50 when tested in accordance with E84.

C. When used in exposed areas capable of being sanded and finished with

similar surface treatments as used on the surrounding wall or floor




Submit product data and installation instructions, as required by

article, submittals, after an on site examination of areas to receive



A. Remove dirt, grease, oil, loose materials, or other substances that

prevent adherence and bonding or application of the firestopping or

smoke stopping materials.

B. Remove insulation on insulated pipe for a distance of 150 mm (six

inches) on either side of the fire rated assembly prior to applying the

firestopping materials unless the firestopping materials are tested and

approved for use on insulated pipes.


07 84 00 - 4


A. Do not begin work until the specified material data and installation

instructions of the proposed firestopping systems have been submitted

and approved.

B. Install firestopping systems with smoke stopping in accordance with FM,

UL, WH, or other approved system details and installation instructions.

C. Install smoke stopping seals in smoke partitions.


A. As work on each floor is completed, remove materials, litter, and


B. Do not move materials and equipment to the next-scheduled work area

until completed work is inspected and accepted by the Resident


C. Clean up spills of liquid type materials.

- - - E N D - - -

09 29 00 - 1




This section specifies installation and finishing of gypsum board.


A. Lay in gypsum board ceiling panels: Section 09 51 00, ACOUSTICAL



A. Definitions and description of terms shall be in accordance with ASTM

C11, C840, and as specified.

B. Underside of Structure Overhead: In spaces where steel trusses or bar

joists are shown, the underside of structure overhead shall be the

underside of the floor or roof construction supported by the trusses or

bar joists.

C. "Yoked": Gypsum board cut out for opening with no joint at the opening

(along door jamb or above the door).


A. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:

1. Cornerbead and edge trim.

2. Finishing materials.

3. Laminating adhesive.

4. Gypsum board, each type.

C. Shop Drawings:

1. Typical gypsum board installation, showing corner details, edge trim

details and the like.

2. Typical sound rated assembly, showing treatment at perimeter of

partitions and penetrations at gypsum board.

3. Typical shaft wall assembly.

4. Typical fire rated assembly and column fireproofing, indicating

details of construction same as that used in fire rating test.

D. Samples:

1. Cornerbead.

2. Edge trim.

3. Control joints.

E. Test Results:

1. Fire rating test, each fire rating required for each assembly.

2. Sound rating test.

09 29 00 - 2


In accordance with the requirements of ASTM C840.


In accordance with the requirements of ASTM C840.


A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the

basic designation only.

B. American Society For Testing And Materials (ASTM):

C11-04..................Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related

Building Materials and Systems

C475-02.................Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing

Gypsum Board

C840-04.................Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board

C954-04.................Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum

Board or Metal Plaster Bases to Steel Stud from

0.033 in. (0.84mm) to 0.112 in. (2.84mm) in


C1002-04................Steel Self-Piercing Tapping Screws for the

Application of Gypsum Panel Products or Metal

Plaster Bases to Wood Studs or Steel Studs

C1047-04................Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum

Veneer Base

C1396-04................Gypsum Board

E84-04..................Surface Burning Characteristics of Building


E497-99.................Installing Sound Isolating Lightweight


C. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL):

Latest Edition..........Fire Resistance Directory

D. Inchcape Testing Services (ITS):

Latest Editions.........Certification Listings



A. Gypsum Board: ASTM C1396, Type X, 16 mm (5/8 inch) thick unless shown


B. Coreboard or Shaft Wall Liner Panels.

1. ASTM C1396, Type X.

09 29 00 - 3

2. Coreboard for shaft walls 300, 400, 600 mm (12, 16, or 24 inches)

wide by required lengths 25 mm (one inch) thick with paper faces

treated to resist moisture.

C. Water Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C620, Type X, 16 mm (5/8

inch) thick.


A. ASTM C1047, except form of 0.39 mm (0.015 inch) thick zinc coated steel

sheet or rigid PVC plastic.

B. Flanges not less than 22 mm (7/8 inch) wide with punchouts or deformations as required to provide compound bond.


A. Mineral Fiber Batt or Blankets: ASTM C665. Maximum flame spread of 25

and smoke development of 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84.

B. Thickness as shown; of widths and lengths to fit tight against framing.


A. ASTM C1002 and ASTM C840, except as otherwise specified.

B. ASTM C954, for steel studs thicker than 0.04 mm (0.33 inch).

C. Select screws of size and type recommended by the manufacturer of the

material being fastened.

D. For fire rated construction, type and size same as used in fire rating


E. Clips: Zinc-coated (galvanized) steel; gypsum board manufacturer's

standard items.


ASTM C475 and ASTM C840.



A. Extend all layers of gypsum board from floor to underside of structure

overhead on following partitions and furring:

1. Two sides of partitions:

a. Fire rated partitions.

b. Sound rated partitions.

c. Full height partitions shown (FHP).

2. One side of partitions or furring:

a. Inside of exterior wall furring or stud construction.

b. Room side of room without suspended ceilings.

c. Furring for pipes and duct shafts, except where fire rated shaft

wall construction is shown.

09 29 00 - 4

3. Extend all layers of gypsum board construction used for fireproofing

of columns from floor to underside of structure overhead, unless

shown otherwise.

B. In locations other than those specified, extend gypsum board from floor

to heights as follows:

1. Not less than 100 mm (4 inches) above suspended acoustical ceilings.

2. At ceiling of suspended gypsum board ceilings.


A. Coordinate installation of gypsum board with other trades and related


B. Install gypsum board in accordance with ASTM C840, except as otherwise


C. Use gypsum boards in maximum practical lengths to minimize number of end


D. Bring gypsum board into contact, but do not force into place.

E. Ceilings:

1. For single-ply construction, use perpendicular application.

2. For two-ply assembles:

a. Use perpendicular application.

b. Apply face ply of gypsum board so that joints of face ply do not

occur at joints of base ply with joints over framing members.

F. Walls (Except Shaft Walls):

1. When gypsum board is installed parallel to framing members, space

fasteners 300 mm (12 inches) on center in field of the board, and 200

mm (8 inches) on center along edges.

2. When gypsum board is installed perpendicular to framing members,

space fasteners 300 mm (12 inches) on center in field and along


3. Stagger screws on abutting edges or ends.

4. For single-ply construction, apply gypsum board with long dimension

either parallel or perpendicular to framing members as required to

minimize number of joints.

5. For two-ply gypsum board assemblies, apply base ply of gypsum board

to assure minimum number of joints in face layer. Apply face ply of

wallboard to base ply so that joints of face ply do not occur at

joints of base ply with joints over framing members.

6. For three-ply gypsum board assemblies, apply plies in same manner as

for two-ply assemblies, except that heads of fasteners need only be

driven flush with surface for first and second plies. Apply third ply

of wallboard in same manner as second ply of two-ply assembly, except

09 29 00 - 5

use fasteners of sufficient length enough to have the same

penetration into framing members as required for two-ply assemblies.

7. No offset in exposed face of walls and partitions will be permitted

because of single-ply and two-ply or three-ply application


8. Installing Two Layer Assembly Over Sound Deadening Board:

a. Apply face layer of wallboard vertically with joints staggered

from joints in sound deadening board over framing members.

b. Fasten face layer with screw, of sufficient length to secure to

framing, spaced 300 mm (12 inches) on center around perimeter, and

400 mm (16 inches) on center in the field.

9. Control Joints ASTM C840 and as follows:

a. Locate at both side jambs of openings if gypsum board is not

"yoked". Use one system throughout.

b. Not required for wall lengths less than 9000 mm (30 feet).

c. Extend control joints the full height of the wall or length of

soffit/ceiling membrane.

G. Acoustical or Sound Rated Partitions, Fire Partitions:

1. Cut gypsum board for a space approximately 3 mm to 6 mm (1/8 to 1/4

inch) wide around partition perimeter.

2. Coordinate for application of caulking or sealants to space prior to

taping and finishing.

3. Follow ASTM E497 for sound rated partitions. STC minimum values as shown.

H. Accessories:

1. Set accessories plumb, level and true to line, neatly mitered at

corners and intersections, and securely attach to supporting surfaces

as specified.

2. Install in one piece, without the limits of the longest commercially

available lengths.

3. Corner Beads:

a. Install at all vertical and horizontal external corners and where


b. Use screws only. Do not use crimping tool.

4. Edge Trim (casings Beads):

a. At both sides of expansion and control joints unless shown


b. Where gypsum board terminates against dissimilar materials and at

perimeter of openings, except where covered by flanges, casings or

permanently built-in equipment.

09 29 00 - 6

c. Where gypsum board surfaces of non-load bearing assemblies abut

load bearing members.

d. Where shown. 3. Sound Attenuation (Acoustic) Insulation: Install full width of stud

cavities and to achieve STC ratings indicated. Cut and pack tight

without voids around equipment, outlets and boxes penetrating the


a. To hold sound attenuation batts in position, staple batts to back

side of gypsum board to comply with manufacturer's


b. Fit closely around penetrations.



A. Finish joints, edges, corners, and fastener heads in accordance with

ASTM C840. Use Level 5 finish for al finished areas open to public view.

B. Before proceeding with installation of finishing materials, assure the


1. Gypsum board is fastened and held close to framing or furring.

2. Fastening heads in gypsum board are slightly below surface in dimple

formed by driving tool.

C. Finish joints, fasteners, and all openings, including openings around

penetrations, on that part of the gypsum board extending above suspended

ceilings to seal surface of non decorated fire rated and sound rated

gypsum board construction. After the installation of hanger rods,

hanger wires, supports, equipment, conduits, piping and similar work,

seal remaining openings and maintain the integrity of the fire rated and

sound rated construction. Sanding is not required of non decorated



A. After taping and finishing has been completed, and before decoration,

repair all damaged and defective work, including nondecorated surfaces.

B. Patch holes or openings 13 mm (1/2 inch) or less in diameter, or

equivalent size, with a setting type finishing compound or patching


C. Repair holes or openings over 13 mm (1/2 inch) diameter, or equivalent

size, with 16 mm (5/8 inch) thick gypsum board secured in such a manner

as to provide solid substrate equivalent to undamaged surface.

D. Tape and refinish scratched, abraded or damaged finish surfaces

including cracks and joints in non decorated surface to provide fire

09 29 00 - 7

protection equivalent to the fire rated construction and STC equivalent

to the sound rated construction.

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09 51 00 - 1




A. Metal ceiling suspension system for acoustical ceilings.

B. Acoustical units.

C. Adhesive application.



A. Samples:

1. Acoustical units, each type, with label indicating conformance to

specification requirements, including units specified to match


C. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:

1. Ceiling suspension system, each type, showing complete details of

installation, including suspension system specified to match existing

2. Acoustical units, each type

D. Manufacturer's Certificates: Acoustical units, each type, in accordance

with specification requirements.


A. Standard definitions as defined in ASTM C634.

B. Terminology as defined in ASTM E1264.


A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to extent

referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by basic

designation only.

B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

A641/A641M-98.....Zinc-coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire

A653/A653M-01.....Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron

Alloy-coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process

C423-01...........Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by

the Reverberation Room Method

C634-01...........Standard Terminology Relating to Environmental


C635-00...........Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-

in Panel Ceilings

C636-96...........Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for

Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels

09 51 00 - 2

E84-01............Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

E119-00...........Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials

E413-87 (R1999)...Classification for Rating Sound Insulation.

E1264-98..........Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products



A. ASTM C635, heavy-duty system, except as otherwise specified.

1. Ceiling suspension system members may be fabricated from either of

the following unless specified otherwise.

a. Galvanized cold-rolled steel, bonderized.

b. Extruded aluminum.

c. Fire resistant plastic (glass fiber) having a flame spread and

smoke developed rating of not more than 25 when tested in

accordance with ASTM E84.

2. Use same construction for cross runners as main runners. Use of

lighter-duty sections for cross runners is not acceptable.

B. Exposed grid suspension system for support of lay-in panels:

1. Exposed grid width not less than 24 mm (15/16 inch) with not less

than 8 mm (5/16 inch) panel bearing surface.

2. Fabricate wall molding and other special molding from the same

material with same exposed width and finish as the exposed grid


3. On exposed metal surfaces apply baked-on enamel flat texture finish

in color to match adjacent acoustical units.


A. Vinyl, polyethylene or polyurethane open cell sponge material having

density of 1.3 plus or minus 10 percent, compression set less than 10

percent with pressure sensitive adhesive coating on one side.

B. Thickness as required to fill voids between back of wall molding and

finish wall.

C. Not less than 9 mm (3/8 inch) wide strip.

2.3 WIRE

A. ASTM A641.

B. For wire hangers: Minimum diameter 2.68 mm (0.1055 inch).

C. For bracing wires: Minimum diameter 3.43 mm (0.1350 inch).


A. Use anchors or inserts to support twice the loads imposed by hangers

attached thereto.

B. Hanger Inserts:

09 51 00 - 3

1. Fabricate inserts from steel, zinc-coated (galvanized after


2. Flush ceiling insert type:

a. Designed to provide a shell covered opening over a wire loop to

permit attachment of hangers and keep concrete out of insert


b. Insert opening inside shell approximately 16 mm (5/8 inch) wide by

9 mm (3/8 inch) high over top of wire.

c. Wire 5 mm (3/16 inch) diameter with length to provide positive

hooked anchorage in concrete.

C. Clips:

1. Galvanized steel.

2. Designed to clamp to steel beam or bar joists, or secure framing

member together.

3. Designed to rigidly secure framing members together.

4. Designed to sustain twice the loads imposed by hangers or items


D. Tile Splines: ASTM C635.


A. Fabricate from cold-rolled or hot-rolled steel, black asphaltic paint

finish, free of rust.

B. Weighing not less than the following, per 300 m (per thousand linear


Size mm

Size Inches

Cold-rolled Kg Pound

Hot-rolled Kg Pound

38 1 1/2 215.4 475 508 1120

50 2 267.6 590 571.5 1260


A. ASTM D1779, having flame spread index of 25 or less when tested in

accordance with ASTM E84.

B. Developing minimum strength of 5 kg/m2 (one psi) of contact surface 48

hours after installation in temperature of 21 °C (70 °F).


A. General:

1. ASTM E1264, weighing 3.6 kg/m2 (1.05 psf) minimum for mineral fiber

panels or tile.

2. Class A Flame Spread: ASTM 84

3. Minimum NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient): 0.50 unless specified

otherwise: ASTM C423.

09 51 00 - 4

4. Minimum CAC (Ceiling Attenuation Class): 35 range unless specified

otherwise: ASTM E413.

5. Manufacturers standard finish, minimum Light Reflectance (LR)

coefficient of 0.87 on the exposed surfaces, except as specified

otherwise in Section SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.

6. Lay-in panels: 609 x 609 mm (2 x 2 feet), with beveled tegular edges.

B. Type III Units - Mineral base with painted finish, Form 2 - Water

felted, minimum 16 mm (5/8 inch) thick.


A. Markers:

1. Use colored markers with pressure sensitive adhesive on one side.

2. Make colored markers of paper of plastic, 6 to 9 mm (1/4 to 3/8 inch)

in diameter.

B. Use markers of the same diameter throughout building.

C. Color Code: Use following color markers for service identification:


Red.....................Sprinkler System: Valves and Controls

Green...................Domestic Water: Valves and Controls

Yellow..................Chilled Water and Heating Water

Orange..................Ductwork: Fire Dampers

Blue....................Ductwork: Dampers and Controls

Black...................Gas: Laboratory, Medical, Air and Vacuum



A. Treatment of ceilings shall include sides and soffits of ceiling beams,

furred work 600 mm (24 inches) wide and over, and vertical surfaces at

changes in ceiling heights unless otherwise shown.

B. Lay out acoustical units symmetrically about center lines of each room

or space unless shown otherwise on reflected ceiling plan.

C. Moldings:

1. Install metal wall molding at perimeter of room, column, or edge at

vertical surfaces.

2. Install special shaped molding at changes in ceiling heights and at

other breaks in ceiling construction to support acoustical units and

to conceal their edges.

D. Perimeter Seal:

1. Install perimeter seal between vertical leg of wall molding and

finish wall, partition, and other vertical surfaces.

2. Install perimeter seal to finish flush with exposed faces of

horizontal legs of wall molding.

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
color to match existing
Typewritten Text
as closely as possible, submit sample for approval.
Typewritten Text

09 51 00 - 5


A. General:

1. Install metal suspension system for acoustical tile and lay-in panels

in accordance with ASTM C636, except as specified otherwise.

2. Use direct or indirect hung suspension system or combination thereof

as defined in ASTM C635.

3. Support a maximum area of 1.48 m2 (16 sf) of ceiling per hanger.

4. Prevent deflection in excess of 1/360 of span of cross runner and

main runner.

5. Provide extra hangers, minimum of one hanger at each corner of each

item of mechanical, electrical and miscellaneous equipment supported

by ceiling suspension system not having separate support or hangers.

6. Provide not less than 100 mm (4 inch) clearance from the exposed face

of the acoustical units to the underside of ducts, pipe, conduit,

secondary suspension channels, concrete beams or joists; and steel

beam or bar joist unless furred system is shown,

7. Use main runners not less than 1200 mm (48 inches) in length.

8. Install hanger wires vertically. Angled wires are not acceptable

except for seismic restraint bracing wires.

B. Anchorage to Structure:

1. Steel:

a. When steel framing does not permit installation of hanger wires at

spacing required, install carrying channels for attachment of

hanger wires.

(1) Size and space carrying channels to insure that the maximum

deflection specified will not be exceeded.

(2) Attach hangers to steel carrying channels, spaced four feet on

center, unless area supported or deflection exceeds the amount


b. Attach carrying channels to the bottom flange of steel beams

spaced not 1200 mm (4 feet) on center before fireproofing is

installed. Weld or use steel clips to attach to beam to develop

full strength of carrying channel.

c. Attach hangers to bottom chord of bar joists or to carrying

channels installed between the bar joists when hanger spacing

prevents anchorage to joist. Rest carrying channels on top of the

bottom chord of the bar joists, and securely wire tie or clip to


C. Direct Hung Suspension System:

1. As illustrated in ASTM C635.

09 51 00 - 6

2. Support main runners by hanger wires attached directly to the

structure overhead.

3. Maximum spacing of hangers, 1200 mm (4 feet) on centers unless

interference occurs by mechanical systems. Use indirect hung

suspension system where not possible to maintain hanger spacing.

D. Indirect Hung Suspension System:

1. As illustrated in ASTM C635.

2. Space carrying channels for indirect hung suspension system not more

than 1200 mm (4 feet) on center. Space hangers for carrying channels

not more than 2400 mm (8 feet) on center or for carrying channels

less than 1200 mm (4 feet) or center so as to insure that specified

requirements are not exceeded.

3. Support main runners by specially designed clips attached to carrying



A. Cut acoustic units for perimeter borders and penetrations to fit tight

against penetration for joint not concealed by molding.

B. Install lay-in acoustic panels in exposed grid with not less than 6 mm

(1/4 inch) bearing at edges on supports.

1. Install tile to lay level and in full contact with exposed grid.

2. Replace cracked, broken, stained, dirty, or tile not cut for minimum


C. Markers:

1. Install markers of color code specified to identify the various

concealed piping, mechanical, and plumbing systems.

2. Attach colored markers to exposed grid on opposite sides of the units

providing access.

3. Attach marker on exposed ceiling surface of upward access acoustical



A. Replace damaged, discolored, dirty, cracked and broken acoustical units.

B. Leave finished work free from defects.

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09 91 00 - 1




A. Section specifies field painting.

B. Section specifies prime coats that may be applied in shop under other


C. Painting includes shellacs, stains, varnishes, coatings specified, and

striping or markers and identity markings.



A. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:

Before work is started, or sample panels are prepared, submit

manufacturer's literature, the current Master Painters Institute (MPI)

"Approved Product List" indicating brand label, product name and product

code as of the date of contract award, will be used to determine

compliance with the submittal requirements of this specification. The

Contractor may choose to use subsequent MPI "Approved Product List",

however, only one list may be used for the entire contract and each

coating system is to be from a single manufacturer. All coats on a

particular substrate must be from a single manufacturer. No variation

from the MPI "Approved Product List" where applicable is acceptable.

C. Sample Panels:

1. After painters' materials have been approved and before work is

started submit sample panels showing each type of finish and color


2. Panels to show color: Composition board, 100 by 250 by 3 mm (4 inch

by 10 inch by 1/8 inch).

3. Panel to show transparent finishes: Wood of same species and grain

pattern as wood approved for use, 100 by 250 by 3 mm (4 inch by 10

inch face by 1/4 inch) thick minimum, and where both flat and edge

grain will be exposed, 250 mm (10 inches) long by sufficient size, 50

by 50 mm (2 by 2 inch) minimum or actual wood member to show complete


4. Attach labels to panel stating the following:

a. Federal Specification Number or manufacturers name and product

number of paints used.

b. Specification code number specified in Section, 09 06 00, SCHEDULE


c. Product type and color.

09 91 00 - 2

d. Name of project.

5. Strips showing not less than 50 mm (2 inch) wide strips of undercoats

and 100 mm (4 inch) wide strip of finish coat.

D. Sample of identity markers if used.

E. Manufacturers' Certificates indicating compliance with specified


1. Manufacturer's paint substituted for Federal Specification paints meets or exceeds performance of paint specified.

2. Epoxy coating. 1.4 DELIVERY AND STORAGE

A. Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's sealed container marked to

show following:

1. Name of manufacturer.

2. Product type.

3. Batch number.

4. Instructions for use.

5. Safety precautions.

B. In addition to manufacturer's label, provide a label legibly printed as


1. Federal Specification Number, where applicable, and name of material.

2. Surface upon which material is to be applied.

3. If paint or other coating, state coat types; prime, body or finish.

C. Maintain space for storage, and handling of painting materials and

equipment in a neat and orderly condition to prevent spontaneous

combustion from occurring or igniting adjacent items.

D. Store materials at site at least 24 hours before using, at a temperature

between 18 and 30 degrees C (65 and 85 degrees F).


A. Publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by basic

designation only.

B. American Conference Of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH):

ACGIH TLV-BKLT-1992.....Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for Chemical

Substances and Physical Agents and Biological

Exposure Indices (BEIs)

ACGIH TLV-DOC...........Documentation of Threshold Limit Values and

Biological Exposure Indices, (Sixth Edition)

C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI):

A13.1-96................Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems

D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

09 91 00 - 3

D260-86..........Boiled Linseed Oil

E. Commercial Item Description (CID):

A-A-1272................Plaster, Gypsum (Spackling Compound)

A-A-1555................Water Paint, Powder (Cementitious, White and

Colors) (WPC) (cancelled)

F. Federal Specifications (Fed Spec):

P-W-155C................Wax Floor, Water-Emulsion INT AMD 1

TT-F-322D...............Filler, Two-Component Type, For Dents, Cracks

INT AMD 1...............Small-Hole and Blow-Holes

TT-F-340C...............Filler, Wood, Plastic

G. Master Painters Institute (MPI):

No. 18-02...............Organic Zinc Rich Coating

No. 26-02...............Cementitious Galvanized Metal Primer

No. 31-02...............Polyurethane, Moisture Cured, Clear Gloss (PV)

No. 36-02...............Knot Sealer

No. 43-02...............Interior Satin Latex

No. 44-02...............Interior Low Sheen Latex

No. 45-02...............Interior Primer Sealer

No. 46-02...............Interior Enamel Undercoat

No. 47-02...............Interior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (AK)

No. 48-02...............Interior Alkyd, Gloss (AK)

No. 49-02...............Interior Alkyd, Flat (AK)

No. 50-02...............Interior Latex Primer Sealer

No. 51-02...............Interior Alkyd, Eggshell

No. 52-02...............Interior Latex, MPI Gloss Level 3 (LE)

No. 53-02...............Interior Latex, Flat, MPI Gloss Level 1 (LE)

No. 54-02...............Interior Latex, Semi-Gloss, MPI Gloss Level 5


No. 71-02...............Polyurethane, Moisture Cured, Clear, Flat (PV)

No. 77-02...............Epoxy Cold Cured, Gloss (EC)

No. 79-02...............Marine Alkyd Metal Primer

No. 90-02...............Interior Wood Stain, Semi-Transparent (WS)

No. 91-02...............Wood Filler Paste

No. 94-02...............Exterior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (EO)

No. 95-02...............Fast Drying Metal Primer

No. 98-02...............High Build Epoxy Coating

No. 101-02..............Cold Curing Epoxy Primer

No. 108-02..............High Build Epoxy Marine Coating (EC)

No. 114-02..............Interior Latex, Gloss (LE) and (LG)

No. 119-02..............Exterior Latex, High Gloss (acrylic) (AE)

09 91 00 - 4

No. MPI 135-02..........Non-Cementitious Galvanized Primer

H. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC):

SSPC SP 1-00............Solvent Cleaning

SSPC SP 2-00............Hand Tool Cleaning

SSPC SP 3-00............Power Tool Cleaning

I. Western Wood Products Association (WWPA):

Research Note 312- Revised Jan 30, 1985 Painting Over Knots



A. Floor Wax: Fed Spec P-W-155 (Wax Floor, Water-Emulsion).

B. Putty: Fed Spec A-A-378, Type II (Putty, Linseed Oil Type).

C. Cementitious Paint (CEP): TT-P-1411A [Paint, Copolymer-Resin,

Cementitious (CEP)], Type II for interior use.

D. Wood Sealer: MPI 31 (gloss) or MPI 71 (flat) thinned with thinner

recommended by manufacturer at rate of about one part of thinner to four

parts of varnish.

E. Plastic Tape:

1. Pigmented vinyl plastic film in colors as specified in Section 09 06


2. Pressure sensitive adhesive back.

3. Widths as shown.

F. Identity markers options:

1. Pressure sensitive vinyl markers.

2. Snap-on coil plastic markers.

G. Organic Zinc rich Coating (HR): MPI 22.

H. Cementitious Galvanized Metal Primer: MPI 26.

I. Knot Sealer: MPI 36.

J. Interior Satin Latex: MPI 43.

K. Interior Low Sheen Latex: MPI 44.

L. Interior Primer Sealer: MPI 45.

M. Interior Enamel Undercoat: MPI 47.

N. Interior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (AK): MPI 47.

O. Interior Alkyd, Gloss (AK): MPI 49.

P. Interior Latex Primer Sealer: MPI 50.

Q. Interior Alkyd, Eggshell: MPI 51

R. Interior Latex, MPI Gloss Level 3 (LE): MPI 52.

S. Interior Latex, Flat, MPI Gloss Level 1 (LE): MPI 53.

T. Interior Latex, Semi-Gloss, MPI Gloss Level 5 (LE): MPI 54.

U. Epoxy Cold Cured, Gloss (EC): MPI 77.

V. Marine Alkyd Metal primer: MPI 79.

09 91 00 - 5

W. Interior Wood Stain, Semi-Transparent (WS): MPI 90.

X. Wood Filler Paste: MPI 91.

Y. Fast Drying Metal Primer: MPI 95.

Z. High Build Epoxy Coating: MPI 98.

AA. Cold Curing Epoxy Primer: MPI 101.

BB. High Build Epoxy Marine Coating (EC): MPI 108.

CC. Interior latex, Gloss (LE) and (LG): MPI 114.

DD. Exterior Latex, High Gloss (acrylic) (AE): MPI 119.

EE. Waterborne Galvanized Primer: MPI 134.

FF. Non-Cementitious Galvanized Primer: MPI 135.


A. Use ready-mixed (including colors), except two component epoxies,

polyurethanes, polyesters, paints having metallic powders packaged

separately and paints requiring specified additives.

B. Where no requirements are given in the referenced specifications for

primers, use primers with pigment and vehicle, compatible with substrate

and finish coats specified.


A. Paint materials shall conform to the restrictions of the local

Environmental and Toxic Control jurisdiction.

1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC): VOC content of paint materials

shall not exceed local, state or district requirements.

2. Lead-Base Paint:

a. Comply with Section 410 of the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning

Prevention Act, as amended, and with implementing regulations

promulgated by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

b. Regulations concerning prohibition against use of lead-based paint

in federal and federally assisted construction, or rehabilitation

of residential structures are set forth in Subpart F, Title 24,

Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Housing and Urban


3. Asbestos: Materials shall not contain asbestos.

4. Chromate, Cadmium, Mercury, and Silica: Materials shall not contain

zinc-chromate, strontium-chromate, Cadmium, mercury or mercury

compounds or free crystalline silica.

5. Human Carcinogens: Materials shall not contain any of the ACGIH-BKLT

and ACGHI-DOC confirmed or suspected human carcinogens.

09 91 00 - 6



A. Safety: Observe required safety regulations and manufacturer's warning

and instructions for storage, handling and application of painting


1. Take necessary precautions to protect personnel and property from

hazards due to falls, injuries, toxic fumes, fire, explosion, or

other harm.

2. Deposit soiled cleaning rags and waste materials in metal containers

approved for that purpose. Dispose of such items off the site at end

of each days work.

B. Atmospheric and Surface Conditions:

1. Do not apply coating when air or substrate conditions are:

a. Less than 3 degrees C (5 degrees F) above dew point.

b. Below 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) or over 35 degrees C (95 degrees

F), unless specifically pre-approved by the Contracting Officer

and the product manufacturer. Under no circumstances shall

application conditions exceed manufacturer recommendations.

2. Maintain interior temperatures until paint dries hard.

3. Do not paint in direct sunlight or on surfaces that the sun will soon


4. Apply only on clean, dry and frost free surfaces except as follows:

a. Apply water thinned acrylic and cementitious paints to damp (not

wet) surfaces where allowed by manufacturer's printed


5. Varnishing:

a. Apply in clean areas and in still air.

b. Before varnishing vacuum and dust area.

c. Immediately before varnishing wipe down surfaces with a tack rag.


A. Method of surface preparation is optional, provided results of finish

painting produce solid even color and texture specified with no


B. General:

1. Remove prefinished items not to be painted such as lighting fixtures,

escutcheon plates, hardware, trim, and similar items for

reinstallation after paint is dried.

2. Remove items for reinstallation and complete painting of such items

and adjacent areas when item or adjacent surface is not accessible or

finish is different.

09 91 00 - 7

3. See other sections of specifications for specified surface conditions

and prime coat.

4. Clean surfaces for painting with materials and methods compatible

with substrate and specified finish. Remove any residue remaining

from cleaning agents used.

C. Wood:

1. Sand to a smooth even surface and then dust off.

2. Sand surfaces showing raised grain smooth between each coat.

3. Wipe surface with a tack rag prior to applying finish.

4. Surface painted with an opaque finish:

a. Coat knots, sap and pitch streaks with MPI 36 (Knot Sealer) before

applying paint.

b. Apply two coats of MPI 36 (Knot Sealer) over large knots.

5. After application of prime or first coat of stain, fill cracks, nail

and screw holes, depressions and similar defects with TT-F-340C

(Filler, Wood, Plastic) or A-A-378 (Putty, Linseed Oil Type). Use TT-

F-340C (Filler, Wood, Plastic) for transparent finish, to match wood.

Sand the surface to make smooth and finish flush with adjacent


6. Before applying finish coat, reapply TT-340C (Filler, Wood, Plastic)

or A-A-378 (Putty, Linseed Oil Type) if required, and sand surface to

remove surface blemishes. Finish flush with adjacent surfaces.

7. Fill open grained wood such as oak, walnut, ash and mahogany with MPI

91 (Wood Filler Paste), colored to match wood color.

a. Thin filler in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for


b. Remove excess filler, wipe as clean as possible, dry, and sand as


D. Ferrous Metals:

1. Remove oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, flux and

other detrimental foreign matter in accordance with SSPC-SP 1

(Solvent Cleaning).

2. Remove loose mill scale, rust, and paint, by hand or power tool

cleaning, as defined in SSPC-SP 2 (Hand Tool Cleaning) and SSPC-SP 3

(Power Tool Cleaning). Exception: where high temperature aluminum

paint is used, prepare surface in accordance with paint

manufacturer's instructions.

3. Fill dents, holes and similar voids and depressions in flat exposed

surfaces of hollow steel doors and frames, access panels, and similar

items specified to have semi-gloss or gloss finish with TT-F-322D

09 91 00 - 8

(Filler, Two-Component Type, For Dents, Small Holes and Blow-Holes).

Finish flush with adjacent surfaces.

a. This includes flat head countersunk screws used for permanent


b. Do not fill screws of item intended for removal such as glazing


4. Spot prime abraded and damaged areas in shop prime coat that expose

bare metal with same type of paint used for prime coat. Feather edge

of spot prime to produce smooth finish coat.

5. Spot prime abraded and damaged areas that expose bare metal of

factory finished items with paint as recommended by manufacturer of


E. Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Metal Surfaces Specified Painted:

1. Clean surfaces to remove grease, oil and other deterrents to paint

adhesion in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 (Solvent Cleaning).

2. Spot coat abraded and damaged areas of zinc-coating which expose base

metal on hot-dip zinc-coated items with MPI 18 (Organic Zinc Rich

Coating). Prime or spot prime with MPI 134 (Waterborne Galvanized

Primer) or MPI 135 (Non- Cementitious Galvanized Primer) depending on

finish coat compatibility.

F. Gypsum Board:

1. Remove finishing materials.

2. Remove dust, dirt, and other deterrents to paint adhesion.

3. Fill holes, cracks, and other depressions with CID-A-A-1272A

[Plaster, Gypsum (Spackling Compound) finished flush with adjacent

surface, with texture to match texture of adjacent surface. Patch

holes over 25 mm (1-inch) in diameter as specified in Section for

plaster or gypsum board.


A. Thoroughly mix painting materials to ensure uniformity of color,

complete dispersion of pigment and uniform composition.

B. Do not thin unless necessary for application and when finish paint is

used for body and prime coats. Use materials and quantities for thinning

as specified in manufacturer's printed instructions.

C. Remove paint skins, then strain paint through commercial paint strainer

to remove lumps and other particles.

D. Mix two component and two part paint and those requiring additives in

such a manner as to uniformly blend as specified in manufacturer's

printed instructions unless specified otherwise.

09 91 00 - 9

E. For tinting required to produce exact shades specified, use color

pigment recommended by the paint manufacturer.


A. Start of surface preparation or painting will be construed as acceptance

of the surface as satisfactory for the application of materials.

B. Unless otherwise specified, apply paint in three coats; prime, body, and

finish. When two coats applied to prime coat are the same, first coat

applied over primer is body coat and second coat is finish coat.

C. Apply each coat evenly and cover substrate completely.

D. Allow not less than 48 hours between application of succeeding coats,

except as allowed by manufacturer's printed instructions, and approved

by Resident Engineer.

E. Finish surfaces to show solid even color, free from runs, lumps, brush

marks, laps, holidays, or other defects.

F. Apply by brush, roller or spray, except as otherwise specified.

G. Do not spray paint in existing occupied spaces unless approved by

Resident Engineer, except in spaces sealed from existing occupied


1. Apply painting materials specifically required by manufacturer to be

applied by spraying.

2. In areas, where paint is applied by spray, mask or enclose with

polyethylene, or similar air tight material with edges and seams

continuously sealed including items specified in WORK NOT PAINTED,

motors, controls, telephone, and electrical equipment, fronts of

sterilizes and other recessed equipment and similar prefinished


H. Do not paint in closed position operable items such as access doors and

panels, and similar items.


A. After surface preparation prime surfaces before application of body and

finish coats, except as otherwise specified.

B. Spot prime and apply body coat to damaged and abraded painted surfaces

before applying succeeding coats.

C. Additional field applied prime coats over shop or factory applied prime

coats are not required except for exterior exposed steel apply an

additional prime coat.

D. Prime rebates for stop and face glazing of wood, and for face glazing of


E. Wood:

1. Use same kind of primer specified for exposed face surface.

09 91 00 - 10

a. Interior wood except for transparent finish: MPI 45 (Interior

Primer Sealer) or MPI 46 (Interior Enamel Undercoat), thinned if

recommended by manufacturer.

b. Transparent finishes as specified under Transparent Finishes on

Wood except Floors.

2. Apply one coat of primer MPI 7 (Exterior Oil Wood Primer) or MPI 5

(Exterior Alkyd Wood Primer) or sealer MPI 45 (Interior Primer

Sealer) or MPI 46 (Interior Enamel Undercoat) as soon as delivered to

site to surfaces of unfinished woodwork, except concealed surfaces of

shop fabricated or assembled millwork and surfaces specified to have

varnish, stain or natural finish.

F. Metals except boilers, incinerator stacks, and engine exhaust pipes:

1. Steel and iron: MPI 95 (Fast Drying Metal Primer).

2. Zinc-coated steel and iron: MPI 134 (Waterborne Galvanized Primer) or

MPI 135 (Non-Cementitious Galvanized Primer).

G. Gypsum Board:

1. Surfaces scheduled to have MPI 53 (Interior Latex, Flat), MPI Gloss

Level 1 LE)), MPI 52 (Interior Latex, MPI Gloss Level 3 (LE)) and MPI

54 (Interior Latex, Semi-Gloss, MPI Gloss Level 5 (LE)) finish: Use

MPI 53 (Interior Latex, MPI Gloss Level 3 (LE)), MPI 52 (Interior

Latex, MPI Gloss Level 3 (LE)), and MPI 54 (Interior Latex, Semi-

Gloss, MPI Gloss Level 5 (LE)).

2. Primer: MPI 50(Interior Latex Primer Sealer) except use MPI 45

(Interior Primer Sealer) in shower and bathrooms.

3. Surfaces scheduled to receive vinyl coated fabric wallcovering:

Use MPI 45 (Interior Primer Sealer).

4. Use MPI 101 (Cold Curing Epoxy Primer) for surfaces scheduled to

receive MPI 77 (Epoxy Cold Cured, Gloss (EC) or MPI 98 (High Build

Epoxy Coating).


A. Apply following finish coats over prime coats in spaces or on surfaces

specified in Section 09 06 00, SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.

B. Metal Work:

1. Apply to exposed surfaces.

2. Omit body and finish coats on surfaces concealed after installation

except electrical conduit containing conductors over 600 volts.

3. Ferrous Metal, Galvanized Metal, and Other Metals Scheduled:

a. Apply two coats of MPI 47 (Interior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (AK)) unless

specified otherwise.

C. Gypsum Board:

09 91 00 - 11

1. One coat of MPI 45 (Interior Primer Sealer) or MPI 46 (Interior

Enamel Undercoat) plus one coat of MPI 139 (Interior High Performance

Latex, MPI Gloss level 3 (LL)).

2. Two coats of MPI 138 (Interior High Performance Latex, MPI Gloss

Level 2 (LF)).

3. One coat of MPI 45 (Interior Primer Sealer) or MPI 46 (Interior

Enamel Undercoat) plus one coat of MPI 54 (Interior Latex, Semi-

Gloss, MPI Gloss Level 5 (LE)).

D. Wood:

1. Sanding:

a. Use 220-grit sandpaper.

b. Sand sealers and varnish between coats.

c. Sand enough to scarify surface to assure good adhesion of

subsequent coats, to level roughly applied sealer and varnish, and

to knock off "whiskers" of any raised grain as well as dust


2. Sealers:

a. Apply sealers specified except sealer may be omitted where

pigmented, penetrating, or wiping stains containing resins are


b. Allow manufacturer's recommended drying time before sanding, but

not less than 24 hours or 36 hours in damp or muggy weather.

c. Sand as specified.

3. Paint Finish:

a. One coat of MPI 46 (Interior Enamel Undercoat) plus one coat of

MPI 47 (Interior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (AK)) (SG).

4. Transparent Finishes on Wood Except Floors.

a. Natural Finish:

1) One coat of sealer as written in 2.1 E.

2) Two coats of MPI 71 (Polyurethane, Moisture Cured, Clear Flat


b. Stain Finish:

1) One coat of MPI 90 (Interior Wood Stain, Semi-Transparent


2) Use wood stain of type and color required to achieve finish

specified. Do not use varnish type stains.

3) One coat of sealer as written in 2.1 E.

4) Two coats of MPI 71 (Polyurethane, Moisture Cured, Clear Flat


c. Varnish Finish:

09 91 00 - 12

1) One coat of sealer as written in 2.1 E.

2) Two coats of MPI 71 (Polyurethane, Moisture Cured, Clear Flat


E. Miscellaneous:

1. Apply where specified in Section 09 06 00, SCHEDULE FOR FINISHES.


A. Clean, patch and repair existing surfaces as specified under surface


B. Remove and reinstall items as specified under surface preparation.

C. Remove existing finishes or apply separation coats to prevent non

compatible coatings from having contact.

D. Patched or Replaced Areas in Surfaces and Components: Apply spot prime

and body coats as specified for new work to repaired areas or replaced


E. Except where scheduled for complete painting apply finish coat over

plane surface to nearest break in plane, such as corner, reveal, or


F. Refinish areas as specified for new work to match adjoining work unless

specified or scheduled otherwise.

G. Coat knots and pitch streaks showing through old finish with MPI 36

(Knot Sealer) before refinishing.

H. Sand or dull glossy surfaces prior to painting.

I. Sand existing coatings to a feather edge so that transition between new

and existing finish will not show in finished work.


A. Color and gloss of finish coats shall be selected to match adjacent

surfaces and components in color and finish as closely as possible.

Provide three samples of each color and finish for approval by the

Contracting Officer or their Representative prior to application of any


B. Coat Colors:

1. Color of priming coat: Lighter than body coat.

2. Color of body coat: Lighter than finish coat.

3. Color prime and body coats to not show through the finish coat and to

mask surface imperfections or contrasts.

C. Painting, Caulking, Closures, and Fillers Adjacent to Casework:

1. Paint to match color of casework where casework has a paint finish.

2. Paint to match color of wall where casework is stainless steel,

plastic laminate, or varnished wood.

09 91 00 - 13


A. Field painting of mechanical and electrical consists of cleaning,

touching-up abraded shop prime coats, and applying prime, body and

finish coats to materials and equipment if not factory finished in space

scheduled to be finished.

B. Paint various systems specified in Divisions 23, and 24.

C. Paint after tests have been completed.

D. Omit prime coat from factory prime-coated items.

E. Finish painting of mechanical and electrical equipment is not required

when located in interstitial spaces, above suspended ceilings, in

concealed areas such as pipe and electric closets, pipe basements, pipe

tunnels, trenches, attics, roof spaces, shafts and furred spaces except

on electrical conduit containing feeders 600 volts or more.

F. Omit field painting of items specified in paragraph, Building and


G. Color:

1. Paint items to match surrounding surfaces.

2. Paint colors to match surrounding, except for following:

a. White: Exterior unfinished surfaces of enameled plumbing

fixtures. Insulation coverings on breeching and uptake inside

boiler house, drums and drum-heads, oil heaters, condensate tanks

and condensate piping.

b. Gray: Heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration

equipment (except as required to match surrounding surfaces), and

water and sewage treatment equipment and sewage ejection


c. Aluminum Color:. Ferrous metal on outside of boilers and in

connection with boiler settings including supporting doors and

door frames and fuel oil burning equipment, and steam generation

system (bare piping, fittings, hangers, supports, valves, traps

and miscellaneous iron work in contact with pipe).

d. Federal Safety Red: Exposed fire protection piping hydrants, post

indicators, electrical conducts containing fire alarm control

wiring, and fire alarm equipment.

e. Federal Safety Orange: .Entire lengths of electrical conduits

containing feeders 600 volts or more.

I. Apply paint systems on properly prepared and primed surface as follows:

1. Interior Locations:

a. Apply two coats of MPI 47 (Interior Alkyd, Semi-Gloss (AK)) to

following items:

09 91 00 - 14

1) Metal under 94 degrees C (200 degrees F) of items such as bare

piping, fittings, hangers and supports.

2) Equipment and systems such as hinged covers and frames for

control cabinets and boxes, cast-iron radiators, electric

conduits and panel boards.

3) Heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing equipment, and

machinery having shop prime coat and not factory finished.

b. Paint electrical conduits containing cables rated 600 volts or

more using two coats of MPI 94 (Exterior Alkyd, Semi-gloss (EO))

in the Federal Safety Orange color in exposed and concealed spaces

full length of conduit.

2. Other exposed locations:

a. Cloth jackets of insulation of ducts and pipes in connection with

plumbing, air conditioning, ventilating refrigeration and heating

systems: One coat of MPI 50 (Interior Latex Primer Sealer) and

one coat of MPI 10 (Exterior Latex, Flat (AE)).



A. Identify designated service in accordance with ANSI A13.1, unless

specified otherwise, on exposed piping, piping above removable ceilings,

piping in accessible pipe spaces, interstitial spaces, and piping behind

access panels.

1. Legend may be identified using 2.1 F options or by stencil


2. Apply legends adjacent to changes in direction, on branches, where

pipes pass through walls or floors, adjacent to operating accessories

such as valves, regulators, strainers and cleanouts a minimum of 12

000 mm (40 feet) apart on straight runs of piping. Identification

next to plumbing fixtures is not required.

3. Locate Legends clearly visible from operating position.

4. Use arrow to indicate direction of flow.

5. Identify pipe contents with sufficient additional details such as

temperature, pressure, and contents to identify possible hazard.

Insert working pressure shown on drawings where asterisk appears for

High, Medium, and Low Pressure designations as follows:

a. High Pressure - 414 kPa (60 psig) and above.

b. Medium Pressure - 104 to 413 Kpa (15 to 59 psig).

c. Low Pressure - 103 kPa (14 psig) and below.

d. Add Fuel oil grade numbers.

09 91 00 - 15

6. Legend name in full or in abbreviated form as follows:



Blow-off Yellow Black Blow-off

Boiler Feedwater Yellow Black Blr Feed

A/C Condenser Water Supply Green White A/C Cond Wtr Sup

A/C Condenser Water Return Green White A/C Cond Wtr Ret

Chilled Water Supply Green White Ch. Wtr Sup

Chilled Water Return Green White Ch. Wtr Ret

Shop Compressed Air Yellow Black Shop Air

Air-Instrument Controls Green White Air-Inst Cont

Drain Line Green White Drain

Emergency Shower Green White Emg Shower

High Pressure Steam Yellow Black H.P. ______*

High Pressure Condensate Return Yellow Black H.P. Ret ____*

Medium Pressure Steam Yellow Black M. P. Stm ____*

Medium Pressure Condensate Return Yellow Black M.P. Ret _____*

Low Pressure Steam Yellow Black L.P. Stm _____*

Low Pressure Condensate Return Yellow Black L.P. Ret _____*

High Temperature Water Supply Yellow Black H. Temp Wtr Sup

High Temperature Water Return Yellow Black H. Temp Wtr Ret

Hot Water Heating Supply Yellow Black H. W. Htg Sup

Hot Water Heating Return Yellow Black H. W. Htg Ret

Gravity Condensate Return Yellow Black Gravity Cond Ret

Pumped Condensate Return Yellow Black Pumped Cond Ret

Vacuum Condensate Return Yellow Black Vac Cond Ret

Fuel Oil - Grade Green White Fuel Oil-Grade __*

Boiler Water Sampling Yellow Black Sample

Chemical Feed Yellow Black Chem Feed

Continuous Blow-Down Yellow Black Cont. B D

Pumped Condensate Black Pump Cond

Pump Recirculating Yellow Black Pump-Recirc.

Vent Line Yellow Black Vent

Alkali Yellow Black Alk

Bleach Yellow Black Bleach

Detergent Yellow Black Det

Liquid Supply Yellow Black Liq Sup

Reuse Water Yellow Black Reuse Wtr

Cold Water (Domestic) White Green White C.W. Dom

09 91 00 - 16

Hot Water (Domestic)

Supply White Yellow Black H.W. Dom

Return White Yellow Black H.W. Dom Ret

Tempered Water White Yellow Black Temp. Wtr

Ice Water

Supply White Green White Ice Wtr

Return White Green White Ice Wtr Ret

Reagent Grade Water Green White RG

Reverse Osmosis Green White RO

Sanitary Waste Green White San Waste

Sanitary Vent Green White San Vent

Storm Drainage Green White St Drain

Pump Drainage Green White Pump Disch

Chemical Resistant Pipe

Waste Yellow Black Acid Waste

Vent Yellow Black Acid Vent

Atmospheric Vent Green White ATV

Silver Recovery Green White Silver Rec

Oral Evacuation Green White Oral Evac

Fuel Gas Yellow Black Gas

Fire Protection Water

Sprinkler Red White Auto Spr

Standpipe Red White Stand

Sprinkler Red White Drain

7. Electrical Conduits containing feeders over 600 volts, paint legends

using 50 mm (2 inch) high black numbers and letters, showing the

voltage class rating. Provide legends where conduits pass through

walls and floors and at maximum 6100 mm (20 foot) intervals in

between. Use labels with yellow background with black border and

words Danger High Voltage Class, Refer to ELECTRICAL for Voltages.

B. Fire Partitions:

1. Identify partitions above ceilings on both sides of partitions except

within shafts in letters not less than 64 mm (2 1/2 inches) high.

2. Stenciled message: "FIRE PARTITION" as applicable.

3. Locate not more than 6100 mm (20 feet) on center on corridor sides of

partitions, and with a least one message per room on room side of


4. Use semigloss paint of color that contrasts with color of substrate.

C. Identify columns in pipe basements and interstitial space:

09 91 00 - 17

1. Apply stenciled number and letters to correspond with grid numbering

and lettering shown.

2. Paint numbers and letters 100 mm (4 inches) high, locate 450 mm (18

inches) below overhead structural slab.

3. Apply on four sides of interior columns and on inside face only of

exterior wall columns.

4. Color:

a. Use black on concrete columns.

b. Use white or contrasting color on steel columns.


A. Protect work from paint droppings and spattering by use of masking, drop

cloths, removal of items or by other approved methods.

B. Upon completion, clean paint from hardware, glass and other surfaces and

items not required to be painted of paint drops or smears.

C. Before final inspection, touch-up or refinished in a manner to produce

solid even color and finish texture, free from defects in work that was

damaged or discolored.


Coordinate the following abbreviations used in SECTION 09 91 00,

PAINTING, with other Sections, and other COATING SECTIONS listed. Use

the same abbreviation and terms consistently.

Paint or coating Abbreviation

Acrylic Emulsion AE (MPI 10 – flat/MPI 11 – semigloss/MPI 119 -


Alkyd Flat Ak (MPI 49)

Alkyd Gloss Enamel G (MPI 48)

Alkyd Semigloss Enamel SG (MPI 47)

Cementitious Paint CEP (TT-P-1411)

Exterior Latex EL (MPI 10 / 11 / 119)

Exterior Oil EO (MPI 9 – gloss/MPI 8 – flat/MPI 94 –


Latex Emulsion LE (MPI 53, flat/MPI 52, eggshell/MPI 54,

semigloss/MPI 114, gloss

Latex Flat LF (MPI 138)

Latex Gloss LG (MPI 114)

Latex Semigloss SG (MPI 141)

Latex Low Luster LL (MPI 139)

Polyurethane Varnish PV (MPI 31 – gloss/MPI 71 - flat)

09 91 00 - 18

Water Paint, Cement WPC (CID-A-A-1555 - Water Paint, Powder).

Wood Stain WS (MPI 90)

- - - E N D - - -


23 05 11 - 1




A. The requirements of this Section apply to all sections of Division 23.

B. Definitions:

1. Exposed: Piping, ductwork, and equipment exposed to view in finished


2. Option or optional: Contractor's choice of an alternate material or


3. RE: Resident Engineer

4. COTR: Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative.






G. Section 23 31 00, HVAC DUCTS and CASINGS


A. Mechanical, electrical and associated systems shall be safe, reliable,

efficient, durable, easily and safely operable and maintainable, easily

and safely accessible, and in compliance with applicable codes as

specified. The systems shall be comprised of high quality institutional-

class and industrial-class products of manufacturers that are

experienced specialists in the required product lines. All construction

firms and personnel shall be experienced and qualified specialists in

industrial and institutional HVAC

B. Flow Rate Tolerance for HVAC Equipment: Section 23 05 93, TESTING,


C. Products Criteria:

1. Standard Products: Material and equipment shall be the standard

products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of

the products for at least 3 years (or longer as specified elsewhere).

The design, model and size of each item shall have been in

satisfactory and efficient operation on at least three installations

for approximately three years. However, digital electronics devices,


23 05 11 - 2

software and systems such as controls, instruments, computer work

station, shall be the current generation of technology and basic

design that has a proven satisfactory service record of at least

three years. See other specification sections for any exceptions

and/or additional requirements.

2. All items furnished shall be free from defects that would adversely

affect the performance, maintainability and appearance of individual

components and overall assembly.

3. Conform to codes and standards as required by the specifications.

Conform to local codes, if required by local authorities such as the

natural gas supplier, if the local codes are more stringent then

those specified. Refer any conflicts to the Resident Engineer.

4. Multiple Units: When two or more units of materials or equipment of

the same type or class are required, these units shall be products of

one manufacturer.

5. Assembled Units: Manufacturers of equipment assemblies, which use

components made by others, assume complete responsibility for the

final assembled product.

6. Nameplates: Nameplate bearing manufacturer's name or identifiable

trademark shall be securely affixed in a conspicuous place on

equipment, or name or trademark cast integrally with equipment,

stamped or otherwise permanently marked on each item of equipment.

7. Asbestos products or equipment or materials containing asbestos shall

not be used.

E. Equipment Service Organizations:

1. HVAC: Products and systems shall be supported by service

organizations that maintain a complete inventory of repair parts and

are located within 50 miles to the site.

F. HVAC Mechanical Systems Welding: Before any welding is performed,

contractor shall submit a certificate certifying that welders comply

with the following requirements:

1. Qualify welding processes and operators for piping according to ASME

"Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code", Section IX, "Welding and Brazing


2. Comply with provisions of ASME B31 series "Code for Pressure Piping".

3. Certify that each welder has passed American Welding Society (AWS)

qualification tests for the welding processes involved, and that

certification is current.

G. Execution (Installation, Construction) Quality:


23 05 11 - 3

1. Apply and install all items in accordance with manufacturer's written

instructions. Refer conflicts between the manufacturer's instructions

and the contract drawings and specifications to the Resident Engineer

for resolution. Provide written hard copies or computer files of

manufacturer’s installation instructions to the Resident Engineer at

least two weeks prior to commencing installation of any item.

Installation of the item will not be allowed to proceed until the

recommendations are received. Failure to furnish these

recommendations is a cause for rejection of the material.

2. Provide complete layout drawings required by Paragraph, SUBMITTALS.

Do not commence construction work on any system until the layout

drawings have been approved.

H. Upon request by Government, provide lists of previous installations for

selected items of equipment. Include contact persons who will serve as

references, with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.


A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA,

AND SAMPLES, and with requirements in the individual specification


B. Contractor shall make all necessary field measurements and

investigations to assure that the equipment and assemblies will meet

contract requirements.

C. If equipment is submitted which differs in arrangement from that shown,

provide drawings that show the rearrangement of all associated systems.

Approval will be given only if all features of the equipment and

associated systems, including accessibility, are equivalent to that

required by the contract.

D. Prior to submitting shop drawings for approval, contractor shall certify

in writing that manufacturers of all major items of equipment have each

reviewed drawings and specifications, and have jointly coordinated and

properly integrated their equipment and controls to provide a complete

and efficient installation.

E. Submittals and shop drawings for interdependent items, containing

applicable descriptive information, shall be furnished together and

complete in a group. Coordinate and properly integrate materials and

equipment in each group to provide a completely compatible and


F. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: Submit under the pertinent section

rather than under this section.


23 05 11 - 4

1. Submit belt drive with the driven equipment. Submit selection data

for specific drives when requested by the Resident Engineer.

2. Submit electric motor data and variable speed drive data with the

driven equipment.

3. Equipment and materials identification.

4. Fire-stopping materials.

5. Hangers, inserts, supports and bracing. Provide load calculations for

variable spring and constant support hangers.

6. Wall, floor, and ceiling plates.

G. HVAC Maintenance Data and Operating Instructions:

1. Maintenance and operating manuals in accordance with Section 01 00

00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Article, INSTRUCTIONS, for systems and


2. Provide a listing of recommended replacement parts for keeping in

stock supply, including sources of supply, for equipment. Include in

the listing belts for equipment: Belt manufacturer, model number,

size and style, and distinguished whether of multiple belt sets.

H. Provide copies of approved HVAC equipment submittals to the Testing,

Adjusting and Balancing Subcontractor.


A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the

basic designation only.

B. Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI):

430-2009................Central Station Air-Handling Units

C. American National Standard Institute (ANSI):

B31.1-2007..............Power Piping

D. Rubber Manufacturers Association (ANSI/RMA):

IP-20-2007..............Specifications for Drives Using Classical

V-Belts and Sheaves

IP-21-2009..............Specifications for Drives Using Double-V

(Hexagonal) Belts

IP-22-2007..............Specifications for Drives Using Narrow V-Belts

and Sheaves

E. Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA):

410-96..................Recommended Safety Practices for Air Moving


F. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME):

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC):

Section I-2007..........Power Boilers


23 05 11 - 5

Section IX-2007.........Welding and Brazing Qualifications

Code for Pressure Piping:

B31.1-2007..............Power Piping

G. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

A36/A36M-08.............Standard Specification for Carbon Structural


A575-96(2007)...........Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon,

Merchant Quality, M-Grades

E84-10..................Standard Test Method for Surface Burning

Characteristics of Building Materials

E119-09c................Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building

Construction and Materials

H. Manufacturers Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fittings

Industry, Inc:

SP-58-2009..............Pipe Hangers and Supports-Materials, Design and

Manufacture, Selection, Application, and


SP 69-2003..............Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and


SP 127-2001.............Bracing for Piping Systems, Seismic – Wind –

Dynamic, Design, Selection, Application

I. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): MG-1-2009...............Motors and Generators

J. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

31-06...................Standard for Installation of Oil-Burning


54-09...................National Fuel Gas Code

70-08...................National Electrical Code

85-07...................Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code

90A-09..................Standard for the Installation of Air

Conditioning and Ventilating Systems

101-09..................Life Safety Code


A. Protection of Equipment:

1. Equipment and material placed on the job site shall remain in the

custody of the Contractor until phased acceptance, whether or not the

Government has reimbursed the Contractor for the equipment and

material. The Contractor is solely responsible for the protection of

such equipment and material against any damage.


23 05 11 - 6

2. Place damaged equipment in first class, new operating condition; or,

replace same as determined and directed by the Resident Engineer.

Such repair or replacement shall be at no additional cost to the


3. Protect interiors of new equipment and piping systems against entry

of foreign matter. Clean both inside and outside before painting or

placing equipment in operation.

4. Existing equipment and piping being worked on by the Contractor shall

be under the custody and responsibility of the Contractor and shall

be protected as required for new work.

B. Cleanliness of Piping and Equipment Systems:

1. Exercise care in storage and handling of equipment and piping

material to be incorporated in the work. Remove debris arising from

cutting, threading and welding of piping.

2. Piping systems shall be flushed, blown or pigged as necessary to

deliver clean systems.

3. Clean interior of all tanks prior to delivery for beneficial use by

the Government.

4. Boilers shall be left clean following final internal inspection by

Government insurance representative or inspector.

5. Contractor shall be fully responsible for all costs, damage, and

delay arising from failure to provide clean systems.


A. Building Operation: Government employees will be continuously operating

and managing all facilities, including temporary facilities, that serve

the medical center.

B. Maintenance of Service: Schedule all work to permit continuous service

as required by the medical center.

C. Phasing of Work: Comply with all requirements shown on drawings or


D. Building Working Environment: Maintain the architectural and structural

integrity of the building and the working environment at all times.

Maintain the interior of building at 18 degrees C (65 degrees F)

minimum. Limit the opening of doors, windows or other access openings to

brief periods as necessary for rigging purposes. No storm water or

ground water leakage permitted. Provide daily clean-up of construction

and demolition debris on all floor surfaces and on all equipment being

operated by VA.

E. Acceptance of Work for Government Operation: As new facilities are made

available for operation and these facilities are of beneficial use to


23 05 11 - 7

the Government, inspections will be made and tests will be performed.

Based on the inspections, a list of contract deficiencies will be issued

to the Contractor. After correction of deficiencies as necessary for

beneficial use, the Contracting Officer will process necessary

acceptance and the equipment will then be under the control and



A. Provide maximum standardization of components to reduce spare part


B. Manufacturers of equipment assemblies that include components made by

others shall assume complete responsibility for final assembled unit.

1. All components of an assembled unit need not be products of same


2. Constituent parts that are alike shall be products of a single


3. Components shall be compatible with each other and with the total

assembly for intended service.

4. Contractor shall guarantee performance of assemblies of components,

and shall repair or replace elements of the assemblies as required to

deliver specified performance of the complete assembly.

C. Components of equipment shall bear manufacturer's name and trademark,

model number, serial number and performance data on a name plate

securely affixed in a conspicuous place, or cast integral with, stamped

or otherwise permanently marked upon the components of the equipment.

D. Major items of equipment, which serve the same function, must be the

same make and model. Exceptions will be permitted if performance

requirements cannot be met.


Equipment and materials installed shall be compatible in all respects

with other items being furnished and with existing items so that the

result will be a complete and fully operational plant that conforms to

contract requirements.


A. Type: ANSI/RMA standard V-belts with proper motor pulley and driven

sheave. Belts shall be constructed of reinforced cord and rubber.

B. Dimensions, rating and selection standards: ANSI/RMA IP-20 and IP-21.

C. Minimum Horsepower Rating: Motor horsepower plus recommended ANSI/RMA

service factor (not less than 20 percent) in addition to the ANSI/RMA

allowances for pitch diameter, center distance, and arc of contact.

D. Maximum Speed: 25 m/s (5000 feet per minute).


23 05 11 - 8

E. Adjustment Provisions: For alignment and ANSI/RMA standard allowances

for installation and take-up.

F. Drives may utilize a single V-Belt (any cross section) when it is the

manufacturer's standard.

G. Multiple Belts: Matched to ANSI/RMA specified limits by measurement on a

belt measuring fixture. Seal matched sets together to prevent mixing or

partial loss of sets. Replacement, when necessary, shall be an entire

set of new matched belts.

H. Sheaves and Pulleys:

1. Material: Pressed steel, or close grained cast iron.

2. Bore: Fixed or bushing type for securing to shaft with keys.

3. Balanced: Statically and dynamically.

4. Groove spacing for driving and driven pulleys shall be the same.

I. Drive Types, Based on ARI 435:

1. Provide adjustable-pitch //or fixed-pitch// drive as follows:

a. Fan speeds up to 1800 RPM: 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) and smaller.

b. Fan speeds over 1800 RPM: 2.2 kW (3 horsepower) and smaller.

2. Provide fixed-pitch drives for drives larger than those listed above.

3. The final fan speeds required to just meet the system CFM and

pressure requirements, without throttling, shall be determined by

adjustment of a temporary adjustable-pitch motor sheave or by fan law

calculation if a fixed-pitch drive is used initially.


A. For machinery and equipment, provide guards as shown in AMCA 410 for

belts, chains, couplings, pulleys, sheaves, shafts, gears and other

moving parts regardless of height above the floor to prevent damage to

equipment and injury to personnel. Drive guards may be excluded where

motors and drives are inside factory fabricated air handling unit


B. Pump shafts and couplings shall be fully guarded by a sheet steel guard,

covering coupling and shaft but not bearings. Material shall be minimum

16-gage sheet steel; ends shall be braked and drilled and attached to

pump base with minimum of four 6 mm (1/4-inch) bolts. Reinforce guard as

necessary to prevent side play forcing guard onto couplings.

C. V-belt and sheave assemblies shall be totally enclosed, firmly mounted,

non-resonant. Guard shall be an assembly of minimum 22-gage sheet steel

and expanded or perforated metal to permit observation of belts. 25 mm

(one-inch) diameter hole shall be provided at each shaft centerline to

permit speed measurement.


23 05 11 - 9

D. Materials: Sheet steel, cast iron, expanded metal or wire mesh rigidly

secured so as to be removable without disassembling pipe, duct, or

electrical connections to equipment.

E. Access for Speed Measurement: 25 mm (One inch) diameter hole at each

shaft center.


Provide equipment with suitable lifting attachments to enable equipment

to be lifted in its normal position. Lifting attachments shall withstand

any handling conditions that might be encountered, without bending or

distortion of shape, such as rapid lowering and braking of load.


A. All material and equipment furnished and installation methods shall

conform to the requirements of Section 23 05 12, GENERAL MOTOR


electrical wiring, conduit, and devices necessary for the proper

connection, protection and operation of the systems. Provide special

energy efficient premium efficiency type motors as scheduled.


A. Use symbols, nomenclature and equipment numbers specified, shown on the

drawings and shown in the maintenance manuals.

B. Interior (Indoor) Equipment: Engraved nameplates, with letters not less

than 48 mm (3/16-inch) high of brass with black-filled letters, or rigid

black plastic with white letters specified in Section 09 91 00, PAINTING

permanently fastened to the equipment. Identify unit components such as

coils, filters, fans, etc.

C. Exterior (Outdoor) Equipment: Brass nameplates, with engraved black

filled letters, not less than 48 mm (3/16-inch) high riveted or bolted

to the equipment.

D. Control Items: Label all temperature and humidity sensors, controllers

and control dampers. Identify and label each item as they appear on the

control diagrams.


Mil. Spec. DOD-P-21035B, paint form.


A. Attachment to Steel Building Construction:

1. Welded attachment: MSS SP-58, Type 22.

2. Beam clamps: MSS SP-58, Types 20, 21, 28 or 29. Type 23 C-clamp may

be used for individual copper tubing up to 23mm (7/8-inch) outside



23 05 11 - 10

B. Attachment to existing structure: Support from existing floor/roof


C. Attachment to Wood Construction: Wood screws or lag bolts.

D. Hanger Rods: Hot-rolled steel, ASTM A36 or A575 for allowable load

listed in MSS SP-58. For piping, provide adjustment means for

controlling level or slope. Types 13 or 15 turn-buckles shall provide 38

mm (1-1/2 inches) minimum of adjustment and incorporate locknuts.

All-thread rods are acceptable.

E. Hangers Supporting Multiple Pipes (Trapeze Hangers): Galvanized, cold

formed, lipped steel channel horizontal member, not less than 41 mm by

41 mm (1-5/8 inches by 1-5/8 inches), 2.7 mm (No. 12 gage), designed to

accept special spring held, hardened steel nuts. Not permitted for steam

supply and condensate piping.

1. Allowable hanger load: Manufacturers rating less 91kg (200 pounds).

2. Guide individual pipes on the horizontal member of every other

trapeze hanger with 6 mm (1/4-inch) U-bolt fabricated from steel rod.

Provide Type 40 insulation shield, secured by two 13mm (1/2-inch)

galvanized steel bands, or preinsulated calcium silicate shield for

insulated piping at each hanger.

F. Supports for Piping Systems:

1. Select hangers sized to encircle insulation on insulated piping.

Refer to Section 23 07 11, HVAC, PLUMBING, AND BOILER PLANT

INSULATION for insulation thickness. To protect insulation, provide

Type 39 saddles for roller type supports or preinsulated calcium

silicate shields. Provide Type 40 insulation shield or preinsulated

calcium silicate shield at all other types of supports and hangers

including those for preinsulated piping.

2. Piping Systems except High and Medium Pressure Steam (MSS SP-58):

a. Standard clevis hanger: Type 1; provide locknut.

b. Riser clamps: Type 8.

c. Wall brackets: Types 31, 32 or 33.

d. Roller supports: Type 41, 43, 44 and 46.

e. Saddle support: Type 36, 37 or 38.

f. Turnbuckle: Types 13 or 15. Preinsulate.

g. U-bolt clamp: Type 24.

h. Copper Tube:

1) Hangers, clamps and other support material in contact with

tubing shall be painted with copper colored epoxy paint,

plastic coated or taped with non adhesive isolation tape to

prevent electrolysis.


23 05 11 - 11

2) For vertical runs use epoxy painted or plastic coated riser


3) For supporting tube to strut: Provide epoxy painted pipe straps

for copper tube or plastic inserted vibration isolation clamps.

4) Insulated Lines: Provide pre-insulated calcium silicate shields

sized for copper tube.

i. Supports for plastic or glass piping: As recommended by the pipe

manufacturer with black rubber tape extending one inch beyond

steel support or clamp.

3. High and Medium Pressure Steam (MSS SP-58):

a. Provide eye rod or Type 17 eye nut near the upper attachment.

b. Piping 50 mm (2 inches) and larger: Type 43 roller hanger. For

roller hangers requiring seismic bracing provide a Type 1 clevis

hanger with Type 41 roller attached by flat side bars.

4. Convertor and Expansion Tank Hangers: May be Type 1 sized for the

shell diameter. Insulation where required will cover the hangers.


A. Install sleeves during construction for other than blocked out floor

openings for risers in mechanical bays.

B. To prevent accidental liquid spills from passing to a lower level,

provide the following:

1. For sleeves: Extend sleeve 25 mm (one inch) above finished floor and

provide sealant for watertight joint.

2. For blocked out floor openings: Provide 40 mm (1-1/2 inch) angle set

in silicone adhesive around opening.

3. For drilled penetrations: Provide 40 mm (1-1/2 inch) angle ring or

square set in silicone adhesive around penetration.

C. Penetrations are not allowed through beams or ribs, but may be installed

in concrete beam flanges. Any deviation from these requirements must

receive prior approval of Resident Engineer.

D. Sheet Metal, Plastic, or Moisture-resistant Fiber Sleeves: Provide for

pipe passing through floors, interior walls, and partitions, unless

brass or steel pipe sleeves are specifically called for below.

E. Cast Iron or Zinc Coated Pipe Sleeves: Provide for pipe passing through

exterior walls below grade. Make space between sleeve and pipe

watertight with a modular or link rubber seal. Seal shall be applied at

both ends of sleeve.

F. Galvanized Steel or an alternate Black Iron Pipe with asphalt coating

Sleeves: Provide for pipe passing through concrete beam flanges, except

where brass pipe sleeves are called for. Provide sleeve for pipe passing


23 05 11 - 12

through floor of mechanical rooms, laundry work rooms, and animal rooms

above basement. Except in mechanical rooms, connect sleeve with floor


G. Brass Pipe Sleeves: Provide for pipe passing through quarry tile,

terrazzo or ceramic tile floors. Connect sleeve with floor plate.

H. Sleeves are not required for wall hydrants for fire department

connections or in drywall construction.

I. Sleeve Clearance: Sleeve through floors, walls, partitions, and beam

flanges shall be one inch greater in diameter than external diameter of

pipe. Sleeve for pipe with insulation shall be large enough to

accommodate the insulation. Interior openings shall be caulked tight

with fire stopping material and sealant to prevent the spread of fire,

smoke, and gases.

J. Sealant and Adhesives: Shall be as specified in Section 07 92 00, JOINT



A. Provide curbs for roof mounted piping, ductwork and equipment. Curbs

shall be 18 inches high with continuously welded seams, built-in cant

strip, interior baffle with acoustic insulation, curb bottom, hinged

curb adapter.

B. Provide firestopping for openings through fire and smoke barriers,

maintaining minimum required rating of floor, ceiling or wall assembly.

See section 07 84 00, FIRESTOPPING.


A. Furnish, and turn over to the Resident Engineer, tools not readily

available commercially, that are required for disassembly or adjustment

of equipment and machinery furnished.

B. Grease Guns with Attachments for Applicable Fittings: One for each type

of grease required for each motor or other equipment.

C. Refrigerant Tools: Provide system charging/Evacuation equipment, gauges,

fittings, and tools required for maintenance of furnished equipment.

D. Tool Containers: Hardwood or metal, permanently identified for in tended

service and mounted, or located, where directed by the Resident


E. Lubricants: A minimum of 0.95 L (one quart) of oil, and 0.45 kg (one

pound) of grease, of equipment manufacturer's recommended grade and

type, in unopened containers and properly identified as to use for each

different application.


23 05 11 - 13


A. Material and Type: Chrome plated brass or chrome plated steel, one piece

or split type with concealed hinge, with set screw for fastening to

pipe, or sleeve. Use plates that fit tight around pipes, cover openings

around pipes and cover the entire pipe sleeve projection.

B. Thickness: Not less than 2.4 mm (3/32-inch) for floor plates. For wall

and ceiling plates, not less than 0.64 mm (0.025-inch) for up to 80 mm

(3-inch pipe), 0.89 mm (0.035-inch) for larger pipe.

C. Locations: Use where pipe penetrates floors, walls and ceilings in

exposed locations, in finished areas only. Provide a watertight joint in

spaces where brass or steel pipe sleeves are specified.


Materials containing asbestos are not permitted.



A. Coordinate location of piping, sleeves, inserts, hangers, ductwork and

equipment. Locate piping, sleeves, inserts, hangers, ductwork and

equipment clear of windows, doors, openings, light outlets, and other

services and utilities. Prepare equipment layout drawings to coordinate

proper location and personnel access of all facilities. Submit the

drawings for review as required by Part 1. Follow manufacturer's

published recommendations for installation methods not otherwise


B. Operating Personnel Access and Observation Provisions: Select and

arrange all equipment and systems to provide clear view and easy access,

without use of portable ladders, for maintenance and operation of all

devices including, but not limited to: all equipment items, valves,

filters, strainers, transmitters, sensors, control devices. All gages

and indicators shall be clearly visible by personnel standing on the

floor or on permanent platforms. Do not reduce or change maintenance and

operating space and access provisions that are shown on the drawings.

C. Equipment and Piping Support: Coordinate structural systems necessary

for pipe and equipment support with pipe and equipment locations to

permit proper installation.

D. Location of pipe sleeves, trenches and chases shall be accurately

coordinated with equipment and piping locations.

E. Cutting Holes:

1. Cut holes through concrete and masonry by rotary core drill.

Pneumatic hammer, impact electric, and hand or manual hammer type


23 05 11 - 14

drill will not be allowed, except as permitted by Resident Engineer

where working area space is limited.

2. Locate holes to avoid interference with structural members such as

beams or grade beams. Holes shall be laid out in advance and drilling

done only after approval by Resident Engineer. If the Contractor

considers it necessary to drill through structural members, this

matter shall be referred to Resident Engineer for approval.

3. Do not penetrate membrane waterproofing.

F. Interconnection of Instrumentation or Control Devices: Generally,

electrical and pneumatic interconnections are not shown but must be


G. Minor Piping: Generally, small diameter pipe runs from drips and drains,

water cooling, and other service are not shown but must be provided.

H. Electrical Interconnection of Controls and Instruments: This generally

not shown but must be provided. This includes interconnections of

sensors, transmitters, transducers, control devices, control and

instrumentation panels, instruments and computer workstations. Comply

with NFPA-70.

I. Protection and Cleaning:

1. Equipment and materials shall be carefully handled, properly stored,

and adequately protected to prevent damage before and during

installation, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations

and as approved by the Resident Engineer. Damaged or defective items

in the opinion of the Resident Engineer, shall be replaced.

2. Protect all finished parts of equipment, such as shafts and bearings

where accessible, from rust prior to operation by means of protective

grease coating and wrapping. Close pipe openings with caps or plugs

during installation. Tightly cover and protect fixtures and equipment

against dirt, water chemical, or mechanical injury. At completion of

all work thoroughly clean fixtures, exposed materials and equipment.

J. Install gages, thermometers, valves and other devices with due regard

for ease in reading or operating and maintaining said devices. Locate

and position thermometers and gages to be easily read by operator or

staff standing on floor or walkway provided. Servicing shall not require

dismantling adjacent equipment or pipe work.

K. Install steam piping expansion joints as per manufacturer’s


L. Work in Existing Building:

1. Perform as specified in Article, OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS,

Article, ALTERATIONS, and Article, RESTORATION of the Section 01 00


23 05 11 - 15

00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for relocation of existing equipment,

alterations and restoration of existing building(s).

2. As specified in Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Article,

OPERATIONS AND STORAGE AREAS, make alterations to existing service

piping at times that will least interfere with normal operation of

the facility.

3. Cut required openings through existing masonry and reinforced

concrete using diamond core drills. Use of pneumatic hammer type

drills, impact type electric drills, and hand or manual hammer type

drills, will be permitted only with approval of the Resident

Engineer. Locate openings that will least effect structural slabs,

columns, ribs or beams. Refer to the Resident Engineer for

determination of proper design for openings through structural

sections and opening layouts approval, prior to cutting or drilling

into structure. After Resident Engineer's approval, carefully cut

opening through construction no larger than absolutely necessary for

the required installation.

M. Work in Animal Research Areas: Seal all pipe and duct penetrations with

silicone sealant to prevent entrance of insects.

N. Switchgear/Electrical Equipment Drip Protection: Every effort shall be

made to eliminate the installation of pipe above electrical and

telephone switchgear. If this is not possible, encase pipe in a second

pipe with a minimum of joints. Installation of piping, ductwork, leak

protection apparatus or other installations foreign to the electrical

installation shall be located in the space equal to the width and depth

of the equipment and extending from to a height of 1.8 m (6 ft.) above

the equipment of to ceiling structure, whichever is lower (NFPA 70).

O. Inaccessible Equipment:

1. Where the Government determines that the Contractor has installed

equipment not conveniently accessible for operation and maintenance,

equipment shall be removed and reinstalled or remedial action

performed as directed at no additional cost to the Government.

2. The term "conveniently accessible" is defined as capable of being

reached without the use of ladders, or without climbing or crawling

under or over obstacles such as motors, fans, pumps, belt guards,

transformers, high voltage lines, piping, and ductwork.


A. Where hanger spacing does not correspond with joist or rib spacing, use

structural steel channels secured directly to joist and rib structure

that will correspond to the required hanger spacing, and then suspend


23 05 11 - 16

the equipment and piping from the channels. Drill or burn holes in

structural steel only with the prior approval of the Resident Engineer.

B. Use of chain, wire or strap hangers; wood for blocking, stays and

bracing; or, hangers suspended from piping above will not be permitted.

Replace or thoroughly clean rusty products and paint with zinc primer.

C. Use hanger rods that are straight and vertical. Turnbuckles for vertical

adjustments may be omitted where limited space prevents use. Provide a

minimum of 15 mm (1/2-inch) clearance between pipe or piping covering

and adjacent work.

D. HVAC Horizontal Pipe Support Spacing: Refer to MSS SP-69. Provide

additional supports at valves, strainers, in-line pumps and other heavy

components. Provide a support within one foot of each elbow.

E. HVAC Vertical Pipe Supports:

1. Up to 150 mm (6-inch pipe), 9 m (30 feet) long, bolt riser clamps to

the pipe below couplings, or welded to the pipe and rests supports

securely on the building structure.

2. Vertical pipe larger than the foregoing, support on base elbows or

tees, or substantial pipe legs extending to the building structure.

F. Overhead Supports:

1. The basic structural system of the building is designed to sustain

the loads imposed by equipment and piping to be supported overhead.

2. Provide steel structural members, in addition to those shown, of

adequate capability to support the imposed loads, located in

accordance with the final approved layout of equipment and piping.

3. Tubing and capillary systems shall be supported in channel troughs.

G. Floor Supports:

1. Provide concrete bases, concrete anchor blocks and pedestals, and

structural steel systems for support of equipment and piping. Anchor

and dowel concrete bases and structural systems to resist forces

under operating and seismic conditions (if applicable) without

excessive displacement or structural failure.

2. Do not locate or install bases and supports until equipment mounted

thereon has been approved. Size bases to match equipment mounted

thereon plus 50 mm (2 inch) excess on all edges. Boiler foundations

shall have horizontal dimensions that exceed boiler base frame

dimensions by at least 150 mm (6 inches) on all sides. Refer to

structural drawings. Bases shall be neatly finished and smoothed,

shall have chamfered edges at the top, and shall be suitable for



23 05 11 - 17

3. All equipment shall be shimmed, leveled, firmly anchored, and grouted

with epoxy grout. Anchor bolts shall be placed in sleeves, anchored

to the bases. Fill the annular space between sleeves and bolts with a

granular material to permit alignment and realignment.


A. Rigging access, other than indicated on the drawings, shall be provided

by the Contractor after approval for structural integrity by the

Resident Engineer. Such access shall be provided without additional cost

or time to the Government. Where work is in an operating plant, provide

approved protection from dust and debris at all times for the safety of

plant personnel and maintenance of plant operation and environment of

the plant.

B. In an operating facility, maintain the operation, cleanliness and

safety. Government personnel will be carrying on their normal duties of

operating, cleaning and maintaining equipment and plant operation.

Confine the work to the immediate area concerned; maintain cleanliness

and wet down demolished materials to eliminate dust. Do not permit

debris to accumulate in the area to the detriment of plant operation.

Perform all flame cutting to maintain the fire safety integrity of this

plant. Adequate fire extinguishing facilities shall be available at all

times. Perform all work in accordance with recognized fire protection

standards. Inspection will be made by personnel of the VA Medical

Center, and Contractor shall follow all directives of the RE or COTR

with regard to rigging, safety, fire safety, and maintenance of


C. Completely remove all piping, wiring, conduit, and other devices

associated with the equipment not to be re-used in the new work. This

includes all pipe, valves, fittings, insulation, and all hangers

including the top connection and any fastenings to building structural

systems. Seal all openings, after removal of equipment, pipes, ducts,

and other penetrations in roof, walls, floors, in an approved manner and

in accordance with plans and specifications where specifically covered.

Structural integrity of the building system shall be maintained.

Reference shall also be made to the drawings and specifications of the

other disciplines in the project for additional facilities to be

demolished or handled.

D. All valves including gate, globe, ball, butterfly and check, all

pressure gages and thermometers with wells shall remain Government

property and shall be removed and delivered to Resident Engineer and

stored as directed. The Contractor shall remove all other material and


23 05 11 - 18

equipment, devices and demolition debris under these plans and

specifications. Such material shall be removed from Government property

expeditiously and shall not be allowed to accumulate.


A. Prior to final inspection and acceptance of the plant and facilities for

beneficial use by the Government, the plant facilities, equipment and

systems shall be thoroughly cleaned and painted. Refer to Section 09 91


B. In addition, the following special conditions apply:

1. Cleaning shall be thorough. Use solvents, cleaning materials and methods recommended by the manufacturers for the specific tasks.

Remove all rust prior to painting and from surfaces to remain

unpainted. Repair scratches, scuffs, and abrasions prior to applying

prime and finish coats.

2. Material And Equipment Not To Be Painted Includes: a. Motors, controllers, control switches, and safety switches.

b. Control and interlock devices.

c. Regulators.

d. Pressure reducing valves.

e. Control valves and thermostatic elements.

f. Lubrication devices and grease fittings.

g. Copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel and bronze surfaces.

h. Valve stems and rotating shafts.

i. Pressure gauges and thermometers.

j. Glass.

k. Name plates.

3. Control and instrument panels shall be cleaned, damaged surfaces

repaired, and shall be touched-up with matching paint obtained from

panel manufacturer.

4. Pumps, motors, steel and cast iron bases, and coupling guards shall

be cleaned, and shall be touched-up with the same color as utilized

by the pump manufacturer

5. Temporary Facilities: Apply paint to surfaces that do not have

existing finish coats.

6. Paint shall withstand the following temperatures without peeling or


a. Condensate and feedwater -- 38 degrees C (100 degrees F) on

insulation jacket surface and 120 degrees C (250 degrees F) on

metal pipe surface.


23 05 11 - 19

b. Steam -- 52 degrees C (125 degrees F) on insulation jacket surface

and 190 degrees C (375 degrees F) on metal pipe surface.

7. Final result shall be smooth, even-colored, even-textured factory

finish on all items. Completely repaint the entire piece of

equipment if necessary to achieve this.


A. Provide laminated plastic signs, with engraved lettering not less than

5 mm (3/16-inch) high, designating functions, for all equipment,

switches, motor controllers, relays, meters, control devices, including

automatic control valves. Nomenclature and identification symbols shall

correspond to that used in maintenance manual, and in diagrams specified

elsewhere. Attach by chain, adhesive, or screws.

B. Factory Built Equipment: Metal plate, securely attached, with name and

address of manufacturer, serial number, model number, size, performance.


A. Belt Drive: Set driving and driven shafts parallel and align so that the

corresponding grooves are in the same plane.

B. Direct-connect Drive: Securely mount motor in accurate alignment so that

shafts are free from both angular and parallel misalignment when both

motor and driven machine are operating at normal temperatures.


A. Lubricate all devices requiring lubrication prior to initial operation.

Field-check all devices for proper lubrication.

B. Equip all devices with required lubrication fittings or devices. Provide

a minimum of one liter (one quart) of oil and 0.5 kg (one pound) of

grease of manufacturer's recommended grade and type for each different

application; also provide 12 grease sticks for lubricated plug valves.

Deliver all materials to Resident Engineer in unopened containers that

are properly identified as to application.

C. Provide a separate grease gun with attachments for applicable fittings

for each type of grease applied.

D. All lubrication points shall be accessible without disassembling

equipment, except to remove access plates.


Start up equipment as described in equipment specifications. Verify that

vibration is within specified tolerance prior to extended operation.

Temporary use of equipment is specified in Section 01 00 00, GENERAL




23 05 11 - 20


A. Prior to the final inspection, perform required tests as specified in

Section 01 00 00, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and submit the test reports and

records to the Resident Engineer.

B. Should evidence of malfunction in any tested system, or piece of

equipment or component part thereof, occur during or as a result of

tests, make proper corrections, repairs or replacements, and repeat

tests at no additional cost to the Government.

C. When completion of certain work or system occurs at a time when final

control settings and adjustments cannot be properly made to make

performance tests, then make performance tests for heating systems and

for cooling systems respectively during first actual seasonal use of

respective systems following completion of work.


Provide in accordance with Article, INSTRUCTIONS, of Section 01 00 00,


- - - E N D - - -


23 05 12 - 1




This section specifies the furnishing, installation and connection of

motors for HVAC and steam generation equipment.



electrical requirements common to more than one Section of Division 26.



A. In accordance with Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL

INSTALLATIONS, submit the following:

B. Shop Drawings:

1. Provide documentation to demonstrate compliance with drawings and


2. Include electrical ratings, efficiency, bearing data, power factor,

frame size, dimensions, mounting details, materials, horsepower,

voltage, phase, speed (RPM), enclosure, starting characteristics,

torque characteristics, code letter, full load and locked rotor

current, service factor, and lubrication method.

C. Manuals:

1. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, companion copies of

complete installation, maintenance and operating manuals, including

technical data sheets and application data.

D. Certification: Two weeks prior to final inspection, unless otherwise

noted, submit four copies of the following certification to the Resident


1. Certification that the motors have been applied, installed, adjusted,

lubricated, and tested according to manufacturer published



A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the

basic designation only.

B. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):

MG 1-2006 Rev. 1 2009 ..Motors and Generators


23 05 12 - 2

MG 2–2001 Rev. 1 2007...Safety Standard for Construction and Guide for

Selection, Installation and Use of Electric

Motors and Generators

C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

70-2008.................National Electrical Code (NEC)

D. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):

112-04..................Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction

Motors and Generators

E. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Engineers (ASHRAE):

90.1-2007...............Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise

Residential Buildings



A. For alternating current, fractional and integral horsepower motors, NEMA

Publications MG 1 and MG 2 shall apply.

B. All material and equipment furnished and installation methods shall

conform to the requirements Section 26 05 21, LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL


electrical wiring, conduit, and devices necessary for the proper

connection, protection and operation of the systems. Provide premium

efficiency type motors as scheduled. Unless otherwise specified for a

particular application, use electric motors with the following


C. Poly-phase Motors: Explosion Proof Design

D. Voltage ratings shall be as follows:

1. Single phase:

a. Motors connected to 120-volt systems: 115 volts.

b. Motors connected to 208-volt systems: 200 volts.

c. Motors connected to 240 volt or 480 volt systems: 230/460 volts,

dual connection.

2. Three phase:

a. Motors connected to 208-volt systems: 200 volts.

b. Motors, less than 74.6 kW (100 HP), connected to 240 volt or 480

volt systems: 208-230/460 volts, dual connection.

c. Motors, 74.6 kW (100 HP) or larger, connected to 240-volt systems:

230 volts.

d. Motors, 74.6 kW (100 HP) or larger, connected to 480-volt systems:

460 volts.


23 05 12 - 3

e. Motors connected to high voltage systems (Over 600V): Shall

conform to NEMA Standards for connection to the nominal system

voltage shown on the drawings.

E. Number of phases shall be as follows:

1. Motors, less than 373 W (1/2 HP): Single phase.

2. Motors, 373 W (1/2 HP) and larger: 3 phase.

3. Exceptions:

a. Hermetically sealed motors.

b. Motors for equipment assemblies, less than 746 W (one HP), may be

single phase provided the manufacturer of the proposed assemblies

cannot supply the assemblies with three phase motors.

F. Motors shall be designed for operating the connected loads continuously

in a 40°C (104°F) environment, where the motors are installed, without

exceeding the NEMA standard temperature rises for the motor insulation.

If the motors exceed 40°C (104°F), the motors shall be rated for the

actual ambient temperatures.

G. Motor designs, as indicated by the NEMA code letters, shall be

coordinated with the connected loads to assure adequate starting and

running torque.

H. Motor Enclosures:

1. Shall be the NEMA types as specified and/or shown on the drawings.

2. Where the types of motor enclosures are not shown on the drawings,

they shall be the NEMA types, which are most suitable for the

environmental conditions where the motors are being installed.

Enclosure requirements for certain conditions are as follows:

a. Provide TEFC explosion proof motor enclosures.

3. Enclosures shall be primed and finish coated at the factory with

manufacturer's prime coat and standard finish.

I. Special Requirements:

1. Where motor power requirements of equipment furnished deviate from

power shown on plans, provide electrical service designed under the

requirements of NFPA 70 without additional time or cost to the


2. Assemblies of motors, starters, controls and interlocks on factory

assembled and wired devices shall be in accordance with the

requirements of this specification.

3. Wire and cable materials specified in the electrical division of the

specifications shall be modified as follows:


23 05 12 - 4

a. Wiring material located where temperatures can exceed 71 degrees C

(160 degrees F) shall be stranded copper with Teflon FEP

insulation with jacket. This includes wiring on the boilers.

b. Other wiring at boilers and to control panels shall be NFPA 70

designation THWN.

c. Provide shielded conductors or wiring in separate conduits for all

instrumentation and control systems where recommended by

manufacturer of equipment.

4. Select motor sizes so that the motors do not operate into the service

factor at maximum required loads on the driven equipment. Motors on

pumps shall be sized for non-overloading at all points on the pump

performance curves.

J. Additional requirements for specific motors, as indicated in the other

sections listed in Article 1.2, shall also apply.

K. Energy-Efficient Motors (Motor Efficiencies): All permanently wired

polyphase motors of 746 Watts (1 HP) or more shall meet the minimum

full-load efficiencies as indicated in the following table. Motors of

746 Watts or more with open, drip-proof or totally enclosed fan-cooled

enclosures shall be NEMA premium efficiency type, unless otherwise

indicated. Motors provided as an integral part of motor driven equipment

are excluded from this requirement if a minimum seasonal or overall

efficiency requirement is indicated for that equipment by the provisions

of another section. Motors not specified as “premium efficiency” shall

comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT).

Minimum Premium Efficiencies

Open Drip-Proof

Minimum Premium Efficiencies

Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled


kW (HP)








kW (HP)







0.746 (1) 82.5% 85.5% 77.0% 0.746 (1) 82.5% 85.5% 77.0%

1.12 (1.5) 86.5% 86.5% 84.0% 1.12 (1.5) 87.5% 86.5% 84.0%

1.49 (2) 87.5% 86.5% 85.5% 1.49 (2) 88.5% 86.5% 85.5%

2.24 (3) 88.5% 89.5% 85.5% 2.24 (3) 89.5% 89.5% 86.5%

3.73 (5) 89.5% 89.5% 86.5% 3.73 (5) 89.5% 89.5% 88.5%

5.60 (7.5) 90.2% 91.0% 88.5% 5.60 (7.5) 91.0% 91.7% 89.5%

7.46 (10) 91.7% 91.7% 89.5% 7.46 (10) 91.0% 91.7% 90.2%

11.2 (15) 91.7% 93.0% 90.2% 11.2 (15) 91.7% 92.4% 91.0%

14.9 (20) 92.4% 93.0% 91.0% 14.9 (20) 91.7% 93.0% 91.0%

18.7 (25) 93.0% 93.6% 91.7% 18.7 (25) 93.0% 93.6% 91.7%

22.4 (30) 93.6% 94.1% 91.7% 22.4 (30) 93.0% 93.6% 91.7%


23 05 12 - 5

29.8 (40) 94.1% 94.1% 92.4% 29.8 (40) 94.1% 94.1% 92.4%

37.3 (50) 94.1% 94.5% 93.0% 37.3 (50) 94.1% 94.5% 93.0%

44.8 (60) 94.5% 95.0% 93.6% 44.8 (60) 94.5% 95.0% 93.6%

56.9 (75) 94.5% 95.0% 93.6% 56.9 (75) 94.5% 95.4% 93.6%

74.6 (100) 95.0% 95.4% 93.6% 74.6 (100) 95.0% 95.4% 94.1%

93.3 (125) 95.0% 95.4% 94.1% 93.3 (125) 95.0% 95.4% 95.0%

112 (150) 95.4% 95.8% 94.1% 112 (150) 95.8% 95.8% 95.0%

149.2 (200) 95.4% 95.8% 95.0% 149.2 (200) 95.8% 96.2% 95.4%

L. Minimum Power Factor at Full Load and Rated Voltage: 90 percent at 1200

RPM, 1800 RPM and 3600 RPM.



Install motors in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, the

NEC, NEMA, as shown on the drawings and/or as required by other sections

of these specifications.


A. Perform an electric insulation resistance Test using a megohmmeter on

all motors after installation, before start-up. All shall test free from


B. Perform Load test in accordance with ANSI/IEEE 112, Test Method B, to

determine freedom from electrical or mechanical defects and compliance

with performance data.

C. Insulation Resistance: Not less than one-half meg-ohm between stator

conductors and frame, to be determined at the time of final inspection.


A. The Commissioning Agent will observe startup and contractor testing of

selected equipment. Coordinate the startup and contractor testing

schedules with Resident Engineer and Commissioning Agent. Provide a

minimum of 7 days prior notice.


A. Provide services of manufacturer’s technical representative for four

hours to instruct VA personnel in operation and maintenance of units.

- - - E N D - - -


23 05 93 - 1




A. Testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) of heating, ventilating and air

conditioning (HVAC) systems. TAB includes the following:

1. Balancing air distribution systems; adjustment of total system to

provide design performance; and testing performance of equipment and

automatic controls.

2. Recording and reporting results.

B. Definitions:

1. Basic TAB used in this Section: Chapter 37, "Testing, Adjusting and

Balancing" of 2007 ASHRAE Handbook, "HVAC Applications".

2. TAB: Testing, Adjusting and Balancing; the process of checking and

adjusting HVAC systems to meet design objectives.

3. AABC: Associated Air Balance Council.

4. NEBB: National Environmental Balancing Bureau.

5. Air Systems: Includes all outside air, supply air, return air,

exhaust air and relief air systems.

6. Flow rate tolerance: The allowable percentage variation, minus to

plus, of actual flow rate from values (design) in the contract



A. Section 23 05 11, COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR HVAC: General Mechanical


B. Section 23 31 00, HVAC DUCTS AND CASINGS: Duct Leakage.

C. Section 23 09 23, DIRECT-DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM FOR HVAC: Controls and

Instrumentation Settings.




A. Refer to Articles, Quality Assurance and Submittals, in Section


B. Qualifications:

1. TAB Agency: The TAB agency shall be a subcontractor of the General

Contractor and shall report to and be paid by the General



23 05 93 - 2

2. The TAB agency shall be either a certified member of AABC or

certified by the NEBB to perform TAB service for HVAC, water

balancing and vibrations and sound testing of equipment. The

certification shall be maintained for the entire duration of duties

specified herein. If, for any reason, the agency loses subject

certification during this period, the General Contractor shall

immediately notify the Resident Engineer and submit another TAB firm

for approval. Any agency that has been the subject of disciplinary

action by either the AABC or the NEBB within the five years

preceding Contract Award shall not be eligible to perform any work

related to the TAB. All work performed in this Section and in other

related Sections by the TAB agency shall be considered invalid if

the TAB agency loses its certification prior to Contract completion,

and the successor agency’s review shows unsatisfactory work

performed by the predecessor agency.

3. TAB Specialist: The TAB specialist shall be either a member of AABC

or an experienced technician of the Agency certified by NEBB. The

certification shall be maintained for the entire duration of duties

specified herein. If, for any reason, the Specialist loses subject

certification during this period, the General Contractor shall

immediately notify the Resident Engineer and submit another TAB

Specialist for approval. Any individual that has been the subject of

disciplinary action by either the AABC or the NEBB within the five

years preceding Contract Award shall not be eligible to perform any

duties related to the HVAC systems, including TAB. All work

specified in this Section and in other related Sections performed by

the TAB specialist shall be considered invalid if the TAB Specialist

loses its certification prior to Contract completion and must be

performed by an approved successor.

4. TAB Specialist shall be identified by the General Contractor within

60 days after the notice to proceed. The TAB specialist will be

coordinating, scheduling and reporting all TAB work and related

activities and will provide necessary information as required by the

Resident Engineer. The responsibilities would specifically include:

a. Shall directly supervise all TAB work.

b. Shall sign the TAB reports that bear the seal of the TAB

standard. The reports shall be accompanied by report forms and

schematic drawings required by the TAB standard, AABC or NEBB.


23 05 93 - 3

c. Would follow all TAB work through its satisfactory completion.

d. Shall provide final markings of settings of all HVAC adjustment


e. Permanently mark location of duct test ports.

5. All TAB technicians performing actual TAB work shall be experienced

and must have done satisfactory work on a minimum of 3 projects

comparable in size and complexity to this project. Qualifications

must be certified by the TAB agency in writing. The lead technician

shall be certified by AABC or NEBB

C. Test Equipment Criteria: The instrumentation shall meet the

accuracy/calibration requirements established by AABC National

Standards or by NEBB Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting and

Balancing of Environmental Systems and instrument manufacturer. Provide

calibration history of the instruments to be used for test and balance


D. Tab Criteria:

1. One or more of the applicable AABC, NEBB or SMACNA publications,

supplemented by ASHRAE Handbook "HVAC Applications" Chapter 36, and

requirements stated herein shall be the basis for planning,

procedures, and reports.

2. Flow rate tolerance: Following tolerances are allowed. For

tolerances not mentioned herein follow ASHRAE Handbook "HVAC

Applications", Chapter 36, as a guideline. Air Filter resistance

during tests, artificially imposed if necessary, shall be at least

100 percent of manufacturer recommended change over pressure drop

values for pre-filters and after-filters.

a. Air handling unit and all other fans, cubic meters/min (cubic

feet per minute): Minus 0 percent to plus l0 percent.

b. Air terminal units (maximum values): Minus 2 percent to plus l0


c. Radioisotope hoods/cabinets: 0 percent to plus l0 percent.

d. Minimum outside air: 0 percent to plus 10 percent.

e. Individual room air outlets and inlets, and air flow rates not

mentioned above: Minus 5 percent to plus l0 percent except if the

air to a space is 100 CFM or less the tolerance would be minus 5

to plus 5 percent.

f. Heating hot water pumps and hot water coils: Minus 5 percent to

plus 5 percent.


23 05 93 - 4

g. Chilled water and condenser water pumps: Minus 0 percent to plus

5 percent.

h. Chilled water coils: Minus 0 percent to plus 5 percent.

3. Systems shall be adjusted for energy efficient operation as

described in PART 3.

4. Typical TAB procedures and results shall be demonstrated to the

Resident Engineer for one air distribution system (including all

fans, three terminal units, three rooms randomly selected by the

Resident Engineer) and one hydronic system (pumps and three coils)

as follows:

a. When field TAB work begins.

b. During each partial final inspection and the final inspection for

the project if requested by VA.


A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT


B. Submit names and qualifications of TAB agency and TAB specialists

within 60 days after the notice to proceed. Submit information on three

recently completed projects and a list of proposed test equipment.

C. For use by the Resident Engineer staff, submit one complete set of

applicable AABC or NEBB publications that will be the basis of TAB


D. Submit Following for Review and Approval:

1. Final TAB reports covering flow balance and adjustments, performance

tests, vibration tests and sound tests.

2. Include in final reports uncorrected installation deficiencies noted

during TAB and applicable explanatory comments on test results that

differ from design requirements.

E. Prior to request for Final or Partial Final inspection, submit

completed Test and Balance report for the area.


A. The following publications form a part of this specification to the

extent indicated by the reference thereto. In text the publications are

referenced to by the acronym of the organization.


23 05 93 - 5

B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning

Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE):

2007 ...................HVAC Applications ASHRAE Handbook, Chapter 37,

Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing and Chapter

47, Sound and Vibration Control

C. Associated Air Balance Council (AABC):

2002....................AABC National Standards for Total System


D. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB):

7th Edition 2005 ........Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting,

Balancing of Environmental Systems

2nd Edition 2006 .......Procedural Standards for the Measurement of

Sound and Vibration

3rd Edition 2009 ........Procedural Standards for Whole Building Systems

Commissioning of New Construction

E. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association


3rd Edition 2002 ........HVAC SYSTEMS Testing, Adjusting and Balancing



Provide plastic plugs to seal holes drilled in ductwork for test




A. Refer to TAB Criteria in Article, Quality Assurance.

B. Obtain applicable contract documents and copies of approved submittals

for HVAC equipment and automatic control systems.


A. The TAB contractor shall provide raw data immediately in writing to the

Resident Engineer if there is a problem in achieving intended results

before submitting a formal report.

B. If over 20 percent of readings in the intermediate report fall outside

the acceptable range, the TAB report shall be considered invalid and

all contract TAB work shall be repeated and re-submitted for approval

at no additional cost to the owner.

C. Do not proceed with the remaining systems until intermediate report is

approved by the Resident Engineer.


23 05 93 - 6


A. Tab shall be performed in accordance with the requirement of the

Standard under which TAB agency is certified by either AABC or NEBB.

B. General: During TAB all related system components shall be in full

operation. Fan and pump rotation, motor loads and equipment vibration

shall be checked and corrected as necessary before proceeding with TAB.

Set controls and/or block off parts of distribution systems to simulate

design operation of variable volume air or water systems for test and

balance work.

C. Coordinate TAB procedures with existing systems and any phased

construction completion requirements for the project.

D. Allow 2 days time in construction schedule for TAB and submission of

all reports for an organized and timely correction of deficiencies.

E. Air Balance and Equipment Test: Include fans, terminal units, room

diffusers/outlets/inlets, and laboratory radioisotope hoods.

1. Artificially load air filters by partial blanking to produce air

pressure drop of manufacturer’s recommended pressure drop.

2. Adjust fan speeds to provide design air flow. V-belt drives,

including fixed pitch pulley requirements, are specified in Section


3. Test and balance systems in all specified modes of operation,

including variable volume, economizer, and fire emergency modes.

Verify that dampers and other controls function properly.

4. Variable air volume (VAV) systems:

a. Coordinate TAB, including system volumetric controls, with


b. Adjust operating pressure control setpoint to maintain the design

flow to each space with the lowest setpoint.

5. Record final measurements for air handling equipment performance

data sheets.


Following approval of Tab final Report, the setting of all HVAC

adjustment devices including valves, splitters and dampers shall be

permanently marked by the TAB Specialist so that adjustment can be

restored if disturbed at any time. Style and colors used for markings

shall be coordinated with the Resident Engineer.


23 05 93 - 7


The TAB Specialist shall permanently and legibly identify the location

points of duct test ports. If the ductwork has exterior insulation, the

identification shall be made on the exterior side of the insulation.

All penetrations through ductwork and ductwork insulation shall be

sealed to prevent air leaks and maintain integrity of vapor barrier.


A. Phased Projects: Testing and Balancing Work to follow project with

areas shall be completed per the project phasing. Upon completion of

the project all areas shall have been tested and balanced per the

contract documents.

B. Existing Areas: Systems that serve areas outside of the project scope

shall not be adversely affected. Measure existing parameters where

shown to document system capacity.

- - E N D - - -

23 09 23 - 1

SECTION 23 09 23.13 20




A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the

basic designation only.


AMCA 500-D (1998) Laboratory Methods of Testing Dampers for Rating


ANSI/ATA 878.1 (1999) ARCNET - Local Area Network: Token Ring



ASHRAE 135 (2004; Interpretations 1 thru 18; Addenda A 2004; Errata

2005; Addenda C 2006; Addenda D 2006; Errata to Addenda D 2006; Addenda

F 2007; Addenda E 2007; Errata 2007)


ASME B16.18 (2001; R 2005) Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure


ASME B16.22 (2001; R 2005) Standard for Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy

Solder Joint Pressure Fittings

ASME B16.26 (2006) Standard for Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared

Copper Tubes

ASME B16.34 (2004) Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

ASME B16.5 (2003) Standard for Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS

1/2 Through NPS 24

ASME B31.1 (2007) Power Piping

ASME B40.100 (2006) Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments

ASME BPVC (2007) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes


ASTM A 126 (2004) Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for

Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings

ASTM B 117 (2007) Standing Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog)


ASTM B 32 (2004) Standard Specification for Solder Metal

ASTM B 75 (2002) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Tube

ASTM B 88 (2003) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube

23 09 23 - 2

ASTM B 88M (2005) Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube


ASTM D 1238 (2004c) Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion


ASTM D 1693 (2007a) Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress-

Cracking of Ethylene Plastics

ASTM D 635 (2006) Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or

Extent and Time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal


ASTM D 638 (2003) Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of


ASTM D 792 (2000) Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of

Plastics by Displacement


IEEE C57.13 (1993; R 2003) Standard Requirements for Instrument


IEEE C62.41.1 (2002) IEEE Guide on the Surges Environment in Low-

Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits

IEEE C62.41.2 (2002) IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of

Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits

IEEE C62.45 (2002) Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage

(1000v and less)AC Power Circuits


ISO/IEC 8802 (2000) Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between



NFPA 70 (2007) National Electrical Code – 2008 Edition

NFPA 72 (2006) National Fire Alarm Code

NFPA 90A (2002; Errata 2003; Errata 2005) Standard for the Installation

of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems




SMACNA HVAC Duct Const Stds (1995; Addendum 1997, 2nd Ed) HVAC Duct

Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible


UL 1449 (2006) Surge Protective Devices

UL 506 (2000; Rev thru May 2006) Standard for Specialty Transformers

23 09 23 - 3

UL 508A (2001; Rev thru Dec 2007) Standard for Industrial Control


UL 916 (2007) Energy Management Equipment



electrical requirements common to more than one Section of Division 26.

B. Section 26 29 11, LOW-VOLTAGE MOTOR STARTERS: Starters, control and

protection for motors.


D. Fume Hoods: Section 11 53 13, LABORATORY FUME HOODS.

E. Testing and Balancing of Air Flows: Section 23 05 93, TESTING,

F. Section 23 31 00, HVAC DUCTS AND CASINGS.



1. Building Automation Systems, including DDC (Direct Digital Controls)

used for facility automation and energy management.

B. BAS Owner

1. The regional or local user responsible for managing all aspects of

the BAS operation, including: network connections, workstation

management, submittal review, technical support, control parameters,

and daily operation.

C. Bridge

1. Network hardware that connects two or more network segments at the

physical and data link layers. A bridge may also filter messages.

D. Broadcast

1. A message sent to all devices on a network segment.

E. Device

1. Any control system component, usually a digital controller.

F. Digital Controller

1. An electronic controller, usually with internal programming logic

and digital and analog input/output capability, which performs

control functions.

G. Direct Digital Control (DDC)

1. Digital controllers performing control logic. Usually the controller

directly senses physical values, makes control decisions with

internal programs, and outputs control signals to directly operate

switches, valves, dampers, and motor controllers.

H. DDC System

23 09 23 - 4

1. A network of digital controllers, communication architecture, and

user interfaces. A DDC system may include programming, sensors,

actuators, switches, relays, factory controls, operator

workstations, and various other devices, components, and attributes.

I. Ethernet

1. A family of local-area-network technologies providing high-speed

networking features over various media.

J. Firmware

1. Software programmed into read only memory (ROM), flash memory,

electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM), or

erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM) chips.

K. Gateway

1. Communication hardware connecting two or more different protocols,

similar to human language translators. The Gateway translates one

protocol into equivalent concepts for the other protocol.

L. Half Router

1. A device that participates as one partner in a BACnet point-to-point

(PTP) connection. Two half-routers in an active PTP connection

combine to form a single router.

M. Hub

1. A common connection point for devices on a network.

N. Internet Protocol (IP, TCP/IP, UDP/IP)

1. A communication method, the most common use is the World Wide Web.

At the lowest level, it is based on Internet Protocol (IP), a method

for conveying and routing packets of information over various LAN

media. Two common protocols using IP are User Datagram Protocol

(UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). UDP conveys

information to well-known "sockets" without confirmation of receipt.

TCP establishes "sessions", which have end-to-end confirmation and

guaranteed sequence of delivery.

O. Input/Output (I/O)

1. Physical inputs and outputs to and from a device, although the term

sometimes describes software, or "virtual" I/O. See also "Points".

P. I/O Expansion Unit

1. An I/O expansion unit provides additional point capacity to a

digital controller.

Q. IP subnet

1. Internet protocol (IP) identifies individual devices with a 32-bit

number divided into four groups from 0 to 255. Devices are often

23 09 23 - 5

grouped and share some portion of this number. For example, one

device has IP address and another device has IP

address These two devices share Class C subnet

R. Local-Area Network (LAN)

1. A communication network that spans a limited geographic area and

uses the same basic communication technology throughout.

S. Network

1. Communication technology for data communications.

T. Network Number

1. A site-specific number assigned to each network segment to identify

for routing.

U. Peer-to-Peer

1. Peer-to-peer refers to devices where any device can initiate and

respond to communication with other devices.

V. Performance Verification Test (PVT)

1. The procedure for determining if the installed BAS meets design

criteria prior to final acceptance. The PVT is performed after

installation, testing, and balancing of mechanical systems.

Typically the PVT is performed by the Contractor in the presence of

the Government.


1. Proportional, integral, and derivative control; three parameters

used to control modulating equipment to maintain a setpoint.

Derivative control is often not required for HVAC systems (leaving

"PI" control).

X. Points

1. Physical and virtual inputs and outputs. See also "Input/Output".

Y. Stand-Alone Control

1. Refers to devices performing equipment-specific and small system

control without communication to other devices or computers for

physical I/O, excluding outside air and other common shared

conditions. Devices are located near controlled equipment, with

physical input and output points limited to 64 or less per device,

except for complex individual equipment or systems. Failure of any

single device will not cause other network devices to fail.


A. Provide a Siemens Lab Apogee DDC system. including associated equipment

and accessories. All new devices are accessible without the use of

23 09 23 - 6

gateways, unless gateways are shown on the design drawings and

specifically requested.

B. The existing server and operator workstations are located at the

Pensacola VA Facility.

1. Design Requirements

a. Control System Drawings Title Sheet - Provide a title sheet for

the control system drawing set. Include the project title,

project location, contract number, the controls contractor

preparing the drawings, an index of the control drawings in the

set, and a legend of the symbols and abbreviations used

throughout the control system drawings.

b. List of I/O Points - Also known as a Point Schedule, provide for

each input and output point physically connected to a digital

controller: point name, point description, point type (Analog

Output (AO), Analog Input (AI), Binary Output (BO), Binary Input

(BI)), point sensor range, point actuator range, point address,

and point connection terminal number. Typical schedules for

multiple identical equipment are allowed unless otherwise

requested in design or contract criteria.

c. Control System Components List - Provide a complete list of

control system components installed on this project. Include for

each controller and device: control system schematic name,

control system schematic designation, device description,

manufacturer, and manufacturer part number. For sensors, include

point name, sensor range, and operating limits. For valves,

include body style, Cv, design flow rate, pressure drop, valve

characteristic (linear or equal percentage), and pipe connection

size. For actuators, include point name, spring or non-spring

return, modulating or two-position action, normal (power fail)

position, nominal control signal operating range (0-10 volts DC

or 4-20 milliamps), and operating limits.

d. Control System Schematics - Provide control system schematics.

Typical schematics for multiple identical equipment are allowed

unless otherwise requested in design or contract criteria.

Include the following:

1) Location of each input and output device

2) Flow diagram for each piece of HVAC equipment

3) Name or symbol for each control system component, such as V-1

for a valve

23 09 23 - 7

4) Setpoints, with differential or proportional band values

5) Written sequence of operation for the HVAC equipment

6) Valve and Damper Schedules, with normal (power fail) position

e. HVAC Equipment Electrical Ladder Diagrams - Provide HVAC

equipment electrical ladder diagrams. Indicate required

electrical interlocks.

f. Component Wiring Diagrams - Provide a wiring diagram for each

type of input device and output device. Indicate how each device

is wired and powered; showing typical connections at the digital

controller and power supply. Show for all field connected devices

such as control relays, motor starters, actuators, sensors, and


g. Terminal Strip Diagrams - Provide a diagram of each terminal

strip. Indicate the terminal strip location, termination numbers,

and associated point names.

h. Communication Architecture Schematic - Provide a schematic

showing the project's entire communication network, including

addressing used for LANs, LAN devices including routers and

bridges, gateways, controllers, workstations, and field interface

devices. If applicable, show connection to existing networks.


A. Submit detailed and annotated manufacturer's data, drawings, and

specification sheets for each item listed, that clearly show compliance

with the project specifications.


A. Standard Products - Provide material and equipment that are standard

manufacturer's products currently in production and supported by a

local service organization.

B. Delivery, Storage, and Handling - Handle, store, and protect equipment

and materials to prevent damage before and during installation

according to manufacturer's recommendations, and as approved by the

Contracting Officer. Replace damaged or defective items.

C. Operating Environment - Protect components from humidity and

temperature variation, dust, and contaminants. If components are stored

before installation, keep them within the manufacturer's limits.

D. Finish of New Equipment - New equipment finishing shall be factory

provided. Manufacturer's standard factory finishing shall be proven to

withstand 125 hours in a salt-spray fog test. Equipment located

outdoors shall be proven to withstand 500 hours in a salt-spray fog

23 09 23 - 8

test. Salt-spray fog test shall be according to ASTM B 117, with

acceptance criteria as follows: immediately after completion of the

test, the finish shall show no signs of degradation or loss of adhesion

beyond 0.125 inch on either side of the scratch mark.

E. Verification of Dimensions - The contractor shall verify all dimensions

in the field, and advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy

before performing work.

F. Contractor's Qualifications - Submit documentation certifying the

controls Contractor performing the work has completed at least three

DDC systems installations of a similar design to this project, and

programmed similar sequences of operation for at least two years.

G. Modification of References - The advisory provisions in ASME B31.1 and

NFPA 70 are mandatory. Substitute "shall" for "should" wherever it

appears and interpret all references to the "authority having

jurisdiction" and "owner" to mean the Contracting Officer.



A. The Laboratory Control System (LCS) shall be fully integrated to the

existing Siemens HVAC Instrumentation and Controls System to maintain

laboratory room supply and exhaust airflows, room pressurization, room

ambient temperature and the laboratory exhaust system functionality as

specified herein

1. The LCS shall include all new laboratory room supply airflow

terminals, reheat coils, reheat coil valves, air terminal actuators,

sensors, associated instrumentation and the control units and

associated interconnecting wiring and pneumatic tubing as described

on plans. Any and all associated components required to implement a

fully functioning and integrated system as specified herein shall

also be provided. System verification and other documentation as

specified under the Sections referenced herein shall also be


2. All LCS data shall be capable of being accessed by authorized

persons via the facility's Siemens HVAC control system.


The following is the approved LCS manufacturer and product line:

Manufacturer Product Line

Siemens Industry, Building Technologies Apogee System



23 09 23 - 9

a. Furnish and install a UL 916 listed individual constant volume

fume hood monitor for each fume hood which shall display the

required average face velocity. Documentation verifying the UL

916 Listing for the fume hood monitor shall be included in any

proposal as well as the submittal.

b. The fume hood monitor shall also interface to an Operator Display

Panel (ODP) at the designated measurement location on the front

of the fume hood as shown on the project plans. The ODP shall

provide a continuous digital display of average fume hood face

velocity. The fume hood face velocity display shall be the true

average face velocity as calculated by the fume hood monitor

based upon actual measured fume hood exhaust differential


c. The ODP shall also include separate colored pilot lights that

shall illuminate to indicate fume hood operational status as:

1) Green indicating normal operation.

2) Red indicating alarm condition or OFF.

d. The ODP shall sound an audible alarm device in response to face

velocity alarm conditions and the ODP digital display shall

change to "LOW FACE VELOCITY" or "HIGH FACE VELOCITY" appropriate

to the alarm condition. A SILENCE pushbutton on the ODP shall

allow the user to silence the audible alarm which shall then

remain silent until a subsequent alarm occurs.

e. All fume hood control and ODP display and operational parameters

shall be established and be changeable only by authorized

personnel using a portable operator's terminal. These operational

parameters shall include:

1) Face velocity high and low alarm limits and associated alarm

time delay to avoid transient alarms.

2) Face velocity high and low warning limits.

f. A portable operator's terminal shall plug into the ODP as well as

into the laboratory room controller. In addition, all laboratory

fume hood and laboratory room control parameters along with all

other facility control and monitoring functions shall be

accessible to authorized personnel from designated terminals on

the BAS control and monitoring network.

g. Momentary or extended losses of power shall not change or affect

any CV fume hood monitoring setpoints, operational parameters or

stored data. Upon resumption of power after a power failure, fume

23 09 23 - 10

hood monitors shall resume full normal operation exactly as

before the power failure and without any need for manual



a. All CV terminal control applications shall be field-selectable

such that a single controller may be used in conjunction with

other types of terminal units to perform the specified sequences

of control. Application Specific Controllers (ASCs) that require

factory application changes are not acceptable. The CV terminal

ASC shall support CV with hot water reheat

b. The controller shall include a differential pressure transducer

that shall connect to the terminal unit manufacturer's standard

averaging air velocity sensor to measure the average differential

pressure in the duct. The controller shall convert this value to

actual airflow. Single point air velocity sensing is not

acceptable. The differential pressure transducer shall have a

measurement range of 0 to 4000 fpm (0 to 20.4 m/s) and

measurement accuracy of +5% at 400 to 4000 fpm (2 to 20 m/s),

insuring primary airflow conditions shall be controlled and

maintained to within +5% of setpoint at the specified parameters.

The BMS contractor shall provide the velocity sensor if required

to meet the specified functionality.

C. Direct Digital Controllers

1. Direct digital controllers shall be UL 916 rated.

a. I/O Point Limitation

The total number of I/O hardware points used by a single stand-

alone digital controller, including I/O expansion units, shall

not exceed 64, except for complex individual equipment or

systems. Place I/O expansion units in the same cabinet as the

digital controller.

b. Environmental Limits

Controllers shall be suitable for, or placed in protective

enclosures suitable for the environment (temperature, humidity,

dust, and vibration) where they are located.

c. Stand-Alone Control

Provide stand-alone digital controllers.

d. Internal Clock

Provide internal clocks for all Building Controllers .

Automatically synchronize system clocks daily from an operator-

23 09 23 - 11

designated controller. The system shall automatically adjust for

daylight saving time.

e. Memory

Provide sufficient memory for each controller to support the

required control, communication, trends, alarms, and messages.

Protect programs residing in memory with EEPROM, flash memory, or

by an uninterruptible power source (battery or uninterruptible

power supply). The backup power source shall have capacity to

maintain the memory during a 72-hour continuous power outage.

Rechargeable power sources shall be constantly charged while the

controller is operating under normal line power. Batteries shall

be replaceable without soldering. Trend and alarm history

collected during normal operation shall not be lost during power

outages less than 72 hours long.

f. Immunity to Power Fluctuations

Controllers shall operate at 90% to 110% nominal voltage rating.

g. Transformer

The controller power supply shall be fused or current limiting

and rated at 125% power consumption.

h. Wiring Terminations

Use screw terminal wiring terminations for all field-installed

controllers. Provide field-removable modular terminal strip or a

termination card connected by a ribbon cable for all controllers

other than terminal units.

i. Input and Output Interface

Provide hard-wired input and output interface for all controllers

as follows:

1) Protection: Shorting an input or output point to itself, to

another point, or to ground shall cause no controller damage.

Input or output point contact with sources up to 24 volts AC

or DC for any duration shall cause no controller damage.

2) Binary Inputs: Binary inputs shall have a toggle switch and

monitor on and off contacts from a "dry" remote device without

external power, and external 5-24 VDC voltage inputs.

3) Pulse Accumulation Inputs: Pulse accumulation inputs shall

conform to binary input requirements and accumulate pulses at

a resolution suitable to the application.

23 09 23 - 12

4) Analog Inputs: Analog inputs shall monitor low-voltage (0-10

VDC), current (4-20 mA), or resistance (thermistor or RTD)


5) Binary Outputs: Binary outputs shall have a toggle switch and

send a pulsed 24 VDC low-voltage signal for modulation

control, or provide a maintained open-closed position for on-

off control. For HVAC equipment and plant controllers, provide

for manual overrides, either with three-position (on-off-auto)

override switches and status lights, or with an adjacent

operator display and interface. Where appropriate, provide a

method to select normally open or normally closed operation.

j. Analog Outputs: Analog outputs shall send modulating 0-10 VDC or

4-20 mA signals to control output devices.

k. Tri-State Outputs: Tri-State outputs shall provide three-point

floating control of terminal unit electronic actuators.

l. Communications Ports

1) Direct-Connect Interface Ports: Provide at least one extra

communication port at each local panel for direct connecting a

notebook computer or hand-held terminal so all network objects

and properties may be viewed and edited by the operator.

2) Telecommunications Interface Port: Provide one

telecommunication port per building, permitting remote

communication via point-to-point (PTP) protocol over telephone


m. Digital Controller Cabinet

Provide each digital controller in a factory fabricated cabinet

enclosure. Cabinets located indoors shall protect against dust

and have a minimum NEMA 1 rating, except where indicated

otherwise. Cabinets located outdoors or in damp environments

shall protect against all outdoor conditions and have a minimum

NEMA 4 rating. Outdoor control panels and controllers must be

able to withstand extreme ambient conditions, without malfunction

or failure, whether or not the controlled equipment is running.

If necessary, provide a thermostatically controlled panel heater

in freezing locations, and an internal ventilating fan in

locations exposed to direct sunlight. Cabinets shall have a

hinged lockable door and an offset removable metal back plate,

except controllers integral with terminal units, like those

mounted on VAV boxes. Provide like-keyed locks for all hinged

23 09 23 - 13

panels provided and a set of two keys at each panel, with one key

inserted in the lock.

n. Main Power Switch and Receptacle

Provide each control cabinet with a main external power on/off

switch located inside the cabinet. Also provide each cabinet with a

separate 120 VAC duplex receptacle.

D. DDC Software

1. Programming

Provide programming to execute the sequence of operation indicated.

Provide all programming and tools to configure and program all

controllers. Provide programming routines in simple, easy-to-follow

logic with detailed text comments describing what the logic does and

how it corresponds to the project's written sequence of operation.

a. Graphic-based programming shall use a library of function blocks

made from pre-programmed code designed for BAS control. Function

blocks shall be assembled with interconnecting lines, depicting

the control sequence in a flowchart. If providing a computer with

device programming tools as part of the project, graphic programs

shall be viewable in real time showing present values and logical

results from each function block.

b. Menu-based programming shall be done by entering parameters,

definitions, conditions, requirements, and constraints.

c. For line-by-line and text-based programming, declare variable

types (local, global, real, integer, etc.) at the beginning of

the program. Use descriptive comments frequently to describe the


d. If providing a computer with device programming tools as part of

the project, provide a means for detecting program errors and

testing software strategies with a simulation tool. Simulation

may be inherent within the programming software suite, or

provided by physical controllers mounted in a NEMA 1 test

enclosure. The test enclosure shall contain one dedicated

controller of each type provided under this contract, complete

with power supply and relevant accessories.

2. Parameter Modification

All writeable properties, and all other programming parameters

needed to comply with the project specification shall be adjustable

for devices at any network level, including those accessible with

23 09 23 - 14

web-browser communication, and regardless of programming methods

used to create the applications.

3. Short Cycling Prevention

Provide setpoint differentials and minimum on/off times to prevent

equipment short cycling.

4. Equipment Status Delay

Provide an adjustable delay from when equipment is commanded on or

off and when the control program looks to the status input for


5. Run Time Accumulation

Use the Elapsed Time Property to provide re-settable run time

accumulation for each Binary Output Object connected to mechanical

loads greater than 1 HP, electrical loads greater than 10 KW, or

wherever else specified.

6. Timed Local Override

Provide an adjustable override time for each push of a timed local

override button.

7. Time Synchronization

Provide time synchronization, including adjustments for leap years,

daylight saving time, and operator time adjustments.

8. Scheduling

Provide operating schedules as indicated, with equipment assigned to

groups. Changing the schedule of a group shall change the operating

schedule of all equipment in the group. Groups shall be capable of

operator creation, modification, and deletion. Provide capability to

view and modify schedules in a seven-day week format. Provide

capability to enter holiday and override schedules one full year at

a time.

9. Alarms and Events

Alarms and events shall be capable of having programmed time delays

and high-low limits. When a computer workstation or web server is

connected to the internetwork, alarms/events shall report to the

computer, printer, as defined by an authorized operator. Otherwise

alarms/events shall be stored within a device on the network until

connected to a user interface device and retrieved. Provide

alarms/events in agreement with the point schedule, sequence of

operation, and the BAS Owner. At a minimum, provide programming to

initiate alarms/events any time a piece of equipment fails to

operate, a control point is outside normal range or condition shown

23 09 23 - 15

on schedules, communication to a device is lost, a device has

failed, or a controller has lost its memory.

10. Trending

Provide trend services capable of trending all object present values

set points, and other parameters indicated for trending on project

schedules. Trends may be associated into groups, and a trend report

may be set up for each group. Trends are stored within a device on

the network, with operator selectable trend intervals from 15

seconds up to 60 minutes. The minimum number of consecutive trend

values stored at one time shall be 100 per variable. When trend

memory is full, the most recent data shall overwrite the oldest

data. The operator workstation shall upload trends automatically

upon reaching 3/4 of the device buffer limit , by operator request,

or by time schedule for archiving. Archived and real-time trend data

shall be available for viewing numerically and graphically for at

the workstation.

11. Device Diagnostics

Each controller shall have diagnostic LEDs for power, communication,

and device fault condition. The DDC system shall recognize and

report a non-responsive controller.

12. Power Loss

Upon restoration of power, the DDC system shall perform an orderly

restart and restoration of control.


Coordinate sensor types with the BAS Owner to keep them consistent with

existing installations.

A. Field-Installed Temperature Sensors

Where feasible, provide the same sensor type throughout the project.

Avoid using transmitters unless absolutely necessary.

1. Thermistors

Precision thermistors may be used in applications below 200 degrees

F. Sensor accuracy over the application range shall be 0.36 degree F

or less between 32 to 150 degrees F. Stability error of the

thermistor over five years shall not exceed 0.25 degree F

cumulative. A/D conversion resolution error shall be kept to 0.1

degree F. Total error for a thermistor circuit shall not exceed 0.5

degree F.

2. Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

23 09 23 - 16

Provide RTD sensors with platinum elements compatible with the

digital controllers. Encapsulate sensors in epoxy, series 300

stainless steel, anodized aluminum, or copper. Temperature sensor

accuracy shall be 0.1 percent (1 ohm) of expected ohms (1000 ohms)

at 32 degrees F. Temperature sensor stability error over five years

shall not exceed 0.25 degree F cumulative. Direct connection of RTDs

to digital controllers without transmitters is preferred. When RTDs

are connected directly, lead resistance error shall be less than

0.25 degrees F. The total error for a RTD circuit shall not exceed

0.5 degree F.

3. Temperature Sensor Details

a. Room Type: Provide the sensing element components within a

decorative protective cover suitable for surrounding decor.

[Provide room temperature sensors with timed override button,

setpoint adjustment lever, digital temperature display.] [Provide

a communication port or 802.11x wireless support for a portable

operator interface like a notebook computer or PDA.]

b. Duct Probe Type: Ensure the probe is long enough to properly

sense the air stream temperature.

c. Duct Averaging Type: Continuous averaging sensors shall be one

foot in length for each 4 square feet of duct cross-sectional

area, and a minimum length of 6 ft.

d. Pipe Immersion Type: Provide minimum three-inch immersion.

Provide each sensor with a corresponding pipe-mounted sensor

well, unless indicated otherwise. Sensor wells shall be stainless

steel when used in steel piping, and brass when used in copper

piping. Provide the sensor well with a heat-sensitive transfer

agent between the sensor and the well interior.

e. Outside Air Type: Provide the sensing element on the building's

north side with a protective weather shade that positions the

sensor approximately 3 inches off the wall surface, does not

inhibit free air flow across the sensing element, and protects

the sensor from snow, ice, and rain.

B. Transmitters

Provide transmitters with 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 VDC linear output

scaled to the sensed input. Transmitters shall be matched to the

respective sensor, factory calibrated, and sealed. Size transmitters

for an output near 50 percent of its full-scale range at normal

operating conditions. The total transmitter error shall not exceed 0.1

23 09 23 - 17

percent at any point across the measured span. Supply voltage shall be

12 to 24 volts AC or DC. Transmitters shall have non-interactive offset

and span adjustments. For temperature sensing, transmitter drift shall

not exceed 0.03 degrees F a year.

1. Relative Humidity Transmitters

Provide transmitters with an accuracy equal to plus or minus 3

percent from 0 to 90% scale, and less than one percent drift per

year. Sensing elements shall be the polymer type.

2. Pressure Transmitters

Provide transmitters integral with the pressure transducer.

C. Current Transducers

Provide current switches as shown on design drawings or point tables.

D. Pneumatic to Electric Transducers

Pneumatic to electronic transducers shall convert a 0 to 20 psig signal

to a proportional 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 VDC signal (operator

scaleable). Supply voltage shall be 24 VDC. Accuracy and linearity

shall be 1.0 percent or better.

E. Air Quality Sensors

Provide power supply for each sensor.

1. CO2 Sensors

Provide photo-acoustic type CO2 sensors with integral transducers

where shown and linear output. The devices shall read CO2

concentrations between 0 and 2000 ppm with full scale accuracy of at

least plus or minus 100 ppm.

2. Air Quality Sensors

Provide full spectrum air quality sensors using a hot wire element

based on the Taguchi principle where shown. The sensor shall monitor

a wide range of gaseous volatile organic components common in indoor

air contaminants like paint fumes, solvents, cigarette smoke, and

vehicle exhaust. The sensor shall automatically compensate for

temperature and humidity, have span and calibration potentiometers,

operate on 24 VDC power with output of 0-10 VDC, and have a service

rating of 32 to 140 degrees F and 5 to 95 percent relative humidity.

F. Input Switches

1. Timed Local Overrides

Provide buttons or switches to override the DDC occupancy schedule

programming for each major building zone during unoccupied periods,

and to return HVAC equipment to the occupied mode. This requirement

23 09 23 - 18

is waived for zones clearly intended for 24 hour continuous


2. Freeze Protection Thermostats

Provide special purpose thermostats with flexible capillary elements

20 feet minimum length for coil face areas up to 40 square feet.

Provide longer elements for larger coils at 1-foot of element for

every 4 square feet of coil face area, or provide additional

thermostats. Provide switch contacts rated for the respective motor

starter's control circuit voltage. Include auxiliary contacts for

the switch's status condition. A freezing condition at any 18-inch

increment along the sensing element's length shall activate the

switch. The thermostat shall be equipped with a manual push-button

reset switch so that when tripped, the thermostat requires manual

resetting before the HVAC equipment can restart.

G. Control Valves

1. Valve Assembly

Valve bodies shall be designed for 125 psig minimum working pressure

or 150 percent of the operating pressure, whichever is greater.

Valve stems shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Valve leakage ratings

shall be 0.01 percent of rated Cv value. Class 125 copper alloy

valve bodies and Class 150 steel or stainless steel valves shall

meet the requirements of ASME B16.5. Cast iron valve components

shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 126 Class B or C.

2. Butterfly Valves

Butterfly valves shall be the threaded lug type suitable for dead-

end service and for modulation to the fully-closed position, with

stainless steel shafts supported by bearings, non-corrosive discs

geometrically interlocked with or bolted to the shaft (no pins), and

EPDM seats suitable for temperatures from minus 29 degrees C to plus

121 degrees C minus 20 degrees F to plus 250 degrees F. Valves shall

have a means of manual operation independent of the actuator.

3. Two-Way Valves

Two-way modulating valves shall have an equal percentage


4. Three-Way Valves

Three-way valves shall have an equal percentage characteristic.

5. Valves for Chilled Water, Condenser Water, and Glycol Fluid Service

a. Bodies for valves 40 mm 1 1/2 inches and smaller shall be brass

or bronze, with threaded or union ends. Bodies for valves from 50

23 09 23 - 19

to 80 mm 2 I inches to 3 inches inclusive shall be of brass,

bronze, or iron. Bodies for 50 mm 2 inch valves shall have

threaded connections. Bodies for valves from 65 to 80 mm 2 1/2 to

3 inches shall have flanged connections.

b. Internal valve trim shall be brass or bronze, except that valve

stems shall be stainless steel.

c. Unless indicated otherwise, provide modulating valves sized for 2

psi minimum and 4 psi maximum differential across the valve at

the design flow rate.

d. Valves 100 mm 4 inches and larger shall be butterfly valves,

unless indicated otherwise.

6. Valves for Hot Water Service

Valves for hot water service below 121 degrees C 250 Degrees F:

a. Bodies for valves 40 mm 1 1/2 inches and smaller shall be brass

or bronze, with threaded or union ends. Bodies for valves from 50

to 80 mm 2 inches to 3 inches inclusive shall be of brass,

bronze, or iron. Bodies for 50 mm 2 inch valves shall have

threaded connections. Bodies for valves from 65 to 80 mm 2 1/2 to

3 inches shall have flanged connections.

b. Internal trim (including seats, seat rings, modulation plugs,

valve stems, and springs) of valves controlling water above 99

degrees C 210 degrees F shall be Type 316 stainless steel.

c. Internal trim for valves controlling water 99 degrees C 210

degrees F or less shall be brass or bronze. Valve stems shall be

Type 316 stainless steel.

d. Non-metallic parts of hot water control valves shall be suitable

for a minimum continuous operating temperature of 121 degrees C

or 28 degrees C 250 degrees F or 50 degrees F above the system

design temperature, whichever is higher.

e. Unless indicated otherwise, provide modulating valves sized for 2

psi minimum and 4 psi maximum differential across the valve at

the design flow rate.

f. Valves 100 mm 4 inches and larger shall be butterfly valves,

unless indicated otherwise.

7. Valves for High Temperature Hot Water Service

Valves for hot water service 121 degrees C above 250 Degrees F:

a. Valve bodies shall conform to ASME B16.34 Class 300. Valve and

actuator combination shall be normally closed. Bodies shall be

carbon steel, globe type with welded ends on valves 25 mm 1 inch

23 09 23 - 20

and larger. Valves smaller than 25 mm 1 inch shall have socket-

weld ends. Packing shall be virgin polytetrafluoroethylene


b. Internal valve trim shall be Type 316 stainless steel.

c. Unless indicated otherwise, provide modulating valves sized for 2

psi minimum and 4 psi maximum differential across the valve at

the design flow rate.

8. Valves for Steam Service

The entire body for valves 40 mm 1 1/2 inches and smaller shall be

brass or bronze, with threaded or union ends. Bodies for valves from

50 to 80 mm 2 to 3 inches inclusive shall be of brass, bronze, or

carbon steel. Bodies for valves 100 mm 4 inches and larger shall be

carbon steel. Bodies for 50 mm2 inch valves shall have threaded

connections. Bodies for valves 65 mm 2 1/2 inches and larger shall

have flanged connections. Steam valves shall be sized for [103 kPa

(gage)] [15 psig]inlet steam pressure with a maximum [90 kPa] [13

psi]differential through the valve at rated flow, except where

indicated otherwise. Internal valve trim shall be Type 316 stainless


H. Actuators

Provide direct-drive electric actuators for all control applications,

except where indicated otherwise.

1. Electric Actuators

Each actuator shall deliver the torque required for continuous

uniform motion and shall have internal end switches to limit the

travel, or be capable of withstanding continuous stalling without

damage. Actuators shall function properly within 85 to 110 percent

of rated line voltage. Provide actuators with hardened steel running

shafts and gears of steel or copper alloy. Fiber or reinforced nylon

gears may be used for torques less than 16 inch-pounds. Provide two-

position actuators of single direction, spring return, or reversing

type. Provide modulating actuators capable of stopping at any point

in the cycle, and starting in either direction from any point.

Actuators shall be equipped with a switch for reversing direction,

and a button to disengage the clutch to allow manual adjustments.

Provide the actuator with a hand crank for manual adjustments, as

applicable. Thermal type actuators may only be used on terminal fan

coil units, terminal VAV units, convectors, and unit heaters. Spring

return actuators shall be provided on all control dampers and all

23 09 23 - 21

control valves except terminal fan coil units, terminal VAV units,

convectors, and unit heaters; unless indicated otherwise. Each

actuator shall have distinct markings indicating the full-open and

full-closed position, and the points in-between.

I. Output Signal Conversion

1. Electronic-to-Pneumatic Transducers

Electronic to pneumatic transducers shall convert a 4 to 20 mA or 0

to 10 VDC digital controller output signal to a proportional 0 to 20

psig pressure signal (operator scaleable). Accuracy and linearity

shall be 1.0 percent or better. [ Transducers shall have feedback

circuit that converts the pneumatic signal to a proportional 4 to 20

mA or 0 to 10 VDC signal.]

J. Output Switches

1. Control Relays

Field installed and DDC panel relays shall be double pole, double

throw, UL listed, with contacts rated for the intended application,

indicator light, and dust proof enclosure. The indicator light shall

be lit when the coil is energized and off when coil is not

energized. Relays shall be the socket type, plug into a fixed base,

and replaceable without tools or removing wiring. Encapsulated "PAM"

type relays may be used for terminal control applications.


A. Manufacturers

1. VFD shall be Z1000 type, manufactured by Yaskawa America Inc.

2. Motors should be inverter duty rated, per NEMA MG1 parts 30 and 31,

for motor-drive compatibility.

B. Description

1. Provide enclosed variable frequency drives suitable for operation at

the current, voltage, and horsepower indicated on the schedule.

Conform to requirements of NEMA ICS 3.1.

C. Ratings

1. VFD must operate, without fault or failure, when voltage varies plus

10% or minus 15% from rating, and frequency varies plus or minus 5%

from rating.

2. Displacement Power Factor: 0.98 over entire range of operating

speed and load.

3. Service factor: 1.0

4. Operating Ambient Temperature:

NEMA 1 (IP20): -10°C to 40°C (14°F to 104°F)

23 09 23 - 22

5. Ambient storage temperature: -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)

6. Humidity: 0% to 95% non-condensing.

7. Altitude: to 3,300 feet (1000m), higher altitudes achieved by


8. Vibration: 9.81m/s2 (1 G) maximum at 10 to 20 Hz, 2.0 m/s2 (0.2 G)

at 20 Hz to 55 Hz.

9. Minimum Efficiency: 96% at half speed; 98% at full speed.

10.Starting Torque: 100% starting torque shall be available from 0.5

Hz. to 60 Hz.

11.Overload capability: 110% of rated FLA (Full Load Amps) for 60

seconds; 150% of rated FLA peak.

12.Controlled speed range of 40:1

13.The VFD’s shall include EMI/RFI filters. The onboard RFI filter

shall allow the entire VFD assembly to be CE Marked and the VFD

shall meet product standard EN 61800-3 for the First Environment

restricted. No Exceptions.

14.Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) compliance:

Given the information provided by the customer’s electric power

single line diagram and distribution transformer data, the VFD

manufacturer shall carry out an analysis of the system. The

analysis reviews the potential for the proposed equipment, and any

existing equipment, to meet IEEE 519 (tables 10.2 and 10.3)

recommendations at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC). The result

of the analysis shall determine if additional power quality

improvement measures should be included in the proposal to meet the

THD recommendations of IEEE 519. The PCC shall be at the primary

side of the main distribution transformer.

15.VFDs must be suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not

more than 100,000 RMS symmetrical amperes.


A. Transformers

Transformers shall conform to UL 506. For control power other than

terminal level equipment, provide a fuse or circuit breaker on the

secondary side of each transformer.

B. Surge and Transient Protection

Provide each digital controller with surge and transient power

protection. Surge and transient protection shall consist of the

following devices, installed externally to the controllers.

1. Power Line Surge Protection

23 09 23 - 23

Provide surge suppressors on the incoming power at each controller

or grouped terminal controllers. Surge suppressors shall be rated in

accordance with UL 1449, have a fault indicating light, and conform

to the following:

a. The device shall be a transient voltage surge suppressor, hard-

wire type individual equipment protector for 120 VAC/1 phase/2

wire plus ground.

b. The device shall react within 5 nanoseconds and automatically


c. The voltage protection threshold, line to neutral, shall be no

more than 211 volts.

d. The device shall have an independent secondary stage equal to or

greater than the primary stage joule rating.

e. The primary suppression system components shall be pure silicon

avalanche diodes.

f. The secondary suppression system components shall be silicon

avalanche diodes or metal oxide varistors.

g. The device shall have an indication light to indicate the

protection components are functioning.

h. All system functions of the transient suppression system shall be

individually fused and not short circuit the AC power line at any


i. The device shall have an EMI/RFI noise filter with a minimum

attenuation of 13 dB at 10 kHz to 300 MHz.

j. The device shall comply with IEEE C62.41.1 and IEEE C62.41.2,

Class "B" requirements and be tested according to IEEE C62.45.

k. The device shall be capable of operating between -20 degrees F

and +122 degrees F.

2. Telephone and Communication Line Surge Protection

Provide surge and transient protection for DDC controllers and DDC

network related devices connected to phone and network communication

lines, in accordance with the following:

a. The device shall provide continuous, non-interrupting protection,

and shall automatically reset after safely eliminating transient


b. The protection shall react within 5 nanoseconds using only solid-

state silicon avalanche technology.

c. The device shall be installed at the distance recommended by its


23 09 23 - 24

3. Controller Input/Output Protection

Provide controller inputs and outputs with surge protection via

optical isolation, metal oxide varistors (MOV), or silicon avalanche

devices. Fuses are not permitted for surge protection.

C. Wiring

Provide complete electrical wiring for the DDC System. Provide all

wiring in conduit. Control circuit wiring shall not run in the same

conduit as power wiring over 100 volts. [Circuits operating at more

than 100 volts shall be in accordance with Section 26 20 00, INTERIOR


1. Power Wiring

The following requirements are for field-installed wiring:

a. Wiring for 24 V circuits shall be insulated copper 24 AWG minimum

and rated for 300 VAC service.

b. Wiring for 120 V circuits shall be insulated copper 14 AWG

minimum and rated for 600 VAC service.

2. Analog Signal Wiring

Field-installed analog signal wiring shall be 18 AWG single or

multiple twisted pair. Each cable shall be 100 percent shielded and

have a 20 AWG drain wire. Each wire shall have insulation rated for

300 VAC service. Cables shall have an overall aluminum-polyester or

tinned-copper cable-shield tape.



Perform the installation under the supervision of competent technicians

regularly employed in the installation of DDC systems.

A. Naming and Addressing

Coordinate with the BAS Owner and provide unique naming and addressing

for networks and devices.

B. Local Area Networks

Obtain Government approval before connecting new networks with existing

networks. Network numbers and device instance numbers shall remain

unique when joining networks. Do not change existing network addressing

without Government approval.

C. Wiring Criteria

a. Run all wiring in conduit.

b. Do not run binary control circuit wiring in the same conduit as

power wiring over 100 volts. Where analog signal wiring requires

23 09 23 - 25

conduit, do not run in the same conduit with AC power circuits or

control circuits operating at more than 100 volts.

c. Provide circuit and wiring protection required by NFPA 70.

d. Run all wiring located inside mechanical rooms in conduit.

e. Do not bury aluminum-sheathed cable or aluminum conduit in concrete.

f. Input/output identification: Permanently label each field-installed

wire, cable, and pneumatic tube at each end with descriptive text

using a commercial wire marking system that fully encircles the

wire, cable, or tube. Locate the markers within 2 inches of each

termination. Match the names and I/O number to the project's point

list. Similarly label all power wiring serving control devices,

including the word "power" in the label. Number each pneumatic tube

every six feet. Label all terminal blocks with alpha/numeric labels.

All wiring and the wiring methods shall be in accordance with UL


g. For controller power, provide new 120 VAC circuits, with ground.

Provide each circuit with a dedicated breaker, and run wiring in its

own conduit, separate from any control wiring. Connect the

controller's ground wire to the electrical panel ground; conduit

grounds are not acceptable.

h. Surge Protection: Install surge protection according to

manufacturer's instructions. Multiple controllers fed from a common

power supply may be protected by a common surge protector, properly

sized for the total connected devices.

i. Grounding: Ground controllers and cabinets to a good earth ground as

specified in Section 26 20 00 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Conduit

grounding is not acceptable; all grounding shall have a direct path

to the building earth ground. Ground sensor drain wire shields at

the controller end.

j. The Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all associated

ground loop problems.

D. Accessibility

Install all equipment so that parts requiring periodic inspection,

operation, maintenance, and repair are readily accessible. Install

digital controllers, data ports, and concealed actuators, valves,

dampers, and like equipment in locations freely accessible through

access doors.

E. Digital Controllers

1. Install as stand alone control devices (see definitions).

23 09 23 - 26

2. Locate control cabinets at the locations shown on the drawings. If

not shown on the drawings, install in the most accessible space,

close to the controlled equipment.

F. Hand-Off-Auto Switches

Wire safety controls such as smoke detectors and freeze protection

thermostats to protect the equipment during both hand and auto


G. Temperature Sensors

Install temperature sensors in locations that are accessible and

provide a good representation of sensed media. Installations in dead

spaces are not acceptable. Calibrate sensors according to

manufacturer's instructions. Do not use sensors designed for one

application in a different application.

1. Room Temperature Sensors

Mount the sensors on interior walls to sense the average room

temperature at the locations indicated. Avoid locations near heat

sources such as copy machines or locations by supply air outlet

drafts. Mount the center of the sensor [5 feet above the finished

floor][54 inches above the floor to meet ADA requirements][at the

height[s] indicated].

2. Duct Temperature Sensors

a. Probe Type: Provide a gasket between the sensor housing and the

duct wall. Seal the duct penetration air tight. Seal the duct

insulation penetration vapor tight.

b. Averaging Type (and coil freeze protection thermostats): Weave

the capillary tube sensing element in a serpentine fashion

perpendicular to the flow, across the duct or air handler cross-

section, using durable non-metal supports. Prevent contact

between the capillary and the duct or air handler internals.

Provide a duct access door at the sensor location. The access

door shall be hinged on the side, factory insulated, have cam

type locks, and be as large as the duct will permit, maximum 18 x

18 inches. For sensors inside air handlers, the sensors shall be

fully accessible through the air handler's access doors without

removing any of the air handler's internals.

3. Immersion Temperature Sensors

Provide thermowells for sensors measuring piping, tank, or pressure

vessel temperatures. Locate wells to sense continuous flow

conditions. Do not install wells using extension couplings. Where

23 09 23 - 27

piping diameters are smaller than the length of the wells, provide

wells in piping at elbows to sense flow across entire area of well.

Wells shall not restrict flow area to less than 70 percent of pipe

area. Increase piping size as required to avoid restriction. Provide

thermal conductivity material within the well to fully coat the

inserted sensor.

4. Outside Air Temperature Sensors

Provide outside air temperature sensors in weatherproof enclosures

on the north side of the building, away from exhaust hoods and other

areas that may affect the reading. Provide a shield to shade the

sensor from direct sunlight.

5. Damper Actuators

Where possible, mount actuators outside the air stream in accessible

6. Thermometers and Gages

Mount devices to allow reading while standing on the floor or

ground, as applicable.

7. Pressure Sensors

Locate pressure sensors as indicated.

8. Component Identification Labeling

Using an electronic hand-held label maker with white tape and bold

black block lettering, provide an identification label on the

exterior of each new control panel, control device, actuator, and

sensor. Also provide labels on the exterior of each new control

actuator indicating the (full) open and (full) closed positions. For

labels located outdoors, use exterior grade label tape, and provide

labels on both the inside and outside of the panel door or device

cover. Acceptable alternatives are white plastic labels with

engraved bold black block lettering permanently attached to the

control panel, control device, actuator, and sensor. Have the labels

and wording approved by the BAS Owner prior to installation.

9. Network and Telephone Communication Lines

When telephone lines or network connections by the Government are

required, provide at least 60 days advance notice of need.


A. The controls contractor shall coordinate with and provide on-site

support to the test and balance (TAB) personnel [specified under

Section 23 08 00.00 20 HVAC TESTING/ADJUSTING/BALANCING.] This support

shall include:

23 09 23 - 28

1. On-site operation and manipulation of control systems during the

testing and balancing.

2. Control setpoint adjustments for balancing all relevant mechanical

systems, including VAV boxes.

3. Tuning control loops with setpoints and adjustments determined by

TAB personnel.


A. Provide an electronic and printed copies of a Controls System Operators

Manual. The manual shall be specific to the project, written to actual

project conditions, and provide a complete and concise depiction of the

installed work. Provide information in detail to clearly explain all

operation requirements for the control system. Provide with each

manual: CDs of the project's control system drawings, control programs,

data bases, graphics, and all items listed below. Include gateway back-

up data and configuration tools where applicable.

B. Provide CDs in jewel case with printed and dated project-specific

labels on both the CD and the case. For text and drawings, use Adobe

Acrobat or MS Office file types. When approved by the Government,

AutoCAD and Visio files are allowed. Give files descriptive English

names and organize in folders.

C. Provide printed manuals in sturdy 3-ring binders with a title sheet on

the outside of each binder indicating the project title, project

location, contract number, and the controls contractor name, address,

and telephone number. Each binder shall include a table of contents and

tabbed dividers, with all material neatly organized. Manuals shall

include the following:

1. A copy of the as-built control system (shop) drawings set, with all

items specified under the paragraph "Submittals." Indicate all field

changes and modifications.

2. A copy of the project's mechanical design drawings, including any

official modifications and revisions.

3. A copy of the project's approved Product Data submittals provided

under the paragraph "Submittals."

4. A copy of the project's approved Performance Verification Testing

Plan and Report.

5. A copy of the project's approved final TAB Report.

6. Printouts of all control system programs, including controller setup

pages if used. Include plain-English narratives of application

programs, flowcharts, and source code.

23 09 23 - 29

7. Printouts of all physical input and output object properties,

including tuning values, alarm limits, calibration factors, and set


8. A table entitled "AC Power Table" listing the electrical power

source for each controller. Include the building electrical panel

number, panel location, and circuit breaker number.

9. The DDC manufacturer's hardware and software manuals in both print

and CD format with printed project-specific labels. Include

installation and technical manuals for all controller hardware,

operator manuals for all controllers, programming manuals for all

controllers, operator manuals for all workstation software,

installation and technical manuals for the workstation and notebook,

and programming manuals for the workstation and notebook software.

10. A list of qualified control system service organizations for the

work provided under this contract. Include their addresses and

telephone numbers.

11. A written statement entitled "Technical Support" stating the

control system manufacturer or authorized representative will

provide toll-free telephone technical support at no additional cost

to the Government for a minimum of two years from project

acceptance, will be furnished by experienced service technicians,

and will be available during normal weekday working hours. Include

the toll-free technical support telephone number.

D. Controller Capability and Labeling

Test the following for each controller:

1. Memory: Demonstrate that programmed data, parameters, and

trend/alarm history collected during normal operation is not lost

during power failure.

2. Direct Connect Interface: Demonstrate the ability to connect

directly to each type of digital controller with a portable

electronic device like a notebook computer or PDA. Show that

maintenance personnel interface tools perform as specified in the

manufacturer's technical literature.

3. Stand Alone Ability: Demonstrate controllers provide stable and

reliable stand-alone operation using default values or other method

for values normally read over the network.

4. Wiring and AC Power: Demonstrate the ability to disconnect any

controller safely from its power source using the AC Power Table.

Demonstrate the ability to match wiring labels easily with the

23 09 23 - 30

control drawings. Demonstrate the ability to locate a controller's

location using the Communication Architecture Schematic and floor


5. Nameplates and Tags: Show the nameplates and tags are accurate and

permanently attached to control panel doors, devices, sensors, and


E. Communications and Interoperability Areas

Demonstrate proper interoperability of data sharing, alarm and event

management, trending, scheduling, and device and network management.

These requirements must be met even if there is only one manufacturer

of equipment installed. Testing includes the following:

1. Data Presentation: On each existing Operator Workstation,

demonstrate graphic display capabilities.

2. Reading of Any Property: Demonstrate the ability to read and display

any used readable object property of any device on the network.

3. Setpoint and Parameter Modifications: Show the ability to modify all

setpoints and tuning parameters in the sequence of control or listed

on project schedules. Modifications are made with BACnet messages

and write services initiated by an operator using workstation

graphics, or by completing a field in a menu with instructional


4. Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange: Show all devices are installed and

configured to perform read/write services directly (without the need

for operator or workstation intervention), to implement the project

sequence of operation, and to share global data.

5. Alarm and Event Management: Show that alarms/events are installed

and prioritized according to the BAS Owner. Demonstrate time delays

and other logic is set up to avoid nuisance tripping, e.g., no

status alarms during unoccupied times or high supply air during cold

morning start-up. Show that operators with sufficient privilege can

read and write alarm/event parameters for all standard BACnet event

types. Show that operators with sufficient privilege can change

routing for each alarm/event including the destination, priority,

day of week, time of day, and the type of transition involved (TO-


6. Schedule Lists: Show that schedules are configured for start/stop,

mode change, occupant overrides, and night setback as defined in the

sequence of operations.

23 09 23 - 31

7. Schedule Display and Modification: Show the ability to display any

schedule with start and stop times for the calendar year. Show that

all calendar entries and schedules are modifiable from any connected

workstation by an operator with sufficient privilege.

8. Archival Storage of Data: Show that data archiving is handled by the

operator workstation/server, and local trend archiving and display

is accomplished with BACnet Trend Log objects.

9. Modification of Trend Log Object Parameters: Show that an operator

with sufficient privilege can change the logged data points,

sampling rate, and trend duration.

10. Device and Network Management: Show the following capabilities -

a. Display of Device Status Information

b. Display of Object Information

c. Silencing Devices that are Transmitting Erroneous Data

d. Time Synchronization

e. Remote Device Reinitialization

f. Backup and Restore Device Programming and Master Database(s)

F. Execution of Sequence of Operation

Demonstrate that the HVAC system operates properly through the complete

sequence of operation. Use read/write property services to globally

read and modify parameters over the internetwork.

G. Control Loop Stability and Accuracy

For all control loops tested, give the Government trend graphs of the

control variable over time, demonstrating that the control loop

responds to a 20% sudden change of the control variable set point

without excessive overshoot and undershoot. If the process does not

allow a 20% set point change, use the largest change possible. Show

that once the new set point is reached, it is stable and maintained.

Control loop trend data shall be in real-time with the time between

data points 30 seconds or less.


Provide a qualified instructor (or instructors) with two years minimum

field experience with the installation and programming of similar DDC

systems. Orient training to the specific systems installed. Coordinate

training times with the Contracting Officer and BAS Owner after

receiving approval of the training course documentation. Training shall

take place at the job site and/or a nearby Government-furnished

location. A training day shall occur during normal working hours, last

no longer than 8 hours and include a one-hour break for lunch and two

23 09 23 - 32

additional 15-minute breaks. The project's approved Controls System

Operators Manual shall be used as the training text. The Contractor

shall ensure the manuals are submitted, approved, and available to hand

out to the trainees before the start of training.

A. Training Documentation

Submit training documentation for review 30 days minimum before

training. Documentation shall include an agenda for each training day,

objectives, a synopses of each lesson, and the instructor's background

and qualifications. The training documentation can be submitted at the

same time as the project's Controls System Operators Manual.

B. Phase I Training - Fundamentals

The Phase I training session shall last [2 hours] and be conducted in a

classroom environment provided by the contractor. Provide each trainee

a printed 8.5 x 11 inch hard-copy of all visual aids used. Upon

completion of the Phase I Training, each trainee should fully

understand the project's DDC system fundamentals. The training session

shall include the following:

1. DDC fundamentals (objects, services, addressing) and how/where they

are used on this project

2. This project's list of control system components

3. This project's list of points and objects

4. This project's device and network communication architecture

5. This project's sequences of control, and:

6. Alarm capabilities

7. Trending capabilities

8. Troubleshooting communication errors

9. Troubleshooting hardware errors

D. Phase II Training - Operation

Provide Phase II Training shortly after completing Phase I Training.

The Phase II training session shall last [2 hours] and be conducted at

the DDC system workstation, at a notebook computer connected to the DDC

system in the field, and at other site locations as necessary. Upon

completion of the Phase II Training, each trainee should fully

understand the project's DDC system operation. The training session

shall include the following:

1. A walk-through tour of the mechanical system and the installed DDC

components (controllers, valves, dampers, surge protection,

switches, thermostats, sensors, etc.)

2. A discussion of the components and functions at each DDC panel

23 09 23 - 33

3. Logging-in and navigating at each operator interface type

4. Using each operator interface to find, read, and write to specific

controllers and objects

5. Modifying and downloading control program changes

6. Modifying setpoints

7. Creating, editing, and viewing trends

8. Creating, editing, and viewing alarms

9. Creating, editing, and viewing operating schedules and schedule


10. Backing-up and restoring programming and data bases

11. Modifying graphic text, backgrounds, dynamic data displays, and

links to other graphics

12. Creating new graphics and adding new dynamic data displays and


13. Alarm and Event management

14. Adding and removing network devices

-- End of Section --


23 31 00 - 1




A. Ductwork and accessories for HVAC including the following:

1. Exhaust duct Radioisotope Hoods.

B. Definitions:

1. SMACNA Standards as used in this specification means the HVAC Duct

Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible.

2. Seal or Sealing: Use of liquid or mastic sealant, with or without

compatible tape overlay, or gasketing of flanged joints, to keep air

leakage at duct joints, seams and connections to an acceptable


3. Duct Pressure Classification: SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction

Standards, Metal and Flexible.

4. Exposed Duct: Exposed to view in a finished room.


A. General Mechanical Requirements: Section 23 05 11, COMMON WORK RESULTS


B. Duct Mounted Instrumentation: Section 23 09 23, DIRECT-DIGITAL CONTROL



A. Refer to article, QUALITY ASSURANCE, in Section 23 05 11, COMMON WORK


B. Fire Safety Code: Comply with NFPA 90A.

C. Duct System Construction and Installation: Referenced SMACNA Standards

are the minimum acceptable quality.

D. Duct Sealing, Air Leakage Criteria, and Air Leakage Tests: Ducts shall

be sealed as per duct sealing requirements of SMACNA HVAC Air Duct

Leakage Test Manual for duct pressure classes shown on the drawings.

E. Duct accessories exposed to the air stream, such as dampers of all types

(except smoke dampers) and access openings, shall be of the same

material as the duct or provide at least the same level of corrosion



A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA,


B. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:

1. Round and flat oval duct construction details:


23 31 00 - 2

a. Manufacturer's details for duct fittings.

b. Duct liner.

c. Sealants and gaskets.

d. Access sections.

e. Installation instructions.

2. Volume dampers, back draft dampers.

3. Upper hanger attachments.

4. Instrument test fittings.

C. Coordination Drawings: Refer to article, SUBMITTALS, in Section 23 05 11



A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the

basic designation only.

B. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE):

ASCE7-05................Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other


C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

A167-99(2009)...........Standard Specification for Stainless and

Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate,

Sheet, and Strip

A653-09.................Standard Specification for Steel Sheet,

Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy

coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip process

A1011-09a...............Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and

Strip, Hot rolled, Carbon, structural, High-

Strength Low-Alloy, High Strength Low-Alloy with

Improved Formability, and Ultra-High Strength

B209-07.................Standard Specification for Aluminum and

Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate

C1071-05e1..............Standard Specification for Fibrous Glass Duct

Lining Insulation (Thermal and Sound Absorbing


E84-09a.................Standard Test Method for Surface Burning

Characteristics of Building Materials

D. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

90A-09..................Standard for the Installation of Air

Conditioning and Ventilating Systems

96-08...................Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire

Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations


23 31 00 - 3

E. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association


2nd Edition – 2005......HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and


1st Edition - 1985......HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual

6th Edition – 2003......Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards

F. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

181-08..................Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors

555-06 .................Standard for Fire Dampers

555S-06 ................Standard for Smoke Dampers



A. General: Stainless steel sheet, ASTM A167, Class 302 or 304, Condition A

(annealed) Finish No. 4 for exposed ducts and Finish No. 2B for

concealed duct or ducts located in mechanical rooms.

B. Joint Sealing: Refer to SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards,

paragraph S1.9.

1. Sealant: Elastomeric compound, gun or brush grade, maximum 25 flame

spread and 50 smoke developed (dry state) compounded specifically for

sealing ductwork as recommended by the manufacturer. Generally

provide liquid sealant, with or without compatible tape, for low

clearance slip joints and heavy, permanently elastic, mastic type

where clearances are larger. Oil base caulking and glazing compounds

are not acceptable because they do not retain elasticity and bond.

2. Tape: Use only tape specifically designated by the sealant

manufacturer and apply only over wet sealant. Pressure sensitive tape

shall not be used on bare metal or on dry sealant.

3. Gaskets in Flanged Joints: Soft neoprene.

C. Approved factory made joints may be used.


A. Regardless of the pressure classifications outlined in the SMACNA

Standards, fabricate and seal the ductwork in accordance with the

following pressure classifications:

B. Duct Pressure Classification:

0 to 50 mm (2 inch)

> 50 mm to 75 mm (2 inch to 3 inch)

> 75 mm to 100 mm (3 inch to 4 inch)

Show pressure classifications on the floor plans.

C. Seal Class: All ductwork shall receive Class A Seal


23 31 00 - 4

D. Radioisotope H3, Hood Exhaust and Associated Ductwork: 1.3 mm (18 gage)

all welded stainless steel duct.

E. Radioisotope Hood, Exhaust and Associated Ductwork: 1.3 mm (18 gage) all

welded Stainless steel.


A. Manufactured type with a minimum 50 mm (two inch) length for insulated

duct, and a minimum 25 mm (one inch) length for duct not insulated. Test

hole shall have a flat gasket for rectangular ducts and a concave gasket

for round ducts at the base, and a screw cap to prevent air leakage.

B. Provide instrument test holes at each duct or casing mounted temperature

sensor or transmitter, and at entering and leaving side of each heating

coil, cooling coil, and heat recovery unit.



A. Comply with provisions of Section 23 05 11, COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR

HVAC, particularly regarding coordination with other trades and work in

existing buildings.

B. Fabricate and install ductwork and accessories in accordance with

referenced SMACNA Standards:

1. Drawings show the general layout of ductwork and accessories but do

not show all required fittings and offsets that may be necessary to

connect ducts to equipment, boxes, diffusers, grilles, etc., and to

coordinate with other trades. Fabricate ductwork based on field

measurements. Provide all necessary fittings and offsets at no

additional cost to the government. Coordinate with other trades for

space available and relative location of HVAC equipment and

accessories on ceiling grid. Duct sizes on the drawings are inside

dimensions which shall be altered by Contractor to other dimensions

with the same air handling characteristics where necessary to avoid

interferences and clearance difficulties.

2. Provide duct transitions, offsets and connections to dampers, coils,

and other equipment in accordance with SMACNA Standards, Section II.

Provide streamliner, when an obstruction cannot be avoided and must

be taken in by a duct.

3. Provide bolted construction and tie-rod reinforcement in accordance

with SMACNA Standards.

4. Construct casings, eliminators, and pipe penetrations in accordance

with SMACNA Standards, Chapter 6. Design casing access doors to swing

against air pressure so that pressure helps to maintain a tight seal.


23 31 00 - 5

C. Install duct hangers and supports in accordance with SMACNA Standards,

Chapter 4.

D. Where diffusers, registers and grilles cannot be installed to avoid

seeing inside the duct, paint the inside of the duct with flat black

paint to reduce visibility.

E. Control Damper Installation:

1. Provide necessary blank-off plates required to install dampers that

are smaller than duct size. Provide necessary transitions required to

install dampers larger than duct size.

2. Assemble multiple sections dampers with required interconnecting

linkage and extend required number of shafts through duct for

external mounting of damper motors.

3. Provide necessary sheet metal baffle plates to eliminate

stratification and provide air volumes specified. Locate baffles by

experimentation, and affix and seal permanently in place, only after

stratification problem has been eliminated.

4. Install all damper control/adjustment devices on stand-offs to allow

complete coverage of insulation.

F. Air Flow Measuring Devices (AFMD): Install units with minimum straight

run distances, upstream and downstream as recommended by the


G. Protection and Cleaning: Adequately protect equipment and materials

against physical damage. Place equipment in first class operating

condition, or return to source of supply for repair or replacement, as

determined by Resident Engineer. Protect equipment and ducts during

construction against entry of foreign matter to the inside and clean

both inside and outside before operation and painting. When new ducts

are connected to existing ductwork, clean both new and existing ductwork

by mopping and vacuum cleaning inside and outside before operation.


Refer to Section 23 05 93, TESTING, ADJUSTING, and BALANCING FOR HVAC.



- - - E N D - - -


26 05 11 - 1




A. This section applies to all sections of Division 26.

B. Furnish and install electrical wiring, systems, equipment and

accessories in accordance with the specifications and drawings.

Capacities and ratings of motors, transformers, cable, switchboards,

switchgear, panelboards, motor control centers, generators, automatic

transfer switches, and other items and arrangements for the specified

items are shown on drawings.

C. Electrical service entrance equipment and arrangements for temporary and

permanent connections to the utility’s system shall conform to the

utility's requirements. Coordinate fuses, circuit breakers and relays

with the utility’s system, and obtain utility approval for sizes and

settings of these devices.

D. Wiring ampacities specified or shown on the drawings are based on copper

conductors, with the conduit and raceways accordingly sized. Aluminum

conductors are prohibited.


A. References to the International Building Code (IBC), National Electrical

Code (NEC), Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and National Fire

Protection Association (NFPA) are minimum installation requirement


B. Drawings and other specification sections shall govern in those

instances where requirements are greater than those specified in the

above standards.


A. All materials and equipment shall be listed, labeled or certified by a

nationally recognized testing laboratory to meet Underwriters

Laboratories, Inc., standards where test standards have been

established. Equipment and materials which are not covered by UL

Standards will be accepted provided equipment and material is listed,

labeled, certified or otherwise determined to meet safety requirements

of a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Equipment of a class

which no nationally recognized testing laboratory accepts, certifies,

lists, labels, or determines to be safe, will be considered if inspected

or tested in accordance with national industrial standards, such as


26 05 11 - 2

NEMA, or ANSI. Evidence of compliance shall include certified test

reports and definitive shop drawings.

B. Definitions:

1. Listed; Equipment, materials, or services included in a list

published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority

having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or

services, that maintains periodic inspection of production or listed

equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose

listing states that the equipment, material, or services either meets

appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found

suitable for a specified purpose.

2. Labeled; Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label,

symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is

acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with

product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production

of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the

manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or

performance in a specified manner.

3. Certified; equipment or product which:

a. Has been tested and found by a nationally recognized testing

laboratory to meet nationally recognized standards or to be safe

for use in a specified manner.

b. Production of equipment or product is periodically inspected by a

nationally recognized testing laboratory.

c. Bears a label, tag, or other record of certification.

4. Nationally recognized testing laboratory; laboratory which is

approved, in accordance with OSHA regulations, by the Secretary of



A. Manufacturers Qualifications: The manufacturer shall regularly and

presently produce, as one of the manufacturer's principal products, the

equipment and material specified for this project, and shall have

manufactured the item for at least three years.

B. Product Qualification:

1. Manufacturer's product shall have been in satisfactory operation, on

three installations of similar size and type as this project, for

approximately three years.

2. The Government reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit

a list of installations where the products have been in operation

before approval.


26 05 11 - 3

C. Service Qualifications: There shall be a permanent service organization

maintained or trained by the manufacturer which will render satisfactory

service to this installation within four hours of receipt of

notification that service is needed. Submit name and address of service



Applicable publications listed in all Sections of Division are the

latest issue, unless otherwise noted.


A. Materials and equipment furnished shall be of current production by

manufacturers regularly engaged in the manufacture of such items, for

which replacement parts shall be available.

B. When more than one unit of the same class or type of equipment is

required, such units shall be the product of a single manufacturer.

C. Equipment Assemblies and Components:

1. Components of an assembled unit need not be products of the same


2. Manufacturers of equipment assemblies, which include components made

by others, shall assume complete responsibility for the final

assembled unit.

3. Components shall be compatible with each other and with the total

assembly for the intended service.

4. Constituent parts which are similar shall be the product of a single


D. Factory wiring shall be identified on the equipment being furnished and

on all wiring diagrams.

E. When Factory Testing Is Specified:

1. The Government shall have the option of witnessing factory tests. The

contractor shall notify the VA through the Resident Engineer a

minimum of 15 working days prior to the manufacturers making the

factory tests.

2. Four copies of certified test reports containing all test data shall

be furnished to the Resident Engineer prior to final inspection and

not more than 90 days after completion of the tests.

3. When equipment fails to meet factory test and re-inspection is

required, the contractor shall be liable for all additional expenses,

including expenses of the Government.


Where variations from the contract requirements are requested in

accordance with Section 00 72 00, GENERAL CONDITIONS and Section 01 33


26 05 11 - 4

23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES, the connecting work and

related components shall include, but not be limited to additions or

changes to branch circuits, circuit protective devices, conduits, wire,

feeders, controls, panels and installation methods.


A. Equipment and materials shall be protected during shipment and storage

against physical damage, vermin, dirt, corrosive substances, fumes,

moisture, cold and rain.

1. Store equipment indoors in clean dry space with uniform temperature

to prevent condensation. Equipment shall include but not be limited

to switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, transformers, motor control

centers, motor controllers, uninterruptible power systems,

enclosures, controllers, circuit protective devices, cables, wire,

light fixtures, electronic equipment, and accessories.

2. During installation, equipment shall be protected against entry of

foreign matter; and be vacuum-cleaned both inside and outside before

testing and operating. Compressed air shall not be used to clean

equipment. Remove loose packing and flammable materials from inside


3. Damaged equipment shall be, as determined by the Resident Engineer,

placed in first class operating condition or be returned to the

source of supply for repair or replacement.

4. Painted surfaces shall be protected with factory installed removable

heavy kraft paper, sheet vinyl or equal.

5. Damaged paint on equipment and materials shall be refinished with the

same quality of paint and workmanship as used by the manufacturer so

repaired areas are not obvious.


A. All electrical work must comply with the requirements of NFPA 70 (NEC),

NFPA 70B, NFPA 70E, OSHA Part 1910 subpart J, OSHA Part 1910 subpart S

and OSHA Part 1910 subpart K in addition to other references required by


B. Job site safety and worker safety is the responsibility of the


C. Electrical work shall be accomplished with all affected circuits or

equipment de-energized. When an electrical outage cannot be accomplished

in this manner for the required work, the following requirements are


1. Electricians must use full protective equipment (i.e., certified and

tested insulating material to cover exposed energized electrical


26 05 11 - 5

components, certified and tested insulated tools, etc.) while working

on energized systems in accordance with NFPA 70E.

2. Electricians must wear personal protective equipment while working on

energized systems in accordance with NFPA 70E.

3. Before initiating any work, a job specific work plan must be

developed by the contractor with a peer review conducted and

documented by the Resident Engineer and Medical Center staff. The

work plan must include procedures to be used on and near the live

electrical equipment, barriers to be installed, safety equipment to

be used and exit pathways.

4. Work on energized circuits or equipment cannot begin until prior

written approval is obtained from the Resident Engineer.

D. For work on existing stations, arrange, phase and perform work to assure

electrical service for other buildings at all times. Refer to Article



E. New work shall be installed and connected to existing work neatly,

safely and professionally. Disturbed or damaged work shall be replaced

or repaired to its prior conditions, as required by Section 01 00 00,


F. Coordinate location of equipment and conduit with other trades to

minimize interferences.


A. Equipment location shall be as close as practical to locations shown on

the drawings.

B. Working spaces shall not be less than specified in the NEC for all

voltages specified.

C. Inaccessible Equipment:

1. Where the Government determines that the Contractor has installed

equipment not conveniently accessible for operation and maintenance,

the equipment shall be removed and reinstalled as directed at no

additional cost to the Government.

2. "Conveniently accessible" is defined as being capable of being

reached quickly for operation, maintenance, or inspections without

the use of ladders, or without climbing or crawling under or over

obstacles such as, but not limited to, motors, pumps, belt guards,

transformers, piping, ductwork, conduit and raceways.


A. In addition to the requirements of the NEC, install an identification

sign which clearly indicates information required for use and


26 05 11 - 6

maintenance of items such as switchboards and switchgear, panelboards,

cabinets, motor controllers (starters), fused and unfused safety

switches, automatic transfer switches, separately enclosed circuit

breakers, individual breakers and controllers in switchboards,

switchgear and motor control assemblies, control devices and other

significant equipment.

B. Nameplates for Normal Power System equipment shall be laminated black

phenolic resin with a white core with engraved lettering. Nameplates

for Essential Electrical System (EES) equipment, as defined in the NEC,

shall be laminated red phenolic resin with a white core with engraved

lettering. Lettering shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch [12mm] high.

Nameplates shall indicate equipment designation, rated bus amperage,

voltage, number of phases, number of wires, and type of EES power branch

as applicable. Secure nameplates with screws.

C. Install adhesive arc flash warning labels on all equipment as required

by NFPA 70E. Label shall indicate the arc hazard boundary (inches),

working distance (inches), arc flash incident energy at the working

distance (calories/cm2), required PPE category and description including

the glove rating, voltage rating of the equipment, limited approach

distance (inches), restricted approach distance (inches), prohibited

approach distance (inches), equipment/bus name, date prepared, and

manufacturer name and address.


A. Submit in accordance with Section 01 33 23, SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA,


B. The Government's approval shall be obtained for all equipment and

material before delivery to the job site. Delivery, storage or

installation of equipment or material which has not had prior approval

will not be permitted at the job site.

C. All submittals shall include adequate descriptive literature, catalog

cuts, shop drawings and other data necessary for the Government to

ascertain that the proposed equipment and materials comply with

specification requirements. Catalog cuts submitted for approval shall

be legible and clearly identify equipment being submitted.

D. Submittals for individual systems and equipment assemblies which consist

of more than one item or component shall be made for the system or

assembly as a whole. Partial submittals will not be considered for


1. Mark the submittals, "SUBMITTED UNDER SECTION__________________".


26 05 11 - 7

2. Submittals shall be marked to show specification reference including

the section and paragraph numbers.

3. Submit each section separately.

E. The submittals shall include the following:

1. Information that confirms compliance with contract requirements.

Include the manufacturer's name, model or catalog numbers, catalog

information, technical data sheets, shop drawings, pictures,

nameplate data and test reports as required.

2. Elementary and interconnection wiring diagrams for communication and

signal systems, control systems and equipment assemblies. All

terminal points and wiring shall be identified on wiring diagrams.

3. Parts list which shall include those replacement parts recommended by

the equipment manufacturer.

F. Manuals: Submit in accordance with Section 01 00 00, GENERAL


1. Maintenance and Operation Manuals: Submit as required for systems and

equipment specified in the technical sections. Furnish four copies,

bound in hardback binders, (manufacturer's standard binders) or an

approved equivalent. Furnish one complete manual as specified in the

technical section but in no case later than prior to performance of

systems or equipment test, and furnish the remaining manuals prior to

contract completion.

2. Inscribe the following identification on the cover: the words

"MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION MANUAL," the name and location of the

system, equipment, building, name of Contractor, and contract number.

Include in the manual the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of

each subcontractor installing the system or equipment and the local

representatives for the system or equipment.

3. Provide a "Table of Contents" and assemble the manual to conform to

the table of contents, with tab sheets placed before instructions

covering the subject. The instructions shall be legible and easily

read, with large sheets of drawings folded in.

4. The manuals shall include:

a. Internal and interconnecting wiring and control diagrams with data

to explain detailed operation and control of the equipment.

b. A control sequence describing start-up, operation, and shutdown.

c. Description of the function of each principal item of equipment.

d. Installation instructions.

e. Safety precautions for operation and maintenance.

f. Diagrams and illustrations.


26 05 11 - 8

g. Periodic maintenance and testing procedures and frequencies,

including replacement parts numbers and replacement frequencies.

h. Performance data.

i. Pictorial "exploded" parts list with part numbers. Emphasis shall

be placed on the use of special tools and instruments. The list

shall indicate sources of supply, recommended spare parts, and

name of servicing organization.

j. List of factory approved or qualified permanent servicing

organizations for equipment repair and periodic testing and

maintenance, including addresses and factory certification


G. Approvals will be based on complete submission of manuals together with

shop drawings.

H. After approval and prior to installation, furnish the Resident Engineer

with one sample of each of the following:

1. A 300 mm (12 inch) length of each type and size of wire and cable

along with the tag from the coils of reels from which the samples

were taken.

2. Each type of conduit coupling, bushing and termination fitting.

3. Conduit hangers, clamps and supports.

4. Duct sealing compound.

5. Each type of receptacle, toggle switch, occupancy sensor, outlet box,

manual motor starter, device wall plate, engraved nameplate, wire and

cable splicing and terminating material, and branch circuit single

pole molded case circuit breaker.


Where any device or part of equipment is referred to in these

specifications in the singular number (e.g., "the switch"), this

reference shall be deemed to apply to as many such devices as are

required to complete the installation as shown on the drawings.


The contractor shall furnish the instruments, materials and labor for

field tests.


A. Training shall be provided in accordance with Article 1.25,


B. Training shall be provided for the particular equipment or system as

required in each associated specification.


26 05 11 - 9

C. A training schedule shall be developed and submitted by the contractor

and approved by the Resident Engineer at least 30 days prior to the

planned training.

- - - E N D - - -


26 05 21 - 1




This section specifies the furnishing, installation, and connection of

the low voltage power and lighting wiring.


A. Section 07 84 00, FIRESTOPPING: Sealing around penetrations to maintain

the integrity of fire-rated construction.


electrical requirements that are common to more than one section.


Requirements for personnel safety and to provide a low impedance path

for possible ground fault currents.


cables and wiring.


Refer to Paragraph, QUALIFICATIONS, in Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS



Low voltage cables shall be thoroughly tested at the factory per NEMA

WC-70 to ensure that there are no electrical defects. Factory tests

shall be certified.


In accordance with Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL

INSTALLATIONS, submit the following:

1. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: Showing each cable type and


2. Certifications: Two weeks prior to the final inspection, submit four

copies of the following certifications to the Resident Engineer:

a. Certification by the manufacturer that the materials conform to

the requirements of the drawings and specifications.

b. Certification by the contractor that the materials have been

properly installed, connected, and tested.


A. Publications listed below (including amendments, addenda, revisions,

supplements and errata) form a part of this specification to the extent

referenced. Publications are reference in the text by designation only.


26 05 21 - 2

B. American Society of Testing Material (ASTM):

D2301-04................Standard Specification for Vinyl Chloride

Plastic Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating


C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

70-08...................National Electrical Code (NEC)

D. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):

WC 70-09................Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the

Distribution of Electrical Energy

E. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

44-05...................Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables

83-08...................Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables

467-071.................Electrical Grounding and Bonding Equipment

486A-486B-03............Wire Connectors

486C-04.................Splicing Wire Connectors

486D-05.................Sealed Wire Connector Systems

486E-94.................Equipment Wiring Terminals for Use with Aluminum

and/or Copper Conductors

493-07..................Thermoplastic-Insulated Underground Feeder and

Branch Circuit Cable

514B-04.................Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings

1479-03.................Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops



A. Conductors and cables shall be in accordance with NEMA WC-70 and as

specified herein.

B. Single Conductor:

1. Shall be annealed copper.

2. Shall be stranded for sizes No. 8 AWG and larger, solid for sizes No.

10 AWG and smaller.

3. Shall be minimum size No. 12 AWG, except where smaller sizes are

allowed herein.

C. Insulation:

1. XHHW-2 or THHN-THWN shall be in accordance with NEMA WC-70, UL 44,

and UL 83.

D. Color Code:

1. Secondary service feeder and branch circuit conductors shall be

color-coded as follows:


26 05 21 - 3

208/120 volt Phase 480/277 volt

Black A Brown

Red B Orange

Blue C Yellow

White Neutral Gray *

* or white with colored (other than green) tracer.

a. Lighting circuit “switch legs” and 3-way switch “traveling wires”

shall have color coding that is unique and distinct (e.g., pink

and purple) from the color coding indicated above. The unique

color codes shall be solid and in accordance with the NEC.

Coordinate color coding in the field with the Resident Engineer.

2. Use solid color insulation or solid color coating for No. 12 AWG and

No. 10 AWG branch circuit phase, neutral, and ground conductors.

3. Conductors No. 8 AWG and larger shall be color-coded using one of the

following methods:

a. Solid color insulation or solid color coating.

b. Stripes, bands, or hash marks of color specified above.

c. Color as specified using 0.75 in [19 mm] wide tape. Apply tape in

half-overlapping turns for a minimum of 3 in [75 mm] for terminal

points, and in junction boxes, pull-boxes, troughs, and manholes.

Apply the last two laps of tape with no tension to prevent

possible unwinding. Where cable markings are covered by tape,

apply tags to cable, stating size and insulation type.

4. For modifications and additions to existing wiring systems, color

coding shall conform to the existing wiring system.


A. In accordance with UL 486A, C, D, E, and NEC.

B. Aboveground Circuits (No. 10 AWG and smaller):

1. Connectors: Solderless, screw-on, reusable pressure cable type, rated

600 V, 220˚ F [105˚ C], with integral insulation, approved for copper

and aluminum conductors.

2. The integral insulator shall have a skirt to completely cover the

stripped wires.

3. The number, size, and combination of conductors, as listed on the

manufacturer's packaging, shall be strictly followed.


26 05 21 - 4

C. Aboveground Circuits (No. 8 AWG and larger):

1. Connectors shall be indent, hex screw, or bolt clamp-type of high

conductivity and corrosion-resistant material, listed for use with

copper and aluminum conductors.

2. Field-installed compression connectors for cable sizes 250 kcmil and

larger shall have not fewer than two clamping elements or compression

indents per wire.

3. Insulate splices and joints with materials approved for the

particular use, location, voltage, and temperature. Splice and joint

insulation level shall be not less than the insulation level of the

conductors being joined.

4. Plastic electrical insulating tape: Per ASTM D2304, flame-retardant,

cold and weather resistant.


A. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in these specifications, control

wiring shall be as specified for power and lighting wiring, except that

the minimum size shall be not less than No. 14 AWG.

B. Control wiring shall be large enough such that the voltage drop under

in-rush conditions does not adversely affect operation of the controls.


A. Lubricating compound shall be suitable for the wire insulation and

conduit, and shall not harden or become adhesive.



A. Install in accordance with the NEC, and as specified.

B. Install all wiring in raceway systems.

C. Splice cables and wires only in outlet boxes, junction boxes, pull-

boxes, manholes, or handholes.

D. Wires of different systems (e.g., 120 V, 277 V) shall not be installed

in the same conduit or junction box system.

E. Install cable supports for all vertical feeders in accordance with the

NEC. Provide split wedge type which firmly clamps each individual cable

and tightens due to cable weight.

F. For panel boards, cabinets, wireways, switches, and equipment

assemblies, neatly form, train, and tie the cables in individual


G. Seal cable and wire entering a building from underground between the

wire and conduit where the cable exits the conduit, with a non-hardening

approved compound.

H. Wire Pulling:


26 05 21 - 5

1. Provide installation equipment that will prevent the cutting or

abrasion of insulation during pulling of cables. Use lubricants

approved for the cable.

2. Use nonmetallic ropes for pulling feeders.

3. Attach pulling lines for feeders by means of either woven basket

grips or pulling eyes attached directly to the conductors, as

approved by the Resident Engineer.

4. All cables in a single conduit shall be pulled simultaneously.

5. Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommended maximum pulling tensions and

sidewall pressure values.

I. No more than three single-phase branch circuits shall be installed in

any one conduit.


A. Splices and terminations shall be mechanically and electrically secure.

B. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's

published torque values.

C. Where the Government determines that unsatisfactory splices or

terminations have been installed, remove the devices and install

approved devices at no additional cost to the Government.


A. In each interior pull-box and junction box, install metal tags on all

circuit cables and wires to clearly designate their circuit

identification and voltage. The tags shall be the embossed brass type,

1.5 in [40 mm] in diameter and 40 mils thick. Attach tags with plastic



Unless specifically indicated on the plans, existing wiring shall not be

reused for a new installation.


A. Unless otherwise specified in other sections, install wiring and connect

to equipment/devices to perform the required functions as shown and


B. Except where otherwise required, install a separate power supply circuit

for each system so that malfunctions in any system will not affect other


C. Where separate power supply circuits are not shown, connect the systems

to the nearest panel boards of suitable voltages, which are intended to

supply such systems and have suitable spare circuit breakers or space

for installation.


26 05 21 - 6


A. Install a permanent wire marker on each wire at each termination.

B. Identifying numbers and letters on the wire markers shall correspond to

those on the wiring diagrams used for installing the systems.

C. Wire markers shall retain their markings after cleaning.


A. Feeders and branch circuits shall have their insulation tested after

installation and before connection to utilization devices, such as

fixtures, motors, or appliances. Test each conductor with respect to

adjacent conductors and to ground. Existing conductors to be reused

shall also be tested.

B. Applied voltage shall be 500VDC for 300-volt rated cable, and 1000VDC

for 600-volt rated cable. Apply test for one minute or until reading is

constant for 15 seconds, whichever is longer. Minimum insulation

resistance values shall not be less than 25 megohms for 300-volt rated

cable and 100 megohms for 600-volt rated cable.

C. Perform phase rotation test on all three-phase circuits.

D. The contractor shall furnish the instruments, materials, and labor for

all tests.

- - - E N D - - -


26 05 26 - 1




A. This section specifies the general grounding and bonding requirements

for electrical equipment and operations to provide a low impedance path

for possible ground fault currents.

B. “Grounding electrode system” refers to all electrodes required by NEC,

as well as made, supplementary, and lightning protection system

grounding electrodes.

C. The terms “connect” and “bond” are used interchangeably in this

specification and have the same meaning.



electrical requirements and items that are common to more than one

section of Division 26.


(600 VOLTS AND BELOW): Low Voltage power and lighting wiring.


Refer to Paragraph, QUALIFICATIONS, in Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS



A. Submit in accordance with Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL


B. Shop Drawings:

1. Clearly present enough information to determine compliance with

drawings and specifications.

2. Include the location of system grounding electrode connections and

the routing of aboveground and underground grounding electrode


C. Test Reports: Provide certified test reports of ground resistance.

D. Certifications: Two weeks prior to final inspection, submit four copies

of the following to the Resident Engineer:

1. Certification that the materials and installation are in accordance

with the drawings and specifications.

2. Certification by the contractor that the complete installation has

been properly installed and tested.


26 05 26 - 2


Publications listed below (including amendments, addenda, revisions,

supplements, and errata) form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by

designation only.

A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):

B1-07...................Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper


B3-07...................Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed

Copper Wire

B8-04...................Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-

Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard,

or Soft

B. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE):

81-1983.................IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity,

Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials

of a Ground System

C2-07...................National Electrical Safety Code

C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

70-08...................National Electrical Code (NEC)

99-2005.................Health Care Facilities

D. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

44-05 ..................Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables

83-08 ..................Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables

467-07 .................Grounding and Bonding Equipment

486A-486B-03 ...........Wire Connectors



A. Equipment grounding conductors shall be UL 44 or UL 83 insulated

stranded copper, except that sizes No. 10 AWG [6 mm²] and smaller shall

be solid copper. Insulation color shall be continuous green for all

equipment grounding conductors, except that wire sizes No. 4 AWG [25

mm²] and larger shall be identified per NEC.

B. Bonding conductors shall be ASTM B8 bare stranded copper, except that

sizes No. 10 AWG [6 mm²] and smaller shall be ASTM B1 solid bare copper


C. Conductor sizes shall not be less than shown on the drawings, or not

less than required by the NEC, whichever is greater.


26 05 26 - 3



A. Ground in accordance with the NEC, as shown on drawings, and as

specified herein.

B. System Grounding:

1. Secondary service neutrals: Ground at the supply side of the

secondary disconnecting means and at the related transformers.

2. Separately derived systems (transformers downstream from the service

entrance): Ground the secondary neutral.

C. Equipment Grounding: Metallic structures, including ductwork and

building steel, enclosures, raceways, junction boxes, outlet boxes,

cabinets, machine frames, and other conductive items in close proximity

with electrical circuits, shall be bonded and grounded.


A. Conduit Systems:

1. Ground all metallic conduit systems. All metallic conduit systems

shall contain an equipment grounding conductor.

2. Non-metallic conduit systems, except non-metallic feeder conduits

that carry a grounded conductor from exterior transformers to

interior or building-mounted service entrance equipment, shall

contain an equipment grounding conductor.

3. Conduit that only contains a grounding conductor, and is provided

for its mechanical protection, shall be bonded to that conductor at

the entrance and exit from the conduit.

4. Metallic conduits which terminate without mechanical connection to

an electrical equipment housing by means of locknut and bushings or

adapters, shall be provided with grounding bushings. Connect

bushings with a bare grounding conductor to the equipment ground


B. Feeders and Branch Circuits: Install equipment grounding conductors

with all feeders and power and lighting branch circuits.

C. Boxes, Cabinets, Enclosures, and Panelboards:

1. Bond the equipment grounding conductor to each pullbox, junction

box, outlet box, device box, cabinets, and other enclosures through

which the conductor passes (except for special grounding systems for

intensive care units and other critical units shown).

2. Provide lugs in each box and enclosure for equipment grounding

conductor termination.


26 05 26 - 4

D. Wireway Systems:

1. Bond the metallic structures of wireway to provide 100% electrical

continuity throughout the wireway system, by connecting a No. 6 AWG

[16 mm²] bonding jumper at all intermediate metallic enclosures and

across all section junctions.

2. Install insulated No. 6 AWG [16 mm²] bonding jumpers between the

wireway system, bonded as required above, and the closest building

ground at each end and approximately every 50 ft [16 M].

3. Use insulated No. 6 AWG [16 mm²] bonding jumpers to ground or bond

metallic wireway at each end for all intermediate metallic

enclosures and across all section junctions.

4. Use insulated No. 6 AWG [16 mm²] bonding jumpers to ground cable

tray to column-mounted building ground plates (pads) at each end and

approximately every 49 ft [15 M].

E. Receptacles shall not be grounded through their mounting screws. Ground

receptacles with a jumper from the receptacle green ground terminal to

the device box ground screw and a jumper to the branch circuit

equipment grounding conductor.

F. Ground lighting fixtures to the equipment grounding conductor of the

wiring system when the green ground is provided; otherwise, ground the

fixtures through the conduit systems. Fixtures connected with flexible

conduit shall have a green ground wire included with the power wires

from the fixture through the flexible conduit to the first outlet box.

G. Fixed electrical appliances and equipment shall be provided with a

ground lug for termination of the equipment grounding conductor.

- - - E N D - - -


26 05 33 - 1




A. This section specifies the furnishing, installation, and connection of

conduit, fittings, and boxes, to form complete, coordinated, grounded

raceway systems. Raceways are required for all wiring unless shown or

specified otherwise.

B. Definitions: The term conduit, as used in this specification, shall mean

any or all of the raceway types specified.



electrical requirements and items that are common to more than one

section of Division 26.


Requirements for personnel safety and to provide a low impedance path

for possible ground fault currents.


Refer to Paragraph, QUALIFICATIONS, in Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS



In accordance with Section 26 05 11, REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL

INSTALLATIONS, submit the following:

A. Manufacturer's Literature and Data: Showing each cable type and rating.

The specific item proposed and its area of application shall be

identified on the catalog cuts.

B. Shop Drawings:

1. Size and location of panels and pull-boxes.

2. Layout of required conduit penetrations through structural elements.

C. Certifications:

1. Two weeks prior to the final inspection, submit four copies of the

following certifications to the Resident Engineer:

a. Certification by the manufacturer that the material conforms to

the requirements of the drawings and specifications.

b. Certification by the contractor that the material has been

properly installed.


26 05 33 - 2


A. Publications listed below (including amendments, addenda, revisions,

supplements, and errata) form a part of this specification to the extent

referenced. Publications are referenced in the text by designation only.

B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI):

C80.1-05................Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit

C80.3-05................Steel Electrical Metal Tubing

C80.6-05................Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit

C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):

70-08...................National Electrical Code (NEC)

D. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

1-05....................Flexible Metal Conduit

5-04....................Surface Metal Raceway and Fittings

6-07....................Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit - Steel

50-95...................Enclosures for Electrical Equipment

360-093.................Liquid-Tight Flexible Steel Conduit

467-07..................Grounding and Bonding Equipment

514A-04.................Metallic Outlet Boxes

514B-04.................Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings

514C-96.................Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes and


651-05..................Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit and


651A-00.................Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit

797-07..................Electrical Metallic Tubing

1242-06.................Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit - Steel

E. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):

TC-2-03.................Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Tubing and


TC-3-04.................PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and


FB1-07..................Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes and Conduit Bodies

for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing and




A. Conduit Size: In accordance with the NEC, but not less than 0.5 in [13

mm] unless otherwise shown. Where permitted by the NEC, 0.5 in [13 mm]

flexible conduit may be used for tap connections to recessed lighting


Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text


26 05 33 - 3

B. Conduit:

1. Electrical metallic tubing (EMT): Shall conform to UL 797 and ANSI

C80.3. Maximum size not to exceed 4 in [105 mm] and shall be

permitted only with cable rated 600 V or less.

C. Conduit Fittings:

1. Electrical metallic tubing fittings:

a. Fittings and conduit bodies shall meet the requirements of UL

514B, ANSI C80.3, and NEMA FB1.

b. Only steel or malleable iron materials are acceptable.

c. Setscrew couplings and connectors: Use setscrews of case-hardened

steel with hex head and cup point, to firmly seat in wall of

conduit for positive grounding.

d. Indent-type connectors or couplings are prohibited.

e. Die-cast or pressure-cast zinc-alloy fittings or fittings made of

"pot metal" are prohibited.

D. Conduit Supports:

1. Parts and hardware: Zinc-coat or provide equivalent corrosion


2. Individual Conduit Hangers: Designed for the purpose, having a

pre-assembled closure bolt and nut, and provisions for receiving a

hanger rod.

3. Multiple conduit (trapeze) hangers: Not less than 1.5 x 1.5 in [38 mm

x 38 mm], 12-gauge steel, cold-formed, lipped channels; with not less

than 0.375 in [9 mm] diameter steel hanger rods.

4. Solid Masonry and Concrete Anchors: Self-drilling expansion shields,

or machine bolt expansion.

E. Outlet, Junction, and Pull Boxes:

1. UL-50 and UL-514A.

2. Cast metal where required by the NEC or shown, and equipped with

rustproof boxes.

3. Sheet metal boxes: Galvanized steel, except where otherwise shown.

4. Flush-mounted wall or ceiling boxes shall be installed with raised

covers so that the front face of raised cover is flush with the wall.

Surface-mounted wall or ceiling boxes shall be installed with

surface-style flat or raised covers.

F. Wireways: Equip with hinged covers, except where removable covers are shown. Include couplings, offsets, elbows, expansion joints, adapters,

hold-down straps, end caps, and other fittings to match and mate with

wireways as required for a complete system.


26 05 33 - 4



A. Cutting or Holes:

1. Cut holes in advance where they should be placed in the structural

elements, such as ribs or beams. Obtain the approval of the Resident

Engineer prior to drilling through structural elements.

2. Cut holes through concrete and masonry in new and existing structures

with a diamond core drill or concrete saw. Pneumatic hammers, impact

electric, hand, or manual hammer-type drills are not allowed, except

where permitted by the Resident Engineer as required by limited

working space.

B. Firestop: Where conduits, wireways, and other electrical raceways pass

through fire partitions, fire walls, smoke partitions, or floors,

install a fire stop that provides an effective barrier against the

spread of fire, smoke and gases as specified in Section 07 84 00,



A. In accordance with UL, NEC, as shown, and as specified herein.

B. Essential (Emergency) raceway systems shall be entirely independent of

other raceway systems, except where shown on drawings.

C. Install conduit as follows:

1. In complete mechanically and electrically continuous runs before

pulling in cables or wires.

2. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified herein,

installation of all conduits shall be concealed within finished

walls, floors, and ceilings.

3. Flattened, dented, or deformed conduit is not permitted. Remove and

replace the damaged conduits with new undamaged material.

4. Assure conduit installation does not encroach into the ceiling height

head room, walkways, or doorways.

5. Cut square, ream, remove burrs, and draw up tight.

6. Independently support conduit at 8 ft [2.4 M] on centers. Do not use

other supports, i.e., suspended ceilings, suspended ceiling

supporting members, lighting fixtures, conduits, mechanical piping,

or mechanical ducts.

7. Support within 12 in [300 mm] of changes of direction, and within 12

in [300 mm] of each enclosure to which connected.

8. Close ends of empty conduit with plugs or caps at the rough-in stage

until wires are pulled in, to prevent entry of debris.


26 05 33 - 5

9. Conduit installations under fume and vent hoods are prohibited.

10. Secure conduits to cabinets, junction boxes, pull-boxes, and outlet

boxes with bonding type locknuts. For rigid and IMC conduit

installations, provide a locknut on the inside of the enclosure, made

up wrench tight. Do not make conduit connections to junction box


11. Flashing of penetrations of the roof membrane is specified in Section


12. Conduit bodies shall only be used for changes in direction, and shall

not contain splices.

D. Conduit Bends:

1. Make bends with standard conduit bending machines.

2. Conduit hickey may be used for slight offsets and for straightening

stubbed out conduits.

3. Bending of conduits with a pipe tee or vise is prohibited.

E. Layout and Homeruns:

1. Install conduit with wiring, including homeruns, as shown on


2. Deviations: Make only where necessary to avoid interferences and only

after drawings showing the proposed deviations have been submitted

approved by the Resident Engineer.


A. In Concrete:

1. Conduit: Rigid steel, IMC, or EMT. Do not install EMT in concrete

slabs that are in contact with soil, gravel, or vapor barriers.

2. Align and run conduit in direct lines.

3. Install conduit through concrete beams only:

a. Where shown on the structural drawings.

b. As approved by the Resident Engineer prior to construction, and

after submittal of drawing showing location, size, and position of

each penetration.

4. Installation of conduit in concrete that is less than 3 in [75 mm]

thick is prohibited.

a. Conduit outside diameter larger than one-third of the slab

thickness is prohibited.

b. Space between conduits in slabs: Approximately six conduit

diameters apart, and one conduit diameter at conduit crossings.

c. Install conduits approximately in the center of the slab so that

there will be a minimum of 0.75 in [19 mm] of concrete around the



26 05 33 - 6

5. Make couplings and connections watertight. Use thread compounds that

are UL approved conductive type to ensure low resistance ground

continuity through the conduits. Tightening setscrews with pliers is


B. Above Furred or Suspended Ceilings and in Walls:

SPEC WRITER NOTE: Edit paragraphs below per project requirements.

1. Conduit for conductors 600 V and below: EMT. Mixing different types

of conduits indiscriminately in the same system is prohibited.

2. Align and run conduit parallel or perpendicular to the building


3. Connect recessed lighting fixtures to conduit runs with maximum 6 ft

[1.8 M] of flexible metal conduit extending from a junction box to

the fixture.

4. Tightening setscrews with pliers is prohibited.


A. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, exposed conduit is only

permitted in mechanical and electrical rooms.

B. Conduit for Conductors 600 V and Below: EMT. Mixing different types of

conduits indiscriminately in the system is prohibited.

C. Align and run conduit parallel or perpendicular to the building lines.

D. Install horizontal runs close to the ceiling or beams and secure with

conduit straps.

E. Support horizontal or vertical runs at not over 8 ft [2.4 M] intervals.

F. Surface metal raceways: Use only where shown.

G. Painting:

1. Paint exposed conduit as specified in Section 09 91 00, PAINTING.

2. Paint all conduits containing cables rated over 600 V safety orange.

Refer to Section 09 91 00, PAINTING for preparation, paint type, and

exact color. In addition, paint legends, using 2 in [50 mm] high

black numerals and letters, showing the cable voltage rating. Provide

legends where conduits pass through walls and floors and at maximum

20 ft [6 M] intervals in between.


A. Use flexible metal conduit for connections to motors and other

electrical equipment subject to movement, vibration, misalignment,

cramped quarters, or noise transmission.

B. Use liquid-tight flexible metal conduit for installation in exterior

locations, moisture or humidity laden atmosphere, corrosive atmosphere,

water or spray wash-down operations, inside airstream of HVAC units, and


26 05 33 - 7

locations subject to seepage or dripping of oil, grease, or water.

Provide a green equipment grounding conductor with flexible metal



A. Provide conduits smaller than 3 in [75 mm] with junction boxes on both

sides of the expansion joint. Connect conduits to junction boxes with

sufficient slack of flexible conduit to produce 5 in [125 mm] vertical

drop midway between the ends. Flexible conduit shall have a bonding

jumper installed. In lieu of this flexible conduit, expansion and

deflection couplings as specified above for conduits 15 in [375 mm] and

larger are acceptable.


A. Safe working load shall not exceed one-quarter of proof test load of

fastening devices.

B. Use pipe straps or individual conduit hangers for supporting individual


C. Support multiple conduit runs with trapeze hangers. Use trapeze hangers

that are designed to support a load equal to or greater than the sum of

the weights of the conduits, wires, hanger itself, and 200 lbs [90 kg].

Attach each conduit with U-bolts or other approved fasteners.

D. Support conduit independently of junction boxes, pull-boxes, fixtures,

suspended ceiling T-bars, angle supports, and similar items.

E. Fasteners and Supports in Solid Masonry and Concrete:

1. New Construction: Use steel or malleable iron concrete inserts set in

place prior to placing the concrete.

2. Existing Construction:

a. Steel expansion anchors not less than 0.25 in [6 mm] bolt size and

not less than 1.125 in [28 mm] embedment.

b. Power set fasteners not less than 0.25 in [6 mm] diameter with

depth of penetration not less than 3 in [75 mm].

c. Use vibration and shock-resistant anchors and fasteners for

attaching to concrete ceilings.

E. Hollow Masonry: Toggle bolts.

F. Bolts supported only by plaster or gypsum wallboard are not acceptable.

G. Metal Structures: Use machine screw fasteners or other devices

specifically designed and approved for the application.

H. Attachment by wood plugs, rawl plug, plastic, lead or soft metal

anchors, or wood blocking and bolts supported only by plaster is



26 05 33 - 8

I. Chain, wire, or perforated strap shall not be used to support or fasten


J. Spring steel type supports or fasteners are prohibited for all uses

except horizontal and vertical supports/fasteners within walls.

K. Vertical Supports: Vertical conduit runs shall have riser clamps and

supports in accordance with the NEC and as shown. Provide supports for

cable and wire with fittings that include internal wedges and retaining



A. Boxes for Concealed Conduits:

1. Flush-mounted.

2. Provide raised covers for boxes to suit the wall or ceiling,

construction, and finish.

B. In addition to boxes shown, install additional boxes where needed to

prevent damage to cables and wires during pulling-in operations.

C. Remove only knockouts as required and plug unused openings. Use threaded

plugs for cast metal boxes and snap-in metal covers for sheet metal


D. Outlet boxes mounted back-to-back in the same wall are prohibited. A

minimum 24 in [600 mm] center-to-center lateral spacing shall be

maintained between boxes.

E. Minimum size of outlet boxes for ground fault interrupter (GFI)

receptacles is 4 in [100 mm] square x 2.125 in [55 mm] deep, with device

covers for the wall material and thickness involved.

F. Stencil or install phenolic nameplates on covers of the boxes identified

on riser diagrams; for example "SIG-FA JB No. 1."

G. On all branch circuit junction box covers, identify the circuits with

black marker.

- - - E N D - - -

Technical Specification Sheet

Page 1 of 12

BT300 HVAC Drives

Figure 1. BT300 HVAC Drive without and with Integral Disconnect.

DescriptionBT300 is designed specifically for the demands oftoday’s HVAC systems. Increased focus on energy efficiency of variable flow systems has increased the need for easy-to-use and highly reliable variablefrequency drives that reduce the cost of installationand maintenance while maximizing energy savings.

The BT300 comes standard with unique and industry-leading features:

Motor Switch Ride Through – during maintenancethe motor maintenance switch can be opened and closed without stopping or tripping the drive Thin Film Capacitors – eliminate the need tocondition or reform the capacitors before applying powerView/Monitor nine parameters at one time – userselectable, users determine the parameters for their applications Smallest Type 12 footprint on the market – lowershipping cost and easy installation

Designed for HVAC HVAC demands are unique to other drive applications. The BT300 is singularly focused on the needs of HVAC variable flow systems:

Built-in wizards for start-up and easy setup ofadvanced functions

– PID Start-up Wizard– Multi-pump Wizard– Fire Mode WizardIntegrated harmonic filters reducing noise andinterference eliminating the need for additionalfilters and reactors.BT300 Thin Film Capacitors do not requireconditioning. Immediate drive replacement ispossible.Standard Integration Protocols (BACnet, LON,Modbus)Two built-in PID controllers for fast and accurateprocess controlBuilt-in fire mode controllerEnergy Savings with > 97.5% efficiencyOptimized cooling fansUL Type 1 and Type 12 – Same Size208V to 240V 1 HP to 125 HP380V to 480V 1.5 HP to 250 HPOptional integrated drive disconnectAdvanced I/O expansion capability built into thedriveOne common interface throughout all powerrangesIntuitive graphical keypad with multilingual display.

Suggested Manufacturer:Siemens Industry or approved equal.

Page 2 of 12

Ease of Use The BT300 drives are easy to use, easy to understand and easy to program. This means installed cost and maintenance savings. Information you want for your specific operation:

Built-in Help Menu – explains each parameterBuilt-in Maintenance Manual - shows possiblecauses and suggested remediesNine user-selected values can be defined andmonitored at one time – providing you with all theinformation you need at a glance

Embedded Ethernet and RS-485 - No additionalhardware or cost for Ethernet. Standard HVACprotocols out-of-the-box.

– BACnet IP– BACnet MS/TP– Modbus TCP– Modbus RTU– Metasys N2

World-class Standard of Quality The BT300's reliability is a result of extensive testing from design to deployment. This testing includes highly accelerated stress testing in extremetemperatures, vibration, and humidity as well ascurrent and voltage variations. Not only will the BT300 withstand most power situations and demanding environmental conditions, it will provide confidence and peace of mind knowing that it will not fail, ensuring a long, trouble-free installation.

Investment Protection The BT300 HVAC Drive is backward compatible to SED2 installations. A migration kit to mount a BT300 Drive in place of an SED2 to support the existing conventional or electronic bypass fail is an ideal solution to moving your technology forward at the lowest possible cost. The SED2 to BT300 Migration Kits provide you with all the components necessary to mount your BT300 quickly and easily in various locations within your facility.

Environmentally Responsible The BT300 saves energy, is environmentally safe and RoHS Compliant. All BT300s are constructed with lead-free circuit boards and produce no hazardous waste. They use the latest technologies for insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and power capacitors. The thin-film power capacitors do not contain toxic electrolytes; therefore, the BT300 capacitors will not dry out. There is no need to “wake up” or condition the capacitors before installing. Your BT300 is safe to connect even after years of storage.

The BT300 IGBT design results in lower heat losses and lower operating temperatures. It weighs 40% less than competitors' models decreasing the cost of shipping and allowing for easier installation. An average BT300 generates 68% to 125% fewer CO2 emissions than heavier competitors' drives during shipping.

Page 3 of 12

Product Numbers (1) B T 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 X 2 - 0 1 XExample Product

Numbers (2) B T 3 0 0 - 0 0 1 5 4 - 1 2 D LModelBT300 VFD only Separator HP1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7.5, 10,15 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 100, 125, 150, 200, 250

X No fraction HP 5 1/2 HP

Voltage2 200 to 240 4 380 to 480

Separator NEMA Enclosure

01 Type 1 12 Type 12

Type X Drive only D Integral Disconnect Switch (available in Type 12 only)

OptionsL LON card installed

Example (1) = 1 HP, 208V Drive in Type 1 enclosure

(2) = 1.5 HP, 480V Drive in Type 12 enclosure with an integral disconnect switch and LON card.

Frame Sizes and Power Ranges (BT300 Type 1 and Type 12) KW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160

Voltage HP 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250

208V 4 5 6 7 8 9



e Si

ze 4 5 6 7 8 9

Page 4 of 12

SpecificationsTable 1. Drive Specifications.

Drive Specifications Description

Input voltage and power ranges (3-phase)

208V to 240V -10% to +10% 1 HP to 125 HP (0.75 kW to 90 kW) 380V to 480V -10% to +10% 1.5 HP to 250 HP (1.1 kW to 160 kW)

Input frequency 45 Hz to 66 Hz Output frequency 0 Hz to 320 Hz Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz Efficiency >97.5% Overload Capacity 1.1 × Nominal rated output current 110% for 1 minute/10 minutes Switching Frequency 1.5K to 10K Hz; Automatic switching frequency de-rating in case of overheating Short Circuit Withstand Rating 100,000 AIC Frequency reference Analog Input Resolution 0.01 Hz Resolution 0.1% (10-bit) Field weakening point 8 to 320 Hz Acceleration time 0.1 to 3000 seconds Deceleration time 0.1 to 3000 seconds Ambient Operating Temperature -14° F (-10°C) no frost to 104°F (40°C) without de-rating and 131°F (55°C) with

de-rating Storage Temperature -40°F (-40°C) to 158°F (70°C) Relative Humidity 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing, non-corrosive Air Quality Chemical Vapors Mechanical Particles

IEC 60068-2-60 IEC 60721-3-3, unit in operation, class 3C3 IEC 60721-3-3, unit in operation, class 3S2

Altitude 100% load capacity (no de-rating) up to 3,280 ft (1,000 m) 1% de-rating for each 328 ft (100 m) above 3,28 ft (1,000 m) Maximum altitude 14,763 ft (4,500 m)

Vibration IEC 61800-5-1 and IEC 60068-2-6 Shock IEC 61800-5-1 and IEC 60068-2-27 Enclosures UL Type 1, UL Type 12 EMC Immunity Fulfills IEC 61800-3, first and second environment EMC Emissions EN61800-3C2 Average Noise level (cooling fan) sound level in dB(A)

FS4: 65; FS5: 70; FS6 and FS7: 77 FR8: 86; FR9: 87

Agency Approvals UL 508C; UL, cUL Conformity CE, RoHS compliant Analog Inputs 2: voltage or current (0 to 10Vdc, 0/4 to 20 mA) Analog Output 1: selectable voltage or current Digital Inputs 6: programmable and isolated Relay Outputs 2: Form C 1: Normally Open Auxiliary input voltage 24 Vdc +/- 10% 250 mA maximum Auxiliary output voltage 24 Vdc +/- 10% 250 mA maximum, total of both outputs Control method Linear, parabolic and programmable V/f; and flux current control low-power mode PWM frequency 2K Hz to 16K Hz (adjustable in 2k Hz increments) Fixed frequencies 15 programmable Skip frequency bands 3 programmable Serial Interface Embedded Resident Protocols

RS485 and Ethernet Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP: BACnet MSTP, BACnet IP; Metasys N2

Protection features Under-voltage trip limit, Over-voltage trip limit, Ground fault protection, Mains supervision; Motor phase supervision; Over-current protection; Unit over-temperature protection; Motor overload protection; Motor stall protection; Motor underload protection; Short-circuit protection of +24V and +10V reference voltages.

Page 5 of 12

Specifications, Continued Table 2. Output Ratings.

Description Output Rating

Output Rating

Rated Continuous

Current Frame Size Voltage

(±10%) UL Type 1 UL Type 12 UL Type 12 with

Drive Disconnect HP kW

BT300-001X2-01X BT300-001X2-12X BT300-001X2-12D 1.0 0.75 4.8 FS4 BT300-00152-01X BT300-00152-12X BT300-00152-12D 1.5 1.1 6.7 FS4 BT300-002X2-01X BT300-002X2-12X BT300-002X2-12D 2.0 1.5 8.0 FS4 BT300-003X2-01X BT300-003X2-12X BT300-003X2-12D 3.0 2.2 11.0 FS4 BT300-005X2-01X BT300-005X2-12X BT300-005X2-12D 5.0 3.0 18.0 FS5 BT300-00752-01X BT300-00752-12X BT300-00752-12D 7.5 5.5 24.0 FS5 BT300-010X2-01X BT300-010X2-12X BT300-010X2-12D 10.0 7.5 31.0 FS5 BT300-015X2-01X BT300-015X2-12X BT300-015X2-12D 15.0 11.0 48.0 FS6 BT300-020X2-01X BT300-020X2-12X BT300-020X2-12D 20.0 15.0 62.0 FS6 BT300-025X2-01X BT300-025X2-12X BT300-025X2-12D 25.0 18.5 75.0 FS7 BT300-030X2-01X BT300-030X2-12X BT300-030X2-12D 30.0 22.0 88.0 FS7 BT300-040X2-01X BT300-040X2-12X BT300-040X2-12D 40.0 30.0 105.0 FS7 BT300-050X2-01X BT300-050X2-12X — 50.0 37.0 140.0 FS8 BT300-060X2-01X BT300-060X2-12X — 60.0 45.0 170.0 FS8 BT300-075X2-01X BT300-075X2-12X — 75.0 55.0 205.0 FS8 BT300-100X2-01X BT300-100X2-12X — 100.0 75.0 261.0 FS9

208V and 230V to


BT300-125X2-01X BT300-125X2-12X — 125.0 90.0 310.0 FS9 BT300-00154-01X BT300-00154-12X BT300-00152-12D 1.5 1.1 3.7 FS4 BT300-002X4-01X BT300-002X4-12X BT300-002X4-12D 2.0 1.5 5.3 FS4 BT300-003X4-01X BT300-003X4-12X BT300-003X4-12D 3.0 2.2 6.2 FS4 BT300-005X4-01X BT300-005X4-12X BT300-005X4-12D 5.0 3.0 10.6 FS4 BT300-00754-01X BT300-00754-12X BT300-00752-12D 7.5 5.5 13.2 FS4 BT300-010X4-01X BT300-010X4-12X BT300-010X4-12D 10.0 7.5 16.0 FS5 BT300-015X4-01X BT300-015X4-12X BT300-015X4-12D 15.0 11.0 23.0 FS5 BT300-020X4-01X BT300-020X4-12X BT300-020X4-12D 20.0 15.0 31.0 FS5 BT300-025X4-01X BT300-025X4-12X BT300-025X4-12D 25.0 18.5 38.0 FS6 BT300-030X4-01X BT300-030X4-12X BT300-030X4-12D 30.0 22.0 46.0 FS6 BT300-040X4-01X BT300-040X4-12X BT300-040X4-12D 40.0 30.0 61.0 FS6 BT300-050X4-01X BT300-050X4-12X BT300-050X4-12D 50.0 37.0 72.0 FS7 BT300-060X4-01X BT300-060X4-12X BT300-060X4-12D 60.0 45.0 87.0 FS7 BT300-075X4-01X BT300-075X4-12X BT300-075X4-12D 75.0 55.0 105.0 FS7 BT300-100X4-01X BT300-100X4-12X — 100.0 75.0 140.0 FS8 BT300-125X4-01X BT300-125X4-12X — 125.0 90.0 170.0 FS8 BT300-150X4-01X BT300-150X4-12X — 150.0 110.0 205.0 FS8 BT300-200X4-01X BT300-200X4-12X — 200.0 132.0 261.0 FS9

380V to 480V


BT300-250X4-01X BT300-250X4-12X — 250.0 160.0 310.0 FS9

Page 6 of 12

AccessoriesFlange Mounting Kits:

BT300-FLG-FS4 Flange Mounting Kit for FS4 BT300-FLG-FS5 Flange Mounting Kit for FS5 BT300-FLG-FS6 Flange Mounting Kit for FS6BT300-FLG-FS7 Flange Mounting Kit for FS7

Option Boards (all boards are varnished): BT300-OPT-B1-V 6 × DI/DO, each I/O can be

individually programmable asinput or output

BT300-OPT-B2-V 2 × Relay output & Thermistor BT300-OPT-B4-V 1 × Analog Input, 2 × Analog

Output (isolated)BT300-OPT-B5-V 3 × Relay Output BT300-OPT-B9-V 1 × Relay Output, 5 × DI

(42 to 240 Vac) BT300-OPT-BH-V Passive Input Sensor Card BT300-OPT-BF-V 1 x AO, 1 x DO, 1 x RO

Door Mounting Kits: BT300-PANEL-N12 Door panel kit, drive side IP54

protected, cable length 9.8 ft (3 m)

BT300-HHPANEL Hand held panel kit

LON Interface Option Board BT300-OPT-C4-V

Miscellaneous Accessories: BT300-CABLE PC cable for PC Tool, USB to

RS-485, cable length 9.8 ft (3 m) BT300-BATTERY Battery package for (5 pcs) for

real time clock SED2 to BT300 Migration Kits (Converts your SED2 bypass into a BT300 bypass)

SED2-BT300-AB-4 SED2 208V to 3 HP; 480V to 5 HP

SED2-BT300-C-4 SED2 208V to 4 HP; 480V to 7.5 HP

SED2-BT300-C-5 SED2 208V to 10 HP; 480V to 20 HP

SED2-BT300-DE-6 SED2 208V to 20 HP; 480V to 40 HP

SED2-BT300-DE-7 SED2 208V to 40 HP; 480V to 60 HP

SED2-BT300-F-7 SED2 480V to 75 HP SED2-BT300-F-8 SED2 208V to 60 HP;

480V to 125 HP

Dimensions Table 3. Overall Dimensions for BT300 Type 1 and Type 12 in Inches (Millimeters).

FrameSize Height Width

Depth (without


Depth (with

Disconnect) Weight lb (kg)

FS4 12.9 (328) 5.0 (128) 7.5 (190) 10.6 (270) 13.0 (6) FS5 16.5 (419) 5.7 (144) 8.4 (214) 11.6 (294) 22.0 (10) FS6 21.9 (557) 7.7 (195) 9.0 (229) 11.9 (302) 44.0 (20) FS7 26.0 (660) 9.3 (237) 10.2 (259) 13.1 (332) 83.0 (37.5) FS8 38.0 (966) 11.4 (290) 13.5 (343) N/A 145.5 (66) FS9 45.3 (1150) 18.9 (480) 14.4 (365) N/A 238.0 (108)

Page 7 of 12

Dimensions, Continued

128 (5.03)100 (3.93)

Ø7 (.27)

Ø13 (.51)




100 (3.93)




190 (7.48)

Type 1 / IP21







Type 12 / IP54

Ø25 (.98)







BT9080mm (in.)

Ø25 (.98)

Figure 2. FS4, Wall-Mount.

Figure 3. FS5, Wall-Mount.

Page 8 of 12

Dimensions, Continued 195 (7.67)148 (5.82)

Ø 15,5 (.61)Ø9 (.35)







Ø9 (.35) 148 (5.82)

229 (9.01)









Type 1 / IP21

Ø40 (1.57)

Ø33 (1.29)

Ø40 (1.57)









Type 12 / IP54 BT9082mm (in)

Ø25 (.98) Ø25 (.98)

Figure 4. FS6, Wall-Mount.

259 (10.19)

Ø20 (.78)







237 (9.33)190 (7.48) Ø9 (.35)

Ø16 (.62)

Ø51 (2)

Type 1 / IP21




1 (8


Type 12 / IP54

Ø25 (.98)

Ø50 (1.96)




7 (8



mm (in)

Figure 5. FS7, Wall-Mount.

Page 9 of 12

Dimensions, Continued

Figure 6. FS8.

Page 10 of 12

Dimensions, Continued

Figure 7. FS9.

Page 11 of 12

Wiring Diagrams

Table 4. Control I/O Terminal Signals on Basic IO Board and Connection Example.

Page 12 of 12

Wiring Diagrams, Continued Table 5. Control I/O Terminal Signals on Relay Board 1 and Connection Example.

Table 6. Control I/O Terminal Signals on Relay Board 2 and Connection Example.

Figure 8. Basic Control Terminals.

Technical Specification Sheet

Page 1 of 8

PXC Compact Series

Figure 1. PXC Compact Series Controllers (PXC-24 and PXC-36 shown.)


The PXC Compact Series (Programmable Controller–Compact) is a high-performance Direct Digital Control (DDC) supervisory equipment controller, which is an integral part of the APOGEE® Automation System.

The PXC Compact Series offers integrated I/O based on state-of-the-art TX-I/O™ Technology, which provides superior flexibility of point and signal types, and makes it an optimal solution for Air Handling Unit (AHU) control. The PXC Compact operates stand-alone or networked to perform complex control, monitoring, and energy management functions without relying on a higher-level processor.

The PXC Compact Series communicates with other field panels or workstations on a peer-to-peer Automation Level Network (ALN) and supports the following communication options:

Ethernet TCP/IP

P2 RS-485

The PXC Compact is available with 16, 24, or 36 point terminations. Selected models in the Compact Series provide the following options:

Support for FLN devices.

An extended temperature range for the control ofrooftop devices.

Support for Island Bus, which uses TX I/Omodules to expand the number of pointterminations.


DIN rail mounted device with removable terminalblocks simplifies installation and servicing.

Proven program sequences to match equipmentcontrol applications.

Built-in energy management applications and DDCprograms for complete facility management.

Comprehensive alarm management, historicaldata trend collection, operator control, andmonitoring functions.

Sophisticated Adaptive Control, a closed loopcontrol algorithm that auto-adjusts to compensatefor load/seasonal changes.

Message control for terminals, printers, pagers,and workstations.

Highly configurable I/O using Siemens state-of-the-art TX-I/O™ Technology.

HMI RS-232 port, which provides laptopconnectivity for local operation and engineering.

Extended battery backup of Real Time Clock.

Persistent database backup and restore within thecontroller.

Optional HOA (Hand/Off/Auto) module forswappable and configurable HOA capability.

Suggested Manufacturer:Siemens Industry, Inc. or approved equal.

Optional extended temperature range for rooftopinstallation.

Optional peer-to-peer communications overindustry-standard 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernetnetworks.

Optional support for FLN devices.

Optional support for P1 Wireless FLN.

Optional operation as a P1 FLN device with defaultapplications.

Optional support for Virtual AEM.

PXM10T and PXM10S support: Optional LCDLocal user interface with HOA (Hand-off-auto)capability and point commanding and monitoringfeatures.

The Compact Series

In addition to building and system management functions, the Compact Series includes several styles of controllers that flexibly meet application needs.


The PXC-16 provides control of 16 points, including 8 software-configurable universal points.

Point count includes: 3 Universal Input (UI), 5 Universal I/O (U), 2 Digital Input (DI), 3 Analog Output (AOV), and 3 Digital Output (DO).


The PXC-24 provides control of 24 points, including 16 software-configurable universal points.

Point count includes: 3 Universal Input (UI), 9 Universal I/O (U), 4 Super Universal I/O (X), 3 Analog Output (AOV), 5 Digital Output (DO).


The PXC-36 provides control of 36 local points, including 24 software-configurable universal points.

Point count includes: 18 Universal I/O (U), 6 Super Universal I/O (X), 4 Digital Input (DI), and 8 Digital Output (DO).

The PXC-36 offers the flexibility of expanding the total point count through a self-forming island bus. With the addition of a TX-I/O Power Supply, up to 4 TX-I/O modules can be supported. For more information, see the TX-I/O Product Range Technical Specification Sheet (149-476).

Available Options

The following options are available to match the application:

Ethernet or RS-485 ALN

Support for APOGEE P2 ALN through TCP/IP or RS-485 networks.

FLN Support

The PXC-24 “F32” models support up to 32 P1FLN devices when the ALN is connected toTCP/IP.

The PXC-24 “F” models with an FLN licensesupport up to 32 P1 FLN devices when the ALN isconnected to TCP/IP.

The PXC-36 with an FLN license supports up to 96P1 FLN devices when the ALN is connected toRS-485 or TCP/IP.

A Wireless FLN may also be used to replace thetraditional P1 FLN cabling with wirelesscommunication links that form a wireless meshnetwork. Additional hardware is required toimplement the Wireless FLN.

For more information about FLN support, contact your local Siemens Industry representative.

P1 FLN Operation

The PXC-16 and PXC-24 can be configured as a programmable P1 FLN device. In the P1 FLN mode, the PXC Compact functions as an equipment controller with customized programming and default applications.

Virtual AEM Support

The Virtual AEM license allows the PXC Compact to connect an RS-485 APOGEE Automation Level Network or individual field panels to a P2 Ethernet network without additional hardware.

Extended Temperature Operation

The "R" models of the PXC Compact Series support extended temperature operation, allowing for rooftop installations.

Field Panel GO

The PXC-36 supports Field Panel GO.

The Field Panel GO license provides a Web-based user interface for your APOGEE® Building Automation System. It is an ideal solution for small or remote facilities with field panels on an Ethernet Automation Level Network (ALN).

Page 2 of 8

Page 3 of 8


The PXC Compact Series consists of the following major components:

Input/Output Points

Power Supply

Controller Processor

Input/Output Points

The PXC Compact input/output points perform A/Dor D/A conversion, signal processing, pointcommand output, and communication with thecontroller processor. The terminal blocks areremovable for easy termination of field wiring.

The Universal and Super Universal pointsleverage TX-I/O™ Technology from SiemensIndustry to configure an extensive variety of pointtypes.

Universal Input (UI) and Universal Input/Output (U)points are software-selectable to be:

0-10V input

4-20 mA input

Digital Input

Pulse Accumulator inputs

1K Ni RTD @ 32°F (Siemens, JohnsonControls, DIN Standard)

1K Pt RTD (375 or 385 alpha) @ 32°F

10K NTC Thermistor (Type 2 and Type 3) @ 77°F

100K NTC Thermistor (Type 2) @ 77°F

0-10V Analog Output (Universal Input/Output (U) points only)

Super Universal (X) points (PXC-24 and PXC-36only) are software-selectable to be:

0-10V input

4-20 mA input

Digital Input

Pulse Accumulator inputs

1K Ni RTD @ 32°F (Siemens, JohnsonControls, DIN Standard)

1K Pt RTD (375 or 385 alpha) @ 32°F

10K NTC Thermistor (Type 2 and Type 3) @ 77°F

100K NTC Thermistor (Type 2) @ 77°F

0-10V Analog Output

4-20 mA Analog Output

Digital Output (using external relay)

Dedicated Digital Input (DI) points (PXC-16 andPXC-36 only) are dry contact status sensing.

Digital Output (DO) points are 110/220V 4 Amp(resistive) Form C relays; LEDs indicate the statusof each point.

All PXC Compact Series models support 0-10 VdcVoltage Analog Output circuits.

On PXC-24 and PXC-36 models, the SuperUniversal circuits may be defined as 4-20 mAcurrent AO.

Power Supply

The 24 volt DC power supply provides regulatedpower to the input/output points and activesensors. The power supply is internal to the PXCCompact housing, eliminating the need forexternal power supply and simplifying installationand troubleshooting.

The power supply works with the processor toensure smooth power up and power downsequences for the equipment controlled by the I/Opoints, even through brownout conditions.

Controller Processor

The PXC Compact Series includes amicroprocessor-based multi-tasking platform forprogram execution and communications with theI/O points and with other PXC Compacts and fieldpanels over the ALN.

A Human Machine Interface (HMI) port, with aquick-connect phone jack (RJ-45), uses RS-232protocol to support operator devices (such as alocal user interface or simple CRT terminal), and aphone modem for dial-in service capability.

A USB Device port supports a generic serialinterface for an HMI or Tool connection.

The program and database information stored inthe PXC Compact RAM memory is battery-backed. This eliminates the need for time-consuming program and database re-entry in theevent of an extended power failure.

The firmware, which includes the operatingsystem, is stored in non-volatile flash ROMmemory; this enables firmware upgrades in thefield.

Brownout protection and power recovery circuitryprotect the controller board from powerfluctuations.

LEDs provide instant visual indication of overalloperation, network communication, and lowbattery warning.

Page 4 of 8

Programmable Control with Application Flexibility

The PXC Compact Series of high performance controllers provides complete flexibility, which allows the owner to customize each controller with the exact program for the application.

The control program for each PXC Compact is customized to exactly match the application. Proven Powers Process Control Language (PPCL), a text-based programming structure like BASIC, provides direct digital control and energy management sequences to precisely control equipment and optimize energy usage.

Global Information Access

The HMI port supports operator devices, such as a local user interface or simple CRT terminal, and a phone modem for dial-in service capability. Devices connected to the operator terminal port gain global information access.

Multiple Operator Access

Multiple operators can access the network simultaneously. Multiple operator access ensures that alarms are reported to an alarm printer while an operator accesses information from a local terminal. When using the Ethernet TCP/IP ALN option, multiple operators may also access the controller through concurrent Telnet sessions and/or local operator terminal ports.

Menu Prompted, English Language Operator Interface

The PXC Compact field panel includes a simple, yet powerful, menu-driven English Language Operator Interface that provides, among other things:

Point monitoring and display

Point commanding

Historical trend collection and display for multiplepoints

Event scheduling

Program editing and modification via PowersProcess Control Language (PPCL)

Alarm reporting and acknowledgment

Continual display of dynamic information

Built-in Direct Digital Control Routines

The PXC Compact provides stand-alone Direct Digital Control (DDC) to deliver precise HVAC control and comprehensive information about system operation. The controller receives information from sensors in the building, processes the information, and directly controls the equipment. The following functions are available:

Adaptive Control, an auto-adjusting closed loopcontrol algorithm, which provides more efficient,adaptive, robust, fast, and stable control than thetraditional PID control algorithm. It is superior interms of response time and holding steady state,and at minimizing error, oscillations, and actuatorrepositioning.

Closed Loop Proportional, Integral and Derivative(PID) control.

Logical sequencing.

Alarm detection and reporting.

Reset schedules.

Built-in Energy Management Applications

The following applications are programmed in the PXC Compact Series and require simple parameter input for implementation:

Automatic Daylight Saving Time switchover

Calendar-based scheduling

Duty cycling

Economizer control

Equipment scheduling, optimization andsequencing

Event scheduling

Holiday scheduling

Night setback control

Peak Demand Limiting (PDL)

Start-Stop Time Optimization (SSTO)

Temperature-compensated duty cycling

Temporary schedule override

Page 5 of 8


Dimensions (L × W × D)

PXC-16 and PXC-24 10.7 in. × 5.9 in. × 2.45 in. (272 mm × 150 mm × 62 mm)

PXC-36 11.5 in. × 5.9 in. × 3.0 in. (293 mm × 150 mm × 77 mm)

Processor, Battery, and Memory

Processor and Clock Speed PXC-16 and PXC-24: Motorola MPC852T, 100 MHz

PXC-36: Motorola MPC885, 133 MHz

Memory PXC-16 and PXC-24: 24 MB (16 MB SDRAM, 8 MB Flash ROM)

PXC-36: 80 MB (64 MB SDRAM, 16 MB Flash ROM)

Battery backup of Synchronous Dynamic (SD) RAM (field replaceable) Non-rooftop Models: 60 days (accumulated),

AA (LR6) 1.5 Volt Alkaline (non-rechargeable) Rooftop (Extended Temperature) Models: 90 days (accumulated),

AA (LR6) 3.6 Volt Lithium (non-rechargeable)

Battery backup of Real Time Clock Non-rooftop Models: 10 years

Rooftop (Extended Temperature) Models: 18 months


A/D Resolution (analog in) 16 bits

D/A Resolution (analog out) 10 bits

Ethernet/IP Automation Level Network (ALN) 10Base-T or 100Base-TX compliant

RS-485 Automation Level Network (ALN) 1200 bps to 115.2 Kbps

RS-485 P1 Field Level Network (FLN) on selected models, license required 4800 bps to 38.4 Kbps

Human-Machine Interface (HMI) RS-232 compliant, 1200 bps to 115.2 Kbps

USB Device port (for non-smoke control applications only) Standard 1.1 and 2.0 USB device port, Type B female connector.

USB Host port on selected models (for ancillary smoke control applications only) Standard 1.1 and 2.0 USB host port, Type A female connector.


Power Requirements 24 Vac ±20% input @ 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption (Maximum) PXC-16: 18 VA @ 24 Vac PXC-24: 20 VA @ 24 Vac PXC-36: 35 VA @ 24 Vac

Page 6 of 8

AC Power and Digital Outputs NEC Class 1 Power Limited

Communication and all other I/O NEC Class 2

Digital Input Contact Closure Sensing

Dry Contact/Potential Free inputs only Does not support counter inputs

Digital Output Class 1 Relay

Analog Output 0 to 10 Vdc

Universal Input (UI) and Universal Input/Output (U) Analog Input

Voltage (0-10 Vdc) Current (4-20 mA)

1K Ni RTD @ 32°F 1K Pt RTD (375 or 385 alpha) @ 32°F

10K NTC Type 2 or Type 3 Thermistor @ 77°F 100K NTC Type 2 Thermistor @ 77°F

Digital Input Pulse Accumulator

Contact Closure Sensing Dry Contact/Potential Free inputs only

Supports counter inputs up to 20 Hz Analog Output (Universal Input/Output (U) points only)

Voltage (0-10 Vdc)

Super Universal (X) Analog Input

Voltage (0-10 Vdc) Current (4-20 mA)

1K Ni RTD @ 32°F 1K Pt RTD (375 or 385 alpha) @ 32°F

10K NTC Type 2 or Type 3 Thermistor @ 77°F 100K NTC Type 2 Thermistor @ 77°F

Digital Input Pulse Accumulator

Contact Closure Sensing Dry Contact/Potential Free inputs only

Supports counter inputs up to 20 Hz Analog Output

Voltage (0-10 Vdc) Current (4-20 mA)

Digital Output (requires an external relay) 0 to 24 Vdc, 22 mA max.

Operating Environment

Ambient operating temperature 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C)

Ambient operating temperature with rooftop (extended temperature) option -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C)

Relative Humidity PXC-16 and PXC-24: 5% to 95%, non-condensing

PXC-36: 5% to 95%, non-condensing

Page 7 of 8

Mounting Surface PXC-16 and PXC-24: Direct equipment mount, building wall, or structural member

PXC-36: Building wall or a secure structure

Agency Listings

UL UL864 UUKL (except rooftop models)

UL864 UUKL7 (except rooftop models) CAN/ULC-S527-M8 (except rooftop models)

UL916 PAZX (all models) UL916 PAZX7 (all models)

Agency Compliance FCC Compliance

Australian EMC Framework European EMC Directive (CE)

European Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

OSHPD Seismic Certification Product meets OSHPD Special Seismic Preapproval certification

(OSH-0217-10) under California Building Code 2010 (CBC2010) and International Building Code 2009 (IBC2009) when installed within the

following Siemens enclosure part numbers: PXA-ENC18, PXA-ENC19, or PXA-ENC34.

Ordering Information

PXC Compact Series

Product Number Description

PXC16.2-P.A PXC Compact, 16 point, RS-485 ALN

PXC16.2-PE.A PXC Compact, 16 point, Ethernet/IP ALN

PXC24.2-P.A PXC Compact, 24 point, RS-485 ALN

PXC24.2-PE.A PXC Compact, 24 point, Ethernet/IP ALN

PXC24.2-PR.A PXC Compact, 24 point, RS-485 ALN, rooftop option

PXC24.2-PER.A PXC Compact, 24 point, Ethernet/IP ALN, rooftop option

PXC24.2-PEF.A PXC Compact, 24 point, Ethernet/IP or RS-485 ALN. P1 FLN or Remote Ethernet/IP (Virtual AEM) option.

PXC24.2-PEF32.A PXC Compact, 24 point, Ethernet/IP or RS-485 ALN. P1 FLN enabled

PXC24.2-PERF.A PXC Compact, 24 point, Ethernet/IP or RS-485 ALN, rooftop option. P1 FLN or Remote Ethernet/IP (Virtual AEM) option.

PXC36-PE.A PXC Compact, 36 point, Ethernet/IP or RS-485 ALN.

PXC36-PEF.A PXC Compact, 36 point, Ethernet/IP or RS-485 ALN, Island Bus, P1 FLN.

Page 8 of 8

Optional Licenses

Product Number Description

LSM-FLN License to enable FLN support on PXC-16 or PXC-24 “F” models

LSM-VAEM License to enable Virtual AEM support when the ALN is connected to RS-485

LSM-FLN36.A License to enable FLN support on model PXC36-PE.A

LSM-FPGO License to enable Field Panel GO on models PXC36-PE.A and PXC36-PEF.A

LSM-IB36.A License to enable the Island Bus on model PXC36-PE.A

LSM-36.A License to enable both FLN and Island Bus support on model PXC36-PE.A


Product Number Description

PXM10S Controller mounted Operator Display module with point monitor and optional blue backlight

PXM10T Controller mounted Operator Display module

PXA8-M 8-switch HOA (UL864)

PXA16-M 16-switch HOA (UL864)

PXA16-MR 16-switch HOA (extended temp, UL 916) with HMI cable

PXA-HMI.CABLEP5 Serial cable required for HOA or PXM10T/S connection to non-rooftop variants of the 16-point and 24-point Compact Series (pack of 5)

TXA1.LLT-P100 Labels for HOA and TX-I/O Modules, pack of 100, letter format

Service Boxes and Enclosures

Product Number Description

PXA-SB115V192VA PX Series Service Box —115V, 24 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 192 VA

PXA-SB115V384VA PX Series Service Box— 115V, 24 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 384 VA

PXA-SB230V192VA PX Series Service Box— 230V, 24 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 192 VA

PXA-SB230V384VA PX Series Service Box —230V, 24 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 384 VA

PXA-ENC18 18" Enclosure (Utility Cabinet) (UL Listed NEMA Type 1 Enclosure)

PXA-ENC19 19” Enclosure (UL Listed NEMA Type 1 Enclosure)

PXA-ENC34 34” Enclosure (UL Listed NEMA Type 1 Enclosure)


Product Number Description

553-104 PXC Compact Series Owner’s Manual

125-1896 Powers Process Control Language (PPCL) User’s Manual




MS &





Supply Voltage 20-31 VDC (24 VDC nominal)Current Rating StB 80 mA at 24 VDC StB-H 136 mA at 24 VACStrobe Frequency 1 HzHorn loudness 104 dB maxStrobe Intensity 15 (off-center) candela 75

(on-center) candelaoperating temperature 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C)Dimensions 4.5"H x 4.56"W x 2.25"D

(11.43 x 11.58 x 5.72 cm)WeightStB 1.0 lb (0.45 Kg)StBH 1.1 lb (0.5 Kg)Approvals UL Listed File S3406Warranty 3 years

Supply Voltage SC110 30-120 VAC/VDC SC628 6-28 VDC SC628A, An 6-28 VAC/VDCCurrent Rating SC100 6-21 mA SC628 3-18 mA SC628An 4-30 mA SC628A 6-23 mAHorn loudness Medium, 68-80 dB

(AN model Loud, 80-95 dB)tone Continuouspanel Cutout Panel, cutout 1.13" (2.87 cm)Weight 0.1 lb (0.05 Kg)Approvals UL recognized component File# S1290Warranty 1 year

AlArm HornSC-SeRieS

DESCRIptIonThe SC Series Alarm Horns provide an audible tone when an electric signal is applied. They can be used in applications when an audible alarm is needed to indicate that immediate attention is required.



MoDEl DESCRIptIonSC110 Alarm horn, 120 VACSC628 Alarm horn, 24 VDCSC628A Alarm horn, 24 VAC/VDCSC628An Alarm horn, 24 VAC/VDC

WAll-mounted StrobeSTB, STB-H

DESCRIptIonThe Model StB and StB-H wall-mounted strobes provide a bright, eye-catching warning light for any alarm application. The StB-H features a distinct audible signal.

FEAtuRES• Wallmountedwith4"squareordouble-gangbox• Integralalarmhorn(91db)• 24VDCpowered• 15/75candelastrobeintensity• MeetsrequirementsofADA4.28.3• ULlisted• Xenonstrobeforconstantflashrate• Strobeandhornpoweredseparatelyifdesired• Jumper-selectable,continuousortemporaltone



MoDEl DESCRIptIonStB Wall-mounted strobeStB-H Wall-mounted strobe with horn



SC Horn


Note: Switch 1, 2 off




S+ S+ S- H- H+

Suggested Manuafacturer:Kele Solutions or approved equal.

Industrial Pressure TransmitterComplete Offering of Ranges, Connections and Outputs




The Series 626 Pressure Transmitters possess a highly precise 0.25% full scaleaccuracy piezo-resistive sensor contained in a compact, rugged, NEMA 4X (IP66) stainlesssteel general purpose housing or cast aluminum conduit housing.

The Series 628 Pressure Transmitters are ideal for OEMs with 1% full scale accuracysensors. The transmitter is also available in the general purpose stainless steel housingand the cast aluminum conduit housing. The corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel wetted parts allow the Series 626 and 628transmitters to measure the pressure in a multitude of processes from hydraulic oils tochemicals. The Series 626 and 628 are available in ranges of vacuum, compound to 5000psi with a variety of optional outputs, process connections and electrical terminations toallow you to select the right transmitter for your application.


• Compressors

• Pumping systems

• Irrigation equipment

• Hydraulic

• Industrial process monitoring


• Metal conduit housing option

• Robust 316 SS oil filled sensor

• Compact design


Service: Compatible gases and liquids.

Wetted Materials: Type 316L SS.


626: 0.25% F.S.;

: 0.20% RSS;

628: 1.0% F.S.;

: 0.5% RSS;

626 Absolute Ranges: 0.5% F.S.;

: 0.30% RSS.

(Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.)

Temperature Limit: 0 to 200°F (-18 to 93°C).

Compensated Temperature Range: 0 to 175°F (-18 to 79°C).

Thermal Effect: ±0.02% FS/°F (includes zero and span).

Pressure Limits: See table.

Power Requirements: 10-30 VDC (for 4-20 mA, 0-5, 1-5, 1-6 VDC outputs); 13-30

VDC (for 0-10, 2-10 VDC outputs); 5 VDC ±0.5 VDC (for 0.5-4.5 VDC ratio-metric


Output Signal: 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC,1-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, or 0.5-4.5 VDC.

Response Time: 50 ms.

Loop Resistance: 0-1000 Ohms max. R max = 50 (Vps-10) Ohms (4-20 mA

output), 5K Ohms (0-5, 1-5, 1-6, 0-10, 2-10, 0.5-4.5 VDC output).

Stability: 1.0% FS/year (Typ.).

Current Consumption: 38 mA maximum (for 4-20 mA output); 10 mA maximum

(for 0-5, 1-5, 1-6, 0-10, 2-10, 0.5-4.5 VDC output); 140 mA maximum (for all

626/628/629-CH with optional LED).

Electrical Connections: Conduit Housing (-CH): terminal block, 1/2˝ female NPT

conduit; General Purpose Housing (-GH): cable DIN EN 175801-803-C.

Process Connection: 1/4˝ male or female NPT and BSPT.

Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X (IP66).

Mounting Orientation: Mount in any position.

Weight: 10 oz (283 g).

Agency Approvals: CE.

General Purpose Housing (-GH)

Conduit Housing (-CH)626 with LED Display (CH housing only)


General Purpose Housing (-GH) with DIN C

102_Layout 2 7/24/12 9:29 AM Page 102

Suggested Manufacturer:Dwyer or approved equal.














0-15 psia

15-0 psia

0-5 psig

0-15 psig

0-30 psig

0-50 psig

0-100 psig



Pressure (psig)










Pressure (psig)









Pressure Limits












Range (psig)










Pressure (psig)










Pressure (psig)









Ordering Chart




















































Signal Output

Options -AT



j Available with -GH Housing onlyk Available with -CH Housing onlyl LED option is not NEMA 4X (IP66)m Power Requirement: 5 VDC ±10%

0.25% Full-Scale Accuracy

1.0% Full-Scale Accuracy

0-15 psia

0-30 psia

0-50 psia

0-100 psia

0-200 psia

0-300 psia

0-5 psi

0-15 psi

0-30 psi

0-50 psi

0-100 psi

0-150 psi

0-200 psi

0-300 psi

0-500 psi

0-600 psi

0-1000 psi

0-1500 psi

0-3000 psi

0-5000 psi

0-8000 psi

0-0.5 bar

0-2.5 bar

0-10 bar

0-40 bar

Conduit Housing

General Purpose Housing

1/4˝ male NPT

1/4˝ female NPT

1/4˝ male BSPT

1/4˝ female SAE with Refrigerant Valve Depressor j

1/2˝ male NPT j

Cable Gland with 3’ of Prewired Cable

Cable Gland with 9’ of Prewired Cable

DIN EN 175801-803-L j

1/2˝ female NPT Conduit k

M-12 4 Pin Connector

4-20 mA

1-5 VDC

0-5 VDC

0-10 VDC

0.5-4.5 VDC j

Aluminum Tag

NIST Traceable Certificate

Bright Red LED display kl

103_Layout 2 7/5/12 9:23 AM Page 103


Power Supply24 VDC


+ -


+ -

- +



Sensor/ Transmitter

BAS Inputor Other

4-20 mA Load

BAS Inputor Other

4-20 mA Load

LPI-4R, G, A

Power Supply24 VDC


+ -


+ -

- +

SIG+ -



Sensor/ Transmitter



Signal 4-20 mAPower

Black Loop poweredRed/Green/Amber 24 VDC, 35 mA max

Impedance 300ΩDigit count 3-1/2 digits (1999 max)Digit size 1" (2.54 cm)Decimal point 3 positions or none (

Range -1999 to +1999Accuracy ±0.05% of scale +1 digitAmbient 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C)

95% noncondensingCutout required 1.77" x 3.62" (4.5 x 9.2 cm)Dimensions 3.78"W x 1.89"H (9.6 x 4.8 cm)Depth 1.5" (3.81 cm)Weight 4 oz (113g)









The Model LPI-4 loop-powered indicator features a large 1"(2.54 cm) 3-1/2 digit display. It is designed to display any 4-20mA signal in desired scale. The Model LPI-4 is powereddirectly from the 4-20 mA signal loop, so there is no need for apower supply for the black digit model. It is also available in a24 VDC powered version with red, green, or amber digits.


• Indication of 4-20 mA signal in desired scale• 3-1/2 digit LCD display• Large, easy-to-read digits• Available in either black, red, green, or amber digits• Precalibrated for desired range• Snap-in panel mount with retainer• Negative range indicator• Includes weather-resistant seal• Optional jumper-selectable display units °F, °C, %, PSI


• Temperature• Humidity• Pressure

• Kilowatt demand• Gallons per minute• Voltage/current

Suggested Manufaurer:Kele Solutions or approved equal.

19993.78 (9.6)


1.77( 4.5)

3.62 (9.2)


Mounting TabsCircuit board/Connectors




Decimal Point Jumpers Engineering Unit DisplayDecimal Jumper SelectionJ4 = 1000 No Jumper = No Unit DisplayJ5 = 1.000J6 = 10.00J7 = 100.0

Calibration JumpersIf offset (zero) is 0 or

offset (zero) is > 0 andgain (span) ÷ offset (zero) > 5

If offset (zero) is > 0 andgain (span) ÷ offset (zero) < 5

Final Adjustment Set Up1. Apply 4.00 mA, and adjust the ZERO pot for the desired low numeric display.2. Apply 20.00 mA, and adjust the SPAN pot for the desired maximum numeric display.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until both desired high and low readings are obtained (4-5 passes typical).


LPI-4 3-1/2 Digit Black Panel DisplayLPI-4R 3-1/2 Digit Red Panel DisplayLPI-4G 3-1/2 Digit Green Panel DisplayLPI-4A 3-1/2 Digit Amber Panel Display

Specify scale, range, and decimal location when ordering.Aluminum engineering units plate will be provided upon request at no charge (2.00" x 0.75" tag with 0.125" letters).

Available plates are % RH, AMPS, DEG C., DEG F., GPM, x10 GPM, KW, KWH, PSIG, and "W.C.


J3 J2 J1

J3 J2 J1




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