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  • 7/29/2019 Sectioncase A


    iExperience: A new faceof Adventure Tourism

    January 31

    2013Adventure sports has started to take off in India. However, adventure

    has never been associated with family bonding and this makes it

    difficult for any service in this industry to succeed



    Section A, GROUP 7

    Akshaan George - (F-07)

    Kantilal B. Rathore - (F-34)

    Rohit Mishra - (F-58)

  • 7/29/2019 Sectioncase A


    Subject Area

    Driven by young and adventurous Indians with high disposable incomes and increasing concern for

    family bonding and maintaining work-life balance, adventure sports has started to take off in India.

    However, adventure has never been associated with family bonding and this makes it difficult for

    any service in this industry to succeed without effectively understand the requirements of their

    consumer and ensuring that they are able to tweak their services accordingly.

    In this case we aim to explore the challenges faced in identifying the target audience, appealing to

    them and marketing the idea in tourism sector. Some of the major challenges that have been tackled

    include understanding the psyche of the interested consumer and designing of brochures to meet the

    expectations of the varied audience.

    Though the approach in this article has been customized to the adventure sports industry, some of the

    techniques can be used across industries to understand the needs of the customer before any new

    service is launched. These tools can help increase the probability of success as one aspect - meetingcustomer needs- can be guaranteed.


    Study Level

    The case can be used in the following courses:

    1. Postgraduate Programs in Tourism: Students can be introduced to various cost concepts to be

    considered in various cost benefits analysis in various managerial decision making.

    2. Postgraduate Programs in Entrepreneurship. The students can be introduced to the concept of

    incubation in private organizations and what are the general roadblocks that one faces in a


    3. MBA/Post graduate program in in strategic management. It can be used to introduce the

    concept of considering social and environmental aspects in strategy planning which are

    emerging as global sustainability challenges.

    4. Execute training program for Technology Innovators in Public/Private sector organizations tohighlight the concept of speedy innovation while maintaining quality in web based


    Case Overview

    iExperience provides an online marketplace of unique and authentic experiences for free time. It

    provides a wide range of exciting and fun things to do on weekends, evenings or holidays.

    iExperience is based on belief that people deserve better than just malls and movies when it comes to

    spending weekends.

  • 7/29/2019 Sectioncase A


    Since its inception, iExperience had been facing regular issues that are general roadblocks in tourism


    Sustainably developing the adventure travel market

    Environmental impacts and sustainable development

    The economic potential for adventure in remote / rural populations.

    The social importance of adventure Urban adventure as a catalyst for economic development in socially deprived areas.

    By looking indepth into the contemporary issues in adventure sports/travel sector we can critically

    analyze problem solving and decision making tactics which may best benefit the variety of

    stakeholders related to and impacted upon. The module utilizes global, regional and local adventure

    case studies and provides students with an opportunity to come to informed decisions. Rather than

    focus on competitive advantage for single organizations, it proposes that by looking at case studies in


    adventure sector we can find a suitable, effective and sustainable method of developing adventure


    Expected Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of the module, we expect to be able to


    Critically analyze the current management and development issues within adventure tourismand adventure sports globally.

    Analyze methods of effectively developing sustainable management solutions in adventuretourism.

    Know the concept of target audience and what are the various marketing techniques that canbe employed for attracting the same.

    Supplementary Materials:

    1. Sustainable Tourism2. Journal of sport tourism3. Swarbrooke, J. et al (2003)Adventure Tourism: The new Frontier. Oxford

    Butterworth Heinneman.


    Practical Implications:

    The in-depth analysis of the existing scenario at iExperienceprovides an opportunity for the firm to

    fine tune its business operations with an eye towards the future. The case provides insights about the

    strategies employed by existing profitable market leaders generating more revenues and helps in

    coming up with a more sustainable model for growth.

  • 7/29/2019 Sectioncase A


    Social Implications:

    The case helps students realize difficulties in experiential selling in adventure tourism/ sports in India

    and helps to find out the extent to which people are willing to approach such companies before

    making a decision on the kind of product they want to experience. The case provides valuable

    insights on sustainable business model and works as a great learning for students desiring to develop

    a deep understanding of challenges in a startup and tourism industry.

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