sedulur buletin bsi news - · wib, upacara yang mengangkat tema pokok “melalui...

Post on 28-May-2018






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BSI NewsVersi Bahasa Indonesia

Geologist PT BSI berpesan agar

semakin meningkatkan upaya

pencegahan kecelakaan kerja dan

penyakit akibat kerja. Upaya ini

sangat penting, karena dampak

kecelakaan kerja tidak hanya pada

kerugian material, juga gangguan

kesehatan hingga kehilangan jam

k e r j a y a n g p a d a a k h i r n y a

mengganggu proses produksi


Upacara kal i in i sekal igus

menandai diluncurkannya Kebijakan

Keselamatan, Kesehatan dan

Lingkungan (K3L) Tahun 2018, yang

mengacu pada surat edaran Kepala

Inspektur Tambang (KAIT) No.

3748/37.04/DBT/2017 per iha l

Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Bulan K3

Nasional Tahun 2018.

Bulan K3 Nasional tahun ini

disertai dengan pencapaian positif PT

BSI. Pada awal tahun ini telah

tercapai 5.943.971 jam kerja tanpa

cidera berakibat kehilangan hari kerja

atau “No Lost Time Injury”. Namun

d e m i k i a n , m e n u r u t c a t a t a n

Departemen Occupational Health and

Safety (OHS) and BSI, sebanyak 142

insiden juga terjadi selama tahun

2017 hingga awal tahun 2018.

“Disamping SOP (Prosedur

Operasi Standar) harus terus

dikembangkan, sosialisasi budaya

keselamatan di lapangan juga perlu

ditingkatkan”, imbau Agus. Meskipun

t idak sampai mengak ibatkan

hilangnya hari kerja, masih tingginya

insiden dan angka pelanggaran

G o l d e n R u l e , m e n a n d a k a n

rendahnya kepatuhan karyawan pada

peraturan perusahaan termasuk

kedisiplinan menjalankan SOP.

Bu tuh kepemimp inan dan

k o m i t m e n y a n g t i n g g i a g a r

pelaksanaan K3 dan Lingkungan

dapat berjalan baik sepanjang tahun

2018. Terlebih PT BSI memiliki

k o m i t m e n t i n g g i d a l a m h a l

keselamatan kerja karyawannya.

Keterlibatan tanpa kecuali dari

manajemen puncak dan karyawan

m e r u p a k a n s y a r a t u t a m a

mempertahankan seluruh capaian

tersebut. (asq)


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BUMI SUKSESINDOC o p p e r a n d G o l d

edisi 23 Januari 2018 | LI@ptbumisuksesindo PT Bumi Suksesindoplease like & follow us on: @bumisuksesindo Bumi Suksesindo

Berkhidmat Berbagi Manfaat

SeSeDulurDulurb u l e t i n

Chief Geologist PT BSI, Agus Purwanto, memimpin pelaksanaan upacara bulan K3 Nasional di lapangan olah raga site PT BSI (15/1).




Peringati Bulan K3 Nasional, BSI Pertahankan No LTI

#SahabatBSI – Memasuki bulan K3

Nasional Tahun 2018, PT Bumi

Suksesindo (BSI) menggelar upacara

peringatan hari K3 Nasional pada

Senin (15/1) di Sport Center site Tujuh

Bukit Operation. Dimulai pukul 06.00

WIB, upacara yang mengangkat tema

pokok “Melalui Budaya Keselamatan

D a n K e s e h a t a n K e r j a ( K 3 )

Mendorong Terbentuknya Bangsa

Yang Berkarakter” berjalan khidmat

dan tertib.

Bert indak selaku inspektur

upacara, Agus Purwanto, Chief

Tim OHS berfoto bersama setelah pelaksanaan upacara (15/1).


Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja

Pembacaan doa dipimpin oleh Safety Superintendent Operation, Siswoyo.


BSI NewsEnglish Version

#SahabatBSI – Entering the

National Occupational Safety and

Health Month (K3) in 2018, PT Bumi

Suksesindo (BSI) held a National

Safety Day commemorat ion

ceremony on Monday (15/1) at the

Sport Center site Tujuh Bukit

Operation. Starting at 06.00 a.m.,

the ceremony raised the main

theme "Through Safety and Health

Working Culture (K3) Encouraging

the Establishment of Nation of

Character" proceeded solemnly

and orderly.

Chief Geologist PT BSI, Agus

Purwanto, was the ceremonial

inspector. In his address, Purwanto

encouraged employees to increase

efforts to prevent work accidents

and occupational diseases. This

effort is very important, because the

impact of work accidents not only

results in material losses, but also

health problems and loss time injury

(LTI) which ultimately can disrupt

the production process of the


This ceremony marks the

launching of the 2018 Safety, Health

for enquiries, please contact: email: contact number: ext. 182

BUMI SUKSESINDOC o p p e r a n d G o l d

and Environment acts properly

throughout 2018. Moreover, PT BSI

has a high commitment in terms of

employee safety. Involvement of top

management is no exception and all

employees is a key requirement to

retain No LTI achievements. (asq)


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and Environment (K3L) Policy,

which refers to the letter of the Chief

Mine Inspector (KAIT) no. 3748 /

37.04 / DBT / 2017 regarding the

implementation decree of National

Safety Month beginning from 12th

January to 12th February 2018 in

the Mineral and Coal Mining


This National Safety Month 2018

is accompanied by a positive

achievement of PT BSI where at the

beginning of this year, BSI has

reached 5.943.971 working hours

“No Lost Time Injury". However,

according to Occupational Health

Safety (OHS) Department records,

142 incidents took place in 2017 up

edition 23rd January 2018 | LI@ptbumisuksesindo PT Bumi Suksesindoplease like & follow us on: @bumisuksesindo Bumi Suksesindo

Berkhidmat Berbagi Manfaat

SeSeDulurDulurb u l e t i n


Board of Managements also participated the flag ceremony to commemorate national safety month (15/1).




PT BSI has a high commitment in terms of employee safety.

Commemorating National Safety Month, BSI Maintains No LTI

to early 2018.

"Besides SOP (Standard

Operating Procedure) should be

developed, the socialization of

safety culture in the field also needs

to be improved", said Agus.

Although it doesn't result loss of

working days, the high incidences

and violations of the Golden Rules,

indicates low employee compliance

to company regulations including

discipline of SOP practices.

It takes leadership and high

commitment to implement Safety

Health and Safety

The employees, both PT BSI and contractors, participated flag ceremony of national K3 month.


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