seerc karagiannis - from a tech idea to a global meaningful company

Post on 25-May-2015






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From a Tech Idea to a Global meaningful

company how tech people with a novel idea can

start and grow a global company! A Mentor’s view

Sotiris Karagiannis Information Technology Expert, Startup Mentor (a)

Twitter: @skaragiannis Linkedin:

Who am I ? A Tech Visionary ? with a life timeline full of changes between Passion, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

1970’s Moon, Robot Toys, Air Models, Electronics, Boards, Mini Computers, Games 1980’s

1980’s Computers, Uni (Applied Math), Software, Artificial Intelligence Edinburgh 1990’s

..1990’s ISP in N. Greece, Internet Software, Web Apps, Infrastructure, Cloud ,Future?



My path was full of changes in a continuous search for knowledge, innovation, entrepreneurship and real market value in the ICT industry (help businesses succeed)

I NEVER stopped LOVING what I did (passion)

I was many times a self starter (a Serial Entrepreneur) and I was never settled. I failed many times.

I had mentors myself and I listened to them.

We now live in a different world.

Startups are “cool”, but are they easy? Can I help?

Why be a mentor now?

So you think you’re an entrepreneur ?

Why are you there (desire or fear)?

Which problem are you solving?

Are you afraid of failure?

Do you take risks (calculated or other)?

Do you want to change the World ?

Going to a global War: The Basics

You are solving a (global) problem

You know what it takes to solve it

You wish to try and don’t mind to fail

You think that your life is depending on it

Is it going to change the world?

A Tech Idea! Is it enough?

What is your value proposition ?

What is your competition (globally)?

Have you got “IP protection”?

Can you execute (idea -> action) ?

Does it Monetize ? (money talk)

Do customers care ? (metrics)

Q: “Why should anyone care” ? A question people hate

Being a Sole Founder / cofounders?

The location : Greece or US ?

Funding ? How much do you need ?

Your secret sauce!! You sure have one. Don’t you?

The old type Business Plan? Better have a 3 Year Budget/quick B.Plan

Q: “Have you thought about ..” ?

You sure have Customer Validation, no?

You got Pilots / Commitments in EN speaking countries?

You thought about Shares / Equity / Advisors etc

You have good legal support!!

That’s why Mentoring is useful here

So you wanna do Fundraising?

Product sales, sales, sales … growth !

Marketing, brand establishment

Continuous funding rounds >> fill me up

Global Success

Exit Plan !!! Companies are bought !!

OK. Ready to take Off ?

Some final advice …

Make more effort than is expected of you.

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Adapt to the rapid changes


“The People Who Are Crazy Enough to Think They Can Change the World, Are the Ones Who Do!” - Steve Jobs

Thank You !!


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