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Working effectively with parent

 ! training g"i#e for $EN caeworker

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 ! Parental Perpective


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 !i) of the training

* To "n#ertan# the i)portance of working in partnerhip

with parent

* To reflect on parent+ e,perience of the pecial

e#"cational nee# $EN. yte)

* To coni#er how $EN caeworker can i)prove parent+


* To #evelop kill in co))"nicating effectively with


* To highlight key area of legilation an# parent+ right

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&ackgro"n# / The a) %n"iry3 2009

Video clip 1: Introduction, Brian Lamb

4ey reco))en#ation for change5

* 6igher e,pectation an# greater

foc" on o"tco)e for chil#renwith $EN

* &etter way of engaging an#

litening to parent

* %)proving e,pertie in i#entifying  an# )eeting nee#

*  ! )ore acco"ntale yte) for

chool an# local a"thoritie !. for $EN

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8ro)5 The a) %n"iry 8inal eport3 2009

  :We )et with o)e of the happiet parent in the co"ntry

an# o)e of the angriet; <any ha# chil#ren who are

well-"pporte# an# )aking goo# progre; &"t we alo

)et parent for who) the e#"cation yte) repreent

a attle to get the nee# of their chil#ren i#entifie# an#

for thee to e )et; The cr"cial i"e i that oth

e,perience happen within the a)e yte);+

Video clip 2: My child 

Video clip 3: Influences on parental confidence


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Parent ay their confi#ence in the $EN

yte) i>;;; "n#er)ine# y poor co))"nication an# lack of acc"rate

infor)ation3 for e,a)ple5


* what they ay i not eing given weight

* $EN caeworker eing har# to reach or not

co))"nicating ao"t #eciion

* parent eing given infor)ation which reflect ! policy

rather than the law

* lack of tranparency in how #eciion are )a#e

* inconitencie in infor)ation


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Parent ay their confi#ence in the $EN

yte) i;;; ;;; pro)ote# y "ccef"l co))"nication an# acc"rate3

clear infor)ation3 for e,a)ple5

* their chil# eing val"e# a an in#ivi#"al* reponivene to i))e#iate i"e aro"n# their chil#+


* acknowle#ge)ent of the wi#er fa)ily conte,t

* having confi#ence in the acc"racy of infor)ation* clear3 acceile g"i#ance on their legal right

* knowle#geale front-line profeional


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$eion 1

Co))"nicating effectively



Video clip 4: Aspirations


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4ey point

Parent want to work with profeional who

liten to their apiration for their chil# an#

"n#ertan# their fa)ily conte,t

Video clip : !nderstandin" the family conte#t 


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4ey point

Parent want acc"rate3 ti)ely an# clearinfor)ation


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* @oo# infor)ation can help parent know what to e,pect3

)ake #eciion an# pro)ote their confi#ence "t

infor)ation on it own can conf"e an# overloa# parent

* Parent alo want to feel involve#3 have the chance to

ak "etion an# raie concern3 have face to face

contact an# / at ti)e / help to proce infor)ation

Video clip $: %harin" information


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The i)portance of litening kill

&aic active litening kill can )ake a ig #ifference to

etalihing tr"t an# partnerhip5

* howing yo" are litening thro"gh o#y lang"age

* waiting an# not A")ping in too "ickly

* repeating an# paraphraing

* clarifying y "ing "etion

* "))ariing an# en#ing

&"t re)e)er / yo" are not hol#ing a co"nelling eionB

Video clip &: Listenin" to parents


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$tr"ct"re# converation

The ai) of thi approach i to have a liteningconveration3 which #raw on parent+ knowle#ge an#

apiration for their chil#;

 ! tr"ct"re# converation ai) to5* e,plore3 "n#ertan# an# clarify i"e* help i#entify prioritie an# #eire# o"tco)e* agree ne,t tep an# action

When co"l# $EN caeworker "e thi approach in their

work with parent


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Effective )eeting

* Prepare well e;g; agree the agen#a an# tick to it.

* Check practical i"e e;g; ti)ing3 ven"e.

* Deal with conflict e;g; liten3 peak cal)ly3 clarify any


* e prole) olving e;g; reak #own the prole)3

i#entify a range of poile ol"tion3 plan who will #o


* $"))arie an# agree ne,t tep

* Provi#e a written "))ary

Video clip ': Meetin" parents


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Co))"nicating with parent / key point

* &e clear what #eciion yo" a $EN caeworker can

)ake an# thoe yo" #o not have power to )ake

* 4eep a recor# of infor)ation yo" have given to parent

* <ake "re yo" )aintain reg"lar contact with parent

* Tailor infor)ation to )eet in#ivi#"al parent+ nee#

* En"re parent have a clear written recor# of anything

yo" have tol# the) or e,plaine#


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%n pair coni#er what have een yo"r 

 key peronal learning point fro) the #ay


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$eion 2

&"il#ing parental confi#ence

in the

$EN yte)


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The $EN fra)ework

* ! nee# to "n#ertan# what the law re"ire the) to

#o an# f"lfil thoe re"ire)ent

* ! nee# to en"re that all taff working in any partic"lar

area of activity "n#ertan# an# f"lfil the legal

re"ire)ent relevant to that area of activity


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Partnerhip working with parent* Thi i a long-etalihe# feat"re of the $EN fra)ework

* 8or )ot parent partnerhip working i with the chool

a the )aAority of chil#ren will have their nee# )et there

* 6ow the chool engage with parent at thee early

tage "n#erpin parental confi#ence in the whole $ENyte)

* $EN caeworker ho"l# e fa)iliar with the legal #"tie

of chool an# governor in relation to $EN

* They ho"l# alo know what ho"l# e incl"#e# in

in#ivi#"al e#"cation plan %EP. or alternative



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The tat"tory ae)ent proce

4ey thing $EN caeworker nee# to know5

* The law on i#entifying an# aeing chil#ren

* The law on )aking tate)ent an# carrying o"t review

* ! #"tie an# parent+ right

* The a#vice an# infor)ation that nee# to e given to


* The tat"tory ae)ent ti)etale* The fra)ework for tri"nal appeal


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Special Educational Needs

(a) Meaning of “special educational needs” EA 1996 s. 312)

*  ! chil# ha F$ENG if he ha a learning #iffic"lty which call forpecial e#"cational proviion to e )a#e for hi);

(b) Meaning of “leaning difficult!” EA 1996 s. 321)* Chil# ha a ignificantly greater #iffic"lty in learning than the

)aAority of chil#ren of hi age

* Chil# ha a #iaility which either prevent or hin#er hi)fro) )aking "e of e#"cational facilitie of a kin# generally

provi#e# for chil#ren of hi age in the E!+ chool3 or * Chil# i "n#er co)p"lory chool age an# i3 or wo"l# e if

pecial e#"cational proviion were not )a#e for hi)3 likely tofall within the aove #efinition;


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$tat"tory !e)ent / key legal i"e

EA 1996 s. 323 (1) " (2) Where the E! i of the opinionthat a chil# for who) it i reponile ha or proaly

ha $EN an# it i neceary for the a"thority to

#eter)ine the pecial e#"cational proviion which any

learning #iffic"lty he )ay have call for3 the E! )"tcarry o"t a tat"tory ae)ent

EA 1996 s. 32# 8ollowing a tat"tory ae)ent an# any

repreentation )a#e y the chil#+ parent3 if it i

neceary for the E! to #eter)ine the peciale#"cational proviion which any learning #iffic"lty he

)ay have call for3 the a"thority hall )ake an# )aintain

a tate)ent of hi $EN;


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The tat"tory ae)ent proce

* elationhip with parent can flo"rih or flo"n#er

#epen#ing on how the proce i )anage#

*  ! tat"tory ae)ent )ay e the tart of a long-ter)

relationhip etween the $EN caeworker an# the fa)ily

* The $EN caeworker play a key role in getting theco))"nication with parent right


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Potential tenion point

* epon#ing to re"et for tat"tory ae)ent

* Deciion ao"t i"ing tate)ent

* The content of tate)ent an# #eci#ing place)ent

*  !nn"al review an# a)en#ing tate)ent

*  !ppeal

Video clip (: )arental e#perience of the %*+ system


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&"il#ing tr"t

Parent ay they loe tr"t eca"e of5

* inconitent )eage e;g; whether tat"tory

ae)ent i neceary.

* conflicting reaon given for #eciion

* a#vice ae# on ! policy rather than the law

* profeional report appearing to e tailore# to availale

proviion rather than their chil#


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&"il#ing tr"t

$o)e parent feel they are given )ilea#ing reaon for



* :Chil#ren+ nee# )"t e evere an# co)ple,;;;+

* :! chil# )"t e a)ong the 2H wort perfor)ing;;;+

* :We #on+t give tate)ent for #yle,ia in thi a"thority>+

* :There are chil#ren Ffar woreG than yo"r chil# that #on+t

have tate)ent >+* :We no longer tate)ent chil#ren eca"e all nee# are

)et in )aintrea) chool;+


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&"il#ing tr"t

Even when there are #iagree)ent3 tr"t can e

)aintaine# if yo"5

* are open ao"t parent+ right

* are clear ao"t ! reponiilitie

* liten an# #raw on parent+ viewI knowle#ge when)aking #eciion

* "e traightforwar# lang"age to e,plain thing

* engage with parent a oon a poile after receiving

a re"et for ae)ent* foc" on progre an# o"tco)e


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Deciion )aking

Parent+ confi#ence in the !+ #eciion i pro)ote# when5* #eciion )aking an# panel procee are tranparent

* honet reaon are given for the #eciion

* the ! i proactive in co))"nicating with parent an#

involve the chool* co))"nication i face to face

* there i clear3 conitent infor)ation ao"t the chool+

proviion for the chil# an# f"n#ing an# reo"rce

* the !+ letter to parent co)ply with the legalre"ire)ent an# are peronalie#

* parent are infor)e# of their right to challenge the



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The view of parent an# chil#ren

$tate)ent nee# to incl"#e the view of parent an# the

chil#; Peronal contact over thi can provi#e the $EN

caeworker an# parent the opport"nity to #evelop a hare#

"n#ertan#ing of the chil#;


* Do the parent have i)pair)ent

* Will they nee# infor)ation tranlate#Iin a #ifferent

for)at* 6ow will the chil#+ view e given


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$tate)ent5 What parent #ilike;;;

* Jargon or lang"age which i "nclear * C"t-an#-pate tan#ar# phrae* @etting their chil#+ na)e wrong

* Kag"e an# non-pecific #ecription of proviion* @ap in nee# or proviion

Note / tate)ent )"t Fspecif! the pecial e#"cationalproviion to e )a#e for the p"rpoe of )eeting thoenee#G EA 1996 s. 32# (3)(b))

Video clip 1: %tatements


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@oo# tate)ent;;;

* are written in clear an# "n#ertan#ale lang"age

* are peronalie#

* are acc"rate

* incl"#e parent an# chil#ren+ view

* en"re oAective relate to proviion

* pecify proviion clearly

* allow progre to e )onitore# over ti)e


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<eeting ao"t the tate)ent

Thi i another cr"cial point in the proce;

  :Every effort ho"l# e )a#e to en"re that parent are

happy with the propoe# tate)ent an# that they

"n#ertan# the ackgro"n# to the propoal )a#e fortheir chil# an# coni#er that their wihe an# feeling

have een given f"ll an# enitive coni#eration;+

CoP3 ?;10=.


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Place)ent an# the law

1 EA 1996 sc$edule 2% (3)(3)Where the parent of the chil# concerne# ha e,pree# a preference in p"r"ance of"ch arrange)ent a to the chool at which he wihe e#"cation to e provi#e# forhi chil#3 E! hall pecify the na)e of that chool in the tate)ent "nle /

a. the chool i "n"itale to the chil#+ age3 aility or aptit"#e or to hi $EN3 or 

. the atten#ance of the chil# at the chool wo"l# e inco)patile with the proviion ofefficient e#"cation for the chil#ren with who) he wo"l# e e#"cate# or the efficient

"e of reo"rce;

2 EA 1996 s. 316 (3)

  %f a tate)ent i )aintaine# for a chil#3 he )"t e e#"cate# in a )aintrea) chool"nle that i inco)patile with /

a. the wihe of hi parent3 or 

. the proviion of efficient e#"cation for other chil#ren;

3 EA 1996 s.9

P"pil are to e e#"cate# in accor#ance with the wihe of their parent3 o far athat i co)patile with the proviion of efficient intr"ction an# training an# theavoi#ance of "nreaonale p"lic e,pen#it"re;


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$EN caeworker can help parent with #eciion ao"t

place)ent y5

* e,plaining the law

* infor)ing the) ao"t chool $EN policie

* helping parent to viit appropriate chool

* clarifying tranport arrange)ent

* "ggeting o"rce of other "pportIa#vice


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 !nn"al review an# the law

E! 199= ;'2? ..

a. on the )aking of an ae)ent in repect of

the chil# concerne# "n#er ection '2'3 an#

. in any event3 within the perio# of 12 )ontheginning with the )aking of the tate)ent or3

a the cae )ay e3 with the previo" review;


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 !nn"al review

Don+t >

* ignore reco))en#ation for change or "p#ate

* accept contin"e# repeat of e,iting target if progre

ha not een )a#e

* think only hort ter)5 the review i inten#e# for long-ter)

planning too

* )ake lanket c"t to proviion on tate)ent


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 !nn"al review


* offer to help parent prepare for the review

* provi#e goo# infor)ation3 partic"larly at tranition

* contact parent even if the #eciion i :no action+

* arrange for an interi) review if there i #iagree)ent or

concern ao"t progre

* )eet with parent to e,plain reaon for change toproviion or a #eciion to ceae the tate)ent

* know an# )eet the ti)ecale an# legal re"ire)ent


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 !ppeal to tri"nal

 $EN caeworker nee# to know5* the tri"nal fra)ework* parent+ right of appeal

%n the event of an appeal $EN caeworker nee# to5* )aintain a profeional approach* contin"e to liten to parent an# keep the line of

co))"nication open*

"n#ertan# the parent+ perpective an# the potentiali)pact of the tri"nal proce on the fa)ily

Video clip 11: -ribunal e#perience


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 !n# finally>>top tip

Video clip 12: -op tips

*  !k parent to talk ao"t their apiration for their chil#

* e)e)er that parent are the e,pert on their chil#

* &e clear3 acc"rate an# open* $tick to the law

* &e an active an# e)pathic litener 

* &e approachale an# acceile

* $eek o"t the chil#+ view

* Peronalie written co))"nication* 4eep co))"nication channel open / even if yo" #iagree

* $ignpot parent to f"rther infor)ation an# o"rce of in#epen#enta#vice


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8inal eflection 


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&o'n cop!ig$t

* The content of thi p"lication )ay e repro#"ce# for non-co))ercial reearch3 e#"cation or training p"rpoeprovi#e# that the )aterial i acknowle#ge# a Crown copyright3 the p"lication title i pecifie#3 it i repro#"ce#

acc"rately an# not "e# in a )ilea#ing conte,t;

* 8or any other "e of thi )aterial pleae apply to LP$% for a Click-e3 P$% icence3 or y writing to5

Lffice of P"lic $ector %nfor)ation

%nfor)ation Policy Tea)

National !rchive




TW9 (D

E)ail5 ,,,,,,,,,M,,,,;,,,;,,

We5 www;opi;gov;"kIclick-"eIin#e,;ht)

* The per)iion to repro#"ce Crown copyright protecte# )aterial #oe not e,ten# to any )aterial in thi

p"lication which i i#entifie# a eing the copyright of a thir# party3 or to oyal !r) an# other #epart)ental or

agency logo3 nor #oe it incl"#e the right to copy any photographic or )oving i)age of chil#ren or a#"lt in a

way that re)ove the i)age or footage fro) it original conte,t;


top related